#!/usr/bin/env python3
Simple script to verify if a vendor tarball (aka overlay). The script does two

1) It looks at build-info/Android.mk and hashes it with sha256 This way we know
that the file is correct. By correct I mean that it simply installs
BUILD-INFO.txt file the way we expect.

If the file has incorrect checksum we return with exit code 1 with an
appropriate error message to standard error stream.

2) It looks at build-info/BUILD-INFO.txt and prints it on standard output.
Since this is python3 we need to do the unicode dance, we assume the file is
encoded with UTF-8. We also treat it as a windows file and replace CR LF line
endings with LFs.

import argparse
import hashlib
import os
import sys
import tarfile

# Correct sha256 hash of the Android.mk's
# The _old one is the original in the template
# The _new one is the one that has a fixed comment and is used in all the
# vendor tarballs
correct_android_mk_old = "6baa3267a98511c247909d7194da45c53c2b969e09b0f219cea9a74134f6f71a"
correct_android_mk_new = "f929f4e24651fbcc05b8f1e63dfd9a342b7b94c5f309c60a2cff7c7de1ea94b6"

def tarball_sha256(tarball, name):
        stream = tarball.extractfile(name)
    except KeyError:
        return None
    m = hashlib.sha256()
    return m.hexdigest()

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        "tarball", metavar="TARBALL", help="Tarball to check")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if not os.path.isfile(args.tarball):
        raise SystemExit("the argument must be a file")
    if not tarfile.is_tarfile(args.tarball):
        raise SystemExit("the argument must be a tarball")
    with tarfile.open(args.tarball, "r:*") as tarball:
        # Check Android.mk if it really installs BUILD-INFO.txt
        android_mk = tarball_sha256(tarball, 'build-info/Android.mk')
        if android_mk is None:
            print("build-info/Android.mk not present!")
            raise SystemExit(1)
        elif android_mk not in (correct_android_mk_old,
            print("build-info/Android.mk sha256 checksum:", android_mk, "(WRONG)!",
            raise SystemExit(1)
        # Get the license out
        stream = tarball.extractfile('build-info/BUILD-INFO.txt')
        print(stream.read().decode('utf-8').replace("\r\n", "\n").strip())

if __name__ == "__main__":