# Copyright (c) 2010-2023 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # # This is the specification file for the GROK Toolkit. [buildout] extends = https://zopefoundation.github.io/zopetoolkit/releases/2.0/ztk-versions.cfg grok-versions.cfg grok-sources.cfg [grok] # The core GROK packages included = grok grokcore.annotation grokcore.catalog grokcore.chameleon grokcore.component grokcore.content grokcore.error grokcore.formlib grokcore.layout grokcore.message grokcore.security grokcore.site grokcore.startup grokcore.traverser grokcore.view grokcore.viewlet martian z3c.evalexception z3c.flashmessage zc.catalog zope.errorview # These packages will be removed in the next version deprecating = packages = ${:included} ${:deprecating}