-------- ZK 6.5.9 * Features * Bugs ZK-3096: fileupload doesn't work on IE9/10 using ZK & sapphire/silvertail theme -------- ZK July 30, 2015 * Features * Bugs ZK-2790: timeout after AU during page reload ZK-2424: Firefox does not show our tooltip text on Fileupload -------- ZK 6.5.8 June 23, 2015 * Features * Bugs ZK-2401: Navigate textboxes in listheader by tab key break frozen scroll behavior ZK-2407: XSS Vulnerability in textbox.setValue() ZK-2402: In IE8, clicking the "up/down" arrow of timebox does not always trigger an onChange event ZK-2404: In IE7, timebox cannot keep updating minutes/seconds/am/pm values by repeatedly clicking the "up/down" arrows ZK-2409: Combobox drop-down not open on top of input if using sub model ZK-2416: Listheader not aligned with Listcells ZK-2428: Inner anonymous inner class' initial method is not invoked ZK-2420: Listbox forget scroll position when detaching parent component if rod enabled ZK-2424: Firefox does not show our tooltip text on Fileupload ZK-2434: Binding bug with odd side effect ZK-2449: upload button affects button layout flow ZK-2380: IE8 causing script error with borderlayout and toolbar ZK-2464: Possible XSS Vulnerability in HTTP Header ZK-2487: ZK on iOS 8.0.2 Safari not working ? ZK-2506: href with mailto: causes session timeout ZK-2550: Listbox doesn't keep scrollbar position when replacing an item of ListModelList and ROD enabled ZK-2551: Listbox doesn't keep scrollbar position when applying hflex="min" on a listheader ZK-2541: Attempt to install CometAsyncServlet in Servlet 2.5 compliant container ZK-2610: Wrong hflex calculation when header widgets are invisible ZK-2562: Wrong tree rendering after adding node with tree model ZK-2764: TreeNode.setData() causes incorrect re-positioning of treeitems ZK-2616: Timeout on long running redirect if user triggers more events ZK-2712: Tree scroll position didn't clear when setting new model and then invalidate ZK-2780: Button height in Messagebox is inconsistency in Japanese language ZK-2786: zk.unloading=true IE9/10 ZK-2790: timeout after AU during page reload -------- ZK 6.5.7 August 12, 2014 * Features * Bugs ZK-2296: After selecting an item, combobox's dropdown will scroll to right automatically ZK-2294: Combobox popup scroll back to top when navigating by keyboard ZK-2295: Move tree item causes selection status lost ZK-2285: Problem with keyboard selection in listbox with select mold [IE] ZK-2331: Combobox drop-down sometimes not open on top of input element if the browser space is not enough ZK-2152: Wrong Behaviour of Datebox when Overwriting Time ZK-2341: Nested cardlayout did not show correctly ZK-2350: Filedownload with file name contain empty string become to "+" sign in IE ZK-2369: borderlayout autoscroll issue iphone5 ZK-2374: touch event handling interferes with user defined jQuery version ZK-2379: selectbox with model error when calling parent invalidate() ZK-2389: Append popup component to Hlayout throws JavaScript error ZK-2160: menupopup shifts position when timer event occurs -------- ZK 6.5.6 May 6, 2014 * Features ZK-2227: ZK Messages support Polish lang * Bugs ZK-2080: Chosenbox with ListSubModel not working if using template to render data ZK-2091: Copy-paste large value in doublebox get error. ZK-2056: XSS Vulnerability in AuUploader ZK-2105: EventQueue still sending request even it is removed by EventQueues.remove() API when using PollingServerPush ZK-2111: Button fileupload sometimes not work when using strong CSS font style ZK-2119: Second level menupopup opened and closed immdiately when moving mouse in IE10 ZK-2127: Annotation data binding doesn't work properly with ZK 6.5.3 and later ZK-2138: vflex="1" not working properly with groupbox ZK-2140: Multiple select with Shift key does not work properly ZK-2143: Filedownload should support chinese file name ZK-2169: CometServerPush.getStartScript() should include org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet.smartconnection.disabled in ee version ZK-2172: Biglistbox with frozenCols missing data ZK-2178: NullPointerException showed when biglistbox doesn't provide any MatrixModel ZK-2185: Setting listitems draggable&droppable makes inner listbox not showing correctly in mold=select ZK-2211: Popup position not properly fixed in listbox ZK-2210: improve zk portlet 2 integration ZK-2214: [IE8] grid frozen no show horizontal scroll bar when column visible = "false" ZK-2200: Navigate combobox drop down list by "down" key not work correctly if contains empty string ZK-2231: Invisible window inside vbox cause js error when calculating flex size ZK-2193: Listbox will scroll in horizontal direction when navigation by keyboard ZK-2116: possible XSS Vulnerability for Listcell ZK-2040: The submenu has no space to unfold to the right and needs to open on the left side. ZK-2213: Possible problem with invalidate in groupbox for mobile version ZK-2247: nested iframe reloading content when detached parent window ZK-2255: Custom scrollbar in Grid/Listbox with ROD enabled not work correcly after resizing browser width ZK-1746: Chosen box with huge data - Performance issue ZK-2267: Popup is only sometimes "visible" when it is opened -------- ZK 6.5.5 Dec 30, 2013 * Features ZK-1971: ZK wcs file shall exclude the css with zk logo image ZK-1973: Server processing effect can be configurable ZK-2012: zk.ie supports ie11 ZK-2014: Listbox component support selectAll/unSelectAll event when check/uncheck on select all checkbox ZK-2061: Security Issue: Version number inserted on each page * Bugs ZK-1944: AUTO scale does not work if the value of decimalebox is bind form VM ZK-1946: The select mold listbox with multiple attribute in a draggable listitem will be disabled (Chrome, IE10) ZK-1949: Clear the input value in a spinner with binding integer value will cause UiException ZK-1878: IE Compatibility View issue when using Meta tag with IE=edge ZK-1947: Can not download files if is set to 1 in zk.xml ZK-1948: IE8 Menupopup Shadow causes horizontal scrollbar ZK-1951: Page becomes blank after detaching a modal window having an iframe loaded with PDF in IE 10 ZK-1964: Datebox with time cannot be selected when use tablet's device ZK-1960: save binding to an array throws ClassCastException ZK-1969: listbox rod with paging mold causes incorrect keyboard navigation ZK-1979: Server push doesn't work when open 2 browser tab ZK-1955: Impossible to use onblur or onfocus on composite component ZK-1997: Portallayout drag&drop element to the same position. onPortalMove event provided with wrong data ZK-1985: strict client site date parsing allows certain characters ZK-1924: Clients.scrollIntoView(Component comp) could also adjust horizontal scroll position ZK-1998: Listbox using GroupsModel sometimes would not update the select all status ZK-1990: Can't get expected Locale in Bridge ZK-2001: Focus to a chosenbox that place in a listbox shall not change listbox selection ZK-1834: Listbox scroll bug (re-fix) ZK-2021: Combobox autocomplete performance degrading quadratically with increasing number of comboitems ZK-2015: Change the visible of cell component sometimes will fail (IE10 only) ZK-2022: appending a component after its removal fails to initialize bindings ZK-2025: Extends ZK component with lang-addon.xml file, zkbind feature doesn't work ZK-2042: Button's autodisable="self" will cause to stop the form request processing ZK-2044: Upload button does not always display the file selection dialog on IE11 ZK-2028: When deleted one selected item in chosenbox with ListSubModel, it would remove all the selection ZK-2019: Chosenbox work incorrectly when using ListSubModel and Comparator ZK-2045: Page becomes blank after detaching a modal window having an iframe loaded with PDF in IE 11 ZK-2051: Chrome rmDesktop not working reliably, causing a memory leak in Session ZK-2046: Scroll position is reset to top if resize column of a grid with rod ZK-2047: IE Datebox calendar overlapping pdf problem ZK-2004: The selected Objects of the Chosenbox is incorrect after replace model ZK-2055: the page stop running when listitem or row bind with object ZK-1552: Combobox and Datebox scroll position in Borderlayout ZK-2035: Invalidate a Panel component with a button will cause a js error ZK-1880: The images of the menu are cut in zksandbox window case ZK-1892: Error when calling setCoords() in Area widget ZK-1954: Vertical scroll appear when remove last listitem from Listbox ZK-1965: zksandbox service.zul throw method getNamespace() not found exception ZK-1852: Processing indicator briefly displayed in non-localized text -------- ZK 6.5.4 Sep 24, 2013 * Features * Bugs ZK-1836: Javascript string with escape issue ZK-1837: Checking the checkbox inside the groupbox should not trigger the onOpen event of Groupbox ZK-1840: Chained Long operations using different event queues, causing errors after first operation finishes ZK-1841: maximum allowed number of desktops is one more then the number set in the max-desktops-per-session element in zk.xml ZK-1842: Listbox scroll bug listheader sort ZK-1839: Listbox select mold not works in listcell ZK-1847: When sending a request without data to server, the created event's data is an empty map instead of null ZK-1777: Server Push does not initialize when recycling ZK-1850: Unused conditional in org.zkoss.bind.converter.sys.ListboxModelConverter ZK-1851: Apply a format into the Spinner componet, it will show NaN value after increase the number ZK-1862: Should not echo parameter value back to client ZK-1588: bandbox popup should drop up when the space between the bandbox and the bottom of browser is not enough, refix in ie10 ZK-1863: validationMessages with init annotation throw exception ZK-1864: share listmodelist cause un-predictable reload ZK-1861: Js error when flex + visible = false ZK-1867: Set visible of row doesn't work correctly ZK-1868: TypeError: $tipOff is null in function _tt_close() ZK-1870: ZK Does not set session in SessionCtrl when handling a Portlet Ajax request ZK-1854: Issue with toolbar and hflex= 1 ZK-1857: ZK 6.5 EE OSGi: Comet Servlet 3 Push does not work ZK-1871: Comet Servlet 3 Push returns 500 Internal Server Error ZK-1859: Comet Servlet 3 Push: AsycInfo does not catch IllegalStateException thrown on GlassFish 3.1.2 ZK-1747: Chosenbox - Combobox behaving differently (when using ListSubModel) ZK-1877: Can not drag a slider, which is in a grid, to 0 ZK-1878: IE Compatibility View issue when using Meta tag with IE=edge ZK-1875: DateFormatConverter should be serializable ZK-1885: IE8 scrollable div (with vflex) and tooltip ZK-1884: The slider's value should not be greater then maxpos after clicked its rightmost position ZK-1887: detach - reattach component in ViewModel @AfterCompose, fails to initialize bindings ZK-1888: Grid in paging mold doesn't change pages count ZK-1889: zul.lang.wpd is always loaded twice with some JS package merge configurations ZK-1893: Failure to configure log handler properties ZK-1890: Can't subscribe eventqueue in desktop cleanup ZK-1897: Possible Cross-site Scripting Vulnerability ZK-1896: ZK session timeout on JBoss AS 7 cluster issue ZK-1895: Paging on listbox with onFulfill ZK-1900: Auto-complete Combobox in the bottom of the browser doesn't sync dropdown position well ZK-1891: Combobox with Validator will trigger reload selectedItem when typing ZK-1905: Chosenbox emptyMessage does not re-appear after remove all selected items ZK-1904: Datebox doesn't sync dropdown stackup well (IE only) ZK-1908: Databinding Load order causing problems on Paging component. ZK-1909: Set maxlength attribute to the doublebox conponent, the maxlength checking is not correct ZK-1913: AuResponse of stop comet server push would override the request of start in some situation ZK-1907: Validation error style, long words overlapping box ZK-1906: Chosenbox getSelectedObjects() returns empty list if model is ListModel of JavaBean instances instead of ListModel of String ZK-1916: Different language codes for IE10 under Windows 8 ZK-1918: Serialization issue with Script component ZK-1920: after listbox.getItems().clear() and re-assign listitems to the listbox, listitem.setSelected(true) do not work ZK-1925: IE9/10 Chrome vflex issue, with invisible divs ZK-1914: Frozen grid with footer: throws error on client console and does not correctly calculate column width, when the frozen area is scrolled ZK-1928: Converter Override (default-binding) causing "Array of attribute values not allowed " ZK-1930: A Error occur on class org.zkoss.web.servlet.Servlets method public static boolean isBrowser(String userAgent, String type) ZK-1929: The hover stype of non-closable groupbox are not the same ZK-1932: Another vflex issue with invisible divs (all browsers) ZK-1934: Tooltip causing error, when positioning, when component is replaced at the same time ZK-1758: Selectors finds too many components when using CSS child selector ZK-1938: Grid/Listbox doesn't bind activePage attribute as default binding -------- ZK 6.5.3 Jul 02, 2013 * Features ZK-1764: Fileupload.get() supports to provide a callback event listener ZK-1801: provide fusion funnel chart integration ZK-1819: ValidationContext support a new flag that can identify the value of single field whether is valid when use form binding ZK-1825: Timebox should not reset the date value to today * Bugs ZK-1693: Dial chart customize color issues ZK-1692: widget.isVisible API doesn't work properly ZK-1698: MVVM Tree Performance Issue ZK-1691: Dropupload has "native" property (reserved identifier in EL) ZK-1701: Message for file upload is not good enough in German ZK-1708: Clients.showNotification doesn't work when using auto mode include component ZK-1699: Performance issue ZK-Bind getters are called multiple times ZK-1711: Chosenbox's model will be set to null after invalidate the Chosenbox's parent ZK-1714: Databinding 1 cannot clear selection item ZK-1715: The disabled listitem shall not be selected when use SHIFT + DOWN key with a paging listbox ZK-1720: XSS Vulnerability for fileupload ZK-1695: Textbox.select() dose not works in Firefox ZK-1712: The disabled date in the databox shall not be selected when navigate to the different month ZK-1726: Treeitem update - infinite loop - browser freeze ZK-1718: Datebox's calendar does not disable the date after costraint date if the "before yyyymmdd" is not at the first place of the constraint attribute ZK-1728: Invisible Comboitems are selectable with cursor keys ZK-1706: hflex does not work properly inside a Toolbar component ZK-1732: Setting visible to true to a listbox, which is inside a hlayout, do not work after zk6.5.2 ZK-1733: Tree item - children loosing parent after updating parent ZK-1723: component width not set in html when using hflex and resizing parent component ZK-1736: Cannot paste into an intbox and decimalbox on Mac Safari ZK-1739: treenodes disappearing on frequent updates ZK-1735: Tree overlaps parent container, after update ZK-1737: Typo in some zk.fmt.Number functions: varStr (wrong) vs valStr (right) ZK-1704: NullPointerException when sorting a list model bound to a Grid without a Columns component ZK-1705: NullPointerException when sorting a list model bound to a Listbox without a Listhead component ZK-1766: tree bulk-update to several nodes causing errors ZK-1748: Stackup and autohide not working ZK-1769: when click menu, menuitem and menu agian, then the menuitem should not be on focus. ZK-1768: Retrieve a wrong selected index of the radiogroup, when grid model changed ZK-1765: Add new Tree node cause Null Pointer Exception ZK-1724: fileupload error "contentId is required!" ZK-1791: @global-command does not provide predefined "event" variable ZK-1784: client rod with hflex cause js error ZK-1787: When the viewModel tell binder to reload a list, the other component that bind a bean in the list will reload again ZK-1785: Tabbox (accordion) : selecting and removing a tab results in wrong node being opened ZK-1797: A js error happen while to rsFocus a button in a popup in window ZK-1795: MVVM netsed template may cause exception ZK-1803: Setting a textbox visible=false and invalidate its parent leading to "Failed to mount" error in Firefox ZK-1793: Grid with hidden header flickering back and forth when you scroll horizontally ZK-1804: Calendar should not be able to select year less than 1900 or greater than 2099 ZK-1808: Close tabpanel cause js error ZK-1812: zAu.send: data of client event ignored on server side ZK-1821: Component inside native component doesn't cleanup correctly ZK-1822: Turkish locale problem during browser detection (on server side) ZK-1827: Component inside native component js error ZK-1834: Listbox scroll bug ZK-2026: Datebox always displays the current year when blurred if format = "MM.yyyy" -------- ZK 6.5.2 Mar 26, 2013 * Features ZK-315: DHtmlLayoutPortlet support Portlet 2.0 ZK-1515: Loading themes from a folder ZK-1548: Move some zkbind fundamental features to community edition. ZK-1560: Configuration: allow user to abort the waiting thread if it takes too long to execute (activation) ZK-1048: Form Binding and binding validationMessages to components' errorMessage (error popup) ZK-1583: notification arrow position shall align in the center of reference widget ZK-1545: Make "request auto-send" timeout and number of times a retry is made configurable ZK-1507: Client-side API to register a callback function that can be invoked after all widgets finish resize ZK-1616: AU response error can be handle by user ZK-1630: Provides line information when throwing exception in binder ZK-1646: Provide zkbind execution info for debugging ZK-1655: The popup position of Popup, Tooltip and ContextMenu should be more customizable ZK-1638: Preload_Image attribute support configuration in zk.xml as a library property ZK-1672: Add onAfterSize event to get component size ZK-1673: Provides encapsulation of theme-specific information ZK-1674: Modularization of the theming subsystem ZK-1675: Tablet themes should be distinguished from desktop themes ZK-1681: A way to set PhaseListener by zk library property * Bugs ZK-1514: Problem with jsp page and version 6.5.1 ZK-1516: Using timer together with hflex makes browser hang ZK-1512: ListBox Select All ZK-1473: Listbox - Live Data broken with keyboard navigation ZK-1523: JS Error if echoEvent to the component under unselected tab ZK-1381: Show busy on panel with borderlayout is not working ZK-910 : Cannot use the menupopup option of the grid to change the grouping ZK-868 : The image of the file upload button broke in the liferay ZK-1529: Ordering Issue in "selectedItems" in listbox component ZK-1528: When binding a Java List as a listbox's model in paging mold, add and delete will throw exceptions ZK-1572: Scrolling-Bug in Listbox with freezed columns with ie9 ZK-1578: window hflex="min" not work ZK-1524: use caption in window will cause hflex="min" doesn't work ZK-1574: window vflex="min" calculate wrong height in tablet ZK-460 : Click the arrow of the timebox/spinner that in a listbox will trigger onChange event. ZK-1582: NullPointerException in Servlets.browser ZK-1579: hflex="1" not work after changing visible state ZK-1535: Bug in ZK 6.5.1 :: Calendar component does not display the 6th week ZK-1577: vlayout default spacing missing when groupbox has hflex="1" ZK-1531: Button with an image attribute will fire both click and rightClick events when right click the mouse in Chrome ZK-1523: JS Error if echoEvent to the component under unselected tab ZK-1381: Show busy on panel with borderlayout is not working ZK-1572: Scrolling-Bug in Listbox with freezed columns with ie9 ZK-1589: Components inside HtmlNativeComponent doesn't unbind when invoke invalidate, with zkmax only ZK-1594: Blinking popup in Firefox ZK-1596: Invalidate component with native component inside cause JS error, zkmax only ZK-1575: js error occured when vflex="min" and open="false" used in groupbox ZK-1601: Listbox in paging mold doesn't change pages count ZK-1569: vbox content disappear after browser resizing ZK-1602: Button with both autodisable and upload attributes set causes a javascript error ZK-1527: Bug in Datebox Popup (Chrome) ZK-1613: Invoke response.sendError in Weblogic server, the server will render the message as a response body ZK-1606: Should throw exception or show warning when a before|after command get a null or empty value ZK-1618: Tabpanel not follow the visible attribute ZK-1537: NPE when listbox add to selection in paging mold (CE) ZK-1622: Paging listbox scrollbar is wrong ZK-1540: Inputwidget: html-input-element 1px too short ZK-1519: Popup disappear when mouse over on the corner where the two scrollbars meet, IE 10 only ZK-1534: Spinner no longer supports null value (JavaDoc Issue) ZK-1557: Groupbox fails to open if it has non-visible children ZK-1593: JS bug - Failed to mount: Cannot read property 'defaultView' of null ZK-1567: Menuitems not aligned below Menu ZK-1614: Full Screen iPad Web Apps Missing Component Buttons ZK-1609: Tree close/open icon is not correct after calling clearOpen and reopen a node ZK-1608: Tree node become leaf node after update ZK-1526: layouts and containers should not take menupopup into account when computing padding ZK-1617: Panel in Portallayout not draggable after updated ZK-1612: Drag drop on IE9, does not work right with an Image ZK-1603: Doesn't allow to coerce set to list when binding selectedItems ZK-1595: Listbox selectedItems and Hibernate collection types don't play together ZK-1627: datebox contraint position after_* or before_* wrongly parsed by SimpleDateConstraint ZK-1626: Incorrect result for 'if' attribute when mixing native and zk components ZK-1599: Component not found when using combobox with dynamic image ZK-1619: Jsp trick to avoid IE 6/7/8 warning popup upon downloading fails to correctly set up the filename ZK-1076: North hides when i refresh databind ZK-1628: argument of zk.Widget.redraw() is not a array on Chrome ZK-1597: The tab was selected cann't be selected while drag & drop ZK-1632: Errorbox's position may wrong when scrolling ZK-1615: Use children in a form binding doesn't work ZK-1518: Decimalbox throws error when setting Locale and value together ZK-1509: Cardlayout (with v/hflex="1") in hlayout will disappear when browser's size changed ZK-1604: Listbox Data Refresh throws errors within certain layout elements ZK-1639: Tree display is not correct after move and modify ZK-1510: Creating a dynamic tree; treemode v6.5 has totally unexpected and unpredictable behavior while working as expected in v.5.0.11 ZK-1642: Tree columns width not expanding if scrollbar without hflex ZK-1278: Unexpected callbacks of AbstractTreeModel ZK-1647: Tree with hflex'ed and width'ed treecols doesn't work properly ZK-1649: Listbox content blinking when scrolling horizontal ZK-1650: In vlayout, any child component even if has visible="false" occupies space ZK-1653: Invoke client side API, Menuitem.setDisabled(true) cause javascript error ZK-1584: Execution Cleanup.cleanup didn't call when Execution is forwarded ZK-1654: Color picker doesn't allow 'A' or 'a' character as an input ZK-1588: Problem with bandbox ZK-1645: Incorrect display in IE 7 for tree component if user zoom to greater than 100% ZK-1600: Bad french translation, for error message on the Datebox component ZK-1658: chosenbox disappears after user select a value ZK-1640: Command send to wrong viewModel in nested case ZK-1660: Chosenbox with ListModel issue ZK-1662: Overlapped window z-index inconsistent behavior ZK-1702: Invoke binder.loadAll() when the onChange event of the combobox will cause java error ZK-1661: Popup list of chosenbox do not scroll when navigate with keyboard ZK-1666: Can't toolbarbutton check state ZK-1664: Chosenbox input value may discard while typing ZK-1671: ThemeProvider specified in metainfo/zk/zk.xml in jar file may not work ZK-1679: with hflex min child component will not size correctly after parent is resized ZK-1668: Malformed url on SAP NetWeaver 7.30 ZK-1686: Paging Tree with draggable item cause js error when changing page ZK-1689: Wrong left/top of parent positioned window ZK-1682: Problem with formatedNumber converter in 6.5.2-FL and de_DE locale * Upgrade Notes + org.zkoss.zkplus.theme.StandardThemeProvider is deprecated, please use org.zkoss.zul.theme.StandardThemeProvider (for ZK CE), org.zkoss.zkex.theme.StandardThemeProvider (for ZK PE), org.zkoss.zkmax.theme.StandardThemeProvider (for ZK EE) + org.zkoss.zkmax.init.TabletThemeProvider is deprecated, please use org.zkoss.zkmax.theme.StandardThemeProvider instead. + org.zkoss.zkplus.theme.Themes is deprecated, please use org.zkoss.zul.theme.Themes instead. + To support ZK-1515, by default, folder-supplied themes are placed under /theme/. Folder-supplied themes also need to be registered using Themes.register(themeName, Themes.ThemeOrigin.FOLDER) API. If you want to change the default location, please specify the following setting in WEB-INF/zk.xml org.zkoss.theme.folder.root other/themes + ThemeRegistry and ThemeResolver interfaces are introduced. Users could implement these interfaces or extend the standard implementation to customize the theme registration and resolution process. To replace the defaults with the customized implementation, please add the following to WEB-INF/zk.xml. foo.CustomThemeRegistry foo.CustomThemeResolver + It is suggested to replace the default ThemeProvider, ThemeRegistry, and ThemeResolver in WEB-INF/zk.xml. Although not recommended, they could also be configured in metainfo/zk/zk.xml. Since multiple metainfo/zk/zk.xml could exist in the system, the loading order of these files makes it difficult to predict the final resulting configuration. To resolve this issue, in this version, it is now required to include to identify the config, and an optional to specify the dependency relationship in metainfo/zk/zk.xml. Same as for metainfo/zk/config.xml in previous versions. For example, custom.jar:metainfo/zk/zk.xml custom zkmax ... This would ensure metainfo/zk/zk.xml contained in custom.jar would be applied after zkmax.jar. + In ZK EE, Themes.register() could be used to register tablet themes. Registration would need to prepend the theme name with the prefix "tablet:". For example, to register a tablet theme called "dark", one would call Themes.register("tablet:dark") + In previous ZK EE edition, custom themes were applied before the default tablet theme. Therefore, in order to override the default tablet theme, users may need to disable the default tablet theme first. In this version, custom tablet theme were distinguished from the custom desktop theme. Overriding default tablet themes means copying the default tablet themes in ~./zkmax/css/ to the custom tablet theme and modifying the part you want to override. Hence, the library property (org.zkoss.zkmax.tablet.theme.disabled) introduced previously for overriding default tablet theme is no longer required and is deprecated since this version. + In zkbind, an empty before|after command condition will get exception since this version, you should always provide a non-empty value for it or it means no-one can trigger it. -------- ZK Dec 13, 2012 * Features * Bugs ZK-1514: Problem with jsp page and version 6.5.1 * Upgrade Notes -------- ZK 6.5.1 Dec 05, 2012 * Features ZK-1351: Messagebox with no button ZK-1397: DefaultTreeNode support empty children mean leaf node ZK-1248: Sub menu should not overlap its parent in menupopup ZK-1416: Support default Command and GlobalCommand handling ZK-1465: Comet server push support HTML5 page-visibility API to reduce the server loading ZK-1474: Add onVisibilityChange event based on HTML5 page-visibility API * Bugs ZK-1348: First child tree node can't unfold sometimes ZK-1350: Listbox multiple choice demo example does not work ZK-1356: Spinner doesn't update it's value in ipad ZK-1357: Popupmenu doesn't show up when listening to onClick ZK-1341: Datebox in zh_TW locale with 'Long + Medium' format failed to assign correct value ZK-1353: Datebox not work in Hebrew ZK-1347: Including Checkbox inside MVVM Form causes Error writing 'checked' on type org.zkoss.zul.Checkbox crash ZK-1344: Collection binding will occur error when deleting entry ZK-1366: When binding Radio's "selectedItem" with a non-String object, zk throws ClassCastException ZK-1358: When I try to show a window with doOverlapped, doModal or doHighlighted my window don't appears ZK-1372: zk.stackUp not work with Firefox ZK-1368: the right edge of the textboxes split over to a new line when you specify a percentage width and set the mold to rounded ZK-1383: The value of Map.Entry returned from ListModelMap.getElementAt() don't support Serializable ZK-1259: zul with hashmap not load key from a fx ZK-1380: Forward uri can't be "zk/*" on Tomcat 7 ZK-1381: Show busy on panel with borderlayout is not working ZK-1337: RenderHttpServletRequest/RenderHttpServletResponse's getInstance() cause ServletException when passed to RequestDispather on Liferay 6.1 + JBoss 7.1 ZK-1377: Focus lost when tapping & change title value insides a window ZK-1386: Server failed to load scrollview.css.dsp while using zk6.5 ee and setting theme to sapphire ZK-1406: BorderLayout IPad2 rotating, North area size ZK-1391: When a window is invisible at first, its top (or left) attribute takes no effect even we turn the window to be visible. ZK-1403: Combobutton has a missing image icon when displayed on tablets ZK-1400: Focus issue when Listbox in select mold after invalidate ZK-1192: SelectorComposer ConcurrentModificationException in GAE ZK-1420: Textbox can't be load on android 2.x ZK-1424: Treeitem with a lot of childrens takes too long to open ZK-1418: Selectbox: Changing selection after changing a new model ZK-1425: Setting visible false on Listheader doesn't hide corresponding listfooter ZK-1419: Constraint hover text is confusing ZK-1433: InputElement width not set when component is built by macro ZK-1407: Combobox focus style is lost after item selection ZK-1349: If Cell style is specified, it overrides any previous component style setting ZK-1427: Toolbarbutton with autodisable active upload function not work at second click ZK-1428: Wrong order for item removed from ListModelList model ZK-1430: Listbox in Bandpopup of a Bandbox is not size correctly - "rows" is ignored. ZK-1370: org.zkoss.zul.Datebox.setDisplayedTimeZones(List dtzones) NPE if emptied ZK-1437: javascript error when use include with auto mode ZK-1442: ZK Bind command doesn't work with cluster env ZK-1446: get NotSerializableException when using @Subscribe in tomcat cluster env. ZK-1374: Unclosed BufferedReader for org.zkoss.util.media.ContentTypes ZK-1441: Accordion Tabbox after rapid clicking on tabs start displaying content at fixed wrong hight. ZK-1434: When use native tag to render row's cells, it doesn't works fine with zkmax.jar ZK-1354: ZK generated page cannot pass W3C validator while checking as XHTML 1.0 Transitional ZK-1448: Scrollable Menubar does not show left/right arrows on mobile devices ZK-1454: Scrollbar forgets its position when switching tabs in Tabbox ZK-1297: Listbox has wrong height when using "rows" and auxhead ZK-1324: Trendy buttons inside bandbox popup does not lose focus when popup is closed (FF and Opera only) ZK-1295: Disabled buttons cannot regain focus by re-enabling and then setting focus ZK-1458: Right click on iPad does not work if there are both double click event handler and right click event handler ZK-1373: Doublebox should not allow the typing of non-numeric characteres achieved by alt-combinations such as @ and # ZK-1284: Scrolling on grid/listbox header could cause column heading/body to misalign ZK-1257: Filedownload.save(media, filename) does not save the media as the specified filename ZK-1308: WireVariable does not wire a superclass field if a field with the same name is declared in a subclass ZK-1452: Unknown stub error ZK-1150: nbsp gets added to menuitem label in Firefox ZK-1217: Groupbox calculate a wrong hight after the groupbox be hide then show ZK-1117: some wrong behavior in spinner and double spinner ZK-1234: Nested grids does not properly display alternating odd/even rows ZK-1187: Setting an sClass on a selected tab results in tab losing z-tab-seld class ZK-1463: Button is disabled and clickable if windows is from visible=false to true ZK-1464: Console has Exception log when change src of include if bind to a textbox ZK-1213: Calendar and datebox showing the wrong day number ZK-1220: Instant textbox doesn't preserve the focus at position ZK-1467: Resizable panels inside portallayout loses resizability after move ZK-1462: Portalchildren and Renderdeferer cause a Javascript error ZK-1469: argument type mismatch when try to get @ScopeParam with @ref value ZK-1218: Doublebox says "not a number" when significant length extends beyond 15 ZK-1468: Value doesn't be reload if it binds to @ref and in include ZK-1309: Modal window loses it's modality in certain situation ZK-1472: Cannot bind to include arg ZK-1438: Composer doesn't be released when using @Subscribe ZK-1345: ZK MessageLoader doesn't load customize MessageLoader ZK-1215: Mouseless selection not working properly in datebox and calendar ZK-1480: zkmax bandbox issue ZK-1483: Jumpy scrollbar for listbox with rod when items are selected ZK-1490: Invoking getSize() throws JS exception for North, South, East and West ZK-1492: Wrong model selection in onChange of combobox ZK-1491: Tag template is not valid by zul.xsd ZK-1470: Horizontal scroll disappear with element frozen ZK-1498: The "import Classes" directive doesn't work for zscript ZK-1497: org.zkoss.bind.impl.BinderImpl cause ConcurrentModificationException ZK-1226: Problem With Parent of the Menupopup in Fullscreen ZK-1500: Change Panel button settings during maximize event will cause Panel not resize properly ZK-1501: Grid Footer cannot scroll horizontally in tablets ZK-1488: UUID implementation change cause the context popup not work correctly ZK-1499: When Panel contains Caption, it dose not display icon in tablets ZK-1505: "Processing..." progress bar not appears in 6.5.1 ZK-1511: Progressbox not show with long operation * Upgrade Notes + Decouple Flashchart component from zul.jar to flashchart.jar, due to Flashchart contains a potential SWF vulnerability in YUI 2 that the SWF files in question contain a cross-site JavaScript injection vulnerability which allows for the execution of arbitrary third-party code within the domain from which the files are served. Please download the flashchart.jar from the link instead - https://github.com/zkoss/flashchart + To support this feature ZK-1465 for reducing server loading, the comet server push will enable the smart connection setting by default, if you want to disable it as the previous version, please specify the following setting in the zk.xml. org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet.smartconnection.disabled true Note: the smart connection is based on HTML5's page-visibility API, which is described - http://www.w3.org/TR/page-visibility/ and it can only support on HTML5 browsers. -------- ZK 6.5.0 Sep 12, 2012 * Features ZK-447: The file upload allows users to drag and drop local files (HTML5) ZK-1241: ZK Client Widget support swipe event for tablet/mobile device ZK-1239: Grid, Listbox, Tree can support to scroll the content by finger on tablet/mobile device ZK-1240: Input element support HTML5 type, like tel, number, email, and so on ZK-1242: Datebox support scrolling picker like ios's date picker for tablet/mobile device ZK-1243: Combobox support scrolling picker like ios's select picker ZK-1244: Tabbox support touch's swipe event to switch tab selection ZK-1245: Borderlayout support touch's swipe event to close/open the layout region ZK-970: The Tab component support caption component as it's label ZK-1145: Notification supports closable ZK-1175: Calendar support show week number ZK-120: Provide menupopup="auto" for listbox ZK-969: The LayoutRegion component support caption component as it's title ZK-147: Support ungroup for grid's column menu ZK-1246: Calendar support touch's swipe event to switch the date view ZK-1255: InputElement supports HTML5 placeholder ZK-1247: Add a new theme for tablet/mobile device with big icons ZK-574: Minimum theme for better performance in mobile devices ZK-1277: Group and listgroup components should be set as the same height as row and listitem components ZK-1273: Add a way to listen onOrientationChange for tablet device ZK-1283: Grid/List/Tree support changing page by swipe event on tablet device ZK-1272: Scrollview component for tablet device ZK-1269: Need layout that allow user change view like change card * Bugs ZK-1285: Modal window position issue with virtual keyboard on ipad ZK-1313: combobox dropdown changes document scroll height on iPad ZK-1314: input component focus in modal window causes virtual keyboard to show up and down on iPad ZK-1315: grid column doesn't reappear if columns menupopup set to auto and grid is sizedByContent ZK-1305: Scroll on Ipad if Element is draggable ZK-1289: Servlets.browser() causes null exception on Viewpad * Upgrade Notes + Rename the "tbbtn" mold of chosenbox to "toolbar" + Unsupported mold for Tablet devices: *. Button's os and trendy *. Bandbox's rounded mold *. Combobox's rounded mold *. Datebox's rounded mold *. Doublespinner's rounded mold *. Spinner's rounded mold *. Timebox's rounded mold *. Decimalbox's rounded mold *. Doublebox's rounded mold *. Intbox's rounded mold *. Longbox's rounded mold *. Textbox's rounded mold *. Groupbox's default mold *. Slider's scale mold *. Splitter's os mold *. Tabbox's accordion-lite mold When using the molds above, the component will use default supported mold instead. + Unsupported attribute for Tablet devices: *. Combobox's autodrop attribute *. Menubar's autodrop attribute *. Intbox's format attribute *. Doublebox's format attribute *. Spinner's format attribute *. Doublespinner's format attribute *. Longbox's format attribute *. Decimalbox's format attribute + Change Checkbox#setValue(String) to Checkbox#setValue(Object) -------- ZK 6.0.4 Dec 19, 2012 * Features * Bugs ZK-1442: ZK Bind command doesn't work with cluster env ZK-1497: org.zkoss.bind.impl.BinderImpl cause ConcurrentModificationException ZK-1480: zkmax bandbox issue ZK-1512: ListBox Select All * Upgrade Notes -------- ZK 6.0.3 Oct 30, 2012 * Features ZK-1301: The buttons in the Messagebox shall use autodisable ZK-1312: formattedNumber & formattedDate should use proper Locale & Timezone ZK-1397: DefaultTreeNode support empty children mean leaf node ZK-1248: Sub menu should not overlap its parent in menupopup * Bugs ZK-1128: Use SerializableUiFactory with a portal environment will cause ClassCastException ZK-1303: listbox select mold with 1 rows onSelect event not fired for first item ZK-1298: Can not set composer name with ZK-1237: NullPointerException at org.zkoss.web.servlet.Servlets.getVersion(Servlets.java:460) on Konqueror browser ZK-1227: NumberInputElement.formatNumber() should use dt.applyLocalizedPattern() instead of dt.applyPattern() ZK-1299: Use @ref and save after will cause null point exception ZK-1256: Combobox onSelect not working properly ZK-1315: grid column doesn't reappear if columns menupopup set to auto and grid is sizedByContent ZK-1276: Combobox does not sync the selected item ZK-1208: Clients.scrollIntoView don't work in Chrome browser ZK-1268: ZK bind children throw Unsupported child exception ZK-1289: Servlets.browser() causes null exception on Viewpad ZK-1322: Issue on timebox with null value ZK-1313: combobox dropdown changes document scroll height on iPad ZK-1348: First child tree node can't unfold sometimes ZK-1341: Datebox in zh_TW locale with 'Long + Medium' format failed to assign correct value ZK-1353: Datebox not work in Hebrew ZK-1358: When I try to show a window with doOverlapped, doModal or doHighlighted my window don't appears ZK-1347: Including Checkbox inside MVVM Form causes Error writing 'checked' on type org.zkoss.zul.Checkbox crash ZK-1344: Collection binding will occur error when deleting entry ZK-1372: zk.stackUp not work with Firefox ZK-1368: the right edge of the textboxes split over to a new line when you specify a percentage width and set the mold to rounded ZK-1383: The value of Map.Entry returned from ListModelMap.getElementAt() don't support Serializable ZK-1380: Forward uri can't be "zk/*" on Tomcat 7 ZK-1259: zul with hashmap not load key from a fx ZK-1381: Show busy on panel with borderlayout is not working ZK-1337: RenderHttpServletRequest/RenderHttpServletResponse's getInstance() cause ServletException when passed to RequestDispather on Liferay 6.1 + JBoss 7.1 ZK-1377: Focus lost when tapping & change title value insides a window ZK-1391: When a window is invisible at first, its top (or left) attribute takes no effect even we turn the window to be visible. ZK-1400: Focus issue when Listbox in select mold after invalidate ZK-1192: SelectorComposer ConcurrentModificationException in GAE ZK-1424: Treeitem with a lot of childrens takes too long to open * Upgrade Notes + The default names of a composer will still be assigned no matter you set a composerName by custom-attributes or not. -------- ZK * Features * Bugs ZK-1338: The page content will be empty when the Javascript takes a long time * Upgrade Notes -------- ZK 6.0.2 Jul 24, 2012 * Features ZK-1127: Support OSGi ZK-1231: Need a certain lifecycle point for afterCompose in a ViewModel * Bugs ZK-1113: Popup of chosenbox not removed after detach ZK-1118: Vertical scrollbar appears when listbox with fixed rows and sizedByContent is true exceeds browser width ZK-1136: Clients.showNotification(String) throws JS error when used with Include in defer mode ZK-1135: Notification is not correctly displayed on IE8 (compatibility view turned OFF) ZK-1144: error-page in JBoss causes IllegalStateException ZK-1143: Subsequent WrongValueException causes JS error on ipad ZK-1142: Second level menuitem onclick event not fired on iPad ZK-1146: TreeModel getChildCount invoke too much times ZK-1147: The returning type of getModel API in combobox and tree component shall be the same ZK-1159: Unnecessary Ajax update when the listbox with ROD is invisible ZK-1124: onOpen event not firing when closing a Menupopup ZK-1126: Removing all items in certain AbstractListModel(s) may not work properly ZK-1165: Inner ViewMdel cannot get Outer ViewModel in Binding ZK-1164: "content" attribute in can't handle the RenderedImage type with MVVM ZK-1177: SimpleListModelSharer causes NullPointerException when the model is updated ZK-1178: ZEL should support method overloading ZK-1191: Children binding converter doesn't converter a pure Collection ZK-1189: Save into a deep form bean fires improper NotifyChange ZK-1202: Combobox not removing old items and reset selection when changing models ZK-1222: Popup component as tooltip fires multiple onOpen events ZK-1216: Combobutton has problems with label change if its popup did not close beforehand ZK-1230: Listbox with rod only removes the first list item when setItemInvalid ZK-1157: formatedDate and formatedNumber should be formatted ZK-1196: Listbox renders incorrectly in richlet with ZK 6.0.2.FL.20120607 ZK-1179: ZK Internationalization Labels doesn't work with liferay (portal env) ZK-1197: ZEL BeanELResolver's invoke impl has serious logical issue ZK-1188: Error when mixing ZK creation EL with zkbind on reference or element of collection ZK-1182: stubonly doesn't work ZK-1228: Tree with model fail to clone ZK-1185: Two collection on zul page returning null when both of them becomes empty ZK-1194: The timing of @Init on viewmodel is not so correct. ZK-1205: Notification disappears immediately when other widgets gained focus ZK-1176: Autodisabled (toolbar)button should stay disabled when setDisabled(true) onClick ZK-1160: Exception when closing tab with included content ZK-844: IllegalStateException when use cdi DelegatingVariableResolver * Upgrade Notes + The setFlex(String) API in org.zkoss.zul.LayoutRegion is deprecated, use setHflex/setVflex on child component instead. + The invocation of current @Init tagged method in a ViewModel class is moved from doAfterCompose() to earlier stage doBeforeComposeChildren() in BindComposer, which means it's no longer applicable if you want to initiate your ViewModel based on host component scope (ex: child components and custom attributes) in an @Init tagged method. Instead you should use @AfterCompose tagged method which is newly introduced since this version. + AnnotateBinder#init() will only take care of super#init(), you'll have to call AnnotateBinder#initAnnotatedBindings() separately to initiate and register bindings based on ZUL component's annotation. + Deprecated all of the Hibernate utility classes in zkplus package, HibernateSessionContextListener.java, HibernateSessionFactoryListener.java, HibernateUtil.java, and OpenSessionInViewListener.java, please use official Hibernate's methods instead. -------- ZK 6.0.1 May 2, 2012 * Features ZK-883: A way to specify component's annotation in component's Java class ZK-864: Make ValidationContext easier ZK-889: Children binding should support converter ZK-901: Provide reference-binding ZK-862: Enhance the BeanValidator to validate a property of a form ZK-916: A FormBeanValidator ZK-921: A way to register system level converter and validator ZK-943: We need a groups model which supports List, all the Groups models use arrays ZK-955: Update jars in dist/lib/ext to newer version ZK-951: Add a new Biglistbox component to handle huge data ZK-540: Notification Components ZK-698: A flexible Notification(Box) component to give user visual feedback. ZK-995: A way to access multiple validation messages ZK-1019: Provide an extra layer of DIV on Window/Panel buttons ZK-1028: Add Chosenbox to handle multiple selection ZK-882: Add the ComponentInfo to the id generator ZK-997: SelectorComposer supports the listening of an event queue ZK-1032: Able to wire Event to command method ZK-1033: @Init should supports to annotate on Type ZK-1050: Able to ignore the load or save of a binding ZK-1047: Label should support format ZK-1018: Add fusionchart component ZK-1072: Converter supports generic type ZK-1082: Supports bind on chosenbox model and selection ZK-1084: Supports binding on biglistbox selection * Bugs ZK-866: Select status of listbox not sync when change multiple to single ZK-877: NPE in a save only binding. ZK-878: Exception if binding a form with errorMessage ZK-869: Binder should be serializable. ZK-690: Binder is not work in cluster environment ZK-892: ChildrenBinding in Listbox pollute the collection model ZK-891: Cannot turn on the multiple selection of the listbox when use databinding 1 ZK-888: ZK bind ChildrenBinding fail to convert one object to a list ZK-913: Value is reload after validation fail ZK-905: Save into a Form bean should fire NotifyChange ZK-911: NotifyChange of a property of a Form is not reloaded. ZK-898: Listbox paging bug ZK-917: V/Hflex shall not calculate its sibling size when its position is absolute or relative ZK-927: zkplus databinding1 should auto-wrapping BindingListModelXxx with setMultiple() and Selectable handled ZK-939: TreeNode's getChildren() shall not return List> ZK-919: ELSupport can't handle java.sql.Timestamp ZK-950: The expression reference doesn't update while change the instant of the reference ZK-946: NullPointerException closing Messagebox ZK-967: Should support default template name for group and groupfoot ZK-968: The template doesn't render the nest collection data correct ZK-940: Nested listbox selection issue ZK-848: How to figure out a validationMessages is empty ZK-987: 3d Groupbox cave has extra top border when having title ZK-945: The gap between the image and description/text is large in a comboitem ZK-948: rerendering of selectbox looses its data ZK-983: Combobutton js error upon unbind ZK-994: BindingParam doesn't not work with @Init ZK-985: The entire Grid is invalidated when adjusting models and a couple of components ZK-996: Widget.replaceWidget (i.e., invalidate() at the server) shall preserve the cursor the position ZK-993: Exception if reloaded a included page ZK-992: Wrong item when binding to combbox with submodel implementation ZK-1008: The numberOfChildren in PathELResolver is not correct ZK-1009: Bind event by selectorcomposer in cluster environment doesn't work ZK-1013: Component.queryAll() shall return Iterable instead of List for better performance ZK-910: Cannot use the menupopup option of the grid to change the grouping ZK-956: setTooltip in a event cause IllegalStateException in ZK 6 ZK-1017: Property of a form is not correct when validation ZK-1005: Validation fails on nested bean ZK-1007: A tree is rendered twice while onInitModel and onInitRender events ZK-1004: Missing template element in XML Schema ZK-1031: NPE with ListModelList (with null item) and Selectbox ZK-1045: Cannot bind on colorbox.color ZK-1046: Public event class of zkbind ZK-1053: Selectbox doesn't handle onFocus / onBlur event ZK-1058: ZK cannot support drag-and-drop for Android mobile ZK-1037: An empty listbox with long header will appear scroll bar (IE only) ZK-1063: No exception if binding to a non-existed property ZK-1054: ObjectBooleanConverter does not accept Null value ZK-1067: Selectbox de-serialization fails while restoring session ZK-1066: Incorrect form value if inner binding waiting a command ZK-1010: datebox with locale th_TH (Thai buddist calendar) can't select 29/02/2555 (year 2555 is 2012 in US calendar) ZK-965: Tabpanel does not adapt height to its content if a vertical tabs is used unless a vflex="min" is specified ZK-1070: onSelect is not fired in listbox mold select ZK-1071: Bandbox, Form Binding and Constraints with Chromium and (less reprodible) Firefox ZK-1003: Panel vflex wrong with toolbar ZK-726: Masking fail when component is under autocsroll layout region ZK-1090: Load a ZUL page with an Ajax request failed in ZK 6 ZK-1085: PropertyNotWritableException when using reference binding ZK-1088: Value of form with converter is not updated. ZK-1096: Listbox multiselect bug with draggable on ZK-1101: Portallayout.setPanel() doesn't behave as expected ZK-1100: Menuitem.setImage() doesn't work in menubar ZK-1139: ZK Bind loads "init" annotations no matter if "loadinit" parameter TRUE or FALSE ZK-1134: BindUiLifeCycle should check if binder instanceof AnnotateBinder * Upgrade Notes + Component.queryAll() returns Iterable instead of List for better performance. + TreeNode's getChildren() returns List> instead of List>. + ComponentCtrl.addSharedAnnotationMap() was removed since it shall not be public + Added 2 arguments 'converterExpr' and converterArgs' to the end of org.zkoss.bind.Binder.addChildrenInitBinding() and addChildrenLoadBindings(). You could pass null if you don't have a converter. Original methods are deprecated. + Syntax of zk bind2 RENDERER annotation is changed from 'render-attr=render-class' to 'render-attr:render-class' + Initial WebAppInit by org.zkoss.zk.ui.http.HttpSessionListener if Listener initiate first. + Some jars under /dist/lib/ext are updated, please refer to the Installation Ghide http://books.zkoss.org/wiki/ZK_Installation_Guide/ZK_Background/The_Content_of_ZK_Binary_Distribution + Binder.init(Component root,Object viewModel) is deprecated, please use Binder.init(Component root,Object viewModel,Map initArgs) instead. + The preloadSize and initRodSize of Listbox and Grid change to 50 items by default. + IdGenerator provides ComponentInfo when rendering component UUID now,please update your IdGenerator if exist. -------- ZK 6.0.0 Feb 14, 2012 * Features 3061730: Make ZK complaint to Java 5, such generics 2920934: A plugin to load lang.xml, config.xml.. from custom location 2978342: A way to tag AU request for statistic purpose ZK-139: A way to define a template that component could use ZK-216: Listbox/Tree/Grid/Combobox supports the template for rendering model ZK-237: allows users to import classes ZK-110: Upgrade to jQuery 1.6.4 ZK-496: Make iZUML available to ZK CE ZK-61: Support hotkey for user to pick a date ZK-443: Menubar can support keystroke to navigate the menubar ZK-292: Annotation supports an array of values and string-type value and so on ZK-408: Allow the text-as content such as html/combitem to have a XML fragment ZK-278: Enhance stubonly to merge more components and better control of event handling ZK-401: A way to customize the way WebApp is instantiated ZK-217: A way to add a temporary variable resolver to an execution ZK-233: Execution.createComponents support inserting before particular component and variable resolver ZK-264: addEventListener support 'priority' 2974464: A way to customize message with zk-label 3025389: A way to monitor the execution and event processing 2947727: The instantiation of Composer & Server Push customizable ZK-224: Tree shall render the model in the onInitRender event listener ZK-288: Make GenericEventListener (and derives, GenericForwardComposer and GenericAutowireComposer) as serializable ZK-279: Simplify PageDefinition and related metainfo ZK-314: A way to pre-load images since many UIs depend on the size of an image ZK-114: Provide an JasperReport API to get the generated Media ZK-370: Multi-line textbox support rounded mold ZK-416: Listbox support multiple drag ZK-446: Add an instant="true" attribute to InputElement(e.g. textbox, intbox, ...) so onChange is fired as quick as possible. ZK-12: Checkbox automatically disable itself after clicked ZK-458: The language definition allows a WPD package to be merged to another ZK-83: Messageboxes buttons should be rendered in the users order ZK-501: Messagebox supports custom labels ZK-463: Messagebox supports enum to specify the button ZK-464: Window's mode supports enum ZK-468: Add Selectbox component to ZK core ZK-469: Add Absolutelayout component to ZK core ZK-470: Add Anchorlayout component to ZK core ZK-383: Make breeze as the default theme ZK-318: Support combobutton combining a button and a dropdown menu ZK-526: Add a utile EL function for formatting date and parsing date ZK-536: Groupbox supports the title attribute (like Window/Panel) ZK-551: A new data binding system to support MVVM design pattern ZK-522: Tablelayout support any child not limited to Panel ZK-523: Columnlayout support any child not limited to Panel ZK-537: Hlayout supports valign (top, middle and bottom) ZK-503: Add a new component, idspace: as light as div but implements IdSpace ZK-541: SelectorComposer uses annotation to control whether to write zscript and XEL variables ZK-553: SelectorComposer shall implement ComponentActivationListener and rewire Session/WebApp ZK-609: A way to access the browser information with an implicit object in EL (such as ${zk.ie >= 9}) ZK-613: The root component is considered as an ID space, so getFellow and wire will work ZK-618: WebApp and Execution support log(String) and log(String,Throwable) ZK-614: Support Servlet 3's web fragment ZK-621: Combobox and Bandbox should support isOpen() to store the open status ZK-615: Comet supports Servlet 3's asynchronous processing ZK-448: Colorbox support keystroke to navigate the color code ZK-635: Fileupload support HTML5's input file with multiple ZK-616: Able to specify Messagebox width ZK-646: Allow WebAppInit listenes to override default extendlet, such as WPD and WCS ZK-649: Rename i3-label.properties to zk-label.properties ZK-665: The default autowiring of HtmlMacroComponent and XmlMacroComponent shall be the same as SelectorComposer ZK-666: A way to specify both annotation and value for a property ZK-688: AuInvoke supports the invocation of a global function at the client ZK-694: The file to configure logger can be specified in a library property ZK-701: ListModel, TreeModel, ChartModel, and ListGroupModel supports Cloneable if implemented ZK-719: Combobutton supports the toolbar mold such that it has the same size as other toolbar components ZK-715: Listbox paging mold support PageUp/PageDown to navigate the paging ZK-423: Focusable listboxes ZK-669: Add method setModel(ListModel model) to Radiogroup class ZK-720: Toggable toolbar buttons ZK-855: DefaultTreeNode shall support Cloneable * Bugs ZK-328: Panelchildren shall ignore flex in maximized state ZK-392: Set hflex='min' to treeitem will cause javascript error (illegal use actually) ZK-493: zk.override(Object, String, Function) fails to update subclass methods ZK-504: onCreate event not fired if registered in a parent's composer ZK-487: Height isuue in the groupbox (with specified caption) ZK-539: Title background not full-filled in groupbox ZK-549: Height issue of groupbox 3d mold ZK-562: Groupbox vflex=min is wrong (reopen B50-3005284.zul) ZK-622: jq("@radio input").attr("checked") will return "checked" if not checked ZK-702: combobutton js error occurs on click event ZK-691: stubonly not work for Executions.createComponentsDirectly ZK-707: ListModel/TreeModel selection cannot share in two component ZK-750: Listbox ROD failed with ListModelList ZK-732: combobutton doesn't have isOpen() so zkbind can't read open property ZK-767: cannot select a non-open tree node when using model ZK-779: Chechmark issue in paging listbox ZK-815: Listbox Select event is not fired when PgDown/PgUp is pressed ZK-827: Selection of listbox is worng after change multiple ZK-816: Tooltip assigned to component when it is in detached state won't show up ZK-774: Toolbar's mold "panel" does not work accurately ZK-852: Datebox not functional in ZK6 on Mobile Safari * Upgrade Notes + The default zclass of groupbox is renamed to z-groupbox, and the 3d zclass is z-groupbox-3d. In additions, the default mold is implemented with DIV rather than FIELDSET. + The default autowiring of HtmlMacroComponent and XmlMacroComponent is based on CSS 3 selector, i.e., it is the same as SelectorComposer. To be backward-compatible, you could specify a library property called org.zkoss.zk.ui.macro.autowire.convention to true. + zcommons-el.jar is not shipped with the binary distribution. Rather, zel.jar is shipped instead. + For ease of use, the return type of the following APIs are changed from Iterator to Iterable: org.zkoss.zk.ui.Exectuion: getHeaders and getHeaderNames org.zkoss.zk.ui.WebApp: getInitParameterNames org.zkoss.zk.ui.RichletConfig: getInitParameterNames + org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Initiator.doAfterComposer(Page,Component[]), doCatch(Throwable) and doFinally() were removed. And, doCatch(Throwable) and doFinally() are moved to InitiatorExt + org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeNode and org.zkoss.zul.SimpleTreeModel are removed. They are replaced with org.zkoss.zul.DefaultTreeNode and org.zkoss.zul.DefaultTreeModel. + HTMLs, StyleSheet and JavaScript are moved to the org.zkoss.html package + org.zkoss.util.ListX, org.zkoss.util.TreeArray and org.zkoss.util.CheckableTreeArray are removed. + org.zkoss.zk.ui.api.*, org.zkoss.zul.api.* and all component related interfaces are removed. + Component's setVariable is removed (deprecated in 5.0). Please use Component.setAttribute(name, value, SPACE_SCOPE) + The addEventListner method of org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component won't check whether the same event listener is registered twice. In other words, it will be invoked multiple times if a listener is registered multiple times. If you want to ignore the second registration of the same listener (i.e., backward compatible with 5.0 or earlier), you could specify a library property called org.zkoss.zk.ui.EventListener.duplicateIgnored to true + The org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Expression interface is deprecated, and replaced with the addEventListener(int, String, EventListener) (and priority as 1000). + The default constructors of org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.GenericForwardComposer and GenericAutowireComposer ignore the variables defined in zscript and XEL. If it causes problems, please use the construactor with full control (GenericAutowireComposer(separator,boolean,boolean)). + The getClassNames and resolveClass methods of org.zkoss.xel.FunctionMapper are removed. Rather, FunctionMapperExt are introduced, so you could implement both FunctionMapper and FunctionMapperExt to have the function. + The Window, Messagebox and Fileupload components won't throw InterruptedException. Rather, it is wrapped with UiException (because the event processing thread is deprecated) + UiFactory's newComponent method's signature is changed. Furthermore Two new methods are, newComposer and newServerPush, added to UiFactory to allow developers to customize the instantiation of a composer or a server push implementation. + iZUML (client-side ZUML) supports only #{...}. It doesn't support ${...} any more. Notice ZUML (server-side) still uses the format of ${...}. + The org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.SEORenderer.class perference is no longer supported. Please use the org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.SEORenderer listener instead. + Tree's model rendering is deferred to the onInitRender event + AbstractComponent's newChildren() and newExtraCtrl() are both removed. Override getChildren() and getExtraCtrl() instead. + The template of Messagebox (~./zul/html/messagebox.zul) is changed. If you customize it, please refer to https://github.com/zkoss/zk/blob/6.0/zul/src/archive/web/zul/html/messagebox.zul + The event processing thread is deprecated and might be removed in the future + StubComponent's package becomes org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys. + EvaluatorRef's package becomes org.zkoss.zk.xel. + The hflex/vflex properties of a Panelchildren are determined by its parent Panel. The setter methods of Panelchildren's hflex/vflex will throw UnsupportedOperationException. + As the sizing of a few Grid/Listbox/Tree related components are controlled by others, the hflex and width properties of them are irrelevant. Their setters of hflex and width are deprecated. These components include: Treeitem, Treerow, Treecell, Treechildren, Treecols, Treefoot, Rows, Columns, Row, Cell, Foot, Listitem, Listcell, Listhead, Listfoot + The deprecated class org.zkoss.web.util.resource.ServletLabelResovler was removed. + No longer support ZKuery + Breeze has become the default theme. In other words, ZK 6 uses Breeze as the default styling, without the need to include breeze.jar in the library directory on in Maven dependencies. Sapphire and Silvertail are packaged and delivered as they were in ZK 5. + org.zkoss.zk.device.Device.isClient() is replaced with matches(). + The support of comet is available to ZK PE, and it is called org.zkoss.zkex.ui.comet.CometServerPush. Meanwhile, org.zkoss.zkmax.ui.comet.CometServerPush is upgraded to support Servlet 3 asynchronous processing. It will detect if Servlet 3 is supported, and switch the implementation if necessary. + The default I18N properties file is renamed from i3-label.properties to zk-label.properties. + The configuration file for logging is now configurable by use of the library property called org.zkoss.util.logging.config.file. + If the attribute called composerName is specified, the default name won't be wired (for better performance). + AbstractComponent.smartUpdate(String, Date) is removed + org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.JavaScriptValue is moved to org.zkoss.json.JavaScriptValue + The return type of org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.Annotation.getAttributes() is changed to Map + Files.getConfigDirectory is removed + org.zkoss.util.logging.LogService is removed + org.zkoss.zul.ext.TreeSelectionModel and TreeOpenableModel are introduced to replace Selectable and Openable for TreeModel + The multiple status and the selection are provided by Selectable and TreeSelectionModel when using Listbox and Tree with Model. + The open status are provided by TreeOpenableModel when using Tree with Model + Library property org.zkoss.zul.Separator.spaceWithMargin is removed (since we don't maintain the margin approach found in ZK 2 any more) + The following classes are removed, since they are never used or introduce unnecessary complication. org.zkoss.web.util.resource.ClassWebServlet, org.zkoss.web.servlet.ForwardServlet, org.zkoss.web.servlet.http.HttpServlet, org.zkoss.io.PrintWriterX, org.zkoss.io.FileWatchdog, org.zkoss.media.Photo, org.zkoss.lang.WarningException, org.zkoss.lang.Warning, org.zkoss.util.InvalidValueException, org.zkoss.util.ModificationException, org.zkoss.util.ScalableTimer, org.zkoss.util.ScalableTimerTask, org.zkoss.util.ScalableTimerTask, org.zkoss.util.ThreadLocalCache + bullet1.gif, bullet2.gif and bullet3.gif are removed from zweb since they are never used + Some z-class names are changed: z-menu-item -> z-menuitem z-menu-popup -> z-menupopup z-menu-separator -> z-menuseparator z-panel-children -> z-panelchildren + Some CSS class names are changed. To update theme customization, replace CSS class occurrences by the following: .z-weekend -> .z-calendar-caldow .z-calendar-wkend .z-weekday -> .z-calendar-caldow .z-calendar-wkday .z-outside -> .z-calendar-outside + Selectable must be implemented if a list model is assigned to a listbox. + Selectable introduced isMultiple and setMultiple methods. + ListModelExt and TreeModelExt are deprecated and replaced with org.zkoss.zul.ext.Sortable + GroupsModelExt is depreccated and replaced with org.zkoss.zul.ext.GroupsSortableModel + The render method of ListitemRender, RowRenderer, ComboitemRender and TreeitemRenderer has been changed: an additional argument called index was introduced. + Deprecated two methods isClose(int) and setClose(int, boolean) of org.zkoss.zul.GroupsModel. Replace with isGroupOpened(int), addOpenGroup(int) and removeOpenGroup(int) -------- ZK 5.0.12 * Features ZK-1002: Remove script carrying ZK initialization code after mounted * Bugs ZK-998: Uploading mp3 fails in 5.0.11 ZK-1011: drag and drop in mobile safari throwing exceptions ZK-922: Misaligned Grid columns with Firefox 10 ZK-1024: The row of the listbox are not aligned with the head (Firefox 11 only) ZK-979: Listbox sizable fail when set height attribute (Firefox 11.0 only) ZK-1029: Send a ajax request with webshpere portal server will cause session timeout ZK-1022: grid column disappear after sizable and setModel with frozen column ZK-1043: Still Firefox 11 (probably also 10) problems with listbox and span ZK-1058: ZK cannot support drag-and-drop for Android mobile ZK-1038: A empty listbox with long header set span doesn't work (IE only) ZK-1069: Squence issue when attaching radio and radiogroup ZK-1061: Wrong Weekday when set a specified locale on a datebox ZK-1073: Oncheck event doesn't fire when the new radio attached ZK-1079: Fileupload dialog will be masked while open it by a button in a popup ZK-1086: Undefined on datebox format "EEEE" with specific locale ZK-1092: IE 8 - Scrollbar Bug in Tree ZK-1230: Listbox with rod only removes the first list item when setItemInvalid ZK-1298: Can not set composer name with ZK-1391: When a window is invisible at first, its top (or left) attribute takes no effect even we turn the window to be visible. ZK-1400: Focus issue when Listbox in select mold after invalidate -------- ZK 5.0.11 Mar 27, 2012 * Features ZK-780: Support a non-default context path when integrating ZK with Liferay bundle with JBoss ZK-854: Allow passing additional params to custom file upload template * Bugs ZK-773: Listbox sizedByContent breaks scrolling in 5.0.10 ZK-740: missing close tag in flash.js ZK-751: Tooltiptext not working for upload button ZK-786: Caption control wrong image with toolbarbutton ZK-789: Static files defined in lang-addon.xml are served with invalid content-type ZK-770: EventQueue has extra delay if scope is SESSION ZK-752: Tooltiptext gets rendered differently in different situations ZK-804: Exception: "Failed to mount: Cannot call method 'inAccordionMold' of undefined" ZK-787: Servlets.isUniversalURL should recognise data URIs ZK-804: Grid in grid's detail with Sapphire theme text color is white ZK-822: EventQueue with Group scope throws NPE if publish without subscribe ZK-791: Listbox getSelectedItems + shift does not work in version 5.0.10 without ROD ZK-819: Disabled tabs in IE looks weird ZK-831: Spinner won't show constraint message when input value large than java Integer limits ZK-817: Cannot resize window on iframe ZK-798: The scroll position shall not goto top when call focus after invalidate() ZK-835: Paging Tree/Grid/Listbox trigger bind/unbind_ more than once in mounting ZK-763: CDI issue: Cannot locate the BeanManager for JavaEE 6 ZK-805: MenuPopup without columns label image doesn't appear OK ZK-837: ClassCastException while parsing Date when TimeZone + Custom Constraint are active ZK-842: Error message does not show up ZK-840: Error on expand of the tree item in the list ZK-824: Texbox dragging issue within the draggble container ZK-841: SessionInit cause a stack overflow ZK-845: Fileupload fail in cluster server (JBoss) ZK-851: no value update on textbox in popup ZK-812: Components.wireFellows() error when root component is not IdSpace ZK-872: Calling fireEvent method cause exeception with GroupsModel(Rod enabled) ZK-867: Can't customize master detail's style of odd row ZK-873: Inconsistent display of select all checkbox in listheader if ROD is true ZK-859: bandbox popup not aligned correctly on FF10/IE9 ZK-886: Accordion tabbox disabled issue ZK-868: The image of the file upload button broke in the liferay ZK-893: Frozen causes columns disorder ZK-908: setErrorMessage causes reset of input element value ZK-909: throwing WrongValuesException causes input field value to reset ZK-897: Calling fireEvent method cause UIexeception with GroupsModel(Rod disabled) ZK-890: hflex behave different on ie ZK-918: Combobox elements not customizable with css class ZK-929: StringFns's replace function will cause an infinite loo ZK-885: Iframe with PDF stop works in IE 8 ZK-928: Navigate the comboitems by press key will select a wrong item ZK-887: hbox's widths properties specified in Chrome is not precise ZK-925: Select mutiple Item using shift key will return wrong count in listbox (ROD enabled) ZK-926: Scrollbar stops working in listbox (IE7 only) ZK-885: Iframe with PDF stop works in IE 8 ZK-928: Navigate the comboitems by press key will select a wrong item ZK-887: hbox's widths properties specified in Chrome is not precise ZK-925: Select mutiple Item using shift key will return wrong count in listbox (ROD enabled) ZK-937: Bug and improvement to tabs dragging behaviour ZK-930: Fileupload.get fail in cluster server ZK-938: Fileupload of binaries fails with 0 content/NullInputStream ZK-941: The decimalbox with the roundingMode="UNNECESSARY" will not throw ArithmeticException when type a invalid value ZK-964: No error shown if coerceFromString_ failed and CustomConstraint was specified ZK-952: Portallayout get wrong position when using Executions.createComponents to create panels ZK-962: Portalchildren visible false problem ZK-975: Textbox with rows and mold rounded does not recognize width nor hflex ZK-980: Modal Window position="center" problem in iPad ZK-963: Update the data of the listbox with a timer and IE8 will cause javascript error ZK-989: Retrieve a wrong selectedItem when hiding the item in the listbox * Upgrade Notes + Disable ROD function when using GroupsModel -------- ZK 5.0.10 Jan 03, 2012 * Features * Bugs ZK-513: Adding objects to ListModelList causes Firefox to complain slow script ZK-531: Multi-select issue after ROD ZK-518: Selected value in combobox is right aligned in FF5+ if width is smaller than selected option ZK-528: Listcell width failed when some listheader set visible is false in IE7 only ZK-534: Mousedown in textbox drag wrong target ZK-539: Title background not full-filled in groupbox ZK-542: StandardThemeProvider/CacheableThemeProvider cannot load norm.xxx.css.dsp when using different theme ZK-546: When HTTP session is deserialized, it failed to create session-scoped bean in composer ZK-535: Missing border of listheader (classicblue, IE8 only) ZK-543: Height issue of listbox when sizedByContent is true ZK-576: Panel with vflex=1 cannot fit to the height of Portalchildren (reopen B50-3303725.zul) ZK-569: Select Item doesn't work as expected if the listitems containing non visible list items ZK-568: Combobox does not scroll to selected item ZK-592: ROD Listbox cannot select multiple items with shift + click ZK-589: Window in Hlayout the title bar is goen in IE7 ZK-591: Datebox constraint combination yyyymmdd and no empty cause javascript error in zksandbox ZK-599: Grid has no vertical scrollbar when height is set by percentage ZK-580: Wrong cursor position in draggable listitem (firefox only) ZK-508: Texts in multi-column trees are not aligned ZK-596: Toolbar in tabbox overlays tabs ZK-564: org.zkoss.zul.DefaultTreeNode$TreeNodeChildrenList is not serializable ZK-606: Put the hbox include a native component into borderlayout, the south area cannot bre open ZK-607: Place a native component in the borderlayout will cause javascript error ZK-547: SelectEvent.getSelectItems() does not return multiple selected TreeItems. ZK-587: ROD in Listbox cannot render 250,000 items (IE8, IE9) ZK-597: Tree not rendering correctly after event ZK-398: IE8 hflex="min" with grid and listbox, the column border is gone (B50-ZK-272.zul) ZK-395: Opera hflex="min" fail with listbox and tree in auxhead ZK-521: Listbox with hflex=1 too small in FF on Linux ZK-601: Grid content got wrong position after scroll to right then scroll back with frozen ZK-577: Rendering Issue using Datebox with displayedTimeZones ZK-610: FieldComparator ignores sort direction for null values ZK-620: The north calculate a wrong size when place borderlayout in the second tab (CE/PE only) ZK-623: Vbox/Hbox vflex/hflex wrong calculation ZK-598: Vflex issue with scrollable listbox ZK-548: Zk brezee dont paint all ZK-559: Render problem with chrome and ZK release 5.0.9 ZK-612: The text of the upload button is incorrect in Swedish ZK-630: Doublespinner exception with constraint ZK-629: Problem in Decimalbox when using Spanish locale from browser ZK-637: Cannot set 0 to error-code in the error-reload element ZK-631: Datebox format error message not shown with implements CustomConstraint ZK-641: Borderlayout label width inconsistent between browsers ZK-640: toolbarbutton with no label will display larger width blur box ZK-647: If double quotation mark exists in CSS style, style will not properly set ZK-664: Use a trendy button to submit a form will submit twice (IE only) ZK-660: Dynamically generated accordion tabs cannot be closed ZK-658: onChange was fired in formatted doublebox without change the value ZK-674: Tab lost if add tabpanel first in accordion mold ZK-679: Textbox multi-line start with new-line failed in onCreate event ZK-683: constraint messag not showup after lost focus ZK-685: Listbox with checkmark and droppable enabled, scrolls to top when first time checked ZK-692: The removeDesktop function does not work correctly when closing the browser tab (FF4 or above) ZK-696: Panel with height will reduce 1px height (B50-3166478.zul) ZK-676: toolbartext attribute doesn't escape HTML ZK-699: GroupModel can not running under cluster server ZK-700: vflex miscalculated height on IE9 ZK-471: Series in SimpleCategoryModel when assigned to flashchart object aren't displayed - only 1 series is possible ZK-714: listbox data is not loaded when rod is enable ZK-721: Removing TreeNode in TreeModel will cause wrong tree display in ROD ZK-724: Reset ListModel will cause an exception in ROD ZK-727: Datebox constraint failed when set custom error message for before constraint ZK-731: Unclosed BufferedReader for org.zkoss.util.Maps * Upgrade Notes + For better performance, org.zkoss.util.logging.LogService no longer monitors i3-log.conf for any check (so it won't reload if i3-log.conf is modified). -------- ZK 5.0.9 Oct 18, 2011 * Features ZK-481: Deprecate Treeitem#indexOf() API and add Treeitem#getIndex() so all components(Listitem, Comboitem, Treeitem) with index concept use the same API name ZK-500: Add a default format for NumberInputElement when the locale is specified * Bugs ZK-386: sclass is not applying when div visible false ZK-389: Exception after upgraded to zk 5.0.8 in WebSphere 5.1 ZK-402: Duplicate content rendering on redraw when using includes in grid cells ZK-409: Open the Messagebox will show a error ZK-417: Scrollbar stops working when the mouse is moved ZK-414: Screen jumps back to top when opening an item at the end of a long tree ZK-419: Accordion tabbox appendchild issue ZK-403: Set a model to combobox when opening, the dropdown will not show the items ZK-426: Onblur and readonly issue in INTBOX (IE only) ZK-427: Div Scrollbar & Drag issue ZK-428: Hlayout/Vlayout performance issue ZK-433: Labels.reset() won't clear the cache in which come from the ${labels} instance ZK-415: Tabbox selectedPanel binding not working ZK-424: jQuery ztag issue ZK-430: When timeformat is defined as HHmm, you cannot type more the 2 characters ZK-432: Hflex fail when place the listbox in the second tab of the tabbox (IE8 only) ZK-434: Set a format "a h:m:s" to the timebox cannot work correctly ZK-436: An empty iframe in IE will cause a false text ZK-435: Listbox with paging mold trigger onAfterRender event twice ZK-442: Unable to use TAB to switch focus when a menu item gains the focus (and handles the selection with keystrokes) ZK-440: Append a listitem to the listbox will cause js error (Firefox 4 above only) ZK-441: Colorbox will be hide while align right ZK-396: Opera select option and press tab will not change select item ZK-393: Can't click-and-select any tree node in modal dialog window if included in JSP ZK-394: Set hflex to Column calculate a wrong width ZK-444: componentScope.get() causes error in zul file ZK-381: Menu scrolling bug ZK-397: Opera the checkbox of the disabled listitem is broke (F30-1780792.zul) ZK-421: Selection bug in Listbox with paging ZK-388: about JSdoc issue zul.wgt.Popup.open(Widget ref, Offset offset, String position, Map opts) ZK-450: Serializable.smartWrite() shall not invoke LogManager under Google App Engine since it is not allowed ZK-456: xmlns:h="html" shall be interpreted as the XHTML namespace rather than ZUL ZK-454: Update tabbox and grid will cause js error in IE9 ZK-391: Tooltip loses "position=after_end" positioning if onOpen eventlistener added to popup ZK-410: Bug on footer labels applied to a grid ZK-460: Click the arrow of the timebox/spinner that in a listbox will trigger onChange event. ZK-465: Messagebox does not invoke the listener if ESC is pressed ZK-462: Window fire unexpected onMaximize event ZK-461: Javadoc doesn't match code for grid's setSpan method ZK-380: Issue: a non-checkable tree item is still selectable ZK-418: Weird selection on listbox if onSelect invalidates and shift+Click ZK-477: hlayout shall restore white-space to normal for its children ZK-475: bandpopup tab key works wrong ZK-473: Vflex attribute on tabpanel cannot works (fast model) ZK-482: The horizontal scrollbar of Listbox won't be sync when after sort ZK-485: setVisible(false) of listitem is not work if the height of listbox is specified ZK-489: The layout of the vflex min is wrong when Listbox with rows without listhead ZK-480: Add a draggable item to tree will cause js error ZK-483: hflex=min causes unexpected word wrapping (IE9 only) ZK-452: hflex in grid failed in IE 9 only ZK-467: hflex in Listbox failed in IE 9 only ZK-478: Imagemap and hflex="min" does not work ZK-490: Replace Model the display data is not up to date when Grid in ROD ZK-498: Dynamic Tree demo is broken ZK-509: contents data missing with ROD and Listboxes without model ZK-507: grid sort failed with paging mold -------- Aug 31, 2011 ZK 5.0.8 * Features 3287044: decimalbox/intbox/longbox/doublebox/doublespiner/spinner allows users to specify locale 3309539: Timebox and Datebox support different language for different locale ZK-214: Add a databinding composer instead of initiator 3316591: Allow user to specify error-box position 3326788: A way to name the composer GenericAutowireComposer 3310927: ZK JasperReport support JasperReports 4 ZK-250: Support to generate CSS directly without using a component ZK-274: A way to prevent the developers from using zscript 3355806: Feature Update: custom-attributes shall be allowed to specify page's attrs (without specifying the scope attribute explicity) 2971889: Way to notify server of JS error 3306718: Treeitem allows draggable/droppable (in addion to treerow) 3315689: Optimize the HtmlMacroComponent 3323594: Render on Demand for Grid and Listbox supports setInitSize 3327013: A way to log message to the client 3307322: Control Keys support backspace 3326111: A way to specify fileSizeThreshold for fileupload in zk.xml ZK-287: The event instance shall be passed to the callback event listener of EventQueue ZK-248: System-level initiator is applied to richlet too ZK-310: Support Clients.resize(wgt) to force the client to re-calculate the size, such as hflex/vflex ZK-230: org.zkoss.zkplus.embed.Renders provides an option to control whether to generate addtion DOM element for the page ZK-240: Optimize the memory footprint of Cell/Listcell/Treecell ZK-219: Update zk.Event documentation ZK-295: Animation effect of Borderlayout can be configured ZK-78: A better Hungarian message file ZK-348: iZUML shall use #{} instead of ${} so it is easy to use in a ZUML or JSP page ZK-377: Upgrade jython to 2.5.2 * Bugs 3301375: native component in vbox stretch align show javascript error 3303684: Panel sizable has incorrect moving constraint 3301517: Double spinner show 0.000000000001 3304408: Listbox[mold=select], onChange event not fired in IE6 2973303: listbox mold select and selectedIndex -1 3306079: Spinner/Doublespinner has unnecessary methods 3002530: glitches with autopaging and renderdefer 3306824: NullPointer when combobox's model has null 3304877: Upload fail when the component with autodisable 3308335: Fail to dynamically change the roundingMode for subclass... 3309174: Remove items from the model of a non-rod grid cause error 3309256: Datebox and Timebox with long format will display wrong 3306149: Cannot remove the latest element in grid model (grid in rod) 3309632: Upload may incorrectly terminate 3307255: Panel in Portallayout missing top and bottom in IE7 3310470: Columnlayout does not work with vflex 3310055: Timebox issue with daylight saving timezone 3309583: Auxheader HTML Error 3315594: Vflex fail with a window contain a listbox with rows 3317170: Datebox without rod render a incorrect dom (FF3.6 only) 3322903: onTimer may cancel onClick request 3322892: emptyMessage fail when Grid has height 3309557: Rod render the empty content with listbox 3322909: emptyMessage fail when Listbox has height 3322970: Listhead checkmark state is not synchronized 3310020: init(SCfg) of DhtmlLayoutS. breaks contract of GenericSrvlet 3307376: The datebox shall fire onError after the error is cleared. 3322795: double spinner weird action 3322816: Doublespinner cannot accept empty value 3306850: doublespinner has weird actions 3303770: WrongValueException in Grid with paging mold 3314014: Separator bar not showing in IE6 3315668: doModal Window sometimes can't close with a cluster weblogic 3340252: Set vflex to cell in Vbox cause js error 3336745: getBoundingClientRect cause error on IE/FF 3323593: Timebox with long format shows meanless "z" 3314513: Datebox validate fail with different locale 3317729: Textbox with hflex="1" shall occupied column's width (IE) 3312936: Panel vflex issue (IE6/7) 3309193: Chrome returns wrong margin value on InputElement 3310406: ztag selector throws error when mounting 3339315: Mesh Element with hflex min causes zero width 3316035: Grid with sizedByContent and hflex:min display wrong 3345636: Chrome, Set hflex="1" to Datebox do not align with Textbox 3309975: Textbox in a draggable component get selection while focus 3310017: The textbox's cursor position cannot be changed 3313028: Grid hflex fail while the label in a div with FF4 3330762: DoubleSpinner's ClassCastException on value get 3348943: ZK JPA cause Exception 3316030: Column with hflex:min, but it is not real displayed as min 3325041: doublespinner can't type in floating number 3316543: Only load the first property file 3304954: HoverImage doesn't show up in menus 3340841: Listitem doesn't show selection if disabled 3316665: setVflex to Window calculate a wrong height 3306729: vflex of listbox not work well on IE6 3310051: Listbox with hflex cannot shorten its width on IE6 3301498: Alignment of rows and header broken 3357475: Grid with hflex min should imply default header hflex 3303877: IE6 only, vflex fail with tabbox 3305038: Fileupload.get() cause javascript error 3353121: Grid in Tabbox vflex issue, IE7 only 3303872: IE8 only, tabpanel disappear after hide then show 3303874: IE7 only, the scroll bar do not appear in the tabpanel 3306835: can not drag image into listbox on IE9 3343388: Set hflex="min" to Groupbox fail 3353521: Window render Caption in a wrong place 3357573: child in the groupbox cannot resize correctly 3345912: IE6 only, use Cell in Grid,it appears a strange line 3356022: borderlayout and tabpanel bug 3355680: hflex fail in combobox while select options 3304968: IE9 only, tab will be hide after open then close 3362731: IE Rod, use mouse wheel scrol down to end cause js error 3309122: ROD issue when use oncreate 3317743: Listbox checkmarks don't work as expected in paging mold 3365535: Groupbox default mold hflex min may have wrong size 3300935: (ipad)Tooltip shall not appear while taps on a component 3314143: Treeitem in a close dot tree does not render correctly 3306281: onClick in Flash with IE not working 3343001: IE6 7 only, Tree will not increase height when open treeitem 3352909: Listbox ROD will not render item in a correct position 3354086: Model attribute will not accept a ListModel 3343077: IE only, column of Grid and Tree do not sync with scroll bar 3316103: InaccessibleWidgetBlockService wrongly blocks Combobox 3357641: listbox scroll bar position issue if ROD is true 3358505: ZK EE with native failed to invalidate (JS error) 3327522: Visible property for borderlayout panels (west, east, etc) 3337441: Firefox Listbox Multiselect 3363687: Window onCreate fired twice for Execution#sendRedirect() ZK-210: Style Tag Ignored in IE6/7/8 ZK-223: Fine tune ZKThemes and sandbox ZK-200: Outside Window border disappear when defer including ZK-215: Combobox options width failed in IE ZK-56: setSelectedIndex not scroll the selectedItem ZK-232: Server push fail in cluster environment ZK-159: Hflex fail with nest container ZK-182: Header of grid scroll fail after remove the Frozen ZK-163: The Flashchart didn't compatible with jre / jdk 1.4.x ZK-195: Tree with vflex causes wrong wd in another tree w/ scrollbar ZK-171: Listbox/Grid columns hflex="1" not correct with hflex="min" ZK-206: Set Hflex="min" to listheader fail, FF5 IE6,7 ZK-198: Splitter issue with double Borderlayout ZK-190: Change style of div in border layout cause error of style ZK-236: Borderlayout North/South failed to concern caption height ZK-238: Grid with frozen, scrolled then delete frozen, some columns is hidden ZK-221: problem with events in firefox 4.x and up ZK-241: Hflex fail with grid in grid case ZK-244: window cannot maximize when caption changed ZK-239: vlayout inner padding issue ZK-261: Panelchildren fail to serialize in Panel ZK-242: Set postion to window fail with Firefox ZK-267: DelegatingVariableResolver cannot be serialize ZK-266: Sort call to model not receiving the right parameters ZK-269: If listbox with an empty content, the head's size in Opera is wrong ZK-281: Hlayout.setSpacing with null or an empty string shall mean auto ZK-259: Using custom paging component in grid when autopaging is used ZK-275: Window render Caption in a wrong place ZK-286: Vlayout shall not appear horizontal scroll bar (hflex) ZK-294: < not shown up if it is enclosed in a ZHTML component ZK-272: Place component in auxheader is not align with headers' ZK-299: Detail component should not initial the width (18px) by default, if the theme is not in classic-blue ZK-297: Combox's onSelect will keep to fire when invalidate the component ZK-300: Paging mold with listbox cannot change its mold by configuration ZK-282: Menuitem with popup is not always worked on IE6 only ZK-298: vertical tabbox height is not correct ZK-301: Invalidate Borderlayout while west opening cause javascript error ZK-306: DefaultTreeModel does not properly synchronize deselection state ZK-307: Center fires redudant onSize if borderlayout's isFlex() is true ZK-313: Strange behavior of ProgressMeter's setValue ZK-58: Desktop.setBookmark does not allow ? character ZK-323: Inplace input element may fail when set button visible dynamically ZK-343: Frozen column added to Listbox with paging causes problem ZK-326: Panelchildren's vflex fail in a model window on IE6 ZK-338: Timebox cannot auto-change the hour by pressing the arrow icon in zh_TW locale (IE and Webkit only) ZK-332: Set disabled to treeitem shall not disable open function ZK-337: Disabled Button should not appear pointer cursor ZK-355: Listbox's scrollbar position is not currect after invalidate() (zk max only) ZK-353: Listbox with listgroup's scrollbar position is not currect after invalidate() ZK-352: hflex/vflex wrong calculation with negative leftover size ZK-349: Listbox with sizedByContent and hflex="min", the header's size is wrong ZK-361: Fulfill with include component causes Javascript error ZK-363: Opera only: if the upload button is placed after a label, it won't be clicked ZK-322: Fronzen column glitch on dinamically generated grids ZK-369: window resize when scrolling listbox contents ZK-368: Header component can not listen mouseout ZK-371: Selecting a tab containing a tree with hflex=min failed to display correctly ZK-373: Listbox/Grid in ROD fail to reset model when scrolling in middle of the list ZK-372: breeze.jar Manifest Classpath issue ZK-385: window return to old position after move and resize if not embedded ZK-384: Right-clicking a selected item shall not make the other being deselected * Upgrade Notes + Listbox in the select mold will show up an empty selection if none of listitems are selected (in the prior version, the first item will be shown though it is not selected - Bug 2973303) + To make API consistent, Hlayout and Vlayout's setSpacing() will consider null and empty ("") as "auto" rather than the default spacing (i.e., "0.3em") + org.zkoss.zhtml.Text will encode the text by default. If it is not the case you want, please specify encode="fasle" to disable it. + Listheader's selectAll checkmark will disable when Listbox in ROD mode. Here is the feature tracker - http://tracker.zkoss.org/browse/ZK-220 + If enable the autopaging function of Tree, Listbox, and Grid, the height of each row will be applied the following CSS by default. If you want to change the height, please overwrite the CSS rule as your preference. .z-grid-autopaging .z-row-cnt { height: 30px; overflow: hidden; } .z-listbox-autopaging .z-listcell-cnt { height: 30px; overflow: hidden; } .z-tree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt, .z-dottree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt, .z-filetree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt, .z-vfiletree-autopaging .z-treecell-cnt { height: 30px; overflow: hidden; } + iDOM is simplified and the concept of readonly and modification is removed. + The id-to-uuid-prefix configuration is removed + Add org.zkoss.zkplus.cluster.ClusterSessionPatch listener to zk.xml enforcing GAE to write session states for each Ajax request -------- ZK May 19, 2011 * Bugs 3301353: Unneeded vert-scrollbar when using Portallayout 3303725: Wrong Panel size in Portallayout 3301374: datebox onChange event not fired 3303681: tabbox with wrong height -------- ZK 5.0.7 May 11, 2011 * Features 3263584: Support drag and drop with ipad 3256604: Support double click event with ipad 3202692: Support more EL utilties: toUpperCase, toLowerCase... 3243015: Easier way to access I18N labels in EL 3252169: Easier way to specify multiple properties files for i18n labels 3287163: Allow user to pick up format regardless the locale 3290020: Datebox/timebox allows user to specify locale 3215020: Speed up Labels.getLabel, c:l(), by not to synchronize 3226332: Timebox supports selection all and delete 3259969: Support system-level initiator 3278536: Include shall allow the included page to be rendered later 3239819: AbstractComponent's constructor applies custom attributes defined in lang.xml 3163700: Client: zk.getVersion() shall handle sub-packages 3185445: Tree Sorting Enhancement - keep collapsed/selected state 3195870: Listbox and others shall sort model based on current state 3196789: Listbox supports Listgroup selection 3285074: Add no-cache for the zkau request for security concern 3285723: Throws an exception when creates too much duplicated uuid 2520010: new 'emptyMessage' attribute for Grid/Listbox 3287024: Able to load extra zk.xml specified in a library property 3290172: A plugin to generate custom properties for particular widget 3290092: Allow SEORenderer to be a application-level listener 3291332: adding unload desktop support for Chrome/Safari 3294710: Log not-serializable and ignored objects 3294843: Disable update-by-client by default and an option to enable 3297288: A way to post an event to a speicif component; not getTarget 3298165: Allow multiple lang.xml or lang-addon.xml in a jar file 3299209: Menuitem support autodisable 3299234: A way to get the list of data from onBindingValidate evt 3299344: A way to get associated bean of a Binding 3299827: Support Mac listbox multiple selection * Bugs 3286462: native component cause issue in fulfill 3178977: Frozen Grid cannot navigating to the textbox in hiddin col 3199288: IE memory leaks when reload ZK page (JQuery.ajax() issue) 3190987: Dyanmic tab,tabpanel are disorder 3214829: c:l() causes ConcurrentModificationException if registered dynamically 3203966: Flash.setSrc not working 3215556: Close miximal panel will cause js error with IE8 3201804: ZK CE only. Paging not working when Listbox selected 3218078: Frozen fail after change paging size 3196813: Give Spinner a Constraint will cause ZK client error 3214754: Problem of constraint 3219005: Problem when remove data from model of grid(CE&PE only) 3242925: Splitter become smaller after drag with IE8 3255116: Hflex with min and number, the hor. scrollbar is redundant 3251279: zk.ajaxURI not respecting ignoreSession 3247017: SSL/IE6 iframe combination produces warnings 3259479: Cannot retrieve the forEach element in zscript 3259998: Close the tab cause js error 3261959: Tree with hflex=min won't appear the hor. scrollbar 3201748: Data-Binding and non-existing Map keys 3210356: DateFormat.getTimeInstance cause Timebox error 3275778: AMedia: java.io.NotSerializableException: FileInputStream 3278524: Included HTML page might fail to call zk.afterMount 3283943: Row#getGroup() inconsistent between server and client 3283951: Select item in multiSel tree via API can't retrieve selitem 3284149: Click timebox in a readonly datebox will increase time 3284216: Upgrade the version of chart.swf for Security risk 3285023: Frozen.getStrat() should be getStart() 3285594: InaccessibleWidgetBlockService shall block updates of readonly components 3285153: Column resize ghost bar does not appear in model window 3285158: Columns with sizable and menupopup has confusing dragging 3245960: Textarea content should not be interpret as span 3284976: Longbox parsing is to lenient 3287633: Label hflex property with min set 3205292: Vflex does not work in Groupbox with default mold 3210336: Vflex on panel is not working with portallayout 3212613: Problem with live data and frozen 3280506: Listbox issue on ZK5 3263841: Timer constructor allows negative delay time 3288904: Date failed to convert when year value is too large 3251564: Position of constraint message (error box) 3285635: Style issue on slider in vertical 3289412: Vertical slider set height not work 3285610: Inplace editor doesn't remove the border when focus out 3222965: java.io.NotSerializableException: org.zkoss.io.RepeatableFileInputStream 3185686: hflex does not take vertical scrollbar width into account 3288779: Column cannot set a new sort rule 3290873: Checkbox didn't show up focus effect when label is empty 3291272: Cloning Grid/Listbox/Tree in paging mold 3290858: combobox with autodrop and setModel in onChanging 3236331: Flex issues in Vlayout/Hlayout 3212409: Some issues on zul.xsd 3284663: Radio always sends onCheck event 3192194: Combobox does't propagate selection to Selectable Models 3287366: Databinding Grid inside a Row template doesn't work 3183438: Access to bean shall be consistent 3204554: doublespinner and italian locale 3292544: Can't type "." into Doublespinner 3196910: Cell in grid group doesn't display a expected look 3201879: window.doModal opens a non-functioning popup 3290321: Listboxheader jumps on sort when horizontal scrolled 3292606: ZHTML Textarea onChange not work (an extra onchange fired) 3291371: Listbox scroll to top when page changes 3195768: showCustomError is called twice 3285148: Vertical scroll bar wrongly appears with autopaging 3285142: Drag fails to clear up ghost when widget is detached 3276814: Trendy button onClick not fired on specific area 3226830: zul Window dohighlight failed with IE7 simulate meta 3293422: Window sizable has incorrect moving constraint 3284144: The databox format parse a wrong result with hh:mm:ss 3285714: Grid in ROD shall fall back when not using model 3287082: Bandbox will recieve onChanging event when edit page number 3292545: InputElement in rounded mold doesn't support the width 3293492: doublespinner rounded mold not support width 3204965: onChangePageSize is not fired in autopaging scenario 3244126: Horizontal scrollbar malfunction with Grid on IE 3201762: Borderlayout flex has issue with listbox hflex in IE 6 3280125: Frozen grid has horizontal scroll bar with IE 3293724: treeitem.setVisible() not work normally 3291394: Menu text overlapped by split line 3196064: Clients.ScrollIntoView in FF2 error 3242714: tag causes entire browser to hang 3218576: Panel#addToolBar() may result in wrong position 3296056: Tablelayout with hflex won't resize its width after resizing 3296607: Datebox do not show the error 3263436: DesktopRecycle works in zk 5.0.4 but not in 5.0.6 3297378: autodisable shall not enable a button that was originally disabled 3298164: vflex issue in nested container 3297864: type ",01" doesn't got "0,01" (de locale) 3297287: fileupload issue if the properties used without in order 3297746: opera bug for listbox rendering 3215657: Upload button not working in Opera * Upgrade Notes + The default format of datebox and timebox becomes an empty string. To retrieve the real format, please use Datebox/Timebox's getRealFomrat() instead. + zk.Widget.smartUpdate() is disabled by default. If your client-side application depends on it, you have to turn on an attribute of the component called org.zkoss.zk.ui.updateByClient. If your component depends on it, you have to override AbstractComponent.updateByClient to handle it explicitly (please refer to JavaDoc API) -------- ZK 5.0.6 February 24, 2011 * Features 3143403: A way to customize the effect of showing/hiding a widget 3175503: A way to specify the application's name in zk.xml 3138362: Add a Doublespinner comopnent to support double value 3159644: Message translated to Slovak. Thank Ondrej Jombik for his contribution 3148425: GroupsModelArray shall handle tabular data better 3166334: Provide a way to intercept document-level key events 2957665: Round mold for Textbox, Decimalbox, Intbox, Longbox and Doublebox 3105037: Show the locale format in error messages 3148523: Simplify TreeModel (to be the same as Swing's TreeModel) 3152268: TreeModel: provide an implementation that is mutable 3169396: Tree supports sorting 3115054: A way not to use Thread for Event Queue+Server Push 3116100: Progressmeter has animation effect 3118161: When desktop destroyed, better to force cleanup if timeout 3139008: Add Vietnamese language 3158054: Optimize UiVisualizer for hug number of updates 3161425: Panel's border and framable shall be merged into one 2866506: Data Binding shall support GroupsModel with Listbox/Grid 3175481: A way to ignore the wiring of zscript and xel globally 3166312: A way to know detail of a long exec blocking others 3175487: Datebox should fire onChange when select date via Calendar 3177275: Listheader should override hflex when sized by end user 3179707: Support hflex="min" + span 3184415: Grid/Listbox/Tree shall allow to span a specific column 3186996: Listbox/tree's nonselectableTags supports "*" to disable all 3187996: A way to generate custom SEO content * Bugs 3102812: Using databinding with onCreate event, target is null 3109358: Recycle uuid causes image's URI caching in browser 3117370: Tree ROD fail 3117384: renderdefer fails in tree on IE and Chrome 3122159: onChange shall fire immediately for datebox if select a date 3131983: EL's param shall not Map if zscript used 3131173: Tree checkmark/multiple issue 3131458: The column setSortDirection fail with breeze theme 3134159: Progressmeter animation error 3136243: Bug within JQuery 1.4.3, please upgrade to 1.4.4 3136453: H/Vlayout inheritance 3136963: doAfterCompose invoke twice when the zul include by setSrc 3142509: SelectedIndex fails when listbox(select) contain listhead 3142583: include dynamic property doesn't work 3132167: In IE6, hflex="min" miscalculate the combobox's width 3141549: Hlayout not handle hflex well (onSize not fired if empty) 3109311: listbox sizedByContent cause javascript 3106676: Datebox allows selection of past days when no empty, no past 3126388: Flahschart could not work with type stackcolumn 3141610: Unavailable to change Menubar scrolling 3118324: Possible bug in Grid with Frozen + Footer + horizontal scroll 3150160: listheader hflex="min" give 0 column width 3118444: IE 6 Menu popup have wired point 3152311: The between constraint of datebox cause infinite loop 3154189: The file upload cause NoSuchMethodError with JDK 1.4 3153941: Decimalbox didn't compatible with jre / jdk 1.4.x 3154168: Doublespinner didn't compatible with jre / jdk 1.4.x 3156026: H/Vlayout sync size busy 3159604: The font of the button in the caption become smaller 3160695: The x/y Axis label of GanttChart was in wrong position 3152754: Include#setVisible() has issue with invalidate() 3162238: Include fails when set source to null dynamically 3151694: decimalbox input 25- cause exception 3164504: Hflex will not recalculate when the colum without label 3164514: Jasperreport does not close JDBC connection after doReport() 3158641: Implementing IdSpace not enough; Client-side shall handle it 3085855: Children of Treeitem shown when Treeitem is not visible 3132161: Datebox getValue returning date+time 3165081: Splitter as first or last child fails when dragged 3155985: timer doesn't stop and restart 3147518: Memory leak with IE 7 and dynamic Grid Updates 3109926: Splitter javascript error in IE8 3147909: Listbox of select mold fails inside draggable component (Webkit) 3165056: Textbox in popup didn't trigger onblur with Firefox 3.6.x 3165646: Right-click shouldn't deselect the one that is selected 3161667: Doublebox formatting/rounding bug for near-zero value 3165164: onSelect event is not fired when a tab is closed 3132199: use hflex="min" in hlayout and div, cause wrong UI 3105728: Incorrect Datebox formatting with no year input 3105860: Portallayout fails to set Panel's ZIndex on 2nd maximization 3166404: The hidden column in a frozen grid will appear 3166399: Crawlable feature isn't working when the cnt is in include 3165195: Strange dotted line on Menuitem 3166478: Portallayout maximize panel, panel behind will sticking out 3157031: V/Hlayout with h/vflex calculate wrong value 3081580: Toolbarbutton with upload and disabled not work 3166875: Failed to invalidate an included page 3166909: Javascript error if put a listhead inside a listbox(select) 3162596: mesg.TRY_AGAIN not translated in zk.jar 3167027: Cannot append a treerow in a treeitem 3141977: Navigating paging grid with native elem in it causes error (EE only) 3159848: Closing error box does not update InputElement value (ZK 5 part) 3168509: Datebox sets wrong date when going from 12/31 to 1/1 next yr 3106514: sizedByContent with not visible columns 3166874: Clicking on Toolbarbutton in Caption does not blur textbox 3147199: ZUL schema not allow tablelayout used in div 3107026: Button can't be clicked if locale is TR in IE8 3512678: Panel does not resize when its Toolbar toggles visibility 3169411: Cannot show custom error message in Spinner 3172791: trendy button don't pick up style 3172785: None-embedded window shall not affect flex size of its parent component 3166485: Height of listbox sync error 3175558: Use zkplus JpaUtil can not close default EntityManger 3170417: Paging in Tree is broken 3176990: Liferay fail to work because wrong zk.wpd url link 3147926: Auto-fitting bug 3177013: Grid fail shrink/expand, sizedByContent="true", span="true" 3175465: Paging tree doesn't render the close node 3176345: Splitter's icon doesn't work for mouse-over style on IE6/7/8 3177128: Chrome Only. Incorrect scrollbar size 3115825: toolbarbutton onClick not fired using 5.0.5 with Liferay 3176297: Row's mouse-over style keeps changing in IE6/8 3177265: listbox/grid hflex="min" does not work 3161535: grid column align doesn't work with breeze theme in IE 7 3178065: Menuitem onClick is incorrectly blocked in zkmax 3178359: Combobox's popup is positioned wrong in vertical tabbox 3147382: confirmClose message under timeout scenario 3180189: Sizing on Listbox/Grid with hflex="min" causes expanding 3094720: Last child of Hlayout/Vlayout should have no right/bottom padding 3180824: Listbox, mold="select", multiple rows 3181881: Listbox/Grid sizedByContent="true" cannot resize column 3182114: Listbox/Grid columns hflex="1" not correct with hflex="min" 2987511: Class extends Map can miss calling Getters in DataBinding 3183172: hflex="min" on Grid/Listbox/Tree cause js error 3183182: Inconsistent behavior on Grid/Listbox/Tree with hflex="min" 3183228: Grid/Listbox/Tree has wrong sizing when header sizable=true 3183691: Send response to client cannot found the widget 3184673: Separator in Hlayout on IE6 looks strange 3184756: A window with a scroll menubar render a wrong sibling 3185508: Internal event listener of tree/grid/... not seralized 3187231: include is not work when using '~.' & defer without params 3184369: Hflex doesn't work with native html table on IE 8 1968615: Data binding problem in listfooter inside a nested listbox 3189142: Combobox popup width is wrong. IE7 only 3189758: Date constraint parsing gives wrong result with end of today 3190542: ClassCastException in un-maximize of panel * Upgrade Notes + Panel's border supports none, normal, rounded and rounded+, and framable is deprecated. For more info: http://books.zkoss.org/wiki/ZK_Component_Reference/Containers/Panel#Border + org.zkoss.zul.TreeModel is simplified: getPath is removed and getIndexOfChild is added (the same as javax.swing.tree.TreeModel). Notice it is backward compatible if you don't re-compile, or extend from AbstractTreeModel + org.zkoss.zul.Tree's getTreeitemRenderer and setTreeitemRender are deprecated and replaced with getItemRenderer and setItemRenderer (so the naming is consistent with Listbox and others) -------- ZK 5.0.5 November 02, 2010 * Features 3017896: A way to specify whether clicking input will select listitem 3081432: An option clicking on listitem with checkmark will toggle 3085801: A way to specify vertical alignment for hlayout 3097933: A way to customize the timeout message 3101960: A way to compose a macro component before setting property 3067232: A way to access components in 3rd framework (e.g. JSF 2) 3087902: Make a ZUL page generating as a HTML fragment 3061671: Databinding foreach keep cloned cmp's id when in spaceowner 3061676: Autodrop menubar shall be closed automatically when move out 3076418: XmlMacroComponent supports autowire 3077084: Able to specify the last word identify a component namespace 3081910: AnnotateDataBinderInit add "loadOnSave" config attribute 3085654: LabelLocator allows to return InputStream instead of URL 3091085: Upgrade to jQuery 1.4.3 3091086: The A component shall allow children 3091764: Able to prevent users enter the grouping character 3092641: Listbox/Tree support whether to toggle selection or not when right click on item 3094640: A way to specify page's widget class (in the page directive) 3095460: Listbox/Grid support span attribute, extend column width when there are available extra space 3096119: Smart-update supports the Date object 3096990: The mold attrs of the window shall be public 3097894: EL supports more instantiation functions, e.g., new1, new2 3098249: Component not updated after onClick * Bugs 3057902: zk bug for window showbusy 3061764: Opera only. Cannot sizing a column with width 3061765: Unexpected horizontal scrollbar when sizing listheader 3064997: Listen onPiggyback event threw NoSuchElementException 3074492: Slider default curpos not work 3076840: DHtmlUpdateServlet's init mishandles processor params 3076384: ComponentNotFoundException by closing AMedia 3079449: sendRedirect called in Initiator causes NPE (ZK EE 5.0.4) 3079480: Child popup not removed if its parent removed 3079879: datebox and colorbox shall close popup when detached 3079636: onHide should be fired before the widget hidden 3079363: Opening a treeitem whose parent is closed shows children 3079346: Textbox setType not workin in IE 3080682: Calendar shall not gain focus by default 3079203: datebox not open when specified open=true 3078523: 3D Caption in Groupbox never show on right end 3077878: buttons in grid, setDisabled problem with autodisabled 3078580: Filename of Filedownload.save() shall not be encoded 3077716: Failed to set spillter close if collapse=after 3074253: Drag and Drop nested components incorrect in Chrome 3073531: portallayout.getPosition() don't work if dragged in same column 3058028: Combobox need two keypress of in IE 3059019: Datebox bug with format "Day in week" (EEEE) 3059251: Datebox- value is not updated on server if time changed 3081315: Fire onClose event shall not select next tab automatically 3059280: Dateboxin Listbox- Unable to change month in calendar popup 3065040: the return value is alway False in ListModelList.remove() 3067998: save-when crash with WrongValuesException 3071275: onChanging different in IE and Firefox with Bandbox 3081372: Load on demand not load 3066507: Panel in portallayout maxmize button style not change back 3071613: problem with decimalbox' format and rounding mode 3073199: Grid sorting with "auto" breaks with hidden rows 3082093: Paging settle error when modify the grid content 3083980: Components.wireVariables() causes an exception if mode defined 3077791: panelSpacing in tabbox has error (breeze only) 3085744: readonly+inplace datebox not become inplace if select day 3086343: JavaScript error stub unknown if moved 3086348: Tooltip doesn't display when listitems use same tooltip 3086333: typo in setCmargins in LayoutRegion.java 3086352: audio autostart="false" not work 3086840: JSP including a ZUL with native html will disappear 3087139: listbox mold="select" has js error if contains textbox 3087219: checkmark="true" in listbox, has extra icon 3087097: has no effect 3086452: open="false" in splitter behavior not consistent 3078476: Groupbox cursor problem 3067572: Cannot fire Group children's on click event in breeze 3060550: setDisabled(boolean) doesn't apply inmediatly 3087421: autodisable doesn't work for toolbarbutton 3087949: Crawlable doesn't work with listbox 3085854: maxlength in listheader has no effect 3087270: maxlength in treecol has no effect 3089492: Sets a width to the tabs before setParent cause error 3089641: use HtmlNativeComponent with zkmax cause UI error 3088034: datebox string convert error (shall show error message) 3089502: setScale in decimalbox not working 3090979: typo (_quality="hight") in Flash.java 3091160: WrongValueException not handled if thrown in onCreate listener 3091045: Non integer Page number in paging mold="os" 3091153: selectAll(), clearSelection() in Tree 3091949: Calendar/Combobox above pdf not display popup correctly 3093594: Decimalbox does not respect current Locales if no format 3094118: Tree.onTreeDataChange does not update the tree correctly 3094686: border in image not work 3092890: Rows.invalidate does not respect frozen state 3096210: Listbox/Grid rod show blank view in special scroll pattern 3096342: onChange not fired if change time in timebox (of popup) 3095469: tree should resize header while scrollbar appear 3095549: rod in tree make add child not work 3095453: tree can't expand if model is set in button onClick 3097181: Colorbox in menu, doesn't work with menubar autodrop="true" 3097199: Combobox strict constraint not using custom message 3098096: The comboitem cannot be selected with iphone safari 3097458: Right click on Tree and also Listbox in IE8 3099277: Listbox : value of Listitem with space 3100455: Something wrong at frozen grid when updating live data 3101558: Spinner default width not work in bounded parents at IE 6 * Upgrade Notes + org.zkoss.zul.ArrayGroupsModel is deprecated and renamed to GroupsModelArray (such that the naming is consistent with ListModel's implementations) + zul.inp.Timebox is renamed to zul.db.Timebox (JavaScript) + For listbox and tree, if checkmark is enabled, clicking an item will toggle the selection rather than deselect all others. If you want to deselect all others (as 5.0.4 or ealier did), please specify true to library properties called org.zkoss.zul.listbox.checkmarkDeselectOthers and org.zkoss.zul.tree.checkmarkDeselectOthers + Autowire ignores the fields and methods declared in any class belong to org.zkoss.zul and org.zkoss.zhtml, because it is error-proning. However, if you want to wire them as 5.0.4 did, you could specify the library property called org.zkoss.zk.ui.wire.zul.enabled with true. + South and north's collapsed margins are changed from [5, 5, 5, 5] to [3, 0, 0, 3] + The DOM structure of the pagging component's os mold has been modified, if you ever customized it, you might have to add the following CSS into your customization: div.z-paging-os-cnt-l, div.z-paging-os-cnt-r, div.z-paging-os-cnt-m, div.z-paging-os-cnt-seld-l, div.z-paging-os-cnt-seld-r, div.z-paging-os-cnt-seld-m, div.z-paging-os-cnt-l-over { display: inline-block; *display: inline; zoom: 1; } .z-paging-os a.z-paging-os-cnt { margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px; } + Rename caption.css to caption.css.dsp + Rename tablelayout.css to tablelayout.css.dsp -------- ZK 5.0.4 August 31, 2010 * Features 3026623: Able to communicate among iframes without server push 3040368: Provide a simple horizontal/vertical layout 3031544: Allow to specify a shortcut instead of full namespace 3046952: Clients.echoEvent supports any kind of object 3041822: A way to minimize memory by not maintaining state at server 3030392: Minimized the memory print of AbstractComponent and HtmlBasedComponent 3030481: Combobox support Selectable (used with ListModel) 3048583: Allow radiogroup not ancestor of radio so it can be anywhere 3049306: A way to control the position of a modal window by left/top 3034530: The footer of components supports content alignment 3047459: Include old value in InputEvent 3038615: Include data of old width in ColSizeEvent 3027193: Add CSS, z-drag-ghost, to the ghosting when dragging 3025422: The listbox in a container support fixed header 3026221: Databinder shall fire onCreate when cloning each items 3025279: Client: Able to listen the Ajax error 3035171: (in lang.xml) shall support EL 3032033: A way to customize the data format of AU requests 3027238: A way to customize the resource loader of PageDefinitions 3025419: The fixed header in listbox without width has correct size 3029931: Post onAfterRender after onInitRender/onInitRenderLater 3042290: Provide utility to make component complaint with JSF easily 3038128: Allow all system-config (eg, engine-class) in zk/config.xml 3028270: Slider support for clicking to increment or decrement 1860341: Button support type="submit" 2990932: Allow disable load-on-save mechanism in databinder 3024156: Make Spring DelegatingVariableResolver execution-independent 3050359: A way to merge serveral Javascript packages into the zk package 2142143: Support for Value property in checkbox 3051362: A way to specify system-wide variable resolver 3052723: Avoid unnecessary onScrollPos from being fired 3052761: Calendar supports moving to next/prev mon by mouse scrolling 3052857: Provide a utile class for ListModel to support ListSubModel 3057903: Slider setPageIncrement shall be supported 3040358: Create an option to turn off Combobox/Bandbox animation * Bugs 3023619: inline macro might cause nRoot to become a negative number 3025339: incorrect implementation in Timebox and Spinner widget 3026819: InputElement.setTabindex(-1) doesn't work 3027158: The checkbox set focus dosen't work 3029341: Click at "a" comp in the listbox will trigger select event 3027322: draggable & sizeable conflicts 3024208: Datebox rounded mold has error in image 3030342: setModel to Listbox fail when onCreate and turn ROD on 3031526: Focus-look incorrect if window changes overlapped/embed 3033334: Reset listbox'smodel cause ClassCastException if UUID recycled 3031562: hbox, vbox layout has error in ZK5.0.4 3033010: Listbox with hflex listheader can expand but can not shrink 3033016: Extra empty row when shrink fixed width Listbox 3034505: A listbox in poup, open it first-time, the position is wrong 3035079: Dom elem doesn't exist when parent do appendChild and rerender 3034771: