//script that helps you generate a title screen panorama //tap on ground to start rotating - will stay on each rotation for 5 seconds //for best results patch fovtest.mod and tinyrender.mod immediately after you start panohelper var imageName = 0; var yaws = [0, 90, 180, 270, 0, 0]; var pitches = [0, 0, 0, 0, -90, 90]; var countdown = -2; var isCountingDown = false; function useItem(x, y, z, itemId, blockId, side) { countdown = 100; isCountingDown = true; preventDefault(); } function modTick() { if (!isCountingDown) return; if (countdown == 0) { var currentImage = imageName; setRot(getPlayerEnt(), yaws[currentImage], pitches[currentImage]); imageName = (imageName + 1) % 6; countdown = 100; //5 seconds between pictures } else { countdown --; } }