/**! * @author @copyright zhangxinxu(.com) * @since 2014-09-26 * @description mobilebone.js(v2.8.1) - bone of switch for mobile web app - https://github.com/zhangxinxu/mobilebone * @license MIT **/ (function(root, factory) { if (document.MBLOADED) { root.console && console.warn("Don\'t repeat load Mobilebone!"); return; } // Set up Mobilebone appropriately for the environment. if (typeof define === "function" && (define.amd || define.cmd)) { define("mobilebone", function(exports) { return factory(root, exports); }); } else if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ) { module.exports = factory(root, {}); } else { // Finally, as a browser global. root.Mobilebone = factory(root, {}); } })((typeof global !== "undefined") ? global : ((typeof window !== "undefined") ? window : ((typeof self !== "undefined") ? self : this)), function(root, Mobilebone) { // Avoid repeated callbacks var store = {}; // Create local references to array methods we'll want to use later. var array = []; var slice = array.slice; // Is it a id selector var isSimple = /^#?\w+(?:[\-_]\w+)*$/i; // Is it webkit var isWebkit = "WebkitAppearance" in document.documentElement.style || typeof document.webkitHidden != "undefined"; // Is it suppory history API var supportHistory = "pushState" in history && "replaceState" in history; Mobilebone.support = supportHistory; var hasInited = false; /** * Current version of the library. Keep in sync with `package.json`. * * @type string **/ Mobilebone.VERSION = "2.8.1"; /** * Whether auto init Mobilebone * If this value is false, you shou excute Mobilebone.init() in the right place */ Mobilebone.autoInit = true; /** * Whether catch attribute of href from element with tag 'a' * If the value set to false, jump links in a refresh form(not slide) * In most cases, you do not need to care about this parameter. Except some special pages that should refresh all links, as test/index.html show. However, if your only want several links refesh, you can use data-ajax="false" or data-rel="external" * * @type boolean **/ Mobilebone.captureLink = true; /** * Whether catch events of 'submit' from
element * If the value set to false, is a normal form except data-ajax="true" * If the value set to true, will submit as a ajax request, and the return value will be used to create a new page and transition into meanwhile. However, if data-ajax="false", won't submit as a ajax. * * @type boolean **/ Mobilebone.captureForm = true; /** * The root of transition-callback * Default value is 'root', you can consider as window-object. However, there are may many callbacks, it's impossible that all functions are global function. We may custom a global object to store our callbacks, such as: Callback = { fun1: function() {}, fun2: function() {}, fun3: function() {}, } In this case, the value of 'obilebone.rootTransition' should set Callback; * * @type object **/ Mobilebone.rootTransition = root; /** * Whether merge(vs cover) global callback and local callback * * @type boolean **/ Mobilebone.mergeCallback = true; /** * className of animation * * @type string **/ Mobilebone.classAnimation = "slide"; /** * for mark page element * * @type string **/ Mobilebone.classPage = "page"; /** * className for mark mask element * * @type string **/ Mobilebone.classMask = "mask"; /** * Whether url changes when history changes * If this value is false, the url will be no change. * * @type boolean **/ Mobilebone.pushStateEnabled = true; /** * Whether excute JavaScript when ajax HTML loaded * If this value is true, the script will excute. * * @type boolean **/ Mobilebone.evalScript = false; // When running inside a FF iframe, calling replaceState causes an error. So set 'pushStateEnabled = false' if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "Firefox" ) >= 0 && window.top !== window) { Mobilebone.pushStateEnabled = false; } /** * if browser do not support history/classList, stop here **/ if (supportHistory == false) { return Mobilebone; } /** * don't excute window.onpopstate when page load **/ history.popstate = false; /** * Function for transition * In most cases, you are unnecessary to use this function , unlike Mobilebone.createPage * @params pageInto: dom-object. Element which will transform into. - Necessary pageOut: dom-object. Element which will transform out. - Optional back: boolean. Direction of transition. - Optional options: object. Cover or add parameters. - Optional * @returns undefined * @example Mobilebone.transition(element); Mobilebone.transition(element1, element2); Mobilebone.transition(element1, element2, true); Mobilebone.transition(element1, element2, { id: "only" }); Mobilebone.transition(element1, element2, true, { id: "only" }); **/ Mobilebone.transition = function(pageInto, pageOut, back, options) { if (arguments.length == 0 || pageInto == pageOut) return; if (arguments.length == 3 && isNaN(back * 1) == true) { options = back; back = options.back; }; //if those parameters is missing pageOut = pageOut || null, back = back || false, options = options || {}; // defaults parameters var defaults = { // the value of callback is a key name, and the host is root here. // eg. if the name of animationstart is 'doLoading', so the script will execute 'root.doLoading()' // By default, the value of root is 'window' root: this.rootTransition, // the form of transition, the value (eg. 'slide') will be a className to add or remove. // of course, u can set to other valeu, for example, 'fade' or 'flip'. However, u shou add corresponding CSS3 code. form: this.form || this.classAnimation, // 'animationstart/animationend/...' are callbacks params // Note: those all global callbacks! onpagefirstinto: this.onpagefirstinto, animationstart: this.animationstart, animationend: this.animationend, preventdefault: this.preventdefault, fallback: this.fallback, callback: this.callback }, params = function(element) { if (!element || !element.getAttribute) return {}; var _params = {}, _dataparams = _queryToObject(element.getAttribute("data-params") || ""); // rules as follow: // data-* > data-params > options > defaults ["title", "root", "form"].forEach(function(key) { _params[key] = element.getAttribute("data-" + key) || _dataparams[key] || options[key] || defaults[key]; }); if (typeof _params.root == "string") { _params.root = Mobilebone.getFunction(_params.root); } ["onpagefirstinto", "callback", "fallback", "animationstart", "animationend", "preventdefault"].forEach(function(key) { if (Mobilebone.mergeCallback == true && typeof defaults[key] == "function") { // merge global callback var local_function_key = element.getAttribute("data-" + key) || _dataparams[key]; if (typeof _params.root[local_function_key] == "function") { _params[key] = function() { defaults[key].apply(this, arguments); _params.root[local_function_key].apply(this, arguments); } } else if (typeof options[key] == "function") { _params[key] = function() { defaults[key].apply(this, arguments); options[key].apply(this, arguments); } } else { _params[key] = defaults[key]; } } else { // replace global callback _params[key] = element.getAttribute("data-" + key) || _dataparams[key] || options[key] || defaults[key]; } }); return _params; }; // get params of each var paramsOut = params(pageOut), paramsIn = params(pageInto); if (pageOut != null && pageOut.classList) { // weather prevent transition var preventOut = paramsOut.preventdefault, isPreventOut = false; if (typeof preventOut == "string") { preventOut = paramsOut.root[preventOut]; } } if (pageInto != null && pageInto.classList) { // weather prevent transition var preventInto = paramsIn.preventdefault, isPreventInto = false; if (typeof preventInto == "string") { preventInto = paramsIn.root[preventInto]; } } if (typeof preventOut == "function") { isPreventOut = preventOut.call(paramsOut.root, pageInto, pageOut, options); } // if functions of 'preventdefault' are same for pageIn and pageout, just excute once. if (isPreventOut == true && preventOut === preventInto) { return false; } if (typeof preventInto == "function") { isPreventInto = preventInto.call(paramsIn.root, pageInto, pageOut, options); } // if pageinto stopped, stop all if (isPreventInto == true) { // only run here and nothing more return false; } // set animation callback as a method var funAnimationCall = function(page, data) { if (page.flagAniBind == true) return; // do callback when animation start/end ["animationstart", "animationend"].forEach(function(animationkey, index) { var animition = paramsIn[animationkey], webkitkey = "webkit" + animationkey.replace(/^a|s|e/g, function(matchs) { return matchs.toUpperCase(); }); var animateEventName = isWebkit? webkitkey: animationkey; // if it's the out element, hide it when 'animationend' if (index) { page.addEventListener(animateEventName, function() { if (this.classList.contains("in") == false) { this.style.display = "none"; // add on v2.5.5 // move here on v2.5.8 // main for remove page is just current page // remove on v2.7.0 // if (this.removeSelf == true) { // this.parentElement.removeChild(this); // this.removeSelf = null; // } } this.classList.remove(params(this).form); }); } // bind animation events if (typeof animition == "string" && paramsIn.root[animition]) { page.addEventListener(animateEventName, function() { data.root[animition].call(data.root, this, this.classList.contains("in")? "into": "out", options); }); } else if (typeof animition == "function") { page.addEventListener(animateEventName, function() { animition.call(data.root, this, this.classList.contains("in")? "into": "out", options); }); } // set a flag page.flagAniBind = true; }); }; if (pageOut != null && pageOut.classList) { // do transition if there are no 'prevent' if (isPreventOut != true) { pageOut.classList.add(paramsOut.form); // reflow pageOut.offsetWidth; // go, go, go pageOut.style.display = "block"; pageOut.classList.add("out"); pageOut.classList.remove("in"); // if reverse direction pageOut.classList[back? "add": "remove"]("reverse"); // add on v2.5.5 pageOut.removeSelf = pageOut.removeSelf || null; // set animation callback for 'pageInto' // for issues #153 funAnimationCall(pageOut, paramsOut); // do fallback every time var fallback = paramsOut.fallback; if (typeof fallback == "string") { fallback = paramsOut.root[fallback]; } if (typeof fallback == "function") { fallback.call(paramsOut.root, pageInto, pageOut, options); } } } if (pageInto != null && pageInto.classList) { // for title change var title = paramsIn.title, header = document.querySelector("h1"), firstPage = document.querySelector("." + this.classPage); // do title change if (title && options.title !== false) { document.title = title; if (header) { header.innerHTML = title; header.title = title; } } else if (firstPage == pageInto && !pageOut && document.title) { // set data-title for first visibie page pageInto.setAttribute("data-title", document.title); } // delete page with same id when options.remove !== false var pageid = options.id || pageInto.id; var hashid = options.id || pageInto.id; // v2.7.0 change rule -> don't auto delete pages // -> delete by using Mobilebone.remove(); // v2.7.2 add using data-reload="xxxxId" to auto remove pages // Reason Two: // 1. Most websites are so simple that it's not enough to talk about performance; // 2. We can't judge relation by two page's url // eg, below 'if' sentence only cover sence 0: /* if (options.id) { // eg. get 'ajax.php' from 'ajax.php?xx=1' pageid = pageid.split("?")[0]; } */ // 0. url format: //xxx.com/list.php //xxx.com/detail.php?id=1 //xxx.com/detail.php?id=2 // but not sence 1 and 2: // 1. url format: //xxx.com/list/111/ //xxx.com/list/222/ //xxx.com/list/333/ // 明明需要删除的,没删除 // 2. url format: //xxx.com/index.php 列表页 //xxx.com/index.php?list=1 列表详情页1 //xxx.com/index.php?list=2 列表详情页2 // 以上列表页就嗝屁了 // var relid = store["_" + pageid]; // // only delete page auto when data-reload is not 'false' or null // // hashid may store the same page, we should delete also // // when data-reload not 'false' or null // // v2.4.4+ // if (relid && store[relid] && options.reload == true) { // delete store[relid]; // delete store["_" + pageid]; // } // // below commented on v2.6.2 // if (options.reload == true) { // // v2.5.8 for issues #147 // pageInto.removeSelf = true; // } // if (store[pageid] && store[pageid] != pageInto) { // if (store[pageid] != pageOut) { // store[pageid].parentElement && store[pageid].parentElement.removeChild(store[pageid]); // } else { // // if the page element same as store // // remove when animationend // pageOut.removeSelf = true; // } // delete store[pageid]; // } // do transition if (pageOut) { pageInto.classList.add(paramsIn.form); } // iOS bug // reflow for fixing issues #80, #86 pageInto.offsetWidth; // go~ as normal pageInto.style.display = "block"; pageInto.classList.remove("out"); pageInto.classList.add("in"); // if reverse direction pageInto.classList[back? "add": "remove"]("reverse"); // do callback when come in first time var onpagefirstinto = paramsIn.onpagefirstinto; // first judge change to pageInto store // v2.5.5 add for fix issues #138 if (!pageInto.firstintoBind) { if (typeof onpagefirstinto == "string" && paramsIn.root[onpagefirstinto]) { paramsIn.root[onpagefirstinto].call(paramsIn.root, pageInto, pageOut, options); } else if (typeof onpagefirstinto == "function") { onpagefirstinto.call(paramsIn.root, pageInto, pageOut, options); } // capture form submit slice.call(pageInto.querySelectorAll("form")).forEach(function(form) { Mobilebone.submit(form); }); pageInto.firstintoBind = true; } // set animation callback for 'pageInto' funAnimationCall(pageInto, paramsIn); // history // hashid should a full url address // different with pageid // add on 2.4.2 var urlPush = hashid, urlPushReplace = ""; if (urlPush && /#/.test(urlPush) == false) { urlPush = "#" + urlPush; } urlPushReplace = urlPush.replace(/#/, "#&"); if (supportHistory && this.pushStateEnabled && options.history !== false && urlPush // hash should be different // can fix issues #79, #87 maybe && urlPushReplace != location.hash ) { // don't trigger 'popstate' events history.popstate = false; // if only pageIn, use 'replaceState' history[pageOut ? "pushState" : "replaceState"](null, document.title, urlPush.replace(/#/, "#&")); } // store page-id, just once if (!store[pageid]) { store[pageid] = pageInto; // when we back/prev, we need to get true // comment on v2.7.0 // if (hashid !== pageid) { // store[hashid] = pageInto; // store["_" + pageid] = hashid; // } } // do callback every time var callback = paramsIn.callback; if (typeof callback == "string") { callback = paramsIn.root[callback]; } if (typeof callback == "function") { callback.call(paramsIn.root, pageInto, pageOut, options); } // Safari do 'popstate' after 'pushState/replaceState' // So, we neet setTimeout to avoid excuting 'Mobilebone.transition()' twice setTimeout(function() { // reset to popable state history.popstate = true; }, 17); // add on v2.7.5 improve back user experence // add on v2.7.6 // only not back transiton store last ship if (back == false && history.popstate == false) { store.lastShip = [pageInto, pageOut]; } else { store.lastShip = null; } } }; /** * Remove page DOM add on v2.7.0 * @param domOrId: dom-object|string * page DOM or DOM * page id or href value * @return {[type]} [description] */ Mobilebone.remove = function (domOrId) { if (!domOrId) { return this; } var elePage = domOrId; var pageid = domOrId; if (typeof pageid == "string") { elePage = store[pageid]; } else if (elePage.tagName && elePage.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a") { pageid = this.getCleanUrl(elePage); elePage = store[pageid]; } if (elePage && elePage.parentElement) { // remove store for (var key in store) { if (store[key] == elePage) { delete store[key]; } } elePage.parentElement.removeChild(elePage); } }; /** * For getting whole ajax url * In most cases, you are unnecessary to use this function * @params trigger: dom-object. element with tag-"a". - Optional(at least one) url: string. ajax url. - Optional(at least one) params: string|object. ajax params. - Optional * @returns string * @example Mobilebone.getCleanUrl(elementOfA); Mobilebone.getCleanUrl(elementOfForm); Mobilebone.getCleanUrl(elementOfA, '', "a=1&b=2"); Mobilebone.getCleanUrl(null, "xxx.html"); Mobilebone.getCleanUrl(null, "xxx.html?a=1&b=2"); Mobilebone.getCleanUrl(null, "xxx.html", "a=1&b=2"); **/ Mobilebone.getCleanUrl = function(trigger, url, params) { var href = "", formdata = "", cleanUrl = ""; if (trigger) { if (trigger.nodeType == 1) { // form element if (trigger.action) { href = trigger.getAttribute("action"); // add on v2.4.1 if (trigger.method && trigger.method.toUpperCase() == "POST") { return href; } else if (window.$ && $.fn && $.fn.serialize) { // use jquery serialize() formdata = $(trigger).serialize(); } else { formdata = {}; // simple serialize from Mobilebone slice.call(trigger.querySelectorAll("input,select,textarea")).forEach(function(control) { if (control.name && !control.disabled) { var val = control.value.trim(), name = control.name; if (/^radio|checkbox/i.test(control.type)) { if (control.checked) { if (formdata[name]) { formdata[name].push(val); } else { formdata[name] = [val]; } } } else { formdata[name] = [val]; } } }); } } else { // a element href = trigger.getAttribute("href"); if (/^javascript/.test(href)) { href = ''; } formdata = trigger.getAttribute("data-formdata") || trigger.getAttribute("data-params") || ""; // v2.6.1 for #107 // remember container when refresh var strContainer = "container", attrContainer = trigger.getAttribute("data-" + strContainer); if (formdata.indexOf(strContainer) == -1 && attrContainer) { var queryContainer = strContainer + "=" + attrContainer; formdata = formdata ? formdata + "&" + queryContainer : queryContainer; } } } else if (trigger.url) { href = trigger.url; formdata = trigger.data; } } if (!(href = href || url)) { return ""; } // get formdata formdata = formdata || params || ""; if (typeof formdata == "object") { var arrData = []; for (key in formdata) { if (!formdata[key].forEach) { formdata[key] = [formdata[key]]; } formdata[key].forEach(function(keyValue) { arrData.push(key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(keyValue)); }); } if (arrData.length > 0) { formdata = arrData.join("&"); } else { formdata = ""; } } // get url of root cleanUrl = href.split("#")[0].replace(/&+$/, "").replace(/^\.\/+/, ""); if (cleanUrl.slice(-1) == "?") { cleanUrl = cleanUrl.split("?")[0]; } // url = root_url + joiner + formdata if (formdata != "") { if (/\?/.test(cleanUrl)) { formdata = formdata.replace(/^&|\?/, ""); cleanUrl = cleanUrl + "&" + formdata; } else if (formdata != "") { formdata = formdata.replace("?", ""); cleanUrl = cleanUrl + "?" + formdata; } } return cleanUrl; }; /** * Create page according to given Dom-element or HTML string. And, notice!!!!! will do transition auto. * @params domHtml: dom-object|string. Create this to dom element as a role of into-page. - Necessary eleOrObj: dom-object|object. '.page element', or 'a element', or 'options' for get out-page - Optional options: object. basically, options = ajax options, of course, u can custom it! - Optional * @returns undefined * @example Mobilebone.createPage(pageDom); Mobilebone.createPage(generalDom); Mobilebone.createPage('
'); Mobilebone.createPage('


'); Mobilebone.createPage(pageDom, triggerLink); Mobilebone.createPage(pageDom, { response: '' }); Mobilebone.createPage(pageDom, triggerLink, { response: '' }); * **/ Mobilebone.createPage = function(domHtml, eleOrObj, options) { var response = null, container = null, classPage = this.classPage, isreload = null; // 'eleOrObj' can '.page element', or 'a element', or 'options' // basically, options = ajax options, of course, u can custom it! if (!domHtml) return; if (typeof options == "undefined" && typeof eleOrObj == "object") { options = eleOrObj; } options = options || {}; // 'options' that 'Mobilebone.transition()' needs var optionsTransition = {}; // get page-title from eleOrObj or options var titlePage, idContainer, classPageInside; if (eleOrObj) { if (eleOrObj.nodeType == 1) { // legal elements if (eleOrObj.href || eleOrObj.action) { titlePage = eleOrObj.getAttribute("data-title") || options.title; } response = options.response; idContainer = eleOrObj.getAttribute("data-container"); container = document.getElementById(idContainer); classPageInside = eleOrObj.getAttribute("data-classpage"); // pass element as target params, add on v2.3.0 optionsTransition.target = eleOrObj; // v2.4.4 is_root → isreload isreload = eleOrObj.getAttribute("data-reload"); if (eleOrObj.tagName.toLowerCase() == "form" || (isreload !== null && isreload != "false")) { optionsTransition.reload = true; } // v2.5.2 // is back? for issues #128 optionsTransition.back = eleOrObj.getAttribute("data-rel") == "back"; // v2.6.0 history if (eleOrObj.getAttribute("data-history") == "false") { optionsTransition.history = false; } } else { response = eleOrObj.response || options.response; titlePage = eleOrObj.title || options.title; container = eleOrObj.container || options.container; classPageInside = eleOrObj.classPage || options.classPage; optionsTransition.target = eleOrObj.target; // v2.5.2 // is back? for issues #128 optionsTransition.back = eleOrObj.back || options.back; } if (container && classPageInside) { classPage = classPageInside; } } // get current page(will be out) according to 'page_or_child' var eleCurrentPage = (classPage == classPageInside? container : document).querySelector(".in." + classPage); // get create page (will be into) according to 'domHtml' var eleCreatePage = null; var create = document.createElement("div"); if (typeof domHtml == "string") { create.innerHTML = domHtml; } else { create.appendChild(domHtml); } // excute inline JavaScript if (Mobilebone.evalScript == true && domHtml.firstintoBind != true) { slice.call(create.getElementsByTagName("script")).forEach(function(originScript) { var scriptContent = originScript.innerHTML.trim(); var type = originScript.type || originScript.getAttribute("type"); var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement; var script = document.createElement("script"); if (type) { script.type = type; } if (scriptContent) { script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(scriptContent)); } else if (originScript.src && !document.querySelector('script[src="'+ originScript.src +'"]')) { // issues #199 script.src = originScript.src; } setTimeout(function() { head.insertBefore(script, head.firstChild); head.removeChild(script); script = null; }, 17); originScript = null; }); } var eleCreateTitle = create.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; // get the page element if (!(eleCreatePage = create.querySelector("." + classPage))) { // if there no .page, create as eleCreatePage create.className = classPage + " out"; eleCreatePage = create; } // set and store title if (typeof titlePage == "string") { eleCreatePage.setAttribute("data-title", titlePage); } else if (eleCreateTitle && eleCreateTitle.innerText) { // the judge behind '&&' for issues #144 eleCreatePage.setAttribute("data-title", eleCreateTitle.innerText); } // do transition optionsTransition.response = response || domHtml; optionsTransition.id = options.id || this.getCleanUrl(eleOrObj) || eleCreatePage.id || options.url || ("unique" + Date.now()); // 'if' statement below added on v2.0.0 if (typeof options == "object") { if (typeof options.history != "undefined") { optionsTransition.history = options.history; } if (typeof options.remove != "undefined") { optionsTransition.remove = options.remove; } if (typeof options.target != "undefined") { optionsTransition.target = options.target; } if (typeof options.title != "undefined") { optionsTransition.title = options.title; } // add on v2.7.4 if (typeof options.query != "undefined") { optionsTransition.query = options.query; } } if (classPage == classPageInside) { optionsTransition.history = false; optionsTransition.classPage = classPage; } // append to a accurate position container = container || document.body; // remove page if have same id when optionsTransition.remove == true if (optionsTransition.remove == true && optionsTransition.id) { this.remove(optionsTransition.id); // v2.8.0 dom remove and ajax remove share same id if (options.id) { slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reload="'+ options.id +'"]')).forEach(function (ele) { Mobilebone.remove(ele); }); } } // 1. if new page, that insert create page as a last-child // 2. if replace a page, that insert before replaced page var pageid = optionsTransition.id.split("?")[0]; if (pageid && store[pageid] && container.contains(store[pageid])) { container.insertBefore(eleCreatePage, store[pageid]); } else { container.appendChild(eleCreatePage); } // release memory create = null; // do transition this.transition(eleCreatePage, eleCurrentPage, optionsTransition); var objRelationShip = store.backShip || []; objRelationShip.push({ pageIn: eleCreatePage, pageOut: eleCurrentPage, isBack: !!optionsTransition.back }); store.backShip = objRelationShip; }; /** * For ajax callback. * For example, data-success="a.b.c". We can't use 'a.b.c' as a function, because it's a string. We should do some work to get it! * @params keys: string. - Necessary * @returns function undefined keys is not string window keys undefined * @example Mobilebone.getFunction("a.b.c"); * **/ Mobilebone.getFunction = function(keys) { if (typeof keys != "string") return; // eg. 'globalObject.functionName' var fun = Mobilebone.rootTransition, arrKey = keys.split("."); for (var index=0; index|. 2. object. * @returns undefined * @example Mobilebone.ajax(document.querySelector("a")); Mobilebone.ajax({ url: 'xxx.html', success: function() {} }); * **/ Mobilebone.ajax = function(eleOrObj) { if (!eleOrObj) { return; } var trigger = eleOrObj; // default params var defaults = { url: "", type: "", dataType: "", data: {}, timeout: 10000, success: function() {}, error: function() {}, complete: function() {} }; var params = {}, eleMask = null, formData = null; // classname of mask var classMask = this.classMask; // if 'eleOrObj' is a element, we should turn it to options-object var paramsFromTrigger = {}, attrMask; if (eleOrObj.nodeType == 1) { paramsFromTrigger = _queryToObject(trigger.getAttribute("data-params") || ""); // get params for (key in defaults) { // data-* > data-params > defaults params[key] = trigger.getAttribute("data-" + key) || paramsFromTrigger[key] || defaults[key]; if (typeof defaults[key] == "function" && typeof params[key] == "string") { // eg. globalObject.functionName params[key] = this.getFunction(params[key]); if (typeof params[key] != "function") { params[key] = defaults[key]; } } } // address of ajax url var cleanUrl = this.getCleanUrl(trigger, params.url); params.url = cleanUrl; var queryFromUrl = _queryToObject(cleanUrl.split("?")[1]); // v2.7.4 fix params may ingore problem for (var key in queryFromUrl) { if (typeof paramsFromTrigger[key] == "undefined") { paramsFromTrigger[key] = queryFromUrl[key]; } } // v2.7.4 params.query = paramsFromTrigger; // store target params.target = trigger; // v2.5.2 // is back? for issues #128 params.back = trigger.getAttribute("data-rel") == "back"; var tagName = trigger.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName == "form") { params.type = trigger.method; formData = new FormData(trigger); } else if (tagName == "a") { // v2.5.8 for issues #157 var idContainer = trigger.getAttribute("data-container"), classPageInside = trigger.getAttribute("data-classpage"), container = idContainer && document.getElementById(idContainer); if (container && classPageInside && classPageInside != Mobilebone.classPage) { // inner ajax no history change params.history = false; // title do not change params.title = false; } // v2.8.0 move to here var attrReload = trigger.getAttribute("data-reload"); if (typeof attrReload == "string" && attrReload != "false") { if (attrReload != "" && attrReload != "true") { // v2.7.2 a new method to remove pafe // think 'attrReload' as special ID // remove all page using this ID slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('a[data-reload="'+ attrReload +'"]')).forEach(function (ele) { Mobilebone.remove(ele); }); Mobilebone.remove(store[attrReload]); } else { // remove page Mobilebone.remove(store[cleanUrl]); } } } // get mask element attrMask = eleOrObj.getAttribute("data-mask"); if (attrMask == "true" || attrMask == "") { eleMask = eleOrObj.querySelector("." + classMask); } } // if 'eleOrObj' is a object else if (eleOrObj.url) { params = eleOrObj; // get params for (key2 in defaults) { params[key2] = eleOrObj[key2] || defaults[key2]; } // get url params.url = this.getCleanUrl(null, params.url, params.data); // here params.title will become page title; params.title = eleOrObj.title; // v2.5.2 // is back? for issues #128 // when history.back() params.back = eleOrObj.back; // v2.6.1 params.container = eleOrObj.container; // v2.7.4 params.query = _queryToObject(eleOrObj.url.split('?')[1]); } else { return; } // do ajax // get mask and loading element var body = container || document.body; if (typeof attrMask != "string") { eleMask = [].slice.call(body.children).filter(function (element) { return element.classList.contains(classMask); })[0]; } if (eleMask == null) { eleMask = document.createElement("div"); eleMask.className = classMask; eleMask.innerHTML = ''; if (typeof attrMask == "string") { eleOrObj.appendChild(eleMask); } else { body.appendChild(eleMask); } } // show loading eleMask.style.display = "inline"; if (this.showLoading) { this.showLoading(); } // ajax request var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(params.type || "GET", params.url + (/\?/.test(params.url)? "&" : "?") + "r=" + Date.now()); xhr.timeout = params.timeout; xhr.onload = function() { // so far, many browser hasn't supported responseType = 'json', so, use JSON.parse instead var response = null; if (params.dataType == "json" || params.dataType == "JSON") { try { response = JSON.parse(xhr.response); params.response = response; Mobilebone.createPage(Mobilebone.jsonHandle(response, params), eleOrObj, params); } catch (e) { params.message = "JSON parse error:" + e.message; params.error.call(params, xhr, xhr.status); } } else if (params.dataType == "unknown") { // ajax send by url // no history hush params.history = false; // I don't remember why add 'params.remove = false' here, // but it seems that this will cause issues #147 // no element remove // del → v2.5.8 // params.remove = false; try { // as json response = JSON.parse(xhr.response); params.response = response; Mobilebone.createPage(Mobilebone.jsonHandle(response, params), eleOrObj, params); } catch (e) { // as html response = xhr.response; Mobilebone.createPage(response, eleOrObj, params); } } else { response = xhr.response; // 'response' is string Mobilebone.createPage(response, eleOrObj, params); } params.success.call(params, response, xhr.status); }; xhr.onerror = function(e) { params.message = "Illegal request address or an unexpected network error!"; params.error.call(params, xhr, xhr.status); }; xhr.onloadend = function () { // hide loading eleMask.style.display = "none"; if (this.hideLoading) { this.hideLoading(); } params.complete.call(params, xhr, xhr.status); }; xhr.ontimeout = function() { params.message = "The request timeout!"; params.error.call(params, xhr, xhr.status); // hide loading eleMask.style.display = "none"; if (this.hideLoading) { this.hideLoading(); } }; // set request header for server xhr.setRequestHeader("Type", "ajax"); xhr.setRequestHeader("From", "mobilebone"); xhr.send(formData); }; /** * capture form submit events to a ajax request. * @params form: formElement. - Necessary * @example Mobilebone.form(document.querySelector("form")); * **/ Mobilebone.submit = function(form) { if (!form || typeof form.action != "string") { return; } var ajax = form.getAttribute("data-ajax"); if (ajax == "false" || (Mobilebone.captureForm == false && ajax != "true")) return; form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) { // prevent detect var attrPrevent = this.getAttribute("data-preventdefault"); // get 'preventDefault' function var funPrevent = Mobilebone.getFunction(attrPrevent); if (typeof funPrevent == "function" && funPrevent(this) == true) { // if the return value of prevent function is true, prevent everything~ event.preventDefault(); return false; } Mobilebone.ajax(this); event.preventDefault(); }); }; /** * Sometime we don't know direction of transition. Such as browser history change, or data-rel="auto". In this case, we ensure the direction(back or prev) by the sorts of two pages(into or out) * @params pageIn dom-object - Necessary pageOut dom-object - Optional * @returns boolean * **/ Mobilebone.isBack = function(pageIn, pageOut) { // back or forwards, according to the order of two pages if (history.tempBack == true) { // backwords history.tempBack = null; return true; } if (history.tempGo == true) { // forwards history.tempGo = null; return false; } // 2.7.5 return true -> false if (typeof pageIn == "undefined") { return false; } if (!pageOut) { return false; } // 2.7.5 store pageIn pageOut backward or forward var objRelationShip = store.backShip || []; var isBack = null; objRelationShip.forEach(function (ship) { if (ship.pageIn == pageIn && ship.pageOut == pageOut) { isBack = ship.isBack; } else if (ship.pageIn == pageOut && ship.pageOut == pageIn) { isBack = !ship.isBack; } }); if (isBack === null) { isBack = !!(pageIn.compareDocumentPosition(pageOut) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING); } return isBack; }; /** * If dataType of ajax is 'json', we can't convert json-data to page-element. So, we export a function names 'jsonHandle' to handle json-data. * Attention, it's a global interface. If your project has many json call, you should use JSON itself to make a distinction. For example, every JSON include the only json-id: { "id": "homePage" , "data": [] } different with { "id": "listPage" , "data": [] } * * @params json - Necessary * @returns dom-object|string * **/ Mobilebone.jsonHandle = function(json, params) { return '

Dear master, if you see me, show that JSON parsing function is undefined!

'; }, /** * Initialization. Load page according to location.hash. And bind link-catch events. **/ Mobilebone.init = function() { if (hasInited == true) return 'Don\'t repeat initialization!'; var hash = location.hash.replace("#&", "#"), eleIn = null, container = null; // 查询和根处理 var key = hash.split("?")[0]; var query = hash.split("?")[1]; var options = { query: {} }; if (query) { options.query = _queryToObject(query); } if (key == "" || key == "#") { this.transition(document.querySelector("." + this.classPage)); } else if (isSimple.test(key) == true && (eleIn = document.querySelector(key)) && eleIn.classList.contains(this.classPage)) { // add on v2.7.4 pure inner hash also support query params // eg. #somePageId?id=1&type=2 options.id = hash.replace(/^#/, ""); this.transition(eleIn, null, options); } else { // add on v2.6.1 if (hash.split("container=").length == 2) { container = document.getElementById(hash.split("container=")[1].split("&")[0]); } // as a ajax this.ajax({ url: hash.replace("#", ""), dataType: "unknown", container: container, error: function() { // add on v2.7.4 options.id = hash.replace(/^#/, ""); eleIn = document.querySelector("." + Mobilebone.classPage); Mobilebone.transition(eleIn, null, options); } }); } // Initialization link-catch events. document.addEventListener("click", this.handleTapEvent); // Important: // In ios7+, swipe the edge of page will navigate Safari // that will trigger 'popstate' events and the page will transition twice var isSafari7 = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i) && typeof document.hidden !== "undefined" && !window.chrome; if ('ontouchstart' in window == true && isSafari7) { document.addEventListener("touchmove", function() { history.popstateswipe = true; }); document.addEventListener("touchend", function() { history.popstateswipe = false; }); } // change flag-var for avoiding repeat init hasInited = true; }; /** * If 'a' element has href, slide auto when clicked **/ Mobilebone.handleTapEvent = function(event) { var target = null; // you can pass target as params directly if (event && event.nodeType == 1) { target = event; target.preventDefault = function() {}; } // get target and href target = (target || event.target) && (target || event.target).closest('a'); if (!target) { return; } // current href var href = target.href; // the page that current actived var selfPage = document.querySelector(".in." + Mobilebone.classPage); if (selfPage == null) { return; } // optional params for Mobilebone.transition var options = { target: target }; // prevent detect var attrPrevent = target.getAttribute("data-preventdefault") || _queryToObject(target.getAttribute("data-params") || "").preventdefault; // get 'preventDefault' function var funPrevent = Mobilebone.getFunction(attrPrevent); if (typeof funPrevent == "function" && funPrevent(target) == true) { // if the return value of prevent function is true, prevent everything~ event.preventDefault(); return false; } // if mask element exist and displaying, prevent double trigger var eleMask = target.getElementsByClassName(Mobilebone.classMask)[0]; if (eleMask && eleMask.style.display != "none") { event.preventDefault(); return false; } var idContainer = target.getAttribute("data-container"); var classPageInside = target.getAttribute("data-classpage"); var container = idContainer && document.getElementById(idContainer); if (container && classPageInside && classPageInside != Mobilebone.classPage) { selfPage = container.querySelector(".in." + classPageInside) || container.querySelector(classPageInside); // if (selfPage == null) return false; options.history = false; options.title = false; options.classPage = classPageInside; } // history if (target.getAttribute("data-history") == "false") { options.history = false; } // if captureLink var capture = (Mobilebone.captureLink == true); // get rel var rel = target.getAttribute("data-rel"); if (!rel) { rel = 'auto'; } // if back var back = false; if (rel == "back") { back = true; } // if go var go; if (rel == "go") { go = true; } // if external link var external = (rel == "external"); // if the 'href' is not legal, return // include: // 1. undefined // 2. javascript: (except data-rel="back") // 3. cros, or not capture (except data-ajax="true") if (!href) { return; } // 直接获取属性设置的值 var attrHref = target.getAttribute("href"); href = href.replace("#&", "#"); if (attrHref.replace(/#/g, "") === "") { event.preventDefault(); return; } if (/^javascript/.test(href)) { if (back == false && !go) { return; } } else { external = external || (href.replace("://", "").split("/")[0] !== location.href.replace("://", "").split("/")[0]); if ((external == true || capture == false) && target.getAttribute("data-ajax") != "true") { return; } } // judge that if it's a ajax request if (/^#/.test(attrHref) == true) { event.preventDefault(); // hash slide var hashTargetPage = href.split("#")[1]; var idTargetPage = hashTargetPage.split("?")[0]; var queryTargetPage = hashTargetPage.split("?")[1]; var paramTargetPage = target.getAttribute('data-formdata') || target.getAttribute('data-params'); if (paramTargetPage) { queryTargetPage = queryTargetPage + '&' + paramTargetPage; } // add on v2.7.4 options.query = _queryToObject(queryTargetPage); options.id = hashTargetPage; var eleTargetPage = idTargetPage && document.getElementById(idTargetPage); if (back == false && rel == "auto") { back = Mobilebone.isBack(eleTargetPage, selfPage); } if (eleTargetPage) { var lastShip = store.lastShip; if (lastShip && eleTargetPage == lastShip[1] && selfPage == lastShip[0] && !go) { // back history.tempBack = true; history.back(); } else { Mobilebone.transition(eleTargetPage, selfPage, back, options); } } } else if (/^javascript/.test(href)) { // back if (back) { history.tempBack = true; history.back(); } else if (go) { history.tempGo = true; history.go(1); } } else if (target.getAttribute("data-ajax") != "false") { event.preventDefault(); // get a clean ajax url as page id var cleanUrl = Mobilebone.getCleanUrl(target); // add on v2.7.4 options.query = _queryToObject(cleanUrl.split("?")[1]); // if has loaded and the value of 'data-reload' is not 'true' var attrReload = target.getAttribute("data-reload"); // 之前已经请求过,内存中已经有,则直接使用 if ((attrReload == null || attrReload == "false") && store[cleanUrl]) { if (back == false && rel == "auto") { back = Mobilebone.isBack(store[cleanUrl], selfPage); } options.id = cleanUrl; var body = container || document.body; if (body.contains(store[cleanUrl]) == false) { body.appendChild(store[cleanUrl]); } Mobilebone.transition(store[cleanUrl], selfPage, back, options); } else { // as ajax Mobilebone.ajax(target); } } }; /** * closest polyfill */ if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector; } if (!Element.prototype.closest) { Element.prototype.closest = function (s) { var el = this; do { if (el.matches(s)) return el; el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode; } while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1); return null; }; } /** * private method: convert query string to key-value object **/ var _queryToObject = function(string) { var obj = {}; if (typeof string == "string") { string.split("&").forEach(function(part) { var arrPart = part.split("="); if (arrPart.length > 1) { obj[arrPart[0]] = part.replace(arrPart[0] + "=", ""); } }); } return obj; }; /** * auto init **/ window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if (hasInited == false && Mobilebone.autoInit == true) { Mobilebone.init(); } }); /** * page change when history change **/ window.addEventListener("popstate", function() { if (history.popstateswipe == true) { location.reload(); history.popstateswipe = false; return; } if (history.popstate == false) { history.popstate = true; return; } var hash = location.hash.replace("#&", "#").replace(/^#/, ""); // add on v2.7.4 var key = hash.split('?')[0]; var pageIn = null; // add on v2.7.5 var pageOut = document.querySelector(".in." + Mobilebone.classPage); // add on v2.6.1 var container = null; if (hash == "") { // if no hash, get first page as 'pageIn' pageIn = document.querySelector("." + Mobilebone.classPage); if (pageIn.id) return; } else { // add on v2.7.4 pageIn = store[key] || store[hash]; // add on v2.6.1 if (hash.split("container=").length == 2) { container = document.getElementById(hash.split("container=")[1].split("&")[0]); } // url address and with cache if (pageIn && isSimple.test(key) == false) { // just transition Mobilebone.transition(pageIn, pageOut, Mobilebone.isBack(pageIn, pageOut), { id: hash, // fix issue #83 history: false, container: container, target: document.activeElement, // add on v2.7.7 query: _queryToObject(hash.split('?')[1]) }); return; } } if (!pageIn) { if (isSimple.test(hash) == false) { // as a url Mobilebone.ajax({ url: hash, dataType: "unknown", // no cache url, usually reload ajax back: Mobilebone.isBack(), container: container }); return; } pageIn = document.querySelector("#" + key) || document.querySelector("#" + hash); } if ((pageIn && pageIn == pageOut) || Mobilebone.pushStateEnabled == false) return; // hash ↔ id if (pageIn) { Mobilebone.transition(pageIn, pageOut, Mobilebone.isBack(pageIn, pageOut), { id: hash, // fix issue #83 history: false, target: document.activeElement, // add on v2.7.7 query: _queryToObject(hash.split('?')[1]) }); } }); document.MBLOADED = true; return Mobilebone; });