#! /bin/bash #------------------------------------------# # LDAP2Mailman # #------------------------------------------# # # # Synchronize LDAP Group to Mailman liste # # (one way only) # # # # Yvan Godard # # godardyvan@gmail.com # # # # Version 0.8 -- january, 10 2015 # # Under Licence # # Creative Commons 4.0 BY NC SA # # # # http://goo.gl/lriKvn # # # #------------------------------------------# # Variables initialisation VERSION="LDAP2Mailman v0.8 - 2015, Yvan Godard [godardyvan@gmail.com]" help="no" SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $0) SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) LIST_MEMBERS=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_email_list_members.XXXXX) LIST_SENDERS=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_email_list_senders.XXXXX) LIST_USERS=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_email_list_users.XXXXX) LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_email_list_clean_members.XXXXX) LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_email_list_clean_senders.XXXXX) ACTUAL_LIST_CONFIG=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_actual_list_config.XXXXX) NEW_LIST_CONFIG=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_new_list_config.XXXXX) NEW_LIST_CONFIG_TEMP=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_new_list_config_temp.XXXXX) URL="ldap://" DN_USER_BRANCH="cn=users" MAILMAN_OPTIONS="-a=no -d=no -w=no -g=no" MAILMAN_BIN="/usr/lib/mailman/bin" EMAIL_REPORT="nomail" EMAIL_LEVEL=0 LOG="/var/log/ldap2mailman.log" LOG_ACTIVE=0 LOG_TEMP=$(mktemp /tmp/ldap2mailman_log.XXXXX) WITH_LDAP_BIND="no" help () { echo -e "$VERSION\n" echo -e "This tool is designed to synchronize email addresses from an LDAP group to a Mailman list." echo -e "It works both with LDAP groups defined by objectClass posixGroup or groupOfNames." echo -e "Mailman list must first be created in Mailman before using this tool." echo -e "\nDisclamer:" echo -e "This tool is provide without any support and guarantee." echo -e "\nSynopsis:" echo -e "./$SCRIPT_NAME [-h] | -d -t -g -l " echo -e " [-s ] [-a ] [-p ]" echo -e " [-u ] [-D
]" echo -e " [-m ] [-b ]" echo -e " [-e ] [-E ] [-j ]" echo -e "\n\t-h: prints this help then exit" echo -e "\nMandatory options:" echo -e "\t-d : the base DN for each LDAP entry (e.g.: 'dc=server,dc=office,dc=com')" echo -e "\t-t : the type of group you want to sync, must be 'posixGroup' or 'groupOfNames'" echo -e "\t-g : the relative DN of the LDAP group to sync to Mailman list (e.g.: 'cn=mygroup,cn=groups' or 'cn=mygroup,ou=lists')" echo -e "\t-l : the name of the existing list to populate on Mailman" echo -e "\nOptional options:" echo -e "\t-s : the LDAP server URL (default: '${URL}')" echo -e "\t-a : LDAP administrator UID, if bind is needed to access LDAP (e.g.: 'diradmin')" echo -e "\t-p : the password of the LDAP administrator (asked if missing)" echo -e "\t-u : the relative DN of the LDAP branch that contains the users (e.g.: 'cn=allusers', default: '${DN_USER_BRANCH}')" echo -e "\t-D
: main domain if the user has multiple email addresses registered in the LDAP (e.g.: 'mydomain.fr')" echo -e "\t-m : are the parameters passed to mailman's sync_members command (default: '${MAILMAN_OPTIONS}')" echo -e "\t-b : path to the bin directory of your Mailman installation (default: '${MAILMAN_BIN}')" echo -e "\t-e : settings for sending a report by email, must be 'onerror', 'forcemail' or 'nomail' (default: '${EMAIL_REPORT}')" echo -e "\t-E : email address to send the report (must be filled if '-e forcemail' or '-e onerror' options is used)" echo -e "\t-j : enables logging instead of standard output. Specify an argument for the full path to the log file" echo -e "\t (e.g.: '${LOG}') or use 'default' (${LOG})" exit 0 } error () { echo -e "\n*** Error ***" echo -e ${1} echo -e "\n"${VERSION} alldone 1 } function alldone () { # Remove temp files [ -f ${LIST_USERS} ] && rm ${LIST_USERS} [ -f ${LIST_MEMBERS} ] && rm ${LIST_MEMBERS} [ -f ${LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS} ] && rm ${LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS} [ -f ${LIST_SENDERS} ] && rm ${LIST_SENDERS} [ -f ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} ] && rm ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} [ -f ${ACTUAL_LIST_CONFIG} ] && rm ${ACTUAL_LIST_CONFIG} [ -f ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG} ] && rm ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG} [ -f ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG_TEMP} ] && rm ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG_TEMP} # Redirect standard outpout exec 1>&6 6>&- # Logging if needed [ ${LOG_ACTIVE} -eq 1 ] && cat ${LOG_TEMP} >> ${LOG} # Print current log to standard outpout [ ${LOG_ACTIVE} -ne 1 ] && cat ${LOG_TEMP} [ ${EMAIL_LEVEL} -ne 0 ] && [ ${1} -ne 0 ] && cat ${LOG_TEMP} | mail -s "[ERROR : ldap2mailman.sh] list ${LISTNAME} (LDAP group ${LDAPGROUP},${DNBASE})" ${EMAIL_ADDRESS} [ ${EMAIL_LEVEL} -eq 2 ] && [ ${1} -eq 0 ] && cat ${LOG_TEMP} | mail -s "[OK : ldap2mailman.sh] list ${LISTNAME} (LDAP group $LDAPGROUP,$DNBASE)" ${EMAIL_ADDRESS} rm ${LOG_TEMP} exit ${1} } # Fonction utilisée plus tard pour les résultats de requêtes LDAP encodées en base64 function base64decode () { echo ${1} | grep :: > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then VALUE=$(echo ${1} | grep :: | awk '{print $2}' | openssl enc -base64 -d ) # ATTRIBUTE=$(echo ${1} | grep :: | awk '{print $1}' | awk 'sub( ".$", "" )' ) echo "${VALUE}" else VALUE=$(echo ${1} | grep : | awk '{print $2}') echo "${VALUE}" fi } optsCount=0 while getopts "hd:a:p:t:g:l:s:u:D:m:b:e:E:j:" OPTION do case "$OPTION" in h) help="yes" ;; d) DNBASE=${OPTARG} let optsCount=$optsCount+1 ;; a) LDAPADMIN_UID=${OPTARG} [[ ${LDAPADMIN_UID} != "" ]] && WITH_LDAP_BIND="yes" ;; p) PASS=${OPTARG} ;; t) LDAPGROUP_OBJECTCLASS=${OPTARG} let optsCount=$optsCount+1 ;; g) LDAPGROUP=${OPTARG} let optsCount=$optsCount+1 ;; l) LISTNAME=${OPTARG} let optsCount=$optsCount+1 ;; s) URL=${OPTARG} ;; u) DN_USER_BRANCH=${OPTARG} ;; D) DOMAIN=${OPTARG} ;; m) MAILMAN_OPTIONS=${OPTARG} ;; b) MAILMAN_BIN=${OPTARG} ;; e) EMAIL_REPORT=${OPTARG} ;; E) EMAIL_ADDRESS=${OPTARG} ;; j) [ ${OPTARG} != "default" ] && LOG=${OPTARG} LOG_ACTIVE=1 ;; esac done if [[ ${optsCount} != "4" ]] then help alldone 1 fi if [[ ${help} = "yes" ]] then help fi if [[ ${WITH_LDAP_BIND} = "yes" ]] && [[ ${PASS} = "" ]] then echo "Password for ${LDAPADMIN_UID},${DN_USER_BRANCH},${DNBASE}?" read -s PASS fi # Redirect standard outpout to temp file exec 6>&1 exec >> ${LOG_TEMP} # Start temp log file echo -e "\n****************************** `date` ******************************\n" echo -e "$0 started for Mailman list ${LISTNAME}\n(LDAP group ${LDAPGROUP},${DNBASE})\n" # Test of sending email parameter and check the consistency of the parameter email address if [[ ${EMAIL_REPORT} = "forcemail" ]] then EMAIL_LEVEL=2 if [[ -z $EMAIL_ADDRESS ]] then echo -e "You use option '-e ${EMAIL_REPORT}' but you have not entered any email info.\n\t-> We continue the process without sending email." EMAIL_LEVEL=0 else echo "${EMAIL_ADDRESS}" | grep '^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$' > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "This address '${EMAIL_ADDRESS}' does not seem valid.\n\t-> We continue the process without sending email." EMAIL_LEVEL=0 fi fi elif [[ ${EMAIL_REPORT} = "onerror" ]] then EMAIL_LEVEL=1 if [[ -z $EMAIL_ADDRESS ]] then echo -e "You use option '-e ${EMAIL_REPORT}' but you have not entered any email info.\n\t-> We continue the process without sending email." EMAIL_LEVEL=0 else echo "${EMAIL_ADDRESS}" | grep '^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$' > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "This address '${EMAIL_ADDRESS}' does not seem valid.\n\t-> We continue the process without sending email." EMAIL_LEVEL=0 fi fi elif [[ ${EMAIL_REPORT} != "nomail" ]] then echo -e "\nOption '-e ${EMAIL_REPORT}' is not valid (must be: 'onerror', 'forcemail' or 'nomail').\n\t-> We continue the process without sending email." EMAIL_LEVEL=0 elif [[ ${EMAIL_REPORT} = "nomail" ]] then EMAIL_LEVEL=0 fi # Verification of LDAPGROUP_OBJECTCLASS parameter [[ ${LDAPGROUP_OBJECTCLASS} != "posixGroup" ]] && [[ ${LDAPGROUP_OBJECTCLASS} != "groupOfNames" ]] && error "Parameter '-t ${LDAPGROUP_OBJECTCLASS}' is not correct.\n-t must be 'posixGroup' or 'groupOfNames'" # Verification of presence of the Mailman list to populate echo -e "\nTest for the presence of Mailman list" if [ -f ${MAILMAN_BIN}/list_lists ] then ${MAILMAN_BIN}/list_lists | grep -i ${LISTNAME} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error "Mailman list you try to sync does not exist.\nPlease create the list before re-launching this tool." else echo -e "\t-> Mailman list seems correct." fi else error "${MAILMAN_BIN}/list_lists is missing.\Check your Mailman installation." fi # Verification of LDAP_SERVER_URL parameter [[ ${URL} = "" ]] && echo -e "You used option '-s' but you have not entered any LDAP url. Wi'll try to continue with url 'ldap://'" && URL="ldap://" # LDAP connection test echo -e "\nConnecting LDAP at $URL ...\n" [[ ${WITH_LDAP_BIND} = "yes" ]] && LDAP_COMMAND_BEGIN="ldapsearch -LLL -H ${URL} -b ${LDAPGROUP},${DNBASE} -D uid=${LDAPADMIN_UID},${DN_USER_BRANCH},${DNBASE} -w ${PASS}" [[ ${WITH_LDAP_BIND} = "no" ]] && LDAP_COMMAND_BEGIN="ldapsearch -LLL -H ${URL} -b ${LDAPGROUP},${DNBASE} -x" ${LDAP_COMMAND_BEGIN} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error "Error connecting to LDAP server.\nPlease verify your URL and user/pass (if needed)." fi # Test if user list is not empty if [[ ${LDAPGROUP_OBJECTCLASS} = "groupOfNames" ]] then if [[ -z $(${LDAP_COMMAND_BEGIN} member | grep member: | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F',' '{print $1}') ]] then error "User list on LDAP group is empty!" else ${LDAP_COMMAND_BEGIN} member | grep member: | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F',' '{print $1}' >> ${LIST_USERS} fi elif [[ ${LDAPGROUP_OBJECTCLASS} = "posixGroup" ]] then if [[ -z $(${LDAP_COMMAND_BEGIN} memberUid | grep memberUid: | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/^./uid=&/g') ]] then error "User list on LDAP group is empty" else ${LDAP_COMMAND_BEGIN} memberUid | grep memberUid: | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/^./uid=&/g' >> ${LIST_USERS} fi fi # Processing each user for USER in $(cat $LIST_USERS) do PRINCIPAL_EMAIL="" echo "- Processing user: ${USER}" EMAILS=$(mktemp /tmp/mailman_emails.XXXXX) EMAILS_CLEAN_TEMP=$(mktemp /tmp/mailman_emails_clean_tmp.XXXXX) EMAILS_CLEAN=$(mktemp /tmp/mailman_emails_clean.XXXXX) SECONDARY_EMAILS=$(mktemp /tmp/mailman_secondry_emails.XXXXX) [[ ${WITH_LDAP_BIND} = "yes" ]] && ldapsearch -LLL -H ${URL} -D uid=${LDAPADMIN_UID},${DN_USER_BRANCH},${DNBASE} -b ${DN_USER_BRANCH},${DNBASE} -w ${PASS} ${USER} mail | grep ^mail: >> ${EMAILS} [[ ${WITH_LDAP_BIND} = "no" ]] && ldapsearch -LLL -H ${URL} -b ${DN_USER_BRANCH},${DNBASE} -x ${USER} mail | grep mail: >> ${EMAILS} # Correction to support LDIF splitted lines, thanks to Guillaume Bougard (gbougard@pkg.fr) perl -n -e 'chomp ; print "\n" unless (substr($_,0,1) eq " " || !defined($lines)); $_ =~ s/^\s+// ; print $_ ; $lines++;' -i "${EMAILS}" # Decode if Base64 encoding is used OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n' for LINE in $(cat ${EMAILS}) do base64decode $LINE >> ${EMAILS_CLEAN_TEMP} done IFS=$OLDIFS # test if address are correct for LINE in $(cat ${EMAILS_CLEAN_TEMP}) do echo "${LINE}" | grep '^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$' > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "\tThis address '${LINE}' does not seem valid.\n\t-> We do not use this address." else echo "${LINE}" >> ${EMAILS_CLEAN} fi done LINES_NUMBER=$(cat ${EMAILS_CLEAN} | grep "." | wc -l) echo -e "\tNumber of lines/emails: ${LINES_NUMBER}" # If no email -> skip if [[ -z $(cat ${EMAILS_CLEAN}) ]] then echo -e "\tPas d'email" # If only one mail, keep this mail elif [ ${LINES_NUMBER} -eq 1 ] then PRINCIPAL_EMAIL=$(head -n 1 ${EMAILS_CLEAN}) echo -e "\tOnly one email address: ${PRINCIPAL_EMAIL}" # If multiples mails elif [ ${LINES_NUMBER} -gt 1 ] then echo -e "\tMultiples email addresses found." if [[ -z ${DOMAIN} ]] # No main domain defined -> keep first mail then PRINCIPAL_EMAIL=$(head -n 1 ${EMAILS_CLEAN}) echo -e "\t-> Keep first one: ${PRINCIPAL_EMAIL}" else # Main domain defined -> search first mail in domain cat ${EMAILS_CLEAN} | grep ${DOMAIN} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then PRINCIPAL_EMAIL=$(head -n 1 ${EMAILS_CLEAN}) echo -e "\t-> No email containing the main domain defined, we keep the first user email: ${PRINCIPAL_EMAIL}" else PRINCIPAL_EMAIL=$(cat ${EMAILS_CLEAN} | grep ${DOMAIN} | head -n 1) echo -e "\t-> Email with main domain found: ${PRINCIPAL_EMAIL}" fi fi # Creating list of address authorized to send email cat ${EMAILS_CLEAN} | grep -v ${PRINCIPAL_EMAIL} >> ${SECONDARY_EMAILS} echo -e "\tAllowed senders list:" echo -e "\t-> $(cat ${SECONDARY_EMAILS} | perl -p -e 's/\n/ - /g' | awk 'sub( "...$", "" )')" fi # Add address to allowed senders list echo ${PRINCIPAL_EMAIL} >> ${LIST_MEMBERS} [[ ! -z $(cat ${SECONDARY_EMAILS}) ]] && cat ${SECONDARY_EMAILS} >> ${LIST_SENDERS} # Remove email temp files rm ${EMAILS} rm ${EMAILS_CLEAN} rm ${EMAILS_CLEAN_TEMP} rm ${SECONDARY_EMAILS} echo "" done echo -e "*************\nFor information, LIST_MEMBERS:" cat ${LIST_MEMBERS} echo "*************" if [ -f ${LIST_SENDERS} ] && [[ ! -z $(cat ${LIST_SENDERS}) ]] then echo "For information, LIST_SENDERS:" cat ${LIST_SENDERS} echo "*************" fi # Installing $SCRIPT_DIR/clean-email-list.py if needed if [ ! -f ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py ] then echo -e "\nInstalling ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py..." wget -O ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/yvangodard/ldap2mailman/master/clean-email-list.py if [ $? -ne 0 ] then ERROR_MESSAGE=$(echo $?) error "Error while downloading https://raw.github.com/yvangodard/ldap2mailman/master/clean-email-list.py.\n${ERROR_MESSAGE}.\nYou need to solve this before re-launching this tool." else echo -e "\t-> Installation OK" chmod +x ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py fi fi echo -e "\nProcessing the lists with ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py" if [ -f ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py ] then ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py ${LIST_MEMBERS} > ${LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS} [ -f ${LIST_SENDERS} ] && [[ ! -z $(cat ${LIST_SENDERS}) ]] && ${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py ${LIST_SENDERS} > ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} else error "${SCRIPT_DIR}/clean-email-list.py missing.\nTry to install it manually before re-launching this tool.\nGo to https://github.com/yvangodard/ldap2mailman." fi echo -e "\n*************" echo "For information, LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS:" cat ${LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS} echo "*************" if [ -f ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} ] && [[ ! -z $(cat ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS}) ]] then echo "For information, LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS:" cat ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} echo "*************" fi # Sync with Mailman echo -e "\nList processing with command: ${MAILMAN_BIN}/sync_members ${MAILMAN_OPTIONS} -f ${LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS} ${LISTNAME}" if [ -f ${MAILMAN_BIN}/sync_members ] then echo -e "Result of the command: " ${MAILMAN_BIN}/sync_members ${MAILMAN_OPTIONS} -f ${LIST_CLEAN_MEMBERS} ${LISTNAME} if [ $? -ne 0 ] then ERROR_MESSAGE1=$(echo $?) error "Error with the command: ${MAILMAN_BIN}/sync_members.\n${ERROR_MESSAGE1}.\nPlease try solving this with Mailman's man." fi else error "${MAILMAN_BIN}/sync_members.\nCheck your Mailman installation." fi if [ -f ${MAILMAN_BIN}/config_list ] then # If list is not empty we add allowed senders (variable accept_these_nonmembers = []) if [ -f ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} ] && [[ ! -z $(cat ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS}) ]] then echo "" # Saving actual configuration of the list ${MAILMAN_BIN}/config_list -o ${ACTUAL_LIST_CONFIG} ${LISTNAME} # Checking if there is already some allowed non members grep "accept_these_nonmembers = \['" ${ACTUAL_LIST_CONFIG} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "No old list of secondary emails detected in the variable 'accept_these_nonmembers' in the Mailman list" else echo "Saving emails actually set in variable 'accept_these_nonmembers' in the Mailman list:" LIST=$(grep "accept_these_nonmembers = " ${ACTUAL_LIST_CONFIG} | sed -e 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/' | sed "s/,/\n/g" | sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/'//g") echo ${LIST} | perl -p -e 's/ / - /g' for OLD_ADDRESS in ${LIST} do echo ${OLD_ADDRESS} >> ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} done fi NEW_LIST_SENDERS=$(cat ${LIST_CLEAN_SENDERS} | grep '.' | sed '/^$/d' | awk '!x[$0]++') echo "accept_these_nonmembers = [" > ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG_TEMP} for NEW_ADDRESS in ${NEW_LIST_SENDERS} do echo "'${NEW_ADDRESS}', " >> ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG_TEMP} done echo "]" >> ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG_TEMP} echo -e "\t-> New config:" cat ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG_TEMP} | perl -p -e 's/\n//g' > ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG} cat ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG} echo -e "\nImporting new emails list in the variable 'accept_these_nonmembers' in the Mailman list" ${MAILMAN_BIN}/config_list -i ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG} ${LISTNAME} if [ $? -ne 0 ] then ERROR_MESSAGE=$(echo $?) error "Error while running command: ${MAILMAN_BIN}/config_list -i ${NEW_LIST_CONFIG} ${LISTNAME}.\n${ERROR_MESSAGE}." else echo -e "\t-> Import OK" fi fi else echo "" error "Error while running command: ${MAILMAN_BIN}/config_list.\nPlease try solving this with Mailman's man or check your Mailman installation" fi echo "" echo "****************************** FINAL RESULT ******************************" echo -e "$0 finished for Mailman list ${LISTNAME}\n(LDAP group ${LDAPGROUP},${DNBASE})" alldone 0