local base_colors = require('color').base_colors local misc_colors = require('color').misc_colors local diagnostic_icons = require('font').diagnostic_icons local todo_icons = require('font').todo_icons local enable_noice = require('plugin_utils').enable_noice local enable_lsp_lines = require('plugin_utils').enable_lsp_lines local get_lsp_lines_status = require('plugin_utils').get_lsp_lines_status return { { 'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim', event = { 'InsertEnter', 'CursorHold', 'FocusLost', 'BufRead', 'BufNewFile' }, init = function() vim.opt.laststatus = 0 vim.opt.showtabline = 0 end, config = function() local theme_table = function(theme) local table = { ['gruvbox-material'] = function() local custom_gruvbox = require('lualine.themes.gruvbox-material') custom_gruvbox.normal.a.fg = base_colors.black custom_gruvbox.normal.a.bg = base_colors.blue custom_gruvbox.insert.a.fg = base_colors.black custom_gruvbox.insert.a.bg = base_colors.yellow custom_gruvbox.visual.a.fg = base_colors.black custom_gruvbox.visual.a.bg = base_colors.magenta custom_gruvbox.replace.a.fg = base_colors.black custom_gruvbox.replace.a.bg = base_colors.red return custom_gruvbox end, ['tokyonight'] = function() return 'tokyonight' end, } return table[theme] and table[theme]() or 'auto' end -- Displays the number of unsaved files other than the current buffer local function modified_buffers() local modified_background_buffers = vim.tbl_filter(function(bufnr) return vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'buftype') == '' and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'modifiable') and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) ~= '' and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_number(bufnr) ~= vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'modified') end, vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) if #modified_background_buffers > 0 then return '!' .. #modified_background_buffers else return '' end end local function lsp_lines_mode() if not enable_lsp_lines then return '' end local mode = '' if get_lsp_lines_status().mode == 'current' then mode = 'C' elseif get_lsp_lines_status().mode == 'all' then mode = 'A' elseif get_lsp_lines_status().mode == 'none' then mode = 'N' end return 'LspLines: [' .. mode .. ']' end require('lualine').setup({ options = { theme = theme_table(vim.env.NVIM_COLORSCHEME), globalstatus = true, }, sections = { lualine_a = { 'mode' }, lualine_b = { 'branch', 'diff' }, lualine_c = { { 'filename', path = 1 }, modified_buffers }, lualine_x = { { 'diagnostics', symbols = { error = diagnostic_icons.error .. ' ', warn = diagnostic_icons.warn .. ' ', info = diagnostic_icons.info .. ' ', hint = diagnostic_icons.hint .. ' ', }, }, { lsp_lines_mode }, { 'filetype', colored = true, icon_only = false }, }, lualine_y = { 'progress' }, lualine_z = { 'location' }, }, extensions = { 'aerial', 'fern', 'fzf', 'man', 'quickfix', 'toggleterm', }, }) end, }, { 'akinsho/bufferline.nvim', dependencies = { { 'tiagovla/scope.nvim' }, }, event = { 'BufRead' }, init = function() vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, '(ctrl-n)', 'BufferLineCycleNext') vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, '(ctrl-p)', 'BufferLineCyclePrev') end, config = function() local black = base_colors.black local red = base_colors.red local green = base_colors.green local yellow = base_colors.yellow local blue = base_colors.blue local white = base_colors.white local grey = base_colors.grey local background = base_colors.background local empty = base_colors.empty local info = base_colors.yellow local vert_split = misc_colors.vert_split require('scope').setup() local coc_diagnostic_results = {} require('bufferline').setup({ options = { -- mode = 'tabs', numbers = 'ordinal', buffer_close_icon = '×', show_close_icon = false, diagnostics = vim.env.LSP == 'nvim' and 'nvim_lsp' or 'coc', show_buffer_default_icon = false, separator_style = { '|', ' ' }, modified_icon = '[+]', diagnostics_indicator = function(_, _, diagnostics_dict, context) local error = '' local warning = '' if vim.env.LSP == 'nvim' then if diagnostics_dict.error then error = diagnostic_icons.error .. ' ' .. diagnostics_dict.error end if diagnostics_dict.warning then warning = diagnostic_icons.warn .. ' ' .. diagnostics_dict.warning end else local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() if context.buffer.id ~= buf then return coc_diagnostic_results[context.buffer.id] or '' end local coc_diagnostic_info = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(buf, 'coc_diagnostic_info') if coc_diagnostic_info.error ~= 0 then error = diagnostic_icons.error .. ' ' .. coc_diagnostic_info.error end if coc_diagnostic_info.warning ~= 0 then warning = diagnostic_icons.warn .. ' ' .. coc_diagnostic_info.warning end end local result = '' if error ~= '' then result = error end if warning ~= '' then result = result .. ' ' .. warning end return result end, offsets = { { filetype = 'fern', text = 'Fern', highlight = 'Directory', separator = true, }, { filetype = 'DiffviewFiles', text = 'Diffview', highlight = 'Directory', separator = true, }, }, custom_areas = { -- TODO: Format the display of tab information left = function() local count = #vim.fn.gettabinfo() if count == 1 then return {} else return { { text = '▎', fg = yellow, bg = empty, }, { text = ' ' .. vim.fn.tabpagenr() .. '/' .. vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') .. ' ', fg = white, bg = empty, }, } end end, }, }, highlights = { fill = { fg = grey, bg = empty, }, background = { fg = grey, bg = background, }, tab = { fg = grey, bg = black, }, buffer = { fg = grey, bg = black, }, close_button = { fg = grey, bg = background, }, numbers = { fg = grey, bg = background, }, separator = { fg = background, bg = background, }, duplicate = { fg = green, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, diagnostic = { fg = white, bg = black, }, error = { fg = grey, bg = background, }, warning = { fg = grey, bg = background, }, info = { fg = grey, bg = background, }, hint = { fg = grey, bg = background, }, error_diagnostic = { fg = red, bg = background, }, warning_diagnostic = { fg = yellow, bg = background, }, info_diagnostic = { fg = info, bg = background, }, hint_diagnostic = { fg = white, bg = background, }, modified = { fg = yellow, bg = background, }, tab_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = true, italic = false, }, buffer_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = true, italic = false, }, close_button_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, numbers_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, indicator_selected = { fg = blue, bg = black, bold = true, italic = false, }, duplicate_selected = { fg = green, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, error_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = true, italic = false, }, warning_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = true, italic = false, }, info_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = true, italic = false, }, hint_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = true, italic = false, }, error_diagnostic_selected = { fg = red, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, warning_diagnostic_selected = { fg = yellow, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, info_diagnostic_selected = { fg = info, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, hint_diagnostic_selected = { fg = white, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, modified_selected = { fg = yellow, bg = black, bold = false, italic = false, }, buffer_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, close_button_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, numbers_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, indicator_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, duplicate_visible = { fg = green, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, error_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, warning_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, info_visible = { fg = info, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, hint_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, error_diagnostic_visible = { fg = red, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, warning_diagnostic_visible = { fg = yellow, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, info_diagnostic_visible = { fg = info, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, hint_diagnostic_visible = { fg = white, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, modified_visible = { fg = yellow, bg = background, bold = false, italic = false, }, offset_separator = { fg = vert_split, bg = background, }, }, }) end, }, { 'b0o/incline.nvim', dependencies = { { 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' }, { 'SmiteshP/nvim-navic' }, }, event = { 'VeryLazy' }, config = function() require('incline').setup({ window = { width = 'fit', placement = { horizontal = 'right', vertical = 'top' }, margin = { horizontal = { left = 1, right = 0 }, vertical = { bottom = 0, top = 1 }, }, padding = { left = 1, right = 1 }, padding_char = ' ', winhighlight = { Normal = 'NormalFloat', }, }, render = function(props) local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(props.buf), ':t') local icon, color = require('nvim-web-devicons').get_icon_color(filename) local nav = {} if vim.env.LSP == 'nvim' then local data = require('nvim-navic').get_data(props.buf) for _, v in ipairs(data) do table.insert(nav, { '  ' }) table.insert(nav, { v.icon, group = 'CmpItemKind' .. v.type, }) table.insert(nav, { v.name }) end else local ok, nav_var = pcall(function() return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(props.buf, 'coc_nav') end) if ok then for _, v in ipairs(nav_var) do table.insert(nav, { '  ' }) table.insert(nav, { v.label, group = v.highlight }) table.insert(nav, { v.name }) end end end return { { icon, guifg = color }, { ' ' }, { filename }, nav, } end, }) end, }, { 'luukvbaal/statuscol.nvim', enabled = false, event = { 'BufRead' }, config = function() require('statuscol').setup({ setopt = true, }) end, }, { 'levouh/tint.nvim', event = { 'BufRead' }, config = function() require('tint').setup({ highlight_ignore_patterns = { 'WinSeparator', 'VertSplit', 'Status.*', }, window_ignore_function = function(winid) local bufid = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid) local buftype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufid, 'buftype') local floating = vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(winid).relative ~= '' return buftype == 'terminal' or floating end, }) end, }, { 'petertriho/nvim-scrollbar', dependencies = { { 'petertriho/nvim-scrollbar' }, { 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim' }, }, event = { 'BufRead' }, config = function() require('scrollbar').setup({ handle = { color = misc_colors.scrollbar.bar, }, handlers = { search = true, cursor = false, diagnostic = true, }, marks = { Search = { text = { '-', '=' }, priority = 5, color = misc_colors.scrollbar.search, }, Error = { priority = 1, highlight = 'DiagnosticSignError', }, Warn = { priority = 2, highlight = 'DiagnosticSignWarn', }, Info = { priority = 3, highlight = 'DiagnosticSignInfo', }, Hint = { priority = 4, highlight = 'DiagnosticSignHint', }, }, }) require('scrollbar.handlers.search').setup() require('scrollbar.handlers.gitsigns').setup() end, }, { 'gen740/SmoothCursor.nvim', event = { 'BufRead' }, init = function() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'ColorScheme' }, { pattern = { 'gruvbox-material' }, callback = function() vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SmoothCursor', { fg = base_colors.blue, bg = 'NONE' }) end, }) end, config = function() require('SmoothCursor').setup({ cursor = '>', priority = 10, disabled_filetypes = { 'lazy', 'aerial', 'toggleterm', }, disable_float_win = true, }) end, }, { 'lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim', dependencies = { { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' }, }, cmd = { 'IndentBlanklineToggle' }, init = function() vim.g.indent_blankline_enabled = false vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, 'i', 'IndentBlanklineToggle!') end, config = function() require('indent_blankline').setup({ show_current_context = true, show_current_context_start = true, }) end, }, { 'folke/todo-comments.nvim', event = { 'BufReadPost' }, config = function() require('todo-comments').setup({ keywords = { TODO = { icon = todo_icons.todo, color = base_colors.green }, FIX = { icon = todo_icons.fix, color = base_colors.magenta, alt = { 'FIXME', 'BUG', 'ISSUE' } }, WARN = { icon = todo_icons.warn, color = base_colors.orange, alt = { 'WARNING' } }, TEST = { icon = todo_icons.test, color = base_colors.yellow, alt = { 'TESTING', 'PASSED', 'FAILED' } }, NOTE = { icon = todo_icons.note, color = base_colors.blue, alt = { 'INFO' } }, }, }) end, }, { 'kevinhwang91/nvim-ufo', dependencies = { { 'kevinhwang91/promise-async' }, }, event = { 'FocusLost', 'CursorHold' }, init = function() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'ColorScheme' }, { pattern = { 'gruvbox-material' }, callback = function() vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'UfoFoldVirtText', { fg = base_colors.blue }) end, }) end, config = function() local enable_file_type = { 'typescript', 'typescriptreact', 'vim' } local function ufo_width() local width = 0 for winnr = 1, vim.fn.winnr('$') do local win_width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(vim.fn.win_getid(winnr)) width = win_width > width and win_width or width end return width end require('ufo').setup({ open_fold_hl_timeout = 0, provider_selector = function(_, filetype, _) if vim.tbl_contains(enable_file_type, filetype) then return { 'treesitter', 'indent' } end return '' end, preview = { win_config = { winhighlight = 'Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:Normal', winblend = 0, }, mappings = { scrollU = '', scrollD = '', }, }, enable_fold_and_virt_text = true, fold_virt_text_handler = function(virt_text, lnum, end_lnum, width, truncate) local new_virt_text = {} local suffix = (' ↲ %d '):format(end_lnum - lnum) local suf_width = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(suffix) local target_width = width - suf_width local cur_width = 0 for _, chunk in ipairs(virt_text) do local chunk_text = chunk[1] local chunk_width = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(chunk_text) if target_width > cur_width + chunk_width then table.insert(new_virt_text, chunk) else chunk_text = truncate(chunk_text, target_width - cur_width) local hl_group = chunk[2] table.insert(new_virt_text, { chunk_text, hl_group }) chunk_width = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(chunk_text) if cur_width + chunk_width < target_width then suffix = suffix .. ('.'):rep(target_width - cur_width - chunk_width) end break end cur_width = cur_width + chunk_width end table.insert(new_virt_text, { suffix, 'UfoFoldVirtText' }) table.insert(new_virt_text, { ('.'):rep(ufo_width()), 'Comment' }) return new_virt_text end, }) end, }, { 'stevearc/aerial.nvim', cmd = { 'AerialToggle' }, init = function() vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, 'a', 'AerialToggle!') vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, 'A', 'AerialToggle') end, config = function() require('aerial').setup({ backends = { 'treesitter', 'markdown' }, filter_kind = { 'Class', 'Constructor', 'Enum', 'Function', 'Interface', 'Module', 'Method', 'Struct', 'Variable', }, layout = { win_opts = { winblend = 10, }, default_direction = 'float', placement = 'edge', }, float = { border = 'rounded', relative = 'win', max_height = 0.9, height = nil, min_height = { 8, 0.1 }, override = function(conf, source_winid) conf.anchor = 'NE' conf.col = vim.fn.winwidth(source_winid) conf.row = 0 return conf end, }, }) end, }, -- TODO: Setting key mappings { 'uga-rosa/ccc.nvim', event = { 'BufRead' }, cmd = { 'CccPick', 'CccHighlighterToggle', 'CccHighlighterEnable' }, config = function() local ccc = require('ccc') local ColorInput = require('ccc.input') local convert = require('ccc.utils.convert') local RgbHslCmykInput = setmetatable({ name = 'RGB/HSL/CMYK', max = { 1, 1, 1, 360, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, min = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, delta = { 1 / 255, 1 / 255, 1 / 255, 1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005 }, bar_name = { 'R', 'G', 'B', 'H', 'S', 'L', 'C', 'M', 'Y', 'K' }, }, { __index = ColorInput }) function RgbHslCmykInput.format(n, i) if i <= 3 then -- RGB n = n * 255 elseif i == 5 or i == 6 then -- S or L of HSL n = n * 100 elseif i >= 7 then -- CMYK return ('%5.1f%%'):format(math.floor(n * 200) / 2) end return ('%6d'):format(n) end function RgbHslCmykInput.from_rgb(RGB) local HSL = convert.rgb2hsl(RGB) local CMYK = convert.rgb2cmyk(RGB) local R, G, B = unpack(RGB) local H, S, L = unpack(HSL) local C, M, Y, K = unpack(CMYK) return { R, G, B, H, S, L, C, M, Y, K } end function RgbHslCmykInput.to_rgb(value) return { value[1], value[2], value[3] } end function RgbHslCmykInput:_set_rgb(RGB) self.value[1] = RGB[1] self.value[2] = RGB[2] self.value[3] = RGB[3] end function RgbHslCmykInput:_set_hsl(HSL) self.value[4] = HSL[1] self.value[5] = HSL[2] self.value[6] = HSL[3] end function RgbHslCmykInput:_set_cmyk(CMYK) self.value[7] = CMYK[1] self.value[8] = CMYK[2] self.value[9] = CMYK[3] self.value[10] = CMYK[4] end function RgbHslCmykInput:callback(index, new_value) self.value[index] = new_value local v = self.value if index <= 3 then local RGB = { v[1], v[2], v[3] } local HSL = convert.rgb2hsl(RGB) local CMYK = convert.rgb2cmyk(RGB) self:_set_hsl(HSL) self:_set_cmyk(CMYK) elseif index <= 6 then local HSL = { v[4], v[5], v[6] } local RGB = convert.hsl2rgb(HSL) local CMYK = convert.rgb2cmyk(RGB) self:_set_rgb(RGB) self:_set_cmyk(CMYK) else local CMYK = { v[7], v[8], v[9], v[10] } local RGB = convert.cmyk2rgb(CMYK) local HSL = convert.rgb2hsl(RGB) self:_set_rgb(RGB) self:_set_hsl(HSL) end end ccc.setup({ bar_len = 50, bar_char = '█', point_char = '|', highlighter = { auto_enable = true, max_byte = 1024 * 1024, }, pickers = { ccc.picker.hex, ccc.picker.css_rgb, ccc.picker.css_hsl, }, inputs = { RgbHslCmykInput, }, }) end, }, { 'yuki-yano/highlight-undo.nvim', -- dir = '~/repos/github.com/yuki-yano/highlight-undo.nvim', dependencies = { { 'vim-denops/denops.vim' }, { 'yuki-yano/denops-lazy.nvim' }, }, keys = { { 'u', mode = { 'n' } }, { '', mode = { 'n' } }, }, config = function() -- TODO: map is not done on first undo and redo vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'User' }, { pattern = { 'DenopsPluginPost:highlight-undo' }, callback = function() require('highlight-undo').setup() end, }) require('denops-lazy').load('highlight-undo.nvim', { wait_load = false }) end, }, { 'machakann/vim-highlightedundo', -- NOTE: Use highlight-undo.nvim enabled = false, keys = { { '(highlightedundo-undo)', mode = { 'n' } }, { '(highlightedundo-redo)', mode = { 'n' } }, }, init = function() vim.g.enable_highlightedundo = false vim.g['highlightedundo#highlight_mode'] = 2 if vim.g.enable_highlightedundo then vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, 'u', '(highlightedundo-undo)') vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, '', '(highlightedundo-redo)') end local function highlightedundo_enable() vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, 'u', '(highlightedundo-undo)') vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, '', '(highlightedundo-redo)') end local function highlightedundo_disable() vim.keymap.del({ 'n' }, 'u') vim.keymap.del({ 'n' }, '') end local function highlightedundo_toggle() if vim.g.enable_highlightedundo then vim.g.enable_highlightedundo = false highlightedundo_disable() else vim.g.enable_highlightedundo = true highlightedundo_enable() end end vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('ToggleHighlightedUndo', highlightedundo_toggle, {}) end, }, { 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank', event = { 'TextYankPost' }, init = function() vim.g.highlightedyank_highlight_duration = 300 vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'ColorScheme' }, { pattern = { 'gruvbox-material' }, callback = function() vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'HighlightedyankRegion', { fg = base_colors.red, bg = base_colors.black }) end, }) end, }, { 'folke/noice.nvim', enabled = enable_noice, dependencies = { { 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim' }, { 'rcarriga/nvim-notify' }, }, event = { 'VeryLazy' }, config = function() require('noice').setup({ lsp = { signature = { enabled = false, }, override = { ['vim.lsp.util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines'] = true, ['vim.lsp.util.stylize_markdown'] = true, }, }, presets = { command_palette = true, long_message_to_split = true, }, }) end, }, { 'anuvyklack/hydra.nvim', keys = { { 'g;', mode = { 'n' } }, { 'g,', mode = { 'n' } }, { 't', mode = { 'n' } }, { 'z', mode = { 'n' } }, }, config = function() local hydra = require('hydra') hydra({ name = 'Change list', mode = 'n', body = 'g', heads = { { ';', 'g;', { desc = '<=' } }, { ',', 'g,', { desc = '=>' } }, }, }) local toggle_hint = [[ Toggle _n_: %{number} Number _i_: %{indent} Indent _q_: %{quickfix} QuickFix _l_: %{location_list} LocationList _f_: %{eft} Eft _u_: %{highlighted_undo} HighlightedUndo __ ]] hydra({ name = 'Toggle', hint = toggle_hint, mode = 'n', body = 't', config = { invoke_on_body = true, hint = { position = 'middle', border = 'rounded', funcs = { number = function() if vim.o.number and vim.o.relativenumber then return '[r]' elseif vim.o.number then return '[n]' else return '[ ]' end end, indent = function() if vim.g.indent_blankline_enabled then return '[x]' else return '[ ]' end end, quickfix = function() for _, win in ipairs(vim.fn.getwininfo()) do if win.quickfix == 1 then return '[x]' end end return '[ ]' end, location_list = function() for _, win in ipairs(vim.fn.getwininfo()) do if win.loclist == 1 then return '[x]' end end return '[ ]' end, eft = function() if vim.g.eft_enable then return '[x]' else return '[ ]' end end, highlighted_undo = function() if vim.g.highlightedundo_enable then return '[x]' else return '[ ]' end end, }, }, }, heads = { { 'n', function() vim.cmd([[ToggleNumber]]) end, { silent = true }, }, { 'i', function() vim.cmd([[IndentBlanklineToggle!]]) end, { silent = true }, }, { 'q', function() vim.cmd([[ToggleQuickFix]]) end, { silent = true }, }, { 'l', function() vim.cmd([[ToggleLocationList]]) end, { silent = true }, }, { 'f', function() vim.cmd([[ToggleEft]]) end, { silent = true }, }, { 'u', function() vim.cmd([[ToggleHighlightedundo]]) end, { silent = true }, }, { '', nil, { exit = true } }, }, }) local fold_hint = [[ Fold _o_: open _O_: open recursive _c_: close _C_: close recursive _a_: toggle _A_: toggle recursive Fold Count _r_: open _R_: open recursive _m_: close _M_: close recursive Misc _x_: reload __ ]] hydra({ name = 'Fold', hint = fold_hint, mode = 'n', body = 'z', config = { invoke_on_body = true, hint = { position = 'middle', border = 'rounded', }, }, heads = { { 'o', 'normal! zo', { silent = true } }, { 'O', 'normal! zO', { silent = true } }, { 'c', 'normal! zc', { silent = true } }, { 'C', 'normal! zC', { silent = true } }, { 'a', 'normal! za', { silent = true } }, { 'A', 'normal! zA', { silent = true } }, { 'r', 'normal! zr', { silent = true } }, { 'R', 'normal! zR', { silent = true } }, { 'm', 'normal! zm', { silent = true } }, { 'M', 'normal! zM', { silent = true } }, { 'x', 'normal! zx', { silent = true } }, { '', nil, { exit = true } }, }, }) end, }, { 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' }, { 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', config = function() local red = base_colors.red local green = base_colors.green local yellow = base_colors.yellow local blue = base_colors.blue local magenta = base_colors.magenta local cyan = base_colors.cyan local white = base_colors.white require('nvim-web-devicons').set_default_icon('󾩻 ', white) require('nvim-web-devicons').setup({ override = { ['.babelrc'] = { icon = ' ', color = yellow, cterm_color = '185', name = 'Babelrc', }, ['.gitignore'] 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