formatter: swift options: name: API # the name of the API fixedWidthIntegers: false # whether to use types like Int32 and Int64 mutableModels: true # whether model properties are mutable safeOptionalDecoding: false # set invalid optionals to nil instead of throwing safeArrayDecoding: false # filter out invalid items in array instead of throwing modelPrefix: null # applied to model classes and enums modelSuffix: null # applied to model classes modelType: class # can be struct or class modelInheritance: true # must be false for struct modelType modelProtocol: APIModel # the protocol all models conform to modelNames: {} # override model type names enumNames: {} # override enum type names enumUndecodableCase: false # whether to add undecodable case to enums codableResponses: false # constrains all responses/model to be Codable propertyNames: {} # override property names anyType: Any # override Any in generated models numberType: Double # number type without format typeAliases: ID: UUID DateTime: Date File: Data dependencies: - name: Alamofire pod: Alamofire github: Alamofire/Alamofire version: 5.4.4 templateFiles: - path: - path: Package.swift - path: Cartfile - path: Info.plist - path: Sources/API.swift - path: Sources/Coding.swift - path: Sources/APIRequest.swift - path: Sources/APIClient.swift - path: Sources/APIService.swift - path: Sources/APIClientError.swift - path: Sources/APIResponse.swift - path: Sources/APIResult.swift - path: Sources/RequestBehaviour.swift - path: Sources/AnyCodable.swift - path: Podspec.podspec destination: "{{ }}.podspec" - path: Sources/Enum.swift context: enums destination: "Sources/Enums/{{ enumName }}.swift" - path: Sources/Model.swift context: schemas destination: "Sources/Models/{{ type }}.swift" - path: Sources/Request.swift context: operations destination: "Sources/Requests{% if tag %}/{{ tag|upperCamelCase }}{% endif %}/{{ type }}.swift"