## 1.1.0 Release notes (2019-09-29) #### ⬆️ Swift 5.0 Now we support Swift5.0! #### ⭐️ New Features - Plan, Build and Sign a transaction #228 - QRCode support #158 - ECPoint multiplication methods #219 #### ♻️ Refactor - Mnemonic #227 - HDWallet #228 - Address #232 #### 🐛 Fix bugs - Key derivation bug #220 #### And more...! - Add merkleblock and proof of work check #170 #153 - Add BlockMessage.computeMerkleRoot() #215 - Using secp256k1 library instead of openssl #218 #203 - Fix typos #179 - Modify README #180 #208 #211 #### ✅ All Merged PRs All PRs since v1.0.2 - #158 - #159 - #161 - #167 - #169 - #171 - #173 - #211 - #208 - #179 - #168 - #215 - #170 - #218 - #219 - #220 - #220 - #222 - #223 - #226 - #227 - #228 - #229 - #232 ## 1.0.2 Release notes (2018-09-06) - Added Multisig Script Mock! - Added isCoinbase() in Transaction class by @federicobond - Fix some typo by @federicobond - Add HeadersMessage by @akifuj - Add open collective committers and backers by @monkeywithacupcake ## 1.0.1 Release notes (2018-08-17) - ScriptFactory is added! ## 1.0.0 Release notes (2018-08-17) - First major release! - All OP_CODEs are available now! - Script is available now! - etc... ## 0.2.1 Release notes (2018-07-30) - Fix Carthage install problem - Add OP_CODEs - Refactor ScriptMachine - etc... ## 0.2.0 Release notes (2018-07-29) First Version for BitcoinKit! Bunch of changes included. - Cashaddr - Bech32 - BIP143 based Transaction Digest Algorithm - Script Machine - UnitTests - Minor bug fixes - etc... ## 0.1.2 Release notes (2018-02-10) ##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * None. ##### Bug Fixes * Hide OpenSSL headers in private module. No longer needed to add header search paths in a user project. [#20](https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/BitcoinKit/pull/20) ## 0.1.1 Release notes (2018-02-06) ##### Breaking * None. ##### Enhancements * Extend supported lower iOS version to 8.0 [#8](https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/BitcoinKit/pull/8) * Support CocoaPods [#7](https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/BitcoinKit/pull/7) ##### Bug Fixes * Fix carthage installation failure [#5](https://github.com/kishikawakatsumi/BitcoinKit/pull/5) ## 0.1.0 Release notes (2018-02-05) First Version!