-- lua_add {{{ require("nightfox").setup({ options = { -- Compiled file's destination location compile_path = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/nightfox", compile_file_suffix = "_compiled", -- Compiled file suffix transparent = false, -- Disable setting background terminal_colors = true, -- Set terminal colors (vim.g.terminal_color_*) dim_inactive = false, -- Non focused panes set to alternative background module_default = true, styles = { -- Style to be applied to different syntax groups comments = "italic", conditionals = "NONE", constants = "NONE", functions = "bold", keywords = "NONE", numbers = "NONE", operators = "NONE", strings = "NONE", types = "NONE", variables = "NONE", }, inverse = { -- Inverse highlight for different types match_paren = false, visual = true, search = false, }, modules = { -- List of various plugins and additional options alpha = false, aerial = false, barbar = false, cmp = false, coc = false, ["dap-ui"] = false, dashboard = false, diagnostic = { enable = true, background = true, }, fern = false, fidget = true, gitgutter = false, gitsigns = true, glyph_palette = false, hop = false, illuminate = true, indent_blanklines = true, leap = false, lightspeed = false, lsp_saga = false, lsp_trouble = false, mini = false, modes = false, native_lsp = { enable = true, background = true, }, navic = true, neogit = false, neotest = false, neotree = false, notify = true, nvimtree = false, pounce = false, signify = false, sneak = false, symbol_outline = false, telescope = false, treesitter = true, tsrainbow = false, tsrainbow2 = false, whichkey = false, }, }, }) -- vim.g.nightfox_name = "nightfox" -- vim.g.nightfox_name = "dayfox" -- vim.g.nightfox_name = "dawnfox" -- vim.g.nightfox_name = "duskfox" vim.g.nightfox_name = "nordfox" -- vim.g.nightfox_name = "terafox" -- vim.g.nightfox_name = "carbonfox" vim.cmd.colorscheme(vim.g.nightfox_name) -- }}}