" keybinds " Nop keys {{{ " Disable s for vim-sandwich nnoremap s xnoremap s nnoremap S xnoremap S " Invalid because it does not move with t and T. nnoremap t xnoremap t nnoremap T xnoremap T " Not use marker. nnoremap m nnoremap ' nnoremap ` " Default space = right nnoremap xnoremap " kill arrow key move noremap noremap noremap noremap noremap! noremap! noremap! noremap! " Use prefix . nnoremap " }}} " Window control keybind {{{ " File save nnoremap w write " Commands of move between window. nnoremap h h nnoremap j j nnoremap k k nnoremap l l " Commands of move window. nnoremap H H nnoremap J J nnoremap K K nnoremap L L " Tab page controls. nnoremap [t gT nnoremap ]t gt nnoremap [T tabfirst nnoremap ]T tablast nnoremap tt g nnoremap tT T nnoremap tn tabnew " Commands of close window. nnoremap q q nnoremap o o " Commands of window split. nnoremap s s nnoremap v v nnoremap n n " Another window size controls. nnoremap < nnoremap > nnoremap - nnoremap + " }}} " Keybind prefixes {{{ " Window control prefix " overwrites window command of 'CTRL-W'. nnoremap nmap w " LSP keybinds prefix nnoremap nmap l " Git keybinds prefix nnoremap nmap g " }}} " Normal Mode: {{{ " US Keyboard layout mapping. " Exchange Colon and Semi-Colon. "nnoremap ; : "nnoremap : ; "nnoremap q; q: " Do not save the things erased by x and c in the register. nnoremap x "_x nnoremap c "_c " Opens the file name under the cursor. nnoremap gf gF " Disable highlights from search results. nnoremap nohlsearch nnoremap n call vimrc#signcolumn() " }}} " Insert Mode: {{{ " Exit insert mode. inoremap jj inoremap " Add Emacs-like keybindings to insert mode. " When one line only... inoremap ^ " inoremap $ ~/dotfiles/config/nvim/toml/ddc.toml:122 inoremap U inoremap U " }}} " Visual Mode: {{{ " Exchange Colon and Semi-Colon. "xnoremap ; : xnoremap : ; " Do not save the things erased by x and c in the register. xnoremap x "_x xnoremap c "_c xnoremap a' 2i' xnoremap a" 2i" xnoremap a` 2i` " }}} " Operator Mode: {{{ onoremap a' 2i' onoremap a" 2i" onoremap a` 2i` " }}} " Quickfix {{{ nnoremap [q cprevious nnoremap ]q cnext nnoremap [Q cfirst nnoremap ]Q clast " }}} " Buffer {{{ nnoremap [b bprevious nnoremap ]b bnext nnoremap [B bfirst nnoremap ]B blast " }}} " Command line keybinds {{{ cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap " }}} " Command {{{ command! Cleareg call vimrc#clear_register() command! -bang DeinUpdate call vimrc#dein_update(0) command! DeinDelete call vimrc#dein_check_uninstall() command! -bar DeinRecache call dein#recache_runtimepath() | qall command! -bang DDCFuzzyFilter call vimrc#ddc_change_fileter(0, 'fuzzy') command! -bang DDCNormalFilter call vimrc#ddc_change_fileter(0, 'normal') command! DDCEchoFilter call vimrc#ddc_change_fileter(1, '') command! ToggleSignColumn call vimrc#signcolumn() " }}} " vim:fdm=marker:fen