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Boomerang Howto #0:
How to read data out of a beacon or before_beacon event handler

For all subsequent examples, you'll need to pull performance data out of the beacon or out of a before_beacon event handler. This howto explains how to do that.

Beacon results back to your server

For most cases you'd want to send performance data back to your server so you can analyse it later and take action against it. The first thing you need to do is set up a url that the javascript will use as a beacon. We'll look at the back end details a little later. You tell boomerang about your beacon URL by passing the beacon_url parameter to the BOOMR.init() method:

<script src="boomerang.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
		beacon_url: ""

I've used beacon.gif as an example, but it could really be any thing. You could write a script in PHP or C# or JSP to handle the beacons as well. I just use a URL that does nothing on the back end, and then later look at my apache web logs to get the beaconed parameters in a batch.

Beacon parameters

The beacon that hits your server will have several parameters. Each plugin also adds its own parameters, so if you have custom plugins set up, you'll get parameters from them as well. This is what you get from the default install:

boomerang parameters

Version number of the boomerang library in use.
URL of page that sends the beacon.

roundtrip plugin parameters

[optional] Perceived load time of the page.
[optional] Time taken from the head of the page to page_ready.
[optional] Time taken from the user initiating the request to the first byte of the response.
[optional] Comma separated list of additional timers set by page developer. Each timer is of the format name|value. The following timers may be included:
[optional] If the page were prerendered, this is the time to fetch and prerender the page.
[optional] If the page were prerendered, this is the time from start of prefetch to the actual page display. It may only be useful for debugging.
[optional] If the page were prerendered, this is the time from prerender finish to actual page display. It may only be useful for debugging.
The time it took boomerang to load up from first byte to last byte
[optional The time it took from the start of page load to the first byte of boomerang. Only included if we know when page load started.
URL of page that set the start time of the beacon.
[optional] URL of referrer of current page. Only set if different from r and strict_referrer has been explicitly turned off.
Specifies where the start time came from. May be one of cookie for the start cookie, navigation for the W3C navigation timing API, csi for older versions of Chrome or gtb for the Google Toolbar.
The timestamp when boomerang showed up on the page
The timestamp when the done() method was called

bandwidth & latency plugin

User's measured bandwidth in bytes per second
95% confidence interval margin of error in measuring user's bandwidth
User's measured HTTP latency in milliseconds
95% confidence interval margin of error in measuring user's latency
Timestamp (seconds since the epoch) on the user's browser when the bandwidth and latency was measured

Read results from javascript

There may be cases where rather than beacon results back to your server (or alongside beaconing), you may want to inspect performance numbers in javascript itself and perhaps make some decisions based on this data. You can get at this data before the beacon fires by subscribing to the before_beacon event.

BOOMR.subscribe('before_beacon', function(o) {
	// Do something with o

Your event handler is called with a single object parameter. This object contains all of the beacon parameters described above except for the v (version) parameter. To get boomerang's version number, use BOOMR.version.

In all these howto documents, we use the following code in the before_beacon handler:

BOOMR.subscribe('before_beacon', function(o) {
	var html = "";
	if(o.t_done) { html += "This page took " + o.t_done + "ms to load<br>"; }
	if( { html += "Your bandwidth to this server is " + parseInt( + "kbps (&#x00b1;" + parseInt(o.bw_err*100/ + "%)<br>"; }
	if( { html += "Your latency to this server is " + parseInt( + "&#x00b1;" + o.lat_err + "ms<br>"; }

	document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = html;

Back end script

A simple back end script would look something like this. Note, I won't include the code that gets the URL parameters out of your environment. I assume you know how to do that. The following code assumes these parameters are in a variable named params. The code is in Javascript, but you can write it in any language that you like.

function extract_boomerang_data(params)
	var bw_buckets = [64, 256, 1024, 8192, 30720],
	    bw_bucket = bw_buckets.length,
	    i, url, page_id, ip, ua, woeid;

	// First validate your beacon, make sure all datatypes               
	// are correct and values within reasonable range                    
	// We'll also want to detect fake beacons, but that's more complex   
	if(! validate_beacon(params)) {
		return false;

	// You may also want to do some kind of random sampling at this point

	// Figure out a bandwidth bucket.                                    
	// we could get more complex and consider bw_err as well,            
	// but for this example I'll ignore it                               
	for(i=0; i<bw_buckets.length; i++) {
		if( <= bw_buckets[i]) {
			bw_bucket = i;

	// Now figure out a page id from the u parameter                     
	// Since we might have a very large number of URLs that all          
	// map onto a very small number (possibly 1) of distinct page types  
	// It's good to create page groups to simplify performance analysis. 

	url = canonicalize_url(params.u); // get a canonical form for the URL
	page_id = get_page_id(url);	  // get a page id.  (many->1 map?)  

	// At this point we can extract other information from the request   
	// eg, the user's IP address (good for geo location) and user agent  
	ip = get_user_ip();              // get user's IP from request       
	woeid = ip_to_woeid(ip);         // convert IP to a Where on earth ID
	ua = get_normalized_uastring();	 // get a normalized useragent string

	// Now insert the data into our database                             
	insert_data(page_id, params.t_done,, params.bw_err, bw_bucket,, params.lat_err, ip, woeid, ua);

	return true;

Scaling up

The above code works well when you have a few thousand requests in a day. If that number starts growing to the hundreds of thousands or millions, then your beacon handler quickly becomes a bottleneck. It can then make sense to simply batch process the beacons. Let the requests come in to your apache (or other webserver) logs, and then periodically (say once an hour), process those logs as a batch and do a single batch insert into your database.

My talk from IPC Berlin 2010 on scaling MySQL writes goes into how we handled a large number of beacon results with a single mysql instance. It may help you or you may come up with a better solution.

Statistical analysis of the data

Once you've got your data, it's useful to do a bunch of statistical analysis on it. We'll cover this in a future howto, but for now, have a look at my ConFoo 2010 talk on the statistics of web performance.