XWiki XWikiSyntaxImages en 0 xwiki:XWiki.Admin XWiki.XWikiSyntax xwiki:XWiki.Admin xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 XWikiSyntaxImages false xwiki/2.1 true = Editing = == Images == === 1.0 Images === |=Feature|=XWiki Syntax 1.0|=Result |Image from attachment on current page|((( {{info}}See [[Image Macro>>https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Old%20XWiki%201.0%20syntax%20renderer/Image%20Macro%20%28Radeox%29]] for details{{/info}} {{{{image:img.png}}}} )))|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png |Image from attachment on another page|{{{{image:img.png|document=Space.Page}}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png |Image with parameters|{{{{image:img.png|width=25|height=25}}}}|[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png||width="25" height="25"]] |Images located at URL|{{{https://some/url/img.png}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png === 2.0 Images === |=Feature|=XWiki Syntax 2.0|=Result |Image from attachment on current page|{{{image:img.png}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png |Image from attachment on another page|{{{image:Space.Page@img.png}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png |Image with parameters|{{{[[image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]}}}|[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png||width="25" height="25"]] |Image with caption|{{{[[~[~[XWiki~>~>https://www.xwiki.org~]~] supports captions.>>image:img.png]]}}}|((([[~[~[XWiki~>~>https://www.xwiki.org~]~] supports captions.>>image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png]]))) |Images located at URL|{{{image:https://some/url/img.png}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png {{velocity}}$subHeading XWiki Syntax 2.0 Image Specification $subHeading{{/velocity}} {{info}} The part in ##( )## is required, while the parts in ##{ }## are optional. {{/info}} The full format of an image is either **##image~: (reference)##** or **##~[~[{caption>>}image~: (reference) {||parameters}]]##** * **##caption##**: An optional caption. May contain arbitrary XWiki 2.0 syntax but nested link syntax must be escaped using ##~~##. The caption is only supported when the image syntax is the only content of a paragraph. The captioned image may also be wrapped in a link. In this case, the link will contain the image but not the caption. * **##image~:##** A required string identifying the resource as image. * **##reference##**: The reference to the image that shall be displayed in one of the following forms: ** **URL**: Any URL to an image in the form of **##http:~/~/path/imageName##**. Example: ##http:~/~/domain.org/path/img.png## ** **Attachment** reference in the form **##~{~{~{wikiName:} space.} page@} (imageName)##** *** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. Example: mywiki *** **##space##**: An optional wiki Space name. If no space is specified the current space is used. Example: Main *** **##page##**: An optional string containing the name of the wiki page to which the referenced image is attached. Example: WebHome *** **##imageName##**: A required string containing the name of the image attached to a page as it is stored in the wiki. * **##parameters##**: An optional list of space-separated parameters passed to the image. Example: ##width="800" height="600" alt="img.png" title="My nice image"## ** **HTML attributes**: All attributes defined by the HTML standard will be added to the rendered HTML ##<img>## tag. *** **##style##**: CSS style information that should be applied to the image. Examples: ##style="float:right;height:50"## (image on right side, height 50 px), ##style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:80%"## (image centered, width 80% of block width), ##style="vertical-align:bottom"## (text starts at bottom of picture) *** **##height##**: A parameter that defines the height of the displayed image. The value should be presented either in pixel (example: ##height="80"##) or in pixel related to the height of the block containing the image (example: ##height="40%"##). *** **##width##**: A parameter that defines the width of the displayed image. The value should be presented either in pixel (example: ##width="80"##) or in pixel related to the width of the block containing the image (example: ##width="40%"##). *** **##title##**: A parameter that defines the title the displayed image which will be visible when hovering the mouse trigger over the image, for instance. Example: ##title="My nice image"## *** **##alt##**: A parameter that defines which text should be displayed if the browser is not able to display the image. Since this is a required HTML attribute XWiki will use the file name instead if the ##alt## parameter is not defined. Example: ##alt="img.png"## *** **More**: A more in depth explanation on the HTML ##<img>## tag including more attributes can be reviewed [[in the HTML standard>>https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#the-img-element]]. === 2.1 Images === |=Feature|=XWiki Syntax 2.1|=Result |Image from attachment on current page|{{{image:img.png}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png |Image from attachment on another page|{{{image:PageA.PageB@img.png}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png |Image with parameters|{{{[[image:img.png||width="25" height="25"]]}}}|[[image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png||width="25" height="25"]] |Image with caption|{{{[[~[~[XWiki~>~>https://www.xwiki.org~]~] supports captions.>>image:img.png]]}}}|((([[~[~[XWiki~>~>https://www.xwiki.org~]~] supports captions.>>image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png]]))) |Images located at URL|{{{image:https://some/url/img.png}}}|image:XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages@img.png |Prepackaged Icons|{{{image:icon:accept}}}|image:icon:accept {{velocity}}$subHeading XWiki Syntax 2.1 Image Specification $subHeading{{/velocity}} {{info}} Legend: The parts are ##()## are required, while the parts in ##{}## are optional. {{/info}} The full format of an image is either **##image~: (reference)##** or **##~[~[{caption>>}image~: (reference) {||parameters}]]##** * **##caption##**: An optional caption. May contain arbitrary XWiki 2.1 syntax but nested link syntax must be escaped using ##~~##. The caption is only supported when the image syntax is the only content of a paragraph. The captioned image may also be wrapped in a link. In this case, the link will contain the image but not the caption. * **##image~:##** A required string identifying the resource as image. * **##reference##**: The reference to the image that shall be displayed in one of the following forms: ** **URL**: Any URL to an image in the form of **##[url:](protocol:~/~/path/imageName)##**. Example: ##http:~/~/domain.org/path/img.png## *** **##url:##** An optional string identifying the image as an URL. *** **##protocol:~/~/path/imageName##**: The URL to the image ** **Attachment**: A reference in the form **##[attach~:]~{~{~{(wikiName):}(spaceNameList).}(pageName)@}(imageName)##** *** **##attach~:##** An optional string identifying the reference as an XWiki Document attachment. *** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: ##mywiki##. *** **##spaceNameList##**: An optional dot-separated list of wiki Space names. If no space is specified the current space is used. Examples: ##Main##, ##A.B##, ##A.B.C## *** **##pageName##**: An optional string containing the name of the wiki page to which the referenced image is attached. Example: ##Welcome## *** **##imageName##**: A required string containing the name of the image attached to a page as it is stored in the wiki. Example: ##myImage.png## ** **Page Attachment**: A reference in the form **##pageAttach~:~{~{~{(wikiName):}(pageNameList)/}(imageName)##** *** **##pageAttach~:##** An required string identifying the reference as an XWiki Page attachment. *** **##wikiName##**: An optional string containing the name of a wiki. The image reference will point to an image attached to a page inside that wiki. If no wiki is specified, the current wiki is used. Example: ##mywiki##. *** **##pageNameList##**: An optional dot-separated list of wiki page names. If no page is specified the current page is used. Examples: ##Main##, ##A/B##, ##A/B/C## *** **##imageName##**: A required string containing the name of the image attached to a page as it is stored in the wiki. Example: ##myImage.png## ** **Icon**: A reference in the form **##icon{{{:(}}}iconName)##**. Example: **##icon:accept##** *** **##icon:##** A required string identifying the image reference as an icon from the [[XWiki Icon Set>>https://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/previews/index_abc.png]]. *** **##iconName##**: A required string identifying the icon referenced. Example: ##accept## ** **Data URI**: A reference in the form **##(data{{{:)}}}(content)##**. Example: **##{{{}}}##** *** **##data:##** A required string identifying the image as being specified inline using the [[Data URI scheme>>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme]]. *** **##content##**: The encoded image. Example: ##{{{image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==}}}## * **##parameters##**: An optional list of space-separated parameters passed to the image. Example: ##width="800" height="600" alt="img.png" title="My nice image"## ** **HTML attributes**: All attributes defined by the HTML standard will be added to the rendered HTML ##<img>## tag. *** **##style##**: CSS style information that should be applied to the image. Examples: ##style="float:right;height:50"## (image on right side, height 50 px), ##style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:80%"## (image centered, width 80% of block width), ##style="vertical-align:bottom"## (text starts at bottom of picture) *** **##height##**: A parameter that defines the height of the displayed image. The value should be presented either in pixel (example: ##height="80"##) or in pixel related to the height of the block containing the image (example: ##height="40%"##). *** **##width##**: A parameter that defines the width of the displayed image. The value should be presented either in pixel (example: ##width="80"##) or in pixel related to the width of the block containing the image (example: ##width="40%"##). *** **##title##**: A parameter that defines the title the displayed image which will be visible when hovering the mouse trigger over the image, for instance. Example: ##title="My nice image"## *** **##alt##**: A parameter that defines which text should be displayed if the browser is not able to display the image. Since this is a required HTML attribute XWiki will use the file name instead if the ##alt## parameter is not defined. Example: ##alt="img.png"## *** **More**: A more in depth explanation on the HTML ##<img>## tag including more attributes can be reviewed [[in the HTML standard>>https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#the-img-element]]. ** **##queryString##**: Allows queries to be passed to the server when creating the download link for the referenced image. Example: ##queryString="width=100&height=800&keepAspectRatio=true"## (**##keepAspectRatio=true## will fail if the ##width## and ##height## parameters are specified in addition to ##queryString##!**) img.png image/png xwiki:XWiki.Admin 1.1 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 959 XWiki.XWikiSyntaxImages 0 XWiki.XWikiSyntaxClass ee0410d4-afe2-4f9a-ad7e-e9710c87c5a7 XWiki.XWikiSyntaxClass 0 category 1 integer Category ID 10 0 com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.NumberClass 0 maxSyntaxId 4 Maximum Syntax Version 10 0 com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StringClass 0 minSyntaxId 3 Minimum Syntax Version 10 0 com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.StringClass
0 section 2 integer Section ID 10 0 com.xpn.xwiki.objects.classes.NumberClass
1 2.1 1.0