// ==UserScript== // @name 我只想好好观影 // @namespace liuser.betterworld.love // @match https://movie.douban.com/subject/* // @match https://m.douban.com/movie/* // @exclude https://movie.douban.com/subject/*/episode/* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect * // @run-at document-end // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/xy-ui@1.10.7/+esm // @require https://cdn.staticfile.net/mux.js/6.3.0/mux.min.js // @require https://cdn.staticfile.net/shaka-player/4.7.6/shaka-player.compiled.min.js // @require https://cdn.staticfile.net/artplayer/5.1.1/artplayer.min.js // @version 4.1 // @author liuser, modify by ray // @description 想看就看 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // ver4.0 新增魔都云,修正可能出现的重复添加播放按钮 // ver3.9 修正播放列表的样式,以匹配长片名 // ver3.8 新增木耳、极速、豪华云,对空格分隔的片名进行处理~并校正名字二次搜索资源 // ver3.7 更新暴风云、量子、樱花、新浪、索尼、无尽、鱼乐云 // ver3.6 新增U酷云,更新非凡云API // ver3.4 fix UI bug: 集数过多时撑大播放列表;新增飘花、樱花2个资源搜索 // ver3.3 过滤掉量子云的电影解说;新增暴风云、快帆云、索尼云、天空云4个资源搜索;更新淘片云API地址 (function () { const skBuffSize = GM_getValue('buffSize', 80); const _debug = 0; const isSafari = !self.chrome && navigator.userAgent.includes('Safari'); let art; //播放器 let seriesNum = 0; const {query: $, queryAll: $$, isMobile} = Artplayer.utils; const tip = (message) => XyMessage.info(message); const noopFn = function() {}; const log = _debug ? console.log.bind(console) : noopFn; const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms) }); //豆瓣影片名及其年份 let vName = isMobile ? $(".sub-title").innerText : document.title.slice(0, -5); let videoYear = $(isMobile ? ".sub-original-title" : ".year").innerText.slice(1, -1); //将html转为element function htmlToElement(html) { const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html.trim(); return template.content.firstChild; } //搜索源 const searchSource = [ { name: "非凡云", searchUrl: "http://api.ffzyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, // www.ffzy.tv { name: "量子云", searchUrl: "" }, { name: "神马云", searchUrl: "https://api.1080zyku.com/inc/apijson.php" }, { name: "木耳云", searchUrl: "https://www.heimuer.tv/api.php/provide/vod/"}, { name: "豪华云", searchUrl: "https://hhzyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/"}, { name: "极速云", searchUrl: ""}, { name: "飞速云", searchUrl: "https://www.feisuzyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, { name: "艾昆云", searchUrl: "https://ikunzyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/from/ikm3u8/at/json/" }, { name: "U酷云", searchUrl: "https://api.ukuapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, { name: "光速云", searchUrl: "https://api.guangsuapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/from/gsm3u8/" }, // { name: "红牛云", searchUrl: "http://www.hongniuzy2.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, { name: "暴风云", searchUrl: "https://app.bfzyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/"}, // { name: "快车云", searchUrl: "https://caiji.kczyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/from/kcm3u8/"}, { name: "新浪云", searchUrl: "https://api.xinlangapi.com/xinlangapi.php/provide/vod/"}, { name: "魔都云", searchUrl: "https://caiji.moduapi.cc/api.php/provide/vod/"},//须用hls.js解码播放 ?ac=list // { name: "快帆云", searchUrl: "https://api.kuaifan.tv/api.php/provide/vod/"}, { name: "索尼云", searchUrl: "https://suonizy.com/api.php/provide/vod/"}, { name: "淘片云", searchUrl: "https://taopianapi.com/cjapi/mc/vod/json/m3u8.html" }, { name: "樱花云", searchUrl: "https://m3u8.apiyhzy.com/api.php/provide/vod/"}, { name: "天空云", searchUrl: "https://m3u8.tiankongapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/from/tkm3u8/"}, // { name: "闪电云", searchUrl: "https://sdzyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/"},//不太好,格式经常有错 { name: "百度云", searchUrl: "https://api.apibdzy.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, // { name: "酷点云", searchUrl: "https://kudian10.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, { name: "卧龙云", searchUrl: "https://collect.wolongzyw.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, //非常恶心的广告 // { name: "ck云", searchUrl: "https://ckzy.me/api.php/provide/vod/" }, // { name: "海外看", searchUrl: "http://api.haiwaikan.com/v1/vod/" }, // 说是屏蔽了所有中国的IP,所以如果你有外国的ip可能比较好 // { name: "68资源", searchUrl: "https://caiji.68zyapi.com/api.php/provide/vod/" }, { name:"鱼乐云", searchUrl:"https://api.ylzy.me/api.php/provide/vod/" }, { name:"无尽云", searchUrl:"https://api.wujinapi.me/api.php/provide/vod/" } ]; //处理搜索到的结果:从返回结果中找到对应片子 function handleResponse(r) { if (!r?.list?.length) { log("未搜索到结果\n", r); return 0 } log("正在对比剧集年份"); const video = r.list.find(k => k.type_name != '电影解说' && k.vod_year == videoYear && k.vod_play_url); if (!video) { log("没有找到匹配剧集的影片,怎么回事哟!"); return 0 } const a = video.vod_play_url.split("$$$").filter(str => str.includes(".m3u8")); if (!a.length) { log("没有m3u8资源,无法播放"); return 0 } return a[0].split("#").map(s => { let index = s.indexOf("$"); return { name: s.slice(0,index), url: s.slice(index + 1)} }); } //到电影网站搜索电影 const search = (url) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: encodeURI(`${url}?ac=detail&wd=${vName}`), timeout: 3000, responseType: 'json', onload(r) { resolve(handleResponse(r.response)); }, onerror() {resolve(0)}, ontimeout() {resolve(0)} }); }); //播放按钮 function playBtn() { const e = htmlToElement(`一键播放`); const eInfo = htmlToElement(`重设片名和年份`); $(isMobile ? ".sub-original-title" : "h1").appendChild(e); e.after(eInfo); eInfo.onclick = function() { const s = prompt( '纠正片名和年份,二者用 | 号隔开。可以只输入片名,如片名有上下集~试着删掉空格及其后的字', `${vName}|${videoYear}`); if (s) { ([vName, videoYear = videoYear] = s.split('|')); document.title = vName; } }; e.onclick = async function() { // 二次搜索资源控制2变量 const secName = vName.includes(' ') ? vName.replace(' ', vName.includes(' 第') ?'':':') : null; const sources = secName ? [] : null; const render = async (item) => { const playList = await search(item.searchUrl); if (playList == 0) { log(item.name +"获取或解析失败,可能有防火墙"); if (secName && !sources.includes(item)) sources.push(item); return; } if (e.loading) { e.loading = false; new UI(playList); } //渲染资源列表 const btn = new SourceButton({ name: item.name, playList }).element; $(".sourceButtonList").appendChild(btn); }; e.loading = true; tip("正在获取影视URL"); await Promise.allSettled(searchSource.map(render)); if (sources?.length) { vName = secName; await sleep(5000); // 防IP被封 await Promise.allSettled(sources.map(render)); } if (!$('body > .liu-playContainer')) { e.loading = !1; tip("未能获取影视URL"); } }; } //影视源选择按钮 class SourceButton { constructor(item) { this.element = htmlToElement(`${item.name}`); this.element.onclick = () => { const list = item.playList[seriesNum]; if (!list) return; const time = art.currentTime; time && art.once("video:loadedmetadata", async () => { await sleep(100); if (art.duration > time) art.currentTime = time; }); art.switchUrl(list.url); $(".series-select-space").remove(); new SeriesContainer(item.playList); }; } //sources 是[{name:"..资源",playList:[{name:"第一集",url:""}]}] } //剧集选择器 class SeriesButton { constructor(pNode, name, url, index) { const e = pNode.appendChild(htmlToElement( `${name}` )); e.onclick = function() { if (this.matches('.play')) return; seriesNum = index; art.switchUrl(url); $('.play', this.parentNode)?.classList.remove('play'); this.classList.add('play'); }; if (seriesNum == index) e.classList.add('play'); } } //剧集选择器的container class SeriesContainer { constructor(playList) { const e = htmlToElement(`
`); for (let [index, item] of playList.entries()) { new SeriesButton(e, item.name, item.url, index); } $(".playSpace").appendChild(e); $(".next-series").hidden = playList.length < 2; } } class UI { constructor(playList) { const e = document.body.appendChild(htmlToElement( `
❤️支持开发者      不要相信视频中的广告!!!默认播放第一个搜索到的资源,若无法播放请切换其他资源。 部分影片选集后会出现卡顿,点击播放按钮或拖动一下进度条即可恢复。          下一集
` )); $(".liu-closePlayer",e).onclick = function() { art.destroy(); this.parentNode.remove(); document.body.style.overflow = 'auto'; }; document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; $(".next-series",e).onclick = function() { $('.play + xy-button',e).click(); }; log(playList[seriesNum].url); initArt(playList[seriesNum].url); new SeriesContainer(playList); } } const artPlus = (option) => (art) => { Object.assign(art.icons, { forward: '', rewind: '', }); const preventEvent = ev => { if (!ev.target.closest('.art-control')) return; ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); }; art.controls.add({ name: "forward", html: art.icons.forward, position: "left", tooltip: "三键快进", mounted(el) { art.proxy(art.template.$controls,['contextmenu','mousedown','dblclick'],preventEvent); art.controls.playAndPause.after(el); art.proxy(el, 'mousedown', ev => { if (art.duration && ev.button>0) art.currentTime += ev.button == 1 ? 1 : 20; }); }, click(controls, ev) { if (art.duration) art.currentTime += 5; } }); art.controls.add({ name: "rewind", html: art.icons.rewind, position: "left", tooltip: "三键快退", mounted(el) { art.controls.playAndPause.before(el); art.proxy(el, 'mousedown', ev => { if (art.duration && ev.button>0) art.currentTime -= ev.button == 1 ? 1 : 20; }); }, click(controls, ev) { if (art.duration) art.currentTime -= 5; } }); art.controls.add({ name: "resolution", html: "分辨率", position: "right", click(controls, ev) { art.info.show = !art.info.show; } }); // art.on('dblclick', preventEvent); art.on("video:loadedmetadata", () => { art.controls.resolution.innerText = art.video.videoHeight + "P"; }); return {name: 'artPlus'}; }; //初始化播放器 function initArt(url) { let playRate; art = new Artplayer({ container: ".artplayer-app", url, pip: true, fullscreen: true, fullscreenWeb: true, screenshot: true, hotkey: true, airplay: true, playbackRate: true, plugins: [artPlus()], customType: { m3u8(v, url) { if (isSafari && url.endsWith('.m3u8')) { v.src = url; return; } if (!this.shaka) { this.shaka = new shaka.Player(v); this.shaka.configure({ streaming: { bufferingGoal: skBuffSize +9, // rebufferingGoal: 15, bufferBehind: skBuffSize, } }); } this.shaka.load(url); log(this, 'load:\n'+ url); } } }); art.once('destroy', () => art.shaka?.destroy()); art.on("video:loadedmetadata", async () => { await sleep(2300); art.playbackRate = +localStorage.mvPlayRate || 1; }); } GM_addStyle( `.liu-playContainer{ width:100%; height:100%; background-color:#222; position:fixed; top:0; z-index:11; } .liu-closePlayer{ float:right; margin-inline:10px; color:white; } .liu-btn { width: 6.5em; height: 2em; margin: 0.5em; background: #41ac52; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 0.625em; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; position: relative; z-index: 1; overflow: hidden; } .liu-btn:hover { color: #41ac52; } .liu-btn:after { content: ''; background: white; position: absolute; z-index: -1; left: -20%; right: -20%; top: 0; bottom: 0; transform: skewX(-45deg) scale(0, 1); transition: all 0.5s; } .liu-btn:hover:after { transform: skewX(-45deg) scale(1, 1); -webkit-transition: all 0.5s; transition: all 0.5s; } xy-button{ height:1.5em; cursor:pointer; } .series-select-space xy-button.play{ color:purple; } .series-select-space xy-button{ color:#aaa; } .playSpace{ display: grid; height:96vh; grid-template-rows: 1fr; grid-template-columns: calc(100vw - 28em) 28em; grid-gap:0; } .series-select-space{ overflow-y: auto; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; align-items: flex-start; align-content: flex-start; /* grid-gap: 0; grid-auto-rows: 1.8em; grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto auto; */ } @media screen and (max-width: 1025px) { .playSpace{ grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr; grid-template-columns:1fr; } }` ); playBtn(); GM_registerMenuCommand('设定视频缓存区大小', () => { const n = +prompt('请输入视频缓存区大小,区间:10 - 800整数秒',''+skBuffSize); n > 9 && n < 801 && GM_setValue('buffSize', n|0); }); })();