import SwiftUI /** Defines an optionally named font face with a specific weight, allowing it to be converted to a `Font` or an `NSAttributedString`. An application can define its custom fonts as extensions to this struct, for example: ``` extension FontFace { static let MyCustomFont = FontFace(name: "MyCustomFont", weight: .light) static let MySystemFont = FontFace(weight: .light) } ``` */ public struct FontFace : Hashable { /** The optional name of the font face. System fonts will be used if no name provided. */ public let name: String? /** The weight of the font. */ public let weight: Font.Weight /** The design of the font. */ public let design: Font.Design /** Initializes a new `FontFace` with optional font name and weight. */ public init( name: String? = nil, weight: Font.Weight = .regular, design: Font.Design = .default ) { = name self.weight = weight = design } /** Converts to a system or custom `Font` with a specific provided size. */ public func toFont(size: CGFloat) -> Font { if let name = name { return Font.custom(name, size: size).weight(weight) } else { return Font.system(size: size, weight: weight, design: design) } } /** Converts to a `Font` with a specific provided size, taken from a raw value of an enum. */ public func toFont(size: Size) -> Font where Size.RawValue == CGFloat { toFont(size: size.rawValue) } } extension View { /** Applies the given font face/size styling to the View. */ public func withFont(face: FontFace, size: CGFloat) -> some View { font(face.toFont(size: size)) } /** Applies the given font face/size styling to the View. */ public func withFont( face: FontFace, size: Size ) -> some View where Size.RawValue == CGFloat { withFont(face: face, size: size.rawValue) } /** Applies the given font face/size styling to the View as smallCaps. */ public func smallCaps(face: FontFace, size: CGFloat) -> some View { font(face.toFont(size: size).smallCaps()) } /** Applies the given font face/size styling to the View as smallCaps. */ public func smallCaps( face: FontFace, size: Size ) -> some View where Size.RawValue == CGFloat { font(face.toFont(size: size.rawValue).smallCaps()) } }