import CoreData extension NSPersistentContainer { /** Returns the store with the requested `URL` (if provided and found) or the single used store within the current container (if no url is specified AND the container contains only a single store). */ public func store(for storeUrl: URL?) throws -> NSPersistentStore { // Make sure we can access the coordinator. guard let coordinator = viewContext.persistentStoreCoordinator else { throw CoreDataError.StoreNotFound(storeUrl: storeUrl).withTrace() } // If no specific URL was specified and the coordinator has just one store, return it. if coordinator.persistentStores.count == 1 && storeUrl == nil, let store = coordinator.persistentStores.first { return store } // Otherwise, attempt to find the store with the requested URL. if let storeUrl = storeUrl, let store = coordinator.persistentStore(for: storeUrl) { return store } // If the find operation failed, raise an error. throw CoreDataError.StoreNotFound(storeUrl: storeUrl).withTrace() } /** Returns a new instance (non populated) of the requested `NSManagedObject` type, connected to the `viewContext`. Optionally, can specify if the record should be assigned to a store of a specific type within the container (e.g. in memory store used for transient records). NOTE: Since this interacts with the `viewContext` of the container and should be performed on main. */ public func newRecord( _ type: Target.Type, storeUrl: URL? ) throws -> Target { // Create the record in the view context. let record = Target(context: viewContext) // Assign the record to the correct store, by url. let store = try store(for: storeUrl) viewContext.assign(record, to: store) // Return the record, ready to have its fields populated. return record } /** Saves any changes in the container's `viewContext` to its backing store. Returns true if there were changes to save and the operation succeeds, false if there were no changes. NOTE: Since this interacts with the `viewContext` of the container and should be performed on main. */ @discardableResult public func flushChanges() throws -> Bool { // If there are no changes, there isn't anything to do. guard viewContext.hasChanges else { return false } // Otherwise, flush all changes and return. try return true } /** Removes all records that match the the provided `NSFetchRequest` via a `NSBatchDeleteRequest`. NOTE: Applies only to persistent (non transient) records within the container's `NSSQLiteStoreType`. NOTE: This operation does not automatically flush changes, but rather performs the delete on the backing store and then syncs it with the memory store. NOTE: Since this interacts with the `viewContext` of the container and should be performed on main. */ public func delete( _ request: NSFetchRequest, storeUrl: URL? ) throws { // Find the store responsible for the persistent records. let store = try store(for: storeUrl) // Define the fetch request and batch delete operation. let batchDelete = NSBatchDeleteRequest( fetchRequest: request as! NSFetchRequest ) batchDelete.resultType = .resultTypeObjectIDs // NOTE: Target only the sqlite store since issuing a batch delete to the in-memory transient // stores will result in errors. batchDelete.affectedStores = [store] // Execute the delete, returning the set of IDs removed. let results = try viewContext.execute(batchDelete) // The batch delete operation above operates on the stored version of the store, the container // still holds the removed objects (if they were loaded). Ensure we merge the changes for // these IDs between the memory and persistent state. if let deletedIds = (results as? NSBatchDeleteResult)?.result as? [NSManagedObjectID] { let changes = [NSDeletedObjectsKey: deletedIds] NSManagedObjectContext.mergeChanges( fromRemoteContextSave: changes, into: [viewContext] ) } } }