import CoreData extension NSPersistentContainer { /** Creates a `NSPersistentContainer` with a specific name (matching the models file) and a set of `NSPersistentStore`s to be created from their individual `CoreDataStoreConfiguration`. - Parameter name: The name of the container, matching its models definition file. - Parameter stores: List of `CoreDataStoreConfigurations`, describing the `NSPersistentStore`s for the container. NOTE: The store descriptions used MUST not have iCloud configured stores. */ public static func create( name: String, stores: [CoreDataStoreConfiguration] ) async throws -> Self { // Create the container with the requested name. let container = Self.init(name: name) // Create all requested stores from their configurations. let storeDescriptions = { configuration in configuration.storeDescription } // Set the store as the backing store of the container. container.persistentStoreDescriptions = storeDescriptions // Prepare the container by loading its stores. try await container.loadPersistentStores() // Set up main context's options, after the store has been initialized. try await container.setupViewContext() return container } /** PREVIEW SUPPORT: Initializes a mock in memory container with the given name. */ public static func createMockInMemoryContainer(name: String) -> NSPersistentContainer { // Create an in memory store description that points to no file. let store = NSPersistentStoreDescription( url: CoreDataStoreConfiguration.TransientInMemoryStore(configurationName: nil).storeUrl ) store.type = NSInMemoryStoreType // Set up a simple container with a single in-memory store. let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: name) container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [store] // Prepare the store and return. container.loadPersistentStores { storeDescription, error in if let error = error { fatalError("Could not initialize container persistent store: \(error.description)") } } return container } /** Asynchronously loads the persistent stores of the container, propagating any errors that occur instead of them being fatal. */ public func loadPersistentStores() async throws { // Adopt `loadPersistentStores` to async/await via continuation. return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in // The number of initializations to wait for is the same as the number of stores initialized. var initializationsLeft = persistentStoreDescriptions.count // Trigger async initialization of the stores. loadPersistentStores { storeDescription, error in // Handle errors during initialization. if let error = error { continuation.resume(with: .failure(error)) } // On success, decrement how many more stores we have left to initialize. initializationsLeft -= 1 if initializationsLeft == 0 { // All stores are initialized, we are done. continuation.resume() } else if initializationsLeft < 0 { // Over-initialized for some reason, fail fatally. fatalError("Received multiple completions for container store initialization") } } } } /** Configures the view context of the container on the main thread (via `@MainActor`): - set automatic merges from parent to true - sets the merge policy to `NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy` - pins the query generation to current */ @MainActor func setupViewContext() throws { viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true viewContext.mergePolicy = NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy try viewContext.setQueryGenerationFrom(.current) } }