version 1.0.3
  - clarify documentation of oauth_curl
  - fix possible memleak in oauth_curl (only relevant if an error occurs)
  - fix TOCTOU in oauth_curl_post_file: the file may change between stat() and fopen()

version 1.0.2
  - fix typos in documentation
  - add xfree, xstrdup patch from Kedar Sovani
  - prepare repository migration to github
  - built-in sha1 support big&little endian
  - (no changes to the actual library API or ABI)

version 1.0.1
  - do not url-escape RSA-key for signature

version 1.0.0
  - fix body-hash example code
  - mark all oauth_http functions a deprecated
  - freeze interface defitions for good
  - enter maintenance/bug-fix only cycle

version 0.9.7 
  - fixed tiny memory leak when oauth_curl_get() fails
  - fixed double-encoding of plaintext signature

version 0.9.6
  - fixed typo, do not print a separator before first parameter
	when serializing url for auth-header.

version 0.9.5
  - added "built-in" hmac-sha1 hashing (no RSA).
  - added some CURL options available via enviroment variables
  - fixed issue with decoding already encoded characters
    in the base-URL (not parameters).
    reported by L. Alberto Giménez

version 0.9.4
  - fixed possible memory corrution in oauth_curl_get
	  thanks to Bruce Rosen for reporting this issue

version 0.9.3
 - yet more build-system fixes:
   - allow to override HASH_LIBS and CURL_LIBS using envoronment variables
   - include them in .pc and tests/

version 0.9.2
 - fixed typo in build-system (LDFLAGS, -Wl,--as-needed detection)

version 0.9.1
 - fixed typo in API:
   oauth_time_indepenent_equals[_n] is now deprecated in favor of
 - added check for 'Wl,--as-needed' linker flag.

version 0.9.0
 - fixed typo in pkg-config file.

version 0.8.9
 - added  constant-time string compare function motivated by 
 -  updated the build-system
   - avoid indirect linking (curl, ssl)
   - AS_IF expansion for PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG
   - only build tests when running `make check`

version 0.8.8
 minor changes to the build-system 
 - allow to overrice HASH_LIBS/CFLAGS (NSS, SpenSSL)
 - fixes for static linking in src/

version 0.8.7
 fixed whitespace in interface revision number
 fixed test-build system:
 - unhardcode -lssl

version 0.8.6
 removed non-posix prototypes

version 0.8.5
 cleaned up man-page & added logo to html doc.

version 0.8.4
 fixed pkgconfig dependencies (OpenSSL vs NSS)

version 0.8.3
 added an interface to generate an OAuth HTTP Authorization header
 and oauth_http_[get|post]2 to preform such requests,
 as well as example code 'oauthtest2' to do so.

version 0.8.2
 fixed potential NULL pointer exception when sorting
 duplicate URL parameters without value. 
 It's a extremly rare edge-case - there's no practial
 use for duplicate empty URL parameters - but it could
 be used as a DOS attack-vector.

version 0.8.1
 replaced a few forgotten mallocs with xmalloc.

version 0.8.0
 replaced xmalloc with custom MIT-licensed version.
 removed --enable-gpl configure option.
 minor updates to README, documentation, etc.

version 0.7.2
 added NSS as alternative to OpenSSL.
 use OpenSSL or NSS random number generator for nonce.

version 0.7.1
 proper naming: replaced oAuth -> OAuth.
 fixed a few typos in the documentation.

version 0.7.0
 resolved licensing issues:
  * xmalloc = GPL
  * openSSL & GPL exemption

version 0.6.3
 also use curl timeout for commandline curl
 renamed --with-libcurl-timeout to --with-curl-timeout

version 0.6.2
 added CURLOPT_TIMEOUT option.
 available at compile time with configure --with-libcurl-timeout=<int>

version 0.6.1
 added oauth_curl_send_data_with_callback
 to use HTTP-methods other than GET&POST with libcurl.

version 0.6.0
 configure options to disable curl & libcurl
 replaced tabs with spaces in source

version 0.5.4
 added oauth_post_data_with_callback() and
 fixes for MSVC/WIN32 platform
 by Dave Gamble

version 0.5.3
 added oauth_body_hash calulation
 support for HTTP Posting data from memory.

version 0.5.2
 added support for HTTP request methods other than GET & POST.

version 0.5.1
 added oauth_sign_array() function - which allows to modify the parameters
 before siging them.
 fixed url-splitting to url-decode parameters when generating the parameter

version 0.5.0
 fixed debian package liboauth -> liboauth0
 minor fixes in the manual
 else unchanged it's 0.4.5 after six month of stress tests in production

version 0.4.5
 fixed dependencies in pkgconfig

version 0.4.4
 libtool interface version number

version 0.4.3
 added oauth_url_unescape()

version 0.4.2
 fixed escaping of PLAINTEXT signature.

version 0.4.1
 added oauth_serialize_url_sep() 
 and OAUTH_VERSION defines in header file.

version 0.4.0
 release on googlecode under MIT license
 and on sourceforge/debian under LGPL

version 0.3.4
 allow to configure MIT only or LGPL licensed code (xmalloc)
 reorganized tests
 removed mixed declarations and code

version 0.3.3
 added Eran's test-cases.
 removing ':80' portnumber from URL before signing
 when splitting URL parameters: use '\001' as request param value as alias for ampersand ('&')

version 0.3.2
 added NULL uri check to oauth_split_post_paramters() 
 testcode comment updates.

version 0.3.1
 added #ifndef _OAUTH_H to header - avoid double include errors
 fixed some typos in the doc.

version 0.3.0
 prefixed all public oauth.h functions with "oauth_"
 added RSA-SHA1 signature support

version 0.2.4
 detect absoluteURI by ":/" (it was /^http/) - used to detect empty abs_path
 added shell escape for (bash like) `sh` to invoke curl/wget
 cleaned up example code and doc a bit.

version 0.2.3
 fixed '?' in GET URL&parameter concatenation
 added cURL HTTP-GET function and test/example code
 test/example code using 

version 0.2.2
 fixed "empty HTTP Paths" see and
 fixed some compiler warnings
 made signature function args 'const char *' 
 and mem-zero some possibly sensitive strings before free()ing them.

version 0.2.1
 prepared for MIT license
 all c sources and headers by Robin Gareus are now MIT licensed.

version 0.2.0
 updated documentation

version 0.1.3
 removed getpid() on random-number initialization for win.
 moving to sourceforge.

version 0.1.2
 different handlers for POST and GET query string. Get escapes '+' to ' '.
 oauth_sign_url() returns escaped query string.
 added oauth_curl_post_file - preparing for xoauth_body_signature.
 updated test code.

version 0.1.1
 fixed parameter normalization and sorting for some edge cases.
 added Test Cases from
 added simple HTTP POST using libcurl or a command-line HTTP client.

version 0.1.0
 added xmalloc - removed NULL checks after [re|m|c]alloc.
 libtoolized and prepared packaging.
 fixed a couple of typos
 added a some more documentation.

version 0.0.1
 first public release
 oAuth parameter escape and URL request signing functions.