# Installation ## Dependencies 1. [PowerAuth SDK for Mobile Apps](https://github.com/wultra/powerauth-mobile-sdk) 2. [PowerAuth Networking for Apple platforms](https://github.com/wultra/networking-apple) 3. Wultra Device Fingerprint for Apple (closed source) ## Supported operating systems The library is supported by the following operating systems: - **iOS** 12.0+ ## Swift Package Manager The library is distributed as a package for Swift Package Manager: 1. Create (or append to if already exists) `~/.netrc` file in your home directory with the following credentials you were provided alongside this document: ``` machine wultra.jfrog.io login [name@yourcompany.com] password [password] ``` 2. Add the following repository as a dependency into your project: ``` https://github.com/wultra/activation-spawn-apple-release.git ``` You can use Xcode's dedicated user interface to do this or add the dependency manually, for example: ```swift // swift-tools-version:5.8 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "YourLibrary", products: [ .library( name: "YourLibrary", targets: ["YourLibrary"]), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/wultra/activation-spawn-apple-release.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0")), ], targets: [ .target( name: "YourLibrary", dependencies: [ .product(name: "WultraActivationSpawn", package: "activation-spawn-apple-release") ] ) ] ) ``` ## Cocoapods The library is also distributed through a public git repository, which contains a podspec and scripts to download the framework from a private artifactory. If you're not using cocoapods in your project, visit [usage guide](https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html). 1. Create (or append to if already exists) `~/.netrc` file in your home directory with the following credentials you were provided alongside this document: ``` machine wultra.jfrog.io login [name@yourcompany.com] password [password] ``` 2. Add pod to your `Podfile`: ```rb target 'MyProject' do use_frameworks! pod 'WultraActivationSpawn', :git => 'https://github.com/wultra/activation-spawn-apple-release.git', :tag => '2.0.0' end ``` You can check the latest versions of the libraries above on the release pages: - [WultraActivationSpawn releases page](https://github.com/wultra/device-fingerprint-apple-release/releases) 3. Run `pod install` in your project dictionary to make the `WultraActivationSpawn` framework available in your project. ## Read next - [Usage](Usage.md)