import Foundation import AVFoundation public final class Aperture: NSObject { public enum Error: Swift.Error { case invalidScreen case invalidAudioDevice case couldNotAddScreen case couldNotAddMic case couldNotAddOutput case couldNotSetVideoCodec } private let destination: URL private let session: AVCaptureSession private let output: AVCaptureMovieFileOutput private var activity: NSObjectProtocol? public var onStart: (() -> Void)? /** Called when the recording finishes. The success case may contain an error indicating a warning. It's recommended to present this to the user while informing them that the recording successfully finished. */ public var onFinish: ((Result) -> Void)? public var onPause: (() -> Void)? public var onResume: (() -> Void)? public var isRecording: Bool { output.isRecording } public var isPaused: Bool { output.isRecordingPaused } private init( destination: URL, input: AVCaptureInput, output: AVCaptureMovieFileOutput, audioDevice: AVCaptureDevice? = nil, videoCodec: AVVideoCodecType? = nil ) throws { self.destination = destination self.session = AVCaptureSession() self.output = output // Needed because otherwise there is no audio on videos longer than 10 seconds. // output.movieFragmentInterval = .invalid if let audioDevice = audioDevice { if !audioDevice.hasMediaType(.audio) { throw Error.invalidAudioDevice } let audioInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: audioDevice) if session.canAddInput(audioInput) { session.addInput(audioInput) } else { throw Error.couldNotAddMic } } if session.canAddInput(input) { session.addInput(input) } else { throw Error.couldNotAddScreen } if session.canAddOutput(output) { session.addOutput(output) } else { throw Error.couldNotAddOutput } if let videoCodec = videoCodec { let connection = try output.connection(with: .video) .unwrapOrThrow(Error.couldNotSetVideoCodec) output.setOutputSettings([AVVideoCodecKey: videoCodec], for: connection) } super.init() } /** Start a capture session with the given screen ID. Use `Aperture.Devices.screen()` to get a list of available screens. - Parameter destination: The destination URL where the captured video will be saved. Needs to be writable by current user. - Parameter framesPerSecond: The frames per second to be used for this capture. - Parameter cropRect: Optionally the screen capture can be cropped. Pass a `CGRect` to this initializer representing the crop area. - Parameter showCursor: Whether to show the cursor in the captured video. - Parameter highlightClicks: Whether to highlight clicks in the captured video. - Parameter screenId: The ID of the screen to be captured. - Parameter audioDevice: An optional audio device to capture. - Parameter videoCodec: The video codec to use when capturing. - Parameter scaleFactor: The actual height and width of the capture will be multiplied by this number to create the height and width of the output. */ public convenience init( destination: URL, framesPerSecond: Int = 60, cropRect: CGRect? = nil, showCursor: Bool = true, highlightClicks: Bool = false, screenId: CGDirectDisplayID = .main, audioDevice: AVCaptureDevice? = .default(for: .audio), videoCodec: AVVideoCodecType? = nil, scaleFactor: Double = 1 ) throws { let input = try AVCaptureScreenInput(displayID: screenId).unwrapOrThrow(Error.invalidScreen) input.minFrameDuration = CMTime(videoFramesPerSecond: framesPerSecond) if let cropRect = cropRect { input.cropRect = cropRect } input.scaleFactor = scaleFactor input.capturesCursor = showCursor input.capturesMouseClicks = highlightClicks try self.init( destination: destination, input: input, output: AVCaptureMovieFileOutput(), audioDevice: audioDevice, videoCodec: videoCodec ) } /** Start a capture session with the given iOS device. Use `Aperture.Devices.iOS()` to get a list of connected iOS devices and use the `.id` property to create an `AVCaptureDevice`: ``` AVCaptureDevice(uniqueID: id) ``` The frame rate is 60 frames per second. - Parameter destination: The destination URL where the captured video will be saved. Needs to be writable by current user. - Parameter iosDevice: The iOS device to capture. - Parameter audioDevice: An optional audio device to capture. - Parameter videoCodec: The video codec to use when capturing. */ public convenience init( destination: URL, iosDevice: AVCaptureDevice, audioDevice: AVCaptureDevice? = nil, videoCodec: AVVideoCodecType? = nil ) throws { let input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: iosDevice) try self.init( destination: destination, input: input, output: AVCaptureMovieFileOutput(), audioDevice: audioDevice, videoCodec: videoCodec ) } public func start() { session.startRunning() output.startRecording(to: destination, recordingDelegate: self) } public func stop() { output.stopRecording() } public func pause() { output.pauseRecording() } public func resume() { output.resumeRecording() } } extension Aperture: AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate { private var shouldPreventSleep: Bool { get { activity != nil } set { if newValue { activity = ProcessInfo.processInfo.beginActivity(options: .idleSystemSleepDisabled, reason: "Recording screen") } else if let activity = activity { ProcessInfo.processInfo.endActivity(activity) self.activity = nil } } } public func fileOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureFileOutput, didStartRecordingTo fileURL: URL, from connections: [AVCaptureConnection]) { shouldPreventSleep = true onStart?() } public func fileOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureFileOutput, didFinishRecordingTo outputFileURL: URL, from connections: [AVCaptureConnection], error: Swift.Error?) { shouldPreventSleep = false session.stopRunning() if let error = error { if ((error as NSError).userInfo[AVErrorRecordingSuccessfullyFinishedKey] as? Bool) == true { onFinish?(.success(error)) return } onFinish?(.failure(error)) return } onFinish?(.success(nil)) } public func fileOutput(_ output: AVCaptureFileOutput, didPauseRecordingTo fileURL: URL, from connections: [AVCaptureConnection]) { shouldPreventSleep = false onPause?() } public func fileOutput(_ output: AVCaptureFileOutput, didResumeRecordingTo fileURL: URL, from connections: [AVCaptureConnection]) { shouldPreventSleep = true onResume?() } public func fileOutputShouldProvideSampleAccurateRecordingStart(_ output: AVCaptureFileOutput) -> Bool { true } }