##### v0.2.0 ##### Enhancements: - Provide image aggregation capability ##### v0.2.1 ##### Bug fixes: - Escape \t, \r and \n characters when compressing javascript files - Include \n between files when aggregating files without compression ##### v0.2.2 ##### Bug fixes: - Provide a WuicEhCacheProvider interface to not have to add an ehcache.xml for WUIC and evict memory leaks in tomcat when using multiple webapps with one ehcache.xml per application Enhancements: - WuicTag generates URL with pattern /[groupId]/?file=[fileId] to enhance URL readability in FF console ##### v0.2.3 ##### Bug fixes: - Stream opened to write temporary files were never closed Enhancements: - First bin packing algorithm for image aggregation from Jakes Gordon explanations ##### v0.3.0 ##### Enhancements: - #4: Add a sample application - #5: Split the project in different maven module - #6: Make the project eligible for maven central - #8: Possibility to disable embedded cache - InputStreamWuicResource: create a WuicResource based on an InputStream - New SourceRootProvider implementations allowing default access to resources exposed through webapp and classpath ##### v0.3.1 ##### Tracked issues: - https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.3.1&page=1&state=closed ##### v0.3.2 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.3.2&page=1&state=closed Not tracked issues: - ClasspathWuicResource not use java.class.path system's property anymore due to its limitations, use a new base path property instead. Breaking changes: - You need to explicitly import YUICompressor and EHCache in your pom.xml ##### v0.3.3 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.3.3&page=1&state=closed Not tracked issues: - Each time a steam's resource is retrieved, we look up for it, which increase the overhead. This look up is now done only one time when the resource is created. Breaking changes: - 'file' parameter not supported anymore in URL pattern, use this one instead: /[groupId]/[fileName] ##### v0.3.4 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.3.4&page=1&state=closed Not tracked issues: - More robust url builder to deal with some cases where configuration properties that are used to build some URLs don't contain "/" - When YUICompressor is used, temporary file was created. Now everything is done in memory for better performances - Resource path needed to ends with a supported file extension even if it was a regex. Test is now performed on physical resources and allows to indicates path like .* Breaking changes: - Disk resource (including webapp and classpath) completely reviewed including regex support. See wiki to see clear explanations about how it now works. ##### v0.3.5 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.3.5&page=1&state=open ##### v0.4.0 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.4.0&page=1&state=open ##### v0.4.1 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.4.1&page=1&state=open Breaking changes: - wuic-tag artifact no more depends on wuic-servlet artifact so if you want to serve statics, you need to explicitly declares the wuic-servlet dependency - web.xml: all 'init-param' for WUIC servlet need now to be declared as context-param - web.xml: the 'com.github.wuic.jee.WuicServletContextListener' class needs to be declared as listener ##### v0.4.2 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.4.2&page=1&state=open Breaking changes: - Sprite names for both Javascript and CSS support are now computed differently. See the FAQ - In JSP tag, 'pageName' attribute has been renamed to 'workflowIds' - Heap ID can't contain the reserved keyword '|' ##### v0.4.3 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.4.3&page=1&state=open Not tracked issues: - Timestamp included in the URL to invalidate cache has been now replaced by a MD5 hash which is more efficient because its includes all names and all timestamps of request nuts - A heap could now refer nuts of any type to simplify configurations - JS/CSS sample now fixed with possibility to omit version in URL - Image sprite generation was broken when aggregation is disabled - Many issues fixed around compositions Breaking changes: - In JSP tag, 'workflowIds' attribute has been renamed to 'workflowId' - Multiple workflow are not imported with '|' separator anymore - XML statements for workflow creation have been refactored: create a template and use this templates to create a workflow ##### v0.4.4 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.4.4&page=1&state=open Breaking changes: - Any script with name that contains '.min' extension won't be compress - A heap not referenced by any workflow but inside the composition of a referenced heap won't have a default workflow - spriteProviderClassName must be now defined a SpriteInspectorEngineBuilder - With WebappNutDaoBuilder, all path starting with "WEB-INF" will be ignored ##### v0.4.5 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.4.5&page=1&state=open ##### v0.5.0 ##### Tracked issues: https://github.com/gdrouet/wuic/issues?labels=0.5.0&page=1&state=open Breaking changes: - "interleave" has been replace everywhere by "interval". For instance, xml attribute "polling-interleave-seconds" is now called "polling-interval-seconds" - Servlet API 3.1 now used in place of Servlet API 2.5 - New naming rules for workflow ID, heap ID and nut name - Extensions can be enabled only by adding WUIC artifacts dependencies - new names for "facade" properties