Name: geoserver Cartridge-Short-Name: GEOSERVER Architecture: noarch Display-Name: GEO SERVER 2.3.3 Description: "GeoServer is an open source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data. Designed for interoperability, it publishes data from any major spatial data source using open standards." Version: '2.3.3' Versions: [2.3.3] Cartridge-Version: 0.1.0 Cartridge-Vendor: worldline License: MIT License Vendor: Mit Categories: - service - database - embedded Website: Publishes: publish-http-url: Type: "NET_TCP:httpd-proxy-info" publish-gear-endpoint: Type: "NET_TCP:gear-endpoint-info" Cart-Data: - Key: connection_url Type: cart_data Description: geoserver connection URL - Key: OPENSHIFT_GEOSERVER_LOG_DIR Type: environment Description: "Directory to store application log files." - Key: OPENSHIFT_GEAR_DNS Type: environment Description: "Fully qualified domain name for the application." Provides: - geoserver Scaling: Min: 1 Max: -1 Endpoints: - Private-IP-Name: DB_HOST Private-Port-Name: DB_PORT Private-Port: 8090 Public-Port-Name: DB_PROXY_PORT Mappings: - Frontend: "/geoserver" Backend: "/geoserver"