package = "Void" version = "1.0-1" source = { url= "git://", branch= "master" } description = { summary = "Memory buffers that support typed accesing and cross thread transfer.", detailed = [[ Void is a module for memory buffer manipulation that provides: * Proxy userdata(views) that point to slices of underlying buffers. * Buffers up to 2GB that can be accessed as signed or unsigned types. * Named shared queues that allow cross thread transfer of buffers. * Common operations like writing to/reading from files and sockets. ]], homepage = "", license = "MIT/X11", maintainer="Yannis Gravezas " } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1" } build = { type = "builtin", platforms = { unix = { modules = { void = { libraries = {"pthread"}, } } }, windows = { modules = { void = { libraries = {"Ws2_32"}, } } } }, modules = { void = { sources = {"src/void.c"}, } } }