{ "patcher" : { "fileversion" : 1, "appversion" : { "major" : 6, "minor" : 0, "revision" : 8 } , "rect" : [ 802.0, 174.0, 838.0, 588.0 ], "bglocked" : 0, "openinpresentation" : 0, "default_fontsize" : 12.0, "default_fontface" : 0, "default_fontname" : "Arial", "gridonopen" : 0, "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], "gridsnaponopen" : 0, "statusbarvisible" : 2, "toolbarvisible" : 1, "boxanimatetime" : 200, "imprint" : 0, "enablehscroll" : 1, "enablevscroll" : 1, "devicewidth" : 0.0, "description" : "", "digest" : "", "tags" : "", "boxes" : [ { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-23", "linecount" : 4, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 35.0, 285.0, 150.0, 60.0 ], "text" : "Get help for any object by selecting it, then using right click / control click to get a contextual menu" } } , { "box" : { "fontface" : 3, "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-21", "linecount" : 5, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 328.5, 135.0, 183.0, 74.0 ], "presentation" : 1, "presentation_linecount" : 5, "presentation_rect" : [ 240.0, 226.0, 183.0, 74.0 ], "text" : "This comment is in presentation mode\n\nIts properties were adjusted using inspector tab in sidebar" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-19", "linecount" : 3, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 654.0, 90.0, 150.0, 47.0 ], "text" : "Tabbed sidebar contains useful stuff for working with patches" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-16", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 606.0, 193.0, 198.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "Can also create a comment object by dragging from object explorer" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-14", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 35.0, 135.0, 150.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "Use comments liberally to document your patches" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-12", "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 35.0, 90.0, 150.0, 20.0 ], "text" : "This is a comment" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-10", "linecount" : 3, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 35.0, 193.0, 156.0, 47.0 ], "text" : "Hit the letter c in an unlocked patcher to create a new comment" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-8", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 720.0, 514.0, 84.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "Open / Close Sidebar" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-6", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 178.0, 514.0, 82.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "Presentation Mode" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-4", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 35.0, 464.0, 49.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "Lock / Unlock" } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-7", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 139.0, 464.0, 78.0, 33.0 ], "text" : "Show Key Commands" } } , { "box" : { "bubble" : 1, "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "frgb" : 0.0, "id" : "obj-2", "linecount" : 3, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 15.0, 15.0, 270.0, 51.0 ], "text" : "Patch 001. Comment Objects\nWilliam J Turkel\nhttp://williamjturkel.net/code/#programming" } } , { "box" : { "bgcolor" : [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ], "border" : 1, "id" : "obj-3", "maxclass" : "panel", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 15.0, 75.0, 810.0, 495.0 ], "rounded" : 20 } } ], "lines" : [ ], "dependency_cache" : [ ] } }