Statistical information for the repository 'jquery' was gathered on 2015/10/25. The following historical commit information, by author, was found in the repository: Author Commits Insertions Deletions % of changes Adam Coulombe 1 50 2 0.01 Adam J. Sontag 5 20 7 0.01 Aditya Raghavan 3 47 3 0.01 Akintayo Akinwunmi 1 9 3 0.00 Alex Sexton 5 23 17 0.01 Alexander Farkas 5 92 79 0.04 Alexander O'Mara 1 1 1 0.00 Alexis Abril 1 24 3 0.01 Allen J Schmidt Jr 1 38 1 0.01 Amey Sakhadeo 2 22 6 0.01 Andrea Giammarchi 1 1 1 0.00 Andrew E Monat 1 0 6 0.00 Andrew Plummer 1 16 2 0.00 Anne-Gaelle Colom 1 2 3 0.00 Anthony Ryan 2 7 14 0.00 Anton Kovalyov 1 7 2 0.00 Anton Matzneller 31 253 14091 3.41 Anton Ryzhov 2 15 2 0.00 Ariel Flesler 192 14569 3101 4.20 Arne de Bree 2 31 3 0.01 Arthur Stolyar 1 33 17 0.01 Arthur Verschaeve 1 1 1 0.00 Aurelio De Rosa 2 74 7 0.02 Bastian Buchholz 1 1 1 0.00 Batiste Bieler 1 19 3 0.01 Ben Alman 12 288 133 0.10 Ben Toews 1 31 20 0.01 Benjamin Truyman 2 49 4 0.01 Benjy Cui 1 2 2 0.00 Bennett Sorbo 1 13 3 0.00 Berker Peksag 1 2 7 0.00 Bin Xin 1 10 0 0.00 Brandon Aaron 239 5912 4368 2.44 Brandon Sterne 1 21 11 0.01 Brian Brennan 2 38 4 0.01 Bruno Pérel 1 5 5 0.00 Carl Danley 1 54 43 0.02 Carl Fürstenberg 1 15 0 0.00 Chad Killingsworth 1 585 575 0.28 Charles McNulty 5 47 22 0.02 Chris Antaki 7 66 64 0.03 Chris Faulkner 1 19 19 0.01 Chris Price 1 1 1 0.00 Chris Rebert 1 0 1 0.00 Chris Talkington 2 32 6 0.01 Christian Grete 1 14 1 0.00 Christian Kosmowski 1 1 1 0.00 Christopher Jones 1 534 215 0.18 Colin Snover 52 4435 631 1.20 Connor Atherton 1 23 0 0.01 Corey Frang 52 8483 1387 2.35 Corey Jewett 6 43 14 0.01 Dan Hart 1 23 0 0.01 Dan Heberden 14 158 94 0.06 Daniel Chatfield 2 27 7 0.01 Daniel Gálvez 2 67 37 0.02 Daniel Herman 4 10 5 0.00 Daniel Husar 1 5 14 0.00 Daniel Nill 1 5 2 0.00 Daniel Pihlstrom 1 18 7 0.01 Danil Somsikov 1 17 1 0.00 Dave Methvin 389 5776 12404 4.32 Dave Reed 5 154 78 0.06 David Benjamin 1 6 3 0.00 David Bonner 1 105 107 0.05 David Corbacho 1 3 1 0.00 David Fox 1 6 1 0.00 David Hong 1 15 5 0.00 David Murdoch 2 5 6 0.00 David Petersen 2 10 1 0.00 David Serduke 63 6886 2465 2.22 Denis Knauf 1 1 1 0.00 Devin Cooper 1 20 2 0.01 Digitalxero 1 51 0 0.01 Dmitry Gusev 1 27 27 0.01 Dominik D. Geyer 1 1 1 0.00 Earle Castledine 1 20 3 0.01 Ed Engelhardt 7 25 21 0.01 Eddie Monge 1 1 1 0.00 Elijah Manor 8 650 553 0.29 Erick Ruiz de Chávez 4 531 222 0.18 Filipe Fortes 1 11 6 0.00 Forbes Lindesay 1 2 2 0.00 Franck Marcia 3 328 7 0.08 Frederic Hemberger 1 39 3 0.01 Gabriel Schulhof 1 60 2 0.01 Gary Ye 1 6 6 0.00 George Kats 1 21 1 0.01 George Mauer 1 23 2 0.01 Gianni Alessandro Ch 6 77 33 0.03 Gilad Peleg 1 49 47 0.02 Gilles van den Hoven 24 661 263 0.22 Gilmore Davidson 1 5 0 0.00 Greg Hazel 1 1 1 0.00 Greg Lavallee 1 68 38 0.03 Guy Bedford 1 1 1 0.00 Heungsub Lee 1 1 1 0.00 Ilya Kantor 1 2 7 0.00 Iraê Carvalho 3 49 8 0.01 Isaac Z. Schlueter 1 10 2 0.00 Ismail Khair 2 5 7 0.00 J. Ryan Stinnett 1 1 1 0.00 Jacob Wright 1 6 3 0.00 Jakob Stoeck 1 5 2 0.00 James Burke 5 112 41 0.04 James Huston 7 112 11 0.03 James Padolsey 1 42 1 0.01 Jared Grippe 1 98 5 0.02 Jason Bedard 10 157 92 0.06 Jason Merino 1 5 1 0.00 Jason Moon 2 71 9 0.02 Jay Merrifield 3 64 48 0.03 Jean Boussier 1 28 3 0.01 Jeffery To 1 42 6 0.01 Jephte Clain 3 8 4 0.00 Jeremy Dunck 1 13 4 0.00 Jess Thrysoee 2 3 3 0.00 Joe Presbrey 1 1 1 0.00 Joelle Fleurantin 2 24 5 0.01 John Firebaugh 1 5 2 0.00 John Hoven 1 23 0 0.01 John Paul 1 144 230 0.09 John Resig 1374 57112 45246 24.32 Jonathan Sampson 2 10 3 0.00 Jordan Boesch 10 165 146 0.07 Josh Varner 1 7 0 0.00 Julian Aubourg 293 14110 11785 6.15 Justin 1 3 3 0.00 Justin Meyer 4 316 49 0.09 Jörn Zaefferer 288 6969 5113 2.87 Karl Swedberg 12 247 178 0.10 Klaus Hartl 2 15 8 0.01 Kyle Robinson Young 1 1 1 0.00 Lee Carpenter 1 19 1 0.00 Leonardo Braga 2 33 3 0.01 Li Xudong 2 2 2 0.00 Liang Peng 1 0 1 0.00 Lihan Li 1 9 0 0.00 Liza Ramo 2 18 1 0.00 Louis-Rémi Babé 43 1380 1270 0.63 MORGAN 1 10 1 0.00 Marcel Greter 1 10 2 0.00 Marek Lewandowski 1 24 22 0.01 Marian Sollmann 1 2 2 0.00 Mark Raddatz 1 13 2 0.00 Martin Naumann 2 12 1 0.00 Mathias Bynens 6 25 23 0.01 Matt Curry 1 4 4 0.00 Matt Farmer 2 14 8 0.01 Matt Mueller 1 0 2 0.00 Matthias Jäggli 1 10 1 0.00 Michael Geary 1 6 4 0.00 Michael Monteleone 1 41 5 0.01 Michael Murray 1 18 3 0.00 Michał Gołębiowski 139 4597 3605 1.95 Mike Alsup 10 63 30 0.02 Mike Pennisi 1 1 1 0.00 Mike Petrovich 1 6 1 0.00 Mike Sherov 78 8011 8595 3.95 Mike Sidorov 2 5 6 0.00 Mu Haibao 1 0 4 0.00 Nazar Mokrynskyi 1 2 12 0.00 Neeraj Singh 2 12 2 0.00 Nguyen Phuc Lam 3 38 14 0.01 Nicolas HENRY 1 24 2 0.01 Nikita Govorov 1 24 1 0.01 Noah Sloan 1 13 6 0.00 Nowres Rafid 1 5 2 0.00 Oleg Gaidarenko 212 19681 7736 6.51 Oskari 1 1 1 0.00 Pascal Borreli 1 2 2 0.00 Paul Bakaus 9 340 19 0.09 Paul Irish 2 10 2 0.00 Paul Mclanahan 1 5 5 0.00 Paul Ramos 3 357 211 0.13 Philip Jägenstedt 1 2 1 0.00 Pinhook 1 4 4 0.00 Rafaël Blais Masson 1 4 5 0.00 Renato Oliveira dos 1 69 1 0.02 Rich Dougherty 1 8 3 0.00 Richard D. Worth 3 53 7 0.01 Richard Gibson 170 8650 6317 3.56 Richard McDaniel 1 17 3 0.00 Rick Waldron 248 5187 11025 3.85 Robert Katić 22 198 89 0.07 Rod Vagg 1 31 16 0.01 Rodrigo Rosenfeld Ro 1 4 3 0.00 Roland Eckl 1 1 1 0.00 Roman Reiß 1 2 0 0.00 Ron Otten 1 3 1 0.00 Ronny Springer 1 46 13 0.01 Russell Holbrook 1 1 1 0.00 S. Andrew Sheppard 1 6 0 0.00 Sahab Yazdani 1 1 1 0.00 Sai Lung Wong 3 114 45 0.04 Sam Bisbee 1 10 7 0.00 Schalk Neethling 1 1 1 0.00 Scott González 24 134 11232 2.70 Scott Hughes 1 2 0 0.00 Scott Jehl 4 9 6 0.00 Sean Catchpole 5 8 5 0.00 Sean Henderson 1 5 1 0.00 Sebastian Burkhard 2 19 6 0.01 Shi Chuan 1 1 1 0.00 Shivaji Varma 1 2 3 0.00 Sindre Sorhus 7 66 27 0.02 Steen Nielsen 1 4 3 0.00 Stefan Petre 7 226 204 0.10 Sylvester Keil 1 31 3 0.01 TJ Holowaychuk 1 4 4 0.00 TJ VanToll 2 19 1 0.00 Terry Jones 2 3 4 0.00 Thomas Tortorini 6 266 114 0.09 Timmy Willison 381 45275 34770 19.02 Timo Tijhof 21 574 343 0.22 Toby Brain 1 32 3 0.01 Tom H Fuertes 1 10 1 0.00 Tom Viner 1 1 1 0.00 Uri Gilad 2 24 6 0.01 Veaceslav Grimalschi 1 2 1 0.00 Victor Homyakov 2 4 3 0.00 Vladimir Zhuravlev 1 71 37 0.03 Vladislav Zarakovsky 1 19 21 0.01 Wesley Walser 1 8 3 0.00 Winston Howes 1 39 44 0.02 Xavi Ramirez 6 39 32 0.02 Yehuda Katz 50 1594 439 0.48 Yiming He 1 22 4 0.01 Yongwoo Jeon 1 1 1 0.00 avaly 1 54 2 0.01 cmc3cn 1 3 3 0.00 nanto_vi 2 26 13 0.01 njhamann 1 1 1 0.00 ros3cin 1 3 4 0.00 temp01 1 12 2 0.00 tsinha 1 10 7 0.00 unknown 1 2 2 0.00 Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still intact in the current revision: Author Rows Stability Age % in comments Adam Coulombe 35 70.0 33.6 11.43 Adam J. Sontag 5 25.0 63.1 40.00 Aditya Raghavan 29 61.7 10.1 0.00 Alexander Farkas 6 6.5 64.3 0.00 Alexander O'Mara 1 100.0 6.8 0.00 Alexis Abril 10 41.7 54.5 0.00 Allen J Schmidt Jr 31 81.6 36.2 0.00 Amey Sakhadeo 10 45.5 25.3 0.00 Andrew Plummer 13 81.2 32.7 0.00 Anne-Gaelle Colom 2 100.0 9.7 50.00 Anthony Ryan 6 85.7 3.0 50.00 Anton Kovalyov 2 28.6 56.7 0.00 Anton Matzneller 67 26.5 57.1 13.43 Anton Ryzhov 5 33.3 50.2 0.00 Ariel Flesler 466 3.2 81.9 12.23 Arne de Bree 6 19.4 44.4 0.00 Arthur Stolyar 14 42.4 5.6 0.00 Arthur Verschaeve 1 100.0 11.9 100.00 Aurelio De Rosa 73 98.6 1.1 0.00 Bastian Buchholz 1 100.0 6.3 0.00 Batiste Bieler 5 26.3 70.3 0.00 Ben Alman 79 27.4 63.1 17.72 Ben Toews 30 96.8 11.0 30.00 Benjamin Truyman 15 30.6 36.2 6.67 Benjy Cui 2 100.0 19.2 100.00 Bennett Sorbo 10 76.9 34.7 0.00 Bin Xin 5 50.0 10.8 0.00 Brandon Aaron 975 16.5 80.3 7.28 Brandon Sterne 1 4.8 57.2 0.00 Brian Brennan 7 18.4 54.2 0.00 Bruno Pérel 1 20.0 2.8 100.00 Carl Danley 12 22.2 36.2 0.00 Carl Fürstenberg 1 6.7 54.4 0.00 Chad Killingsworth 238 40.7 39.6 4.20 Charles McNulty 12 25.5 45.8 16.67 Chris Antaki 37 56.1 23.0 5.41 Chris Faulkner 5 26.3 39.4 100.00 Chris Talkington 12 37.5 29.4 0.00 Christian Grete 13 92.9 0.7 7.69 Christopher Jones 323 60.5 22.4 0.00 Colin Snover 251 5.7 58.5 12.75 Connor Atherton 23 100.0 0.9 0.00 Corey Frang 7670 90.4 12.3 7.74 Dan Hart 20 87.0 15.4 5.00 Dan Heberden 43 27.2 55.0 6.98 Daniel Chatfield 8 29.6 38.9 0.00 Daniel Gálvez 10 14.9 37.0 0.00 Daniel Herman 8 80.0 32.3 0.00 Daniel Husar 2 40.0 20.5 0.00 Daniel Nill 4 80.0 2.5 0.00 Daniel Pihlstrom 2 11.1 53.7 0.00 Danil Somsikov 1 5.9 33.4 0.00 Dave Methvin 2184 37.8 39.1 17.72 Dave Reed 10 6.5 60.8 0.00 David Corbacho 3 100.0 17.8 33.33 David Fox 4 66.7 35.9 0.00 David Hong 12 80.0 23.4 41.67 David Serduke 85 1.2 94.8 27.06 Devin Cooper 11 55.0 37.5 0.00 Dmitry Gusev 4 14.8 31.8 100.00 Elijah Manor 16 2.5 38.4 0.00 Erick Ruiz de Chávez 196 36.9 36.2 0.00 Filipe Fortes 2 18.2 69.6 0.00 Forbes Lindesay 2 100.0 21.5 50.00 Gabriel Schulhof 37 61.7 5.4 0.00 Gary Ye 5 83.3 1.2 80.00 George Kats 1 4.8 24.6 100.00 George Mauer 20 87.0 9.5 5.00 Gianni Alessandro Ch 33 42.9 58.0 39.39 Gilad Peleg 30 61.2 4.4 3.33 Guy Bedford 1 100.0 26.1 0.00 Ilya Kantor 1 50.0 24.3 0.00 Iraê Carvalho 3 6.1 69.0 0.00 Jacob Wright 1 16.7 61.5 0.00 James Burke 35 31.2 50.7 25.71 James Huston 19 17.0 36.2 0.00 James Padolsey 14 33.3 70.6 0.00 Jared Grippe 6 6.1 60.5 0.00 Jason Bedard 118 75.2 5.7 15.25 Jason Merino 1 20.0 27.8 0.00 Jason Moon 55 77.5 41.1 18.18 Jay Merrifield 28 43.8 36.2 7.14 Jean Boussier 28 100.0 32.9 21.43 Jeffery To 24 57.1 40.4 16.67 Jephte Clain 6 75.0 59.4 0.00 Jeremy Dunck 4 30.8 26.1 0.00 Jess Thrysoee 2 66.7 55.5 0.00 Joe Presbrey 2 200.0 45.0 100.00 Joelle Fleurantin 24 100.0 0.2 25.00 John Firebaugh 2 40.0 54.4 50.00 John Hoven 12 52.2 19.6 0.00 John Paul 126 87.5 30.0 3.17 John Resig 3410 6.0 74.5 11.17 Jonathan Sampson 7 70.0 19.4 14.29 Jordan Boesch 14 8.5 55.2 0.00 Julian Aubourg 3722 26.4 46.1 10.96 Justin Meyer 47 14.9 70.1 12.77 Jörn Zaefferer 244 3.5 54.7 3.28 Karl Swedberg 82 33.2 68.5 0.00 Lee Carpenter 8 42.1 57.1 0.00 Leonardo Braga 19 57.6 9.6 0.00 Li Xudong 1 50.0 31.8 0.00 Lihan Li 2 22.2 24.8 0.00 Liza Ramo 16 88.9 0.2 6.25 Louis-Rémi Babé 206 14.9 54.3 1.94 MORGAN 7 70.0 36.2 0.00 Marcel Greter 4 40.0 39.2 25.00 Marek Lewandowski 4 16.7 3.4 0.00 Marian Sollmann 3 150.0 23.8 0.00 Mark Raddatz 3 23.1 32.5 0.00 Martin Naumann 9 75.0 3.8 33.33 Mathias Bynens 5 20.0 49.4 40.00 Matt Farmer 14 100.0 38.5 57.14 Matthias Jäggli 6 60.0 37.8 0.00 Michael Monteleone 8 19.5 68.9 25.00 Michał Gołębiowski 2193 47.7 14.9 12.08 Mike Alsup 3 4.8 93.2 0.00 Mike Pennisi 1 100.0 38.0 100.00 Mike Sherov 832 10.4 40.4 10.10 Mike Sidorov 4 80.0 14.0 0.00 Neeraj Singh 5 41.7 68.7 0.00 Nguyen Phuc Lam 22 57.9 31.4 0.00 Nicolas HENRY 14 58.3 10.5 0.00 Nikita Govorov 12 50.0 38.1 0.00 Noah Sloan 1 7.7 68.7 0.00 Nowres Rafid 1 20.0 39.6 0.00 Oleg Gaidarenko 12859 65.3 12.7 7.36 Paul Irish 6 60.0 60.2 0.00 Paul Ramos 252 70.6 34.6 2.38 Richard D. Worth 7 13.2 55.0 0.00 Richard Gibson 5603 64.8 22.8 9.94 Richard McDaniel 12 70.6 12.2 16.67 Rick Waldron 1223 23.6 41.9 9.32 Robert Katić 73 36.9 68.3 16.44 Rod Vagg 2 6.5 34.6 0.00 Roman Reiß 2 100.0 19.5 0.00 Ronny Springer 20 43.5 24.4 5.00 S. Andrew Sheppard 6 100.0 21.4 66.67 Sai Lung Wong 30 26.3 36.2 0.00 Sam Bisbee 12 120.0 54.3 0.00 Scott González 53 39.6 42.5 5.66 Sean Henderson 5 100.0 1.6 60.00 Sebastian Burkhard 3 15.8 34.2 33.33 Shivaji Varma 1 50.0 11.3 0.00 Sindre Sorhus 20 30.3 40.4 5.00 Sylvester Keil 22 71.0 57.3 0.00 TJ Holowaychuk 1 25.0 72.0 0.00 TJ VanToll 17 89.5 16.8 5.88 Thomas Tortorini 246 92.5 6.3 8.13 Timmy Willison 9358 20.7 24.3 16.68 Timo Tijhof 227 39.5 31.2 15.86 Toby Brain 12 37.5 47.6 0.00 Tom H Fuertes 8 80.0 31.0 0.00 Uri Gilad 10 41.7 39.5 0.00 Veaceslav Grimalschi 2 100.0 12.5 0.00 Victor Homyakov 1 25.0 10.1 0.00 Vladimir Zhuravlev 7 9.9 40.2 0.00 Xavi Ramirez 5 12.8 57.4 20.00 Yehuda Katz 311 19.5 69.9 1.61 Yiming He 8 36.4 36.0 0.00 Yongwoo Jeon 1 100.0 3.7 0.00 avaly 27 50.0 53.4 3.70 cmc3cn 2 66.7 45.4 0.00 nanto_vi 24 92.3 33.5 0.00 ros3cin 20 666.7 31.2 15.00 tsinha 2 20.0 42.6 0.00 The following history timeline has been gathered from the repository: Author 2006-03 2006-04 2006-05 2006-06 2006-07 Gilles van den Hoven -+++ + John Resig ++++++++ --+++++++ ---+++++ ----++++ --++++++ Michael Geary . Stefan Petre . Yehuda Katz . Modified Rows: 1576 104 993 3765 6003 Author 2006-08 2006-09 2006-10 2006-11 2006-12 Brandon Aaron --++ . . Corey Jewett . Dave Methvin . Franck Marcia + Gilles van den Hoven . John Resig ----+++++ ---++++++ ------+ . ----++++ Jörn Zaefferer --++++ --++++++ ----+++++ ----++ Klaus Hartl . . Mike Alsup . . Paul Bakaus . ++ . Stefan Petre . Yehuda Katz . Modified Rows: 18404 4930 1460 2311 4485 Author 2007-01 2007-02 2007-03 2007-04 2007-05 Brandon Aaron . -++ . + ---+++++ Corey Jewett . Ed Engelhardt . John Resig -----+++ . ---+++++ . ---+++ Jörn Zaefferer --+++ ---++++++ + +++++++++ Mike Alsup . Stefan Petre . Modified Rows: 5184 506 1147 1713 571 Author 2007-06 2007-07 2007-08 2007-09 2007-10 Brandon Aaron . . . --+++ Ed Engelhardt . John Resig ++++++++ -++++++++ --++++++ ------++ ---++++++ Jörn Zaefferer . . . . Paul Mclanahan . Sean Catchpole . . Yehuda Katz . Modified Rows: 2727 1921 1151 5771 246 Author 2007-11 2007-12 2008-01 2008-02 2008-03 Brandon Aaron . . + David Serduke -+++++++ --+++++++ + John Resig . . ---+++++ -+++++++ -+++++++ Jörn Zaefferer . + Richard D. Worth . Scott González . Yehuda Katz . . Modified Rows: 435 10207 304 177 41 Author 2008-04 2008-05 2008-06 2008-07 2008-08 Ariel Flesler --+++++ -++++++++ ---+++++ --++++++ + Brandon Aaron --+++++++ . Ed Engelhardt . John Resig . Jörn Zaefferer ++ . --------- Paul Bakaus . ---++ Scott González . . . Sean Catchpole . Yehuda Katz . Modified Rows: 757 13587 77 1759 396 Author 2008-10 2008-11 2008-12 2009-01 2009-02 Ariel Flesler ---+++++ --+++ . . Brandon Aaron ----++++ . John Resig ---++++ --++++++ ------+++ ---+++++ Jörn Zaefferer . . . Paul Bakaus . Scott González . Modified Rows: 102 331 3558 7051 1289 Author 2009-03 2009-04 2009-05 2009-06 2009-07 Ariel Flesler . . -+++ . Brandon Aaron ----++++ ---+++++ --+++++++ --+++ --++ John Resig . . + --+++++++ ---++++++ Yehuda Katz --++++++ Modified Rows: 5497 433 476 191 2470 Author 2009-08 2009-09 2009-10 2009-11 2009-12 Alexander Farkas . Andrea Giammarchi . Ariel Flesler -+++ Batiste Bieler . Ben Alman . Brandon Aaron -+++ Dave Methvin . David Petersen . Earle Castledine . James Padolsey . John Resig ---+++++ ---+++++ --------- --+++++ ---+++++ Justin Meyer . Jörn Zaefferer . . Karl Swedberg ----+++++ . Louis-Rémi Babé + . Rich Dougherty . Robert Katić --+++ . Scott González . TJ Holowaychuk . Yehuda Katz + . . Modified Rows: 30 1929 8096 702 4262 Author 2010-01 2010-02 2010-03 2010-04 2010-06 Adam J. Sontag . Ben Alman . . Brandon Aaron . . Filipe Fortes . Iraê Carvalho . John Resig --++++++ ---+++++ ++++++++ ---+++++ ---+++++ Justin Meyer . Karl Swedberg . Matt Curry . Michael Monteleone . Mike Alsup . . Neeraj Singh . . Noah Sloan . Paul Irish . Rick Waldron . Robert Katić . Tom Viner . Yehuda Katz . Modified Rows: 2830 4932 6629 16 352 Author 2010-07 2010-08 2010-09 2010-10 2010-11 Adam J. Sontag . Alex Sexton . Anton Matzneller . +++ Brandon Aaron . Colin Snover . -++++ . Dan Heberden . . Dave Methvin . . Dave Reed ++ . David Petersen . Heungsub Lee . J. Ryan Stinnett . Jacob Wright . Jephte Clain . . John Resig . ---++++++ ----+++++++ ---+++++ ---+++++ Justin Meyer . Jörn Zaefferer ----++++ Karl Swedberg . . Louis-Rémi Babé . . Paul Irish . Pinhook . Rick Waldron . ++++ Robert Katić . Ron Otten . Russell Holbrook . Scott González . Yehuda Katz . temp01 . unknown . Modified Rows: 271 219 8420 1662 627 Author 2010-12 2011-01 2011-02 2011-03 2011-04 Adam J. Sontag . Alex Sexton . . . Alexander Farkas . Alexis Abril . Anton Kovalyov . Anton Matzneller . . ----------- Ben Alman . . Brandon Sterne . Brian Brennan . Carl Fürstenberg . Charles McNulty . . Colin Snover . ++++++++++ . Corey Frang . . Dan Heberden . . . . Dave Methvin . . . . . David Murdoch . Digitalxero . Gianni Alessandro Ch . . Gilmore Davidson . James Burke . . . Jared Grippe . Jess Thrysoee . John Firebaugh . John Resig . . . + ---+++++ Jordan Boesch . . . Josh Varner . Julian Aubourg ----++++++ ----+++++ . ----+++++ -++ Lee Carpenter . Louis-Rémi Babé . . . ----++++ Mathias Bynens . . Michael Murray . Richard D. Worth . Rick Waldron . . . . + Sam Bisbee . Scott González . Scott Jehl . . Sylvester Keil . Timmy Willison . . + --+++ Xavi Ramirez . Yehuda Katz . Modified Rows: 10499 8562 16122 1629 9296 Author 2011-05 2011-06 2011-07 2011-08 2011-09 Anton Ryzhov . Corey Frang . + + + Daniel Pihlstrom . Dave Methvin -++ ----++++ Denis Knauf . Greg Hazel . John Resig -++++ . Julian Aubourg + -+++++++ . -+++ Louis-Rémi Babé . Mathias Bynens . . Mike Sherov -+++ Rick Waldron + -+++++ --+++++ ++++ + Sahab Yazdani . Schalk Neethling . Scott Hughes . Scott Jehl . Steen Nielsen . Timmy Willison ---++++++ ----++++ . ----++++ -++ avaly . Modified Rows: 1580 509 385 512 5132 Author 2011-10 2011-11 2011-12 2012-01 2012-02 Arne de Bree . Berker Peksag . Corey Frang + . Daniel Herman . Dave Methvin ---+++++ + . + . James Burke . Joe Presbrey . Julian Aubourg . . . Justin . Mathias Bynens . Matt Mueller . Mike Sherov . -----+++++ -----++++ ---++++++ -----++++ Oleg Gaidarenko . + Rafaël Blais Masson . Richard Gibson . . + Rick Waldron ++ . . + Scott González . Shi Chuan . Sindre Sorhus . Timmy Willison ---++++ + . . Toby Brain . Vladislav Zarakovsky -+ cmc3cn . Modified Rows: 1234 4854 10800 522 289 Author 2012-03 2012-04 2012-05 2012-06 2012-07 Andrew E Monat . Arne de Bree . Ben Alman . Chad Killingsworth ----++++ Charles McNulty . Chris Faulkner . Corey Frang ---++++ -++ . . Daniel Chatfield . Dave Methvin -+++++++ ---++++ . . + David Benjamin . Dominik D. Geyer . Elijah Manor . Jason Moon . Jeffery To . Julian Aubourg +++++++ --+++ + . -++ Jörn Zaefferer . . Louis-Rémi Babé . Mathias Bynens . Matt Farmer . Mike Sherov +++ -++ -+ . -+ Nowres Rafid . Oleg Gaidarenko . + . Oskari . Richard Gibson -+ ---+++++ . -+ Rick Waldron -+++++ ----+++++ . -------- . Robert Katić . Scott González . Sindre Sorhus + . . . Timmy Willison + + . . Timo Tijhof . . . Uri Gilad . Vladimir Zhuravlev . Yehuda Katz . tsinha . Modified Rows: 320 4975 2922 10818 3056 Author 2012-08 2012-09 2012-10 2012-11 2012-12 Akintayo Akinwunmi . Alexander Farkas . Allen J Schmidt Jr . Benjamin Truyman . Bennett Sorbo . Carl Danley . Corey Frang . . Daniel Gálvez . Dave Methvin -++ ---+++++ ---+ . --- David Bonner -+ David Fox . Devin Cooper . Elijah Manor ----+++++ Erick Ruiz de Chávez --+++++++ Greg Lavallee . Ismail Khair . James Huston + Jay Merrifield . Jonathan Sampson . Julian Aubourg . + - ------+++ ----++++ MORGAN . Marcel Greter . Matt Farmer . Matthias Jäggli . Mike Pennisi . Mike Petrovich . Mike Sherov . + --++ . Nikita Govorov . Oleg Gaidarenko . + . --++ Paul Ramos + Richard Gibson . ---+++ . ----++++ -+ Rick Waldron . --++++ -+ Rod Vagg . Roland Eckl . Sai Lung Wong + Scott González . . Sebastian Burkhard . Timmy Willison . . . - Timo Tijhof ---++++ . . Wesley Walser . Yiming He . Modified Rows: 2042 215 4036 6751 9743 Author 2013-01 2013-02 2013-03 2013-04 2013-05 Adam Coulombe . Andrew Plummer . Chris Talkington + Corey Frang + . Danil Somsikov . Dave Methvin ------++++ . . --+++ Dmitry Gusev . Eddie Monge . Isaac Z. Schlueter . James Burke . Jason Bedard . Jean Boussier . Julian Aubourg --+ . . Kyle Robinson Young . Li Xudong . Mark Raddatz . Michał Gołębiowski ----++++ --++ + Mike Sherov . Nguyen Phuc Lam . . Oleg Gaidarenko -+ . + . Pascal Borreli . Renato Oliveira dos . Richard Gibson --++ ---++++++ . --+++ --++++++ Rick Waldron ----+++++ -+ . + Scott González . Timmy Willison . . ----++++ . Timo Tijhof . Tom H Fuertes . nanto_vi . ros3cin . Modified Rows: 3011 2172 914 3531 619 Author 2013-06 2013-07 2013-08 2013-09 2013-10 Amey Sakhadeo . . Anthony Ryan . Chris Price . Daniel Herman . Dave Methvin . . . George Kats . Guy Bedford . Jason Bedard -+++ Jason Merino . Jeremy Dunck . Jörn Zaefferer ---++++++ Lihan Li . Michał Gołębiowski . . + . Mike Sidorov . Nguyen Phuc Lam . Oleg Gaidarenko . . . . Richard Gibson . . . Rick Waldron ++++ Ronny Springer . Scott González . Terry Jones . . Timmy Willison ---+++++ ++++++++++ ----+++++ --------- Timo Tijhof . . Modified Rows: 78 144 30119 5289 26498 Author 2013-11 2013-12 2014-01 2014-02 2014-03 Benjy Cui . Chris Antaki . . Christopher Jones . Corey Frang . Dave Methvin . . -++ ----------- David Hong . Forbes Lindesay . Ilya Kantor . Jakob Stoeck . John Hoven . John Paul . Jonathan Sampson . Julian Aubourg ++++ Jörn Zaefferer . . Louis-Rémi Babé . Marian Sollmann . Michał Gołębiowski . . -+++++++ ----+++++ . Oleg Gaidarenko +++++++++++ --++ . . Philip Jägenstedt . Richard Gibson . . . . . Rick Waldron . Rodrigo Rosenfeld Ro . Roman Reiß . S. Andrew Sheppard . Scott González . Sindre Sorhus . Timmy Willison . ++++++++ ---++++ . Timo Tijhof . njhamann . Modified Rows: 11026 9694 295 2983 6849 Author 2014-04 2014-05 2014-06 2014-07 2014-09 Aurelio De Rosa . Chris Antaki . -----+++ Christian Kosmowski . Daniel Herman . Dave Methvin . . Jason Bedard . Liang Peng . Michał Gołębiowski . ++++ . . Nazar Mokrynskyi -- Oleg Gaidarenko ---++++++ --+ . -++ Richard Gibson . . + Scott González --------- TJ VanToll . Timmy Willison ++++++++ . ---++++++ Timo Tijhof . Modified Rows: 810 102 11820 711 86 Author 2014-10 2014-11 2014-12 2015-01 2015-02 Aditya Raghavan . . Anne-Gaelle Colom . Arthur Verschaeve . Ben Toews . Bin Xin . Dan Hart + Daniel Husar . Dave Methvin . - David Corbacho . Frederic Hemberger . George Mauer . Jörn Zaefferer --++++ Leonardo Braga . Michał Gołębiowski -------- ------++ . . -+++ Mike Sidorov . Nicolas HENRY . Oleg Gaidarenko + + . . --++++++ Richard Gibson ----+++++++ --+++ Shivaji Varma . Timmy Willison . . ---++++++ Timo Tijhof . Veaceslav Grimalschi . Victor Homyakov . . Modified Rows: 26 216 3637 981 502 Author 2015-03 2015-04 2015-05 2015-06 2015-07 Alexander O'Mara . Arthur Stolyar . Bastian Buchholz . Bruno Pérel . Chris Rebert . Corey Frang ++++++++ Dave Methvin . Gabriel Schulhof . Gilad Peleg . Jason Bedard . . Marek Lewandowski . Martin Naumann . Michał Gołębiowski . -++++ . . -+++++++ Mu Haibao . Oleg Gaidarenko . . . --++++++ Richard Gibson -++++++++ --+++++ ---++ Richard McDaniel . Rick Waldron - Thomas Tortorini + . . Timmy Willison . ---++++++ ---+++++ . + Winston Howes . Modified Rows: 1488 792 2245 7677 731 Author 2015-08 2015-09 2015-10 Anthony Ryan . Aurelio De Rosa ++ Christian Grete . Connor Atherton . Daniel Nill . Dave Methvin ----++++ Gary Ye . Jason Bedard . Joelle Fleurantin . Liza Ramo . Martin Naumann . Michał Gołębiowski . -+++ . Oleg Gaidarenko ----++++ --+++++++ -+++++ Richard Gibson . . -++ Sean Henderson . Thomas Tortorini . . Timmy Willison . Yongwoo Jeon . Modified Rows: 10557 2395 978 The following files are suspiciously big (in order of severity): test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js (8381 estimated lines of code) external/sinon/sinon-1.14.1.js (5389 estimated lines of code) test/unit/event.js (2711 estimated lines of code) test/unit/manipulation.js (2581 estimated lines of code) external/qunit/qunit.js (2540 estimated lines of code) test/unit/effects.js (2380 estimated lines of code) test/unit/ajax.js (2366 estimated lines of code) external/sizzle/dist/sizzle.js (1717 estimated lines of code) test/unit/core.js (1620 estimated lines of code) external/requirejs/require.js (1514 estimated lines of code) test/unit/attributes.js (1441 estimated lines of code) test/unit/css.js (1253 estimated lines of code) test/unit/data.js (884 estimated lines of code) test/unit/deferred.js (880 estimated lines of code) test/unit/traversing.js (855 estimated lines of code) src/event.js (792 estimated lines of code) src/ajax.js (663 estimated lines of code) src/effects.js (622 estimated lines of code) test/unit/offset.js (542 estimated lines of code) test/unit/wrap.js (524 estimated lines of code) The following files have an elevated cyclomatic complexity (in order of severity): test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js (2837 in cyclomatic complexity) external/sinon/sinon-1.14.1.js (2045 in cyclomatic complexity) external/qunit/qunit.js (853 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/manipulation.js (791 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/core.js (634 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/event.js (626 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/ajax.js (609 in cyclomatic complexity) external/sizzle/dist/sizzle.js (604 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/effects.js (564 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/attributes.js (556 in cyclomatic complexity) external/requirejs/require.js (513 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/traversing.js (414 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/css.js (368 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/data.js (313 in cyclomatic complexity) src/event.js (242 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/deferred.js (240 in cyclomatic complexity) src/ajax.js (210 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/offset.js (200 in cyclomatic complexity) src/effects.js (199 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/selector.js (196 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/dimensions.js (195 in cyclomatic complexity) src/manipulation.js (144 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/wrap.js (128 in cyclomatic complexity) src/core.js (116 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/basic.js (113 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/tween.js (102 in cyclomatic complexity) src/css.js (91 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/callbacks.js (84 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/queue.js (83 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/support.js (76 in cyclomatic complexity) src/deferred.js (74 in cyclomatic complexity) test/unit/animation.js (73 in cyclomatic complexity) test/data/testinit.js (69 in cyclomatic complexity) src/selector-native.js (60 in cyclomatic complexity) src/offset.js (56 in cyclomatic complexity) src/callbacks.js (54 in cyclomatic complexity) build/tasks/build.js (54 in cyclomatic complexity) test/data/testrunner.js (53 in cyclomatic complexity) The following files have an elevated cyclomatic complexity density (in order of severity): external/sizzle/dist/sizzle.min.js (4.000 in cyclomatic complexity density) external/npo/npo.js (1.000 in cyclomatic complexity density) The following repsonsibilties, by author, were found in the current revision of the repository (comments are exluded from the line count, if possible): Adam Coulombe is mostly responsible for: 30 test/unit/callbacks.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js Adam J. Sontag is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/traversing.js 1 src/traversing.js Aditya Raghavan is mostly responsible for: 10 test/unit/offset.js 9 test/unit/css.js 8 test/unit/event.js 2 src/offset.js Alexander Farkas is mostly responsible for: 5 test/unit/event.js 1 test/unit/attributes.js Alexander O'Mara is mostly responsible for: 1 src/selector.js Alexis Abril is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/data.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/data.js Allen J Schmidt Jr is mostly responsible for: 31 test/unit/event.js Amey Sakhadeo is mostly responsible for: 10 test/unit/core.js Andrew Plummer is mostly responsible for: 13 test/unit/event.js Anne-Gaelle Colom is mostly responsible for: 1 Gruntfile.js Anthony Ryan is mostly responsible for: 3 src/manipulation/wrapMap.js Anton Kovalyov is mostly responsible for: 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/serialize.js Anton Matzneller is mostly responsible for: 25 test/unit/effects.js 15 test/unit/event.js 12 test/unit/attributes.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 src/serialize.js 1 test/unit/manipulation.js 1 test/unit/ajax.js Anton Ryzhov is mostly responsible for: 5 test/unit/core.js Ariel Flesler is mostly responsible for: 108 test/unit/event.js 93 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 56 src/event.js 42 test/unit/effects.js 35 test/unit/core.js 19 test/unit/data.js 14 src/effects.js 13 src/data.js 6 test/unit/ajax.js 5 src/queue.js Arne de Bree is mostly responsible for: 6 test/unit/manipulation.js Arthur Stolyar is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/offset.js 6 src/offset.js Aurelio De Rosa is mostly responsible for: 73 test/unit/core.js Bastian Buchholz is mostly responsible for: 1 src/attributes/attr.js Batiste Bieler is mostly responsible for: 5 test/unit/attributes.js Ben Alman is mostly responsible for: 22 test/unit/ready.js 21 test/unit/traversing.js 9 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 5 src/traversing.js 4 src/serialize.js 2 src/core.js 1 test/unit/event.js 1 src/ajax.js Ben Toews is mostly responsible for: 17 src/ajax.js 4 test/unit/ajax.js Benjamin Truyman is mostly responsible for: 12 test/unit/ajax.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/ajax.js Bennett Sorbo is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/css.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/css.js Bin Xin is mostly responsible for: 4 test/unit/manipulation.js 1 src/manipulation/_evalUrl.js Brandon Aaron is mostly responsible for: 174 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 113 test/unit/manipulation.js 103 test/unit/offset.js 94 test/unit/attributes.js 61 test/unit/event.js 49 test/unit/dimensions.js 42 src/offset.js 41 src/event.js 40 test/unit/traversing.js 29 test/unit/css.js Brandon Sterne is mostly responsible for: 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js Brian Brennan is mostly responsible for: 7 test/unit/event.js Carl Danley is mostly responsible for: 11 src/data.js 1 test/unit/data.js Carl Fürstenberg is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/css.js Chad Killingsworth is mostly responsible for: 94 test/unit/offset.js 27 test/unit/css.js 22 test/unit/core.js 20 test/unit/event.js 19 test/unit/dimensions.js 15 test/unit/effects.js 13 test/unit/attributes.js 6 test/unit/deferred.js 5 test/unit/data.js 2 test/unit/selector.js Charles McNulty is mostly responsible for: 10 test/unit/manipulation.js Chris Antaki is mostly responsible for: 13 test/unit/manipulation.js 5 src/manipulation.js 4 src/effects.js 3 src/manipulation/buildFragment.js 3 src/core/access.js 2 src/traversing/findFilter.js 2 src/manipulation/setGlobalEval.js 1 src/exports/global.js 1 src/event.js 1 src/ajax.js Chris Talkington is mostly responsible for: 10 build/release/cdn.js 2 build/release.js Christian Grete is mostly responsible for: 11 test/unit/core.js 1 src/core.js Christopher Jones is mostly responsible for: 272 test/unit/manipulation.js 36 test/unit/wrap.js 8 test/unit/attributes.js 6 test/unit/css.js 1 test/data/testrunner.js Colin Snover is mostly responsible for: 61 test/unit/effects.js 48 test/unit/data.js 33 test/unit/manipulation.js 15 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 13 test/unit/event.js 10 test/unit/dimensions.js 7 test/unit/css.js 6 test/unit/core.js 6 test/unit/attributes.js 5 test/unit/wrap.js Connor Atherton is mostly responsible for: 23 test/unit/core.js Corey Frang is mostly responsible for: 5287 external/sinon/sinon-1.14.1.js 472 test/unit/effects.js 457 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 304 src/effects.js 183 test/unit/tween.js 135 test/unit/animation.js 63 test/unit/queue.js 59 src/effects/Tween.js 40 test/unit/data.js 40 src/queue.js Dan Hart is mostly responsible for: 14 test/unit/ajax.js 5 src/ajax.js Dan Heberden is mostly responsible for: 16 test/unit/css.js 10 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 6 src/core.js 4 src/css.js 3 test/unit/core.js 1 src/ajax.js Daniel Chatfield is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/manipulation.js Daniel Gálvez is mostly responsible for: 6 test/unit/manipulation.js 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/offset.js Daniel Herman is mostly responsible for: 3 test/unit/deferred.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 test/unit/event.js 1 src/event/alias.js 1 src/event.js Daniel Husar is mostly responsible for: 2 src/core.js Daniel Nill is mostly responsible for: 4 test/unit/serialize.js Daniel Pihlstrom is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/effects.js Danil Somsikov is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/data.js Dave Methvin is mostly responsible for: 592 test/unit/event.js 332 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 312 src/event.js 63 test/unit/manipulation.js 51 test/unit/core.js 40 test/unit/deprecated.js 34 test/unit/traversing.js 32 build/release/cdn.js 27 test/unit/attributes.js 24 build/tasks/dist.js Dave Reed is mostly responsible for: 6 test/unit/data.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 src/event.js David Corbacho is mostly responsible for: 2 build/tasks/build.js David Fox is mostly responsible for: 4 test/unit/offset.js David Hong is mostly responsible for: 7 test/unit/ajax.js David Serduke is mostly responsible for: 23 test/unit/effects.js 14 test/unit/core.js 11 test/unit/ajax.js 3 test/unit/event.js 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 test/unit/manipulation.js 2 src/effects.js 2 src/core.js 1 test/unit/traversing.js 1 src/ajax/load.js Devin Cooper is mostly responsible for: 9 test/unit/manipulation.js 2 src/manipulation.js Elijah Manor is mostly responsible for: 11 test/unit/manipulation.js 5 test/unit/css.js Erick Ruiz de Chávez is mostly responsible for: 86 test/unit/ajax.js 68 test/unit/attributes.js 36 test/unit/deferred.js 6 test/unit/callbacks.js Filipe Fortes is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/core.js Forbes Lindesay is mostly responsible for: 1 src/intro.js Gabriel Schulhof is mostly responsible for: 35 test/unit/event.js 2 src/event.js Gary Ye is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/event.js George Mauer is mostly responsible for: 17 test/unit/ajax.js 2 src/ajax.js Gianni Alessandro Chiappetta is mostly responsible for: 7 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 5 test/unit/core.js 5 src/core.js 3 src/event.js Gilad Peleg is mostly responsible for: 19 src/attributes/prop.js 10 src/attributes/attr.js Guy Bedford is mostly responsible for: 1 src/effects/animatedSelector.js Ilya Kantor is mostly responsible for: 1 src/event.js Iraê Carvalho is mostly responsible for: 3 test/unit/event.js Jacob Wright is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/data.js James Burke is mostly responsible for: 21 test/data/readywaitloader.js 3 test/unit/exports.js 1 test/data/testinit.js 1 test/data/readywaitasset.js James Huston is mostly responsible for: 7 test/unit/ajax.js 5 test/unit/css.js 2 test/unit/event.js 2 test/unit/core.js 1 test/unit/traversing.js 1 test/unit/manipulation.js 1 test/unit/effects.js James Padolsey is mostly responsible for: 14 test/unit/effects.js Jared Grippe is mostly responsible for: 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 src/core/init.js 1 src/core.js Jason Bedard is mostly responsible for: 30 test/unit/data.js 20 src/data/Data.js 17 test/unit/manipulation.js 11 src/manipulation.js 5 test/unit/event.js 4 src/event.js 4 src/css/showHide.js 4 src/attributes/classes.js 2 src/data/var/acceptData.js 2 src/attributes/val.js Jason Merino is mostly responsible for: 1 src/css.js Jason Moon is mostly responsible for: 45 test/unit/event.js Jay Merrifield is mostly responsible for: 10 test/unit/offset.js 10 src/offset.js 6 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js Jean Boussier is mostly responsible for: 16 test/unit/ajax.js 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 3 src/ajax.js Jeffery To is mostly responsible for: 15 test/unit/effects.js 4 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/css/adjustCSS.js Jephte Clain is mostly responsible for: 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 3 src/exports/global.js Jeremy Dunck is mostly responsible for: 4 src/attributes/classes.js Jess Thrysoee is mostly responsible for: 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/ajax.js Joelle Fleurantin is mostly responsible for: 10 src/attributes/prop.js 7 test/unit/attributes.js 1 test/unit/offset.js John Firebaugh is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/event.js John Hoven is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/attributes.js 4 src/attributes/val.js John Paul is mostly responsible for: 113 test/unit/effects.js 6 test/unit/tween.js 3 test/unit/animation.js John Resig is mostly responsible for: 799 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 344 test/unit/event.js 203 test/unit/manipulation.js 163 test/unit/attributes.js 162 test/unit/effects.js 155 test/unit/core.js 155 src/core.js 97 test/unit/data.js 87 src/event.js 73 test/unit/ajax.js Jonathan Sampson is mostly responsible for: 6 src/manipulation/support.js Jordan Boesch is mostly responsible for: 6 test/unit/core.js 4 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 4 src/core.js Julian Aubourg is mostly responsible for: 1170 test/unit/ajax.js 678 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 372 src/ajax.js 287 test/unit/deferred.js 230 test/unit/callbacks.js 87 src/deferred.js 85 src/callbacks.js 70 test/unit/serialize.js 69 src/ajax/xhr.js 50 src/ajax/script.js Justin Meyer is mostly responsible for: 35 test/unit/event.js 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 3 src/event.js Jörn Zaefferer is mostly responsible for: 97 external/qunit/qunit.js 25 test/unit/core.js 24 build/tasks/testswarm.js 23 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 13 test/unit/ajax.js 12 test/unit/event.js 11 src/ajax.js 9 src/core.js 6 test/unit/effects.js 3 test/data/testrunner.js Karl Swedberg is mostly responsible for: 26 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 24 test/unit/effects.js 12 src/effects.js 7 src/attributes/val.js 3 src/queue.js 3 src/effects/Tween.js 2 test/unit/offset.js 2 src/event.js 2 src/attributes/attr.js 1 test/unit/attributes.js Lee Carpenter is mostly responsible for: 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 3 src/core/init.js 2 test/unit/core.js Leonardo Braga is mostly responsible for: 9 test/unit/manipulation.js 8 test/unit/core.js 1 src/manipulation.js 1 src/core/var/rsingleTag.js Li Xudong is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/data.js Lihan Li is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/css.js Liza Ramo is mostly responsible for: 15 test/unit/core.js Louis-Rémi Babé is mostly responsible for: 56 test/unit/manipulation.js 37 test/unit/effects.js 33 test/unit/attributes.js 16 test/unit/event.js 16 test/unit/css.js 9 test/unit/queue.js 8 test/unit/traversing.js 7 test/unit/serialize.js 6 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 4 src/event.js MORGAN is mostly responsible for: 5 test/unit/traversing.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/traversing.js Marcel Greter is mostly responsible for: 3 test/unit/core.js Marek Lewandowski is mostly responsible for: 4 src/selector-native.js Marian Sollmann is mostly responsible for: 2 src/traversing.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js Mark Raddatz is mostly responsible for: 3 test/unit/manipulation.js Martin Naumann is mostly responsible for: 5 src/css.js 1 build/tasks/build.js Mathias Bynens is mostly responsible for: 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/attributes/val.js Matt Farmer is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/dimensions.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 src/ajax.js Matthias Jäggli is mostly responsible for: 6 test/unit/attributes.js Michael Monteleone is mostly responsible for: 6 test/unit/manipulation.js Michał Gołębiowski is mostly responsible for: 282 test/unit/basic.js 214 external/qunit/qunit.js 171 test/unit/event.js 130 test/unit/support.js 121 test/unit/css.js 97 test/integration/data/gh-1764-fullscreen.js 95 test/unit/wrap.js 74 external/requirejs/require.js 51 Gruntfile.js 50 src/css/support.js Mike Alsup is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/ajax.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/ajax/load.js Mike Sherov is mostly responsible for: 201 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 110 src/css.js 96 test/unit/css.js 66 test/unit/dimensions.js 54 test/unit/effects.js 32 test/unit/event.js 24 test/unit/core.js 18 test/unit/manipulation.js 16 test/unit/offset.js 13 test/data/testinit.js Mike Sidorov is mostly responsible for: 3 src/data.js 1 src/css.js Neeraj Singh is mostly responsible for: 5 test/unit/manipulation.js Nguyen Phuc Lam is mostly responsible for: 11 test/unit/attributes.js 7 src/attributes/val.js 1 test/unit/queue.js 1 test/unit/effects.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/manipulation/buildFragment.js Nicolas HENRY is mostly responsible for: 13 test/unit/deferred.js 1 src/deferred.js Nikita Govorov is mostly responsible for: 12 test/unit/event.js Noah Sloan is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/manipulation.js Nowres Rafid is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/offset.js Oleg Gaidarenko is mostly responsible for: 4464 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 855 test/unit/manipulation.js 802 test/unit/ajax.js 706 test/unit/event.js 582 test/unit/effects.js 573 test/unit/core.js 519 test/unit/attributes.js 412 test/unit/traversing.js 393 test/unit/css.js 385 test/unit/selector.js Paul Irish is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/effects.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 src/effects.js Paul Ramos is mostly responsible for: 201 test/unit/manipulation.js 32 test/unit/css.js 8 test/unit/wrap.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/manipulation/buildFragment.js 1 src/manipulation.js 1 src/core/parseHTML.js Richard D. Worth is mostly responsible for: 7 test/unit/css.js Richard Gibson is mostly responsible for: 1224 external/qunit/qunit.js 618 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 396 test/unit/deferred.js 368 test/unit/manipulation.js 355 test/unit/effects.js 169 src/deferred.js 129 test/unit/css.js 129 src/ajax.js 128 src/event.js 110 test/unit/event.js Richard McDaniel is mostly responsible for: 6 test/unit/offset.js 4 src/offset.js Rick Waldron is mostly responsible for: 199 test/unit/data.js 176 test/unit/core.js 130 test/unit/manipulation.js 129 test/unit/event.js 111 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 69 test/unit/attributes.js 36 test/unit/effects.js 30 src/core.js 26 test/unit/css.js 25 test/unit/ajax.js Robert Katić is mostly responsible for: 24 test/unit/event.js 17 src/core.js 11 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 9 test/unit/core.js Rod Vagg is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/manipulation.js Roman Reiß is mostly responsible for: 2 src/css.js Ronny Springer is mostly responsible for: 18 test/unit/data.js 1 src/data.js S. Andrew Sheppard is mostly responsible for: 2 src/exports/amd.js Sai Lung Wong is mostly responsible for: 13 test/data/testinit.js 8 test/unit/manipulation.js 7 test/unit/attributes.js 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/event.js Sam Bisbee is mostly responsible for: 6 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 6 src/ajax.js Scott González is mostly responsible for: 15 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 9 Gruntfile.js 6 src/traversing.js 4 build/release.js 3 test/unit/core.js 3 src/effects/Tween.js 2 src/event.js 2 src/css/curCSS.js 2 src/css.js 1 test/unit/effects.js Sean Henderson is mostly responsible for: 2 src/manipulation.js Sebastian Burkhard is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/core.js 1 src/core.js Shivaji Varma is mostly responsible for: 1 src/ajax/parseXML.js Sindre Sorhus is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/manipulation.js 3 test/unit/effects.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 src/manipulation/buildFragment.js 2 src/manipulation.js 1 test/unit/data.js 1 Gruntfile.js Sylvester Keil is mostly responsible for: 12 test/unit/offset.js 5 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 5 src/offset.js TJ Holowaychuk is mostly responsible for: 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js TJ VanToll is mostly responsible for: 14 test/unit/ajax.js 1 src/wrap.js 1 src/ajax.js Thomas Tortorini is mostly responsible for: 49 src/css/adjustCSS.js 44 test/unit/css.js 43 test/unit/effects.js 21 src/attributes/classes.js 15 external/qunit-assert-step/qunit-assert-step.js 9 test/unit/core.js 9 src/core.js 7 src/var/rcssNum.js 6 src/css/var/getStyles.js 6 src/css.js Timmy Willison is mostly responsible for: 1644 external/sizzle/dist/sizzle.js 1439 external/requirejs/require.js 1001 external/qunit/qunit.js 250 test/unit/attributes.js 222 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 202 test/unit/effects.js 184 build/tasks/build.js 157 test/unit/core.js 141 test/unit/event.js 116 src/manipulation.js Timo Tijhof is mostly responsible for: 68 test/unit/traversing.js 58 test/data/testrunner.js 15 test/unit/manipulation.js 10 test/unit/effects.js 8 test/unit/data.js 5 test/unit/attributes.js 4 test/unit/event.js 4 src/traversing.js 3 test/unit/dimensions.js 3 build/tasks/testswarm.js Toby Brain is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/wrap.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 2 src/wrap.js Tom H Fuertes is mostly responsible for: 8 Gruntfile.js Uri Gilad is mostly responsible for: 5 test/unit/manipulation.js 2 test/unit/offset.js 2 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/offset.js Veaceslav Grimalschi is mostly responsible for: 2 test/unit/event.js Victor Homyakov is mostly responsible for: 1 test/unit/ajax.js Vladimir Zhuravlev is mostly responsible for: 7 test/unit/manipulation.js Xavi Ramirez is mostly responsible for: 3 src/offset.js 1 test/unit/offset.js Yehuda Katz is mostly responsible for: 81 test/unit/css.js 40 test/unit/traversing.js 36 test/data/testinit.js 25 test/unit/attributes.js 25 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 21 test/unit/core.js 20 test/unit/manipulation.js 14 src/traversing.js 10 test/unit/queue.js 10 src/core.js Yiming He is mostly responsible for: 8 test/unit/css.js Yongwoo Jeon is mostly responsible for: 1 src/core.js avaly is mostly responsible for: 26 test/unit/css.js cmc3cn is mostly responsible for: 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/css.js nanto_vi is mostly responsible for: 17 test/unit/deferred.js 4 src/deferred.js 3 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js ros3cin is mostly responsible for: 14 test/unit/effects.js 3 src/effects.js tsinha is mostly responsible for: 1 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js 1 src/serialize.js The extensions below were found in the repository history (extensions used during statistical analysis are marked): * bat cgi css html [js] json map markdown md php pl pm sh txt xml xsl yml