# Translation of wesnoth-trow.po into Serbian. # Copyright (C) 2005 Wesnoth development team # This file is distributed under the same license as the Battle for Wesnoth package. # Chusslove Illich , 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. # Dalibor Djuric , 2010. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: wesnoth-trow\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-20 02:52 UTC\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-09 16:37+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Chusslove Illich \n" "Language-Team: Serbian\n" "Language: sr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : " "n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Environment: wesnoth, wesnoth/noent\n" "X-Wrapping: fine\n" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #. [scenario]: id=22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:12 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:4 msgid "The Rise of Wesnoth" msgstr "Подизање Веснота" # |, no-check-spell #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:15 msgid "TRoW" msgstr "ПВ" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:20 msgid "Fighter" msgstr "борац" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:20 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Normal:" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Нормално:" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:21 #, fuzzy #| msgid "(Challenging)" msgid "Challenging" msgstr "(изазовно)" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:21 msgid "Commander" msgstr "заповедник" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:22 msgid "Difficult" msgstr "" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:22 msgid "Lord" msgstr "господар" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:24 msgid "" "Lead Prince Haldric through the destruction of the Green Isle and across the " "Ocean to establish the very kingdom of Wesnoth itself. The confrontation " "with Lich-Lord Jevyan awaits...\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Поведи принца Халдрика кроз разарање Зеленострва и преко Океана, где ће " "успоставити сâмо Веснотско краљевство. Окршај са господаром-косцем Џевијаном " "те очекује...\n" "\n" #. [campaign]: id=The_Rise_of_Wesnoth #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:26 #, fuzzy #| msgid "(Expert level, 24 scenarios.)" msgid "(Hard level, 20 scenarios.)" msgstr "(Зналачки ниво, 24 сценарија.)" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:29 msgid "Campaign Design" msgstr "Дизајн похода" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:35 msgid "Campaign Maintenance" msgstr "Одржавање похода" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:48 msgid "Artwork and Graphics Design" msgstr "Цртежи и графички дизајн" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/_main.cfg:73 msgid "WML Contributors" msgstr "Доприноси ВМЛ-а" #. [scenario]: id=01_A_Summer_of_Storms #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:4 msgid "A Summer of Storms" msgstr "Олујно лето" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:15 msgid "" "In the days before Haldric the First saved our people and founded the " "country of Wesnoth, we came from an island kingdom far to the west..." msgstr "" "У данима пре него што је Халдрик Први спасао наш народ и основао земљу " "Веснота, допутовасмо са острвског краљевства далеко на западу..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:19 msgid "" "We were prosperous, strong, and numerous. We lived in a rich land with many " "kings. Then they came, the Wesfolk. They were a wicked, brutal, and " "dirty lot." msgstr "" "Живели смо у благостању, бијасмо јаки и бројни. Живели смо у богатој земљи " "са много краљева. Онда су дошли они, Весноћани. Рђава, окрутна, и " "прљава скупина." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:23 msgid "" "They were the vanquished refugees of some war, fleeing from their homes in a " "land even farther off into the west. The Wesfolk were not numerous, but they " "used dark magic, commanding vengeful spirits and legions of walking dead..." msgstr "" "Весноћани бејаху поражени, избеглице из некаквог рата, у покрету из својих " "домова још даље на западу. Не беше их много, али се користише мрачном " "магијом, упрезајући осветољубиве духове и легије ходајућих мртваца..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:27 msgid "" "After a time of great struggle, a peace was reached. We came to dominate " "most of the Isle, with the Wesfolk pushed onto the most marginal of lands. " "In confronting their vile legions, we grew strong. Indeed, it was from this " "war we gleaned our first shards of knowledge about magic." msgstr "" "После периода велике борбе, склопљен је мир. Нама је припао већи део Острва, " "док су Весноћани били потиснути у најзабаченије крајеве. Из сукоба са " "њиховим злокобним легијама, изашли смо још јачи. Уистину, из тога рата смо " "спознали прве мрвице магијског знања." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:31 msgid "" "You must recall that the route from the western continent to our Green Isle " "was perilous at the best of times — so perilous that a stable trading " "relationship between the mainland and the Isle could never be maintained." msgstr "" "Морате имати на уму да је пут од западног континента до нашег Зеленострва " "био опасан и у најбоља времена — толико опасан, да се трајни трговачки " "односи између копна и Острва никада нису могли остварити." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:35 msgid "" "Things were worse still when sailing to the east. A strong, cold ocean " "current swept down from the north in the Eastern Ocean, pushing all ships " "horribly off course. Ships that traveled east and returned reported nothing " "but open ocean and vile sea monsters..." msgstr "" "Ствари су бивале још горе када се пловило на исток. Јака, хладна океанска " "струја спуштала се са севера у Источни океан, односећи све бродове далеко са " "курса. Бродови који кренуше на исток и успеше да се врате, не известише ни о " "чем до отвореног океана и страшних морских немани..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:39 msgid "" "Over time our skills as navigators grew. Then, one day, the strong-hearted " "Crown Prince of Southbay returned home from a long voyage with a fabulous " "tale. He said that there were lands to the east that could be reached by " "aggressively sailing to the east and north, to compensate for southern pull " "of the ocean." msgstr "" "С временом, наше морепловне способности су се увећавале. Једног дана, " "хировити крунски принц Југозалива врати се кући са дугог путовања, доносећи " "изванредну причу са собом. Зборише да на истоку постоје земље које се могу " "достићи истрајном пловидбом ка истоку и северу, којом се потире јужно " "заношење океанске струје." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:43 msgid "" "It wasn’t long after he returned that the very Crown Prince who discovered " "the land to the east fell ill and died under mysterious circumstances. His " "younger brother, the next in line for the throne, chafed at the eye of " "suspicion cast upon him. He conspired to start a war of distraction with the " "poor Wesfolk kingdoms and their Lich-Lords." msgstr "" "Недуго пошто се врати, истог крунског принца опхрва болест и он издахну под " "тајанственим околностима. Његов млађи брат, следећи у реду за престо, мораде " "се понети са сумњама које се над њим надвише. Одлучи да потајно покрене рат " "како би скренуо пажњу са себе, против весноћанских краљевстава и њихових " "господара-косаца." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:47 msgid "" "The new Crown Prince departed with the largest army ever assembled on the " "Isle to make war with the Wesfolk. This is where our story begins..." msgstr "" "Нови крунски принц се отисну са највећом војском икада подигнутом на Острву, " "да отпочне рат против Весноћана. Овде наша прича почиње..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:51 msgid "... with the plight of a different prince on the same Isle..." msgstr "...са заветом једног другог принца на истом Острву..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:55 msgid "For this is the story of Haldric the First and the Rise of Wesnoth..." msgstr "Јер ово је прича о Халдрику Првом и Подизању Веснота..." #. [side]: type=Noble Youth, type=Noble Fighter, id=Prince Haldric #. [side]: type=Noble Fighter, id=Prince Haldric #. [side]: type=Noble Commander, id=Prince Haldric #. [side]: id=Prince Haldric, type=Noble Commander #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:77 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:34 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:34 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:29 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:24 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:20 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:24 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:21 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:24 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:21 msgid "Prince Haldric" msgstr "принц Халдрик" #. [side]: type=Noble Youth, type=Noble Fighter, id=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:86 msgid "Haldric" msgstr "Халдрик" #. [side]: type=Wesfolk Outcast, gender=female, id=Wesfolk Leader #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:96 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:44 msgid "Wesfolk Leader" msgstr "вођ Весноћана" #. [side]: type=Wesfolk Outcast, gender=female, id=Wesfolk Leader #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:103 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:59 msgid "Wesfolk" msgstr "Весноћани" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:117 msgid "King Eldaric IV" msgstr "краљ Елдарик Четврти" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:122 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:162 msgid "Defeat the Wesfolk Leader" msgstr "Поразиш ли вођа Весноћана" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:126 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:166 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:113 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:159 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:150 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:178 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:110 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:428 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:199 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:128 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:379 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:174 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:162 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:224 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:234 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:112 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:250 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:308 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:190 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:178 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:265 msgid "Death of Prince Haldric" msgstr "Настрада ли принц Халдрик" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:130 msgid "Death of King Eldaric" msgstr "Настрада ли краљ Елдарик" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:147 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The trouble seems to have finally reached to the heart of the Isle, to " #| "the isolated lands of King Eldaric IV." msgid "" "The trouble seems to have finally reached the heart of the Isle, to the " "isolated lands of King Eldaric IV." msgstr "" "Невоља као да напокон доспе до срца Острва, к осамљеним земљама краља " "Елдарика Четвртог." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:152 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It looks like a Wesfolk rabble have seized the Northern Keep! Prepare for " #| "battle, Haldric!" msgid "" "It looks like some Wesfolk rabble have seized the Northern Keep! Prepare for " "battle, Haldric!" msgstr "" "Изгледа да је весноћанска руља заузела Северњачку утврду! Спреми се на " "битку, Халдриче!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:156 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Father, I am of age now. May I lead our forces in battle?" msgid "Father, I am of age now. May I lead our forces into battle?" msgstr "Оче, одрастао сам већ. Могу ли ја повести нашу војску у бој?" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:160 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "You’re showing initiative, son! I’m proud of you! Yes, you may lead our " #| "forces to battle, it is time — but I’ll stay near to keep an eye on you. " #| "There is more to this raid than meets the eye, I think." msgid "" "You’re showing initiative, son! I’m proud of you! Yes, you may lead our " "forces into battle, it is time — but I’ll stay near to keep an eye on you. " "There is more to this raid than meets the eye, I think." msgstr "" "Исказујеш предузимљивост, сине, да се дичим тобом! Можеш повести наше снаге, " "време је — али ћу и ја бити у близини да пазим како ствари теку. Чини ми се, " "више је у овом упаду него што делује на први поглед." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:165 msgid "" "They’re Wesfolk, reavers and thieves by nature; rare is the summer they do " "not raid us. What mystery is in it now?" msgstr "" "Весноћани су то, разбојници и лопови по природи; ретко је лето да нас не " "походе. Каква би то сада загонетка била?" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:170 msgid "" "These are not normal times. When the Prince of Southbay has raised a host " "that could utterly destroy them, why would they compound their troubles by " "raising a quarrel with another king?" msgstr "" "Ово нису обична времена. Пошто је принц Југозалива подигао војску која би их " "могла потпуно истребити, зашто би додавали на своју невољу заподевајући " "кавгу са још једним краљем?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:174 msgid "Perhaps these are refugees fleeing his advance?" msgstr "Можда су ово избеглице пред његовим напредовањем?" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:178 msgid "" "Unlikely. The Prince they might evade in the wild country; south and east of " "here is more thickly settled with our folk, and a greater danger to them. " "Even supposing they could win through us, why court the wrath of the greater " "kingdoms?" msgstr "" "Мало вероватно. Принцу могу измакнути у дивљини; јужно и источно одавде више " "је насељено нашег народа, што им је већа опасност. Претпоставимо ли чак и да " "се могу пробити кроз нас, чему изазивање беса великих краљевстава?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:183 msgid "" "We must inquire of the survivors after we defeat them. Onward to victory!" msgstr "Морамо о томе испитати заробљенике пошто их поразимо. Напред у победу!" #. [message]: speaker=Wesfolk Leader #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:187 msgid "" "Look, a little princeling and his merry men! We’ll teach you a lesson for " "what your kind did to us!" msgstr "" "Гледајте, мали принчић и његови весељаци! Одржаћемо ти буквицу за оно што " "нам је твоја сорта учинила!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:202 msgid "" "Don’t forget about some of the more isolated villages, we’ll need the gold!" msgstr "Не заборави на скрајнута села, требаће нам злата!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:210 msgid "Make haste, son! We must win before the summer crop is in ruin." msgstr "Хитај, сине! Морамо победити пре него што пропадне летина." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:221 msgid "I invoke the right of surrender! Don’t kill me..." msgstr "Позивам се на право на предају! Немој ме убити..." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:225 msgid "Why have you come to trouble our lands?" msgstr "Зашто дође да узнемираваш наше земље?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:229 msgid "" "Trouble your lands! Bah! Your fool Prince of Southbay has attacked our " "lands. The Lich-Lords had no choice... They opened a gate... and..." msgstr "" "Узнемиравам ваше земље! Ха! Ваш будаласти принц Југозалива напао је наше " "земље. Господари-косци нису имали избора. Отворили су двери... и..." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:233 msgid "And what?" msgstr "И шта?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:237 msgid "" "They pledged to visit all of the terrors of the hells upon the Isle. They " "built a great stone gate to the heart of the homeland of the orcs in the " "distant west! Now even we Wesfolk must flee or be slaves." msgstr "" "Заклеше се да ће ослободити све ужасе пакла на Острво. Подигоше велике " "камене двери ка срцу домовине оркова на далеком западу! Сада чак и ми " "Весноћани морамо или у збег или у ропство." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:241 msgid "Orcs are just creatures of tall tales!" msgstr "Оркови су само створења из јуначких прича!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:245 msgid "" "You’ve been on this island too long. I assure you that orcs exist. By now " "there are probably a half dozen gates to the orcish homeland. There is no " "hope." msgstr "" "Предуго не избијате са овог острва. Уверавам вас да оркови постоје. До сада " "вероватно има већ неколико десетина двери ка орковској домовини. Нема нам " "наде." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:249 msgid "" "We must prepare the defenses! Haldric, stay at the keep. I must go and " "fortify our frontier." msgstr "" "Морамо спремити одбрану! Халдриче, остани у утврђењу. Ја морам поћи да " "утврдим нашу границу." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:253 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "My forces are defeated, under your customs of surrender I will go now." msgid "My forces are defeated. Under your customs of surrender, I will go now." msgstr "Моје су снаге поражене, и поћи су сада по вашим обичајима за предају." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:257 msgid "" "You may go. See to it that you trouble us no more, for the custom states " "that you may invoke surrender but once. If we meet again, I won’t be so " "merciful." msgstr "" "Можеш ићи. Пази да нам више не задајеш бриге, јер обичај каже да се на " "предају можеш позвати само једанпут. Сусретнемо ли се поново, нећу бити " "овако милостив." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:277 msgid "We have run out of time... The crops shall spoil, we’ll starve!" msgstr "Истече нам време... Летина ће се покварити, и сви ћемо гладовати!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:293 msgid "Die, Wesfolk scum!" msgstr "Умри, весноћански олошу!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/01_A_Summer_of_Storms.cfg:306 msgid "Feel my wrath, you fiend!" msgstr "Осети мој бес, злотворе!" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Fall #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:4 msgid "The Fall" msgstr "Пад" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:15 msgid "" "Summer passes into fall, and King Eldaric fortifies his frontiers. It is not " "long before the first orcish scouts are spotted. War has come to the valley." msgstr "" "Лето пређе у јесен, док краљ Елдарик утврђиваше своје границе. Не прође " "много пре него што уочише прве орковске извиднице. Рат стиже у долину." #. [side]: type=Noble Fighter, id=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:34 msgid "Stormvale" msgstr "Олујни дол" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Rarbag #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:68 msgid "Tan-Rarbag" msgstr "тан Рарбаг" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Rarbag #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Tan-Erang #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Schmog #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-NauVong #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Tan-Vrodis #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Bok #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Hogar #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Gralg #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Rugar #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Vragar #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Burg #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ut'Tan-Vrork #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ut'Tan-Grilg #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Pulk #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Harak #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Hork #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Gulo #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Erirt #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Gagar #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Thruf #. [side]: type=Draug, id=General Heravan #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Halg #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Rinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:76 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:100 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:42 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:67 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:93 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:127 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:91 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:252 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:287 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:324 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:53 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:89 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:177 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:210 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:233 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:57 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:92 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:127 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:48 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:95 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:130 msgid "Orcs" msgstr "Окови" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Tan-Erang #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:93 msgid "Tan-Erang" msgstr "тан Еранг" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:155 msgid "Thegwyn" msgstr "Тегвин" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:156 msgid "Galdred" msgstr "Галдред" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:157 msgid "Tromas" msgstr "Тромас" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:170 msgid "Death of King Eldaric IV" msgstr "Настрада ли краљ Елдарик Четврти" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:174 msgid "Orcs kill the Wesfolk Leader" msgstr "Убију ли оркови вођа Весноћана" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:192 msgid "" "Haldric, things have not gone well! The orcs have arrived. We met them at " "the north keep but they were just too many. They have flanked us to the east " "in the mountains. I have my personal guards holding the pass to the north, " "but they won’t be able to last long... We must evacuate our home." msgstr "" "Халдриче, ствари се не одвијају добро! Оркови су пристигли. Суочисмо се код " "северне утврде, али их бејаше превише. Заобишли су нас на истоку у " "планинама. Моја лична гарда држи пролаз ка северу, али неће дуго " "истрајати... Морамо напустити наше домове." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:197 msgid "" "That’s awful! And it only gets worse. That Wesfolk rabble has set up shop " "again in the south pass..." msgstr "" "То је грозно! А бива још и горе. Она руља весноћанска опет постави радњу у " "јужном пролазу..." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:203 msgid "" "That’s the only way out of the valley! This is a disaster! We must defeat " "that Wesfolk scum and flee to the south. Our home is lost... We must make " "haste." msgstr "" "То нам је једини пут из долине! Ово је катастрофа! Морамо сузбити тај " "весноћански олош и избећи ка југу. Наши су домови изгубљени... Морамо брзо " "делати." #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Rarbag #. meat is a derogatory term for humans used by orcs and also is a subtle reference to orcs eating humans opportunistically #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:209 msgid "" "Run, meat, run! Sooner or later, you will tire and our wolves will hunt you " "down!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Erang #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:214 msgid "The meat will die! Die! Die! Die!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Wesfolk Leader #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:219 msgid "This is going to get ugly..." msgstr "Ово ће бити све горе..." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:227 msgid "Hurry! Only death awaits in this valley!" msgstr "Пожурите! Само нас смрт очекује у овој долини!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:271 msgid "Umm, I invoke the right of surren..." msgstr "Овај, позивам се на право преда..." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:276 msgid "Nay! Off with your hea—" msgstr "Нећеш! Скините му гла—" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:281 msgid "" "But I can help! Really! You could use me and my men’s skills on the long " "road ahead!" msgstr "" "Али могу помоћи! Збиља! Можете искористити вештине моје и мојих људи на путу " "који вам предстоји!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:286 msgid "Haldric, what say you on this matter?" msgstr "Халдриче, шта ти кажеш на ово?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:291 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:368 msgid "Hmm... after some thought..." msgstr "Па... после мало размишљања..." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:295 msgid "I think that your skills may be useful. You may join us." msgstr "Мислим да нам твоје вештине могу послужити. Придружи нам се." #. [message]: speaker=Wesfolk Leader #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:299 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Let there be peace between us, our survival depends on it." msgid "Let there be peace between us. Our survival depends on it." msgstr "Нека буде мира међу нама, јер нам опстанак од тога зависи." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:307 msgid "So what shall I call you?" msgstr "Како ћемо те онда звати?" #. [message]: speaker=Wesfolk Leader #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:311 msgid "The Lady Outlaw will do." msgstr "Госпа-одметница ће послужити." #. [unit]: id=Lady Outlaw, type=$wesfolk_leader_store.type, gender=female #. [then] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:324 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:476 msgid "Lady Outlaw" msgstr "госпа-одметница" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:346 msgid "Your word can’t be trusted. Prepare to meet your gods!" msgstr "Твојој се речи не може веровати. Спреми се к својим боговима!" #. [message]: speaker=Wesfolk Leader #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:350 msgid "Arrogant fools! (Reaches into pocket) Poof!" msgstr "Охоле будале! [посеже у џеп] Пуф!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:367 msgid "Argh, she’s gone. Next time, more sword, less chat." msgstr "Хрнгх, нестаде. Следећи пут, више мачем, мање језиком." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:372 msgid "" "She’s clever! Maybe I made the wrong choice. Well, at least she left some of " "her gold behind..." msgstr "" "Промућурна је! Можда сам погрешно изабрао. Па, барем је остало нешто злата " "за њом..." #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:391 msgid "" "Son, you must lead our people through the south pass. I will remain behind " "to hold off these vile monsters for as long as I can." msgstr "" "Сине, мораш повести наш народ кроз јужни пролаз. Ја ћу остати за вама, да " "задржавам ова злокобна створења колико год будем могао." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:395 msgid "But, Father!" msgstr "Али, оче!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:399 msgid "It’s the only way. Go now, and don’t look back! Luck be with you!" msgstr "То је једини начин. Иди сада, и не осврћи се! Нека те срећа прати!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:421 msgid "We’re surrounded! The orcs have taken the southern pass! All is lost!" msgstr "Опкољени смо! Оркови су заузели јужни пролаз! Све је изгубљено!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:433 msgid "We’re surrounded! I can see their reinforcements! All is lost!" msgstr "Опкољени смо! Могу да видим како им стижу појачања! Све је изгубљено!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:446 msgid "Our home! Where shall we go!" msgstr "Наши домови! Куда ћемо сада!" #. [message]: speaker=King Eldaric IV #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/02_The_Fall.cfg:450 msgid "There can be no looking back! We must go south." msgstr "Не смемо се освртати! Морамо на југ." #. [scenario]: id=03_A_Harrowing_Escape #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:4 msgid "A Harrowing Escape" msgstr "Мучни бег" #. [side]: type=Noble Commander, id=Prince Haldric #. [side]: type=Ancient Wose, id=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #. [side]: id=Prince Haldric, type=Noble Commander #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:41 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:41 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:106 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:36 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:29 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:35 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:38 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:30 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:29 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:32 msgid "Refugees" msgstr "Избеглице" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Schmog #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:35 msgid "Tan-Schmog" msgstr "тан Шмог" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-NauVong #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:60 msgid "Tan-NauVong" msgstr "тан Наувонг" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:88 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:92 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:97 msgid "Snagakhan" msgstr "Снагакан" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:89 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:93 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:98 msgid "Knafakhan" msgstr "Кнафакан" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:99 msgid "Hoshnak" msgstr "Хошнак" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:100 msgid "Gruumogth" msgstr "Грумогт" #. [objective]: condition=win #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:109 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:155 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:146 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:174 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:424 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:197 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:375 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:170 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:158 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:108 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:246 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:285 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:186 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:174 msgid "Defeat all enemy leaders" msgstr "Поразиш ли све непријатељске вође" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:130 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Argh, the orcish vanguard must have flanked us even further to the east! " #| "They’re already holding the mouth of the pass. We have to get out of the " #| "mountain pass before winter comes or we’re all dead meat!" msgid "" "Argh, the orcish vanguard must have flanked us even further to the east! " "They’re already holding the mouth of the pass. We have to get out of the " "mountain pass before winter comes or we’re all doomed!" msgstr "" "Хрнгх, орковска претходница мора да нас је заобишла још даље на истоку! Већ " "држе уста пролаза. Морамо се пробити кроз планински пролаз пре него што " "стигне зима, или ће само кости од нас остати!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:136 msgid "Father, I wish you were here..." msgstr "Оче, када би само био са мном..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:141 msgid "" "I’d drop the sentiment and pick up your sword. There’s plenty of fighting " "ahead of us!" msgstr "" "Ја бих се манула болећивости и прихватила мача. Предстоји нам сасвим довољно " "борбе!" # well-spelled: Грррр #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Schmog #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:146 #, fuzzy #| msgid "You won’t get much further boy. Grrrr!" msgid "You won’t get any further than this, meat!" msgstr "Нећеш далеко, момче. Грррр!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:160 msgid "Who goes there?" msgstr "Ко иде тамо?" #. [unit]: id=Burin the Lost, type=Dwarvish Steelclad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:165 msgid "Burin the Lost" msgstr "Бурин Изгубљени" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:180 msgid "Burin, Burin the Lost. Who be ye?" msgstr "Бурин, Бурин Изгубљени. А који сте ви?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:186 msgid "" "I’m Prince Haldric, we have little time to talk. We must make haste through " "the pass... What are you?" msgstr "" "Ја сам принц Халдрик, и немамо времена за причу. Морамо пожурити кроз " "пролаз... Шта си па ти?" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:191 msgid "" "I’m a dwarf, you fool of a boy! I got lost while exploring deep underground, " "almost a century ago. I’ve never found my way home. But it seems nice enough " "here." msgstr "" "Ја сам патуљак! Каква будала од момка! Изгубих се док сам истраживао дубока " "подземља, скоро век прође од тада. Никада не нађох пута своме дому. Али је и " "овде некако пријатно." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:197 msgid "Nice? The orcs have come, and we must flee!" msgstr "Пријатно? Стигоше оркови, морамо бежати!" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:202 msgid "" "Orcs! It’s been a long time since I felt the satisfying crunch of one of " "those under my axe. Time for a fight!" msgstr "" "Оркови! Одавно не осетих драж шкрипања своје секире о једног од њих. Време " "је за борбу!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:207 msgid "You’ve fought orcs before?" msgstr "Већ си се борио против оркова?" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:212 msgid "" "Fool boy! Where did you grow up? Enough of this, let’s go get some orcs!" msgstr "Лудо момче! Где си то одрастао? Доста је било, хајдемо по те орке!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:220 msgid "" "We’re trapped in the pass! I can see their reinforcements! All is lost! Is " "that... Is that snow...? We’re doomed!" msgstr "" "Заробљени смо у кланцу! Видим како им стижу појачања! Изгубљени смо! Да " "ли... Је ли то снег...? Пропадосмо!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:240 msgid "" "SE — The River Road.\n" "SW — The Midlands." msgstr "" "ЈИ — Речни пут.\n" "ЈЗ — Средопоља." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:262 msgid "GO HOME! AIN’T NUTTIN TO SEE HEER!" msgstr "МРШ' КУЋИ! НЕМА ОВДЕ НИШ' ДА СЕ ВИДИ!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:272 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Now, should I go southeast on the river road, or southwest through the " #| "midlands? The river road crosses the Swamp of Esten, so I doubt that even " #| "orcs would go there. The Midlands were nice, but who knows what’s going " #| "on there now." msgid "" "Now, should I go southeast on the river road, or southwest through the " "Midlands? The river road crosses the Swamp of Esten, so I doubt that even " "orcs would go there. The Midlands were nice, but who knows what’s going on " "there now." msgstr "" "Сада, да ли да кренем југоисточно речним путем, или југозападно кроз " "Средопоље? Речни пут пресеца мочвару Естена, тако да сумњам да би чак и " "оркови тамо зашли. Средоземље бејаше пријатно, али ко зна шта се сада тамо " "дешава." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:275 msgid "I think I’ll take the river road..." msgstr "Мислим да ћу поћи речним путем..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:279 msgid "Good. The Midlands are probably an orc-infested ruin by now." msgstr "Добро. Средопоље је вероватно већ у рушевинама под најездом оркова." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:284 msgid "" "Swamp?! I’m under five feet tall, and I don’t float! ... Argh, have " "it your way." msgstr "" "Мочвара?! Нема ми ни пет стопа, а и не плутам! Хрнгх, нека ти буде." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:297 msgid "We’ll go through the Midlands..." msgstr "Кренућемо кроз Средопоље..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:301 msgid "I suspect that the Midlands might be in ruins by now." msgstr "Сумњам да је Средопоље већ у рушевинама." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:306 msgid "" "It’s better than the swamp. I’m under five feet tall, and I don’t float! " "Besides, I’d rather enjoy meeting more orcs." msgstr "" "Боље то него мочвара. Нема ми ни пет стопа, а и не плутам! Поред тога, " "радије бих срео још оркова." #. [message]: speaker=Tan-NauVong #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:342 msgid "Come and get it!" msgstr "Дођите по своје!" #. [message]: type=Orcish Slayer #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:352 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:400 msgid "Die, human." msgstr "Умри, човече." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:357 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:405 msgid "Uh-oh!" msgstr "О-о!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Schmog #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:390 msgid "I’ll not go so easily!" msgstr "Нећеш ме се отарасити тако лако!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:420 msgid "" "We’ve escaped the pass. Well, at least I know that the orcs can be beaten. " "Hmm, I guess that this is the last I’ll see of my home... and my father. " "(Sigh)" msgstr "" "Провукосмо се кроз кланац. Па, макар знам да се оркови могу надвладати. Ово " "је вероватно задњи пут да сам видео свој дом... и свог оца. [уздах]" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/03_A_Harrowing_Escape.cfg:424 msgid "" "We should make our way to Southbay. It is the largest city on the Isle. We " "should be able to make a stand there. Failing that, there’s always " "Clearwater Port." msgstr "" "Морамо се пробити до Југозалива. То је највећи град на Острву. Тамо можемо " "организовати отпор. Ако не успемо, увек нам остаје лука Бистроморска." #. [scenario]: id=04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:4 msgid "The Swamp of Esten" msgstr "Мочвара Естена" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:16 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:16 msgid "" "So it came to pass that Prince Haldric was forced from his home, never to " "return. With the help of his father’s noble sacrifice he has escaped through " "the southern pass. Haldric has left the lands of his home, and before him " "stretches the vast expanse of the southern kingdoms of his people." msgstr "" "И тако би да је принц Халдрик протеран из свога дома, да се никада не врати. " "Уз помоћ племените жртве свога оца, успео је да се извуче кроз јужни пролаз. " "Халдрик напусти земље свога дома, а пред њим се простиру непрегледни " "простори јужњачких краљевстава његовог народа." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:22 msgid "" "The river road follows the Isle’s greatest river to the southeast. This road " "leads to the Isle’s second largest city, Clearwater Port. It would likely " "have been the Isle’s largest city save for the events of the Wesfolk War. " "The Lich-Lords befouled much of the land around the river during the course " "of a great battle. Now the swamp is home to a Wesfolk-imitating cult." msgstr "" "Речни пут прати највећу реку на Острву ка југоистоку. Он води ка другом " "највећем граду на Острву, луци Бистроморској. Била би она извесно и највећи " "град, да не би догађаја из рата са Весноћанима. Господари-косци су опоганили " "пуно земље око реке у току велике битке. Сада је то мочвара која је дом " "култу што опонаша Весноћане." # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Cleon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:49 msgid "Cleon" msgstr "Клион" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Cleon #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Lollyra, gender=female #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Clurka, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:87 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:114 msgid "Cultists" msgstr "Окултисти" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Lollyra, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:68 msgid "Lollyra" msgstr "Лолира" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Clurka, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:94 msgid "Clurka" msgstr "Кларка" #. [event] #. [then] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:128 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:129 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:130 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:132 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:133 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:134 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:137 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:138 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:139 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:140 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:141 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:142 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:326 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:96 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:97 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:98 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:100 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:101 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:102 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:103 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:104 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:108 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:109 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:110 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:111 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:112 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:113 msgid "Scorpion" msgstr "шкорпија" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:176 msgid "" "With great trepidation, Prince Haldric leads his refugee band into the Swamp " "of Esten. In the center of that very swamp a shroud of fog descends over " "young Prince Haldric." msgstr "" "С великом стрепњом принц Халдрик поведе свој збег у мочвару Естена. У самом " "срцу мочваре, на младог принца и његове људе спусти се маглена копрена." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:182 msgid "" "I have a very bad feeling about this. This awful swamp and its crazy cult... " "Before these troubles started we used to have to clear the swamp every " "spring and fall." msgstr "" "Лоше ми се мисли привлаче од овога. Одвратна мочвара и њен лудачки култ... " "Пре него што нас је опхрвала ова невоља, обичавали смо да чистимо мочвару " "сваког пролећа и јесени." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:187 msgid "" "I suppose with the rampaging bands of murderous orcs roaming about that " "hasn’t been done in a while." msgstr "" "Ценим да, поред дивљајућих банди крвожедних оркова, то није чињено већ неко " "време." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:192 msgid "" "I miss the orcs... We go all this way, and (sniff) what a lovely " "smell we have discovered." msgstr "" "Недостају ми оркови... Прођосмо толики пут, и [њуши] на како диван " "задах наиђосмо." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:198 msgid "This is too quiet. I don’t like this one bit, not one bit at all." msgstr "Превише је тихо. Не свиђа ми се то ни мало, баш ни најмање." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:203 msgid "Wait, I think I hear something... To arms!" msgstr "Па, чини ми се да чујем нешто... На оружје!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:356 msgid "Careful, you don’t know what’s lurking in there!" msgstr "Опрезно, не знамо шта нас вреба оданде!" # |, no-check-spell #. [unit]: type=White Mage, id=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:362 msgid "Minister Edren" msgstr "логотет Едрен" #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:373 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Back you vile— Oh, sorry I thought you were undead. When are those goofs " #| "in Clearwater Port going to clear the swamp again?" msgid "" "Back you vile— Oh, sorry, I thought you were undead. When are those goofs in " "Clearwater Port going to clear the swamp again?" msgstr "" "Одступи, ти погани — ох, извините, помислих да сте немртваци. Када ће оне " "шепртље из Бистроморске доћи да поново очисте мочвару?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:377 msgid "Maybe they’ll clear it some time after the APOCALYPSE is OVER!" msgstr "Можда ће је почистити једном пошто се ова АПОКАЛИПСА ОКОНЧА!" # well-spelled: Ааа #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:382 msgid "Oooh! I take it you wouldn’t mind if I helped out?" msgstr "Ааа! Верујем да се не би противио ако бих и ја помогао?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:397 msgid "Hey, there’s somebody hidden in the temple. Ack! Hold there!" msgstr "Гледајте, неко се скрива у храму. Пази! Стој тамо!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:479 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "SW — The Oldwood Forest.\n" #| "Enter at Your Own Risk!" msgid "" "East — The Oldwood Forest.\n" "Enter at Your Own Risk!" msgstr "" "ЈЗ - Старопањска шума.\n" "Улазите на своју одговорност!" #. [message]: speaker=Lollyra #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:495 #, fuzzy #| msgid "May I live forever in Un-death!" msgid "May I live forever in Undeath!" msgstr "Да заувек живим у Не-смрти!" #. [message]: speaker=Clurka #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:506 msgid "Ohh! To be risen again!" msgstr "Оо! Да ме се васкрсне!" #. [message]: speaker=Cleon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:517 msgid "A prayer for life immortal!" msgstr "Молитва за живот вечни!" # |, no-check-spell #. [unit]: type=Knight, id=Sir Ruddry #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:542 msgid "Sir Ruddry" msgstr "сер Радри" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:560 msgid "" "I don’t know who you are, but you can’t continue down this road! There is a " "horde of those orcs bigger than any army I’ve ever seen just down the road!" msgstr "" "Не знам ко сте, али не можете даље низ овај пут! Још мало, и натрчали бисте " "на хорду оркова већу од било које војске коју сам икада видео!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:565 msgid "" "I’m Haldric; my father was King Eldaric IV in the lands northwest of here. " "Soldier, have you deserted your post?" msgstr "" "Ја сам Халдрик; мој отац беше краљ Елдарик Четврти у земљама северозападно " "одавде. Војниче, јеси ли ти то напустио своје редове?" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:570 msgid "" "No, Sir! I’m the sole survivor of the Clearwater Port expeditionary force. " "Trust me, you can’t continue down this road, Sir. Especially with the " "refugees, you’ll be slaughtered." msgstr "" "Не, господине! Ја сам једини преживели из истурених снага Бистроморске. " "Верујте ми, не можете продужити низ пут, господине. И још са избеглицама, " "све ће вас поклати." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:575 msgid "Tell me, does Clearwater Port still stand? Is the port free?" msgstr "Реци ми, држи ли се још увек Бистроморска? Да ли је лука слободна?" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:580 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "As far as I know, Sir. We have a large army, and they were pressing all " #| "able bodied men and boys into service when I left. That orcish army is " #| "huge, but they haven’t met the main body of our forces yet." msgid "" "As far as I know, Sir. We have a large army, and they were pressing all able-" "bodied men and boys into service when I left. That orcish army is huge, but " "they haven’t met the main body of our forces yet." msgstr "" "Колико ми је познато, господине. Војска нам је велика, а још су позивали све " "способне мушкарце и момчиће на службу када сам ја одлазио. Орковска војска " "јесте неизмерна, али још увек нису сусрели главнину наших снага." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:585 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Well, we can’t go back, and the road ahead is blocked... I guess we’ll " #| "have to risk it and go through the Oldwood forest, then make a break for " #| "Clearwater Port." msgid "" "Well, we can’t go back, and the road ahead is blocked. I guess we’ll have to " "risk it and go through the Oldwood forest, then make a break for Clearwater " "Port." msgstr "" "Па, натраг нам враћања нема, а испред је закрчен пут... Мораћемо онда да се " "усудимо проласку кроз Старопањску шуму, а затим похитамо ка луци " "Бистроморској." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:590 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Oh great, now a forest... I should have stayed at home and took my " #| "chances with the orcs!" msgid "" "Oh great, now a forest... I should have stayed at home and taken my chances " "with the orcs!" msgstr "" "Изврсно, сад још шума... Требало је да останем код куће и видим како ће " "испасти са орковима!" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:596 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:423 msgid "Sir, if you don’t mind, I’ll go with you." msgstr "Господине, ако се не противите, пошао бих с вама." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:601 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:428 msgid "On we go..." msgstr "И тако настављамо..." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04a_The_Swamp_of_Esten.cfg:616 msgid "" "We have run out of time... We’ll be trapped in this swamp when winter " "arrives!" msgstr "Немамо више времена... Заробиће нас у овој мочвари када зима стигне!" #. [scenario]: id=04b_The_Midlands #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:4 msgid "The Midlands" msgstr "Средопоље" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:22 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "To the southwest lay the Midlands. These were prosperous kingdoms, " #| "nestled between hill and forest. These had been the breadbasket of the " #| "Green Isle, exporting lumber and gemstones as well. The Midland kingdoms " #| "fed the city of Southbay, the largest city on the Isle. The coming of the " #| "Orcs threatened to lay waste to all this." msgid "" "To the southwest lay the Midlands. These were prosperous kingdoms, nestled " "between hill and forest. These had been the breadbasket of the Green Isle, " "exporting lumber and gemstones as well. The Midland kingdoms fed the city of " "Southbay, the largest city on the Isle. The coming of the orcs threatened to " "lay waste to all this." msgstr "" "На југозападу леже Средопоља, што бејаху добростојећа краљевства, угнежђена " "између брда и шума. Житница Зеленострва, као и извор дрвне грађе и драгуља, " "средопољска краљевства хранише Југозалив, највећи град на Острву. Приспеће " "оркова запрети да све опустоши." # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Tan-Vrodis #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:48 msgid "Tan-Vrodis" msgstr "тан Вродис" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Bok #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:65 msgid "Tan-Bok" msgstr "тан Бок" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Hogar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:99 msgid "Tan-Hogar" msgstr "тан Хогар" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:167 msgid "" "Prince Haldric leads his refugee band into the Midlands and smoke is in the " "air." msgstr "" "Принц Халдрик поведе своју избегличку скупину у Средопоље, где се у ваздуху " "осећаше дим." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:173 msgid "" "It is as we suspected, the orcs have sacked the Midlands. This is not a " "civilized way to fight a war! Look there, there are still orcs about... To " "arms!" msgstr "" "Као што смо се и плашили, оркови су већ опустошили Средопоље. Овако " "пристојни борци не воде ратове! Гледајте тамо, то оркови још увек шетају " "около... На оружје!" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:179 msgid "All right! Charge!" msgstr "Него шта! Јуриш!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:184 msgid "Feel my wrath, you orcish scum!" msgstr "Осети мој бес, ђубре орковско!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Vrodis #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:189 msgid "HUMANS... I see humans!" msgstr "ЉУДИ... Видим људе!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Bok #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:195 msgid "" "Ha, Hogar! You said we wouldn’t see any action this far back from the front." msgstr "" "Ха, Хогаре! А рече да нећемо ни на шта наићи овако далеко иза првих редова." #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Hogar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:200 msgid "Shut yer mouth! Let’s just get ’em." msgstr "Зачепи ту губицу! Просто их средимо." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:218 msgid "SE — The Oldwood. Enter at Your Own Risk!" msgstr "ЈИ — Старопањска. Улазите на своју одговорност!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:239 msgid "SW — Southbay." msgstr "ЈЗ — Југозалив." # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:263 msgid "Grilg" msgstr "Грилг" # well-spelled: Држ'те #. [message]: speaker=Grilg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:273 msgid "What? More humans here? Get them!" msgstr "Шта? Још људи овде? Држ'те их!" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:295 msgid "Vrogar" msgstr "Врогар" #. [message]: speaker=Vrogar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:308 msgid "They’re attacking the Chief! Kill the meat before it gets any farther!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Hogar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:321 msgid "Better him than me! Reserves!" msgstr "Боље он него ја! Појачања!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Bok #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:338 msgid "Hogar was a fool! Reserves!" msgstr "Хогар беше будала! Појачања!" # |, no-check-spell #. [unit]: type=Knight, id=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:368 msgid "Sir Ladoc" msgstr "сер Ладок" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:387 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hold there! You can not pass. You’ve already stumbled on the orcish rear " #| "guard. The main body of their forces is on the road to Southbay. It is an " #| "army of nightmarish size." msgid "" "Hold there! You cannot pass. You’ve already stumbled on the orcish rear " "guard. The main body of their forces is on the road to Southbay. It is an " "army of nightmarish size." msgstr "" "Стој тамо! Не можете проћи. Већ сте натрапали на орковску позадинску стражу. " "Главнина њихове војске је на путу ка Југозаливу. Сила је то застрашујуће " "величине." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:392 msgid "" "I’m Haldric, my father was King Eldaric IV in the lands northwest of here. " "Soldier, aren’t you on the wrong side of the lines?" msgstr "" "Ја сам Халдрик, мој отац беше краљ Елдарик Четврти у земљама југозападно " "одавде. Војниче, ниси ли ти на погрешној страни фронта?" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:397 msgid "" "They overran my post. I got hit on the head pretty good. When I came to the " "orcish army had already passed my position." msgstr "" "Прегазише мој положај. Добио сам добар ударац по глави. Кад сам се освестио, " "орковска војска ме је већ прошла." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:402 msgid "Tell me, how fares Southbay?" msgstr "Реци ми, како стоји са Југозаливом?" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:407 msgid "" "Southbay won’t fall without one hell of a fight, sir. They’ll stand to the " "last! I only wish I was there!" msgstr "" "Југозалив неће пасти без дебеле борбе, господине. Држаће се до последњег! " "Ох, када би само и ја био тамо!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:412 msgid "" "Well, we can’t go back, and the road ahead is blocked... I guess we’ll have " "to risk it and go through the Oldwood forest, then make a break for " "Clearwater Port." msgstr "" "Па, натраг нам враћања нема, а испред је закрчен пут... Мораћемо онда да се " "усудимо проласку кроз Старопањску шуму, а затим похитамо ка луци " "Бистроморској." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:417 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Oh great, now a forest. I should have stayed at home and took my chances " #| "with the orcs!" msgid "" "Oh great, now a forest. I should have stayed at home and taken my chances " "with the orcs!" msgstr "" "Изврсно, сад још шума. Требало је да останем код куће и видим како ће " "испасти са орковима!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/04b_The_Midlands.cfg:440 msgid "" "We have run out of time... We’ll be trapped in the midlands when winter " "comes!" msgstr "Време нам је истекло... Заробиће нас у Средопољу кад зима дође!" #. [scenario]: id=05_The_Oldwood #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:4 msgid "The Oldwood" msgstr "Старопањска" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Gralg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:36 msgid "Tan-Gralg" msgstr "тан Гралг" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Rugar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:67 msgid "Tan-Rugar" msgstr "тан Рагар" #. [side]: type=Ancient Wose, id=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:99 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:56 msgid "Elilmaldur-Rithrandil" msgstr "Елилмалдур-Ритрандил" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:153 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:161 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:167 msgid "Muldondindal" msgstr "Мулдондиндал" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:154 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:162 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:168 msgid "Landunwonbam" msgstr "Ландунвонбам" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:155 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:163 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:89 msgid "Bolwuldelman" msgstr "Болвулделман" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:156 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:164 msgid "Laffalialomdium" msgstr "Лафалијаломдијум" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:157 msgid "Wonrunmaldin" msgstr "Вонранмалдин" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:158 msgid "Lassemista" msgstr "Ласемиста" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:182 msgid "Death of Elilmaldur-Rithrandil" msgstr "Настрада ли Елилмалдур-Ритрандил" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:199 msgid "" "Haldric’s band finds itself at the heart of the Oldwood Forest. The road " "quickly narrows and becomes little more than a path. Branches reach high " "overhead, blocking almost all of the light... The ominous noises of the deep " "woods echo all around." msgstr "" "Халдрикова се дружина нађе у срцу Старопањске шуме. Пут се убрзо сузи, " "остаде једва стазица. Гране су се надвијале високо изнад, запречујући скоро " "сву светлост... Злокобни звуци дубоке шуме јечали су са свих страна." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:204 msgid "" "Will this evil forest ever end! There are mosquitoes as big as my fist in " "here, and these nasty old trees are giving me the creeps." msgstr "" "Хоће ли се ова зла шума једном окончати! Комарци су велики као моја песница, " "а од ових гадних старих стабала се јежим." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:209 msgid "" "This isn’t so bad. Haldric’s kind are such a suspicious lot when it comes to " "these sorts of things." msgstr "" "И није тако лоше. Ови од Халдрикове сорте су тако сумњичави када се нађу у " "оваквим ситуацијама." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:213 msgid "Quiet. Listen, I think I hear something." msgstr "Тихо. Слушајте, мислим да сам чуо нешто." #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:220 msgid "All I hear are more tree-foes!" msgstr "Све што ја чујем је још дрвећу-непријатеља!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:224 msgid "That tree, it speaks! No— No— We are tree-friends, really!" msgstr "То дрво, па оно говори! Не, не, ми смо дрвећу-пријатељи, збиља!" #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:229 msgid "" "Your kind has long come with your axes, some tree-friends you are. Still, " "you seem less of a menace than these new monsters that have come to plague " "us. They cut the trees, and burn the trees for no reason at all!" msgstr "" "Такви као ви нас већ дуго походе секирама, и то су ми неки дрвећу-пријатељи. " "Па ипак, изгледате као мања напаст од ових нових наказа што дођоше да нас " "опседају. Секу стабла, и пале, без икаквог повода!" #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:233 msgid "" "You claim to be a tree-friend; show it to be true. For we are in dire need, " "or you may meet your fate with the rest of these monsters." msgstr "" "Тврдиш да си дрвећу-пријатељ, па буди сада такав, јер нам је невоља грдна. " "Или слободно можеш поделити судбину са остатком ових чудовишта." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:237 #, fuzzy #| msgid "We will help. " msgid "We will help." msgstr "Помоћи ћемо. " #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:237 msgid "quietly^Be careful with the trees." msgstr "Пази се са овим дрвећима." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:241 msgid "What? What are you looking at me for?" msgstr "Шта је? Зашто ме тако гледаш?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:256 msgid "" "The temple has already been looted, but the entrance to its catacombs seems " "to be blocked by a wall of magical energy." msgstr "" "Храм је већ похаран, али улаз у катакомбе изгледа запречен зидом магичног " "набоја." #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Rugar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:267 msgid "Stupid stinking trees, we’ll show you!" msgstr "Јадна смрдљива дрвета, даћемо вам ваше!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Gralg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:275 msgid "Chop ’em down. It’s cool in these woods, I think we need a fire!" msgstr "Сасеците их. Хладњикаво је у овој шуми, мислим да нам треба огрова!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:286 msgid "" "Without the help of these tree-folk we’ll be trapped in these woods till we " "die! There will be nothing to hold the orcs back!" msgstr "" "Без помоћи овог дрволиког народа, остаћемо изгубљени у овим шумама док не " "скапамо! Ништа онда више неће моћи да задржи орке!" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:291 msgid "Stupid tree-folk." msgstr "Глупи дрвени роду." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:304 msgid "We’ve defeated the orcs!" msgstr "Надјачасмо орке!" #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:318 msgid "" "On this day you have proved yourself to be a tree-friend. For so long your " "kind has only come with sharp blades to harm my kind. You come to build " "these buildings of stone. Our roots may be slow, but they are strong. We " "will eventually claim all of the stones back for the earth." msgstr "" "На данашњи дан доказао си да си дрвећу-пријатељ. Толико дуго нам је твоја " "врста долазила само са оштрим сечивима, да нас вређа. Ти долазиш да подижеш " "ове грађевине од камена. Наше је корење можда споро, али је жилаво. Пре или " "касније, повратићемо све камење назад за земљу." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:322 msgid "" "Well, I suspect you won’t have to worry about my kind for much longer. The " "orcs have come, and they are taking this Isle!" msgstr "" "Па, плашим се да нећете морати да бринете о таквима мени налик још дуго. " "Оркови пристигоше, и сада преузимају Острво!" # well-spelled: Хмммм #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:326 msgid "" "Hmmmm— my kind were here before your kind, and we will be here after the " "orcs are gone as well. We were here before all others, and I suspect that we " "will be here in the end." msgstr "" "Хмммм. Моја врста беше овде пре твоје, а биће и пошто оркови отиђу. Били смо " "овде пре свих осталих, а мишљења сам да ћемо бити и на концу." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:330 msgid "Can you help us fight the orcs?" msgstr "Можете ли нам помоћи у борби против оркова?" #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:334 msgid "" "My kind are bound to the forest, we would be of little help to you beyond " "our borders. Maybe we could still be of some aid to you. In a war of your " "people some time ago one of your kings trapped an evil lich in the catacombs " "of the temple at the heart of the wood. We were there, we were watching." msgstr "" "Моја је врста везана за шуму, мало бисмо вам користили ван њених међа. Можда " "вам ипак можемо некако помоћи. У рату који су твоји људи некада водили, " "један од ваших краљева зароби злог косца у катакомбама храма у средишту " "шуме. Били смо тамо, и посматрали." #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:338 msgid "" "After we drove your kind off we figured out how to break the spell that " "holds the Evil in the catacombs, and keeps others from entering them." msgstr "" "Пошто смо вас истерали, проникнули смо у тајне чаролије које стежу Зло у " "катакомбама, и спречавају друге да у њих уђу." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:342 msgid "This helps us how?" msgstr "И како нам то користи?" #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:346 msgid "" "The lich was carrying a powerful artifact. We know, we can feel it. This " "artifact may aid you in your quest." msgstr "" "Косац је носио при себи моћан предмет. Знамо, можемо га осетити. Он вам може " "помоћи у вашем походу." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:351 msgid "" "He must mean the Ruby of Fire. It was our most powerful artifact. We brought " "it with us from the Old Continent, long ago. We thought it was lost in the " "war with your people, when Lich-Lord Lenvan fell!" msgstr "" "Мора да мисли на Ватрени рубин. Беше то наша најмоћнија рукотворина. Донели " "смо је са собом са Старог континента. Мислили смо да је изгубљен у рату " "против твог народа, када је господар-косац Ленван пао!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:355 msgid "At this point we need all of the help we can get!" msgstr "У овом часу, потребна нам је сва помоћ коју можемо добити!" #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:359 msgid "Then I will open the catacombs for you..." msgstr "Онда ћу вам отворити катакомбе..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:369 msgid "" "Young Prince, while the lich-lords have betrayed us by allying themselves " "with that orcish scum, I can’t bring myself to fight against one of the " "greatest leaders of my people." msgstr "" "Млади принче, иако су нас господари-косци издали придруживши се овом " "орковском сметлишту, не могу се натерати на борбу против неких од највећих " "вођа свога народа." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:373 msgid "Lady, why would you let those monsters lead your people?" msgstr "Госпо, зашто бисте допустили овим чудовиштима да води ваш народ?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:377 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:224 msgid "" "Haldric, we are an ancient people who lived in a land filled with all manner " "of man and beast. We needed vision that extended beyond the meager span of " "human years. The art of necromancy allowed our best and brightest to live " "forever, and our worst got to serve as mindless slaves." msgstr "" "Халдриче, ми смо древан народ који је живео у поднебљу пуном сваквих људи и " "звери. Потребан нам је далековидост које се простире преко кратког распона " "људског живота. Вештина некромантије омогућила је најбољима и најбистријима " "међу нама да живе заувек, а најгорима је запало да служе као безумно робље." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:381 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Other than losing our war in the far West, then our refugee war to your " #| "people, and this orc thing, it wasn’t such a bad deal. Lich-Lord Lenvan " #| "was one of our greatest leaders. He led our escape to the this land. " #| "Albeit, after being down in that hole for so long I don’t imagine he’s " #| "too happy." msgid "" "Other than losing our war in the far West, then our refugee war to your " "people, and this orc thing, it wasn’t such a bad deal. Lich-Lord Lenvan was " "one of our greatest leaders. He led our escape to this land. Albeit, after " "being down in that hole for so long I don’t imagine he’s too happy." msgstr "" "Осим што смо изгубили рат на Далеком западу, а затим избеглички рат са " "твојим народом, па и ово с орковима, није то био лош поредак. Господар-косац " "Ленван беше један од наших највећих вођа. Повео нас је у збег у ову земљу. " "Међутим, пошто је тако дуго провео доле у тој рупи, не верујем да је сад " "претерано срећан." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:385 msgid "" "Uh-huh. Have you considered the possibility that the unholy act of turning " "your best and brightest into undead is what causes them to fall into " "darkness?" msgstr "" "Ух-ох. Јесте ли промислили могућност да је несвети чин претварања најбољих и " "најбистријих у немртве, баш оно што их баца у наручје таме?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:389 msgid "" "We should save the debate for later. I can still be of use to you. I shall " "scout the road ahead. We need to know if we can make it to Southbay. I’ll " "return in a few days." msgstr "" "Одложимо ову распру за касније. И даље вам могу бити од користи. Извидећу " "пут пред нама. Морамо знати да ли се Југозалив може досећи. Вратићу се за " "неколико дана." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/05_The_Oldwood.cfg:405 msgid "" "We have run out of time... We’ll be trapped in these woods until we die!" msgstr "Немамо више времена... Остаћемо заробљени у овој шуми док не скапамо!" #. [scenario]: id=06_Temple_in_the_Deep #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:4 msgid "Temple in the Deep" msgstr "Храм у дубини" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:16 msgid "" "Prince Haldric and his company, grim and watchful, descend into catacombs " "below the temple, buried deep in the bedrock, in the very roots of the world " "itself. In the distance Haldric hears a booming voice." msgstr "" "Принц Халдрик и његова дружина, тмурни и опрезни, заронише у катакомбе подно " "храма, укопане дубоко у стеновитом тлу. Халдрик зачу хучећи глас из даљине." #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich-Lord Lenvan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:44 msgid "Lich-Lord Lenvan" msgstr "господар-косац Ленван" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich-Lord Lenvan #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich-Lord Caror #. [side]: type=Spectre, id=Isorfilad #. [side]: type=Spectre, id=Tinoldor #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:50 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:119 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:45 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:84 msgid "Undead" msgstr "Немртви" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:102 msgid "Defeat the Lich-Lord" msgstr "Поразиш ли господара-косца" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:106 msgid "Retrieve the Fire Ruby (with Prince Haldric)" msgstr "Покупиш ли Ватрени рубин (принцом Халдриком)" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Lenvan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:128 msgid "" "Free! I’m free at last! No mere magi could seal me in here forever! Rise, my " "soldiers of darkness, the world will be ours once more!" msgstr "" "Слободан! Напокон ослобођен! Никакви ме пуки магови не могаше заточити овде " "за сва времена! Устајте, моји војници таме, свет ће поново бити наш!" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:132 msgid "" "Back underground... Och. this feels much better! As for the current " "residents, ugh!" msgstr "" "Назад у подземљу... О, ово је већ много боље! Мада, што се тиче тренутних " "пребивалаца, угх!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:136 msgid "Let’s send these monsters to their final rest." msgstr "Отпошаљимо ова чудовишта на коначни починак." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:148 msgid "All my days are ended." msgstr "Дође крај мојим данима." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:152 msgid "The world won’t miss him one bit." msgstr "Свету он неће недостајати баш нимало." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:173 msgid "" "What’s that! No! The tree-folk are sealing us back in here. They must think " "that we’ve failed. We’re trapped." msgstr "" "Шта је то! Не! Дрвенолики нас заробљавају овде унутра. Мора да мисле да " "нисмо успели. У клопци смо." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:188 msgid "I don’t like the look of that pool at all." msgstr "Уопште ми се не доима та локва." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:208 #, fuzzy #| msgid "You already have the Fire Ruby." msgid "Haldric already has the Ruby of Fire." msgstr "Већ имаш Ватрени рубин." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:232 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "As you open the chest you see it, the Ruby of Fire. It is the size of an " #| "apple, and burns with an internal fire, which is refracted through its " #| "faces. You can feel the power flowing from it..." msgid "" "As Haldric opens the chest, he sees it — the Ruby of Fire. It is the size of " "an apple and burns with an internal fire, which is refracted through its " "faces. He can feel the power flowing from it..." msgstr "" "Како се ковчег отвара, обасјава те сјај Ватреног рубина. Величине је јабуке, " "и гори унутрашњим пламом који се прелама кроз његове странице. Можеш да " "осетиш моћ која из њега исијава..." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:238 msgid "" "It’s funny that the lich-lord didn’t have this on his person. Since I don’t " "actually know what this thing does, I’ll just put it in the bottom of my " "pack for right now." msgstr "" "Необично је да господар-косац није ово држао при себи. Пошто не знам шта " "овај предмет може у ствари чинити, тренутно ћу га просто ставити на дно свог " "завежљаја." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:277 msgid "Maybe you should move somebody else to the chest." msgstr "Можда би требало да помериш неког другог до ковчега." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:292 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I’m glad that’s over! We have the Ruby of Fire, and that Lich-Lord is now " #| "a pile of dust, let’s get out of these catacombs!" msgid "" "I’m glad that’s over! We have the Ruby of Fire, and that Lich-Lord is now a " "pile of dust. Let’s get out of these catacombs!" msgstr "" "Радује ме што је ово готово! Ватрени рубин је у нашем поседу, а господар-" "косац је сада тек хрпа пепела. Кренимо из ових катакомби!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/06_Temple_in_the_Deep.cfg:313 msgid "He’s raising our dead!" msgstr "Он подиже наше мртве!" #. [scenario]: id=07_Return_to_Oldwood #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:5 msgid "Return to Oldwood" msgstr "Повратак у Старопањску" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Wose, id=Talodulborentan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:35 msgid "Talodulborentan" msgstr "Талодулборентан" #. [side]: type=Wose, id=Talodulborentan #. [side]: type=Wose, id=Gullatendronnorbum #. [side]: type=Ancient Wose, id=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:49 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:60 msgid "Treefolk" msgstr "Дрвобивци" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Wose, id=Gullatendronnorbum #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:45 msgid "Gullatendronnorbum" msgstr "Гулатендронорбум" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:88 msgid "Orofarnië" msgstr "Орофарније" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:90 msgid "Bregalad" msgstr "Брегалад" # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:91 msgid "Dolmannumbil" msgstr "Долманумбил" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:111 msgid "" "Prince Haldric has emerged from the Lich-Lord’s tomb, with the Ruby of Fire. " "The forest seems particularly bright this day, but there is a cold breeze. " "It is late into the fall, and the first snows should fall any day. Prince " "Haldric has returned to his forest keep, and is pondering what to do next..." msgstr "" "Принц Халдрик изрони из гробнице господара-косца, носећи Ватрени рубин. Шума " "је тог дана изгледала посебно ведро, али је и хучао хладан поветарац. Већ је " "било касно доба јесени, и први снег се могао очекивати сваког дана. Принц се " "врати у своју шумску утврду, и сада дума шта је даље чинити..." #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:116 msgid "" "So, you have defeated the lich and returned with his jewel of power. The " "earth feels happy beneath my toes." msgstr "" "Тако, поразио си Косца и вратио се с његовим драгуљем моћи. Земљица се " "радује под мојим коренима." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:120 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Yes, it was a tough battle, but we prevailed. Now, I’m having a problem. " #| "I know not what I should do next." msgid "" "Yes, it was a tough battle, but we prevailed. Now, I have a problem. I know " "not what I should do next." msgstr "" "Да, беше љута битка, али превладасмо. Сада, налазим се у недоумици — који би " "ми били наредни кораци?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:124 msgid "" "I have the jewel, but I have no idea what it does. To make matters worse, I " "have no idea what’s going on outside this forest. The number of refugees is " "growing daily. We need to get to Southbay, but I dare not lead us onto the " "plains and risk a slaughter." msgstr "" "Имам при себи драгуљ, али уопште не знам шта може чинити. Да буде још горе, " "не знам ни шта се сада догађа изван ове шуме. Река избеглица нараста сваког " "дана. Морамо стићи до Југозалива, али се не усуђујем повести људе преко " "равница, да не буде крви до колена." #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:128 msgid "" "My eyes do not extend beyond the forest. You have indeed shown yourself a " "tree-friend, I would there were more I could do to help you." msgstr "" "Моје очи не досежу изван шумских међа. Заиста си се показао као дрвећу-" "пријатељ, волео бих када бих ти још нешто могао помоћи." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:132 msgid "" "We can’t all stay here for the winter; we would starve, or freeze. Your " "hospitality, though generously meant, has barely sufficed. Hold — I see " "somebody!" msgstr "" "Не можемо сви остати овде да презимимо; гладовали бисмо или се смрзли. Ваше " "гостопримство, иако великодушно, и до сада нам је једва било довољно. " "Тренутак — угледах неког!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:161 msgid "You thought that I ran away, didn’t you?" msgstr "Мислио си да сам побегла, зар не?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:165 msgid "The thought had crossed my mind." msgstr "Прошла ми је и та помисао." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:169 msgid "Well, I come bearing news of the road to Southbay!" msgstr "Па, долазим доносећи вести о путу ка Југозаливу!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:173 msgid "Really!" msgstr "Збиља!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:177 msgid "" "The news is not good. The main host of orcs is between the forest and " "Southbay. We clearly can’t go that way. However, the road to Clearwater Port " "is free of orcs. Apparently they’re bogged down in the swamp of Esten." msgstr "" "Али, нису то добре вести. Главнина силе орковске стоји између шуме и " "Југозалива. Засигурно не можемо тим путем. Међутим, на путу ка Бистроморској " "нема оркова. Изгледа да су још увек заглављени у мочвари Естена." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:181 msgid "" "Well, I certainly don’t mind the thought of the orcs floundering around that " "infernal swamp. But, one question remains." msgstr "" "Уопште ми не смета помисао на орке како бауљају по тој ђаволској мочвари. " "Али, преостаје још једно питање." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:185 msgid "What?" msgstr "А то је?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:189 msgid "Can I trust you, and your information? I don’t even know your name." msgstr "Могу ли ти веровати, и твојим вестима? Не знам ни како се зовеш." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:195 msgid "You again!" msgstr "Опет ти!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:199 msgid "I come bearing news of the road to Southbay!" msgstr "Доносим вести о путу ка Југозаливу!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:203 msgid "Humph! Your words mean very little to me." msgstr "Хмф! Твоје ми речи врло мало значе." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:208 msgid "" "It is important, and not good. The main host of orcs is between the forest " "and Southbay. You clearly can’t go that way. However, the road to Clearwater " "Port is free of orcs. Apparently they’re bogged down in the swamp of Esten." msgstr "" "Важно је, и није добро. Главнина силе орковске стоји између шуме и " "Југозалива. Засигурно не можемо тим путем. Међутим, на путу ка Бистроморској " "нема оркова. Изгледа да су још увек заглављени у мочвари Естена." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:212 msgid "I propose we join forces, and make a break for Clearwater Port." msgstr "Предлажем да удружимо снаге, не би ли се пробили до луке Бистроморске." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:216 msgid "" "Well, I certainly don’t mind the thought of the orcs floundering around that " "infernal swamp. But, some questions remain." msgstr "" "Уопште ми не смета помисао на орке како бауљају по тој ђаволској мочвари. " "Али, преостаје још питања." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:220 msgid "Lady, why would you let those undead monsters lead your people?" msgstr "Госпо, зашто сте допустили немртвим зверовима да воде ваше људе?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:228 msgid "" "Other than losing our war back west, then our refugee war to your people, " "and this orc thing, it wasn’t such a bad deal." msgstr "" "Осим што смо изгубили рат на западу, а затим избеглички рат са твојим " "народом, па и ово с орковима, није то био лош поредак." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:232 msgid "" "Uh-huh. Have you considered the possibility that the unholy act of turning " "your best and brightest into undead is what caused them to fall into " "darkness?" msgstr "" "Ух-ох. Јесте ли промислили могућност да је несвети чин претварања најбољих и " "најбистријих у немртве, баш оно што их је бацило у наручје таме?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:236 msgid "We should save this pointless debate for later. Anything else?" msgstr "Одложимо ову бесциљну распру за касније. Још нешто?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:240 msgid "" "Why should I trust you, or your information? I don’t even know your name, " "and you have this nasty habit of mysteriously vanishing!" msgstr "" "Зашто бих веровао теби или твојим вестима? Не знам ни како се зовеш, а имаш " "и ту незгодну навику да тајанствено ишчезаваш!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Outlaw #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:250 msgid "Bah, have it your way!" msgstr "Дођавола, нека буде по твоме!" #. [unit]: id=Lady Jessene, type=$lady_store.type, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:264 msgid "Lady Jessene" msgstr "Госпа Џесина" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:295 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I am the Lady Jessene, a noble, a princess of the Wesfolk! I was betrayed " #| "by the Lich-Lords’ dark pact with the orcs, in no small part because your " #| "fool Prince of Southbay convinced them that their immortal un-lives were " #| "over!" msgid "" "I am the Lady Jessene, a noble, a princess of the Wesfolk! I was betrayed by " "the Lich-Lords’ dark pact with the orcs, in no small part because your fool " "Prince of Southbay convinced them that their immortal unlives were over!" msgstr "" "Ја сам госпа Џесина, племкиња, принцеза Весноћана! Издадоше ме господари-" "косци тајним договором са орковима, до чега дође немалом заслугом вашег " "будаластог принца Југозалива, који их убеди да је њиховим бесмртним не-" "животима дошао крај!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:299 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "And now, I’m as much a refugee as you. In truth, I don’t know if the Lich-" #| "Lords are working with the orcs or not. The orcs may have gotten rid of " #| "the Lich-Lords, or they may not have, but I do know that the orcs are not " #| "going to tolerate living humans outside of the slave mines or stew pot!" msgid "" "And now, I’m as much a refugee as you. In truth, I don’t know if the Lich-" "Lords still command these orcs or if the orcs have rid themselves of the " "Lich-Lords, but I do know that no orc is going to tolerate living humans " "outside of the slave mines or worse, stew pots!" msgstr "" "И сада, у збегу сам колико и ви. Искрено, не знам да ли господари-косци " "заиста другују са орковима, или не. Оркови су се можда отарасили господара-" "косаца, а можда и нису, али једно знам засигурно: оркови неће трпети живе " "људе нигде друго до у ропским рудницима или казанима!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:303 msgid "Young prince, it is time to go! We must flee before the winter snow!" msgstr "Млади принче, време је да пођемо! Морамо умаћи пре зимских снегова!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:307 msgid "" "Fair enough. We will head for Clearwater Port. Thank you, Elilmaldur-" "Rithrandil, I will remember your hospitality!" msgstr "" "Добро онда, кренућемо ка Бистроморској. Хвала ти, Елилмалдур-Ритрандиле, " "памтићу твоје гостопримство!" #. [message]: speaker=Elilmaldur-Rithrandil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:311 msgid "" "Always happy to help a tree-friend. May the Powers of Light guide you on " "your way!" msgstr "" "Увек се радујем да угостим дрвећу-пријатеља. Нека Силе светлости обасјавају " "друм пред тобом!" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/07_Return_to_Oldwood.cfg:315 msgid "Finally, we’re getting out of this forest!" msgstr "Напокон, излазимо из ове шуме!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #. [scenario]: id=08_Clearwater_Port #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:4 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:664 msgid "Clearwater Port" msgstr "Лука Бистроморска" #. [side]: type=Noble Commander, id=Prince Haldric #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Commander Aethyr #. [side] #. [side]: type=Grand Knight, id=King Addroran IX #. [side]: id=Prince Haldric, type=Noble Commander #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:50 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:59 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:40 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:30 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:45 msgid "Humans" msgstr "Људи" #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Commander Aethyr #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:40 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:530 msgid "Commander Aethyr" msgstr "заповедник Етир" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Vragar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:234 msgid "Tan-Vragar" msgstr "тан Врагар" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Burg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:269 msgid "Tan-Burg" msgstr "тан Бург" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ut'Tan-Vrork #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:305 msgid "Ut’Tan-Vrork" msgstr "утан Врорк" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:401 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:402 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:403 msgid "Angry Farmer" msgstr "љути баштиник" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:408 msgid "Cowardly:" msgstr "Кукавички:" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:409 msgid "Flee on the First Ship" msgstr "Умакнеш ли првим бродом" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:413 msgid "Normal:" msgstr "Нормално:" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:414 msgid "Flee on the Second Ship" msgstr "Умакнеш ли другим бродом" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:418 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:423 msgid "Heroic:" msgstr "Јуначки:" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:419 msgid "Flee on the Third Ship" msgstr "Умакнеш ли трећим бродом" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:432 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:203 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:132 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:383 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:178 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:166 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:228 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:238 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:116 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:254 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:312 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:182 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:269 msgid "Death of Lady Jessene" msgstr "Настрада ли госпа Џесина" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:436 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:194 msgid "Death of Commander Aethyr" msgstr "Настрада ли заповедник Етир" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:440 msgid "Miss the Last Ship" msgstr "Пропустиш ли последњи брод" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:455 msgid "" "Our Prince has arrived at Clearwater Port, with the orcs on his heels. While " "the orcs haven’t caught up with him yet, the winter snow has, and the ships " "seem to be missing from the port." msgstr "" "Наш принц пристиже у луку Бистроморску, са орковима за петама. Иако их " "оркови још увек не сустигоше, зимски снегови јесу, а у луци као да не беше " "бродова." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:461 msgid "Ha! Clearwater Port still stands!" msgstr "Ха! Бистроморска се још увек држи!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:466 msgid "" "Lieutenant, who is in command here? And where are the ships? We risk being " "trapped in this city for the winter if the port freezes over." msgstr "" "Поручниче, ко овде заповеда? И где су бродови? У опасности смо да останемо " "одсечени у овом граду током зиме, ако се прилази луци заледе." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:471 msgid "" "I am, my Lord, I command the local garrison. Our whole fishing fleet is " "evacuating people to Southbay as we speak. The ships should be back in a few " "days. Our forces engaged the orcs as they exited the Swamp of Esten. At " "first, we prevailed, and pushed them back into the swamp!" msgstr "" "Ја сам, господару, заповедник локалног гарнизона. Цела наша рибарска флота " "пребацује народ у Југозалив, сада док причамо. Требало би да се бродови " "врате за неколико дана. Наше снаге су удариле по орковима док су се ови " "извлачили из мочваре Естена. Испрва смо превладали, одбили их назад у " "мочвару!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:476 msgid "" "But our victory did not hold; orc reinforcements quickly overran our " "positions. We lost most of our forces, my lord, including the King of " "Clearwater, who died bravely leading a charge." msgstr "" "Али наша победа не потраја, орковска су појачања брзо прегазила наше " "положаје. Изгубисмо ту главнину својих снага, господару, укључујући и краља " "Бистроморске, који погибе храбро водећи јуриш." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:481 msgid "That’s horrible!" msgstr "Па то је ужасно!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:487 msgid "" "The blood of many good soldiers stained the frozen field that day. And still " "the orcs press on. The king left no heir, but the other nobles have fled to " "Southbay. We’ve been busy evacuating the rest of the populace. The army " "bought us enough time to evacuate almost all our people, and most of the " "winter stores. They’ve gone to Southbay, which is brimming with refugees " "from all over." msgstr "" "Крв многих ваљаних војника залила је тог дана смрзнуто поље. А оркови и даље " "надиру. Иза краља не остаде наследника, а остали племићи су већ избегли у " "Југозалив. Ми смо сада заузети извлачењем остатка народа. Војска нам је " "купила довољно времена да пребацимо готово сву чељад, па чак и већи део " "зимских намирница. Све је то отишло за Југозалив, у који се сливају збегови " "са свих страна." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:492 msgid "" "We’re only holding the city until the last of the refugees are gone. You, my " "lord, are free to retreat to safety when the next ship comes. But, if I may " "be frank, my lord, our defenses are stretched thin and we could use all the " "help we can get to hold our walls. Otherwise I fear that we will be overrun " "before the last of the people can be evacuated." msgstr "" "Држаћемо град колико буде требало да се све избеглице извуку. Ви сте, " "господару, слободни да се домогнете безбедности чим дође следећи брод. Али, " "ако могу бити искрен, наша је одбрана развучена и исцрпљена, и користила би " "нам свака помоћ коју можемо добити у држању зидина. Овако, плашим се да ће " "нас прегазити пре него што сви успеју да оду." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:497 msgid "" "Well, we are the last of the refugees from our lands, for the orcs are right " "on our heels! We have Wesfolk with us. They have been of service. They are " "to be evacuated as well. We have traveled far and bear many wounded, but we " "will help you defend these walls as long as we can." msgstr "" "Ако је тако, ми смо задњи збег из наших земаља, јер су нам оркови право за " "петама! Весноћани су са нама, и били су нам од користи. И њих треба " "пребацити на сигурно. Превалили смо далек пут и имамо много рањеника, али " "ћемо вам помоћи у одбрани зидина, колико дуго смогнемо." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:502 msgid "" "I thank you, my lord. But we are to bring these Wesfolk too? It would be... " "highly irregular. Are you sure, my lord?" msgstr "" "Захвалан сам вам, господару. Али зар ћемо заиста повести Весноћане? То би " "било... врло неприкладно. Јесте ли сигурни, господару?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:507 msgid "" "Yes. Be sure that it is understood that these are our allies and friends." msgstr "" "Да. Побрини се да војска добро утуви да су они наши савезници и пријатељи." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:512 msgid "Yes, sir!" msgstr "Разумем, господару!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:517 msgid "Yes sir, indeed! You need us to help hold out until the ships arrive." msgstr "" "„Разумем господару“, заиста! Потребни смо вам да помогнемо у одбрани док " "бродови не стигну." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:522 msgid "" "Ships! Nobody said anything about ships. Will this torture ever end! Ahh, " "the orcs will help take my mind off things." msgstr "" "Бродови! Нико не помену никакве бродове, хоће ли се ово мучење једном " "окончати! Ах, оркови ће помоћи да скренем мисли с тих ружних ствари." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:528 msgid "" "To your posts, men! We should be able to evacuate everyone in three more " "boatloads. Until then, let us make those orcs pay dearly for every inch of " "our land. For our homes, for our people, for our fallen king!" msgstr "" "На положаје, људи! Требало би да све можемо да укрцамо у још три брода. До " "тада, учинимо да оркови крваво плате за сваки педаљ наше земље. За наше " "домове, наш народ, и нашег палог краља!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:539 msgid "You killed my family! Die!" msgstr "Убили сте моју породицу! Умрите!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:550 msgid "" "“Bring these Wesfolk too? It would be... highly irregular.” Bah! I’ll " "show you irregular..." msgstr "" "„Да поведемо ове Весноћане? Било би... врло неприкладно“, тако! Показаћу ти " "ја неприкладно..." #. [message]: speaker=Ut'Tan-Vrork #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:558 msgid "" "Push ’em into the sea! They’re in our winter homes! Heh... Tan-Vragar, I’m " "sure they will enjoy your little surprise!" msgstr "" "У море с њима! Заузимају нам зимска коначишта! Еј, тан Врагаре, надам се да " "ће уживати у твојој малој смицалици!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:601 msgid "An ode to ye, on yer way, I hope you have a brighter day!" msgstr "О твом путу спев ја пишем, надам ти се дану лепшем!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:622 msgid "Dead-Man’s Ford" msgstr "Мртвачев газ" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:643 msgid "The River Road — To the Swamp of Esten." msgstr "Речни пут — ка мочвари Естена." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:741 msgid "" "My lord, the first ship has arrived! Prince Haldric, if you and your men " "must leave for Southbay just go to the pier to board the ship." msgstr "" "Господару, први брод је пристао! Ако ви и ваши људи морате поћи ка " "Југозаливу, отидите на докове и укрцајте се у брод." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:759 msgid "" "My lord, the first ship is departing. But the second ship should arrive " "shortly." msgstr "Господару, први брод је отпловио. Али ће други убрзо стићи." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:800 msgid "" "My lord, the second ship has arrived! Prince Haldric, if you and your men " "want to leave for Southbay just go to the pier to board the ship." msgstr "" "Господару, пристао је и други брод! Ако желите, сада је добар тренутак да " "пођете ка Југозаливу, идите право на докове и укрцајте се." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:818 msgid "" "My lord, the second ship is departing. But the last ship will be here before " "long. With your help we can hold on just a while longer." msgstr "" "Господару, и други брод је испловио. Али неће још дуго проћи док не дође " "последњи. У вашу помоћ, можемо одржати одбрану још то мало." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:859 msgid "" "My lord, the last ship has arrived! Finally the last of our people can flee " "to safety. Prince Haldric, you and your men must go now! Go to the pier to " "board the ship for Southbay." msgstr "" "Господару, стигао је последњи брод! Коначно, можемо укрцати сав заостао " "народ и отправити их на безбедно. Принче, ви и ваши људи сада морате поћи! " "Идите на докове и укрцајте се." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:877 msgid "My lord, the last ship is departing. We’re trapped!" msgstr "Господару, оде нам задњи брод. Заробљени смо!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:938 msgid "My lord, the ship isn’t here yet. Come help us defend against the orcs." msgstr "Господару, брод још увек није стигао. Помогните нам против оркова." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:950 msgid "" "Shirk not your duty, soldier. When the boat arrives, this is where Prince " "Haldric must go to lead you to the ship. Until then, help us defend against " "the orcs." msgstr "" "Не изврдавај дужност, војниче. Када брод стигне, принц Халдрик мора овде " "стићи да би се укрцали. Дотле, помогни у одбрани против оркова." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:972 msgid "Let me have peace in Death! My love, I’ll be there soon—" msgstr "Ваљда ћу у Смрти наћи мира! Љубави, ево ме стижем—" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:977 msgid "We needed him to get out of here. We’re trapped!" msgstr "Без њега се не можемо извући одавде. У клопци смо!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:990 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We’ve escaped from the orcs before we were trapped by the ice! Now, on to " #| "Southbay." msgid "" "We’ve escaped from the orcs before the winter ice could trap us! Now, on to " "Southbay." msgstr "" "Успели смо да умакнемо орковима пре него што би нас лед заробио! Сада, ка " "Југозаливу." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:995 msgid "I know I mentioned I can’t float." msgstr "Сигуран сам да сам поменуо да не могу да плутам." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1001 msgid "Might I suggest a bit of a detour?" msgstr "Могу ли предложити мали заобилазак?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1006 msgid "Why?" msgstr "Чему?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1011 msgid "" "You have the Ruby of Fire, but you have no idea what it does, correct? You " "know that lich you have petrified just outside of Southbay—" msgstr "" "Код тебе је Ватрени рубин, али не знаш чему може послужити, тачно? Знаш оног " "косца којег сте окаменили баш испред Југозалива—" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1016 msgid "" "Yes, Lich Point! Where we first used our magi in battle, and turned the tide " "of war against your people." msgstr "" "Да, код Кошчевог конака! Тамо где смо први пут употребили магове у боју, и " "преокренули ток рата против твог народа." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1022 msgid "" "Erm, yes... He was Caror, the arch rival of our dearly departed Lich-Lord " "Lenvan. He coveted the ruby, and was studying it. The only copy of his " "study, the Book of Fire and Darkness, was petrified along with him." msgstr "" "Овај, да... То је био Карор, архипротивник нама драгом почившем господару-" "косцу Ленвану. Обожавао је рубин, и проучавао га. Једини примерак његових " "истраживања, Књига ватре и тмине, окамењена је заједно с њим." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1027 msgid "" "If we make landfall outside of Southbay, we’ll be trapped. Of that I am sure!" msgstr "" "Ако се искрцамо изван Југозалива, остаћемо заробљени. У то сам сигуран!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1032 msgid "" "My family was from Southbay. My father was a soldier there. The city’s sewer " "entrance is near that fossil of a lich." msgstr "" "Моја породица потиче из Југозалива. Мој отац је тамо био војник. У близини " "фосилизованог косца постоји улаз у градску канализацију." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1037 msgid "" "Wow, this is beginning to sound dangerously like a plan. Commander Aethyr, " "will you join us?" msgstr "" "Е, ово већ опасно почиње да мирише на некакав план. Заповедниче Етире, хоћеш " "ли нам се придружити?" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1042 msgid "" "No. These monsters killed my family. My wife, my daughters. There is nothing " "left for me. I’ll stay. By the time the orcs wrestle Clearwater Port away " "from me there’ll be nothing but rubble left!" msgstr "" "Не. Ова су чудовишта побила моју породицу. Моју жену, кћери. Ништа ми више " "није остало. Остаћу овде. Док ми оркови отму Бистроморску из шака, од ње " "неће остати ништа осим рушевина!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1047 msgid "" "The peasant farmers seem to like you. Who knows, maybe they’ll be of some " "help." msgstr "" "Сељаци су ти изгледа наклоњени. Ко зна, можда ће бити од некакве помоћи." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/08_Clearwater_Port.cfg:1052 msgid "" "Resources are scarce, we need all of the help we can get. Be brave and fight " "hard, my friend!" msgstr "" "Извори су оскудни, треба нам сва помоћ коју можемо добити. Буди храбар и " "ваљано се бори, пријатељу!" #. [scenario]: id=09_Fallen_Lich_Point #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:4 msgid "Fallen Lich Point" msgstr "Кошчев конак" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ut'Tan-Grilg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:36 msgid "Ut’Tan-Grilg" msgstr "утан Грилг" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Pulk #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:71 msgid "Tan-Pulk" msgstr "тан Пулк" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich-Lord Caror #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:114 msgid "Lich-Lord Caror" msgstr "господар-косац Карор" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:134 msgid "Yetis" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:190 msgid "Kill the lich to get his book" msgstr "Убијеш ли косца да се домогнеш се његове књиге" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:194 msgid "Haldric enters Southbay’s sewer" msgstr "Уђе ли Халдрик у канализацију Југозалива" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Pulk #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:220 msgid "" "Da big bosses said we’d be in da city by winter. Bosses wrong, human-worms " "still there, and I’m a tinkin—" msgstr "" "Велики шефови каже да будемо у град пре зиму. Шефови погреше, људско црви " "још увек тамо, и ја мисим—" #. [message]: speaker=Ut'Tan-Grilg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:224 msgid "Wait! I see a ship! Humans is coming! Smash ’em good!" msgstr "Чекај! Видим брод! Долазе људи! Добро их смрвите!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:247 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Prince Haldric has arrived at Fallen Lich Point, to retrieve the Lich-" #| "Lord Caror’s Book of Fire and Darkness, and flee into the sewers of " #| "Southbay." msgid "" "Prince Haldric has arrived at Fallen Lich Point, to retrieve Lich-Lord " "Caror’s Book of Fire and Darkness, and flee into the sewers of Southbay." msgstr "" "Принц Халдрик стиже код Кошчевог конака, да се домогне Књиге ватре и тмине " "господара-косца Карора и умакне у канализацији Југозалива." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:272 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Okay. Let’s un-petrify that lich and take his book, then get into the " #| "sewers. Umm, what language would that book be in?" msgid "" "Well, let’s un-petrify that lich and take his book, then get into the " "sewers. Umm, what language would that book be in?" msgstr "" "Добро, тако. Откаменимо косца и узмемо му књигу, а затим правац " "канализација. Хм, а на ком језику ће бити та књига?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:276 msgid "Some pep talk. The book will probably be in the Old Wesfolk tongue." msgstr "Неки народски. Вероватно на језику Старих Весноћана." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:280 msgid "Ohh." msgstr "А." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:284 msgid "Just get the book, I think I should be able to translate it." msgstr "" "Само да се домогнемо књиге, мислим да ћу моћи да преведем шта у њој пише." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:288 msgid "Then, into Southbay’s sewer." msgstr "А затим у канализацију." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:292 msgid "Right." msgstr "Тачно." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:316 msgid "" "There’s an odd monolith standing near here. Maybe it has something to do " "with the Lich-Lord... I should investigate more closely." msgstr "" "У близини стоји чудан монолит. Можда име неке везе с господаром-косцем... " "Требало би поближе да испитам." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:323 msgid "There’s an odd monolith standing near here." msgstr "У близини се уздиже чудан монолит." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:328 msgid "" "Haldric, this looks like a job for you, probably something to do with the " "lich. Maybe you should get yourself over here." msgstr "" "Халдриче, ово изгледа као посао за тебе, вероватно нешто у вези с косцем. " "Можда би требало да се довучеш овамо." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:347 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This monolith was erected by me, ― (chipped away), first Mage of " #| "the good people of the Green Isle. By its power the Lich-Lord is bound in " #| "stone. To end the spell a noble of the line of Kings should utter the " #| "following..." msgid "" "This monolith was erected by me, ― (chipped away), First Mage of the " "good people of the Green Isle. By its power, the Lich-Lord is bound in " "stone. To end the spell, a noble of the line of kings should utter the " "following..." msgstr "" "Овај монолит подигох ја, [одломљено], први маг доброг народа " "Зеленострва. Његовом је моћи господар-косац спутан у камену. Да би се " "рашчинила чаролија, племић краљевске крви мора изговорити следеће..." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:372 msgid "I think I’ll say that magic phrase." msgstr "Мислим да ћу изговорити ту магичну реченицу." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:391 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The lich is free! Let’s bash him and grab that book. That sounds like a " #| "job for you, Lady Jessene!" msgid "" "The lich is free! Let’s bash him and grab that book. This sounds like a job " "for you, Lady Jessene!" msgstr "" "Косац је слободан! Изударајмо га и зграбимо ту књигу. Звучи као посао за " "тебе, госпо Џесина!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:395 msgid "Hmph! You’re just happy because that monolith proves your paternity!" msgstr "Је ли! Ма ти си само срећан што монолит доказује твоју очевину!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Caror #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:399 msgid "Free, I’m free, and I feel the Ruby of Fire! It will be mine." msgstr "Слободан, коначно слободан, и осећам Ватрени рубин! Биће мој поново." #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:403 msgid "No you won’t, you soldier of darkness!" msgstr "Е баш нећеш, слуго мрака!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:409 msgid "I think I’ll wait a while before uttering any magic phrases." msgstr "Мислим да ћу попричекати пре него опет изговорим неки магични стих." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:414 msgid "We have more pressing matters to deal with before we free that lich." msgstr "Морамо се позабавити важнијим стварима пре него што ослободимо косца." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:419 msgid "Afraid you’ll find out you’re not of the line of Kings?" msgstr "Плашиш се да ћеш открити како ниси од лозе краљева?" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:429 msgid "This sounds like a job for Prince Haldric, hopefully." msgstr "Ово личи на послић за принца Халдрика, надајмо се." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:442 msgid "The Lich-Lord is already free." msgstr "Господар-косац је већ слободан." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:465 msgid "NW — Southbay." msgstr "СЗ — Југозалив." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:470 msgid "More like ‘NW — Every orc on the Isle’. Hmph!" msgstr "Пре као „СЗ — сваки орк на Острву“. Хмф!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:501 msgid "We have the book! Let’s get out of here!" msgstr "Књига је наша! Бежимо одавде!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:506 msgid "Sounds good to me." msgstr "Сасвим се слажем." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:519 msgid "I feel like I’m forgetting something. Ohh, the book!" msgstr "Осећам да сам заборавио нешто. Па да, књига!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:529 msgid "Prince Haldric must be the first into the sewers of Southbay." msgstr "Принц Халдрик мора први ући у канализацију Југозалива." # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:558 msgid "Rarlg" msgstr "Рарлг" # |, no-check-spell #. [message]: speaker=Rarlg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:562 msgid "Rarlg — argh, a raul-rarlg!" msgstr "Рарлг — арг, раул-рарлг!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #. [message]: speaker=Ut'Tan-Grilg #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Pulk #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:566 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:571 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:575 msgid "Oh my!" msgstr "Забога!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:579 msgid "And he brought a friend." msgstr "А повео је и пријатеља." # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:586 msgid "Raul-Rarlg" msgstr "Раул-Рарлг" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Caror #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:597 msgid "So close. So close." msgstr "Тако близу. Тако близу." #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:602 msgid "I found the book in what was left of his robes! Let’s get out of here!" msgstr "Нађох књигу у остацима његове одежде! Бежимо одавде!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:616 msgid "" "We have the book and the orcs are out of our way. Let’s get out of here!" msgstr "Књига је наша, а орковима смо ван домашаја. Бежимо одавде!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:638 msgid "I can hear their reinforcements coming! We’re trapped! All is lost!" msgstr "Чујем како им пристижу појачања! У ступици смо, све је изгубљено!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/09_Fallen_Lich_Point.cfg:656 msgid "Sewer — Danger Keep Out!" msgstr "Канализација — опасност, ни корака ближе!" #. [scenario]: id=10_Sewer_of_Southbay #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:5 msgid "Sewer of Southbay" msgstr "Канализација Југозалива" # well-spelled: Даелин #. [side]: type=Arch Mage, id=Daellyn the Red #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:39 msgid "Daellyn the Red" msgstr "Даелин Црвени" #. [side]: type=Arch Mage, id=Daellyn the Red #. [side]: type=Arch Mage, id=Tinry the Red #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:47 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:66 msgid "Red Wizards" msgstr "Црвени чаробњаци" # well-spelled: Тинри #. [side]: type=Arch Mage, id=Tinry the Red #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:58 msgid "Tinry the Red" msgstr "Тинри Црвени" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:95 msgid "Spider" msgstr "паук" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:119 msgid "Prince Haldric exits the sewer" msgstr "Изађе ли принц Халдрик из канализације" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:124 msgid "Defeat both wizards and Prince Haldric exits the sewer" msgstr "Поразиш ли оба чаробњака и изађе ли принц Халдрик из канализације" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:148 msgid "" "In the last leg of their journey to Southbay, Haldric and his companions " "find themselves in the Sewers of Southbay." msgstr "" "На последњој деоници путешествија ка Југозаливу, Халдрик и његова дружина се " "нађоше у Канализацији Југозалива." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:153 msgid "" "Only a human could take such a lovely cave and fill it with refuse. Humans. " "Hey, is that a pair of boots?" msgstr "" "Само човек може пронаћи овако дивну пећину и испунити је изметом. Људи. Еј, " "је ли то пар чизама?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:158 msgid "" "We should be cautious down here. This isn’t an old maid’s drain pipe, this " "is the sewer of Southbay. It is said that the city diverted an underground " "river for its own use, and let their own effluent run down the old river bed." msgstr "" "Морамо бити опрезни овде доле. Није ово сливник старе слушкиње, него " "Канализација Југозалива. Прича се да је град преусмерио подземну реку за " "своје потребе, и пушта отпадне воде низ старо речно корито." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:162 msgid "This is the far end of that river bed. Legend has it—" msgstr "Ово је најдаљи крак тог речног корита. Предање каже—" #. [message]: speaker=Tinry the Red #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:166 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "That a King banished a pair of twin Magi and their devoted followers down " #| "here after the Wesfolk war!" msgid "" "That a king banished a pair of twin magi and their devoted followers down " "here after the Wesfolk war!" msgstr "" "Да је Краљ изгнао два мага близанца и њихове посвећене следбенике овде доле, " "после рата са Весноћанима!" #. [message]: speaker=Daellyn the Red #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:170 msgid "" "Can you feel it, brother? This one bears the Ruby of Fire. After all our " "time searching, it has come to us!" msgstr "" "Осећаш ли га, брате? Овај овде носи Ватрени рубин. Пошто смо толико провели " "тражећи га, дошао је к нама!" #. [message]: speaker=Tinry the Red #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:174 msgid "" "The brothers Red will finally ascend to power. We must have it. Get them!" msgstr "Браћа Црвени ће се коначно домоћи моћи. Мора бити наш. Хватајте их!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:182 msgid "Nooo! The wizards are flooding the sewer. We’re doomed!" msgstr "Не! Чаробњаци потапају канализацију, нема нам излаза!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:191 msgid "" "Haldric, I feel a strong foreboding. Have you noticed that anything that " "happens to be strong in the ways of magic can sense that ruby? Elilmaldur-" "Rithrandil felt it, and so did Lich-Lord Caror, now these two." msgstr "" "Халдриче, испуњава ме снажна слутња. Да ли си приметио како све што је на " "неки начин умешно у магији, може осетити рубин? Елилмалдур-Ритрандил га је " "осетио, па онда господар-косац Карор, а сада и ова двојица." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:196 msgid "" "We retrieved the Lich-Lord’s book, and I can literally feel the power of the " "ruby, even with it in my pack. Let’s work out what it does, before we decide " "what to do with it." msgstr "" "Домогли смо се књиге господара-косца, и буквално могу осетити моћ рубина, " "чак и док ми је у завежљају. Морамо открити шта може да уради, пре него што " "одлучимо шта ћемо са њим." #. [message]: speaker=Daellyn the Red #. [message]: speaker=Tinry the Red #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:214 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:254 msgid "Brother!" msgstr "Брате!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:226 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:266 msgid "Hmm. He seems to have had a map, and some gold!" msgstr "Хм. Изгледа да је имао мапу, и нешто злата!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:290 msgid "" "Argh, the stream bed is blocked! Only a pint of goo is getting through. " "We’ll have to go around." msgstr "" "Проклетство, корито је блокирано! Само блатњави поточић цурка. Мораћемо " "около." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:307 msgid "To Southbay" msgstr "Ка Југозаливу" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:329 msgid "" "It’s not very heroic if Prince Haldric isn’t the one to lead his band from " "the Sewers of Southbay." msgstr "" "Неће бити баш јуначки ако принц Халдрик не буде тај који ће извести своју " "дружину из канализације Југозалива." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:379 msgid "Danger Ahead!" msgstr "Опасност на путу!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:385 msgid "‘Ahead’? So far it’s been danger everywhere." msgstr "„На путу“? До сада је било опасно са свих страна." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/10_Sewer_of_Southbay.cfg:397 msgid "Finally, on to Southbay!" msgstr "Напокон, у Југозаливу!" #. [scenario]: id=11_Southbay_in_Winter #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:4 msgid "Southbay in Winter" msgstr "Југозалив зими" #. [side]: type=Grand Knight, id=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:35 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:39 msgid "King Addroran IX" msgstr "краљ Адроран Девети" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:94 msgid "" "Prince Haldric has emerged from the sewers of Southbay in the very heart of " "the city. After some commotion, he gains an audience with the King of " "Southbay." msgstr "" "Принц Халдрик изрони из канализације у самом срцу града. После нешто " "комешања, примише га на аудијенцију код краља Југозалива." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:99 msgid "So, Prince, you bring refugees, but do you bring swords as well?" msgstr "Па, принче, доводиш нам избеглице, а да ли нам доносиш и мачеве?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:103 msgid "I bear both, and all are loyal to the King of Southbay!" msgstr "И једно и друго, и сви ће бити одани краљу Југозалива!" #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:107 msgid "" "I knew you as a boy, and your people have preceded you. Your father was an " "honorable man, and so are you. Aren’t you the king now?" msgstr "" "Познавах те као дечака, и твоји људи ти претходише. Твој отац је био частан " "човек, а такав си и сам. Зар ниси сада ти краљ?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:111 msgid "A king with no land and no crown is no king, my Lord." msgstr "Краљ без земље и без круне није краљ, господару." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:115 msgid "" "It is so. These are dark days to live through, my young prince. You’ve done " "your father proud. Far better than my legacy, a dead adventurer and a " "missing fool! It is fitting that my line should end with my kingdom." msgstr "" "Право тако. Мрачна су времена кроз која пролазимо, млади мој принче. Отац би " "се поносио тобом. Много боље него моје потомство, мртав пустолов и нестала " "будала! И пристаје да се моја лоза оконча са мојим краљевством." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:119 msgid "You should not say such things!" msgstr "Не треба да причате тако!" #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:124 msgid "" "Hmph! It matters little now. What’s this? You bring a Wesfolk waif with you. " "Put her out with the others!" msgstr "" "Хм! Није то више битно. Шта је ово? Довео си са собом и весноћанску " "скитницу. Избаците је напоље са осталима!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:128 msgid "You’ve put my people out in the snow? Prepare to meet your fate you—" msgstr "Оставили сте мој народ напољу на снегу? Мрко ти се пише, ти—" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:132 msgid "" "She and her people have been of great service to me. Open the gates, let " "them in." msgstr "" "Она и њен народ су нам били од велике помоћи. Отворите капије, пустите их " "унутра." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:136 msgid "" "What? On your word alone, boy? And what of the other Wesfolk that have " "drifted to our gate?" msgstr "" "Тек тако, на твоју реч, дечаче? А шта са осталим Весноћанима што су се " "привукли нашим капијама?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:140 msgid "Let them all in! For the sake of humanity on this isle!" msgstr "Пустите их све! Зарад човечности на овом острву!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:144 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "And because I can sweeten the deal. I can save the lives of all of the " #| "people left on this isle. I will reveal all, if you swear on the soul of " #| "your eldest son that you will let all of the Wesfolk who may come into " #| "the city, and to allow them to participate in what must happen next." msgid "" "And because I can sweeten the deal. I can save the lives of all of the " "people left on this isle. I will reveal all, if you swear on the soul of " "your eldest son that you let all of the Wesfolk who may come into the city, " "and allow them to participate in what must happen next." msgstr "" "И зато што могу наш договор зачинити. Могу спасити животе свих преосталих на " "острву. Открићу вам све, ако ми се закунете душом свога најстаријег сина да " "ћете прихватити све Весноћане који желе у град, и омогућити им да учествују " "у ономе што се ускоро мора догодити." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:148 msgid "Hmm... Very well. I so swear. Speak." msgstr "Па... Прихватам и заклињем се. Говори." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:152 msgid "" "First, I can translate the book that will allow Haldric to use the " "Ruby of Fire. The artifact should help with what must come." msgstr "" "Прво, ја могу превести књигу која ће Халдрику омогућити да употреби " "Ватрени рубин. Тај предмет би требало да нам помогне у ономе што следи." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:156 msgid "" "Second, I know the way to the mysterious lands of the east. Addroran, I was " "your son’s navigator and companion. Believe me, you must go east." msgstr "" "Друго, ја познајем тајновите земље на истоку. Адроране, била сам навигатор и " "дружбеница твога сина. Веруј ми, мораш поћи на исток." # well-spelled: Дружб #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:160 msgid "Compan— What?" msgstr "Дружб— шта?" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:165 msgid "She’s just full of surprises." msgstr "Стално нас тако изненађује." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:169 msgid "" "I was the navigator. Haldric, your people simply washed up here long ago, " "but my people came here on purpose. You’d all still be herding sheep and " "living in grass huts if it wasn’t for my people." msgstr "" "Била сам навигатор. Халдриче, твој се народ једноставно обрео на овим " "обалама пре много времена. Насупрот томе, мој је народ дошао са сврхом. Сви " "бисте ви и даље чували овце и живели у сламеницама да није било мог народа." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:173 msgid "" "Some favor your people did for us. Why flee at all? And why east? We’ve " "already repelled one orcish assault. We should be working toward taking back " "the Isle." msgstr "" "И то нам је нека услуга твог народа. Зашто уопште бежати? И зашто на исток? " "Већ смо одбили један орковски налет. Требало би да се спремамо за повраћај " "Острва." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:177 msgid "" "This is no time for bravado. You must head east because my people came from " "the west, which is teeming with every form of enemy and monster imaginable. " "There is literally no room there. If you thought we were bad, you should see " "what else comes behind us. You’d be slaves, or you’d be dead." msgstr "" "Ово није време за јунаштво. Морате кренути на исток јер је мој народ дошао " "са запада, где врви од свакаквих непријатеља и чудовишта које можете " "замислити. Тамо дословце нема више простора. Ако сте мислили да смо ми лоши, " "треба да видите шта стиже за нама. Сви бисте били или поробљени, или мртви." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:181 msgid "" "Learn the lesson of my people. If we had fled here while even one of our " "great cities still stood we could have taken this Isle with ease. But we " "fought on until the bitter end. There can be no compromise with the orcs, " "their numbers are limitless, and you have no way to stop more orcs from " "coming." msgstr "" "Прихватите наук мог народа. Да смо умакли овамо док се макар један од наших " "великих градова још увек уздизао, могли смо с лакоћом преузети Острво. Али " "смо се борили до горког краја. Не може бити никаквог преговора са орковима, " "њихови су бројеви несагледиви, и нема начина да их задржите када нахрупе у " "још већем мноштву." # well-spelled: Хмм #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:185 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hmm. There is wisdom in your words, and my end should be in this place. " #| "We can hold out for the rest of the winter here. When the orcs last came " #| "it was fall and the harvest was in. We can hunt the great schools of fish " #| "that live under the ice. You might even be able to depart in well " #| "provisioned ships!" msgid "" "Hmm. There is wisdom in your words, and my end should be in this place. We " "can hold out for the rest of the winter here. When the orcs last came it was " "fall and the harvest was in. We can hunt the great schools of fish that live " "under the ice. You might even be able to depart in well-provisioned ships!" msgstr "" "Хмм. Има мудрости у твом зборењу, али мени крај треба да дође на овом месту. " "Можемо издржати до краја зиме. Када оркови последњи пут наиђоше, била је " "јесен и летина је већ била прикупљена. Можемо рибарити велика јата која " "обитавају под ледом. Можда ћете чак моћи да се отиснете са добро снабдевеним " "бродовима!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:189 msgid "Don’t you intend to come with us?" msgstr "Зар не мислиш да пођеш с нама?" #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:193 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "No. Flee, and flee east. It is my duty to hold this city as long as I can " #| "for the sake of all who can be evacuated. That means that it shall fall " #| "on Haldric and you to lead the evacuation." msgid "" "No. Flee, and flee east. It is my duty to hold this city as long as I can " "for the sake of all who can be evacuated. That means it shall fall on " "Haldric and you to lead the evacuation." msgstr "" "Не. Бежите, бежите на исток. Моја је дужност да задржим град колико могу, " "зарад свих оних који морају избећи. То значи да ће дужност вођења збега " "пасти на тебе и Халдрика." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:197 msgid "" "King, there will be a new kingdom in the east, and the bulk of the fleet " "will bear the flag of Southbay. A new throne and new lands await you in the " "east." msgstr "" "Краљу, биће ново краљевство на истоку, и главнина флоте ће бити под " "заставама Југозалива. Нов престо и нове земље вас очекују." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:201 msgid "" "My bloodline has ended with my sons, and I am old. Let the ships take the " "women, children, and young men first. A new kingdom must be born of vital " "blood. We old men are still of some value. We will make the orcs pay dearly " "when they come to take this place!" msgstr "" "Моја је лоза затрта без мојих синова, а ја сам стар. Нека бродови прво " "понесу жене, децу и младе. Ново се краљевство мора подизати жилавом крвљу. " "Ми старци ћемо најбоље послужити да орковима скупо наплатимо када дођу да " "нам отму овај град!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:205 msgid "" "If there is no other way. May the bards forever sing of the valor of the " "Kings of Southbay! Jessene, about that book?" msgstr "" "Ако нема другог начина. Нека бардови заувек опевају ваљаност краљева " "југозаливских! Џесина, шта је с том књигом?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/11_Southbay_in_Winter.cfg:209 msgid "" "I’ll begin my translation. Oh, and you should seal up the sewer entrance." msgstr "" "Почећу са превођењем. Да, требало би и да запечатите улаз у канализацију." #. [scenario]: id=12_A_Final_Spring #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:4 msgid "A Final Spring" msgstr "Коначно пролеће" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Harak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:161 msgid "Tan-Harak" msgstr "тан Харак" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Hork #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:194 msgid "Tan-Hork" msgstr "тан Хорк" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Gulo #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:227 msgid "Tan-Gulo" msgstr "тан Гуло" #. [object]: id=ruby_of_fire #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:336 msgid "" "The Ruby of Fire was imbued with magic in the distant west, and can be used " "to scorch enemies into submission." msgstr "" "Ватрени рубин је утиснут магијом на далеком западу, и може се користити за " "изгарање непријатеља у послушност." #. [effect]: type=fire #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:345 msgid "ruby of fire" msgstr "ватрени рубин" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:387 msgid "Death of King Addroran IX" msgstr "Настрада ли краљ Адроран Девети" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:391 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:182 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:170 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:232 msgid "Death of Lord Typhon" msgstr "Настрада ли господар Тифон" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:414 msgid "" "Several months pass. Jessene has translated Lich-Lord Caror’s Book of Fire " "and Darkness. Prince Haldric is busy probing the secrets of the Ruby of Fire." msgstr "" "Прође неколико месеци. Уз Џесинин превод Књиге ватре и тмине господара-косца " "Карора, принц Халдрик се упире да спозна тајне Ватреног рубина." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:419 msgid "I think I’ve figured something out. Look." msgstr "Мислим да сам разумео овај део. Погледај." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:443 msgid "" "Ouch! Hot, hot, hot! Gee, somebody should really attach this thing to a " "scepter or something! I think I’ll save it for closer-ranged combat for now." msgstr "" "Ајој! Врело, врело, врело! Дођавола, неко би стварно требало да натакне ово " "чудо на жезло или тако нешто. Мислим да ћу га привремено сачувати за блиску " "борбу." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:448 msgid "Watch it! Well, at least you’re improving." msgstr "Пази тамо! Па, барем се побољшаваш." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:452 msgid "" "Humph. Fool of a boy’s just gonna burn us all up. Humans, always playing at " "being wizards." msgstr "" "Хмф. Будаласти дечко ће нас просто све спалити. Људи, увек се играју " "чаробњака." #. [message]: speaker=Southbay Guard 1 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:457 msgid "Orcs sighted! They’ve seized the frontier! To arms! To arms!" msgstr "Оркови опажени! Запосели су границу! На оружје! На оружје!" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:461 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:888 msgid "For the glory of Southbay!" msgstr "За славу Југозалива!" #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:465 msgid "" "Prince Haldric, I’ll concentrate on holding Southbay. You must defeat the " "orcs. The ships aren’t ready yet. We must defeat this army of orcs to buy us " "more time. Try not to kill us all with that ruby!" msgstr "" "Принче Халдриче, ја ћу се усредсредити на одбрану Југозалива. Ти мораш " "поразити орке. Бродови још увек нису приправни. Морамо одбити ову навалу " "орковску како би купили себи времена. Покушај да нас не побијеш све тим " "рубином!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:469 msgid "Very well. I’ll do my best." msgstr "Добро онда. Учинићу најбоље како умем." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:482 msgid "Lord Typhon" msgstr "господар Тифон" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Typhon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:515 msgid "I come seeking the Crown Prince!" msgstr "Долазим у потрази за крунским принцом!" #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:519 msgid "Who is this fish man?" msgstr "Ко је овај риболики?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:523 msgid "" "He’s a large part of the reason your son made it to the lands of the east. " "Lord Typhon provided us with pearls and an escort for our voyages in " "exchange for steel trident points and fishhooks. It’s difficult to be a " "blacksmith when you live underwater." msgstr "" "Он је добрано заслужан за то што је твој син успео да се докопа источних " "земаља. Господар Тифон нам је подарио бисере и пратњу на нашим путовањима, у " "замену за челичне бодље трозубаца и рибарске удице. Тешко је бавити се " "ковачким занатом под водом." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Typhon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:527 msgid "Indeed it is. But where is the Prince?" msgstr "Уистину јесте. Али где је принц?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:531 msgid "The Crown Prince is dead. But we have need of your services again—" msgstr "Крунски принц је мртав. Али су нам твоје услуге поново потребне—" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Typhon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:535 msgid "Under the same terms?" msgstr "Под истим условима?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #. [message]: speaker=Lord El’Isomithir #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:539 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:424 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:428 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:141 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:149 msgid "Agreed." msgstr "Договорено." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Typhon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:543 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Good. We need the steel for our own war in the deep. I formally place the " #| "might of the Merfolk at your disposal!" msgid "" "Good. We need the steel for our own war in the deep. I formally place the " "might of the merfolk at your disposal!" msgstr "" "Одлично. Треба нам челика за наш сопствени рат у дубинама. Званично стављам " "моћ морејаца вама на располагање!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:548 msgid "You can now recruit merfolk!" msgstr "Сада можеш најмити морејце!" #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:564 msgid "Make haste. We must secure the frontier or it’s all over!" msgstr "Пожурите. Морамо обезбедити границе или је све готово!" #. [event] #. [unit_type]: id=Familiar, race=undead #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:579 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:291 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:367 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:461 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:259 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:247 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Familiar.cfg:4 msgid "Familiar" msgstr "дружбеник" #. [event] #. [side]: type=Jevyan Cloaked, id=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:592 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:268 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:47 msgid "Lich-Lord Jevyan" msgstr "господар-косац Џевијан" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:599 msgid "" "King Addroran, your day is done. Prepare to be ground to dust. If you’re " "lucky I may raise you from death for my own amusement. Oh, and what’s this? " "I sense, I sense the Ruby of Fire." msgstr "" "Краљу Адроране, твоји су дани истекли. Спреми се да будеш самлевен у прах. " "Ако будеш имао среће, дићи ћу те из мртвих ради своје забаве. О, а шта је " "ово? Осећам, осећам Ватрени рубин." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:603 msgid "" "You monster! You’ve betrayed our people — to ally yourself with these orcs?!" msgstr "Ти чудовиште! Издао си наш народ — да би се здружио са овим орковима?!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:606 msgid "Fool Prince" msgstr "Будаласти принц" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:610 msgid "" "Fool girl! My ambition is boundless; I will survive to rule the orcs and all " "else. That is more than can be said for you. King Addroran, meet your son — " "you’ll be joining him soon enough." msgstr "" "Несмотрена девојко! Моје су тежње бескрајне, преживећу да владам орковима и " "свима осталима. То је више него што ће важити за тебе. Краљу Адроране, " "сретни се са својим сином — ускоро ћеш му се и сам придружити." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:614 msgid "NO!" msgstr "НЕ!" #. [message]: speaker=Fool Prince #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:618 msgid "Fath-er! Join... us..." msgstr "О-че! Придружи... нам се..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:622 msgid "His older brother was more attractive..." msgstr "Његов старији брат беше привлачнији..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:665 msgid "" "Their reserves are arriving, and we haven’t secured the frontier! We’re dead!" msgstr "" "Пристижу им појачања, а ми још увек нисмо запосели границе! С нама је готово!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:682 msgid "Southbay" msgstr "Југозалив" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:702 msgid "To Clearwater Port" msgstr "Ка луци Бистроморској" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:722 msgid "To the Midlands & Oldwood" msgstr "Ка Средопољу и Старопањској" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:742 msgid "To the Northrun" msgstr "Ка Северотрку" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:762 msgid "To the Midlands" msgstr "Ка Средопољу" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:782 msgid "New Southbay" msgstr "Нови Југозалив" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:802 msgid "They sealed it, there is no escape for you!" msgstr "Запечатили су ово, нема ти бега!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:816 msgid "I am finished." msgstr "Са мном је свршено." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:820 msgid "We needed him to hold Southbay. We’re done for!" msgstr "Без њега не можемо задржати Југозалив. Ово нам је крај!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:833 msgid "We’ve defeated the orcs. Let’s rig the ships and get out of here." msgstr "Поразисмо орке. Подигнимо једра и склањајмо се одавде." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:837 msgid "" "Oh, for my sons... — As we agreed. I will hold Southbay until my last breath." msgstr "" "О, за моје синове... Како се договорисмо. Држаћу Југозалив до последњег даха." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:841 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "With the help of the Merfolk, and my knowledge of an island that will " #| "make a good re-provisioning point, we should be able to embark for the " #| "great lands that are to the east." msgid "" "With the help of the merfolk, and my knowledge of an island that will make a " "good re-provisioning point, we should be able to embark for the great lands " "that are to the east." msgstr "" "Уз помоћ морејаца, и мог знања о острву које ће нам послужити као добро " "место за попуњавање залиха, можемо се отиснути ка великим земљама што леже " "на истоку." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:845 msgid "" "What I don’t like is the fact that Lich-Lord Jevyan, after whom our very " "capital is named, betrayed my people. To make matters worse, he knows that " "you have that ruby." msgstr "" "Оно што ме мучи, јесте то што је господар-косац Џевијан, по коме и наш " "главни град беше назван, издао мој народ. Да буде још горе, он сада зна да " "ти носиш рубин." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:849 msgid "" "There’s not much we can do about that now. I dub this fine ship the Eldaric, " "in honor of my father. About that island..." msgstr "" "Не може се око тога ништа учинити сада. Називам овај ваљани брод „Елдарик“, " "у част свога оца. Што се тиче тог острва..." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:853 msgid "Great, more boats, and now an ocean!" msgstr "Значи, опет бродови, а сада још и океан!" #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:857 msgid "" "After you make it to this new land, send some of the ships back, for there " "may still be survivors in Southbay." msgstr "" "Пошто се дограбите те нове земље, пошаљите неке од бродова назад, ако у " "Југозаливу неко случајно буде преживео." #. [message]: speaker=King Addroran IX #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/12_A_Final_Spring.cfg:875 msgid "My son!" msgstr "Сине мој!" #. [scenario]: id=13_Peoples_in_Decline #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:4 msgid "Peoples in Decline" msgstr "Народи у опадању" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:16 msgid "" "Several days later Prince Haldric departs in his ship, the Eldaric, his home " "and the Green Isle lost to him forever. Before him lay a vast expanse of " "stormy seas, and the mysterious island that Lady Jessene has mentioned, and " "even more exotic lands even further to the East." msgstr "" "Неколико дана касније принц Халдрик се отисну на свом броду „Елдарику“, " "оставивши свој дом и Зеленострво заувек иза себе. Пред њим лежи непрегледно " "олујно море и тајанствено острво које госпа Џесина помену, а даље на истоку " "још егзотичнија пространства." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:20 msgid "" "The island that King Haldric and his crew are approaching was at one time a " "volcano that is now slowly sinking into the sea. The elder Crown Prince of " "Southbay had managed to establish a foothold on this Island, despite the " "belligerent nature of its reptilian inhabitants. There will be little left " "of that foothold by now." msgstr "" "Острво којем се Халдрик и његова посада приближава некада беше вулкан који " "сада полако тоне у море. Старији крунски принц Југозалива је успео да " "успостави упориште на овом острву, упркос ратоборној природи његових " "рептилских житеља. Мало шта ће остати од тог упоришта сада." # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Kegrid #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:46 msgid "Kegrid" msgstr "Кегрид" #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Kegrid #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Gerrick #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Merkush #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:52 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:74 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:102 msgid "Drakes" msgstr "Змагови" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Gerrick #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:68 msgid "Gerrick" msgstr "Герик" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Drake Flameheart, id=Merkush #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:96 msgid "Merkush" msgstr "Меркаш" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:199 msgid "" "After some time at sea an island is spotted. The Eldaric docks at a crude " "port that appears to be deserted." msgstr "" "После неколике пловидбе, указа се копно. „Елдарик“ пристаде у оскудну луку " "која деловаше напуштено." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:204 msgid "Land! Land! Bless the Lords of Light!" msgstr "Копно! Копно! Блажени нека су Господари Светла!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:208 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This is the Elder Prince’s island all right. We had a heck of a time " #| "pacifying the Drakes who live here. Oh my, it looks like they’ve rearmed!" msgid "" "This is the Elder Prince’s island all right. We had a heck of a time " "pacifying the drakes who live here. Oh my, it looks like they’ve rearmed!" msgstr "" "Ова је заиста острво старијег принца. Добро смо се забавили примиривањем " "змагова који овде живе. Ох, изгледа да су се поново наоружали!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:212 msgid "We come in peace. We only seek to re-provision our ships." msgstr "Долазимо у миру. Тражимо само залихе за наше бродове." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:216 msgid "I don’t think diplomacy is going to work." msgstr "Не верујем да ће дипломатија нешто постићи." # well-spelled: дошшшли, сссте, нассс, Ссспремите, сссе, ссславу #. [message]: speaker=Gerrick #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:221 msgid "" "Ssso humansss, you’ve come to trouble usss again. Prepare to die! For the " "glory of the Lords of Morogor!" msgstr "" "Дакле, људи, дошшшли сссте да нассс поново мучите. Ссспремите сссе да " "умрете! За ссславу господарâ Морогора!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:225 msgid "Do I need to say, “I told you so”?" msgstr "Треба ли да поменем, „лепо ти рекох“?" # well-spelled: Грицко #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:243 msgid "Bitey the Serpent" msgstr "Грицко змијар" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:251 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:334 msgid "Look out, a serpent has emerged from the deep." msgstr "Пазите, змијар изрони из дубине." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:266 msgid "" "Well, it looks like their warriors have given up the fight. We should be " "able to re-provision the ships now." msgstr "" "Па, изгледа да њихови ратници одустају од борбе. Сада можемо да допунимо " "бродске залихе." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:270 msgid "" "The nice thing is, they’ll go back to guarding this island after we’re gone " "for a while. It’ll make a good way of preventing others from following us." msgstr "" "Што је најбоље, наставиће да бране ово острво пошто се ми измакнемо. То ће " "добрано отежати посао другима који би нас пратили." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:274 msgid "" "This island is slowly sinking. Hmm, I wonder what they’ll do when it gets " "too small for them?" msgstr "" "Ово острво полагано тоне. Хм, питам се шта ће учинити када им постане " "претесно?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:278 msgid "" "They seem rather intelligent. They’re certainly belligerent and numerous. " "I’m sure they’ll eventually evacuate. Just like us right now." msgstr "" "Делују прилично оштроумно, а свакако су ратоборни и бројни. Сигурна сам да " "ће се на концу извући. Као и ми сада." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:282 msgid "I don’t find that thought very comforting." msgstr "Не налазим ту мисао утешном." #. [message]: speaker=Familiar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:295 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:371 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:327 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:364 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:471 msgid "Clack! Clack!" msgstr "Клак! Клак!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/13_Peoples_in_Decline.cfg:320 msgid "" "The fleet is starving, we’ll never pacify this island before we all die!" msgstr "" "Флота нам гладује, нећемо успети да примиримо ово острво пре него сви " "скапамо!" #. [scenario]: id=14_Rough_Landing #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:4 msgid "Rough Landing" msgstr "Бурно искрцавање" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:16 msgid "" "After a particularly bad series of storms the Eldaric has taken on water, " "and much of the fleet has been scattered. Lord Typhon suggests stopping at a " "group of small windswept islands to regroup." msgstr "" "После особито бурног низа олуја, „Елдарик“ се беше напунио водом, а већи део " "флоте разасуо наоколо. Господар Тифон предлаже да се пристане на скупину " "малих брисаних острва, ради предаха и окупљања." # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Naga Warrior, id=Abraxas #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:42 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1336 msgid "Abraxas" msgstr "Абракс" #. [side]: type=Naga Warrior, id=Abraxas #. [side]: type=Naga Warrior, id=Xamalia #. [side]: type=Naga Warrior, id=Gaxmail #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:48 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:74 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:100 msgid "Naga" msgstr "Нагајци" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Naga Warrior, id=Xamalia #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:68 msgid "Xamalia" msgstr "Ксамалија" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Naga Warrior, id=Gaxmail #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:94 msgid "Gaxmail" msgstr "Гаксмаил" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:188 msgid "I don’t think I can take much more of this. I’m feeling ill!" msgstr "Мислим да не могу још дуго поднети ово. Осећам се болесно!" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Typhon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Be careful, these islands aren’t safe. We’re in Naga territory. But this " #| "is the only place to stop with soft sand beaches to make landfall... The " #| "Nagas like to scavenge metal from ships that they capture here." msgid "" "Be careful, these islands aren’t safe. We’re in naga territory. But this is " "the only place to stop with soft sand beaches to make landfall... The nagas " "like to scavenge metal from ships that they capture here." msgstr "" "Наступајте опрезно, ова острва нису безбедна. На територији смо нагајаца. " "Али је ово једино место где можемо застати, са довољно меким пешчаним " "плажама да нас прихвате... Нагајци воле да сакупљају метал са бродова које " "овде заробе." #. [message]: speaker=Xamalia #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:199 msgid "Prey! Get them!" msgstr "Плен! Држите их!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:204 msgid "The fleet must regroup here. We have to defeat these monsters." msgstr "Флота се мора овде окупити. На нама је да поразимо ова чудовишта." # well-spelled: Жваћко #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:236 msgid "Chompey the Serpent" msgstr "Жваћко змијар" # |, no-check-spell #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:237 msgid "Graarrrrrr!" msgstr "Граарррррр!" # well-spelled: Крљушко #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:243 msgid "Scaly the Serpent" msgstr "Крљушко змијар" # |, no-check-spell #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:244 msgid "Roarrrrrr!" msgstr "Роарррррр!" # well-spelled: Зупко #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:250 msgid "Toothey the Serpent" msgstr "Зупко змијар" # |, no-check-spell #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:251 msgid "Hissssss!" msgstr "Хисссссс!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:347 msgid "We’ve defeated the nagas. The fleet should be able to regroup here." msgstr "Отерасмо и те нагајце. Сада се флота може у миру сакупити." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:352 msgid "" "The next time we see land, it should be the great continent to the east." msgstr "" "Следећи пут кад угледамо копно, то би требало да буде велики континент " "истока." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:357 msgid "" "I’ll be glad when this voyage is over. We’re almost there. Almost there." msgstr "Само да видим краја овом путовању. Скоро смо стигли. Још само мало." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:387 msgid "I think we’re being followed..." msgstr "Мислим да нас прате..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/14_Rough_Landing.cfg:403 msgid "" "We were too slow... The fleet will be scattered to the four corners of the " "world!" msgstr "Преспоро деласмо... Флота ће се расути на све четири стране света!" #. [scenario]: id=15_A_New_Land #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:4 msgid "A New Land" msgstr "Нова земља" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:16 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After the defeat of the Nagas, Haldric’s refugees take on fresh water and " #| "hunt small game, relieved to have land beneath their feet. When they " #| "depart, even the sea-weather is milder." msgid "" "After the defeat of the nagas, Haldric’s refugees take on fresh water and " "hunt small game, relieved to have land beneath their feet. When they depart, " "even the sea-weather is milder." msgstr "" "После пораза нагајаца, Халдрикове избеглице прибављају питку воду и лове " "ситну дивљач, са олакшањем због чврстог тла под ногама. Док се отискују, чак " "је и време над морем блаже." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:19 msgid "" "After a week’s steady sailing eastward, they begin to hear the cries of " "gulls and feel the loom of the land. The Great Continent appears before them " "over the summer-lit seas." msgstr "" "Након седмице устаљене пловидбе на истоку, почињу да чују крике галебова и " "осећају близину копна. Велики континент развија се пред њима преко летом " "осунчаног мора." #. [side]: type=Elvish Marshal, id=Glimir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:45 msgid "Glimir" msgstr "Глимир" #. [side]: type=Elvish Marshal, id=Glimir #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Dursil #. [side]: type=Elvish Champion, id=Eowarar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:50 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:103 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:156 msgid "Continentals" msgstr "Староседеоци" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Dursil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:98 msgid "Dursil" msgstr "Дарсил" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Elvish Champion, id=Eowarar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:151 msgid "Eowarar" msgstr "Еоварар" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:220 msgid "(the scenario ends when any unit perishes)" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:220 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Avoid engagement for as long as possible" msgid "Avoid deaths for as long as possible" msgstr "Избегнеш ли борбу колико је дуго могуће" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:240 msgid "" "You will receive a finish bonus — equal to an early finish bonus — for the " "number of turns you lasted." msgstr "" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:244 msgid "20% of finishing gold carried over to the next scenario." msgstr "" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:252 msgid "Enemies will not initiate an attack if there is a risk of them dying." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:262 msgid "" "Alas, the shore of the Great Continent was not so tranquil a place as it had " "appeared from at sea." msgstr "" "Авај, обале Великог континента не показаше се онако спокојним каквим " "изгледаше с мора." #. [message]: speaker=Glimir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:267 msgid "" "Go home, you vile dwarves! By treaty you are pledged to only the hills and " "mountains to the north of the Great River. This is not your land." msgstr "" "Назад кући, рђави патуљци! По споразуму, ваша су само брда и планине северно " "од Велике реке. Ово није ваша земља." #. [message]: speaker=Dursil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:271 msgid "" "Our lands are become full, and our mines go to the bottom of the world. We " "have won our war against those things that live in the dark. By what right " "do you claim all of the forests of the world, and all of the land south of " "the Great River, and force us onto only the hills and mountains of the " "north? There are hills and mountains as good as any here in the south!" msgstr "" "Наше земље постадоше крцате, иако наши рудници сежу до дна света. Извагасмо " "наш рат против оних што живе у мраку. Којим правом ви присвајате све шуме на " "свету, и сву земљу јужно од Велике реке, а терате нас да се грчимо у " "кршевима севера? И на југу постоје сасвим ваљана брда и планине!" #. [message]: speaker=Glimir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:275 msgid "By the right of treaty, ancient but still true—" msgstr "Правом споразума, древног али и даље важећег—" #. [message]: speaker=Dursil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:280 msgid "" "Hmph! You namby-pamby elves: “We don’t cut the trees, we groom the " "forest.” Our axes can get the wood for a fifth of the cost! I can charge " "half of what your people do, and still be rich, and I’m not the first to " "have the thought!" msgstr "" "Хмф! Ви лицемерни вилењаци: „Не обарамо стабла, већ поткресујемо шуму“. Наше " "секире могу добавити дрво за петину садашње цене! Могу наплаћивати пола од " "тога што ваши сада чине, и поред тога се обогатити. И нисам први коме је ово " "пало на ум!" #. [message]: speaker=Glimir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:284 msgid "Wait, I see a ship. Many ships. We’re being invaded!" msgstr "Чекај, видим брод. Многе бродове. То нас нападају!" #. [message]: speaker=Dursil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:288 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Umm, we’re being invaded? Okay, we’ll sort out our differences later. " #| "Let’s get them first." msgid "" "Umm, we’re being invaded? Fine, we’ll sort out our differences later. Let’s " "get them first." msgstr "" "Ех, нападају нас? Добро, разрешићемо своје размирице касније. Прво да " "средимо те, те..." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:352 msgid "We come in peace. May our peoples—" msgstr "Долазимо у миру. Нека наши народи—" #. [message]: speaker=Dursil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:356 msgid "Get them!" msgstr "Држите их!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:360 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Gee, and you were practicing that speech for days. I guess that’s it for " #| "diplomacy then. Haldric, we should avoid calling upon too many units, and " #| "avoid fighting them. There has to be a peaceful resolution to this." msgid "" "Gee, and you were practicing that speech for days. I guess that’s it for " "diplomacy then. Haldric, we should avoid bloodshed even if we have to ward " "them off. There has to be a peaceful resolution to this." msgstr "" "Ех, а увежбавао си ту беседу данима. Па, толико што се тиче дипломатије. " "Халдриче, треба да избегнемо сазивање превелике војске, и борбу против ових. " "Мора постојати некакво мирољубиво решење." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:364 msgid "" "In the name of... This is the continent of my home. But I set out east. I " "must have traveled clear around the world." msgstr "" "У име... Па овај континент је мој дом. Али смо се отиснули ка истоку? Мора " "бити да смо скроз обишли свет." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:368 msgid "" "My people are too far south. I don’t know what’s going on here. I’ll stick " "with you until the end. You’ve been a good friend. Just no more sea voyages." msgstr "" "Мој је народ предалеко на југу. Не знам шта се дешава сада тамо. Бићу уз вас " "до краја, добри сте ми пријатељи. Само без даљих пловидби морем." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:378 msgid "I bet this wasn’t the welcome you were expecting." msgstr "Кладим се да ово није добродошлица какву си очекивао." #. [event] #. [side]: type=Autumn Shyde, id=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:411 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:35 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:35 msgid "Lady Dionli" msgstr "госпа Дионли" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:418 msgid "What? What’s going on here? Dwarves? Humans? Ships? Glimir, tell me." msgstr "Шта? Шта се то овде догађа? Патуљци? Људи? Бродови? Глимире, причај." #. [message]: speaker=Glimir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:422 msgid "" "The stories are true. There must be dwarven colonists in the Brown Hills. We " "caught this band chopping wood near the bay. Then we saw lots of ships. Not " "like before, with that fellow from Southbay and his lone ship. It was always " "interesting when he stopped by." msgstr "" "Приче су истините. Мора да има патуљачких насељеника у Смеђим брдима. " "Ухватисмо ову руљу како обара дрвеће у близини залива. А затим и мноштво " "бродова — не као пре, са оним момком из Југозалива и његовим усамљеним " "бродом. Увек је бивало занимљиво када би тај навратио." #. [message]: speaker=Glimir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:427 msgid "" "We thought we were being invaded. We, erm, put our differences aside with " "the dwarves, for the moment, and decided to deal with this first." msgstr "" "Па помислимо да смо под нападом. Стога смо, овај, одложили размирице са " "патуљцима, привремено, и одлучили да се прво побринемо за ово." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:431 msgid "" "These are disturbing trends. Human, it is by luck alone that I am here to " "spare you. For on this day the Council of Lords is meeting in a forest not " "far from here." msgstr "" "Забрињавајућа дешавања. Човече, сама ти се срећа осмехнула да будем у " "близини и поштедим те. Јер, на овај се дан одржава Веће господара, у шуми " "недалеко одавде." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:435 msgid "I am Prince Haldric. We come in peace. May our peoples—" msgstr "Ја сам принц Халдрик. Долазимо у миру. Нека наши народи—" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:439 msgid "Haldric." msgstr "Халдриче." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:443 msgid "" "As for you, dwarf, return to the Brown Hills. Then tell your people to " "prepare to return to the north." msgstr "" "А што се тебе тиче, патуљче, врати се у Смеђа брда. Реци својима да се " "спреме за повратак на север." #. [message]: speaker=Dursil #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:447 msgid "" "I’ll return to the hills, but I can’t promise that my people will go. Hmph!" msgstr "Вратићу се брдима, али не могу обећати да ће наши људи послушати. Хмф!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:451 msgid "" "Haldric, is it? You are their leader? You and your advisers are to come with " "me. It will be safe for your passengers to disembark here." msgstr "" "Халдрик беше? Ти си вођ ових? Ти и твоји саветници да пођете са мном. Твоји " "се путници могу овде безбедно искрцати." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:476 msgid "" "Maybe it’d be best if you didn’t mention our little friend following us..." msgstr "Можда је најбоље да не помињеш нашег пријатељчића што нас прати..." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Typhon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:482 msgid "" "I must return to my people. You have kept your word, you may avail of my " "services in the future. The services of my people will remain at your " "disposal." msgstr "" "Морам се вратити свом народу. Одржао си реч, можеш очекивати моју помоћ и у " "будућности. Мој народ ће ти и даље бити на услузи." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Typhon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:492 msgid "" "I must return to my people. My warriors that fought by your side wish to " "remain with you. You have kept your word, and you may avail of my services " "in the future." msgstr "" "Морам се вратити свом народу. Моји ратници који се борише покрај тебе, желе " "и да остану с тобом. Одржао си реч, можеш очекивати моју помоћ и у " "будућности." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:502 msgid "" "Jessene, send word that a third of the fleet is to return to the Green Isle, " "to look for more survivors. If they return tell them to keep returning until " "no more survivors are found." msgstr "" "Џесина, нареди да се трећина флоте има вратити на Зеленострво, да потражи " "преживеле, ако их има. И реци им да не одустају док не покупе и последњег " "преживелог." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:502 msgid "May the currents carry you swiftly, my friend. " msgstr "Нека те морске струје хитро понесу, пријатељу." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:506 msgid "" "Man the ships with skeleton crews, and give them the remaining supplies. " "Pass the word to Lord Typhon. Make sure that no more than a third of the " "fleet is sent. We must not provide the orcs with a ready-made fleet. Make " "haste, return before it is time to meet with these, what are they? Ahh, " "elves." msgstr "" "Нека бродове опслужује тек неопходна посада, и подај им преостале залихе. " "Обавести и господара Тифона. Осигурај да не исплови више од трећине флоте — " "не смемо поклонити орковима нетакнуту флоту. Пожури, и врати се пре него што " "буде време да се сусретнемо са овима, шта већ беху? Да, вилењаци." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/15_A_New_Land.cfg:510 msgid "" "This is the second Eldaric I get to say goodbye to. At least this time it is " "easier than the first." msgstr "" "Ово је други „Елдарик“ од којег се опраштам. Бар ми је овог пута лакше него " "претходног." #. [scenario]: id=16_The_Kalian #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:4 msgid "The Ka’lian" msgstr "Калијан" #. [side]: type=Autumn Shyde, id=Lady Dionli #. [side]: type=Elvish Champion Kalian, id=Lord Logalmier #. [side]: type=Elvish Sharpshooter, id=Lord Aryad #. [side]: type=Elvish Champion, id=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:50 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:62 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:51 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:64 msgid "Elves" msgstr "Вилењаци" #. [side]: type=Elvish Champion Kalian, id=Lord Logalmier #. [side]: type=Elvish Champion, id=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:47 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:47 msgid "Lord Logalmier" msgstr "господар Логалмијер" #. [side]: type=Elvish Sharpshooter, id=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:58 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:60 msgid "Lord Aryad" msgstr "господар Аријад" # well-spelled: Елисомитир #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:137 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:103 msgid "Lord El’Isomithir" msgstr "господар Елисомитир" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:144 msgid "I think I’ll fight the dragon!" msgstr "Мислим да ћу против змаја!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:156 msgid "Lord Logalmier, I shall defeat your dragon." msgstr "Господару Логалмијере, ја ћу поразити твог змаја." #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:174 msgid "Let’s get those saurians and nagas on that beach!" msgstr "Решимо се сауријанаца и нагајаца на плажи!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:186 msgid "Those cold blooded monsters will feel my wrath!" msgstr "Та ће хладнокрвна чудовишта осетити моју срџбу!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:204 msgid "Let’s clear out that troll hole!" msgstr "Сада прочистимо ту троловску јазбину!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:216 msgid "So what exactly is a troll?" msgstr "А шта му тачно дође „трол“?" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:233 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Let’s put those souls to rest on the cursed isle!" msgid "Let’s put those souls on the cursed isle to rest!" msgstr "Пошаљимо те душе на починак на проклето острво!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:245 msgid "Undead. Bah! We’re pros at fighting them." msgstr "Немртви. Ха! Већ смо извештени против њих." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:264 msgid "In the name of peace between our peoples:" msgstr "У име мира међу нашим народима:" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:281 msgid "" "I fear my kin are too easy on you. I decree that you should be made to fight " "the Dragon of the Green Swamp and its saurian minions. If you can defeat " "him, you will have truly earned your place in this land." msgstr "" "Бојим се да су моји сродници преблаги према теби. Одређујем да се имаш " "борити против Змаја из Зелене мочваре и његових сауријанских поданика. Ако " "га савладаш, истински ћеш зарадити своје место на овом острву." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:294 msgid "" "There is a group of saurians, friends of the dragon I’m sure, who are " "trading metal with the nagas of the sea. We should put a stop to this. They " "are located on a beach near here." msgstr "" "Постоји дружина сауријанаца, у дослуху са змајем засигурно, која тргује " "металом са нагајцима из мора. Морамо стати томе у крај. Често су виђени на " "оближњој плажи." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:307 msgid "" "We are having a problem with a troll-hole in the Brown Hills. While I find " "the thought of those dwarves stumbling on the trolls vaguely amusing, this " "should make an adequate quest for you." msgstr "" "Имамо непријатности услед троловске јазбине у Смеђим брдима. Иако ми је " "понешто забавна помисао на патуљке који несмотрено налећу на тролове, ово би " "могао бити одговарајући задатак за тебе." #. [message]: speaker=Lord El'Isomithir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:320 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Long ago a clan of elves on the Isle of Tears fell under the sway of a " #| "dark curse. Their souls still haunt that place and no elf will go there. " #| "You should clear this isle, and put their souls to rest." msgid "" "Long ago, a clan of elves on the Isle of Tears fell under the sway of a dark " "curse. Their souls still haunt that place and no elf will go there. You " "should clear this isle, and put their souls to rest." msgstr "" "Пре пуно времена, клан вилењака на Острву суза западе под утицај мрачне " "клетве. Њихове душе још увек походе то место, и ниједан му се вилењак неће " "приближити. Иди и прочисти то острво, пошаљи њихове душе на починак." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:334 msgid "" "Ahh, you have defeated the dragon, man of the west-north, you are truly " "impressive for a human." msgstr "" "Тако, победио си змаја. Човече са северозапада, заиста си упечатљив за " "човека." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:341 msgid "So, you have defeated the trolls. Welcome back, Haldric." msgstr "Дакле, поразио си тролове. Добро нам дошао, Халдриче." #. [message]: speaker=Lord El'Isomithir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:348 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Finally the souls of our poor kin may rest. Thank you." msgid "Finally, the souls of our poor kin may rest. Thank you." msgstr "Коначно се душе наших несрећника могу одморити. Захвалан сам ти." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:355 msgid "Our beaches are free again. I knew I could trust you, Haldric." msgstr "Наше су плаже поново безбедне. Знадох да ти могу веровати, Халдриче." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:365 msgid "" "Haldric and his companions find themselves before the Ka’lian, or the " "Council of Elven Lords." msgstr "" "Халдрик и његова дружина нађоше се пред Калијаном, Већем вилењачких " "господара." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:375 msgid "Dionli, why have you brought these humans before us?" msgstr "Дионли, зашто доведе ове људе пред нас?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:379 msgid "" "They are of the same people as the Prince of Southbay. They come as " "refugees. I can see a use for them." msgstr "" "Они су од истог народа као и принц Југозалива. Долазе као избеглице. Могу " "нам бити од користи." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:384 msgid "" "What use would that be? What need could we have for the shortliveds here?" msgstr "" "А каква би то корист била? Имамо ли некакве потребе за краткоживећима овде?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:388 msgid "" "The dwarves have come to the Brown Hills. While they live long, even they " "grow like weeds when in an empty field. There is trouble brewing." msgstr "" "Патуљци су дошли до Смеђих брда. Иако живе дуго, чак се и они шире као коров " "на отвореној пољани. Кува се невоља." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:392 msgid "" "It is better to be the greater of three than the lesser of two. The Prince " "of Southbay was good, he was a credit to his people. Maybe these ones are " "made of the same stuff." msgstr "" "Боље је бити већи међу тројицом него мањи међу двојицом. Принц Југозалива " "беше честит, на понос своме народу. Можда су ови овде од истог кова." #. [message]: speaker=Lord El'Isomithir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:396 msgid "But why then do they come as refugees? Speak, human." msgstr "Али зашто онда долазе у збегу? Говори, човече." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:400 msgid "" "Our people come in peace. There was a war in our homeland. We are refugees. " "We come seeking a new home, since our island to the west and north is now " "forfeit." msgstr "" "Наш народ долази у миру. У нашој домовини се распламса рат, и ми смо сада " "избеглице. Тражимо нов дом, пошто је сада наше острво на западу и северу " "изгубљено." #. [message]: speaker=Lord El'Isomithir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:404 msgid "" "So you come to steal our land? We know your kind, humans of the west-north." msgstr "" "Дакле, долазите да нам покрадете земљу? Знамо ми такве као ти, људе са " "запада-севера." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:408 msgid "" "We only wish to live in peace. The dwarves are peoples of mountain and hill, " "the elves are people of the forests, we only seek some of the space in " "between." msgstr "" "Ми само желимо да живимо у миру. Патуљци су народ планински и брдски, а " "вилењаци народ шумски — ми бисмо само нешто простора између." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:412 msgid "" "I suggest that we grant these humans the plains to the north and south of " "the Great River." msgstr "" "Предлажем да се овим људима даду равнице северно и јужно од Велике реке." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:416 msgid "They should be put to the test before such a grant is made." msgstr "Треба их ставити на пробу пре него што се такав дар учини." #. [message]: speaker=Lord El'Isomithir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:420 msgid "A quest for each of us then?" msgstr "Да обаве по задатак за сваког од нас?" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:432 msgid "Agreed. (Sigh)" msgstr "Договорено. [уздах]" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:436 msgid "Umm, agreed." msgstr "Овај, договорено." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:440 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Well then, human. Each of us lords has a specific quest for you. If you " #| "complete them all you will be granted all of the plains in our domain and " #| "the hills south of the Great River, if not you will be forced to depart. " #| "So which quest do you wish to undertake first?" msgid "" "Well then, human. Each of us lords has a specific quest for you. If you " "complete them all you will be granted all of the plains in our domain and " "the hills south of the Great River; if not you will be forced to depart. So, " "which quest do you wish to undertake first?" msgstr "" "Па онда, човече. Сваки господар има одређени задатак за вас. Ако их све " "завршите, предаћемо вам све равнице у нашем поседу, и брда јужно од Велике " "реке. Ако не успете, мораћете да нестанете одавде. Који бисте задатак прво " "да преузмете?" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:452 msgid "" "Very good, but this is just the start, human. There is still much more for " "you to do." msgstr "" "Врло добро, али ово је тек почетак, човече. Још много тога ћете морати да " "урадите." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:465 msgid "You are victorious again. You may yet earn your place in this land." msgstr "" "Поново на крилима победе. Још и можете зарадити своје место у овим земљама." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:478 msgid "Ahh, my young prince, you’re not as soft as I thought." msgstr "Тако, млади мој принче, ниси тако мек као што мишљах." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:490 msgid "You were successful, Prince Haldric. I knew you could do it." msgstr "Успео си, принче Халдриче. Знала сам да ћете успети." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:495 msgid "" "Man of the west-north, you have earned your place on this great continent." msgstr "" "Човече са запада-севера, зарадио си своје место под сунцем на овом великом " "континенту." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:500 msgid "As per our agreement, you and your people—" msgstr "Као што смо се договорили, ти и твој народ—" #. [message]: speaker=Lord El'Isomithir #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:505 msgid "—may stay." msgstr "можете остати." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:510 msgid "" "We hereby grant you the plains to the north of the Great River, and the " "plains and hills to the south of the Great River. Be kind to the land. In a " "time of need we may call upon you, remember our generosity." msgstr "" "Овим вам предајемо равнице северно од Велике реке, и равнице и брда јужно од " "ње. Будите пажљиви са земљом. У бурна времена можемо се позвати на вас, " "сећајте се наше дарежљивости." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:515 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Fair enough. I decree a ‘Pact of Mutual Aid’ between our peoples. But— " #| "aren’t you setting us in conflict with the Dwarves?" msgid "" "Fair enough. I decree a ‘Pact of Mutual Aid’ between our peoples. But— " "aren’t you setting us in conflict with the dwarves?" msgstr "" "Поштено. Обзнањујем „Споразум о међусобној испомоћи“ међу нашим народима. " "Али, не гурате ли нас тиме у сукоб са патуљцима?" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:520 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "No. The Dwarves have returned to the north. But humans mine as well, no? " #| "They are your resources to guard now. In the future we would be willing " #| "to trade with you." msgid "" "No. The dwarves have returned to the north. But humans mine as well, no? " "They are your resources to guard now. In the future we would be willing to " "trade with you." msgstr "" "Не. Патуљци су се вратили на север. Али и људи отварају руднике, зар не? То " "су сада ваши природни извори да их чувате. У будућности, бићемо вољни да " "тргујемо са вама." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:538 msgid "Who is this?" msgstr "Ко је ово?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:543 msgid "" "It’s Commander Aethyr, of Clearwater Port. I was sure you perished in the " "fighting there." msgstr "" "То је заповедник Етир, из луке Бистроморске. Бејах уверен да си настрадао у " "тамошњим борбама." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:548 msgid "" "No, sir. I was leading the final survivors of Clearwater Port. We were " "making our last stand at the lighthouse when one of your ships came. One of " "my men conked me on the head, then I woke up at sea." msgstr "" "Не, господине. Водио сам последње преживеле из Бистроморске. Начинили смо " "последње упориште код светионика, када наиђе један од ваших бродова. Један " "од мојих људи ме је звизнуо по глави, а онда сам се пробудио на мору." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:553 msgid "" "I come bearing news. Some ‘old friends’ have decided to make an appearance. " "You should go ‘greet’ them." msgstr "" "Долазим са вестима. Неки „стари пријатељи“ одлучили су да се појаве. Треба " "да их сачекате и „поздравите“." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/16_The_Kalian.cfg:558 msgid "" "I fear our friend has said too much. You go on ahead, I’ll catch up with you." msgstr "" "Плашим се да је наш пријатељ превише рекао. Ти крени први, ја ћу те сустићи." #. [scenario]: id=17a_The_Dragon #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:4 msgid "The Dragon" msgstr "Змај" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Irix #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:40 msgid "Irix" msgstr "Ајрикс" #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Irix #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Vriss #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Axiz #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Satras #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:46 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:78 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:110 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:143 msgid "Saurians" msgstr "Сауријанци" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Vriss #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:72 msgid "Vriss" msgstr "Врис" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Axiz #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:104 msgid "Axiz" msgstr "Аксиз" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Satras #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:137 msgid "Satras" msgstr "Сатрас" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:225 msgid "Slay the Dragon" msgstr "Посечеш ли Змаја" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:230 msgid "Slay the Dragon and defeat all enemy leaders" msgstr "Посечеш ли Змаја и поразиш ли све непријатеље" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:254 msgid "" "After some days of travel Haldric finds himself confronted by a vast expanse " "of swamp. A small island with a mountain dominates the view. That can only " "be the home of the dragon." msgstr "" "Неколико дана по почетку путовања, Халдрик се нађе суочен са широким " "мочварним пространством. Мало острво са планином доминира пејзажом. Оно може " "бити само дом змају." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:268 msgid "Flies, flies, everywhere! Ack!" msgstr "Мушице, мушице, посвуда! Одвратно!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:275 msgid "‘Prince Haldric the Dragonbane’ sounds rather nice." msgstr "„Принц Халдрик Змајокрвник“ звучи прилично добро." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:280 msgid "We’ll see..." msgstr "Видећемо..." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:288 msgid "" "I’m glad that’s over. The elves certainly aren’t taking it easy on us. It’s " "a miracle any of us are alive at all." msgstr "" "Драго ми је да је с тим готово. Вилењаци нас никако не мазе с овим — чудо је " "што је ико од нас још увек жив." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:293 msgid "I’m still not calling you ‘the Dragonbane’." msgstr "Ја те ипак нећу звати „Змајокрвник“." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:332 msgid "Watch for the big mudcrawlers. They divide when you kill them." msgstr "Пазите на велике муљогмизе. Разделе се када их убијете." #. [then] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:371 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:403 msgid "Shek’kahan" msgstr "Шек-каан" #. [message]: speaker=Shek'kahan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:379 msgid "It is unwise to trifle with dragons, boy!" msgstr "Није мудро траћити време змају, дечаче!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:383 msgid "We shall see." msgstr "Видећемо и то." #. [message]: speaker=Shek'kahan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:411 msgid "Who dares disturb Shek’kahan the Terrible?" msgstr "Ко се усудио да узнемири Шек-каана Грозног?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:415 msgid "I do, you fiend!" msgstr "Ја, злотворе!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:449 msgid "We still have to slay the dragon!" msgstr "Још увек имамо да посечемо змаја!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:461 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:528 msgid "The dragon’s cave has yielded some treasure!" msgstr "Змајева пећина је изнедрила нешто блага!" #. [message]: speaker=Shek'kahan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:486 msgid "No!" msgstr "Не!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:500 msgid "We’ve slain the dragon: " msgstr "Посекосмо змаја: " #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:504 msgid "Let’s get out of here!" msgstr "Купимо се одавде!" #. [option] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:515 msgid "Let’s finish off the rest of these monsters!" msgstr "Докрајчимо и остатак ових немани!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:554 msgid "More saurians are arriving. They’ve surrounded us! We’re doomed." msgstr "Стиже још сауријанаца. Опкољавају нас! Нема нам спаса." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:561 msgid "" "We already killed the dragon. We really don’t need to be spending this much " "time chasing down the rest of these lizards." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17a_The_Dragon.cfg:566 msgid "You’re right, you’re right. Let’s head back." msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=17b_Lizard_Beach #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:4 msgid "Lizard Beach" msgstr "Гуштерска плажа" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Tirasch #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:37 msgid "Tirasch" msgstr "Тираш" #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Tirasch #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Ssirk #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:43 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:67 msgid "Monsters" msgstr "Немани" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Saurian Flanker, id=Ssirk #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:61 msgid "Ssirk" msgstr "Ссирк" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:133 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After a long trek Prince Haldric, and his companions find themselves on a " #| "sunny beach. While normally this would be a pleasant occurrence, they " #| "find the saurians hard at work there." msgid "" "After a long trek, Prince Haldric and his companions find themselves on a " "sunny beach. While normally this would be a pleasant occurrence, they find " "the saurians hard at work there." msgstr "" "После подужег пешачења, принц Халдрик и његова пратња нађоше се на осунчаној " "плажи. Док би иначе то било пријатно искуство, наиђоше на сауријанце како " "вредно вршљају." #. [message]: speaker=Ssirk #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:139 msgid "Monsters! We’re being invaded by monsters." msgstr "Чудовишта! Нападају нас некаква чудовишта." #. [message]: speaker=Tirasch #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:144 msgid "We must hold the beach until we can call our naga friends." msgstr "Морамо задржати плажу док не призовемо нагајске пријатеље." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:149 msgid "Us, monsters? Hmph... prepare to meet our blades." msgstr "Ми, чудовишта? Хм... спремите се за сусрет са нашим сечивима." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:155 msgid "(Sigh) I bet he sees none of the irony in that." msgstr "[уздах] Кладим се да и не увиђа иронију у томе." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:163 msgid "We were too slow... Every naga in the sea will be upon us!" msgstr "Деласмо преспоро... Ускоро ће сваки нагајац из мора бити пред нама!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:192 msgid "Ick! When you kill them they divide." msgstr "Бљак! Убијете га, а оно се подели." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:236 msgid "Riaa" msgstr "Рија" #. [message]: speaker=Riaa #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:240 msgid "We must protect the saurians. We need the metal!" msgstr "Морамо заштити сауријанце. Треба нам њихов метал!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17b_Lizard_Beach.cfg:263 msgid "We’ve cleared the beach. Let’s return to the elves." msgstr "Почистисмо плажу. Вратимо се сада вилењацима." #. [scenario]: id=17c_Troll_Hole #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:4 msgid "Troll Hole" msgstr "Троловска јазбина" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Erart #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:37 msgid "Erart" msgstr "Ерарт" #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Erart #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Raol #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Rilg #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Gulg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:43 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:63 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:83 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:103 msgid "Trolls" msgstr "Тролови" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Raol #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:57 msgid "Raol" msgstr "Раол" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Rilg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:77 msgid "Rilg" msgstr "Рилг" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Gulg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:97 msgid "Gulg" msgstr "Гулг" # |, no-check-spell #. [then] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:169 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:173 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:185 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:189 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:201 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:205 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:217 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:221 msgid "Fang" msgstr "Фанг" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:271 msgid "" "It isn’t long before Haldric and his companions enter the Brown Hills. An " "elven guide leads them to a gaping cave mouth, and they descend into the " "darkness." msgstr "" "Не прође дуго, када Халдрик и његова пратња уђоше у Смеђа брда. Вилењачки " "водич поведе их до зјапећих уста пећине, одакле дружина урони у таму." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:277 msgid "Does anybody actually know anything about Trolls?" msgstr "Зна ли заправо ико ишта о троловима?" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:282 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I indeed do. They are green, and mean, and will try to crush you like a " #| "bug. They heal very quickly." msgid "" "I indeed do. They are ugly and mean, and will try to crush you like a bug. " "They heal very quickly." msgstr "" "Уистину, ја знам. Зелени су, злочести, и покушаће да те згазе као ваш. Врло " "брзо се опорављају." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:287 msgid "" "Hmm... Do we really need to know that much about the trolls? I think it’s " "safe to say that the elves wouldn’t have sent us down here if they were at " "all friendly." msgstr "" "Хм... И не морамо превише знати о тиме троловима. Можемо без бојазни " "устврдити да нас вилењаци не би слали овде доле да су тролови иоле пријатни." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:292 msgid "Fair enough. Well, let’s get them!" msgstr "Поштено. Па, да их ископамо!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:301 msgid "" "We have failed... More of the trolls’ kin are arriving through the entrance." msgstr "Нисмо успели... Још троловског накота надолази кроз улаз." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17c_Troll_Hole.cfg:342 msgid "" "The trolls are beaten, but they were no easy opponents. It is no wonder why " "the elves pressed us to do their dirty work." msgstr "" "Тролови су побеђени, али не бејаху лаки противници. Није ни чудо што нас " "вилењаци нагнаше да завршимо њихов прљав посао." #. [scenario]: id=17d_Cursed_Isle #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:4 msgid "Cursed Isle" msgstr "Проклето острво" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Spectre, id=Isorfilad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:39 msgid "Isorfilad" msgstr "Исорилад" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Spectre, id=Tinoldor #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:78 msgid "Tinoldor" msgstr "Тинолдор" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:140 msgid "She’s... She’s beautiful." msgstr "Она је... она је предивна." #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:143 msgid "Midnight Queen" msgstr "Поноћна краљица" #. [message]: speaker=Midnight Queen #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:155 msgid "You will be made to serve... Come admire me. Feel my love." msgstr "Служићеш ми... Дођи, и диви се. Осети моју љубав." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:159 msgid "She is so..." msgstr "Она је тако..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:164 msgid "Haldric, think with your brain!" msgstr "Халдриче, размишљај главом!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:168 msgid "Get her before she ensorcels us all!" msgstr "Држите је пре него што нас све зачара!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:191 msgid "The temple is quite empty." msgstr "Храм је сасвим празан." #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:299 msgid "Defeat the Vampire Queen" msgstr "Поразиш ли вампирску краљицу" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:329 msgid "" "After a short trip by sea, Haldric arrives on the elves’ cursed Isle of " "Tears. A fog hangs in the air." msgstr "" "После краћег путовања морем, Халдрик стиже на вилењачко проклето Острво " "суза. Магла обави дружину." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:335 msgid "" "I said no more ships. Double-crossing humans! Ahh, I’ve been with you this " "far. Who’d have thought, a nautical dwarf." msgstr "" "Рекох, доста више са бродовима. Превртљиви људи! Па, издржао сам с вама до " "сада. Ко би помислио, поморски патуљак." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:341 msgid "I expect we’ll be facing more undead. Be careful." msgstr "Сумњам да нас очекује још немртвих. Будите опрезни." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:346 msgid "" "These will be the long dead. Not like the undead that my people used, and " "they are elf-dead. Be careful indeed." msgstr "" "Ови ће бити дуго-мртви. Не као немртви које је мој народ користио, ови су " "још вилењаци-мртваци. Будите заиста опрезни." #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:351 msgid "All soldiers of darkness will meet the same fate by my hand." msgstr "Све слуге мрака дочекаће исту судбину из моје руке." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:359 msgid "" "Those elves are finally at rest. I hope that the curses they laid upon us " "hold no weight." msgstr "" "Ти су вилењаци коначно почивши. Надам се да ће се развејати клетве којима су " "нас притисли." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:364 msgid "Haldric, you’re too paranoid." msgstr "Халдриче, превише си параноичан." #. [message]: speaker=Isorfilad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:387 msgid "A curse upon all of your kin that visit this isle." msgstr "Клетва на сваког од вашег рода који ступи на ово острво." #. [message]: speaker=Tinoldor #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:398 msgid "I wish a blight upon you and yours. May you never see peace." msgstr "Кунем најездом вас и ваш род. Да никада не имаднете мира." #. [message]: speaker=Midnight Queen #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:409 msgid "My soul will haunt this place until the end of time! A curse upon you!" msgstr "Моја ће душа походити ово место до краја времена! Клетва на све вас!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:417 msgid "Without their queen the undead are simply fading away!" msgstr "Без своје краљице, немртви просто свењују!" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:442 msgid "Back, back to the grave with you!" msgstr "Назад, назад у гроб с тобом!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:456 msgid "We still have to defeat that vampire queen!" msgstr "Још увек нисмо поразили вампирску краљицу!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/17d_Cursed_Isle.cfg:476 msgid "" "No! The ship that was supposed to pick us up sees that there’s still " "fighting. It’s not stopping. We’re trapped." msgstr "" "Не! Брод који је требало да нас покупи види да се борбе још увек воде, и не " "пристаје. У клопци смо!" #. [scenario]: id=18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:4 msgid "A Spy in the Woods" msgstr "Ухода у шуми" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:95 msgid "Jessene in Hiding" msgstr "Џесина у заклону" #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:120 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "So a doom has followed them here from their old home. My Outriders have " #| "reported that orcs have made landfall. Orcs! The tree-killers of our most " #| "ancient legends. Some thought them only a nightmare to frighten children, " #| "and never real at all." msgid "" "So, a doom has followed them here from their old home. My Outriders have " "reported that orcs have made landfall. Orcs! The tree-killers of our most " "ancient legends. Some thought them only a nightmare to frighten children, " "and never real at all." msgstr "" "Дакле, проклетство их допрати из њихове старе постојбине. Моји надјахачи " "извештавају да су се оркови искрцали. Оркови! Дрвоубице из наших " "најдревнијих предања. Неки мишљаше да су само измишљотина за застрашивање " "деце, без икакве потпоре у стварности." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:124 msgid "" "And he bears an artifact of some power. The orcs would not be able to sense " "that. There is some hand we cannot see at work here." msgstr "" "А он носи предмет извесне моћи. Оркови не би могли да га осете. Нека нама " "невидљива рука овде је на делу." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Aryad #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:128 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We may have decided wrongly. If the humans drive the orcs off we should " #| "honor our pledge. If more trouble follows them here we should let them " #| "fight it out, then we should ‘deal’ with the survivors, and make a " #| "compromise with the Dwarves." msgid "" "We may have decided wrongly. If the humans drive the orcs off we should " "honor our pledge. If more trouble follows them here we should let them fight " "it out, then we should ‘deal’ with the survivors, and make a compromise with " "the dwarves." msgstr "" "Можда смо погрешно одлучили. Ако људи истерају орке, можемо испоштовати нашу " "нагодбу. Ако их још невоље испрати довде, пустимо их да се боре колико могу, " "а потом се „позабавимо“ преживелима и направимо нагодбу са патуљцима." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:132 msgid "" "But we spoke a Pact with this Haldric and these men of the west-north..." msgstr "" "Али, направисмо споразум са овим Халдриком и његовим људима са запада-" "севера..." #. [message]: speaker=Lord Logalmier #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:137 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We are the people of the forest, you know that all words spoken to these " #| "un-people are of secondary importance to our own needs. As Lord Aryad " #| "said, “If more trouble follows them here we should let them fight it " #| "out, then we should ‘deal’ with the survivors, and make a compromise with " #| "the Dwarves.”" msgid "" "We are the people of the forest, you know that all words spoken to these un-" "people are of secondary importance to our own needs. As Lord Aryad said, " "“If more trouble follows them here we should let them fight it out, then " "we should ‘deal’ with the survivors, and make a compromise with the " "dwarves.”" msgstr "" "Ми смо народ од шуме, и ти знаш да су све речи изговорене са тим не-народом " "од споредне важности према нашим сопственим потребама. Као што господар " "Аријад збори, „Ако их још невоље допрати довде треба да их пустимо да се с " "њом разрачунају, а затим да се ‘позабавимо’ са преживелима и нагодимо са " "патуљцима.“" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Dionli #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:145 msgid "(Sigh) Agreed." msgstr "[уздах] Договорено." #. [message]: speaker=Jessene in Hiding #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/18_A_Spy_in_the_Woods.cfg:154 msgid "Some friends. I must tell Haldric." msgstr "И то су ми пријатељи. Морам пренети ово Халдрику." #. [scenario]: id=19_The_Vanguard #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:4 msgid "The Vanguard" msgstr "Претходница" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Erirt #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:41 msgid "Tan-Erirt" msgstr "тан Ерирт" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Gagar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:75 msgid "Tan-Gagar" msgstr "тан Гагар" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Thruf #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:110 msgid "Thruf" msgstr "Труф" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:211 msgid "" "Haldric and his companions race across the plains to confront the resurgent " "orcish threat. On the eve of battle, Lady Jessene catches up with Haldric on " "a fog-covered plain." msgstr "" "Халдрик и његова свита журе преко равница да се суоче са новопониклом " "орковском претњом. У предвечерје боја, госпа Џесина достигну Халдрика на " "маглом покривеној равници." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:216 msgid "Haldric, the elves, we can’t trust them!" msgstr "Халдриче, вилењаци, не можемо им веровати!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:221 msgid "I could have told you that." msgstr "И ја сам ти то могао рећи." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:225 msgid "" "Haldric, it’s bad. The elves are having second thoughts. They think we might " "be more trouble than we’re worth. We have to defeat these orcs decisively." msgstr "" "Халдриче, лоше је. Вилењаци се предомишљају. Мисле да можемо бити од веће " "штете него користи. Морамо одлучно поразити ове орке." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:229 msgid "That does not sound unreasonable." msgstr "Па, то звучи разборито." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:233 msgid "" "More orcs will follow after these. That ruby guarantees it. If more orcs " "follow us here, the elves seem content to let us fight it out. Then they " "said they would ‘deal with the survivors’." msgstr "" "Још ће оркова пристићи после ових. Рубин јемчи то. Вилењаци изгледа имају " "намеру да нас препусте да се сами с тим изборимо, а затим, веле, да се " "„позабаве са преживелима“." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:237 msgid "" "Jevyan is here... His familiar, that skull. He won’t let such a lucrative " "prize as the Ruby of Fire just slip away. Especially when he sees that he " "has the advantage." msgstr "" "Џевијан је овде... Његов дружбеник, та лобања. Неће допустити да му тако " "привлачна награда као Ватрени рубин исклизне из шака. Посебно ако уочи да је " "у предности." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:241 msgid "" "I have a plan. Jessene, remember that troll-hole? Here, take the Ruby of " "Fire, hide it in the hole." msgstr "" "Имам план. Џесина, сећаш ли се троловске јазбине? Држи, понеси Ватрени рубин " "и сакриј га у јазбини." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:245 msgid "Haldric! What! Why?" msgstr "Халдриче! Шта! Зашто?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:249 msgid "Just do it." msgstr "Само учини тако." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:253 msgid "" "Commander Aethyr, did these orcs come on our ships? Did they capture the " "fleet we sent out?" msgstr "" "Заповедниче Етире, дођоше ли ови оркови на нашим бродовима? Да ли су " "заробили флоту коју смо изаслали?" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:257 msgid "" "No, sir! They must have seized all remaining boats on the Green Isle. Our " "fleet should be returning any day now." msgstr "" "Не, господине! Мора да су запосели преостало бродовље на Зеленострву. " "Требало би да се наш флота врати сваки дан сада." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:261 msgid "" "We are a refugee people. We must push back their vanguard, and secure our " "beachhead. If they capture our ships all is lost. We will be crushed under a " "tide of orcs." msgstr "" "Ми смо прогнани народ. Морамо сузбити њихову претходницу, и обезбедити наш " "грудобран. Ако нам заробе бродове, све је изгубљено. Потопиће нас орковска " "плима." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:288 msgid "Lady Jessene soon departs. In the distance a voice booms:" msgstr "Госпа Џесина убрзо оде. У даљини одјекује глас:" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Gagar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:294 msgid "" "Drop the gold where it is! We’ve paid our friends enough. There are humans " "about, I can smell ’em!" msgstr "" "Спустите злато ту где је! Довољно смо платили својим пријатељима. У близини " "се људи врзмају, могу их намирисати!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:302 msgid "We have run out of time... We’ll never beat the orcs to the beach." msgstr "Време нам је истекло... Сада никада нећемо престићи орке на плажи." #. [message]: speaker=$chest_unit_temp.id #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:334 msgid "I’ve found the orcs’ chest! It’s filled with gold." msgstr "Нађох орковски ковчег! Испуњен је златом." # |, no-check-spell #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:513 msgid "Norte" msgstr "Норте" #. [message]: speaker=Norte #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:524 msgid "You will be felled by my hand, useless fleshbags!" msgstr "Попадаћете од моје руке, бескорисне вреће меса!" # |, no-check-spell #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:531 msgid "Rabbin" msgstr "Ребин" #. [message]: speaker=Rabbin #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:543 msgid "Embrace your end, mortals!" msgstr "Приђите своме крају, смртници!" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:548 msgid "These monsters seem like they want to be embraced by my hammer!" msgstr "Ова чудовишта као да желе да их помилује мој чекић!" #. [case] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:555 msgid "General Kafka" msgstr "Генерал Кафка" #. [message]: speaker=General Kafka #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:572 msgid "" "Never trust the living to do the job of the undead. Prepare to meet the " "inevitable!" msgstr "" "Никада не повери живима посао немртвих. Спремите се сусрету са неизбежношћу!" #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:577 msgid "" "The only job of the dead is to remain dead. Prepare to be reunited with the " "ground." msgstr "" "Једини посао мртвог јесте да остане мртав. Спремите се ви да се вратите " "земљици." #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Gagar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:623 msgid "" "The meat is stronger than I thought! We must use all of our forces to stop " "them!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Erirt #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:644 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Reserves! We can’t let them get to their landing site." msgid "Reserves! We can’t let the meat get to the landing site." msgstr "Појачања! Не смемо им допустити да се докопају места искрцавања." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:658 msgid "" "We’ve defeated their vanguard. We have to meet the fleet before Jevyan " "destroys them and captures the ships. I hope Jessene makes it back soon." msgstr "" "Поразисмо њихову претходницу. Морамо се сусрести са флотом, пре него их " "Џевијан уништи и запоседне бродове. Надам се Џесинином брзом повратку." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:678 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:544 msgid "Oh, to join my family again! Do not mourn my passing." msgstr "О, бићу опет са својом породицом! Не жалите моју смрт." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:694 msgid "" "Ahh, it’s great to be home! I’m not much for the politics, but it’s great to " "be home!" msgstr "" "Тако је добро бити код куће! Нисам много за политику, али је дивно бити код " "куће!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/19_The_Vanguard.cfg:709 msgid "Grab the troll’s gold and get moving!" msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=20_Return_of_the_Fleet #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:4 msgid "Return of the Fleet" msgstr "Повратак флоте" # well-spelled: Хераван #. [side]: type=Draug, id=General Heravan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:41 msgid "General Heravan" msgstr "генерал Хераван" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Halg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:79 msgid "Tan-Halg" msgstr "тан Халг" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Rinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:113 msgid "Tan-Rinak" msgstr "тан Ринак" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:193 msgid "Death of Aethyr" msgstr "Настрада ли Етир" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:210 msgid "" "Haldric reaches the site where the fleet is due to return. Several ships " "have already docked. The orcs are on the frontier." msgstr "" "Халдрик стиже на место где је флоти одређено да се појави. Неколико бродова " "је већ пристало. Оркови су надомак границе." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:215 msgid "" "Sir, some ships have landed... They look like they’ve been damaged by the " "voyage. Hmm, it seems that most of the ships are staying at sea." msgstr "" "Господине, неки су се бродови искрцали... Изгледа да су претрпели оштећења " "током путовања. Хм, делује да већина бродова још увек чека на мору." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:219 msgid "" "They’ve undoubtedly spotted the smoke from the orcish fires. We have to " "defeat these monsters before everybody starves at sea, or before Jevyan " "launches an attack with his fleet." msgstr "" "Несумњиво су опазили дим орковских ватри. Морамо прегазити та чудовишта пре " "него што сви скапају на мору, или Џевијан покрене напад својом флотом." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:224 msgid "" "Yes sir! The rest of the refugees have fled south, to our initial landing " "site. But if we fail here they’ll doubtless be slaughtered." msgstr "" "Да, господине! Остатак избеглица отишао је ка југу, до наше првобитне тачке " "искрцавања. Али пропаднемо ли овде, несумњиво ће бити поклани." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:228 msgid "Well, that settles it. Enough talking, time to fight!" msgstr "Па, то је онда то. Доста приче, време је за борбу!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:232 msgid "For the glory of the men of the Green Isle!" msgstr "За славу народа Зеленострва!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:236 msgid "No, for the glory of all of the people of the west-north! Charge!" msgstr "Не, за славу свог народа са запада-севера! Јуриш!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Rinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:241 msgid "Bah! Puny human-worm, we will stomp you under our heels!" msgstr "Ха! Бедни људски црве, смрвићемо вас под петама!" #. [message]: speaker=General Heravan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:245 msgid "—And raise your dead to serve us forever!" msgstr "...И подићи ваше мртве да нам заувек служе!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:273 msgid "" "Give up, boy! You can’t defeat me— Hmm, what’s this? You’ve learned to " "conceal the power of the Ruby of Fire. It makes little difference, your " "undead corpse will lay it at my feet." msgstr "" "Одустани, дечаче! Не можеш ме поразити— Хм, шта је сад ово? Научио си да " "заклониш моћ Ватреног рубина. Слаба ти је вајда од тога, твој немртви леш " "положиће га под моје ноге." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:277 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We’ll see about that. The Fool Prince of Southbay was wrong to start this " #| "war, but you’re the real monster! You sacrificed your own people to " #| "preserve your immortal un-life." msgid "" "We’ll see about that. The Fool Prince of Southbay was wrong to start this " "war, but you’re the real monster. You’ve turned to using orcs as cheap " "lackeys and even sacrificed your own people to preserve your immortal unlife!" msgstr "" "Видећемо и то. Будаласти принц Југозалива је погрешио започињући овај рат, " "али си ти оно право чудовиште! Жртвовао си сопствени народ да сачуваш свој " "бесмртни неживот." #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:282 msgid "" "I am hardly concerned with the doing of mortal worms — they are no more than " "petty pawns, orcs and humans both. The only difference is that orcs will not " "complain as long as they are well fed." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Halg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:286 msgid "Actually, I am pretty hungry right now..." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:290 msgid "Pah. Just eat the humans, then. But leave the boy’s body intact." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:294 msgid "Come and fight me yourself, you old bag of bones!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:299 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Enough of this. A curse of darkness upon you, young prince." msgid "" "As if a measly child would be worth the effort. Enough of this. A curse of " "darkness upon you, young prince." msgstr "Доста овога. Клетва мрака те очекује, млади принче." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:359 msgid "I see masts on the horizon. Jevyan’s fleet is here! It’s all over." msgstr "" "Видим јарболе на обзорју. Џевијанова флота је пристигла! Све је готово." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:376 msgid "Please Disembark in an Orderly Fashion and Proceed South" msgstr "Молимо, искрцајте се у предвиђеном поретку и продужите ка југу." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:381 msgid "Hmm, they left off the ‘or the orcs will eat you’ part." msgstr "Хм, изоставише део „...или ће вас оркови појести“." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:408 msgid "" "I’m back, things went well! Haldric, I sure hope you know what you’re doing." msgstr "" "Ево и мене, ствар је сређена по договору! Халдриче, заиста се надам да знаш " "шта радиш." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:412 msgid "" "Umm, we’ll talk about it later. I’m just a little busy at the moment. I’m " "glad you made it back in one piece." msgstr "" "Овај, причаћемо касније о томе. Тренутно само мало заузет. Драго ми је да те " "видим још увек у једном комаду." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:416 msgid "Yes, it looks like you could use all of the help you can get." msgstr "Да, личи да ти је потребна сва помоћ коју можеш добити." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:424 msgid "" "We’ve defeated Jevyan’s forces. The ships must disembark their passengers " "quickly—" msgstr "" "Поразили смо Џевијанове снаге. Бродови морају брзо искрцати своје путнике—" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:428 msgid "Haldric, what’s going on? What’s the plan?" msgstr "Халдриче, шта се дешава? Какав је план?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:432 msgid "We’re going to confront Jevyan and destroy him." msgstr "Сукобићемо се са Џевијаном, и уништити га." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:436 msgid "" "That will be easier said than done. Even if we defeat him, the other Lich-" "Lords will follow. It’s because of that ruby. If I were paranoid I’d say " "that our dear old ‘tree-friend’ might have known as much." msgstr "" "То је лакше рећи него учинити. Чак и ако га поразимо, стићи ће други " "господари-косци. Све због оног рубина. Да сам параноична, рекла бих да је " "наш стари „дрвећу-пријатељ“ знао да ће бити тако." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:440 msgid "We should discuss this in private. Here, come with me." msgstr "Требало би да попричамо насамо о овоме. Пођи са мном." #. [message]: type=Cuttle Fish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:477 msgid "Slurp, click, click, click!" msgstr "Бућ, клик, клик, клик!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:481 msgid "I don’t know what that is, but it doesn’t sound friendly." msgstr "Не знам шта је, али свакако не делује пријатељски." # |, no-check-spell #. [event] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:499 msgid "Flixta" msgstr "Фликста" # well-spelled: сссвоје, нагајссски, Сссада #. [message]: speaker=Flixta #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:517 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "You again! You will sssuffer for your attack against my people! " #| "Shek’kahan, our Naga friendsss— You’ll pay! We have new friends now." msgid "" "You again! You will sssuffer for your attack against my people! Shek’kahan, " "our naga friendsss— You’ll pay! We have new friends now." msgstr "" "Поново ви! Платићете за сссвоје нападе на мој народ! Шек-каан, наши " "нагајссски пријатељи... Платићете! Сссада имамо нове пријатеље." # well-spelled: Ахсск #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Halg #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:564 msgid "" "My people are like a rock slide, you can run, but we will crush you... Ahhck!" msgstr "" "Мој народ је као лавина камења, можете бежати, али ћемо вас ипак смрвити... " "Ахсск!" # well-spelled: умммирем #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Rinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/20_Return_of_the_Fleet.cfg:585 msgid "I— I die?" msgstr "Ја— ја умммирем?" #. [scenario]: id=21_The_Plan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:4 msgid "The Plan" msgstr "План" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:112 msgid "So what is your plan?" msgstr "И, какав ти је план?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:116 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We’re going to convince Jevyan that we gave the elves the Ruby of Fire to " #| "secure our place in this new land. Then if the orcs return, hopefully " #| "they’ll go looking for our not-so-loyal elven allies first." msgid "" "We’re going to convince Jevyan that we gave the elves the Ruby of Fire to " "secure our place in this new land. Then, if the orcs return, hopefully " "they’ll go looking for our not-so-loyal elven allies first." msgstr "" "Убедићемо Џевијана да смо Ватрени рубин подарили вилењацима, како бисмо " "обезбедили себи место у овој новој земљи. Тада, ако се оркови наврате, даће " "се у потрагу за нашим не баш оданим савезницима вилењацима." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:120 msgid "" "Haldric, that’s devious. I kind of like this plan. But you spoke a pact with " "the elves. You’ll be expected to come to their aid." msgstr "" "Халдриче, то је подмукло. Некако ми се допада овај план. Али, ти си направио " "споразум са вилењацима. Очекиваће од тебе да им притекнеш у помоћ." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:124 msgid "" "Yes, and we may come to their aid. We’ll have to weigh our options when and " "if the time comes. If the orcs return in great numbers, the brunt of their " "assault must fall on somebody else or we will not survive it. Who knows, " "maybe I won’t even come to their aid at all—" msgstr "" "Да, и можда ћемо им и помоћи. Мораћемо да одмеримо ситуацију, када и ако " "дође такво време. Ако се оркови врате у великом броју, тежиште њиховог " "напада мора пасти на неког другог, иначе нећемо опстати. Ко зна, можда им " "уопште нећу притећи у помоћ —" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:128 msgid "" "Many people would call you a coward if you did not. They would say that you " "turned your back on your pact with the elves. It’s not like you can tell " "people what I overheard." msgstr "" "Многи би те људи назвали кукавицом да ниси. Рекли би да си окренуо леђа " "сопственом споразуму са вилењацима. Не можеш баш испричати народу шта сам ја " "теби пренела." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:132 msgid "" "Recent events have taught me one thing: that survival trumps honor. Besides, " "they won’t be screaming at me — I’ll be dead." msgstr "" "Скорашњи догађаји су ме научили једном: да је преживљавање изнад части. " "Поред тога, неће моћи да вриште на мене — бићу мртав." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:137 msgid "What?!" msgstr "Шта?!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:141 msgid "" "I’ll be dead. I mean we can’t just say that we gave away the Ruby of Fire, " "or send Jevyan a letter. Well, we are going to say it — but that’s not the " "point. Jessene, you’re going to forge a very official looking treaty, in " "which we give the elves the Ruby of Fire, in return for our place here." msgstr "" "Бићу мртав. Мислим, не можемо тек тако рећи да смо отуђили Ватрени рубин, " "или послати писмо Џевијану. Односно, рећи ћемо... али није то главно. " "Џесина, мораћеш да кривотвориш врло уверљив споразум, по коме вилењацима " "предајемо Ватрени рубин, у замену за наше поседе овде." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:145 msgid "" "I’m going to face Jevyan, and if rumors of his power are true he’s going to " "pick that treaty off my mangled corpse. Then, you’re going to destroy Jevyan " "after word of the treaty has spread to the orcs, but before he has a chance " "to read my undead mind..." msgstr "" "Суочићу се са Џевијаном, и ако су приче о његовој моћи истините, он ће тај " "споразум покупити са мог мртвог тела. Затим, ти ћеш уништити Џевијана пошто " "се гласине о споразуму рашире међу орковима, али пре него што он буде могао " "да посегне у мој мртви ум..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:149 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Haldric! I won’t do it... I won’t help. What is it with your kind, always " #| "rushing to a fool’s death? Who’ll lead these people? I... we need " #| "you alive" msgid "" "Haldric! I won’t do it... I won’t help. What is it with your kind, always " "rushing to a fool’s death? Who’ll lead these people? I... we need you " "alive." msgstr "" "Халдриче! То нећу учинити... Нећу ти помоћи у овоме. Шта је то са твојом " "сортом, увек журите у будаласту смрт. Ко ће водити овај народ? Требаш ми... " "нам жив." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:153 msgid "" "You will. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you, Jessene. But " "everything turns on convincing Jevyan, it’s the only way we can possibly " "keep the orc hordes off our necks." msgstr "" "Ти ћеш. Не бих постигао оволико без тебе, Џесина. Сви су улози положени на " "убеђивање Џевијана, то нам је једини начин да избегнемо орковске хорде." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:157 msgid "Haldric, this is ridiculous! I—" msgstr "Халдриче, ово је бесмислено! Ја —" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:190 msgid "" "There is no way I’m letting you go through with this, sir! Over our dead " "bodies, right Jessene?" msgstr "" "Нема ни говора да вас пустим у вашем науму, господине! Преко наших мртвих " "тела, је ли тако госпо Џесина?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:194 msgid "Right!" msgstr "Тако је!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:198 msgid "I’ll do it, sir. I’ll sacrifice myself to plant the false treaty." msgstr "Учинићу то, господине. Жртвоваћу се да подметнем лажни споразум." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:202 msgid "No. I can’t ask you to do this." msgstr "Не. Не могу то тражити од тебе." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:206 msgid "" "You’ve denied me honorable death twice already. Once when you arrived at " "Clearwater Port, and once again when your ships rescued me. I’ll not be " "denied in this a third time!" msgstr "" "Већ двапут сте ме спречили да часно погинем. Прво кад сте стигли у " "Бистроморску, а потом када су ме ваши бродови извукли. Нећете ме спречити и " "трећи пут!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:210 msgid "No, this is my sacrifice to make!" msgstr "Не, ово је жртва коју ја морам поднети!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:216 msgid "" "Sir, my family has been slaughtered, and my home lost. All I long for is to " "join them. Give me this honorable death... Please, Sir! I beg you!" msgstr "" "Господине, моја је породица побијена, и мој дом изгубљен. Све што желим је " "да им се придружим. Дозволите ми да часно одем... Молим вас, господине! " "Преклињем вас!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:220 msgid "" "After this conflict is over I’ll have to suffer through the long years " "alone, with no honorable way of joining them. I want to look that monster " "Jevyan in the eye before I go! I won’t be denied!" msgstr "" "Пошто се овај сукоб оконча, бићу принуђен да трпим дуге године у самоћи, без " "икакве часне прилике да се придружим својима. Желим да погледам у очи том " "џудовишту Џевијану, пре него што ме више не буде! Не можете ми то одузети!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:224 msgid "" "Very well, if you can’t be deterred. Remember, you must be slain by " "the hand of Jevyan himself. We can’t have an illiterate orc or mindless " "skeleton getting the treaty. We will honor your sacrifice." msgstr "" "Добро, кад те не могу одговорити. Запамти, мораш пасти од Џевијанове " "руке лично. Не можемо допустити да се лажног споразума домогну неписмени " "оркови или безумни скелети. Поштоваћемо твоју жртву." #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:228 msgid "" "Honor me by destroying Jevyan! Preferably before he can do unnatural things " "to me. I want to rest in the ground, not be some mindless undead slave for " "all eternity!" msgstr "" "Почаст ће ми бити та што ћете уништити Џевијана! Ако је могуће, пре него што " "буде имао прилику да са мном учини нешто неприродно. Желим да почивам у " "миру, а не да будем бесловесни роб за целу вечност!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:232 msgid "We’ll make sure. I promise." msgstr "Биће тако, то ти обећавам." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/21_The_Plan.cfg:237 msgid "" "We’ll have to be careful to let one of the orcish leaders escape back to the " "Green Isle with the knowledge that the elves ‘have’ the Ruby of Fire. " "Sheesh... What is your kind’s infatuation with rushing to an ‘honorable " "death’?" msgstr "" "Мораћемо да будемо пажљиви, допустити барем једном од орковских вођа да " "умакне назад на Зеленострво са спознајом да вилењаци „држе“ Ватрени рубин. " "Ух... Шта је то са твојим родом, зашто тако журите у „часну смрт“?" #. [side]: type=Jevyan Cloaked, id=Lich-Lord Jevyan #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Vragish #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ut'Tan-Grorag #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Erinak #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Prodash #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:53 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:89 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:125 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:160 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:195 msgid "Evil" msgstr "Зло" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Vragish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:83 msgid "Tan-Vragish" msgstr "тан Врагиш" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ut'Tan-Grorag #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:108 msgid "Ut’Tan-Grorag" msgstr "утан Грораг" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Erinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:143 msgid "Tan-Erinak" msgstr "тан Еринак" # |, no-check-spell #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Tan-Prodash #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:178 msgid "Tan-Prodash" msgstr "тан Продаш" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:253 msgid "Commander Aethyr sacrifices himself to Lich-Lord Jevyan and" msgstr "Жртвује ли се заповедник Етир пред господаром-косцем Џевијаном, и" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:257 msgid "Destroy Lich-Lord Jevyan and" msgstr "Уништиш ли господара-косца Џевијана, и" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:261 msgid "Defeat all enemy leaders except for one" msgstr "Поразиш ли све непријатељске вође осим једног" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:273 msgid "Death of Commander Aethyr by somebody other than Jevyan" msgstr "Убије ли заповедника Етира ико други до Џевијана" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:277 msgid "Fail to leave one enemy leader behind" msgstr "Не остане ли један жив непријатељски вођ" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:289 msgid "" "Haldric approaches the place where Lich-Lord Jevyan has made landfall. The " "final confrontation looms before him." msgstr "" "Халдрик се приближава месту на коме се господар-косац Џевијан искрцао. " "Коначни сукоб се надвија пред њим." #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:294 msgid "You cannot win. Give me the Ruby of Fire and I will go in peace." msgstr "Не можеш победити. Предај ми Ватрени рубин, и отићи ћу без борбе." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:298 msgid "" "This ends here, Jevyan. Even if I believed your words I couldn’t give you " "the Ruby of Fire." msgstr "" "Ово овде престаје, Џевијане. Чак и када бих поверовао твојим речима, не бих " "ти могао дати Ватрени рубин." #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:302 msgid "" "Bah! Even if you have learned to conceal the power of the Ruby of Fire you " "will deliver it unto me in death!" msgstr "" "Хах! И поред тога што си научио да заклониш моћ Рубина, испоручићеш ми га у " "својој смрти!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:306 msgid "" "You’re a fool, Jevyan. How do you think we secured our place here? We had to " "give the elves the Ruby of Fire. We just signed a treaty with the elves " "ensuring our place here." msgstr "" "Ти си будала, Џевијане. Како мислиш да смо обезбедили себи насеобину овде? " "Морали смо да предамо Рубин вилењацима. Само што смо закључили споразум са " "њима, којим нам одобравају останак овде." #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:310 msgid "" "No! I don’t believe it. Only a fool would give away an artifact of such " "power." msgstr "Не верујем у то. Само би се будала одрекла предмета тако силне моћи." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:314 msgid "A fool, or a desperate band of refugees!" msgstr "Будала, или очајна скупина избеглица!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:319 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Casting fire is the least of the Ruby's abilities. You are twice a fool, " #| "for having failed to plumb more than its most trivial use and for having " #| "given it away." msgid "" "Casting fire is the least of the Ruby’s abilities. You are twice a fool, for " "having failed to plumb more than its most trivial use and for having given " "it away." msgstr "" "Сукање ватре је најмања од Рубинових способности. Двострука си будала: што " "ниси успео да увидиш ниједну његову намену осим најневажније, и што си га " "препустио другоме." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:323 msgid "" "You shouldn’t give such toys to elves! Bah! It matters little to me. I’m no " "wizard. All I got is my axe. Heh, heh. It’s all I need — prepare to die, " "orcish scum!" msgstr "" "Не треба вилењацима давати такве играчке! Хах! Шта се то мене тиче, нисам " "чаробњак. Све што имам је ова секира. Хе, хе. И то је све што ми треба — " "дошао вам је судњи час, орковски олошу!" #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:327 msgid "Ha. Let all of the minions of Darkness be cast down!" msgstr "Тако. Да сви следбеници таме попадају сасечени!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:331 msgid "It matters little, because here you fall!" msgstr "Није ни битно, јер ти је овде крај!" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:336 msgid "For all of the good people of Clearwater Port!" msgstr "За све добре људе Бистроморске!" #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:340 msgid "For the honor of Southbay!" msgstr "За част Југозалива!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:344 msgid "" "We don’t need some magic trinket to beat you! Prepare to meet your fate, you " "decrepit sack of bones! For the honor of all of the people of the west-north!" msgstr "" "Не треба нам никаква магична тричарија да бисмо надвладали! Спремите се на " "сусрет судбини, трошне вреће костију! За част свог народа са запада-севера!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:348 msgid "Charge!" msgstr "Јуриш!" # well-spelled: Држ'те #. [message]: speaker=Ut'Tan-Grorag #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:353 msgid "" "I hate it when my prey gets chatty! Get them, it’s a long boat ride back " "home!" msgstr "Мрзим кад ми се плен расприча! Држ'те их, дуга нам је пловидба кући!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:357 msgid "We shall soon see if you have the Ruby of Fire!" msgstr "Видећемо ускоро имаш ли Ватрени рубин!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:368 msgid "Commander, you remember the plan right?" msgstr "Заповедниче, памтиш наш договор, зар не?" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:372 msgid "Yes, sir. I am ready." msgstr "Да, господине. Спреман сам." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:387 msgid "He’s raising our dead! Be careful!" msgstr "Он то подиже наше мртве! Пазите се!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:420 msgid "" "Feel my wrath, Jevyan, I’m coming for you! No piece of paper in my pocket is " "going to stop me from destroying you. For my family! For the people of " "Clearwater Port!" msgstr "" "Осети моју срџбу, Џевијане, долазим по тебе! Никакав папирић у мом џепу ме " "неће спречити да те уништим. За моју породицу! За житеље луке Бистроморске!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:424 msgid "All life is finite; you will be made to serve along with the rest." msgstr "Сав је живот коначан. Учинићу да ми служиш заједно са осталима." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:435 msgid "Come on, stay still, just for a second..." msgstr "Хајде, не мрдај толико, само на тренутак..." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:446 msgid "For the Wesfolk!" msgstr "За Весноћане!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:460 msgid "Be careful, Commander!" msgstr "Пажљиво, заповедниче!" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:515 msgid "" "You deny me my honorable death? Our foes are not yet convinced that the " "elves have the ruby." msgstr "" "Опет ме спречавате часно да умрем? Наши непријатељи још увек нису убеђени да " "је Рубин код вилењака." #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Vragish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:547 msgid "Da old bag o’ bones is gone, but you haven’t beat us yet!" msgstr "Та стара врећа костију је готова, али нас још нисте победили!" #. [message]: speaker=Ut'Tan-Grorag #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:551 msgid "We took yer home, now we’ll take yer lives!" msgstr "Одузесмо вам домове, а са' ћемо и животе!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Erinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:555 msgid "The elfses have da fire ruby, and you have nothing!" msgstr "Вилењаци имаду Ватрени рубин, а ви немате ништа!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Prodash #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:559 msgid "We will suck the marrow from your bones human!" msgstr "Исисаћемо срж из ваших костију, људи!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Vragish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:594 msgid "The battle is going against us!" msgstr "Битка се окреће против нас!" #. [message]: speaker=Ut'Tan-Grorag #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:598 msgid "Our forces are being routed! We should flee back to the Green Isle!" msgstr "Снаге нам се расипају! Морамо измаћи назад на Зеленострво!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Erinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:602 msgid "It goes poorly for us!" msgstr "Лоше нам се пише!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Prodash #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:606 msgid "Defeated, by humans?" msgstr "Поражени, и то од људи?" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:610 msgid "Fight on, you cowardly orcish worms!" msgstr "Не бежите из борбе, кукавички орковски црви!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Vragish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:667 msgid "" "Da old bag of bones has been crushed, and our cause is lost. We know da " "elfses have da fire ruby. Retreat!" msgstr "" "Стара врећа костију је готова, а са њим и наши циљеви. Знамо да је Рубин код " "вилењака. Повлачење!" #. [message]: speaker=Ut'Tan-Grorag #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:685 msgid "Da elfses have the fire ruby, we must flee. To da ships!" msgstr "Вилењаци имају Ватрени рубин, морамо сада умаћи. На бродове!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Erinak #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:703 msgid "" "We have many kinsmen on the Green Isle— we will return for the Ruby of Fire!" msgstr "" "Мноштво нас сународника очекује на Зеленострву — вратићемо се ми још по " "Рубин!" #. [message]: speaker=Tan-Prodash #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:721 msgid "" "We must get back to the Green Isle. The elfses have the Ruby of Fire and our " "assault has been stopped." msgstr "" "Морамо се докопати Зеленострва. Ватрени рубин је у поседу вилењака, а наш је " "удар заустављен." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:794 msgid "" "The plan revolved around some orcs making it back to the Green Isle to tell " "their kin that the elves have the Ruby of Fire so we wouldn’t have to bear " "the brunt of the next invasion." msgstr "" "План је био да се бар неки од оркова домогну Зеленострва и саопште својима " "да је Ватрени рубин код вилењака. Тако да не морамо поднети главнину нове " "будуће инвазије." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:799 msgid "What have we done?" msgstr "Шта учинисмо?" #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:835 msgid "My love, my family, I’ll be there soo—" msgstr "Љубави, најмилији, само што ниса—" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:840 msgid "" "Aethyr! No! He was critical for convincing Jevyan that the elves have the " "Ruby of Fire." msgstr "" "Етир! Не! Он нам је био кључан за убеђивање Џевијана да је Ватрени рубин " "сада код вилењака." # well-spelled: придру #. [message]: speaker=Commander Aethyr #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:862 msgid "" "Jevyan— I spit upon thee. Your end awaits. My love, my family, I’ll be there " "soo—" msgstr "" "Џевијане — пљујем на тебе. Крај ти се приближава. Љубави, моји најмилији, " "ускоро ћу вам се придру—" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:879 msgid "" "Fool. You are no match for my power. What! What’s this? A treaty. That’s elf " "script." msgstr "" "Будало. Какав си ти супарник мојој моћи. Шта! Шта је ово? Споразум. То је " "вилењачко писмо." #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:884 msgid "" "No. Why? You fools, you gave the Ruby of Fire to the elves. But that won’t " "save you from me. I will destroy you, then I will deal with the elves." msgstr "" "Не. Зашто? Будале, дадосте Ватрени рубин вилењацима. Али вас то неће спасити " "од мене. Уништићу прво вас, а затим се обрачунати са вилењацима." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:889 msgid "We’ll see about that. For the honor of Commander Aethyr, forward!" msgstr "Видећемо да ли је тако. У част заповедника Етира, напред!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:901 msgid "" "I am fallen before my plans have reached fruition. A curse upon you Haldric, " "may you and your descendants know nothing but strife!" msgstr "" "Падам пре него што се моји планови испунише. Клетва на тебе, Халдриче, нека " "ти и твоје потомство не познате ничег другог до раздора!" # |, no-check-spell #. [unit]: id=Squiddy, type=Cuttle Fish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:958 msgid "Squiddy" msgstr "Лигњаш" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:975 msgid "Ack. One of those monsters is destroying the bridge." msgstr "Ух. Једно од оних чудовишта уништава мост." #. [unit]: id=Inky, type=Cuttle Fish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1100 msgid "Inky" msgstr "Мастиљави" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1117 msgid "The bridge!" msgstr "Мост!" #. [unit]: id=Beaky, type=Cuttle Fish #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1224 msgid "Beaky" msgstr "Кљунасти" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1305 msgid "Our advance is thwarted, that monster has destroyed the bridge!" msgstr "Наше напредовање је заустављено, то чудовиште нам обори мост!" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1315 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Our advance is thwarted, that monster has destroyed the bridge!" msgid "Our retreat is thwarted, that monster has destroyed the bridge!" msgstr "Наше напредовање је заустављено, то чудовиште нам обори мост!" #. [message]: speaker=Abraxas #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1344 msgid "" "It’s the Prince Haldric! Jevyan, you never said you came to destroy this " "monster. We will help you." msgstr "" "То је принц Халдрик! Џевијане, не рече да си дошао уништити ову неман. " "Помоћи ћемо ти." #. [message]: speaker=Familiar #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1374 msgid "Clack! Splat!" msgstr "Клак! Пљус!" # well-spelled: Аaaх #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1387 msgid "Ahh... That almost makes it all worth while!" msgstr "Аaaх... Због овога скоро да је вредело!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1398 msgid "You’ll pay for that!" msgstr "Платићеш за то!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1412 msgid "Strike down these fools." msgstr "Посеците ове будале." #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1425 msgid "Rise, rise from the ground!" msgstr "Подигни се, подигни са земљице!" #. [message]: speaker=Lich-Lord Jevyan #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1466 msgid "Come in from the deep my loyal soldiers!" msgstr "Похитајте из дубина, моји одани војници!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1654 msgid "We did it! We won!" msgstr "Успели смо! Победисмо!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/22_The_Rise_of_Wesnoth.cfg:1658 msgid "" "Jevyan is destroyed, but at a terrible price. Let’s put Commander Aethyr to " "rest and discuss what is to come in the following days." msgstr "" "Џевијан је уништен, али по страшној цени. Отпремимо заповедника Етира на " "починак, па се договоримо шта нам је чинити у данима што долазе." #. [scenario]: id=23_Epilogue #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:4 msgid "Epilogue" msgstr "Епилог" #. [side]: type=Noble Commander, id=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:26 msgid "Wesnothians" msgstr "Весноћани" #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:143 msgid "" "May Commander Aethyr have a peaceful journey into the next world, where he " "has been preceded by his wife and loving daughters. For his heroism in the " "face of adversity a place of glory is assured to him in the Halls of Light..." msgstr "" "Да заповеднику Етиру буде мирно путовање у свет иза овога, где га претходише " "супруга и вољене кћери. За његово јунаштво пред недаћом, зајемчена му је " "вјечна слава у Дворанама светлости..." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:147 msgid "" "Without the Commander’s noble sacrifice we would have never carried the day. " "We have won a great victory here today but much has been lost. My father " "Eldaric and King Addroran have fallen, and with them many other good people. " "However, there is hope, and a new land is open before us!" msgstr "" "Без заповедникове племените жртве, никада не бисмо превагнули. Данас смо " "изборили велику победу, али је много тога изгубљено. Падоше мој отац Елдарик " "и краљ Адроран, а са њима и цело мноштво ваљаних људи. Па ипак, има наде, " "цела нова земља се простире пред нама!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:166 msgid "" "But dark deeds have been done on all sides. There is now a secret that only " "Jessene and I share. I must have your word that what I say will never be " "uttered again." msgstr "" "Али су учињена и мрачна дела, на свим странама. Сада је ту тајна коју делимо " "само Џесина и ја. Морам имати вашу реч да оно што сада изговорим, нико више " "никада неће чути." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:170 msgid "I have followed you this far, I will keep your secret. I pledge." msgstr "Пратих те довде, и чуваћу вашу тајну. Заветујем се." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:174 msgid "Lord, I shall guard your secret until the day of my death." msgstr "Господару, чуваћу вашу тајну док ме смрт не однесе." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:178 msgid "I will take it with me to my grave." msgstr "И ја ћу је понети у гроб са собом." #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:182 msgid "" "I agree, but misfortune may follow you depending on the nature of your " "misdeed." msgstr "" "Прихватам, али те несрећа може пратити, уколико је велико твоје недело." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:186 msgid "" "The elves don’t have the Ruby of Fire. We perpetrated a ruse on the orcs. If " "they return they will come looking for the elves." msgstr "" "Ватрени рубин није код вилењака. Начинили смо обману за орке. Ако се врате, " "даће се у потеру за вилењацима." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:190 msgid "" "To be fair to you, Haldric, the elves were considering betraying their pact " "with us." msgstr "" "Да будем искрена према теби, Халдриче, вилењаци се премишљаше да издају наш " "споразум." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:194 msgid "" "Humph. I suspected as much — from both the elves and you. Humans and elves " "always think they’re so clever!" msgstr "" "Хмф. И сумњао сам толико... и од вилењака и од тебе. Људи и вилењаци мисле " "да су тако лукави!" #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:198 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "May the Lords of Light have Mercy on you. But, I am bound by my word." msgid "May the Lords of Light have mercy on you. But, I am bound by my word." msgstr "Нека се Господари светлости смилују над тобом. Али, веже ме моја реч." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:205 msgid "Jessene, you hid the ruby away in that vile troll hole? Didn’t you?" msgstr "Џесина, сакрила си Рубин у јазбини поганих тролова, зар не?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:209 msgid "What? Why would you doubt me?" msgstr "Шта? Зашто сумњаш у мене?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:213 msgid "" "The orcs that didn’t escape in the ships have regrouped. They are preparing " "to march on the elves. We should come to the aid of our new friends." msgstr "" "Оркови који не одоше бродовима, спремају се на нови поход. Кренуће за " "вилењацима. Требало би да се нађемо на помоћи нашим новим пријатељима." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:217 msgid "" "These orcs are few, but the elves aren’t accustomed to war. Besides we will " "have to rely on elven charity if we are to survive this first winter." msgstr "" "Оркови су сада малобројни, али вилењаци нису навикли на ратовање. Поред " "тога, мораћемо да рачунамо са вилењачким доброчинством ако ћемо преживети " "ову прву зиму." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:221 msgid "" "After that, we should build towns in all of the regions that the elves have " "given us. We should move our capital inland, away from the coast. I hope the " "children of the good people of the west-north, of the Green Isle, find " "prosperity in this new land." msgstr "" "После тога морамо отпочети са подизањем градова у свим областима које нам " "вилењаци предадоше. Престоница нам мора бити у унутрашњости, далеко од " "обала. Надам се да је пред потомцима доброг народа са запада-севера, са " "Зеленострва, блистава будућност у овој новој земљи." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:239 msgid "So what of the rest of you?" msgstr "Шта ћете сада ви остали?" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:244 msgid "" "I shall go back to my people. It seems we have grown many and strong in the " "time I was gone. I will try to convince them of the wisdom of using the " "underways to settle new lands." msgstr "" "Ја ћу се вратити свом народу. Изгледа да смо се умножили и ојачали док мене " "није било. Покушаћу да их убедим у мудрост коришћења подземних пространстава " "за насељавање нових земаља." #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:248 msgid "" "I know the way to many places, I think. I want to find out if there are " "dwarves in other lands. It’s a big world with lots of good mountains. Of " "that much I am sure." msgstr "" "Знам путеве до многих места, мислим. Желим да сазнам има ли патуљака у " "другим земљама. Велики је ово свет, са многим стаменим планинама. Толико сам " "сасвим уверен." #. [message]: speaker=Minister Edren #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:252 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have lost much in the last few months, but we should not lose all of " #| "our knowledge. I will go forth amongst the people and spread wisdom, and " #| "see about establishing a new order of Magi in this new land." msgid "" "We have lost much in the last few months, but we should not lose all of our " "knowledge. I will go forth amongst the people and spread wisdom, and see " "about establishing a new order of magi in this new land." msgstr "" "Много изгубисмо у последњих неколико месеци, али не смемо заборавити сво " "наше знање. Ширићу мудрост у народу, и постарати се да успоставим нови ред " "магова у новој земљи." #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ruddry #. [message]: speaker=Sir Ladoc #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:256 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:260 msgid "" "I am but a humble servant of the Crown. I will establish a new order of " "knights for a new land. For a new King, if you will allow me to serve under " "your banner." msgstr "" "Ја сам тек понизни слуга Круне. Основаћу витешки ред да чува нашу нову " "домовину. За новог краља, ако ћете ми дозволити да служим под вашим барјаком." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:264 msgid "Excellent." msgstr "Изврсно." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:270 msgid "" "I suppose I am King Haldric now. Hmm... but what to call this new kingdom?" msgstr "" "Претпостављам, онда, да сам од сада краљ Халдрик. Хм... али како ми је " "назвати ово ново краљевство?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:274 msgid "May I make a suggestion?" msgstr "Могу ли ја да предложим?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:278 msgid "Sure." msgstr "Свакако." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:283 msgid "" "The word ‘Wesfolk’ is from your old tongue. It means ‘People of the West’. " "The elves call us the people of the west-north. Under the same old tongue " "that would be ‘Wes Noth’. So I suggest that the new kingdom be called " "‘Wesnoth’, in honor of our old home." msgstr "" "Реч „Весноћани“ је из вашег старог језика, и значи „људи са запада“. " "Вилењаци нас зову народом са запада-севера, што би на том истом старом " "језику, било „вес-нот“. Предлажем онда да се ново краљевство назове " "„Веснот“, у част нашег старог дома." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:287 msgid "" "Hmm. ‘Wesnoth’. I like it. Yes, ‘Wesnoth’ would be fine. So I am the first " "King of Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "Хм. Веснот. Допада ми се. Да, „Веснот“ би одговарало. Значи, ја сам први " "краљ Веснота!" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:291 msgid "So, what is to become of me?" msgstr "А шта ће бити са мном?" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:295 msgid "" "There are many Wesfolk amongst the remains of my people. We must stay united " "under one banner. I will need you by my side if there is any hope of " "building a true ‘Kingdom of Wesnoth’. I... I think a Queen’s crown would sit " "well upon that flame-colored hair of yours, Jessene." msgstr "" "Многи Весноћани су измешани са остацима мог народа. Морамо остати сједињени " "под једним барјаком. Требаће ми твоја помоћ, ако ће бити икакве наде да се " "оствари право „Веснотско краљевство“. Мислим... Мислим да би круна краљице " "добро пристајала уз твоју пламтећу боју косе, Џесина." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:299 msgid "I am not to be bought with trinkets, Haldric." msgstr "Блиставе тричарије не могу ме придобити, Халдриче." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:303 msgid "" "Then take my hand, Jessene, if you won’t accept crown or kingdom. You have " "earned both. We can’t make this work without your people... and I don’t " "think I can make it work without you." msgstr "" "Онда прихвати моју руку, Џесина, ако већ нећеш круну и краљевство. Обоје си " "зарадила. Не можемо извести ово без твог народа... Ја не могу то " "извести без тебе." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:308 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Probably not. And, if nothing else, the hero-king of Wesnoth, Haldric " #| "Dragonbane, will need someone to remind him that he does not eat lighting " #| "and belch thunder. I... accept." msgid "" "Probably not. And, if nothing else, the hero-king of Wesnoth, Haldric " "Dragonbane, will need someone to remind him that he does not eat lightning " "and belch thunder. I... accept." msgstr "" "Вероватно не можеш. Ако ништа друго, јуначком краљу Веснота, Халдрику " "Змајокрвнику, требаће неко да га подсјећа да не може гутати муње и сукати " "громове. Прихватам." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:312 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It was never said afterwards that the marriage of Haldric and Jessene was " #| "exactly tranquil. But it was also said that neither could stand be long " #| "separated from the other, and she bore him strong children that mingled " #| "the blood of their diverse ancestries. Many followed their example, and " #| "the two refugee peoples from the Green Isles became fused into one in the " #| "new kingdom." msgid "" "It was never said afterwards that the marriage of Haldric and Jessene was " "exactly tranquil. But it was also said that neither could long stand to be " "separated from the other, and she bore him strong children that mingled the " "blood of their diverse ancestries. Many followed their example, and the two " "refugee peoples from the Green Isle became fused into one in the new kingdom." msgstr "" "Нико касније не устврди да је брак Халдрика и Џесине био сасвим спокојан. " "Али је такође записано да ниједно није могло да издржи дугу раздвојеност од " "другог, и она му изроди јаку децу смешане крви њихових различитих наслеђа. " "Многи су пратили њихов пример, и тако се два народа избегла са Зеленострва " "стопише у једно ново краљевство." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:317 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "In later ages the bards would sing the ‘The Breaking of the Pact’, an " #| "epic tale of Haldric’s betrayal of the elves. They would whisper of the " #| "price he and his descendants would pay for that betrayal without knowing " #| "the whole truth." msgid "" "In later ages the bards would sing ‘The Breaking of the Pact’, an epic tale " "of Haldric’s betrayal of the elves. They would whisper of the price he and " "his descendants would pay for that betrayal without knowing the whole truth." msgstr "" "У каснијим вековима, бардови ће певати о „Крају споразума“, епској причи о " "Халдриковом издајству вилењака. Шапутаће о цени коју ће он и његови потомци " "за то платити, а да уопште и не сазнају пуну истину." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/scenarios/23_Epilogue.cfg:322 msgid "" "But some of us have remembered the true story of our arrival on this great " "continent. The true story of the Rise of Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Али неки међу нама се сећају истинске приче о нашем доласку на овај велики " "континент. Истините приче о Подизању Веснота." #. [unit_type]: id=Familiar, race=undead #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Familiar.cfg:17 msgid "" "Powerful magic users sometimes have familiars, creatures which have had a " "spirit or minor demon drawn into them. A familiar may act as a spy or " "messenger for its master." msgstr "" "Моћни познаваоци магије понекад имају дружбенике, створења поседнута духом " "или нижим демоном. Дружбеник може служити своме господару као ухода или " "гласник." #. [unit_type]: id=Jevyan, race=undead #. [unit_type]: id=Jevyan Cloaked, race=undead #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Jevyan.cfg:5 #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Jevyan_Cloaked.cfg:5 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Lich-Lord Caror" msgid "Lich Lord" msgstr "господар-косац Карор" #. [attack]: type=arcane #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Jevyan.cfg:34 msgid "touch" msgstr "" #. [attack]: type=cold #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Jevyan.cfg:46 msgid "chill tempest" msgstr "" #. [attack]: type=arcane #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Jevyan.cfg:58 msgid "shadow wave" msgstr "" #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Commander, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Commander.cfg:4 msgid "Noble Commander" msgstr "племићки заповедник" #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Commander, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Commander.cfg:20 msgid "" "The rank of a noble Commander is held by those who lead battle groups into " "combat. Possessing leadership skills, they give lower-level units in " "adjacent hexes improved performance in combat. Commanders are best skilled " "with the sword, although they also carry a bow to use when necessary. If the " "Commander is lost, so is the battle." msgstr "" "Чин племићког заповедника имају они што воде бојне саставе у битку. Њихове " "вештине вођства побољшавају борбени учинак јединица у суседним пољима. " "Заповедници су сами највештији с мачем, али носе и лук за случајеве где " "затреба. Изгуби ли се заповедник, изгубљена је и битка." #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Fighter, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Fighter.cfg:4 msgid "Noble Fighter" msgstr "племићки борац" #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Fighter, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Fighter.cfg:18 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Young and brash, Fighters fight with a sword, and are vulnerable to " #| "ranged attacks from enemies. However they have the potential to become " #| "great Commanders one day." msgid "" "Young and brash, Fighters fight with a sword, and are vulnerable to ranged " "attacks from enemies. However, they have the potential to become great " "Commanders one day." msgstr "" "Млади и дрски, борци се служе мачем, и рањиви су на одступне нападе " "противника. Ипак имају могућности да једнога дана постану велики заповедници." #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Lord, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Lord.cfg:4 msgid "Noble Lord" msgstr "племићки господар" #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Lord, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Lord.cfg:21 msgid "" "The noble leaders of many troops, Lords are especially strong in melee " "combat, and also possess skill with the bow. Like Commanders, Lords possess " "leadership skills, and improve the fighting ability of all adjacent lower-" "level units." msgstr "" "Племенити вођи велике војске, господари су посебно снажни у блиској борби, а " "умешни и са луком. Као и заповедници, господари познају вештине вођства, те " "побољшавају борбени учинак свих јединица нижег нивоа у пољима око себе." #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Youth, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Youth.cfg:4 msgid "Noble Youth" msgstr "племићки омладинац" #. [unit_type]: id=Noble Youth, race=human, gender=male #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Youth.cfg:18 msgid "" "Today he is a young man, by his devotion to the crown he is seeking to " "become a Lord — to join the elite of humanity." msgstr "" "Данас млади човек, својом оданошћу круни иска да постане господар — да се " "придружи елити човечанства." #. [attack]: type=impact #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Noble_Youth.cfg:22 msgid "training sword" msgstr "мач за обуку" #. [unit_type]: id=Vampire Lady, gender=female, race=undead #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Vampire_Lady.cfg:4 msgid "female^Vampire Lady" msgstr "вампирска госпа" #. [unit_type]: id=Vampire Lady, gender=female, race=undead #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Vampire_Lady.cfg:19 msgid "" "Cold and beautiful, she maintains her eternal youthful appearance drinking " "the blood of the living." msgstr "" "Хладна и предивна, одржава свој вечни младалачки изглед испијајући крв " "живима." #. [attack]: type=blade #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Vampire_Lady.cfg:23 msgid "blood kiss" msgstr "крвави пољубац" #. [unit_type]: id=Warrior King #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Warrior_King.cfg:7 msgid "Warrior King" msgstr "ратнички краљ" #. [unit_type]: id=Warrior King #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Warrior_King.cfg:11 msgid "" "As the leaders of the human Kingdoms, Kings are responsible for ruling and " "protecting their subjects. Kings can coordinate the attacks of level 1 and 2 " "units, thereby increasing their fighting efficiency." msgstr "" "Као вођи људских краљевстава, краљеви су одговорни за владање и заштиту " "својих поданика. Могу усклађивати нападе јединица првог и друго нивоа, тако " "повећавајући њихов борбени учинак." #. [unit_type]: id=Wesfolk Lady, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Wesfolk_Lady.cfg:4 msgid "female^Wesfolk Lady" msgstr "весноћанска госпа" #. [unit_type]: id=Wesfolk Lady, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Wesfolk_Lady.cfg:21 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from " #| "society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when a war against " #| "Haldric’s people was being lost. This outcast still conserves her " #| "nobleness in her veins and in the battlefield she has earned valuable " #| "experience, which continues increasing with time, as does her natural " #| "leadership." msgid "" "Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from " "society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when a war against " "Haldric’s people was being lost. This outcast still conserves her nobleness " "in her veins and on the battlefield she has earned valuable experience, " "which continues increasing with time, as does her natural leadership." msgstr "" "Рођена међу весноћанском аристократијом, њу и њен народ изгнаше из друштва " "њихови господари, који издадоше њихову оданост како се видело да ће рат " "против Халдрика бити изгубљен. Иако одметница, племићка крв јој још увек " "тече венама, док је на бојном пољу стекла вредно искуство, које се као и " "њено природно вођство само увећава како време пролази." #. [unit_type]: id=Wesfolk Leader, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Wesfolk_Leader.cfg:4 msgid "female^Wesfolk Leader" msgstr "весноћански вођ" #. [unit_type]: id=Wesfolk Leader, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Wesfolk_Leader.cfg:22 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from " #| "society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when a war against " #| "Haldric’s people was being lost. This outcast still conserves her " #| "nobleness in her veins and in the battlefield she has earned valuable " #| "experience, which continues increasing with time, as does her natural " #| "leadership." msgid "" "Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from " "society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when they started to lose " "a war against Haldric’s people. This outcast still conserves her nobleness " "in her veins, and on the battlefield she has earned valuable experience, " "which continues to increase with time, as does her natural leadership." msgstr "" "Рођена међу весноћанском аристократијом, њу и њен народ изгнаше из друштва " "њихови господари, који издадоше њихову оданост како се видело да ће рат " "против Халдрика бити изгубљен. Иако одметница, племићка крв јој још увек " "тече венама, док је на бојном пољу стекла вредно искуство, које се као и " "њено природно вођство само увећава како време пролази." #. [unit_type]: id=Wesfolk Outcast, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Wesfolk_Outcast.cfg:4 msgid "female^Wesfolk Outcast" msgstr "весноћанска одметница" #. [unit_type]: id=Wesfolk Outcast, race=human, gender=female #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/units/Wesfolk_Outcast.cfg:21 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from " #| "society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when a war against " #| "Haldric’s people was being lost. This outcast still conserves her " #| "nobleness in her veins and in the battlefield she has earned valuable " #| "experience, which she can lend to her people for turning a fight in their " #| "favor." msgid "" "Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from " "society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when a war against " "Haldric’s people was being lost. This outcast still conserves her nobleness " "in her veins, and on the battlefield she has earned valuable experience, " "which she can lend to her people for turning a fight in their favor." msgstr "" "Рођена међу весноћанском аристократијом, њу и њен народ изгнаше из друштва " "њихови господари, који издадоше њихову оданост како се видело да ће рат " "против Халдрика бити изгубљен. Иако одметница, племићка крв јој још увек " "тече венама, док је на бојном пољу стекла вредно искуство, којим уме " "надахнути свој народ у борби и преокренути је у њихову корист." #. [skirmisher]: id=distract #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-abilities.cfg:6 msgid "distract" msgstr "пометња" #. [skirmisher]: id=distract #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-abilities.cfg:7 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Distract:\n" #| "This unit negates enemy Zones of Control around itself for allied units " #| "(but not for itself)." msgid "" "This unit negates enemy Zones of Control around itself for allied units (but " "not for itself)." msgstr "" "Пометња:\n" "Јединица потире непријатељске надзорне појасеве око себе за савезничке " "јединице (али не и за себе саму)." #. [skirmisher]: id=distract #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-abilities.cfg:8 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "This unit is capable of distracting opponents, allowing allied units to " #| "trespass their Zones of Control and move unhindered around them." msgid "" "This unit is capable of distracting opponents, allowing allied units to " "trespass their Zones of Control and move unhindered around them." msgstr "" "Јединица уме одвраћати противнике, тако да савезничке јединице могу " "неометано пролазити кроз њихове надзорне појасеве." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:12 msgid "I can’t be finished yet... I still have so much more to do." msgstr "Не могу тек тако страдати... Још много тога се мора урадити." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:27 msgid "It is not yet my time! No!" msgstr "Још увек ми није време! Не!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:42 msgid "No! I’ll not go so easil—" msgstr "Не! Нећу страдати тако ла—" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:56 msgid "" "Bah! I’m not dying today! Poof! (The Lady Outlaw vanishes in a " "puff of smoke.)" msgstr "" "Ха! Не умирем ја данас! Пуф! [госпа-одметница испари у облаку " "дима]" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:78 msgid "Fool of a boy. I never should have followed him." msgstr "Будала од дечака. Није требало да кренем за њим." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:90 msgid "Hail the Kings, may their bloodlines continue beyond my time!" msgstr "Слава краљевима, да се њихова лоза настави и после мене!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:101 msgid "For Land and Lord, I sacrifice all!" msgstr "За Земљу и Господара, жртвујем све!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:112 msgid "May the Lords of Light protect us all." msgstr "Нека нас Господари светлости све заштите." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-deaths.cfg:123 msgid "Without him the bottoms of our ships will be completely vulnerable..." msgstr "Без њега, данца наших бродова биће сасвим незаштићена..." #. [unit]: type=Walking Corpse #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-macros.cfg:80 msgid "A Former Friend" msgstr "бивши пријатељ" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:13 msgid "I still think I should be called ‘Dragonbane’." msgstr "И даље мислим да ме треба назвати „Змајокрвником“." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:17 msgid "Not in my lifetime." msgstr "Не док сам ја у животу." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:33 msgid "It could be worse. We could be back in that troll hole!" msgstr "" "Могло је бити и горе. Могли смо се поново наћи у оној троловској јазбини!" #. [message]: speaker=Burin the Lost #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:38 msgid "Hey, disparage the trolls, not the holes!" msgstr "Ви тамо, понижавајте тролове, не јазбине!" #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:54 msgid "" "Well, at least we don’t have to contend with the undead. No offense, Jessene." msgstr "Па, барем не морамо да се носимо са немртвима. Без увреде, Џесина." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:58 msgid "Don’t worry about it." msgstr "Ништа ти не брини." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:74 msgid "Too bad that this isn’t going as well as the beach... I miss the beach." msgstr "Штета што ово не иде добро као оно на плажи... Недостаје ми плажа." #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:90 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Haldric, just before we arrived here I got word that the your ‘third of a " #| "fleet’ has departed for our old home, the Green Isle." msgid "" "Haldric, just before we arrived here I got word that your ‘third of a fleet’ " "has departed for our old home, the Green Isle." msgstr "" "Халдриче, тик пре него што стигох овде, начух да се твоја „трећина флоте“ " "отиснула ка нашој старој домовини, Зеленострву." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:94 msgid "You were planning on sharing this with me when?" msgstr "А када си намеравала да то поделиш са мном?" #. [message]: speaker=Lady Jessene #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:110 msgid "" "Haldric, messengers just informed me that the fleet has returned from our " "old home. They came back with as nearly as large a fleet as we initially set " "out with, and Southbay still stands. This is excellent news. As per your " "orders a third of the fleet has headed back out." msgstr "" "Халдриче, гласници ми управо дојавише да се флота вратила из наше старе " "домовине. Бродови пристижу скоро у броју у коме смо и сами кренули, а " "Југозалив се још увек држи. Ово су изврсне вести. По твојим наређењима, " "трећина флоте поново испловљава назад." #. [message]: speaker=Prince Haldric #: data/campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/utils/trow-nlmsg.cfg:114 msgid "" "That is excellent news indeed. Our numbers have doubled. Now on to the " "business at hand." msgstr "" "То су заиста изврсне вести. Наши редови су скоро удвостручени. Сада на посао " "пред нама." #~ msgid "Southbay Guard" #~ msgstr "Југозаливска гарда" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "(Easy)" #~ msgid "Easy" #~ msgstr "(лако)" #~ msgid "" #~ "Our strength is waning, and our foes grow stronger by the hour. The " #~ "battle is lost!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Снага нас издаје, а наши крвници ојачавају свакога часа. Битка је " #~ "изгубљена!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, we can’t go back, and the road ahead is blocked. I guess we’ll have " #~ "to risk it and go through the Oldwood forest, then make a break for " #~ "Clearwater Port or Southbay." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Онда, не можемо натраг, а пут пред нама је закрчен. Мораћемо да се " #~ "одважимо на пролаз кроз Старопањску шуму, а затим да појуримо ка " #~ "Бистроморској или Југозаливу." #~ msgid "Wose Sapling" #~ msgstr "ивер-младац" #~ msgid "So, human, care to make your final stand?" #~ msgstr "Па, човече, хоћеш ли пружити задњи отпор?" #~ msgid "Die! Die! Die!" #~ msgstr "Умри! Умри! Умри!" #~ msgid "How’d they get behind us? I hate to miss such tasty meat." #~ msgstr "Како се појавише иза нас? Мрзим кад пропустим тако укусан залогај." #~ msgid "We must block the human advance!" #~ msgstr "Морамо запречити пролазак људима!" #~ msgid "bite" #~ msgstr "ујед" #~ msgid "sword" #~ msgstr "мач" #~ msgid "bow" #~ msgstr "лук" #~ msgid "curse" #~ msgstr "клетва" #~ msgid "staff" #~ msgstr "штап" #~ msgid "sling" #~ msgstr "праћка" #~ msgid "(Normal)" #~ msgstr "(нормално)" #~ msgid "" #~ "Rarely seen, even by Elves, a Wose is an order of creature about which " #~ "little is known. The Elves are the source of most of this knowledge; they " #~ "know that these beings are not descended from trees, despite the " #~ "similarity in form, and they know that a Wose is more closely tied to the " #~ "faerie world than the Elves themselves, though in a different way. The " #~ "motives and workings of their kind are unknown, though most posit the " #~ "obvious idea that woses are wardens of the natural world.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Woses are utterly unwarlike, but possess a great strength. They are, " #~ "however, neither used to, nor quick at moving around." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ретко виђани чак и међу вилењацима, ивери су ред створења о којима се " #~ "мало зна. Вилењаци су извор већине тих сазнања; знају да ова створења " #~ "нису потомци дрвећа, упркос физичким сличностима, и да су ближе везана за " #~ "вилински свет него ли сами вилењаци, али на другачији начин. Њихови " #~ "мотиви и понашање нису познати, иако су многи очигледног становишта да су " #~ "ивери чувари природног царства.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Ивери су сасвим нератоборни, али посједују велику снагу. Међутим, нити " #~ "обичавају, нити могу да се брзо крећу наоколо." #~ msgid "crush" #~ msgstr "гажење" #~ msgid "You retrieve $amount_gold pieces of gold." #~ msgstr "Пронађе $amount_gold златника."