# translation of wesnoth-ei.po to Hungarian # Hungarian translations for Battle for Wesnoth package. # Copyright (C) 2004 Wesnoth development team # This file is distributed under the same license as the Battle for Wesnoth package. # # Automatically generated, 2004. # Széll Tamás , 2004. # Kékkői László , 2005. # Németh Tamás , 2008. # Kádár-Németh Krisztián , 2008, 2009, 2010. # Kelemen Zoltán , 2008, 2009. # Gábor Udvari , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: wesnoth-ei 1.4 branch\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.wesnoth.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-09 21:24-0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-23 21:01+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Gábor Udvari \n" "Language-Team: Hungarian \n" "Language: hu\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:11 msgid "The Eastern Invasion" msgstr "Lerohanás keleten" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:12 msgid "EI" msgstr "LK" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:16 msgid "(Easy)" msgstr "(Könnyű)" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:16 msgid "Spearman" msgstr "Lándzsás" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:17 msgid "(Normal)" msgstr "(Átlagos)" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:17 msgid "Swordsman" msgstr "Kardforgató" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:18 msgid "(Challenging)" msgstr "(Kihívást jelentő)" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:18 msgid "Royal Guard" msgstr "Udvari testőr" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:19 msgid "" "There are rumors of undead attacks on the eastern border of Wesnoth. You, an " "officer in the Royal Army, have been sent to the eastern front to protect " "the villagers and find out what is happening.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Az a hír járja, hogy Wesnoth keleti határait élőholt támadások sértették " "meg. Téged, a Királyi Hadsereg egyik tisztjét, a helyszínre küldtek, hogy " "megvédd a helyi lakosokat és fényt deríts a történtekre.\n" "\n" #. [campaign]: id=Eastern_Invasion #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:21 msgid "(Intermediate level, 16 scenarios.)" msgstr "(Közepes szint, 16 pálya)" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:25 msgid "Campaign Design" msgstr "Hadjárat tervezés" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:31 msgid "Campaign Maintenance" msgstr "Hadjárat karbantartás" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:41 msgid "Campaign Epilogue and Continuity" msgstr "Hadjárat utószó és illesztés" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:47 msgid "Prose and Story Edits" msgstr "" #. [about] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/_main.cfg:53 msgid "Artwork and Graphics Design" msgstr "Művészeti és grafikai tervezés" #. [scenario]: id=01_The_Outpost #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:4 msgid "The Outpost" msgstr "A helyőrség" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:17 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It was the thirteenth year of Konrad II’s reign, and there were strange " #| "occurrences in the Estmark Hills on the eastern border of Wesnoth." msgid "" "It was the thirteenth year of Konrad II’s reign when the strange occurrences " "in the Estmark Hills on the eastern border of Wesnoth began." msgstr "" "II. Konrad uralkodásának tizenharmadik éve volt, amikor különös események " "történtek az Estmark-hegységben, Wesnoth keleti határán." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:21 msgid "" "Cattle and beasts of burden were found dead in the fields, and men went " "missing from their houses, with no clues but a thin stream of black blood. " "At first the settlers suspected raiders from the great desert, but when they " "sent scouts east they found nothing but a small mountain range and miles of " "swamp." msgstr "" "Elhullott szarvasmarhákat és teherhordó állatokat találtak a mezőn, az " "emberek minden nyom nélkül (kivéve egy csöpp fekete vérfoltot, ami mindenhol " "jelen volt) eltűntek házaikból. Kezdetben a lakosok sivatagi portyázókra " "gyanakodtak, de a felderítők keleten csak egy alacsony hegyláncot, amögött " "csak több mérföldnyi mocsarat találtak." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:25 msgid "" "The disappearances did not stop, and every day the terror grew greater. " "Eventually, the people living in the eastern villages sent a messenger to " "the King, asking for help. The messenger rode hard for many days and nights, " "and finally reached the city of Weldyn." msgstr "" "Az eltűnések folytatódtak, és a félelem napról napra fokozódott. Végül a " "keleti falvak lakosai egy segélykérő hírnököt küldtek a királyhoz. A hírnök " "éjt nappallá téve vágtatott, amíg elért Weldyn városába." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:29 msgid "" "When the King received news of the problem, his advisor Dacyn had much to " "say. Apparently, these attacks were connected to similar ones that occurred " "earlier on the far southern border, attacks by undead. Dacyn outlined a plan " "to combat these intrusions." msgstr "" "Amikor a király megtudta, mi a baj, tanácsadója, Dacyn kért szót. " "Nyilvánvalóan ezek a támadások összefüggtek a déli határnál korábban " "megtapasztaltakkal, amelyeket élőholtak indítottak. Dacyn felvázolt egy " "tervet, hogy hogyan harcoljanak a betolakodókkal." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:36 msgid "" "In the days of the king Garard I, two strong-points had been built along the " "near bank of the Weldyn, south of Soradoc, to stop bandits and orcish " "raiders out of the Estmarks from entering Wesnoth. But in later years the " "River Guard posts had been abandoned, as colonists spread into the Estmarks " "and the orcs were driven in retreat north of the Great River." msgstr "" "I. Garard király idejében két állást építettek ki Weldyn közelében " "Soradoctól délre, hogy megállítsák az Estmark-hegységen túl portyázó " "banditákat és orkokat, még mielőtt Wesnoth földjére lépnének. Ám a későbbi " "években feladták a folyó menti őrhelyeket, ahogy a telepesek felköltöztek az " "Estmark-hegységbe, és az orkok visszaszorultak a Nagy-folyótól északra eső " "területekre." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:40 msgid "" "With unknown enemies pressing Wesnoth from the East, Konrad II decided to re-" "build and re-man the River Guard outposts, and use them to keep the Crown’s " "eye and hand firmly on the settled country to either side of the lower " "Weldyn. He sent two of the most promising young officers to them." msgstr "" "A keletről fenyegető ismeretlen ellenségek ellen II. Konrad elhatározta, " "hogy újraépíti és megerősíti a folyami helyőrségeket. Ezek a garnizonok " "voltak hivatottak a Weldyn alatti területek telepes világának megóvására és " "felügyelésére. Két ígéretesnek tűnő fiatal tisztet küldött a két fontos " "poszt parancsnokául." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:44 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "To the northern outpost he sent Owaec, a clan noble. To the southern " #| "outpost, he sent Gweddry, who would be accompanied by Dacyn the mage. It " #| "is with them this story is concerned." msgid "" "To the northern outpost he sent Owaec, a clan noble. To the southern " "outpost, he sent Gweddry, who would be accompanied by Dacyn the mage. Our " "story begins there." msgstr "" "Az északi álláshoz az egyik klán elöljáróját, Owaecet küldte. A déli " "álláshoz Gweddryt küldte, akihez társul szegődött Dacyn, a mágus. Ebben a " "történetben róluk lesz szó." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:48 msgid "" "All went well once the King’s forces arrived. There were no attacks for " "several weeks, and Gweddry’s men started to grow incautious. Then, at dawn " "one day, Gweddry and his men were roused by the startled cries of the night " "watchmen..." msgstr "" "Amint a király seregei megérkeztek, minden megoldódni látszott. Hetekig nem " "történt újabb támadás, és Gweddry emberei kezdtek óvatlanná válni. Majd egy " "hajnalon Gweddryt és embereit az éjszakai őr vészjelzése riasztotta fel..." #. [side]: race=Humans, type=Lieutenant, id=Gweddry #. [side]: type=General, id=Gweddry #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Gweddry #. [side]: type=Sergeant, id=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:29 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:31 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:19 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:23 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:30 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:29 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:22 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:48 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:20 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:32 msgid "Gweddry" msgstr "Gweddry" #. [side] #. [side]: race=Humans, type=Lieutenant, id=Gweddry #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Knutan #. [side]: type=General, id=Gweddry #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #. [side]: type=General, id=Halric #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrod #. [side]: type=General, id=Konrad II #. [side]: type=Great Mage, id=Kaldor #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Gweddry #. [side]: type=Mounted Fighter, id=Owaec #. [side]: type=Sergeant, id=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:70 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:56 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:36 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:127 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:24 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:28 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:35 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:34 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:27 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:116 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:54 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:68 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:78 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:95 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:25 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:34 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:37 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:50 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:62 msgid "Wesnothians" msgstr "Wesnothiak" #. [unit]: type=White Mage, id=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:74 msgid "Dacyn" msgstr "Dacyn" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Sakkat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:109 msgid "Mal-Sakkat" msgstr "Mal-Sakkat" #. [side] #. [side]: type=Ancient Lich, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Mal-Tar #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Galkar #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kallat #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Marak #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Sakkat #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Talar #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Ravanal-Guard #. [side]: type=Lich Lord, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich2 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich3 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich4 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich5 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich6 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich7 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich8 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Grekulak #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Telnarad #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uknalu #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uldhar #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Xakralan #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Darak #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Karad #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Xadrux #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Zanrad #. [side]: type=Revenant, id=Garnad #. [side]: type=Revenant, id=Lanar-Skal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:122 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:144 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:165 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:83 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:45 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:66 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:95 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:47 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:69 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:55 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:75 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:92 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:112 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:67 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:45 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:41 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:63 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:99 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:111 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:128 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:145 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:40 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:55 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:72 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:89 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:106 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:123 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:140 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:157 msgid "Undead" msgstr "Élőholtak" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:133 msgid "Mal-Talar" msgstr "Mal-Talar" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uldhar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:155 msgid "Mal-Uldhar" msgstr "Mal-Uldhar" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:190 #, fuzzy #| msgid "The Outpost" msgid "Defend the outpost" msgstr "A helyőrség" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:194 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:381 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:100 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:126 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:83 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:90 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:146 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:106 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:104 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:82 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:112 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:98 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1070 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:159 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:142 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:134 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:169 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:69 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:171 msgid "Death of Gweddry" msgstr "Gweddry elesik" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:198 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:385 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:104 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:130 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:87 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:94 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:150 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:110 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:85 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:108 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:65 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:86 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:116 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:102 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1074 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:163 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:146 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:138 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:173 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:73 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:175 msgid "Death of Dacyn" msgstr "Dacyn elesik" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:223 msgid "What? What is going on?" msgstr "Mi? Mi történt?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:227 msgid "Look. To the east. Undead approach!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:231 msgid "Ah, interesting..." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:235 msgid "Men, to arms!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:246 msgid "I sense a great evil... Can it be? Gweddry, I must not be seen." msgstr "" #. [event] #. [modify_unit]: type=Lich Lord, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [side]: type=Ancient Lich, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [side]: type=Lich Lord, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [unit]: type=Lich Lord, id=Mal-Ravanal #. [variable] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:274 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:103 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:33 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:227 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:281 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:296 msgid "Mal-Ravanal" msgstr "Mal-Ravanal" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:283 msgid "" "This is the resistance you spoke of, an untrained commander and a few fresh " "recruits? You will suffer for your incompetence. Destroy them, and dare not " "bother me again." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Talar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:288 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Very well, Dark Archon. They will die. And then?" msgid "Apologies, Dark Archon. They will die. And then?" msgstr "Ahogy akarod, Sötét Archon. Meg fognak halni. És aztán?" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:292 msgid "" "Slaughter the villagers and march onwards. You have wasted enough time here " "already." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:306 #, fuzzy #| msgid "What?! Men, to arms! And where did Dacyn go?!" msgid "What?! We must hold the outpost! And where did Dacyn go?!" msgstr "Mi? Fegyverbe, bajtársak! De hol van Dacyn?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:339 msgid "Gweddry? Good! You are still alive. Quickly, we must leave this place!" msgstr "Gweddry? Te még élsz? Nagyszerű! Azonnal el kell mennünk innen!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:343 msgid "Where did you go?! And where did you come from?" msgstr "Hol voltál? És honnan jöttél?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:347 msgid "" "There is no time to explain. If you wish to survive, you will escape through " "this trapdoor." msgstr "" "Nincs időnk, hogy elmondjam. Ha túl akarod élni, akkor menekülj a csapóajtón " "keresztül." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:351 msgid "But what about the outpost?" msgstr "De mi lesz az állással?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:355 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It is pointless to try to defend it. Now, come on, we do not have much " #| "time to spare!" msgid "" "This outpost is already lost. We must defeat this evil if Wesnoth is to " "survive. Now, come on, we do not have much time to spare!" msgstr "" "Nincs értelme, hogy tovább védjük. Most gyertek, nincs vesztegetni való " "időnk!" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:377 msgid "Move Gweddry to the trapdoor" msgstr "Eljuttatod Gweddryt a csapóajtóhoz" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:419 msgid "Hurry! We cannot defeat this evil today! We must escape!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/01_The_Outpost.cfg:427 msgid "Follow me, men! Through the trapdoor!" msgstr "Kövessetek emberek! Irány a csapóajtó!" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Escape_Tunnel #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:4 msgid "The Escape Tunnel" msgstr "Menekülő-alagút" #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:36 msgid "Kabak" msgstr "Kabak" #. [side]: type=Gryphon, id=Kraagak #. [side]: type=Ogre, id=Grug #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Gruga-Har #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Darg #. [side]: type=Troll, id=Kabak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:43 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:67 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:77 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:46 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:62 msgid "Monsters" msgstr "Szörnyek" #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Steelclad, id=Knutan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:49 msgid "Knutan" msgstr "Knutan" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:96 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Move Gweddry to the trapdoor" msgid "Move Gweddry to the tunnel exit" msgstr "Eljuttatod Gweddryt a csapóajtóhoz" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:125 msgid "Where are we? I can’t see where we are going." msgstr "Hol vagyunk? Nem látok, merre tartunk?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:129 msgid "" "This is an old escape tunnel for the outpost; unfortunately these caves are " "currently inhabited by trolls. Now hurry, we have to move quickly; the " "undead will surely follow us down here." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:133 msgid "Wait, before we go anywhere — who were those undead?" msgstr "Várj, mielőtt bárhová elindulnánk — kik voltak azok az élőholtak?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:137 msgid "" "I will explain later. For now, suffice to say they are much too powerful for " "us; our only hope is to head north." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:163 msgid "TROL TREZZUR HOLE: KEEP OWT" msgstr "TROL KINCSES JUK: MARAGGY KIVÜL" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:180 msgid "Who goes there?" msgstr "Kik vannak ott?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:184 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We are soldiers of the king of Wesnoth. Will you help us escape these " #| "trolls?" msgid "" "We are soldiers of the king of Wesnoth. Will you help us fight these trolls?" msgstr "" "Wesnoth királyának hűséges katonái vagyunk. Segítetek elmenekülni a trollok " "elől?" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:188 msgid "" "Aye, we’ll help ye, for we have nae love for the trolls. Anyone attacked by " "them deserves some help, I think." msgstr "" "Jaja, segítünk, úgy se szeressük a trollokat. Bárki, akit megtámadnak " "megérdemli a segítséget, asszem." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:195 msgid "" "Thank you. Now, I invite you to join us. Undead have followed us into these " "caves, and they will kill you if you stay behind." msgstr "" "Köszönjük! Most pedig azt ajánlom, hogy tartsatok velünk. Élőholtak vannak a " "nyomunkban, és bárkit, aki itt marad, meg fognak ölni." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:201 msgid "" "Thank you. Now, I invite you to join us. Undead are in these lands, and they " "will find these caves." msgstr "" "Köszönjük! Most pedig azt ajánlom, hogy tartsatok velünk. Az élőholtak már a " "közelben vannak, és biztosan meg fogják találni a barlangot is." #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:207 msgid "" "My clan ha’ lived in these caves for centuries. We’ll no’ be scattered now " "by a few undead." msgstr "" "A klánom évszázadokig ezekbe’ a barlangokba’ élt. Nem fogjuk hát néhány " "oszladozó hulla miatt elhagyni." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:211 msgid "Very well. The best of luck in your battle." msgstr "Rendben van. A legjobbakat kívánjuk a csatához." #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Escape_Tunnel #. [scenario]: id=05_Northern_Outpost #. [scenario]: id=09_Xenophobia #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:216 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:620 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:321 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1228 msgid "" "Wearing this amulet will cause every blow you deal to inflict arcane " "damage!" msgstr "A nyaklánc viselése minden csapásodat túlvilágivá teszi!" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Escape_Tunnel #. [scenario]: id=05_Northern_Outpost #. [scenario]: id=09_Xenophobia #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:217 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:621 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:322 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1229 msgid "holy amulet^Take it" msgstr "Elveszed" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Escape_Tunnel #. [scenario]: id=05_Northern_Outpost #. [scenario]: id=09_Xenophobia #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:218 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:622 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:323 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1230 msgid "holy amulet^Leave it" msgstr "Itt hagyod" #. [scenario]: id=02_The_Escape_Tunnel #. [scenario]: id=05_Northern_Outpost #. [scenario]: id=09_Xenophobia #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:219 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:623 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:324 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1231 msgid "I am not suited to using this item! Let another take it." msgstr "" "Én nem tudok mit kezdeni ezzel a tárggyal! Keress mást, aki hasznát veszi!" #. [object] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:221 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:625 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:326 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1233 msgid "Holy Amulet" msgstr "Szent nyaklánc" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:257 msgid "" "There is a great fortune in this chest of treasure! I can count two hundred " "pieces of gold." msgstr "" "Egy nagy halom kincs van ebben a ládában! Összesen 200 aranyat számolok!" #. [unit]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Bakral #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:299 msgid "Mal-Bakral" msgstr "Mal-Bakral" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Bakral #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:306 msgid "We have found you, fleshbag! Prepare to die!" msgstr "Megtaláltunk husika! Készülj a halálra!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:310 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "They follow us... we must get out of this tunnel. It looks like it is " #| "leading east. That is unfortunate, for it will take us further from " #| "Weldyn. But it is our only option." msgid "" "They follow us... we must get out of this tunnel. It looks like it is " "leading east. That is unfortunate, for it will take us beyond the borders of " "Wesnoth. But it is our only option." msgstr "" "Követnek minket... El kell hagynunk ezt a csatornát. Úgy tűnik keletre tart. " "Sajnálatos, ugyanis ezzel csak távolabb kerülünk Weldyntől. De nincs más " "választásunk." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/02_The_Escape_Tunnel.cfg:323 msgid "We have reached the end of the tunnel. I see daylight above us!" msgstr "Elértük a barlang végét! Látom a kijáraton beözönlő napfényt!" #. [scenario]: id=03_An_Unexpected_Appearance #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:4 msgid "An Unexpected Appearance" msgstr "Váratlan találkozás" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:35 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:36 msgid "Mal-Skraat" msgstr "Mal-Skraat" #. [side]: type=Dark Adept, id=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:59 msgid "Mal-Tar" msgstr "Mal-Tar" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:86 msgid "Mal-Kallat" msgstr "Mal-Kallat" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:122 msgid "Defeat either enemy dark sorcerer" msgstr "Legyőzöd bármelyik ellenséges sötét varázslót" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:150 msgid "We have escaped from those dark tunnels! But where are we now?" msgstr "Kiszabadultunk ezekből a sötét alagutakból! De hol vagyunk most?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:154 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We are in the middle of the eastern mountains, in a mountain pass leading " #| "east and west. We need to head north, to meet Owaec, but we cannot go " #| "through the mountains... we must go east, or west, and hope we can get " #| "around them." msgid "" "We are in the middle of the eastern mountains, in a mountain pass leading " "east and west. We need to head north, but we cannot go through the " "mountains... we must go east, or west, and hope we can get around them." msgstr "" "A keleti hegyek szívében vagyunk, ezen a hágón lehet kelet és nyugat közt " "átkelni. Északra kell tartanunk, hogy csatlakozhassunk Owaechez, de nem " "mehetünk a hegységen keresztül, választanunk kell, hogy keletről vagy " "nyugatról kerüljük meg." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:158 msgid "Hahaha! We have you surrounded!" msgstr "Hahaha! Körbe vagytok véve!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:162 msgid "" "Why don’t we see if the new recruit can handle them. After all, there are " "only two!" msgstr "" "Nézzük meg, hogy az újonc el tud-e bánni velük. Úgyis csak ketten vannak!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Tar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:166 msgid "No!! They’ll kill me!" msgstr "Nem!!! Meg fognak ölni!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Kallat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:170 msgid "That would be your problem, then." msgstr "Ez már a te problémád lesz." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:174 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "These undead are toying with us! This adept is weak — we may be able to " #| "take his castle." msgid "" "These undead are toying with us! This adept is weak — we may be able to take " "his fort." msgstr "" "Ezek az élőholtak macska-egér játékot játszanak velünk. Ez a tanonc " "gyengének tűnik — talán az ő várát bevehetjük." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:178 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "A good idea. Then, we must kill either of the dark sorcerers. I would " #| "prefer to attack the western one, so we can get closer to Wesnoth." msgid "" "A good idea. Then, we must kill either of the dark sorcerers. I would prefer " "to attack the western one, so we can return to Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Jó ötlet. Aztán pedig elég lesz az egyik sötét varázslót legyőznünk. Én a " "nyugat felé lévőre gondoltam, így Wesnoth felé indulhatnánk." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:189 msgid "No! You have defeated me, and can re-enter Wesnoth!" msgstr "Nem! Legyőztetek engem, és most visszatérhettek Wesnothba!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/03_An_Unexpected_Appearance.cfg:210 msgid "You have defeated my brother, but I will follow you and kill you!" msgstr "" "Legyőztétek a testvéremet, de én követni foglak titeket, és mindnyájatokat " "megöllek!" #. [scenario]: id=04a_An_Elven_Alliance #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:4 msgid "An Elven Alliance" msgstr "A tünde szövetség" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:19 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "But Gweddry and Dacyn were to find that re-entering Wesnoth would not be " #| "easy with the escape tunnel closed to them. They marched out of the " #| "foothills of the Estmarks in a direction few Wesnothians had traveled " #| "before, into unknown forest country just south of the Great River." msgid "" "But Gweddry and Dacyn were to find no respite within the borders of Wesnoth. " "They marched out of the foothills of the Estmarks into an unknown forest..." msgstr "" "De Gweddrynek és Dacynnek rá kellett jönnie, hogy nem lesz könnyű dolog " "visszatérni Wesnothba az elzárult menekülő-alagút miatt. Gyalogosan haladtak " "Estmark hegyeiben, olyan irányba, amerre csak pár wesnothi utazott előttük, " "egy ismeretlen, erdős világ felé, a Nagy-folyótól délre." #. [side]: type=Elvish Ranger, id=Volas #. [side]: type=Lieutenant, id=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:34 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:51 msgid "Allies" msgstr "Szövetségesek" #. [side]: type=Elvish Ranger, id=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:44 msgid "Volas" msgstr "Volas" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warrior, id=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:60 msgid "Gruga-Har" msgstr "Gruga-Har" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:79 msgid "Defeat enemy leader" msgstr "Legyőzöd az ellenséges vezért" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:91 msgid "Death of Volas" msgstr "Volas elesik" #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:118 msgid "Greetings, travelers! Welcome to my realm." msgstr "Üdvözletem, utazók! Isten hozott a birodalmamban!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:122 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Would it be possible for us to rest in your lands for a while? We have " #| "been pursued by fell undead, although they did not dare to enter the " #| "forest... yet." msgid "" "Would it be possible for us to rest in your lands for a while? We have been " "pursued by fell undead, although they did not dare follow us into the " "forest... yet." msgstr "" "Megengednétek, hogy hazátokban maradjuk egy ideig? Vérszomjas élőholtak " "üldöztek minket, bár ebbe az erdőbe nem mertek belépni... még." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:126 msgid "Certainly." msgstr "Természetesen." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:130 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Good. Now, you should be warned. This undead warlord is very powerful. If " #| "you choose to battle with him then, even if you are victorious, few will " #| "survive. I invite you to join us, and head north. We may be able to leave " #| "the area he wishes to conquer." msgid "" "Good. Now, you should be warned: this undead warlord is very powerful. If " "you choose to fight, even if you are victorious, few will survive. I invite " "you to join us, and head north." msgstr "" "Jó. Most pedig beszéljünk a veszélyről. Az élőholt hadúr óriási erővel bír. " "Ha nyíltan szembeszállsz vele, még ha győzedelmeskedsz is, csak kevesek " "élnék túl a csatát. Azt tanácsolom, hogy együtt induljunk tovább északra. " "Talán elhagyhatjuk azt a területet, amelyre a foga fáj." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:134 msgid "" "I thank you for your offer. But I will not leave my homeland. These undead " "cannot be as powerful as you say; I will fight them." msgstr "" "Köszönöm az ajánlatodat. De nem fogom elhagyni a szülőföldemet. Ezek az " "élőholtak nem lehetnek olyan veszélyesek, inkább kiállok ellenük." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:138 msgid "" "This is not a wise choice, but it is yours to make. If you will not join us, " "will you at least help us reach the northern outpost? We wish to warn our " "comrades there." msgstr "" "Ez nem túl bölcs döntés, de a te felelősséged. Ha nem is csatlakoztok, " "segítetek legalább elérni az északi állást? Ottani társainkat is " "értesítenünk kell." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:142 msgid "" "I will aid you. Although, I too, think that yours is the foolish choice. You " "should stay, and fight." msgstr "" "Segítek nektek. Bár szerintem ti követtek el őrültséget. Itt kellene " "maradnotok és felvenni a harcot." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:146 msgid "" "After we rest for a short while, we will leave. We have little time to spare." msgstr "" "Miután itt kifújtuk magunkat, indulunk is tovább. Nincs vesztegetni való " "időnk." #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:160 msgid "Intruders!" msgstr "Behatolók!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:164 msgid "What? Orcs! Where did they come from?" msgstr "Micsoda? Orkok! Honnan jöhettek?" #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:168 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I know not. But they are right in the Northern Path. You will have to " #| "fight them to move on." msgid "" "I know not. But they have made camp on the northern path. You will have to " "fight them to move on." msgstr "" "Nem tudom. Az északi ösvényen vannak! Meg kell velük küzdenünk a " "továbbhaladásért." #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:172 msgid "Bring forth the assassins, we may be able to poison them!" msgstr "Hozzátok előre az orgyilkosokat! Talán megmérgezhetjük őket." #. [unit]: type=Orcish Slayer, id=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:183 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:217 msgid "Nafga" msgstr "Nafga" #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:191 msgid "" "Your Warlordship, I am the only assassin left! Do you want me to go poison " "their leader?" msgstr "" "Hadvezérem! Én vagyok az egyetlen megmaradt orgyilkos! Akarod, hogy " "megmérgezzem a vezetőjüket?" #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:195 msgid "Perfect! Go, into the forest!" msgstr "Kitűnő ötlet! Menj, rejtőzz el az erdőben!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:208 msgid "" "They have sent an assassin into the forest. We will have to be careful, and " "make sure he does not come out and attack us unexpectedly." msgstr "" "Elküldtek egy orgyilkost az erdőbe. Résen kell lennünk, nehogy váratlanul " "érjen a támadása." #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:224 msgid "Hahaha! Nafga will kill the elves!" msgstr "Hahaha! Nafga meg fogja ölni a tündéket!" #. [message]: speaker=Nafga #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:235 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "No! This is the first time I have failed a mission, and it is my last!" msgid "" "No! This is the first time I have failed a mission, and it will be my last!" msgstr "" "Nem! Ez volt az első alkalom, hogy elbuktam a küldetésem, és egyben ez az " "utolsó is!" #. [message]: speaker=Gruga-Har #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:243 msgid "" "My assassin is dead! The elves must pay, not for his death, but for stopping " "him in his mission!" msgstr "" "Az orgyilkosom halott! A tündék megfizetnek ezért! Na, nem a haláláért, " "hanem mert megakadályozták a küldetése végrehajtásában." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:258 msgid "You have failed me, man of Wesnoth..." msgstr "Cserbenhagytatok, Wesnoth fiai..." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:269 #, fuzzy #| msgid "We have defeated the orcs! Now you can rest, and then leave." msgid "We have defeated the orcs! Now you can rest before your journey." msgstr "" "Végeztünk az orkokkal! Most már pihenhetsz, aztán pedig továbbindulhatsz." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:273 msgid "" "We have not the time. This battle has wasted too much of it already. We must " "leave now." msgstr "" "Nincs időnk. Ez a küzdelem már túl sok időbe került. El kell indulnunk " "azonnal." #. [message]: speaker=Volas #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04a_An_Elven_Alliance.cfg:277 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Very well. I will send guides to lead you to your allies." msgid "Very well. I will send guides to lead you north to your allies." msgstr "Úgy is jó. Küldök segítséget, akik elvezetnek a szövetségeseitekhez." #. [scenario]: id=04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:4 msgid "The Undead Border Patrol" msgstr "Élőholt határőrjárat" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Telnarad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:53 msgid "Mal-Telnarad" msgstr "Mal-Telnarad" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:86 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:77 msgid "Defeat either enemy leader" msgstr "Legyőzöd bármelyik ellenséges vezért" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:114 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have gotten out of that mountain range now, and the path northwards is " #| "clear. Let us go north, now, and try to reach Owaec at the outpost." msgid "" "Now that we are free of the mountain range the path northwards is clear. Let " "us go north and try to reach Owaec at the outpost." msgstr "" "Kijutottunk a hegységből, és az északra vezető út tiszta. Induljunk most " "arra, hogy elérhessük Owaecet az őrposztnál." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:118 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Wait. I am not sure that is the best option. If we go east now, we may be " #| "able to find the lich Mal-Ravanal who attacked us, and destroy him before " #| "he can attack Wesnoth again. After we escaped, I suspect he went back " #| "east to find us." msgid "" "Wait. I am not sure that is the best option. If we go east now, we may be " "able to find the lich who attacked us and destroy him. He must be nearby." msgstr "" "Várj! Nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy ez a legjobb megoldás. Ha keletre " "mennénk, talán megtalálhatnánk Mal-Ravanal delevényt, aki megtámadott " "minket, és elpusztíthatnánk, mielőtt újra lecsapna Wesnothra. Miután " "elmenekültünk, gondolom keletre indult, hogy megkeressen minket." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:123 msgid "" "This is no ordinary Lich you hunt. Even if you manage to find him, how will " "you prevent him from simply teleporting away? We should head north; there is " "much I must learn before we confront this menace." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:127 msgid "" "They run from me! Still, it will not help them, the border patrol will " "destroy them. I may even be promoted!" msgstr "" "Elfutnak előlem, de ez se segít rajtuk! A határ menti járőrök el fogják " "pusztítani őket. Talán elő is fognak léptetni ezért!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:138 msgid "Now I will never get promoted!" msgstr "Most már soha nem leszek előléptetve!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:146 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Come, let us return to Wesnoth and aid the Northern Outpost." msgid "Come, let us return to Wesnoth and head for the Northern Outpost." msgstr "Gyertek, térjünk vissza Wesnothba, és segítsük ki az északi őrposztot." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:164 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have defeated this patrol, but we can still turn back! Do we want to " #| "go further east now, or do we want to try to turn back and defeat this " #| "dark sorcerer?" msgid "" "We have defeated this patrol, but we can still turn back! Do you insist on " "traveling east, or shall we defeat this dark sorcerer?" msgstr "" "Legyőztük ezt a járőrcsapatot, de még mindig visszafordulhatunk! Haladjunk " "tovább keletre vagy próbáljuk meg legyőzni a sötét varázslót?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:168 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:250 msgid "Hmm..." msgstr "Hmm..." #. [option]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:170 msgid "I wish to destroy the evil before it can spread. East we go!" msgstr "" "El szeretném pusztítani a gonoszt, mielőtt túlságosan elhatalmasodna. " "Keletre megyünk!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:174 #, fuzzy #| msgid "I cannot say if this is a good decision, but I will follow you." msgid "I cannot say this is a good decision, but I will follow you." msgstr "Nem hiszem, hogy jó döntés, de követlek." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:178 msgid "Noo!! I can’t be promoted if they run away!" msgstr "Nem igaz! Nem leszek előléptetve, ha elmenekülnek!" #. [option]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:190 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "You are right. It is foolish to go onward — we must defeat Mal-Skraat and " #| "turn back, going to the Northern Outpost." msgid "You are right. It is foolish to go onward — we will turn back." msgstr "" "Igazad van. Butaság lenne továbbhaladni. Le kell győznünk Mal-Skraatot, és " "vissza kell fordulnunk az északi állás felé." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:194 msgid "Good! If I defeat them, I can become a lich!" msgstr "Végre! Ha legyőzöm őket, akár delevénnyé is válhatok!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:210 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We failed to defeat either enemy! Now more liches will come, and we will " #| "be overwhelmed!" msgid "" "We failed to defeat either enemy! Now more undead will come and we will be " "overwhelmed!" msgstr "" "Nem sikerült legyőznünk egyik ellenfelet sem! Még több delevény fog jönni, " "és esélyünk sem lesz!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:219 msgid "" "We cannot spend any more time attempting to defeat Mal-Skraat. Like it or " "not, we must go further into these undead lands." msgstr "" "Nem tölthetünk több időt Mal-Skraat legyőzésével. Tetszik vagy sem, tovább " "kell haladnunk az élőholt földeken." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Skraat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04b_The_Undead_Border_Patrol.cfg:223 msgid "" "Noo!! He will reach Mal-Ravanal’s capital, and I shall be punished for " "letting him escape!" msgstr "" "Nem hiszem el! El fogják érni Mal-Ravanal fővárosát! Meg fognak büntetni, " "mert szökni hagytam őket!" #. [scenario]: id=04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:4 msgid "Mal-Ravanal’s Capital" msgstr "Mal-Ravanal fővárosa" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Marak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:44 msgid "Mal-Marak" msgstr "Mal-Marak" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Galkar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:64 msgid "Mal-Galkar" msgstr "Mal-Galkar" #. [side]: type=Death Knight, id=Ravanal-Guard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:84 msgid "Rava-Krodaz" msgstr "Rava-Krodaz" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:142 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Escape from the capital by killing one of the two dark sorcerers" msgid "Escape by defeating one of the dark sorcerers" msgstr "Elmenekülsz a fővárosból a két sötét varázsló valamelyikét megölve" #. [unit]: type=Paladin, id=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:209 msgid "Terraent" msgstr "Terraent" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:240 msgid "" "The Bitter Swamp’s ill reputation is, it seems, well merited. Mal-Ravanal’s " "capital lies before us!" msgstr "" "A Zord-mocsár rossz hírneve, úgy tűnik, jól megalapozott. Mal-Ravanal " "fővárosa fekszik előttünk!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:245 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Yes, but look! The undead forces are closing in behind us. As I said " #| "before, we cannot kill Mal-Ravanal. It was foolish to come this far, we " #| "must turn back!" msgid "" "Yes, but look! The undead forces are closing in behind us. As I said before " "we cannot kill Mal-Ravanal. It was foolish to come this far; we must turn " "back!" msgstr "" "Igen, de nézd! Az élőholt seregek egyre csak közelednek felénk. Ahogyan már " "mondtam, nem tudjuk megölni Mal-Ravanalt. Ostobaság volt idejönni, vissza " "kell fordulnunk!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:250 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Perhaps. To retreat, we must kill one of these dark sorcerers that follow " #| "us. But, perhaps we can kill this Mal-Ravanal still. I might wish to try." msgid "" "Perhaps. To retreat, we must kill one of these dark sorcerers that follow " "us. But, perhaps we can kill this Mal-Ravanal. I might wish to try." msgstr "" "Talán igazad van. Meg kell ölnünk az egyik sötét varázslót, amelyik minket " "követ, hogy el tudjunk menekülni, de talán még le tudjuk győzni Mal-" "Ravanalt. Én megpróbálnám." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:255 msgid "" "These humans have dared foolishly to come this far into my land. Crush them!" msgstr "" "Ezek az ostoba emberek ilyen messzire bemerészkedtek a birodalmamba. " "Pusztítsátok el őket!" #. [message]: speaker=$freed_prisoner.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:394 msgid "" "Thank you for destroying that skeleton warrior! Every time you kill one of " "the Revenants, one of us knights is let free!" msgstr "" "Köszönöm, hogy elpusztítottad a csontváz harcost. Minden alkalommal, amikor " "egy ellenséges bosszúállót porrá zúzol, egy szövetséges lovag szabaddá válik." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:398 msgid "Why? Are you the undead’s prisoners?" msgstr "Miért? Az élőholtak rabjai vagytok?" #. [message]: speaker=$freed_prisoner.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:402 msgid "" "Yes. My allies and I were questing when we were ambushed by undead. The " "guard is playing a sick game — whenever one of their warriors dies, one of " "us is let free, but whenever you lose a fighter, they kill one of us." msgstr "" "Igen. A szövetségeseim és én küldetésen voltunk, amikor megleptek az " "élőholtak. Az őr egy beteges játékot játszik — amikor az egyik harcosa " "meghal, egyet szabadon enged a mieink közül, de ha te vesztesz egy harcost, " "akkor megöl egyet közülünk." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:406 msgid "" "This sounds dangerous. We will try to free as many of you as possible before " "we escape from here." msgstr "" "Ez veszélyes játéknak tűnik. Megpróbáljuk a többieket is kiszabadítani, " "mielőtt itt hagyjuk ezt a helyet." #. [message]: speaker=$freed_prisoner.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:410 msgid "" "Five of my comrades are still imprisoned. We will gladly enter your service " "in appreciation for our freedom." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:544 msgid "" "Wait! I recognize that magic! Dacyn, have you come to surrender to me? Or " "perhaps you wish to finish the duel we started so long ago?" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:548 msgid "" "If I have one regret, it is that mercy slowed my hand thirty three years " "ago. Stop this madness and I will release you from your torment." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:552 msgid "" "Torment?! You have no idea... but you soon will. Kill them all and bring " "Dacyn to me!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:556 msgid "You know this lich?" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:560 msgid "" "Yes... We studied together many years ago. He was most powerful then, but " "the dark power I sense today is far greater. We must escape immediately!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:576 msgid "Ah, so you’ve decided to fight me." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:580 msgid "I will atone for my failure thirty three years ago." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:593 msgid "Enough! You cannot possibly defeat me!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:607 msgid "Is he... dead?" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:611 msgid "" "Merely departed. He will return once he has recovered; we would best be away " "from here by then." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/04c_Mal-Ravanals_Capital.cfg:645 msgid "" "Gweddry’s men retreated swiftly from the Bitter Swamp, fleeing north and " "west as if their heels were winged. Finding a low pass through the northern " "Estmarks, they were greatly relieved to see the valley of the Weldyn open " "before them on the other side." msgstr "" "Gweddry emberi gyorsan visszavonultak a Zord-mocsárból északra, nyugatra, " "amerre csak menekülni tudtak. Találtak egy alacsony hágót, amely Estmark " "északi részén vitt keresztül, s aminek a másik oldalán nagy " "megkönnyebbülésükre Weldyn ismerős völgye tárult fel." #. [scenario]: id=05_Northern_Outpost #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:4 msgid "Northern Outpost" msgstr "Északi őrhely" #. [side]: type=Mounted Fighter, id=Owaec #. [unit]: id=Owaec, type=$stored_Owaec.type #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:38 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:602 msgid "Owaec" msgstr "Owaec" #. [side]: type=Revenant, id=Lanar-Skal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:61 msgid "Lanar-Skal" msgstr "Lanar-Skal" #. [side] #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Arnai #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Draka-Kura #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ran-Lar #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Varrak-Klar #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Wak-Rano #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Unhk #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:81 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:44 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:63 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:51 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:74 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:97 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:39 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:47 msgid "Evil" msgstr "Gonoszok" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:98 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Find the outlaw leader in the villages and kill him" msgid "Find the outlaw leader and defeat him" msgstr "" "Megtalálod a törvényen kívüli vezért valamelyik faluban, és elpusztítod" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:102 msgid "Defeat the undead leader" msgstr "Legyőzöd az élőholt fővezért" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:114 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:89 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:112 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:69 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:90 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:120 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:106 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1078 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:167 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:150 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:142 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:177 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:179 msgid "Death of Owaec" msgstr "Owaec elesik" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:140 msgid "Hail, Gweddry!" msgstr "Üdvözöllek, Gweddry!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:144 msgid "" "Greetings, Owaec! We have been forced from our positions by undead invaders. " "They follow us even now." msgstr "" "Üdv néked, Owaec! Elhagytuk az állásainkat, mert élőholt hordák törtek ránk. " "Még most is üldöznek minket." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:148 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Indeed, they do. And do not think you will be able to defeat them. They " #| "are too powerful. We are heading for the Northlands, where we may be able " #| "to outrun them. Will you join us?" msgid "" "Indeed, they do. And do not think you will be able to defeat them. They are " "too powerful. We are heading for the Northlands, where I hope to find a " "means to stop this invasion. Will you join us?" msgstr "" "Igen, így igaz. És ne gondold, hogy elég erős vagy ahhoz, hogy legyőzd őket. " "Túl erősek. Északnak tartunk, ott talán elkerülhetjük őket. Csatlakoztok?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:152 msgid "" "I cannot. My orders were to protect these villages. If I leave, the " "villagers will be at the mercy of a gang of bandits. I cannot find a way to " "defeat them; the outlaws hide in the villages whenever I send in my troops." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:156 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hoping to protect these villages is foolish; all who stay here will die. " #| "However, if we can drive these bandits out, we will be able to have all " #| "the villagers follow us into the northlands. There they may survive. But " #| "Wesnoth is no longer safe." msgid "" "Hoping to protect these villages is foolish; all who stay here will die. " "However, if we can drive these bandits out, will you organize the villagers " "to flee to the west? There they may survive for a time. But soon nowhere in " "Wesnoth will be safe." msgstr "" "Butaság abban reménykedni, hogy megvédhetitek a falvakat; itt mindenki halál " "fia! Azonban, ha kiűzzük ezeket a banditákat, akkor talán a lakosok " "követnének minket északra, és akár egy új országot is alapíthatnánk. Wesnoth " "többé már nem nyújt biztonságot." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:160 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Well, you appear to know what you’re talking about... but, I have no way " #| "to remove these bandits." msgid "" "If the situation is as dire as you’ve described, I must... but we have no " "way to remove these bandits." msgstr "" "Rendben, úgy látom, tudod miről beszélsz... de nem vagyok képes elűzni " "ezeket a banditákat." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:164 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I think I may be able to help you. I am a mage; I believe I will be able " #| "to cast a spell that will reveal them if you enter the villages. However, " #| "I won’t be able to help you in battle." msgid "" "I think I may be able to help. Gweddry, I believe I can cast a spell that " "will reveal the bandits when our troops enter a village. However, this magic " "will require my full attention; I won’t be able to help you in battle." msgstr "" "Úgy hiszem, segíthetek neked. Egy mágus vagyok, és tudok egy varázslatot, " "ami felfedi a hollétüket, ha belépsz egy-egy faluba. Harcolni azonban már " "neked kell." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:168 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "That sounds good; it is time to drive out some bandits. Dacyn, go cast " #| "your spell!" msgid "" "That sounds good; it is time to drive out some bandits. Dacyn, cast your " "spell!" msgstr "" "Ez jól hangzik! Itt az idő elüldözni ezeket a banditákat. Dacyn, használd a " "varázslatod!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:172 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I believe there is a leader behind these outlaws; kill him, and we will " #| "have defeated these bandits." msgid "" "I believe there is a leader behind these outlaws; kill him and we will face " "no further resistance. I will place my clansmen at your service." msgstr "" "Úgy hiszem, a vezér a csatlósai mögött van. Öld meg, és ezzel legyőzzük őket." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:176 #, fuzzy #| msgid "You may now recruit ogres!" msgid "You may now recruit horsemen!" msgstr "Mostantól toborozhatsz ogrékat is!" #. [message]: speaker=Lanar-Skal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:181 msgid "Go, go far from here! But me and my kind will chase you, and kill you!" msgstr "" "Kotródj innen, jó messzire! Én és a társaim üldözni fogunk téged, és ha " "alkalmunk nyílik rá, akkor megölünk!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:185 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It seems the undead have caught up with us! We will have to kill them, " #| "too, if we want these villages to be safe. Well, I will see you when you " #| "defeat the outlaws and undead!" msgid "" "It seems the undead have caught up with us! We will have to kill them too if " "we want the villagers to be safe. Well, I will begin casting the spell." msgstr "" "Úgy tűnik az élőholtak is megtaláltak! Velük is meg kell küzdenünk, ha " "biztonságban akarjuk tudni ezeket a falvakat. Nem lesz könnyű feladat, " "remélem találkozunk, miután legyőztétek a törvényen kívülieket és az " "élőholtakat!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:295 msgid "They’re here!" msgstr "Itt vannak!" #. [unit]: type=Assassin, id=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:443 msgid "Shodrano" msgstr "Shodrano" #. [message]: speaker=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:448 msgid "" "So, you have found my hiding place. Very well, I guess I will have to kill " "you!" msgstr "" "Szóval megtaláltátok a búvóhelyemet. Sajnos, meg kell, hogy öljelek " "benneteket!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:452 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "That’s the bandit leader! Kill him, and we will have fulfilled our duty!" msgid "That’s the bandit leader! Kill him!" msgstr "Ő a banditák vezére! Öljétek meg, és teljesítettük a feladatunkat!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:492 msgid "No outlaws in this village." msgstr "Nincsen törvényen kívüli ebben a faluban." #. [message]: speaker=Shodrano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:503 msgid "You have defeated me! I can terrorize the villagers no more..." msgstr "Legyőztetek! Nem tudom többé rettegésben tartani a falusiakat..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:531 msgid "We still need to defeat these undead for the villagers to be safe." msgstr "" "Továbbra is az élőholtak elpusztítása a cél, hogy a falusiak biztonságban " "legyenek." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:562 msgid "" "There are still these outlaws to take care of — we must continue fighting " "here." msgstr "" "Ezekre a törvényen kívüliekre még mindig ügyelni kell — folytatnunk kell még " "a harcot." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:582 msgid "" "Well, both the outlaws and undead are defeated. We have some time to spare " "now before more undead arrive." msgstr "" "Kitűnő, mind a törvényen kívüliek, mind az élőholtak elbuktak. Most van egy " "kis előnyünk, amíg nem érkezik még több élőholt." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/05_Northern_Outpost.cfg:587 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Good work! Now, we should move onward, north. Tell the villagers to pack " #| "their belongings and follow us." msgid "" "Good! Now, we must move onward, north. Tell the villagers to pack their " "belongings and head west." msgstr "" "Szép munka! Most pedig induljunk tovább északra. Mondjátok meg a " "falusiaknak, hogy pakoljanak fel a szekerekre, és kövessenek minket!" #. [scenario]: id=06_Two_Paths #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:4 msgid "Two Paths" msgstr "Két ösvény" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:37 msgid "Wak-Rano" msgstr "Wak-Rano" #. [side]: type=Dark Sorcerer, id=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:53 msgid "Mal-Arnai" msgstr "Mal-Arnai" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:112 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Look! The road splits here. Which way shall we go?" msgid "It looks like the road splits here. Which way shall we go?" msgstr "Nézzétek! Az út itt kettéválik. Merre menjünk?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:116 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We’re in the land of the Clans now; I know it well. The road north leads " #| "directly to the Great River; across it lies the orcs’ home country in the " #| "Northlands. The westward road will keep us inside the realm of Wesnoth, " #| "for a time, before we reach another crossing point north of Glyn’s " #| "Forest. If we travel along that path, we will not have to fight orcs " #| "immediately." msgid "" "We’re in the land of the Clans now; I know it well. The road north leads " "directly to the Great River; across it lies the orcs’ home country in the " "Northlands. The westward road will keep us inside the realm of Wesnoth, for " "a time, before we reach another river crossing north of Glyn’s Forest. If we " "travel west we will not have to fight orcs immediately." msgstr "" "A Klánok földjén vagyunk; jól ismerem ezt a vidéket. Az északi út egyenesen " "a Nagy-folyóhoz vezet; azon túl, Északföldén, van az orkok hazája. A nyugati " "út még egy ideig Wesnoth területén halad egészen a Glyn-erdejétől északra " "fekvő útkereszteződésig. Ha arra megyünk, nem kell azonnal szembeszállnunk " "az orkokkal." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:120 msgid "" "We should probably go north to the orcish lands as quickly as possible. The " "longer we tarry in Wesnoth, the more undead we will have to face." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:124 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The orcs are more powerful than you suspect. I doubt the undead have had " #| "time to get past us in large enough numbers to make them more dangerous " #| "than the orcs." msgid "" "The orcs are more powerful than you suspect. I doubt the few undead in " "Wesnoth can rival the might of the orcish homeland." msgstr "" "Az orkok erősebbek, mint gondolnád. Kétlem, hogy már annyi élőholt átjutott " "volna mellettünk, hogy veszélyesebbé váljanak az orkoknál." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:128 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Either way we will have to fight. Look, the orcs and undead are in a " #| "conflict, and block our path!" msgid "" "Either way we will have to fight. Look, the orcs and undead block our path " "ahead!" msgstr "" "Akárhogy is döntünk, mindenképpen harcolnunk kell majd. Nézzétek, az orkok " "és az élőholtak összecsaptak előttünk, és elállják az utat!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:132 msgid "" "Well, orc, we can either continue this fight, or we can crush the humans and " "battle later. How shall it be?" msgstr "" "Nos hát, ork, folytathatjuk ezt a harcot, vagy először lemészárolhatjuk az " "embereket, és később megküzdhetünk. Hogyan legyen?" #. [message]: speaker=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:136 msgid "" "Hmm... I know. We will make a pact to destroy these men, and continue our " "fight later. " msgstr "" "Hmm... tudom. Kössünk szövetséget az emberek ellen, és majd később " "folytatjuk a saját harcunkat. " #. [message]: speaker=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:136 msgid "Perhaps he will die, and I will win our battle without fighting." msgstr "Talán elpusztul, és így csata nélkül győzhetünk." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:140 msgid "This foolish orc will surely perish." msgstr "Ez a bolond ork úgyis megdöglik." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:140 msgid "Very well, we are allies, for now. " msgstr "Rendben van, akkor egy időre szövetségesek lettünk. " #. [message]: speaker=Wak-Rano #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:151 msgid "Arrgh! I have failed to defend the northern homeland!" msgstr "Ááhh! Képtelen voltam megvédeni északi otthonunkat!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Arnai #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/06_Two_Paths.cfg:172 msgid "I was supposed to kill you all! I have failed." msgstr "Az volt a feladatom, hogy mindnyájatokkal végezzek! Elbuktam." #. [scenario]: id=07a_The_Crossing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:4 msgid "The Crossing" msgstr "Átkelés a folyón" #. [side]: type=Revenant, id=Garnad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:35 msgid "Garnad" msgstr "Garnad" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Draka-Kura #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:55 msgid "Draka-Kura" msgstr "Draka-Kura" #. [side]: type=Ogre, id=Grug #. [unit]: type=Ogre, id=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:69 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:318 msgid "Grug" msgstr "Grug" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:100 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Get Gweddry and Owaec across the river" msgid "Move Gweddry and Owaec across the river" msgstr "Eljuttatod Gweddryt és Owaecet a folyó túlpartjára" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:135 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have come to the Great River. What should we do? Should we attempt to " #| "cross it?" msgid "" "We have come to the Great River. Should we cross here, or try to find a ford?" msgstr "A Nagy Folyónál vagyunk. Mit tegyünk? Megpróbálkozzunk az átkeléssel?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:139 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We must cross this river. The undead are chasing us, and their hordes are " #| "much too great for us to defeat. Reinforcements for the undead will " #| "arrive soon. We must be across the river before that happens." msgid "" "We must cross here. The undead are chasing us, and their hordes are much too " "great for us to defeat. Reinforcements for the undead will arrive soon. We " "must be across the river before that happens." msgstr "" "Át kell jutnunk a folyón! Az élőholtak a nyomunkban vannak, és túl nagy " "erőfölényben ahhoz, hogy legyőzzük őket. Nemsokára megérkezik az erősítésük, " "és addigra már a folyó túlsó oldalán kell lennünk." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:143 msgid "" "Across this river lies the Northlands. If we can get there, we may be able " "to get some ogres to help us — but the orcs will definitely attack us before " "that happens." msgstr "" "A folyón túl fekszik Északfölde. Ha el tudunk odáig jutni, talán " "beszervezhetünk néhány ogrét, hogy a segítségünkre legyenek — de az orkok " "bizonyosan még ezelőtt meg fognak minket támadni." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:147 msgid "Grug say we no help you! We finish must battle orc with!" msgstr "Grug mondja, mi nem segít téged! Mi kell befejez harc orkkal!" #. [message]: speaker=Draka-Kura #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:151 msgid "" "Was that comprehensible to anyone? Silence, foolish ogre. I will deal with " "you later. Right now there are men trying to cross this river." msgstr "" "Érthető volt ez bárki számára is? Hallgass, te istencsapása! Veled később " "még leszámolok. Most emberek készülnek átkelni a folyón." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:155 msgid "Orc foolish! Die you now!" msgstr "Bolond ork! Meghal most!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:159 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "If we show ourselves as enemies of the orcs, they may aid us. But I think " #| "we should cross the river before trying to convince these ogres to help." msgid "" "If we show ourselves as enemies of the orcs, they may aid us. But first we " "need to cross the river." msgstr "" "Ha magunkat az orkok ellenségeinek tüntetjük fel, talán segítenek nekünk. Ám " "szerintem át kell kelnünk a folyón, mielőtt megpróbálnánk meggyőzni ezeket " "az ogrékat. " #. [unit]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Hakralan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:191 msgid "Mal-Hakralan" msgstr "Mal-Hakralan" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:200 msgid "" "The undead reinforcements have arrived! We must cross the river immediately!" msgstr "Az élőholt erősítés megérkezett! Át kell kelnünk azonnal a folyón!" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:246 msgid "Hurry up. We must get across before these undead slaughter us!" msgstr "" "Siessetek! Át kell jutnunk a folyón, mielőtt ezek az élőholtak lemészárolnak " "minket!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:293 msgid "" "Good! We have crossed. Now let’s see if we can get the ogres to join us. " "They have been convinced to work for the Crown in the past; maybe it can be " "done again." msgstr "" "Végre átértünk. Most pedig lássuk, el tudjuk-e érni, hogy az ogrék " "csatlakozzanak hozzánk. A múltban egyszer már sikerült meggyőzni őket, hogy " "harcoljanak a Koronáért. Talán sikerülhet még egyszer." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:302 msgid "Grug say join you will he." msgstr "Grug mondja csatlakoz hozzád fog." #. [unit]: type=Ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:334 msgid "Gork" msgstr "Gork" #. [unit]: type=Ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07a_The_Crossing.cfg:341 msgid "Drog" msgstr "Drog" #. [scenario]: id=07b_Undead_Crossing #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:4 msgid "Undead Crossing" msgstr "Áttörés az élőholtakon" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:34 msgid "Mal-un-Karad" msgstr "Mal-un-Karad" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:57 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Defeat either enemy leader" msgid "Defeat the enemy leader" msgstr "Legyőzöd bármelyik ellenséges vezért" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:92 msgid "" "These fens look impassable. I don’t think we will be able to continue on " "this road; it is time to turn northwards, away from these undead." msgstr "" "Ez a védelem áthatolhatatlannak tűnik. Nem hiszem hogy erre folytatni " "tudnánk az utunkat, ideje északnak fordulnunk, csak minél távolabbra " "kerüljünk ezektől az élőholtaktól." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:96 msgid "" "We must cross this river, then. We must make haste, already we have wasted " "too much time. Undead have positioned themselves in the middle of the ford." msgstr "" "Akkor át kell kelnünk a folyón. Sietnünk kell, már eddig is túl sok időt " "vesztettünk! Az élőholtak a gázló kellős közepére vették be magukat." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:100 msgid "" "Across this river lies the Northland. Ogres live there, as do orcs. We " "should proceed with caution. The undead are dangerous, but the orcs may be " "more dangerous still." msgstr "" "A folyón túl fekszik Északfölde. Ogrék és orkok élnek ott. Óvatosan kell " "haladnunk. Az élőholtak veszélyesek, de az orkok még inkább azok lehetnek." #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:104 msgid "" "I will leave your bodies to rot in the river, then I will raise you up to " "serve in my Master’s undead hordes!" msgstr "" "Hagyni fogom testeiteket megrohadni a folyóban, és utána feltámasztom őket, " "hogy szolgálják a mesterem élőholt hordáit!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-un-Karad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:121 msgid "I summon from the depths of the river beasts to destroy you!" msgstr "Megidézem a folyó mélységének szörnyeit, hogy elpusztítsanak titeket!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/07b_Undead_Crossing.cfg:152 msgid "" "It seems as if in addition to summoning undead this foul sorcerer has " "learned to call up monsters from the deep!" msgstr "" "Úgy tűnik, ez a delevény amellett, hogy holtakat támaszt fel, megtanulta " "hogyan kell előhívni a szörnyeket a mélységből!" #. [scenario]: id=08_Training_the_Ogres #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:4 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Training the Ogres" msgid "Capturing the Ogres" msgstr "Ogrék \"sorozása\"" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:42 msgid "Ogres" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:77 msgid "(captured ogres will be made available for recall)" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:77 msgid "Capture as many ogres as you can" msgstr "" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:95 msgid "" "An ogre is captured when it starts a turn being unable to move more than one " "hex." msgstr "" #. [note] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:98 msgid "If an ogre reaches the edge of the map, it will escape." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:121 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Look, we have found a pack of ogres. We should try to capture some to " #| "train." msgid "" "Look, this valley is inhabited by a tribe of ogres. We should try to capture " "some to train." msgstr "" "Nézzétek, belebotlottunk néhány ogréba. Próbáljunk meg párat elfogni, hogy " "kiképezhessük őket." #. [message]: race=ogre #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:125 msgid "Humans are coming! Run!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:129 msgid "" "Looks like they are fleeing. I think they will surrender easily if we can " "surround them." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:133 msgid "All right, we have to capture them one by one." msgstr "" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:152 msgid "Waah! Run!" msgstr "" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:156 msgid "Run for your lives!" msgstr "" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:160 msgid "Help!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:204 msgid "We have let one escape. Let’s hope they don’t all!" msgstr "Egyet hagytunk elmenekülni. Remélem a többi nem fog!" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:255 msgid "$ogre_name surrender!" msgstr "" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:259 msgid "Don't hurt $ogre_name|!" msgstr "" #. [value] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:263 msgid "$ogre_name will be good! Promise!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:350 msgid "We failed to capture any of them!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:359 msgid "We only captured one ogre." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:368 msgid "We failed to capture more than two of the ogres." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:377 msgid "We captured three ogres! I hope they will prove useful." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/08_Training_the_Ogres.cfg:384 msgid "" "We managed to capture many ogres! They will make a good addition to our " "troops." msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=09_Xenophobia #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:4 msgid "Xenophobia" msgstr "Idegengyűlölet" #. [side]: type=Dwarvish Lord, id=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:38 msgid "Pelathsil" msgstr "Pelathsil" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:56 msgid "Prok-Bak" msgstr "Prok-Bak" #. [side]: type=Elvish Marshal, id=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:77 msgid "Elandin" msgstr "Elandin" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:108 msgid "Defeat all enemy leaders" msgstr "Legyőzöd az összes ellenséges vezért" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:149 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Hail, dwarves! Will you help us get by these foul orcs? We need to get " #| "further along this path." msgid "" "Hail, dwarves! Will you help us get by these foul orcs? We are headed " "farther north." msgstr "" "Üdv néktek, törpök! Segítetek megszabadulni ezektől az ocsmány orkoktól? " "Tovább kell haladnunk ezen az úton." #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:153 msgid "You human! Call us foul, will you?!" msgstr "Te ember! Minket merészeltél ocsmánynak nevezni!?" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:157 msgid "Why should we help you? You’re not a dwarf!" msgstr "Miért segítenénk neked? Nem vagy törp!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:161 msgid "" "Your people helped us in the past, in the tunnels in the south. Will you not " "help us now?" msgstr "" "A ti népetek már segített nekünk nem is olyan régen a délre lévő " "barlangokban. Miért ne segítenétek most is?" #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:165 msgid "Impossible! I canna’ believe any of my kin would ha’ helped a human!" msgstr "" "Lehetetlen! Nem hiszem el, hogy akármelyik bajtársam segített volna egy " "embernek!" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:169 msgid "Indeed. Why should any of us help those not of our people?" msgstr "Valóban. Miért segítene akárki is közülünk egy kívülállónak?" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:173 msgid "Will you but let us pass, so that we may fight the orcs on our own?" msgstr "Akkor legalább átengedtek, hogy megküzdjünk az orkokkal?" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:177 msgid "I am afraid that is... impossible." msgstr "Attól tartok... ez lehetetlen." #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:182 msgid "Orcs, kill’em all! Humans, elves or dwarves, it don’t matter!" msgstr "" "Orkok, öljétek meg mindet! Mindegy hogy ember, tünde vagy éppen törp! " "Végezzetek velük!" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:186 msgid "" "These orcs will die. But so will you, human. You have trespassed on elvish " "land." msgstr "" "Az orkok meg fognak halni, de veled együtt, ember! Tünde területre hatoltál " "be." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:190 msgid "Oh, elvish land is it now? Die, ye elf-dog! And you too, human!" msgstr "" "Ó, ez valóban a tündék földje lenne? Dögöljetek meg tünde kutyák és ti is " "emberek!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:194 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "These people won’t listen to reason, they are all blinded by their " #| "beliefs in their own supposed superiority. We probably will have to fight " #| "them, although we may be able to bypass them." msgid "" "These people won’t listen to reason, they are all blinded by their beliefs " "in their own supposed superiority. We probably will have to fight them, " "although we can let them fight each other first." msgstr "" "Itt nem fog segíteni semmilyen érvelés, hiszen elvakítja őket saját népük " "felsőbbségének tudata. Valószínűleg meg kell küzdenünk velük, habár nem " "feltétlenül mindegyikükkel." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:198 msgid "" "True. As much as I dislike killing anything but orcs and undead, it seems we " "will have to kill these elves, and these dwarves, before they do the same to " "us." msgstr "" "Ám legyen. Nem szeretek orkokon és élőholtakon kívül másokkal végezni, de " "most rá vagyunk kényszerítve, hogy tündéket és törpöket öljünk, különben ők " "ölnek meg minket." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:209 msgid "Argh! I’m dead! Well, dwarves are still the best!" msgstr "Auhh! Meghaltam, de attól még a törpök a legjobbak!" #. [message]: speaker=Prok-Bak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:224 msgid "I die? Orcs rule all!" msgstr "Meghalok? Orkok mindenek felett!" #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:242 msgid "It seems these humans are more powerful than I thought. Ugh." msgstr "Úgy tűnik ezek az emberek sokkal erősebbek, mint gondoltam. Öhh." #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:260 msgid "Cursed dwarves! Perhaps we should have allied with the humans..." msgstr "" "Átkozott törpök! Talán szövetséget kellett volna kötnünk az emberekkel..." #. [message]: speaker=Elandin #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:274 msgid "Foul orcs! Perhaps we should have allied with the humans..." msgstr "" "Ocsmány orkok! Talán szövetséget kellett volna kötnünk az emberekkel..." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:288 msgid "It seems yon humans are mightier than I kenned..." msgstr "Úgy tűnik ezek az emberek sokkal erősebbek, mint gondoltam..." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:302 msgid "Foul orcs! Perhaps we should ha’ allied wi’ the humans..." msgstr "Ocsmány orkok! Talán szövetkeznünk kelletett volna az emberekkel..." #. [message]: speaker=Pelathsil #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/09_Xenophobia.cfg:316 msgid "Cursed elves! Perhaps we should have allied wi’ the humans..." msgstr "Átkozott tündék! Talán szövetkeznünk kelletett volna az emberekkel..." #. [scenario]: id=10_Lake_Vrug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:4 msgid "Lake Vrug" msgstr "Vrug tó" #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Darg #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:37 msgid "Darg" msgstr "Darg" #. [side]: type=Gryphon, id=Kraagak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:53 msgid "Kraagak" msgstr "Kraagak" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:78 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Defeat either enemy leader" msgid "Defeat the enemy leaders" msgstr "Legyőzöd bármelyik ellenséges vezért" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:88 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Move Gweddry to the trapdoor" msgid "Move Dacyn to the stronghold" msgstr "Eljuttatod Gweddryt a csapóajtóhoz" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:145 msgid "" "The trail stops soon. We have almost reached Lake Vrug. There is a small " "island off the coast ahead that was once home to a great school of magic. I " "pray that the library is still intact." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:149 msgid "But what happened to the people living on it?" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:153 msgid "" "Few enough remained before the trolls and gryphons took up residence in the " "mountains. But now the school is deserted, and has been for decades." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:157 msgid "" "Very well, we will take care of the trolls and gryphons. Search the library " "and may you find us an answer. Onward!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:186 msgid "" "The island ahead is mountainous; it would be wise to select troops that do " "well on such terrain." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:210 msgid "This must be the academy Dacyn mentioned." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:214 msgid "" "It still looks quite defensible. We should be able to hold there while Dacyn " "is working." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:218 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Very well. Let us rally there, and then move to destroy these trolls and " #| "gryphons." msgid "" "Very well. Let us rally there after the trolls and gryphons are defeated." msgstr "" "Nagyon jó. Itt összegyűjthetjük a seregünket, és aztán legyőzzük ezeket a " "trollokat és griffeket." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:234 msgid "You find 100 gold in the fortress!" msgstr "100 aranyat találtál az erődben!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:251 msgid "Excellent; I’ll start my research." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:281 msgid "Some time later..." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:301 msgid "Alright, now we should be safe while Dacyn is researching." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:352 msgid "I have found an answer! We must return to Wesnoth immediately! ..." msgstr "" #. [unit]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Groog #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:363 msgid "Groog" msgstr "Groog" #. [message]: speaker=Groog #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/10_Lake_Vrug.cfg:395 msgid "Be not going too fast. You gonna come wid us." msgstr "Ne menni túl gyors. Jer te velünk." #. [scenario]: id=11_Captured #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:4 msgid "Captured" msgstr "Fogságban" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:20 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "After reaching what they believed was safety, Gweddry and his men had " #| "been captured by northern orcs." msgid "" "After reaching what they believed was safety, Gweddry and his men had been " "captured by northern orcs." msgstr "" "Miután elérték a helyet, amiről azt hitték, biztonságos, Gweddryt és az " "embereit északi orkok ejtették foglyul." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:23 msgid "" "Gweddry, Dacyn and Owaec were promptly taken before the orcish king, Dra-" "Nak, while the rest were thrown into the orcish prisons to await their " "turn..." msgstr "" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:44 msgid "King Dra-Nak" msgstr "Dra-Nak király" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:74 msgid "Orcs" msgstr "" #. [side] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:83 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Prison" msgid "Prisoners" msgstr "Börtön" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:418 msgid "" "Several of Gweddry's men find themselves locked away in a crude orcish cell." msgstr "" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 1 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:424 msgid "We've got to get out of here!" msgstr "" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 2 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:429 msgid "I'm sure the commander will come and save us!" msgstr "" #. [message]: role=escapee sidekick 1 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:434 msgid "What? Didn't you see those huge trolls drag them away? It's hopeless!" msgstr "" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:439 msgid "Be quiet, you two! There's something back here..." msgstr "" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:446 msgid "" "Look! There's a gap in the wall over here. I think I can slip through if I " "clear away some of these rocks..." msgstr "" #. [message]: role=escapee leader #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:482 msgid "Come on! This way!" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:490 msgid "Find Gweddry, Dacyn and Owaec" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:494 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Well, where are the prisoners?" msgid "Release the other prisoners" msgstr "Tehát, hol vannak a rabok?" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:498 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Death of Volas" msgid "Death of the escapees" msgstr "Volas elesik" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:515 msgid "The door won't open from this side." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:533 msgid "There's strange noises coming from those pits. I don't like this." msgstr "" #. [message]: side,race=2,bat #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:544 msgid "Neep! Neep!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=second_unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:575 msgid "Ack! Get away from me!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:590 msgid "This tunnel seems to go deeper into the caves. We can't go that way." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:605 msgid "There's a pile of orcish gear and trash here. The stench is wretched." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:631 msgid "" "The other prison cells should be to the north of that chamber. If we can get " "past those trolls we could free our comrades." msgstr "" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:639 msgid "But there's too many of them!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:644 msgid "Hmm... I have an idea." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:659 msgid "After a while..." msgstr "" #. [message]: id=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:690 msgid "So, how do I look?" msgstr "" #. [message]: id=$unit.id #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:695 msgid "I'll try to slip past the trolls. You wait here." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:732 msgid "Ha-ha! These humans will make excellent slaves in my mines!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:737 msgid "" "Opening the cells should confuse the guards for a moment. But I better not " "get too close to them..." msgstr "" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:805 msgid "Eh?" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:817 msgid "Hey! Who are you? Get her!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:824 msgid "Hey! Who are you? Get him!" msgstr "" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:831 msgid "Uh oh!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:862 msgid "Here's one of the prison cells! Let me open it..." msgstr "" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:921 msgid "Finally, we're rescued!" msgstr "" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:943 msgid "At last!" msgstr "" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:965 msgid "Now let's get out of here!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=King Dra-Nak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:978 msgid "What? Who's there? Get them!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1016 msgid "The guards are distracted! Now is the time to escape!" msgstr "Az őrök most nem figyelnek! Itt az idő a menekülésre!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1021 msgid "" "The eastern entrance is teeming with orcs. We have to find another way to " "exit to the west!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1033 msgid "" "We have to get our gold back first! It must have been taken to their " "treasury." msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1047 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Gweddry reaches the end of the tunnel" msgid "Gweddry reaches the western exit" msgstr "Gweddry eléri az alagút végét" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1051 msgid "Retrieve the stolen gold" msgstr "" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1061 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Well, where are the prisoners?" msgid "Release the remaining prisoners" msgstr "Tehát, hol vannak a rabok?" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1148 msgid "" "They have reinforcements pouring in from the eastern entrance! We have to " "get out of here quickly!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1201 msgid "All the gold the orcs took is in this chest!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1212 msgid "You've regained $stored_player_gold gold!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1266 msgid "Phew! I made it." msgstr "" #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1274 msgid "Where are you going?! Come back!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/11_Captured.cfg:1293 msgid "Good! We have escaped these accursed caves!" msgstr "Végre kijutottunk ezekből az átkozott barlangokból!" # Udi, 2011. 12. 23: megváltoztatva erről: Áttörés Weldynbe #. [scenario]: id=12_Evacuation #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:4 msgid "Evacuation" msgstr "Kimenekítés" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:19 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Gweddry had escaped from the orcish prisons. He found himself in the " #| "Northlands, farther south than before. Orcs were at his back. He and his " #| "men went south, until they reached the Great River." msgid "" "Gweddry and his men had escaped from the orcish prisons, but after returning " "to the daylight they soon found themselves surrounded by a host of orcs." msgstr "" "Gweddry megszökött az ork börtönből. Északföldén találta magát, délebbre, " "mint azelőtt. Orkok loholtak a nyomában. Az embereivel délre vette útját, " "amíg el nem érte a Nagy Folyót." #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Varrak-Klar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:42 msgid "Varrak-Klar" msgstr "Varrak-Klar" #. [side]: type=Troll Warrior, id=Unhk #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:66 msgid "Unhk" msgstr "Unhk" #. [side]: type=Orcish Warlord, id=Ran-Lar #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:88 msgid "Ran-Lar" msgstr "Ran-Lar" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:155 msgid "Destroy the bridge OR defeat all enemies" msgstr "Lerombolod a hidat VAGY legyőzöl minden ellenséget" #. [objectives] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:178 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Note: every unit not on the south side of the river when the bridge is " #| "destroyed will be lost (including non-recalled units)" msgid "" "Note: every unit not south of the bridge when it is destroyed will be lost " "(including non-recalled units)" msgstr "" "Megjegyzés: minden egység, amely a híd lerombolásakor nincs a folyó déli " "oldalán, elpusztul (a vissza nem hívott egységek is)." #. [unit]: id=Engineer, type=Red Mage #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:187 msgid "Engineer" msgstr "Mérnök" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:200 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "All is lost! We have to get out of the Northlands as quickly as possible! " #| "Run for your — what the...?! Who are you?" msgid "" "We have to get out of the Northlands as quickly as possible! Run for your — " "what the...?! Who are you?" msgstr "" "Minden elveszett! Ki kell jutnunk Északföldéről, amilyen gyorsan csak lehet! " "Fussatok az — mi a manó!? Ki vagy te?" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #. This is thickly accented English #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:205 msgid "" "I’m an enginea’. I s’pect you’ll have a need of me services. I bet you’re " "gonna want me to blow up that bridge ov’r theah." msgstr "" "Én egy mérnök v’ok! Asszem szükségetek lesz a szolgálataimra. Fogadni " "mernék, szeretnétek, hogy felrobbantsam azt a hidat ott la!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:209 msgid "Why would we want to do that?!" msgstr "Miért kérnénk ilyesmit?!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:213 msgid "" "Well, I see those orcs are chasin’ you, and if I blow up the bridge, they " "can’t get across. It’ll help you to escape." msgstr "" "Há’, látom az orkok ű’döznek titeket, s ha felrobbantom a hidat, nem tunnak " "átkelni. Segíteni fog a menekülésbe’." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:217 msgid "I see... I think it is a good idea to hire him. How much?" msgstr "Világos... Azt hiszem, jó ötlet megbízást adni neki. Mennyibe kerül?" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:221 msgid "" "I ain’t charging gold — I wants protecshun! Everywhere I go, I see orcs, " "undead. ’T’ain’t safe ’round ’ere!" msgstr "" "Nem aranyér’ dolgozom — véde’met kérek tőletek az élőholtakkal szemben! " "Sehun nem biztonságos nékem a zélet." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:225 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Very well, we’ll protect you from the undead. But we can’t help you until " #| "we get across this river. Now let’s go!" msgid "" "Very well, we’ll protect you from the undead. But we can’t help you until we " "get off this island. Now let’s go!" msgstr "" "Rendben van, megvédünk az élőholtaktól, de addig nem segíthetünk, amíg nem " "jutottunk át a folyón. Induljunk!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:229 msgid "" "Deal. I c’n blow’er up once I get to that signpost ov’r dere. That’s where " "my eq’pment is. But ev’ryone not ov’r theah on that side when it blows w’ll " "be killed by the orcs fa’ sure!" msgstr "" "Áll az alku! Amin’ eljutok az útjelzőhő, ahun a főszerelésem tartom, " "fő’robbantom a hidat. De akik addigra nem lesznek túlnan, azokat az orkok " "kaszabojják le!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:246 msgid "So, d’ya want me to blow up der bridge yet, Cap’n?" msgstr "Akkó’ robbanthatom a hidat, kapitánó?" #. [option]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:252 msgid "Yes, blow it up." msgstr "Igen, robbantsd fel!" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:256 msgid "All right! Blast’n time!" msgstr "Oké, akkor robbancsunk!" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:269 msgid "BOOM!!" msgstr "BUMM!!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:308 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Good, we have escaped from these orcs. But where will we go? There are " #| "undead in Wesnoth." msgid "" "Good, we have escaped from the orcs. Now we must return to save Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Nagyszerű! Megmenekültünk az orkok elől. De hova is mehetnénk? Wesnothban " "élőholtak portyáznak." #. [option]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:320 msgid "No, wait until later." msgstr "Nem, várj még egy kicsit." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:324 msgid "Neh? A’right then, we’ll wait fa’ later, eh?" msgstr "Hehh? Akkó’ várunk még?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:337 msgid "We have not thrown down the bridge in time! The orcs will kill us all!" msgstr "Nem romboltuk le a hidat időben! Az orkok mindannyiunkat megölnek!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:345 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Well, we didn’t have to blow up the bridge after all, but we still have " #| "to leave the northlands. More orcs will come. But where will we go? There " #| "are undead in Wesnoth." msgid "" "Well, we didn’t have to blow up the bridge after all. Now we must return to " "save Wesnoth." msgstr "" "Nem kellett felrobbantanunk a hidat végül, de Északföldéről mindenképpen el " "kell mennünk. Több ork is fog érkezni hamarosan. De hova is mehetnénk? " "Wesnothban élőholtak portyáznak." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:359 #, fuzzy #| msgid "So what do you propose?" msgid "How do you propose to do that?" msgstr "Mit ajánlasz?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:364 msgid "" "We head south. My research revealed that the dragon Khrakrahs is in " "possession of a Null Stone; with it I will be able to block Mal-Ravanal’s " "teleportation. Once we have retrieved the stone, we must travel to Weldyn. " "Our experience fighting the undead will prove invaluable in the defense of " "our homeland. Also, I have advice to give the king: I know Mal-Ravanal’s " "weakness." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:368 msgid "" "Very well, we will head south. Let us hope we reach Weldyn before Mal-" "Ravanal." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/12_Evacuation.cfg:372 msgid "" "I’ll be followin’ yah from now on. Hope yah can get to Weld’n an’ all so I " "c’n stop runnin’..." msgstr "" "Mostantú’ követlek titeket. Remélem e’juttok We’dynbe, oszt úgy sikerű’ " "minden, ahogy tervezitek, és akkó’ véget érhet a menekülésem..." #. [scenario]: id=13_The_Drowned_Plains #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:4 msgid "The Drowned Plains" msgstr "Mocsárrá vált puszták" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:138 msgid "Defeat Khrakrahs" msgstr "Legyőzöd Khrakrahst" #. [message] #. [unit]: type=Skeletal Dragon, id=Khrakrahs #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:165 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:436 msgid "Khrakrahs" msgstr "Khrakrahs" #. [object] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:174 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:509 msgid "Null Stone" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:418 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Now, we have reached the Horse Plains, the fair homeland of my people. " #| "They may be able to help us in—" msgid "" "Now, we have reached the Horse Plains, the fair homeland of my people. They " "may be able to help us find—" msgstr "" "Végre, elértük a Lovak Mezejét, népem szeretett szülőföldjét. Talán fognak " "nekünk segíteni —" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:422 msgid "" "What?! Swamps?! Those undead have destroyed the grasslands of my House, and " "they shall pay for it!" msgstr "" "Mi a... csak nem mocsarak?! Ezek az élőholtak tönkretették a mezeinket, ezt " "még megbánják!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:426 msgid "" "The lich-lord must have flooded the valley. The undead like the swamp. It is " "death, decay, everything that they are themselves. I can sense them lurking " "in the swamps, waiting to ambush us." msgstr "" "A delevény-úr, Mal-Ravanal minden bizonnyal elárasztotta a völgyet. Az " "élőholtak kedvelik a mocsarat. A mocsár olyan, mint ők. Halál, rothadás,és " "minden, ami csak rájuk emlékeztethet. Érzem, hogy itt rejtőznek és le " "akarnak csapni ránk." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:430 msgid "I s’ppose we’ll hav’ to wade across it anyway... ugh." msgstr "Asszem, valahogyan át kell gázó’nunk rajtuk... ahh." #. [message] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:438 msgid "Findshhhh... slayhhhh... killhhhh..." msgstr "Kereshhhétek... öljhhhétek... vághhhjátok... őhhhket..." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:442 #, fuzzy #| msgid "What is that sound?!" msgid "What was that?!" msgstr "Mi ez a hang?!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:446 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I do not know, but my guess is the dragon Khrakrahs. He was a powerful " #| "beast indeed, in the time of Haldric, living in the Northern Mountains. " #| "But he does not sound alive. I know not what happened, but we must surely " #| "destroy him." msgid "" "That was the dragon Khrakrahs. He was a powerful beast indeed in the time of " "Haldric, living in the Northern Mountains. But he radiates a dark power " "these days, and I know not why he has taken up residence this far south. We " "must find him, and pray that he still has the Null Stone." msgstr "" "Nem tudom, de úgy hangzott, mintha a sárkány, Khrakrahs lett volna. Amikor " "még élt, a legerősebb lény volt, ami Haldric idejében az északi hegyekben " "lakozott. De a hangja nem élőé. Nem tudom, mi történhetett vele, de nekünk " "most bizonyosan el kell pusztítanunk őt." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:485 msgid "" "Ah! It appears that the mighty Khrakrahs is no longer among the living. But " "this undead abomination does not appear weak to my arcane powers... he must " "still have the Null Stone!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/13_The_Drowned_Plains.cfg:503 msgid "The Null Stone! With it we may finally defeat Mal-Ravanal!" msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=14_Approaching_Weldyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:4 msgid "Approaching Weldyn" msgstr "Weldyn felé" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Darak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:52 msgid "Mal-un-Darak" msgstr "Mal-un-Darak" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Zanrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:71 msgid "Mal-un-Zanrad" msgstr "Mal-un-Zanrad" #. [side]: type=Necromancer, id=Mal-un-Xadrux #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:89 msgid "Mal-un-Xadrux" msgstr "Mal-un-Xadrux" #. [side]: type=General, id=Konrad II #. [unit]: id=Konrad, type=General #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:107 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:61 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:214 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:44 msgid "Konrad II" msgstr "II. Konrad" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:130 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Get Gweddry to Weldyn" msgid "Move Gweddry to Weldyn castle" msgstr "Eljuttatod Gweddryt Weldynbe" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:146 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:181 msgid "Death of Konrad II" msgstr "II. Konrad elesik" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:184 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We have finally reached Weldyn, but it seems the undead have surrounded " #| "it. We must break through to reach the king!" msgid "" "We have finally reached Weldyn, but it seems the undead have it surrounded. " "We must break through to reach the king!" msgstr "" "Végre elértük Weldynt, de úgy tűnik az élőholtak már körbevették. Át kell " "törnünk, hogy eljussunk a királyhoz!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:188 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It would be best not to try to defeat these undead, there are too many of " #| "them. Go straight to the city." msgid "" "It would be best not to waste time defeating these undead, they are but a " "small fraction of the host we face. We should go straight to the city and " "prepare our defenses." msgstr "" "Veszélyes lenne megküzdeni ezekkel az élőholtakkal, óriási túlerőben vannak! " "Indulj egyenesen a városba!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:201 msgid "My liege, we have vital information about the leader of these undead." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:205 msgid "Come, into the castle." msgstr "Gyerünk, be a várba!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/14_Approaching_Weldyn.cfg:221 msgid "Weldyn has been captured, and Wesnoth is no more..." msgstr "Weldynt elfoglalták, és Wesnoth nincs többé..." #. [scenario]: id=15_The_Council #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:4 msgid "The Council" msgstr "A tanácskozás" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:22 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Before we begin our council, I must tell you all the history of this lich " #| "we face. He was at first a mage of light, like me, and his fall began " #| "during the reign of Haldric VII..." msgid "" "Before we begin our council, I must tell you all the history of this lich we " "face. He was at first a mage of the realm, like me, and his fall began " "during the reign of Haldric VII..." msgstr "" "Mielőtt megkezdenénk a tanácskozást, mindnyájatoknak el kell mondanom a " "velünk szemben álló delevény történetét. Valamikor fénymágus volt, mint " "amilyen én is, de VII. Haldric uralkodása idején elidegenedett a " "többiektől..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:26 msgid "" "The greatest seer in the land, Galdren, foresaw that some day, some day " "soon, a great evil would spread over the land. The king, naturally, was " "worried. The seer told him that the only way to stop the evil was to appoint " "a mage, versed well in combat with the spirits of darkness, to be the king’s " "advisor." msgstr "" "A környék falvainak legnagyobb látnoka, Galdren azt jövendölte, hogy egy nem " "is olyan messzi napon nagy gonoszság fogja hatalmába keríteni a környéket. A " "király természetesen aggódni kezdett. A látnok azt mondta neki, hogy egyedül " "úgy lehet megállítani a gonoszt, ha kijelölnek egy olyan mágust a király " "tanácsadójává, aki tapasztalt a sötétség szellemeivel való harcban." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:29 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "In all the land, there were two magi of light that clearly stood out from " #| "the rest. A mage from the east named Ravan, and myself. The King, wishing " #| "to choose a good advisor, sent us both before Galdren. Then he conversed " #| "with the seer privately. None know what was said, but when he came out he " #| "announced that the seer was dead, and he had chosen me as his new advisor." msgid "" "In all the land, there were two magi that clearly stood out from the rest. A " "mage from the east named Ravan, and myself. The King, wishing to choose the " "best advisor, sent us both before Galdren. Then he conversed with the seer " "privately. None know what was said, but when he came out he announced that " "the seer was dead, and he had chosen me as his new advisor." msgstr "" "Közel és messze két fénymágus emelkedett ki a többiek közül. A keletről " "érkezett Ravan és jómagam. A király, aki jó tanácsadót akart választani, " "elküldött mindkettőnket Galdrenhez, majd személyesen tanácskozott a " "látnokkal. Senki nem tudja mit mondhatott neki, de mikor visszatért, " "bejelentette, hogy a látnok halott, és engem választott új tanácsadójának." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:32 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Ravan took this quietly enough, we all thought, but now I think that this " #| "was when he began his fall. He went deep into conversation with the " #| "spirits of darkness, hoping to discover their weaknesses, but it was they " #| "who found his. In time, as all of the magi of death eventually do, he " #| "took his own life and reformed himself as a lich, one of the most " #| "powerful ones ever seen." msgid "" "Ravan took this quietly enough, we all thought, but now I think that this " "was when he began his fall. He went deep into conversation with the spirits " "of darkness, hoping to discover their weaknesses. But it was they who found " "his." msgstr "" "Ravan könnyen vette a történteket, legalábbis mi így gondoltuk, de most már " "úgy hiszem, akkor kezdődött el a hanyatlása. Elkezdte mélyen tanulmányozni a " "sötétség szellemeit, remélve hogy felfedi gyengeségeiket, de végül ő maga " "lett az áldozat. Idővel, mint ahogyan sok halálmágussal megesik, véget " "vetett az életének, és újjáalkotta magát delevény formában, ráadásul az " "egyik legerősebb lett valamennyi közül." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:35 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "One day, he disguised himself and came to the castle, where I was living. " #| "He demanded to see me, and the guards let him in, for then he was still a " #| "respected member of the court. When I came out, he revealed himself, " #| "named himself Mal-Ravanal, and challenged me to a duel." msgid "" "One day, Ravan returned to the castle where I was living. He demanded to see " "me and the guards let him in, for then he was still a well-respected mage. " "When I greeted him, he named himself Mal-Ravanal and challenged me to a duel." msgstr "" "Egy napon, álcázva magát, a várba jött, ahol én éltem. Találkozni akart " "velem, és az őrök beengedték, hiszen akkor még megbecsült tagja volt a " "tanácsnak. Mikor kijöttem, hogy köszöntsem, felfedte magát, mint Mal-Ravanal " "és párbajra hívott." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:38 msgid "" "His attack was swift and his power great, but through unwavering faith and " "no small skill I emerged victorious. As he lie there mortally wounded I " "prepared to excise the darkness in his soul." msgstr "" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:41 msgid "" "But I hesitated too long... He simply vanished, teleported away. The mage " "Ravan died that day; yet death is a mere inconvenience to those most skilled " "in the arts of necromancy..." msgstr "" #. [side]: type=Great Mage, id=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:75 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:57 msgid "Kaldor" msgstr "Kaldor" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:105 msgid "This is the lich we are facing: Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:109 msgid "So what should we do now?" msgstr "Mit tegyünk most?" #. [message]: speaker=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:113 msgid "" "We must fight, obviously. Surely the might of Wesnoth can triumph over a " "mere lich!" msgstr "" "Nyilvánvalóan harcolnunk kell. Wesnoth hatalmas, s hűséges hadereje minden " "bizonnyal győzedelmeskedni tud egy egyszerű delevény felett!" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:117 msgid "" "I can tell by your words that you have not seen the hordes for yourself. It " "is like all of the dead warriors from all the ages have come back to attack " "us. There is no end to the columns of marching skeletons, the wailing " "ghosts, the infernal bats, led by the foul necromancers who raised them." msgstr "" "Szavaidból érződik, hogy még nem láttad a hordákat saját szemeiddel. Olyan, " "mintha minden idők halott harcosai visszatértek volna, hogy szembeszálljanak " "velünk. A végét se látod a menetelő csontvázak, huhogó szellemek, pokoli " "denevérek oszlopainak, akiket ocsmány holtidézők keltettek életre és " "irányítják őket." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:121 msgid "" "We barely escaped the Southern Outpost with our lives; Mal-Ravanal’s army " "cannot be defeated by even the might of all Wesnoth." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:125 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "That simply makes you cowards. True warriors would have stayed and " #| "fought, to the death!" msgid "" "That simply makes you cowards. True warriors would have stayed and fought to " "the death!" msgstr "" "Ez gyávaság volt! Ha igazi harcosok lennétek, akkor ott maradtatok volna és " "harcoltatok volna az utolsó csepp véretekig!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:129 msgid "" "A meaningless sacrifice and a few more corpses marching upon Weldyn. We " "realized our only path to victory is to destroy the head of these " "necromancers, the lich Mal-Ravanal. With this Null Stone I can counteract " "his teleportation and finally put his tortured soul to rest." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Kaldor #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:133 msgid "But if we cannot defeat the army, how may we strike at the leader?!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:137 msgid "" "I recommend a full assault. Our mounted units are more maneuverable; if we " "attack in force we may be able to punch through the enemy lines and isolate " "Mal-Ravanal in the chaos of battle." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:141 msgid "" "I suggest that we appeal to his arrogance: I believe Mal-Ravanal would be " "compelled to face me if I were to challenge him to a duel." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:145 msgid "" "We cannot trust that he would honor the terms of the challenge! You would " "likely find yourself facing his entire army!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:149 msgid "" "We face his entire army regardless. The only difference is whether Mal-" "Ravanal is commanding in back or gloating in front." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:153 msgid "" "Two risky plans. But if these undead are as strong as you say then we are " "pressed for options. Gweddry, you are most familiar with this situation. I " "will leave this choice in your hands." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=guard #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:170 msgid "Sire, the undead armies are attacking!" msgstr "Uram, az élőholt seregek támadnak!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/15_The_Council.cfg:174 msgid "Well, that will have to be the end of our council. Let us fight!" msgstr "A tanácskozást berekesztem. Harcoljunk!" #. [scenario]: id=16_Weldyn_under_Attack #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:4 msgid "Weldyn under Attack" msgstr "Weldyn ostroma" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:54 msgid "Halrad" msgstr "Halrad" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halric #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:71 msgid "Halric" msgstr "Halric" #. [side]: type=General, id=Halrod #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:88 msgid "Halrod" msgstr "Halrod" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Grekulak #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:106 msgid "Mal-Grekulak" msgstr "Mal-Grekulak" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Xakralan #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:123 msgid "Mal-Xakralan" msgstr "Mal-Xakralan" #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Mal-Uknalu #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:140 msgid "Mal-Uknalu" msgstr "Mal-Uknalu" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:164 msgid "Survive the long night" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:235 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "We will fight soon, my lord. Look, night approaches; they will soon " #| "attack. I hope we can hold them off." msgid "" "We will fight soon, my lord. Look, night approaches; and with it the undead " "hordes. I stand ready to defend the kingdom." msgstr "" "Nemsokára harcolni fogunk uram! Az éjszaka közeleg, és hamarosan megkezdik " "az első rohamot. Remélem ki tudunk tartani." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:239 msgid "Very well. But this... Mal-Ravanal, that you spoke of, is he here?" msgstr "Persze. De ez a... Mal-Ravanal, akiről beszéltetek, itt van?" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:243 #, fuzzy #| msgid "I do not sense his magic, but he might be concealing his presence." msgid "" "I sense his dark magic prolonging the night, but I do not feel his presence." msgstr "Nem érzem a mágiáját, de lehet, hogy csak leplezi kilétét." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:247 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "In any case, the undead are attacking now. Let us hope we can last out " #| "the night." msgid "" "In any case, the undead are attacking now. Let us show them the might of " "Wesnoth!" msgstr "" "Akárhogyan is legyen, az élőholtak megkezdték támadásukat. Reménykedjünk, " "hogy átvészeljük az éjjelt!" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:258 #, fuzzy #| msgid "I have died, and with me gone the city shall fall." msgid "I have died, and with me gone the kingdom is lost." msgstr "Meghaltam, és velem együtt a város is el fog pusztulni." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:270 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Look, the sun has risen, and the undead are retreating." msgid "Look, the sun has finally risen, and the undead are retreating." msgstr "Nézzétek, a nap felkelt, és az élőholtak visszavonulnak." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:283 msgid "Even this infernal darkness cannot dim the spirits of our men!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:297 msgid "" "This long night is over, and Wesnoth still stands. Yet I do not know how " "many more such nights we can endure." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:301 msgid "Gweddry, have you made a decision regarding our course of action?" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:306 msgid "I have. I think we should..." msgstr "" #. [option]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:308 msgid "challenge Mal-Ravanal to a duel." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:312 msgid "I will send the message at once." msgstr "" #. [option]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:322 msgid "try to isolate Mal-Ravanal in battle." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/16_Weldyn_under_Attack.cfg:326 msgid "I will begin preparing our troops." msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=17a_The_Duel #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:4 msgid "The Duel" msgstr "A párbaj" #. [objective]: condition=win #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:65 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:167 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Defeat Mal-Ravanal" msgid "Defeat Mal-Ravanal while Dacyn is nearby" msgstr "Legyőzöd Mal-Ravanalt" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:97 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "I have waited a long time for this day to come. Prepare to die, Gweddry " #| "of Wesnoth!" msgid "" "I have waited a long time for this day to come. I shall have my revenge, " "Dacyn!" msgstr "" "Régóta várom már, hogy eljöjjön ez a nap. Készülj a halálodra, wesnothi " "Gweddry!" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:101 msgid "Indeed, it is time to end this." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:107 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "The rules of the duel are these:\n" #| "You may recruit or recall up to 6 units.\n" #| "At the end of your first turn, your keep will disappear, and you must " #| "battle with whatever troops you have at that time.\n" #| "The first leader to fall loses the duel." msgid "" "The rules of the duel are these:\n" "You may recruit or recall up to 5 units.\n" "At the end of your first turn, your keep will disappear, and you must battle " "with whatever troops you have at that time." msgstr "" "A párbaj szabályai a következők:\n" "Mindössze hat egységet toborozhatsz, illetve hívhatsz vissza.\n" "Az első kör után a vár el fog tűnni, így az éppen meglévő egységeiddel kell " "végigküzdened a csatát.\n" "Amelyik vezér először elesik, az elvesztette a párbajt." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:115 msgid "" "When we attack Mal-Ravanal I will need to be nearby with the Null Stone to " "prevent his teleportation. We cannot afford to let him escape." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:255 msgid "" "Wait — what just happened? He called more warriors out of the ground! That’s " "not allowed!" msgstr "" "Állj — mi folyik ott? Újabb egységek bújnak elő a földből! Ez nem " "megengedett!" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:259 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Stop talking and fight! The rules do not stop me from bringing up " #| "warriors that were already here." msgid "" "Stop talking and fight! The rules say nothing about bringing up warriors " "that were already here." msgstr "" "Ne nyafogj, inkább harcolj! A szabályok nem akadályoznak meg olyan harcosok " "bevetésében, akik már régebben is itt voltak." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:270 msgid "No! This cannot be the way it was meant to end!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17a_The_Duel.cfg:284 msgid "Wesnoth, I have failed you..." msgstr "" #. [scenario]: id=17b_Weldyn_Besieged #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:9 msgid "Weldyn Besieged" msgstr "Weldyn végső ostroma " #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich2 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich3 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich4 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich5 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich6 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich7 #. [side]: type=Lich, id=Lich8 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:45 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:62 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:79 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:96 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:113 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:130 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:147 msgid "?" msgstr "?" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:183 msgid "Death of Konrad" msgstr "II. Konrad elesik" #. [objective]: condition=lose #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:187 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Letting any enemy unit on to your keep" msgid "Letting any enemy unit onto your keep" msgstr "Egy ellenséges egység a váradba lép" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:217 msgid "" "I can sense Mal-Ravanal is here somewhere... When we attack him I will need " "to be nearby with the Null Stone to prevent his teleportation. We cannot " "afford to let him escape." msgstr "" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:221 msgid "Mal-Hadanak" msgstr "Mal-Hadanak" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:222 msgid "Mal-Katklagad" msgstr "Mal-Katklagad" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:223 msgid "Mal-Xaskanat" msgstr "Mal-Xaskanat" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:224 msgid "Mal-Akranbral" msgstr "Mal-Akranbral" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:225 msgid "Mal-Larakan" msgstr "Mal-Larakan" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:226 msgid "Mal-Drakanal" msgstr "Mal-Drakanal" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:229 msgid "You dare to attack me? Now you will pay!" msgstr "Hogy mertél megtámadni?! Most megfizetsz!" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:230 msgid "I will enjoy watching you suffer!" msgstr "" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:231 msgid "Death will only be the beginning of your torment!" msgstr "" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:232 msgid "You will serve me in death!" msgstr "" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:233 msgid "Allow me to free you from your wretched existence!" msgstr "" #. [event] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:234 msgid "My master is merely toying with you!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:318 msgid "I shall destroy you personally!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=unit #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:387 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Kill them." msgid "Kill them all!" msgstr "Öljétek meg őket!" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:391 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "They killed Konrad... now, even if we save Weldyn, Wesnoth has fallen." msgid "" "They killed the royal family... now, even if we save Weldyn, Wesnoth has " "fallen." msgstr "" "Megölték Konradot... most, még ha Weldyn meg is menekül, Wesnoth elveszett." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/17b_Weldyn_Besieged.cfg:406 msgid "The Kingdom of Wesnoth dies with me!" msgstr "A Wesnothi Királyság velem együtt bukik el!" #. [scenario]: id=18_Epilogue #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:4 msgid "Epilogue" msgstr "Utószó" #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:18 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "When Mal-Ravanal fell, the living creatures under his banner broke and " #| "fled; the undead simply collapsed like puppets with their strings cut. As " #| "the lich’s death-scream echoed in the air, a vast and louring column of " #| "shadow arose from his corpse like smoke from an unclean fire; then it " #| "divided fivefold at its height, reaching for the heavens like a clutching " #| "hand.\n" #| "\n" #| "Men let weapons fall from nerveless fingers and horses reared in terror " #| "as that great dark pall obscured the sun..." msgid "" "When Mal-Ravanal fell his undead army simply collapsed like puppets with " "their strings cut. As the lich’s death-scream echoed in the air, a vast and " "louring column of shadow arose from his corpse like smoke from an unclean " "fire; then it divided fivefold at its height, reaching for the heavens like " "a clutching hand.\n" "\n" "Men let weapons fall from nerveless fingers and horses reared in terror as " "that great dark pall obscured the sun..." msgstr "" "Miután Mal-Ravanal elesett, élő szolgái kitörtek az irányítása alól és " "elmenekültek; az élőholtak egyszerűen szertefoszlottak, eltűntek. Ahogy a " "delevény halálsikolya visszhangzott a levegőben, egy hatalmas és fenyegető " "árnyoszlop jött létre a testéből, mintha egy tisztátalan tűz füstje lenne; " "ötfelé vált nyúlványai a magasba emelkedtek, mint egy óriási kéz, amely " "valamibe markolni akar.\n" " \n" "Az emberek kiejtették fegyvereiket remegő kezükből, a lovak nyerítettek " "félelmükben, ahogy a sötét felleg eltakarta a napot..." #. [part] #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:24 msgid "" "... and then it thinned, and paled, and a breeze from the west dissolved it " "in tatters, and the light of day shone once again undiminished on Weldyn." msgstr "" "... aztán az árny elvékonyodott, elhalványult, és a nyugati szél " "szertefoszlatta, és ezen a ragyogó napon Weldynbe újra béke költözött." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:98 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It is a great victory we have won here, destroying he who was the main " #| "author of Wesnoth’s troubles." msgid "" "It is a great victory we have won here today, vanquishing the arch-lich Mal-" "Ravanal." msgstr "" "Fantasztikus győzelmet arattunk itt, elpusztítva azt, aki egy személyben " "felelős volt Wesnoth minden gondjáért, bajáért." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:103 msgid "" "So many months of fighting... I feel as though I am awakening from a long " "nightmare." msgstr "" "Véres harcokkal terhelt hónapok után... Úgy érzem, mintha egy hosszú " "rémálomból ébredtem volna." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:108 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Nor is our work yet complete. Mal-Ravanal’s main host has been broken, " #| "but its outriders ravage the countryside in all directions." msgid "" "Nor is our work yet complete. Mal-Ravanal’s host has been broken, but in its " "wake chaos and disorder prevail throughout the countryside." msgstr "" "A munkánk még nem ért véget. Mal-Ravanal fő serege ugyan elbukott, de más " "követői a környéken pusztítanak mindenfelé." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:113 msgid "" "We will be years... perhaps decades... recovering from the ill he has " "wrought." msgstr "" "A kilábalás... évekig... talán évtizedekig fog tartani a válságból, amit ő " "okozott." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:123 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Even now we should be sending our cavalry to harry and slay as many of " #| "the fleeing orcs as we can." msgid "" "Even now we should be sending our cavalry to restore order throughout the " "land." msgstr "" "Azonnal el kell küldenünk a lovasságunkat, hogy üldözzék a menekülő " "ellenséget." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:129 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Even now we should be sending our troops to harry and slay as many of the " #| "fleeing orcs as we can." msgid "" "Even now we should be sending our troops to restore order throughout the " "land." msgstr "" "Azonnal küldjük ki a katonáinkat, hogy pusztítsanak el annyi menekülő " "ellenséget, amennyit csak tudnak." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:136 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "It shall be so. But it is also to be thought that you three have served " #| "Us, and Our Kingdom, full well. We are minded to reward you." msgid "" "It shall be so. But first, know that you have served Us, and Our Kingdom, " "full well. We are minded to reward you." msgstr "" "Úgy legyen. Bár meg kell hagyni, hogy amíg ti hárman a szolgálatunkban " "álltok, és persze a Királyságéban, addig nem lehet gondunk. Ezért úgy " "gondoljuk, hogy jutalmat érdemeltek." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:146 msgid "" "Sir Terraent, your service to the crown has been a beacon of light in these " "dark times. We are appointing you to command the River Guard in Estmark." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:150 msgid "" "It is an honor to serve my kingdom, and I humbly accept your commission." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:162 msgid "" "Grug, Gweddry has told me of the help you and your tribe provided his men. " "We wish to offer you a new home in the Estmark Hills along with Our thanks." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:166 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Grug say join you will he." msgid "Grug say new home will make thanks with." msgstr "Grug mondja csatlakoz hozzád fog." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:173 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Dacyn. You will remain by Our side, here; as you counseled these two in " #| "war, you shall counsel Us in peace and the rebuilding of the Kingdom." msgid "" "Dacyn. I would have you remain by Our side, here; as you counseled these two " "in war, so shall you counsel Us in peace and the rebuilding of the Kingdom." msgstr "" "Dacyn. Itt maradsz velünk, s ahogyan a háború folyamán tanácsaiddal " "irányítottad e két kiváló tisztet, úgy hasznos javaslataiddal a királyság " "békéjét és az újjáépítést segítheted elő." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:177 msgid "I am honored, your highness." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:187 msgid "" "Engineer, much of Estmark region stands in ruins. The crown has need of your " "skills to clear the wreckage and organize the reconstruction." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:191 msgid "I’ll be glad ta help yah. It’ll be fun to work in peace again." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:198 msgid "Now as for you..." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:208 msgid "Sire, we but did our duty." msgstr "Uram, mi csak a kötelességünket teljesítettük." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:213 msgid "Quite. Now do not interrupt while I am doing mine... Kneel, Owaec." msgstr "" "Csendet. Ne szakíts félbe egy ilyen fontos pillanatban... térdre, Owaec." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:220 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Arise, Owaec, Knight Commander of the King’s Horse. And take as Our first " #| "command to you your own wish; go from here, harry and destroy the enemy " #| "in their flight until the fields of Weldyn become a byword for fear at " #| "which the orcs will tremble for generations." msgid "" "Arise, Owaec, Knight Commander of the King’s Horse. And take as Our first " "command to you your own wish; go from here, secure our borders, and show all " "that the might of Wesnoth will endure." msgstr "" "Állj fel, Owaec, a Királyi Lovasság parancsnoka, a Király Lovagja. Az első " "parancsunk legyen kívánságod szerint; menj, kutasd fel az ellenség " "búvóhelyeit és pusztítsd el őket, mígnem Weldyn földje az orkok számára " "olyan szó lesz, amihez generációk sora fogja a rettegést társítani." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:249 msgid "Kneel, Gweddry." msgstr "Térdelj le, Gweddry." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:255 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Sire, we but did our duty." msgid "Sire, I but did my duty." msgstr "Uram, mi csak a kötelességünket teljesítettük." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:259 msgid "Quite. Now do not interrupt while I am doing mine... Kneel, Gweddry." msgstr "" "Csendet. Ne szakíts félbe egy ilyen fontos pillanatban... térdre, Gweddry." #. [message]: speaker=Konrad II #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:268 msgid "" "And arise, Gweddry, Earl of Estmark. The land for which you shed your blood " "shall be put under your hand to be made green again." msgstr "" "És állj fel Gweddry, Estmark grófja. A föld, amelyért a véredet hullattad, a " "te kormányzásod alatt legyen újra virágzó terület." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/scenarios/18_Epilogue.cfg:273 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "With these words and acts began the Silver Age of Wesnoth, that time " #| "known to historians as the Reconstruction..." msgid "" "And so began the Silver Age of Wesnoth, that time known to historians as the " "Reconstruction..." msgstr "" "Ezekkel a szavakkal és tettekkel kezdődött el Wesnoth Ezüstkora, ezt az időt " "a történészek az Újjáépítés koraként ismerik..." #. [unit_type]: id=Horse Lord, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Horse_Lord.cfg:4 msgid "Horse Lord" msgstr "Lovas úr" #. [unit_type]: id=Horse Lord, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Horse_Lord.cfg:20 msgid "" "The greatest of the men of the plains, Horse Lords are heads of their houses " "and are respected by all, friend or foe. Their sword can kill most ordinary " "enemies, and their morning star crushes those who are left." msgstr "" "A lovas urak, elsők az alföldek minden lakói közt, nemzetségeik családfői, " "és nagy tiszteletben részesülnek mindenki által, legyen az barát vagy " "ellenség. Kardjukkal könnyedén elbánnak a közönséges ellenséggel, tüskés " "buzogányuk pedig lekaszabolja a megmaradtakat." #. [attack]: type=blade #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Horse_Lord.cfg:24 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Warrior.cfg:23 msgid "greatsword" msgstr "kétkezes kard" #. [attack]: type=impact #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Horse_Lord.cfg:33 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Fighter.cfg:32 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Warrior.cfg:32 msgid "morning star" msgstr "tüskés buzogány" #. [unit_type]: id=Lich Lord #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Lich_Lord.cfg:7 msgid "Lich Lord" msgstr "" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Fighter, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Fighter.cfg:4 msgid "Mounted Fighter" msgstr "Lovas verekedő" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Fighter, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Fighter.cfg:19 msgid "" "The nobles of the men of the plains are trained with the rest of the " "horsemen to become great warriors. However, they are also trained in " "commanding their comrades, and they are the ones that become captains of the " "armies of the Clans." msgstr "" "A nemesemberek az alföldeken a lovasokkal gyakorlatoznak, hogy félelmetes " "harcossá váljanak. De a csapataik vezetését is megtanulják, és egyszer talán " "ők is a Klánok seregeinek kapitányaivá válhatnak." #. [attack]: type=blade #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Fighter.cfg:23 msgid "sword" msgstr "kard" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Warrior, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Warrior.cfg:4 msgid "Mounted Warrior" msgstr "Lovas harcos" #. [unit_type]: id=Mounted Warrior, race=human #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/units/Mounted_Warrior.cfg:19 msgid "" "Leaders of the plains, Mounted Warriors are skilled with the use of the " "sword and the morning star. Riding horses, they are able to move around the " "battlefield with great speed, and can provide much needed assistance to " "different fronts." msgstr "" "A síkságok vezetői, a lovas harcosok a kard és a tüskés buzogány " "forgatásában jártasak. Lovaikon vágtatva gyorsan bejárhatják az egész " "csatamezőt és támogatást nyújthatnak a leginkább rászorultaknak a frontvonal " "bármely szakaszán." #. [attacks]: id=shock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:8 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:9 msgid "shock" msgstr "sokk" #. [attacks]: id=shock #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:10 #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/abilities.cfg:11 #, fuzzy #| msgid "" #| "Shock:\n" #| "When this attack is used on offense, the opponent will retaliate with one " #| "less strike than normally, to a minimum of one strike." msgid "" "When this attack is used on offense, the opponent will retaliate with one " "less strike than normally, to a minimum of one strike." msgstr "" "Sokk:\n" "Ha ezt a támadást használod, az ellenség eggyel kevesebbet fog visszaütni, " "mint más esetben, de legalább egyszer biztosan." #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:9 msgid "No! I... die..." msgstr "Nem! Meg... halok..." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:23 msgid "We are doomed..." msgstr "Elvesztünk..." #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:37 msgid "I... must— Argh...!" msgstr "Nekem... — Ááh..." #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:51 msgid "Grarrgghh..." msgstr "Grarrgg..." #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:62 msgid "Wha’? Yah fail’d to give me protecshun..." msgstr "Mi va’? Nem tuttatok megvéd’ni..." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:73 msgid "" "It was perhaps as well for the men of Gweddry’s troop that they did not live " "to see the grim tide of undead sweeping westward into Wesnoth, laying waste " "to all in its path." msgstr "" "Talán még Gweddry katonái sem élték meg, hogy lássák, amint a rettenetes " "élőholt áradat végigsöpör Wesnothon nyugat felé, s nyomában csak pusztaság " "marad." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:85 msgid "" "Wesnoth never learned the fate of Gweddry’s band, but all too soon they " "would suffer the rage and malice of marauding orcs and undead in a war that " "would end only in misery and death." msgstr "" "Sosem derült ki, hogy mi lett Gweddry csapatának a sorsa... de Wesnoth " "nagyon hamar megtapasztalta a martalóc orkok és élőholtak dühöngését és " "rosszakaratát egy olyan háborúban, mely csak nyomorúsághoz és halálhoz vezet." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:97 msgid "" "Their home country proved to be no refuge for Gweddry’s weary men, and no " "more would it for the inhabitants of Wesnoth as foes pressed them on all " "sides to a final defense of the doomed kingdom." msgstr "" "Gweddry kimerült embereinek nem tudott menedéket nyújtani a hazájuk... ahogy " "Wesnoth lakóinak sem, miközben az ellenségek minden oldalról az utolsó " "védelmi vonalakig nyomultak be a pusztulásra ítélt királyságba." #. [message]: speaker=narrator #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/deaths.cfg:109 msgid "" "With the staunchest defenders of Wesnoth bested on their home ground, the " "once-great kingdom was plunged into final darkness under the vengeful hand " "of Mal-Ravanal." msgstr "" "Ahogy Wesnoth legelszántabb védői is elestek hazájuk drága földjén, az " "egykor oly hatalmas királyság elmerült a végső sötétségben Mal-Ravanal " "bosszúéhes karmai között." #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:16 msgid "Your evil will darken the earth no longer!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Terraent #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:31 msgid "I shall avenge the death of my comrades!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Engineer #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:46 msgid "I’m gonna blow you up!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Grug #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:61 msgid "Grug again dead make!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Owaec #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:76 msgid "Taste the steel of the Horse Clans!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Gweddry #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:91 msgid "This is for Wesnoth!" msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:103 msgid "" "You are more powerful than I expected, but you cannot possibly defeat me." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:126 msgid "No. Your reign of terror ends today." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Mal-Ravanal #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:131 msgid "What?!... I... cannot... lose..." msgstr "" #. [message]: speaker=Dacyn #: data/campaigns/Eastern_Invasion/utils/final_battle.cfg:176 msgid "I wasn’t able to prevent his escape from here. Now Wesnoth is doomed..." msgstr "" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "You may now recruit ogres!" #~ msgid "You may now recruit young ogres!" #~ msgstr "Mostantól toborozhatsz ogrékat is!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Move Gweddry to the trapdoor" #~ msgid "Move Gweddry to the south-west exit" #~ msgstr "Eljuttatod Gweddryt a csapóajtóhoz" #~ msgid "Torture Chamber" #~ msgstr "Kínzószoba" #~ msgid "Throne Room" #~ msgstr "Trónszoba" #~ msgid "The City" #~ msgstr "A város" #~ msgid "Exit" #~ msgstr "Kijárat" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "So, Gweddry, you escaped too? Good. I think they have the rest of our " #~| "troops captive, along with the peasants following us. We should be able " #~| "to rescue them." #~ msgid "" #~ "So, Gweddry, you escaped too? Good. I think they still have the rest of " #~ "our troops captive. We must rescue them and head for the southwest exit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Jól van Gweddry, te is megmenekültél. Kitűnő! Gondolom a csapataink " #~ "maradéka a fogságukban van, ahogy a minket követő falusiak is. Meg kell " #~ "próbálnunk kiszabadítani őket!" #~ msgid "Where are they? These caves are impossible to navigate!" #~ msgstr "Hol vannak? Ezekben a barlangokban lehetetlen eligazodni!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Somewhere south of us. We are in a hidden passage in the north. Oh, and " #~| "some others escaped too, along with Owaec." #~ msgid "" #~ "Somewhere south of us, but we’d best avoid the chamber we just came from. " #~ "Oh, and some others escaped too, along with Owaec." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Valahol tőlünk délre. Mi egy északi rejtett folyosóban vagyunk. Ó, és még " #~ "néhányan kiszabadultak, Owaeckel együtt." #~ msgid "Well, where’s their leader? I don’t see him." #~ msgstr "Jó, hol van a vezérük? Nem látom." #~ msgid "Uh... " #~ msgstr "Uh..." #~ msgid "whisper^I dunno. He escaped, I think." #~ msgstr "(suttogva) Nem tom. Megszökött, gondolom." #~ msgid "" #~ "You fool! Well, find him. Bring him to me! Wait, no, just kill him on " #~ "sight." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ostoba tökfilkó! Azonnal keressétek meg, és hozzátok elém! Sőt, várjatok, " #~ "elég ha a fejét hozzátok!" #~ msgid "Look, the escaped prisoners have returned!" #~ msgstr "Nézzétek, a kiszabadult rabok visszajöttek!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Kill them." #~ msgid "Kill them!" #~ msgstr "Öljétek meg őket!" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Huh? Who’s there, who said that?" #~ msgid "Huh? Who said that?" #~ msgstr "Hehh? Ki van ott, ki mondta ezt?" #~ msgid "I see the exit to the tunnel! Onward!" #~ msgstr "Látom az alagút végét! Előre!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Wait! We cannot go out that way. There are too many orcs. We must exit " #~ "through the south-west gates." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Várj! Nem mehetünk arra. Túl sok az ork arrafelé. A délnyugati kapuk felé " #~ "kell menekülnünk." #~ msgid "Very well. We must go the other way." #~ msgstr "Rendben van. A másik úton kell mennünk." #~ msgid "Survive until end of turns" #~ msgstr "Kitartasz a körök végéig" #~ msgid "To add ogres to your army, keep two on the grass until end of turns" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tarts két ogrét a mezőn a körök végéig ahhoz, hogy besorozd őket a " #~ "seregedbe." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "All right, we have to keep at least two of these ogres on the grass " #~| "where they can’t escape until our troops get here to capture them. Then " #~| "they will have to lead us to their tribe." #~ msgid "" #~ "All right, we have to keep at least two of these ogres on the grass where " #~ "they can’t escape until our troops get here to capture them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rendben, legalább két ogrét a nyílt mezőn kell tartanunk, ahonnan nem " #~ "menekülhetnek, amíg csapataink ideérnek és elfogják őket. Utána el fognak " #~ "vezetni minket a törzsükhöz." #~ msgid "" #~ "We should try to surround them. Gweddry, you stay where you are. Dacyn, " #~ "you go north-east. I’ll go north-west." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Meg kell próbálnunk körbefogni őket. Gweddry, te maradj ott, ahol vagy. " #~ "Dacyn, te északkelet felé menj, én pedig északnyugatra megyek." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "" #~| "Our troops have caught up! Now, we will be able to recruit ogres, since " #~| "these will be able to convince their tribe to join us." #~ msgid "Our troops have caught up! Now, we will be able to recruit ogres!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "A csapataink beértek minket! Most már tudunk ogrékat toborozni, mivel a " #~ "most elfogottakkal már meg tudjuk győzni az egész törzset, hogy " #~ "csatlakozzanak hozzánk." #~ msgid "" #~ "We didn’t capture enough of the ogres here. We will have to go on without " #~ "them." #~ msgstr "Nem kaptunk el elég ogrét. Nélkülük kell tovább mennünk." #~ msgid "Resist until Dacyn’s return tomorrow night" #~ msgstr "Kitartasz, amíg Dacyn holnap éjszaka megérkezik" #~ msgid "Resist until Dacyn’s return in two days" #~ msgstr "Kitartasz Dacyn két nap múlva esedékes visszaérkezéséig" #~ msgid "" #~ "Look. To the east. Undead approach! But wait... I sense something... They " #~ "must not see me..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nézzétek! Kelet felől. Azok élőholtak! De várjatok... egy különös érzés " #~ "kerülget... nem szabad meglátniuk engem..." #~ msgid "" #~ "Hm. I do not sense anything out of the ordinary here. My scouts must have " #~ "deceived me. Very well; destroy them." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hmm. Nem érzek semmi különlegeset errefelé. A felderítőim biztosan " #~ "becsaptak. Rendben, halál rájuk!" #~ msgid "" #~ "On with the search. I trust you can defeat these men yourself? I have no " #~ "time to waste here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Folytassátok a keresést! Bízom benne, hogy egyedül is elbántok ezekkel az " #~ "emberekkel. Nem vesztegethetek el itt több időt." #~ msgid "" #~ "There are too many undead, I cannot defeat them... but my orders are to " #~ "hold this outpost at all costs. It may be we will die this day." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Túl sokan vannak, nem tudom őket legyőzni... de azt a parancsot kaptam, " #~ "hogy mindenáron tartsak ki. Talán ez az utolsó napunk az életben." #~ msgid "" #~ "But... somehow, I do not think Dacyn has abandoned us. He must have had a " #~ "reason for leaving." #~ msgstr "" #~ "De... bárhogyan is, nem hiszem, hogy Dacyn csak úgy hátat fordított " #~ "nekünk. Biztos jó okkal távozott." #~ msgid "" #~ "Hurry! Before long enemy reinforcements will arrive, and we will all die! " #~ "Go to the trapdoor!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Siessetek! Mielőtt megérkezik az ellenség erősítése, és mind meghalunk. " #~ "Gyertek a csapóajtóhoz!" #~ msgid "" #~ "I do not know. There are trolls in here, which may try to fight us. Now " #~ "hurry, we have to move quickly with those liches still behind us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Fogalmam sincs. Trollok élnek itt lent, akikkel összetűzésbe " #~ "keveredhetünk, de most sietnünk kell, mert a delevények még mindig a " #~ "nyomunkban vannak." #~ msgid "" #~ "It doesn’t matter. They are much too powerful for us; our only hope is to " #~ "get away, far away. Perhaps we should go north, and meet with Owaec." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nem számít. Sokkal erősebbek nálunk! Az egyetlen reményünk a fejvesztett " #~ "menekülés. Talán északra kellene indulnunk, hogy találkozzunk Owaeckel." #~ msgid "" #~ "There are five of us still locked up in the jail. All of us will join you " #~ "if you can get us free." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Öten közülünk még mindig börtönben vannak. Mindannyian csatlakozunk " #~ "hozzád, ha kiszabadítod őket." #~ msgid "You dare to attack me!? Go back to your master!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hogy mertél megtámadni engem?!? Takarodj vissza a mesteredhez!" #~ msgid "" #~ "This is not good; we are unable to attack Mal-Ravanal at all, for his " #~ "magic is too strong! We must turn back, it was foolish to press the " #~ "attack." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ez így nem jó; egyáltalán nem vagyunk képesek megsebezni Mal-Ravanalt, " #~ "mivel túl erősek a varázslatai! Vissza kell fordulnunk, ostobaság volt " #~ "erőltetni a támadást." #~ msgid "" #~ "I am not sure. There are bandits in this country, and I have been told " #~ "that it is my duty to defeat them, and protect the local villages. " #~ "However, I cannot find a way to defeat them. The outlaws hide in the " #~ "villages when we are close, and come out when we are far away." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nem is tudom. Banditák lakják ezt a vidéket, és az én feladatom, hogy " #~ "legyőzzem őket, és megvédjem az itteni békés falvakat. Akárhányszor " #~ "kiküldöm a csapataimat, hogy vereséget mérjenek az útonállókra, mindig " #~ "eltűnnek a szemünk elől, de ahogy eltávozunk, ismét megjelennek. Nem " #~ "tudom, hogy győzhetném le őket." #~ msgid "" #~ "I have fulfilled my duty to the villages. Now I suppose I can join you in " #~ "your quest." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Teljesítettem a kötelességemet, amivel tartoztam a településeknek. Most " #~ "már csatlakozhatok hozzád, és segíthetem küldetésedet." #~ msgid "" #~ "Good job! Now, we should move onward, north. Tell the villagers to pack " #~ "their belongings and follow us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Szép munka! Most pedig induljunk tovább északra. Mondjátok meg a " #~ "falusiaknak, hogy pakoljanak fel a szekerekre, és kövessenek minket!" #~ msgid "" #~ "We should probably go north to the orcish lands immediately. I suspect " #~ "that the undead have already bypassed us, and cut off any crossing to the " #~ "west of here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Talán azonnal északra kéne mennünk, az ork területekre. Gyanítom, hogy az " #~ "élőholtak már túljutottak rajtunk, és minden nyugati gázlót elvágtak " #~ "előttünk." #~ msgid "Defeat the trolls and gryphons" #~ msgstr "Legyőzöd a trollokat és a griffeket" #~ msgid "" #~ "The trail stops soon. We have almost reached our destination, if we can " #~ "call it that. There is a large lake in front of us, with a small island " #~ "off the coast. If we burn down the bridge to it, no one will ever be able " #~ "to reach us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Az ösvény hamarosan véget ér. Majdnem elértük a célunkat, ha ezt lehet " #~ "annak nevezni. Előttünk egy hatalmas tó van, egy kis szigettel. Ha " #~ "felégetjük a hidat, ami oda vezet, többé senki sem találhat meg minket." #~ msgid "" #~ "But what if there are already people living on it? We will have to fight " #~ "them! And besides, the undead can build boats." #~ msgstr "" #~ "De mi van, ha ott már élnek emberek? Harcolnunk kell velük! Továbbá az " #~ "élőholtak hajókat is építhetnek." #~ msgid "" #~ "There are other people. A tribe of trolls, and some gryphons. But it is " #~ "safer than fighting the undead, and once we kill them, the island will be " #~ "ours." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vannak másféle lények is ott. Néhány troll és egy pár griff. De " #~ "biztonságosabb lenne azt hiszem, ha velük és nem az élőholtakkal " #~ "harcolnánk. És ha egyszer végzünk velük, miénk a sziget." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well, we will go on, take this island. It appears we have no choice. " #~ "Onward!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rendben, tovább fogunk menni, és megkeressük ezt a szigetet. Nem is " #~ "nagyon lehet más választásunk. Előre!" #~ msgid "" #~ "There is an abandoned castle here. It looks repairable — we should settle " #~ "here." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Itt egy elhagyatott kastély. Javításra szorul — de itt letáborozunk." #~ msgid "We will base our attack from here. Now go, destroy the enemy!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Innen indítjuk a támadásunkat. Most indulás, győzzük le az ellenséget!" #~ msgid "We have done it! The island is ours. Our journey is complete." #~ msgstr "Megcsináltuk! A sziget a miénk. Az utazásunk a végéhez ért." #~ msgid "" #~ "Informed they were being taken to the orcish king, Dra-Nak, they " #~ "attempted to escape before that happened..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tudván, hogy az ork király, Dra-Nak elé viszik őket, ők természetesen még " #~ "ennek megtörténte előtt meg akartak lépni..." #~ msgid "Escape through the south-west tunnel" #~ msgstr "Elmenekülsz a délnyugati alagútban" #~ msgid "" #~ "I think Dacyn and Owaec have escaped already. Now I have to, also... " #~ "these guards are not being very alert, I may be able to get past them..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Azt hiszem Dacyn és Owaec már elmenekültek. Most nekem is... ezek az őrök " #~ "nem túl figyelmesek, talán elsurranhatok mellettük..." #~ msgid "Aha! There is a small crack in the cave wall here." #~ msgstr "Aha! Itt van egy repedés a barlang falában." #~ msgid "Right here, boss." #~ msgstr "Azonnal itt lesznek főnök." #~ msgid "" #~ "It is not safe here, but we cannot go back north. The orcs are a more " #~ "immediate threat." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Itt nem biztonságos, de nem mehetünk vissza északra sem. Az orkok egyre " #~ "fenyegetőbb veszélyt jelentenek." #~ msgid "" #~ "We cannot go north, for that is where orcs are... we cannot go east, for " #~ "that is where the undead come from... we cannot go west, for the ocean " #~ "lies in that direction, and we have no ships. We would survive for a " #~ "time, but we would still be in Wesnoth, and the undead would still find " #~ "us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nem mehetünk északra, mert arrafelé orkok tanyáznak... nem mehetünk " #~ "keletnek, ahonnan az élőholtak seregei özönlenek... nem mehetünk " #~ "nyugatnak, mert ott az óceán van, és nincs hajónk. Túl kell élnünk egy " #~ "ideig, azonban ha Wesnothban maradunk, akkor az élőholtak meg fognak " #~ "minket találni." #~ msgid "" #~ "We could go south, and return to Wesnoth... but I do not know what that " #~ "would accomplish." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Délnek mehetünk, és visszatérhetünk Wesnothba... de nem tudom, pontosan " #~ "mire is mennénk vele." #~ msgid "It would accomplish nothing! The undead will kill us all!" #~ msgstr "Nem oldana meg semmit! Az élőholtak megölnének mindnyájunkat!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Have you not heard what Dacyn said? Either the orcs or undead will kill " #~ "us no matter what we do. Our only hope was to isolate ourselves on the " #~ "Isle of Vrug. We are too far away now to return that way, and we have " #~ "aroused the orcs. We cannot try that again. So, if we have no hope..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nem hallottad, mit mondott Dacyn? Vagy az orkok vagy az élőholtak fognak " #~ "megölni minket, nem számít, mit teszünk. Az egyetlen esélyünk az volt, " #~ "hogy bevesszük magunkat az eldugott Vrug szigetére, és ott rendezkedünk " #~ "be. Túl messze vagyunk, hogy visszatérjünk oda, és magunkra vontuk az " #~ "orkok figyelmét is. Nem próbálhatjuk meg még egyszer, tehát, ha nincs " #~ "esélyünk..." #~ msgid "" #~ "There is still some hope left. If we return to Wesnoth, we may be able to " #~ "aid the king in defeating these invaders. We saw them attack us. And, I " #~ "have... advice. To give the king. I may know the undead’s weakness." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Még mindig van egy kis remény. Ha visszatérünk Wesnothba, talán " #~ "rávehetjük a királyt, hogy segítsen elpusztítani ezeket a betolakodókat. " #~ "Láttuk, hogy megtámadtak minket. És, vannak... fontos ismereteim. Ezeket " #~ "átadnám a királynak. Talán ismerem az élőholtak gyenge pontját." #~ msgid "" #~ "Very well. If returning to Wesnoth has any chance of success, it is our " #~ "best option. We will go south." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nagyon jó. Ha a Wesnothba való visszatérésre van bármi esélyünk, akkor ez " #~ "a legjobb választásunk. Délnek megyünk." #~ msgid "" #~ "I do not like this. But it appears we will die no matter our course of " #~ "action." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nem tetszik ez nekem. De úgy tűnik, bármerre is indulunk, a halállal kell " #~ "szembenéznünk." #~ msgid "" #~ "Aha! I see what they have done. They have raised him as an undead dragon. " #~ "But he does not appear to be weak to my arcane senses... this is strange " #~ "magic indeed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Áháá! Látom mit tettek. Feltámasztották élőholt sárkányként. Úgy " #~ "érzékelem, hogy borzalmas ereje van... valóban érdekes egy mágia." #~ msgid "" #~ "We have reached Weldyn. Now we must have a council to decide what to do " #~ "next." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Elértük Weldynt. Gyűlést kéne tartanunk, hogy döntsünk a továbbiakról." #~ msgid "" #~ "The guards, surprised by this sudden revelation, advanced to attack him. " #~ "However, as he was now skilled in the magical art of teleportation, he " #~ "simply vanished. And has not been seen since." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Az őrök, meglepődve a hirtelen felismeréstől, előretörtek, hogy " #~ "megtámadják, de ő képzett volt a teleportáció mágiájában, és egyszerűen " #~ "semmivé foszlott. Azóta senki sem látta." #~ msgid "" #~ "Not been seen, that is, until the day when he attacked Gweddry and me in " #~ "that outpost on the eastern border. This is the lich we are facing: Mal-" #~ "Ravanal." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Majd egy napon újra feltűnt. Megtámadta Gweddryt a keleti határon lévő " #~ "őrposztnál. Ez az a delevény, akivel szembe kell néznünk: Mal-Ravanal." #~ msgid "" #~ "At first we tried to escape them, for we knew they were too powerful; it " #~ "is only by horrible luck that we are back in Wesnoth at all." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Először megpróbáltunk elmenekülni előlük, mivel tudtuk, hogy túl erősek. " #~ "Csupán a szerencsének köszönhetjük, hogy újra Wesnothban vagyunk." #~ msgid "" #~ "It doesn’t matter anyway. The point is, we already know we cannot defeat " #~ "the hordes of the enemy head-on in battle. So it seems that the only path " #~ "to victory is to destroy the head of these necromancers, the lich Mal-" #~ "Ravanal." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Akárhogyan is, azt pontosan tudjuk, hogy szemtől szembe nem tudjuk " #~ "legyőzni ezeket a hordákat. Az egyetlen járható út a győzelemhez, " #~ "elpusztítani Mal-Ravanalt, a holtidézők vezérét." #~ msgid "But as yet we have no idea how to do it!" #~ msgstr "De fogalmunk sincs róla miképpen tegyük!" # Ezért bukott el először is. # #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, we do know that he is very arrogant, and can be easily tricked. " #~ "That is how he fell in the first place." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nos, tudjuk róla, hogy nagyon hiú, és könnyen ki lehet játszani. Ezért " #~ "bukott el a sötét erők ellen is." #~ msgid "" #~ "So maybe we can trick him into exposing himself to us? Dacyn, does he " #~ "know we know who he is?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ezek szerint talán elő tudjuk csalni? Dacyn! Tudja, hogy nem ismeretlen " #~ "számunkra a múltja?" #~ msgid "" #~ "No, I don’t think so. I am the only person alive who would recognize the " #~ "name Mal-Ravanal, and if he had known I was there when he attacked, he " #~ "would have pursued us much more vigorously." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nem, nem hiszem. Én vagyok az egyetlen élő személy, aki emlékezhet Mal-" #~ "Ravanal nevére, és ha tudta volna, hogy én ott voltam, amikor támadott, " #~ "akkor sokkal nagyobb hévvel követett volna minket." #~ msgid "Messenger of Doom" #~ msgstr "A végzet hírnöke" #~ msgid "I come bearing a message from my leader." #~ msgstr "Egy üzenetet hozok a vezéremtől." #~ msgid "Very well, you may read it. It might tell us something useful." #~ msgstr "Rendben, olvasd el. Hátha megemlít valami hasznosat." #~ msgid "" #~ "He says: “Well done; you have defeated some of my less powerful " #~ "captains, and a small fraction of my horde. Were I to bring the whole " #~ "might of my Dread Legions to bear I could crush you like an insect. But I " #~ "seek a victory that will reveal the true extent of my personal power. " #~ "Unlike the Great General Gweddry I do not seek to hide behind the armored " #~ "skirts of my soldiers! You, O commander Gweddry, are a coward! The bards " #~ "may sing that you defeated my captains, but in reality you did nothing " #~ "but cower far behind the lines in safety while others braver than you " #~ "fought and died in your name.”" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Azt írja: „Szép munka, legyőztél néhányat a legjelentéktelenebb " #~ "kapitányaim közül, és a hordám egy kis töredékét. Ha megindítanám a " #~ "Félelmetes Légióim egész tömegét, szét tudnálak taposni, mint egy " #~ "bogarat. De olyan győzelemre vágyom, ami személyes hatalmasságomat " #~ "tanúsítja. A Nagy Hadvezér Gweddryvel ellentétben nem bújok a katonáim " #~ "páncélszoknyái mögé. Te, Gweddry parancsnok, egy gyáva alak vagy! A " #~ "bárdok lehet, hogy a te nevedet éneklik meg, de valójában semmit se " #~ "csináltál, csak megbújtál messze a harcvonalak mögött, amíg a náladnál " #~ "bátrabbak harcoltak és életüket áldozták fel a nevedben.”" #~ msgid "" #~ "What is the point of this message? Does it consist of anything more than " #~ "insults?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mi a célja ennek az üzenetnek? Van benne más is a sértegetéseken kívül?" #~ msgid "" #~ "The point is that you did not defeat my Lord’s minions, it was others " #~ "doing the work for you! The mighty Gweddry himself would last but a few " #~ "moments in actual combat. And my master seeks to prove this. He " #~ "challenges you, Gweddry, to a contest, a battle." #~ msgstr "" #~ "A lényeg az, hogy Gweddry nem tudta volna legyőzni az uram teremtményeit " #~ "szolgáinak segítsége nélkül. Nem hiszem, hogy Gweddry akárcsak egy percig " #~ "is bírna egy igazi küzdelmet. A mesterem ezt be is akarja bizonyítani. " #~ "Kihív téged egy küzdelemre, egy párbajra, Gweddry!" #~ msgid "" #~ "What are his terms? I won’t accept anything obviously weighted towards " #~ "his victory!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Mik lesznek a szabályok? Nem fogok elfogadni semmi olyat, ami " #~ "nyilvánvalóan az ő győzelmét segíti elő!" #~ msgid "" #~ "That only proves you are a coward. Nevertheless, these are his terms: You " #~ "pick your six best warriors and he will pick his six best. Then you will " #~ "fight, to the death; until either you or he is destroyed!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ez is csak azt bizonyítja, hogy gyáva vagy. A következők lesznek a " #~ "szabályok: Kiválasztod a legjobb hat harcosodat, és utána ő is " #~ "kiválasztja a sajátjait, majd addig harcoltok, amíg egyikőtök el nem " #~ "pusztul!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Gweddry, I don’t think you should accept. He is bound to bring more than " #~ "six undead to the battle; he will bring an army!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gweddry, ne fogadd el. Biztosan több élőholtat fog hozni, lehet, hogy " #~ "akár egy egész hadsereget!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Well, I think you should accept. There is a small chance that it will be " #~ "a fair fight, and otherwise we will definitely have to face his whole " #~ "undead army." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Szerintem fogadd el. Legalább megvan az esélye egy kiegyenlített " #~ "küzdelemnek. Ha nem fogadnád el, akkor biztos, hogy egy egész hadsereggel " #~ "kellene megküzdenünk." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will simplify your choice. Accept, coward, or face the onslaught of my " #~ "lord’s hordes at dawn tomorrow!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Leegyszerűsítem a döntésedet. Fogadd el, gyáva, vagy nézz szembe az uram " #~ "megszámlálhatatlan hordáival holnap hajnalban!" #~ msgid "" #~ "I will accept this challenge. By your own master’s terms, that proves I " #~ "am no coward." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Elfogadom a kihívást. A te mestered szabhatja meg a szabályokat, ami " #~ "bizonyítja, hogy nem ijedek meg a mesteredtől." #~ msgid "" #~ "I will not accept a fight in which he will obviously cheat! I refuse!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nem fogadhatok el egy harcot, amiben nyilvánvalóan csalni fog! " #~ "Visszautasítom!" #~ msgid "I... lose?..." #~ msgstr "Én... vesztettem?..." #~ msgid "And more!" #~ msgstr "És ezekében sem!" #~ msgid "" #~ "You people are fools! You rejected my master’s offer to duel... very " #~ "well, you will all die! And know this; my master is here to enjoy " #~ "your demise. For he does not fear you at all, and knows that you will " #~ "never be able to find him and kill him! There are seven of us, and only " #~ "one of us is the real leader! Ha ha ha ha! To be fair about it, we will " #~ "all tell you our names if you can reach us." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ti emberek bolondok vagytok! Nem fogadtátok el mesterem kihívását. " #~ "Mindannyian meg fogtok halni. És tudjátok meg, a mesterem itt van " #~ "és figyeli szánalmas halálotokat. Mert ő nem fél tőletek, és tudja, hogy " #~ "soha nem fogjátok megtalálni és megölni. Hét van belőlünk, és csak az " #~ "egyik a valódi vezér! Ha ha ha! Hogy legyen esélyetek, mindannyian " #~ "el fogjuk mondani saját nevünket, ha a közvetlen közelünkbe értek." #~ msgid "Remember, we have to kill Mal-Ravanal. He’s here somewhere..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ne felejtsétek el, Mal-Ravanalt kell megölnünk. Valahol itt van a " #~ "közelben..." #~ msgid "There he is!" #~ msgstr "Ott van, ő az!" #~ msgid "That isn’t him..." #~ msgstr "Ez nem ő..." #~ msgid "How did you know...?" #~ msgstr "Honnét tudtad...?" #~ msgid "Kill the king!" #~ msgstr "Öljétek meg a királyt!"