#### General Section # How many cores to use for flow-parsing? Maybe leave one or two for other tasks. Empty means all. #server.cores = # How often to print the status log #server.statuslog = "10 seconds" # Print StackTraces into the server log #server.debugStackTraces = true #### Admin Section # HTTP Admin Authentication Key #admin.authKey = "" # HTTP Admin Signing Key #admin.signKey = "" #### HTTP Section # TCP Sendbuffers #http.tcp.sendBufferSize = 10m # TCP ReceiveBuffers #http.tcp.receiveBufferSize = 1m # TCP NoDelay #http.tcp.noDelay = true # TCP KeepAlive #http.tcp.keepAlive = true # TCP ReuseAddr #http.tcp.reuseAddr = true # TCP so_linger #http.tcp.soLinger = 0 # Where does the HTTP Server listen to? #http.listen = [ "" ] # Use sendfile #http.sendFile = true # Use sendBuffers #http.sendBuffer = true # Allow GZip #http.gzip = false # HTTP Max Content Length #http.maxContentLength = 10m # HTTP Max Initial Line Length #http.maxInitialLineLength = 8k # HTTP Max Chunk Size #http.maxChunkSize = 128k # HTTP Max Content Length #http.maxHeaderSize = 8k #### Storage Section # Which server storage to use. Available options are: # cql - Cassandra (cassandra.apache.org) # redis - Redis (redis.io) # elastic - ElasticSearch (not implemented yet) #storage = "" # Cassandra addresses #cassandra.hosts = [ "", "" ] # Keyspace to use #cassandra.keyspace = "netflow" # Min and Max connections #cassandra.minConns = 5 #cassandra.maxConns = 40 # Min and Max simultaneous requests #cassandra.minSimRequests = 5 #cassandra.maxSimRequests = 128 # Connect timeout in ms #cassandra.connectTimeout = 5000 # Reconnect timeout in ms #cassandra.reconnectTimeout = 5000 # Read timeout in ms #cassandra.readTimeout = 60000 # Keyspace config #cassandra.keyspaceConfig = "WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}" # Redis Addresses # redis.hosts = [ "" ] # Elastic Search Addresses # elastic.hosts = [ "" ] #### NetFlow Section # Listen for NetFlows on Port 2055 #netflow.listen = [ "" ] # Multiple ports or IPv6 for listening can be used like this #netflow.listen = [ "", "", "[1234:abcd::4]:2055" ] # Persists every single NetFlow into Cassandra #netflow.persist = true # Calculating bytes/pkts * samplingRate, but we recommend unsampled for accuracy. #netflow.calculateSamples = true # Enable parsing of extraFields in NetFlows plus exporting them via JSON. # ~5-10% performance decrease when enabled #netflow.extraFields = true #### sFlow Section # Listen for sFlows on Port 6343 #sflow.listen = [ "" ] # Multiple ports or IPv6 for listening can be used like this #sflow.listen = [ "", "", "[1234:abcd::4]:6343" ] # Persists every single Sflow into Cassandra #sflow.persist = true