import { getCharCodes, wrapBuffer } from "./helpers.js"; // Create it here because creating TextEncoders is slow const jDataViewTextEncoder = new TextEncoder(); /** * jDataView provides a layer on top of the built-in `DataView` with a plethora of utilities to make working with binary data a pleasure. * * Create a `jDataView` using either `new jDataView()` or `jDataView.from()`. * * [Read the docs]( */ export class jDataView { #bitOffset; #bytePointer; /** * jDataView provides a layer on top of the built-in `DataView` with a plethora of utilities to make working with binary data a pleasure. * * [Read the docs]( */ constructor(_buffer, byteOffset, byteLength, littleEndian) { /** * The jDataView instance. Can be used to check if something really is a jDataView. */ this.jDataView = this; if (_buffer instanceof jDataView) { const result = _buffer.slice(byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength); result.littleEndian = littleEndian ?? result.littleEndian; return result; } const buffer = wrapBuffer(_buffer); /** * The internal `DataView` that powers all the default operations like `getUint8()` */ this.dataView = new DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength); /** * Weather this jDataView should default to littleEndian for number operations */ this.littleEndian = !!littleEndian; /** * The current byte pointer. */ this.#bytePointer = 0; /** * The current bit offset. */ this.#bitOffset = 0; } /** Getters for properties managed by the internal DataView */ get buffer() { return this.dataView.buffer; } get byteLength() { return this.dataView.byteLength; } get byteOffset() { return this.dataView.byteOffset; } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "jDataView"; } /** * Constructs a new jDataView filled with the provided data */ static from( { return new jDataView(data.flat(Infinity)); } #checkBounds(byteOffset, byteLength, maxLength) { // Do additional checks to simulate DataView if (typeof byteOffset !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Offset is not a number."); } if (typeof byteLength !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Size is not a number."); } if (byteLength < 0) { throw new RangeError("Length is negative."); } if ( byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset + byteLength > (maxLength ?? this.byteLength) ) { throw new RangeError("Offsets are out of bounds."); } } /** * Get the current byte pointer position */ tell() { return this.#bytePointer; } /** * Get the current bit offset */ tellBit() { return this.#bitOffset; } /** * Set the current byte pointer position */ seek(byteOffset) { this.#checkBounds(byteOffset, 0); this.#bytePointer = byteOffset; return this.#bytePointer; } /** * Move the current pointer position forward */ skip(byteLength) { return + byteLength); } /** * Returns a new `jDataView` instance between `start` and `end`, optionally duplicating all the contained data in memory. */ slice(start, end, forceCopy) { function normalizeOffset(offset, byteLength) { return offset < 0 ? offset + byteLength : offset; } start = normalizeOffset(start, this.byteLength); end = normalizeOffset(end ?? this.byteLength, this.byteLength); return forceCopy ? new jDataView( this.getBytes(end - start, start, true), undefined, undefined, this.littleEndian ) : new jDataView( this.buffer, this.byteOffset + start, end - start, this.littleEndian ); } /** * Aligns the pointer (clearing any bitOffset). Can also move the pointer */ alignBy(byteCount) { this.#bitOffset = 0; if ((byteCount ?? 1) !== 1) { return this.skip( byteCount - (this.#bytePointer % byteCount || byteCount) ); } else { return this.#bytePointer; } } // Setters and getters #getBytes( length, byteOffset = this.#bytePointer, littleEndian = this.littleEndian ) { length ??= this.byteLength - byteOffset; this.#checkBounds(byteOffset, length); byteOffset += this.byteOffset; this.#bytePointer = byteOffset - this.byteOffset + length; const result = new Uint8Array(this.buffer, byteOffset, length); return littleEndian || length <= 1 ? result : new Uint8Array(result).reverse(); } #setBytes( byteOffset = this.#bytePointer, bytes, littleEndian = this.littleEndian ) { const length = bytes.length; this.#checkBounds(byteOffset, length); if (!littleEndian && length > 1) { bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes).reverse(); } byteOffset += this.byteOffset; new Uint8Array(this.buffer, byteOffset, length).set(bytes); this.#bytePointer = byteOffset - this.byteOffset + length; } /** * Get raw bytes. If length is undefined, it will go to the end of the buffer. */ getBytes(length, byteOffset, littleEndian) { return this.#getBytes(length, byteOffset, littleEndian ?? true); } /** * Directly set raw bytes at `byteOffset` or the current pointer. */ setBytes(byteOffset, bytes, littleEndian) { this.#setBytes(byteOffset, bytes, littleEndian ?? true); } /** * Read a string using the specified encoding, or binary if unspecified */ getString(byteLength, byteOffset, encoding = "binary") { const bytes = this.#getBytes(byteLength, byteOffset, true); if (encoding !== "binary") { // TextDecoder, unlike TextEncoder, supports multiple encodings return new TextDecoder(encoding).decode(bytes); } let string = ""; byteLength = bytes.length; for (let i = 0; i < byteLength; i++) { string += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return string; } /** * Set a string using the specified encoding, or binary if unspecified */ setString(byteOffset, subString, encoding = "binary") { // backward-compatibility let bytes; if (encoding !== "binary") { // TextEncoder only supports UTF-8 bytes = jDataViewTextEncoder.encode(subString); } else { bytes = getCharCodes(subString); } this.#setBytes(byteOffset, bytes, true); } /** * Get a single character. * This is the same as getting a 1-length string using binary encoding */ getChar(byteOffset) { return this.getString(1, byteOffset); } /** * Set a single character. * This is the same as setting a 1-length string using binary encoding */ setChar(byteOffset, character) { this.setString(byteOffset, character); } #getBitRangeData(bitLength, byteOffset) { const startBit = ((byteOffset ?? this.#bytePointer) << 3) + this.#bitOffset; const endBit = startBit + bitLength; const start = startBit >>> 3; const end = (endBit + 7) >>> 3; const bytes = this.#getBytes(end - start, start, true); let wideValue = 0; if ((this.#bitOffset = endBit & 7)) { this.#bitOffset -= 8; } for (let i = 0, length = bytes.length; i < length; i++) { wideValue = (wideValue << 8) | bytes[i]; } return { start, bytes, wideValue, }; } /** * Get an integer of any bit length up to 32 */ getSigned(bitLength, byteOffset) { const shift = 32 - bitLength; return (this.getUnsigned(bitLength, byteOffset) << shift) >> shift; } /** * Get an unsigned integer of any bit length up to 32 */ getUnsigned(bitLength, byteOffset) { const value = this.#getBitRangeData(bitLength, byteOffset).wideValue >>> -this.#bitOffset; return bitLength < 32 ? value & ~(-1 << bitLength) : value; } /** * Set an unsigned integer of any bit length up to 32 */ setUnsigned(byteOffset, value, bitLength) { const data = this.#getBitRangeData(bitLength, byteOffset); let wideValue = data.wideValue; wideValue &= ~(~(-1 << bitLength) << -this.#bitOffset); // clearing bit range before binary "or" wideValue |= (bitLength < 32 ? value & ~(-1 << bitLength) : value) << -this.#bitOffset; // setting bits for (let i = data.bytes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { data.bytes[i] = wideValue & 0xff; wideValue >>>= 8; } this.#setBytes(data.start, data.bytes, true); } /** * Set a signed integer of any bit length up to 32 */ setSigned(byteOffset, value, bitLength) { return this.setUnsigned(byteOffset, value, bitLength); } /** * Sets an unsigned 64 bit integer. Takes a regular Number, not a BigInt. * * For more precision, use `setBigUint64()` */ setUint64(byteOffset, value, littleEndian) { // Pointer will be handled for us by the bigInt method // @ts-expect-error These methods get added later via prototype extension this.setBigUint64(byteOffset, BigInt(value), littleEndian); } /** * Sets a 64 bit integer. Takes a regular Number, not a BigInt. * * For more precision, use `setBigInt64()` */ setInt64(byteOffset, value, littleEndian) { // Pointer will be handled for us by the bigInt method // @ts-expect-error These methods get added later via prototype extension this.setBigInt64(byteOffset, BigInt(value), littleEndian); } /** * Get an unsigned 64 bit integer. Returns a regular Number, not a BigInt. * * For more precision, use `getBigUint64()` */ getUint64(byteOffset, littleEndian) { // Pointer will be handled for us by the bigInt method // @ts-expect-error These methods get added later via prototype extension return Number(this.getBigUint64(byteOffset, littleEndian)); } /** * Get a 64 bit integer. Returns a regular Number, not a BigInt. * * For more precision, use `getBigInt64()` */ getInt64(byteOffset, littleEndian) { // Pointer will be handled for us by the bigInt method // @ts-expect-error These methods get added later via prototype extension return Number(this.getBigInt64(byteOffset, littleEndian)); } } export default jDataView; const builtInTypeBytes = { Float64: 8, Float32: 4, BigInt64: 8, BigUint64: 8, Int32: 4, Uint32: 4, Int16: 2, Uint16: 2, Int8: 1, Uint8: 1, }; const supportedTypes = [ ...Object.keys(builtInTypeBytes), "Int64", "Uint64", "Signed", "Unsigned", "String", "Char", "Bytes", ]; // Encapsulate all the built-in methods for (const type in builtInTypeBytes) { const typeByteLength = builtInTypeBytes[type]; // Getters jDataView.prototype["get" + type] = function ( byteOffset = this.tell(), littleEndian = this.littleEndian ) { // Move pointer forwards + typeByteLength); return this.dataView["get" + type](byteOffset, littleEndian); }; // Setters jDataView.prototype["set" + type] = function ( byteOffset = this.tell(), value, littleEndian = this.littleEndian ) { // Move pointer forwards + typeByteLength); return this.dataView["set" + type](byteOffset, value, littleEndian); }; } // Add the the writeXXX shorthand methods for (const type of supportedTypes) { // arg3 might be littleEndian or bitLength jDataView.prototype["write" + type] = function ( value, littleEndianOrBitLength ) { return this["set" + type].call( this, undefined, value, littleEndianOrBitLength ); }; }