#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2155 # Disabled "Declare and assign separately to avoid masking return values": https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2155 # # log # log() { printf " ${SGR_CYAN}%10s${SGR_RESET} : ${SGR_FAINT}%s${SGR_RESET}\n" "$1" "$2" } # # verbose_log # Can suppress with --quiet. # Like log but to stderr rather than stdout, so can also be used from "display" routines. # verbose_log() { if [[ "${SHOW_VERBOSE_LOG}" == "true" ]]; then >&2 printf " ${SGR_CYAN}%10s${SGR_RESET} : ${SGR_FAINT}%s${SGR_RESET}\n" "$1" "$2" fi } # # Exit with the given # abort() { >&2 printf "\n ${SGR_RED}Error: %s${SGR_RESET}\n\n" "$*" && exit 1 } # # Synopsis: trace message ... # Debugging output to stderr, not used in production code. # function trace() { >&2 printf "trace: %s\n" "$*" } # # Synopsis: echo_red message ... # Highlight message in colour (on stdout). # function echo_red() { printf "${SGR_RED}%s${SGR_RESET}\n" "$*" } # # Synopsis: n_grep # grep wrapper to ensure consistent grep options and circumvent aliases. # function n_grep() { GREP_OPTIONS='' command grep "$@" } # # Setup and state # VERSION="v9.2.3" N_PREFIX="${N_PREFIX-/usr/local}" N_PREFIX=${N_PREFIX%/} readonly N_PREFIX N_CACHE_PREFIX="${N_CACHE_PREFIX-${N_PREFIX}}" N_CACHE_PREFIX=${N_CACHE_PREFIX%/} CACHE_DIR="${N_CACHE_PREFIX}/n/versions" readonly N_CACHE_PREFIX CACHE_DIR N_NODE_MIRROR=${N_NODE_MIRROR:-${NODE_MIRROR:-https://nodejs.org/dist}} N_NODE_MIRROR=${N_NODE_MIRROR%/} readonly N_NODE_MIRROR N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR=${N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR:-https://nodejs.org/download} N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR=${N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR%/} readonly N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR # Using xz instead of gzip is enabled by default, if xz compatibility checks pass. # User may set N_USE_XZ to 0 to disable, or set to anything else to enable. # May also be overridden by command line flags. # Normalise external values to true/false if [[ "${N_USE_XZ}" = "0" ]]; then N_USE_XZ="false" elif [[ -n "${N_USE_XZ+defined}" ]]; then N_USE_XZ="true" fi # Not setting to readonly. Overriden by CLI flags, and update_xz_settings_for_version. N_MAX_REMOTE_MATCHES=${N_MAX_REMOTE_MATCHES:-20} # modified by update_mirror_settings_for_version g_mirror_url=${N_NODE_MIRROR} g_mirror_folder_name="node" # Options for curl and wget. # Defining commands in variables is fraught (https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/050) # but we can follow the simple case and store arguments in an array. GET_SHOWS_PROGRESS="false" # --location to follow redirects # --fail to avoid happily downloading error page from web server for 404 et al # --show-error to show why failed (on stderr) CURL_OPTIONS=( "--location" "--fail" "--show-error" ) if [[ -t 1 ]]; then CURL_OPTIONS+=( "--progress-bar" ) command -v curl &> /dev/null && GET_SHOWS_PROGRESS="true" else CURL_OPTIONS+=( "--silent" ) fi WGET_OPTIONS=( "-q" "-O-" ) # Legacy support using unprefixed env. No longer documented in README. if [ -n "$HTTP_USER" ];then if [ -z "$HTTP_PASSWORD" ]; then abort "Must specify HTTP_PASSWORD when supplying HTTP_USER" fi CURL_OPTIONS+=( "-u $HTTP_USER:$HTTP_PASSWORD" ) WGET_OPTIONS+=( "--http-password=$HTTP_PASSWORD" "--http-user=$HTTP_USER" ) elif [ -n "$HTTP_PASSWORD" ]; then abort "Must specify HTTP_USER when supplying HTTP_PASSWORD" fi # Set by set_active_node g_active_node= # set by various lookups to allow mixed logging and return value from function, especially for engine and node g_target_node= DOWNLOAD=false # set to opt-out of activate (install), and opt-in to download (run, exec) ARCH= SHOW_VERBOSE_LOG="true" OFFLINE=false # ANSI escape codes # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code # https://no-color.org # https://bixense.com/clicolors USE_COLOR="true" if [[ -n "${CLICOLOR_FORCE+defined}" && "${CLICOLOR_FORCE}" != "0" ]]; then USE_COLOR="true" elif [[ -n "${NO_COLOR+defined}" || "${CLICOLOR}" = "0" || ! -t 1 ]]; then USE_COLOR="false" fi readonly USE_COLOR # Select Graphic Rendition codes if [[ "${USE_COLOR}" = "true" ]]; then # KISS and use codes rather than tput, avoid dealing with missing tput or TERM. readonly SGR_RESET="\033[0m" readonly SGR_FAINT="\033[2m" readonly SGR_RED="\033[31m" readonly SGR_CYAN="\033[36m" else readonly SGR_RESET= readonly SGR_FAINT= readonly SGR_RED= readonly SGR_CYAN= fi # # set_arch to override $(uname -a) # set_arch() { if test -n "$1"; then ARCH="$1" else abort "missing -a|--arch value" fi } # # Synopsis: set_insecure # Globals modified: # - CURL_OPTIONS # - WGET_OPTIONS # function set_insecure() { CURL_OPTIONS+=( "--insecure" ) WGET_OPTIONS+=( "--no-check-certificate" ) } # # Synposis: display_major_version numeric-version # display_major_version() { local version=$1 version="${version#v}" version="${version%%.*}" echo "${version}" } # # Synopsis: update_mirror_settings_for_version version # e.g. means using download mirror and folder is nightly # Globals modified: # - g_mirror_url # - g_mirror_folder_name # function update_mirror_settings_for_version() { if is_download_folder "$1" ; then g_mirror_folder_name="$1" g_mirror_url="${N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR}/${g_mirror_folder_name}" elif is_download_version "$1"; then [[ "$1" =~ ^([^/]+)/(.*) ]] local remote_folder="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" g_mirror_folder_name="${remote_folder}" g_mirror_url="${N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR}/${g_mirror_folder_name}" fi } # # Synopsis: update_xz_settings_for_version numeric-version # Globals modified: # - N_USE_XZ # function update_xz_settings_for_version() { # tarballs in xz format were available in later version of iojs, but KISS and only use xz from v4. if [[ "${N_USE_XZ}" = "true" ]]; then local major_version="$(display_major_version "$1")" if [[ "${major_version}" -lt 4 ]]; then N_USE_XZ="false" fi fi } # # Synopsis: update_arch_settings_for_version numeric-version # Globals modified: # - ARCH # function update_arch_settings_for_version() { local tarball_platform="$(display_tarball_platform)" if [[ -z "${ARCH}" && "${tarball_platform}" = "darwin-arm64" ]]; then # First native builds were for v16, but can use x64 in rosetta for older versions. local major_version="$(display_major_version "$1")" if [[ "${major_version}" -lt 16 ]]; then ARCH=x64 fi fi } # # Synopsis: is_lts_codename version # function is_lts_codename() { # https://github.com/nodejs/Release/blob/master/CODENAMES.md # e.g. argon, Boron [[ "$1" =~ ^([Aa]rgon|[Bb]oron|[Cc]arbon|[Dd]ubnium|[Ee]rbium|[Ff]ermium|[Gg]allium|[Hh]ydrogen|[Ii]ron|[Jj]od)$ ]] } # # Synopsis: is_download_folder version # function is_download_folder() { # e.g. nightly [[ "$1" =~ ^(next-nightly|nightly|rc|release|test|v8-canary)$ ]] } # # Synopsis: is_download_version version # function is_download_version() { # e.g. nightly/, nightly/latest, nightly/v11 if [[ "$1" =~ ^([^/]+)/(.*) ]]; then local remote_folder="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" is_download_folder "${remote_folder}" return fi return 2 } # # Synopsis: is_numeric_version version # function is_numeric_version() { # e.g. 6, v7.1, 8.11.3 [[ "$1" =~ ^[v]{0,1}[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,2}$ ]] } # # Synopsis: is_exact_numeric_version version # function is_exact_numeric_version() { # e.g. 6, v7.1, 8.11.3 [[ "$1" =~ ^[v]{0,1}[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]] } # # Synopsis: is_node_support_version version # Reference: https://github.com/nodejs/package-maintenance/issues/236#issue-474783582 # function is_node_support_version() { [[ "$1" =~ ^(active|lts_active|lts_latest|lts|current|supported)$ ]] } # # Synopsis: display_latest_node_support_alias version # Map aliases onto existing n aliases, current and lts # function display_latest_node_support_alias() { case "$1" in "active") printf "current" ;; "lts_active") printf "lts" ;; "lts_latest") printf "lts" ;; "lts") printf "lts" ;; "current") printf "current" ;; "supported") printf "current" ;; *) printf "unexpected-version" esac } # # Functions used when showing versions installed # enter_fullscreen() { # Set cursor to be invisible tput civis 2> /dev/null # Save screen contents tput smcup 2> /dev/null stty -echo } leave_fullscreen() { # Set cursor to normal tput cnorm 2> /dev/null # Restore screen contents tput rmcup 2> /dev/null stty echo } handle_sigint() { leave_fullscreen S="$?" kill 0 exit $S } handle_sigtstp() { leave_fullscreen kill -s SIGSTOP $$ } # # Output usage information. # display_help() { cat <<-EOF Usage: n [options] [COMMAND] [args] Commands: n Display downloaded Node.js versions and install selection n latest Install the latest Node.js release (downloading if necessary) n lts Install the latest LTS Node.js release (downloading if necessary) n Install Node.js (downloading if necessary) n install Install Node.js (downloading if necessary) n run [args ...] Execute downloaded Node.js with [args ...] n which Output path for downloaded node n exec [args...] Execute command with modified PATH, so downloaded node and npm first n rm Remove the given downloaded version(s) n prune Remove all downloaded versions except the installed version n --latest Output the latest Node.js version available n --lts Output the latest LTS Node.js version available n ls Output downloaded versions n ls-remote [version] Output matching versions available for download n uninstall Remove the installed Node.js Options: -V, --version Output version of n -h, --help Display help information -p, --preserve Preserve npm and npx during install of Node.js -q, --quiet Disable curl output. Disable log messages processing "auto" and "engine" labels. -d, --download Download if necessary, and don't make active -a, --arch Override system architecture --offline Resolve target version against cached downloads instead of internet lookup --all ls-remote displays all matches instead of last 20 --insecure Turn off certificate checking for https requests (may be needed from behind a proxy server) --use-xz/--no-use-xz Override automatic detection of xz support and enable/disable use of xz compressed node downloads. Aliases: install: i latest: current ls: list lsr: ls-remote lts: stable rm: - run: use, as which: bin Versions: Numeric version numbers can be complete or incomplete, with an optional leading 'v'. Versions can also be specified by label, or codename, and other downloadable releases by / 4.9.1, 8, v6.1 Numeric versions lts Newest Long Term Support official release latest, current Newest official release auto Read version from file: .n-node-version, .node-version, .nvmrc, or package.json engine Read version from package.json boron, carbon Codenames for release streams lts_latest Node.js support aliases and nightly, rc/10 et al EOF } err_no_installed_print_help() { display_help abort "no downloaded versions yet, see above help for commands" } # # Synopsis: next_version_installed selected_version # Output version after selected (which may be blank under some circumstances). # function next_version_installed() { display_cache_versions | n_grep "$1" -A 1 | tail -n 1 } # # Synopsis: prev_version_installed selected_version # Output version before selected (which may be blank under some circumstances). # function prev_version_installed() { display_cache_versions | n_grep "$1" -B 1 | head -n 1 } # # Output n version. # display_n_version() { echo "$VERSION" && exit 0 } # # Synopsis: set_active_node # Checks cached downloads for a binary matching the active node. # Globals modified: # - g_active_node # function set_active_node() { g_active_node= local node_path="$(command -v node)" if [[ -x "${node_path}" ]]; then local installed_version=$(node --version) installed_version=${installed_version#v} for dir in "${CACHE_DIR}"/*/ ; do local folder_name="${dir%/}" folder_name="${folder_name##*/}" if diff &> /dev/null \ "${CACHE_DIR}/${folder_name}/${installed_version}/bin/node" \ "${node_path}" ; then g_active_node="${folder_name}/${installed_version}" break fi done fi } # # Display sorted versions directories paths. # display_versions_paths() { find "$CACHE_DIR" -maxdepth 2 -type d \ | sed 's|'"$CACHE_DIR"'/||g' \ | n_grep -E "/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" \ | sed 's|/|.|' \ | sort -k 1,1 -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n -t . \ | sed 's|\.|/|' } # # Display installed versions with # display_versions_with_selected() { local selected="$1" echo for version in $(display_versions_paths); do if test "$version" = "$selected"; then printf " ${SGR_CYAN}ο${SGR_RESET} %s\n" "$version" else printf " ${SGR_FAINT}%s${SGR_RESET}\n" "$version" fi done echo printf "Use up/down arrow keys to select a version, return key to install, d to delete, q to quit" } # # Synopsis: display_cache_versions # function display_cache_versions() { for folder_and_version in $(display_versions_paths); do echo "${folder_and_version}" done } # # Display current node --version and others installed. # menu_select_cache_versions() { enter_fullscreen set_active_node local selected="${g_active_node}" clear display_versions_with_selected "${selected}" trap handle_sigint INT trap handle_sigtstp SIGTSTP ESCAPE_SEQ=$'\033' UP=$'A' DOWN=$'B' CTRL_P=$'\020' CTRL_N=$'\016' while true; do read -rsn 1 key case "$key" in "$ESCAPE_SEQ") # Handle ESC sequences followed by other characters, i.e. arrow keys read -rsn 1 -t 1 tmp # See "[" if terminal in normal mode, and "0" in application mode if [[ "$tmp" == "[" || "$tmp" == "O" ]]; then read -rsn 1 -t 1 arrow case "$arrow" in "$UP") clear selected="$(prev_version_installed "${selected}")" display_versions_with_selected "${selected}" ;; "$DOWN") clear selected="$(next_version_installed "${selected}")" display_versions_with_selected "${selected}" ;; esac fi ;; "d") if [[ -n "${selected}" ]]; then clear # Note: prev/next is constrained to min/max local after_delete_selection="$(next_version_installed "${selected}")" if [[ "${after_delete_selection}" == "${selected}" ]]; then after_delete_selection="$(prev_version_installed "${selected}")" fi remove_versions "${selected}" if [[ "${after_delete_selection}" == "${selected}" ]]; then clear leave_fullscreen echo "All downloaded versions have been deleted from cache." exit fi selected="${after_delete_selection}" display_versions_with_selected "${selected}" fi ;; # Vim or Emacs 'up' key "k"|"$CTRL_P") clear selected="$(prev_version_installed "${selected}")" display_versions_with_selected "${selected}" ;; # Vim or Emacs 'down' key "j"|"$CTRL_N") clear selected="$(next_version_installed "${selected}")" display_versions_with_selected "${selected}" ;; "q") clear leave_fullscreen exit ;; "") # enter key returns empty string leave_fullscreen [[ -n "${selected}" ]] && activate "${selected}" exit ;; esac done } # # Move up a line and erase. # erase_line() { printf "\033[1A\033[2K" } # # Disable PaX mprotect for # disable_pax_mprotect() { test -z "$1" && abort "binary required" local binary="$1" # try to disable mprotect via XATTR_PAX header local PAXCTL="$(PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH" command -v paxctl-ng 2>&1)" local PAXCTL_ERROR=1 if [ -x "$PAXCTL" ]; then $PAXCTL -l && $PAXCTL -m "$binary" >/dev/null 2>&1 PAXCTL_ERROR="$?" fi # try to disable mprotect via PT_PAX header if [ "$PAXCTL_ERROR" != 0 ]; then PAXCTL="$(PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH" command -v paxctl 2>&1)" if [ -x "$PAXCTL" ]; then $PAXCTL -Cm "$binary" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi } # # clean_copy_folder # clean_copy_folder() { local source="$1" local target="$2" if [[ -d "${source}" ]]; then rm -rf "${target}" cp -fR "${source}" "${target}" fi } # # Activate # activate() { local version="$1" local dir="$CACHE_DIR/$version" local original_node="$(command -v node)" local installed_node="${N_PREFIX}/bin/node" log "copying" "$version" # Ideally we would just copy from cache to N_PREFIX, but there are some complications # - various linux versions use symlinks for folders in /usr/local and also error when copy folder onto symlink # - we have used cp for years, so keep using it for backwards compatibility (instead of say rsync) # - we allow preserving npm # - we want to be somewhat robust to changes in tarball contents, so use find instead of hard-code expected subfolders # # This code was purist and concise for a long time. # Now twice as much code, but using same code path for all uses, and supporting more setups. # Copy lib before bin so symlink targets exist. # lib mkdir -p "$N_PREFIX/lib" # Copy everything except node_modules. find "$dir/lib" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \! -name node_modules -exec cp -fR "{}" "$N_PREFIX/lib" \; if [[ -z "${N_PRESERVE_NPM}" ]]; then mkdir -p "$N_PREFIX/lib/node_modules" # Copy just npm, skipping possible added global modules after download. Clean copy to avoid version change problems. clean_copy_folder "$dir/lib/node_modules/npm" "$N_PREFIX/lib/node_modules/npm" fi # Takes same steps for corepack (experimental in node 16.9.0) as for npm, to avoid version problems. if [[ -e "$dir/lib/node_modules/corepack" && -z "${N_PRESERVE_COREPACK}" ]]; then mkdir -p "$N_PREFIX/lib/node_modules" clean_copy_folder "$dir/lib/node_modules/corepack" "$N_PREFIX/lib/node_modules/corepack" fi # bin mkdir -p "$N_PREFIX/bin" # Remove old node to avoid potential problems with firewall getting confused on Darwin by overwrite. rm -f "$N_PREFIX/bin/node" # Copy bin items by hand, in case user has installed global npm modules into cache. cp -f "$dir/bin/node" "$N_PREFIX/bin" [[ -e "$dir/bin/node-waf" ]] && cp -f "$dir/bin/node-waf" "$N_PREFIX/bin" # v0.8.x if [[ -z "${N_PRESERVE_COREPACK}" ]]; then [[ -e "$dir/bin/corepack" ]] && cp -fR "$dir/bin/corepack" "$N_PREFIX/bin" # from 16.9.0 fi if [[ -z "${N_PRESERVE_NPM}" ]]; then [[ -e "$dir/bin/npm" ]] && cp -fR "$dir/bin/npm" "$N_PREFIX/bin" [[ -e "$dir/bin/npx" ]] && cp -fR "$dir/bin/npx" "$N_PREFIX/bin" fi # include mkdir -p "$N_PREFIX/include" find "$dir/include" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -fR "{}" "$N_PREFIX/include" \; # share mkdir -p "$N_PREFIX/share" # Copy everything except man, at it is a symlink on some Linux (e.g. archlinux). find "$dir/share" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \! -name man -exec cp -fR "{}" "$N_PREFIX/share" \; mkdir -p "$N_PREFIX/share/man" find "$dir/share/man" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec cp -fR "{}" "$N_PREFIX/share/man" \; disable_pax_mprotect "${installed_node}" local active_node="$(command -v node)" if [[ -e "${active_node}" && -e "${installed_node}" && "${active_node}" != "${installed_node}" ]]; then # Installed and active are different which might be a PATH problem. List both to give user some clues. log "installed" "$("${installed_node}" --version) to ${installed_node}" log "active" "$("${active_node}" --version) at ${active_node}" else local npm_version_str="" local installed_npm="${N_PREFIX}/bin/npm" local active_npm="$(command -v npm)" if [[ -z "${N_PRESERVE_NPM}" && -e "${active_npm}" && -e "${installed_npm}" && "${active_npm}" = "${installed_npm}" ]]; then npm_version_str=" (with npm $(npm --version))" fi log "installed" "$("${installed_node}" --version)${npm_version_str}" # Extra tips for changed location. if [[ -e "${active_node}" && -e "${original_node}" && "${active_node}" != "${original_node}" ]]; then printf '\nNote: the node command changed location and the old location may be remembered in your current shell.\n' log old "${original_node}" log new "${active_node}" printf 'If "node --version" shows the old version then start a new shell, or reset the location hash with:\nhash -r (for bash, zsh, ash, dash, and ksh)\nrehash (for csh and tcsh)\n' fi fi } # # Install # install() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && abort "version required" local version get_latest_resolved_version "$1" || return 2 version="${g_target_node}" [[ -n "${version}" ]] || abort "no version found for '$1'" update_mirror_settings_for_version "$1" update_xz_settings_for_version "${version}" update_arch_settings_for_version "${version}" local dir="${CACHE_DIR}/${g_mirror_folder_name}/${version}" # Note: decompression flags ignored with default Darwin tar which autodetects. if test "$N_USE_XZ" = "true"; then local tarflag="-Jx" else local tarflag="-zx" fi if test -d "$dir"; then if [[ ! -e "$dir/n.lock" ]] ; then if [[ "$DOWNLOAD" == "false" ]] ; then activate "${g_mirror_folder_name}/${version}" fi exit fi fi if [[ "$OFFLINE" == "true" ]]; then abort "version unavailable offline" fi log installing "${g_mirror_folder_name}-v$version" local url="$(tarball_url "$version")" is_ok "${url}" || abort "download preflight failed for '$version' (${url})" log mkdir "$dir" mkdir -p "$dir" || abort "sudo required (or change ownership, or define N_PREFIX)" touch "$dir/n.lock" cd "${dir}" || abort "Failed to cd to ${dir}" log fetch "$url" do_get "${url}" | tar "$tarflag" --strip-components=1 --no-same-owner -f - pipe_results=( "${PIPESTATUS[@]}" ) if [[ "${pipe_results[0]}" -ne 0 ]]; then abort "failed to download archive for $version" fi if [[ "${pipe_results[1]}" -ne 0 ]]; then abort "failed to extract archive for $version" fi [ "$GET_SHOWS_PROGRESS" = "true" ] && erase_line rm -f "$dir/n.lock" disable_pax_mprotect bin/node if [[ "$DOWNLOAD" == "false" ]]; then activate "${g_mirror_folder_name}/$version" fi } # # Be more silent. # set_quiet() { SHOW_VERBOSE_LOG="false" command -v curl > /dev/null && CURL_OPTIONS+=( "--silent" ) && GET_SHOWS_PROGRESS="false" } # # Synopsis: do_get [option...] url # Call curl or wget with combination of global and passed options. # function do_get() { if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then curl "${CURL_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" elif command -v wget &> /dev/null; then wget "${WGET_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" else abort "curl or wget command required" fi } # # Synopsis: do_get_index [option...] url # Call curl or wget with combination of global and passed options, # with options tweaked to be more suitable for getting index. # function do_get_index() { if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then # --silent to suppress progress et al curl --silent "${CURL_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" elif command -v wget &> /dev/null; then wget "${WGET_OPTIONS[@]}" "$@" else abort "curl or wget command required" fi } # # Synopsis: remove_versions version ... # function remove_versions() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && abort "version(s) required" while [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; do local version get_latest_resolved_version "$1" || break version="${g_target_node}" if [[ -n "${version}" ]]; then update_mirror_settings_for_version "$1" local dir="${CACHE_DIR}/${g_mirror_folder_name}/${version}" if [[ -s "${dir}" ]]; then rm -rf "${dir}" else echo "$1 (${version}) not in downloads cache" fi else echo "No version found for '$1'" fi shift done } # # Synopsis: prune_cache # function prune_cache() { set_active_node for folder_and_version in $(display_versions_paths); do if [[ "${folder_and_version}" != "${g_active_node}" ]]; then echo "${folder_and_version}" rm -rf "${CACHE_DIR:?}/${folder_and_version}" fi done } # # Synopsis: find_cached_version version # Finds cache directory for resolved version. # Globals modified: # - g_cached_version function find_cached_version() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && abort "version required" local version get_latest_resolved_version "$1" || exit 1 version="${g_target_node}" [[ -n "${version}" ]] || abort "no version found for '$1'" update_mirror_settings_for_version "$1" g_cached_version="${CACHE_DIR}/${g_mirror_folder_name}/${version}" if [[ ! -d "${g_cached_version}" && "${DOWNLOAD}" == "true" ]]; then (install "${version}") fi [[ -d "${g_cached_version}" ]] || abort "'$1' (${version}) not in downloads cache" } # # Synopsis: display_bin_path_for_version version # function display_bin_path_for_version() { find_cached_version "$1" echo "${g_cached_version}/bin/node" } # # Synopsis: run_with_version version [args...] # Run the given of node with [args ..] # function run_with_version() { find_cached_version "$1" shift # remove version from parameters exec "${g_cached_version}/bin/node" "$@" } # # Synopsis: exec_with_version command [args...] # Modify the path to include and execute command. # function exec_with_version() { find_cached_version "$1" shift # remove version from parameters PATH="${g_cached_version}/bin:$PATH" exec "$@" } # # Synopsis: is_ok url # Check the HEAD response of . # function is_ok() { # Note: both curl and wget can follow redirects, as present on some mirrors (e.g. https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node). # The output is complicated with redirects, so keep it simple and use command status rather than parse output. if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then do_get --silent --head "$1" > /dev/null || return 1 else do_get --spider "$1" > /dev/null || return 1 fi } # # Synopsis: can_use_xz # Test system to see if xz decompression is supported by tar. # function can_use_xz() { # Be conservative and only enable if xz is likely to work. Unfortunately we can't directly query tar itself. # For research, see https://github.com/shadowspawn/nvh/issues/8 local uname_s="$(uname -s)" if [[ "${uname_s}" = "Linux" ]] && command -v xz &> /dev/null ; then # tar on linux is likely to support xz if it is available as a command return 0 elif [[ "${uname_s}" = "Darwin" ]]; then local macos_version="$(sw_vers -productVersion)" local macos_major_version="$(echo "${macos_version}" | cut -d '.' -f 1)" local macos_minor_version="$(echo "${macos_version}" | cut -d '.' -f 2)" if [[ "${macos_major_version}" -gt 10 || "${macos_minor_version}" -gt 8 ]]; then # tar on recent Darwin has xz support built-in return 0 fi fi return 2 # not supported } # # Synopsis: display_tarball_platform # function display_tarball_platform() { # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname local os="unexpected_os" local uname_a="$(uname -a)" case "${uname_a}" in Linux*) os="linux" ;; Darwin*) os="darwin" ;; SunOS*) os="sunos" ;; AIX*) os="aix" ;; CYGWIN*) >&2 echo_red "Cygwin is not supported by n" ;; MINGW*) >&2 echo_red "Git BASH (MSYS) is not supported by n" ;; esac local arch="unexpected_arch" local uname_m="$(uname -m)" case "${uname_m}" in x86_64) arch=x64 ;; i386 | i686) arch="x86" ;; aarch64) arch=arm64 ;; armv8l) arch=arm64 ;; # armv8l probably supports arm64, and there is no specific armv8l build so give it a go *) # e.g. armv6l, armv7l, arm64 arch="${uname_m}" ;; esac # Override from command line, or version specific adjustment. [ -n "$ARCH" ] && arch="$ARCH" echo "${os}-${arch}" } # # Synopsis: display_compatible_file_field # display for current platform, as per field in index.tab, which is different than actual download # function display_compatible_file_field { local compatible_file_field="$(display_tarball_platform)" if [[ -z "${ARCH}" && "${compatible_file_field}" = "darwin-arm64" ]]; then # Look for arm64 for native but also x64 for older versions which can run in rosetta. # (Downside is will get an install error if install version above 16 with x64 and not arm64.) compatible_file_field="osx-arm64-tar|osx-x64-tar" elif [[ "${compatible_file_field}" =~ darwin-(.*) ]]; then compatible_file_field="osx-${BASH_REMATCH[1]}-tar" fi echo "${compatible_file_field}" } # # Synopsis: tarball_url version # function tarball_url() { local version="$1" local ext=gz [ "$N_USE_XZ" = "true" ] && ext="xz" echo "${g_mirror_url}/v${version}/node-v${version}-$(display_tarball_platform).tar.${ext}" } # # Synopsis: get_file_node_version filename # Sets g_target_node # function get_file_node_version() { g_target_node= local filepath="$1" verbose_log "found" "${filepath}" # read returns a non-zero status but does still work if there is no line ending local version <"${filepath}" read -r version # trim possible trailing \d from a Windows created file version="${version%%[[:space:]]}" verbose_log "read" "${version}" g_target_node="${version}" } # # Synopsis: get_package_engine_version\ # Sets g_target_node # function get_package_engine_version() { g_target_node= local filepath="$1" verbose_log "found" "${filepath}" command -v node &> /dev/null || abort "an active version of node is required to read 'engines' from package.json" local range range="$(node -e "package = require('${filepath}'); if (package && package.engines && package.engines.node) console.log(package.engines.node)")" verbose_log "read" "${range}" [[ -n "${range}" ]] || return 2 if [[ "*" == "${range}" ]]; then verbose_log "target" "current" g_target_node="current" return fi local version if [[ "${range}" =~ ^([>~^=]|\>\=)?v?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){0,2})(.[xX*])?$ ]]; then local operator="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" version="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" case "${operator}" in '' | =) ;; \> | \>=) version="current" ;; \~) [[ "${version}" =~ ^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+$ ]] && version="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" ;; ^) [[ "${version}" =~ ^([0-9]+) ]] && version="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" ;; esac verbose_log "target" "${version}" else command -v npx &> /dev/null || abort "an active version of npx is required to use complex 'engine' ranges from package.json" [[ "$OFFLINE" != "true" ]] || abort "offline: an internet connection is required for looking up complex 'engine' ranges from package.json" verbose_log "resolving" "${range}" local version_per_line="$(n lsr --all)" local versions_one_line=$(echo "${version_per_line}" | tr '\n' ' ') # Using semver@7 so works with older versions of node. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 version=$(npm_config_yes=true npx --quiet semver@7 -r "${range}" ${versions_one_line} | tail -n 1) fi g_target_node="${version}" } # # Synopsis: get_nvmrc_version # Sets g_target_node # function get_nvmrc_version() { g_target_node= local filepath="$1" verbose_log "found" "${filepath}" local version <"${filepath}" read -r version verbose_log "read" "${version}" # Translate from nvm aliases case "${version}" in lts/\*) version="lts" ;; lts/*) version="${version:4}" ;; node) version="current" ;; *) ;; esac g_target_node="${version}" } # # Synopsis: get_engine_version [error-message] # Sets g_target_node # function get_engine_version() { g_target_node= local error_message="${1-package.json not found}" local parent parent="${PWD}" while [[ -n "${parent}" ]]; do if [[ -e "${parent}/package.json" ]]; then get_package_engine_version "${parent}/package.json" else parent=${parent%/*} continue fi break done [[ -n "${parent}" ]] || abort "${error_message}" [[ -n "${g_target_node}" ]] || abort "did not find supported version of node in 'engines' field of package.json" } # # Synopsis: get_auto_version # Sets g_target_node # function get_auto_version() { g_target_node= # Search for a version control file first local parent parent="${PWD}" while [[ -n "${parent}" ]]; do if [[ -e "${parent}/.n-node-version" ]]; then get_file_node_version "${parent}/.n-node-version" elif [[ -e "${parent}/.node-version" ]]; then get_file_node_version "${parent}/.node-version" elif [[ -e "${parent}/.nvmrc" ]]; then get_nvmrc_version "${parent}/.nvmrc" else parent=${parent%/*} continue fi break done # Fallback to package.json [[ -n "${parent}" ]] || get_engine_version "no file found for auto version (.n-node-version, .node-version, .nvmrc, or package.json)" [[ -n "${g_target_node}" ]] || abort "file found for auto did not contain target version of node" } # # Synopsis: get_latest_resolved_version version # Sets g_target_node # function get_latest_resolved_version() { g_target_node= local version=${1} simple_version=${version#node/} # Only place supporting node/ [sic] if is_exact_numeric_version "${simple_version}"; then # Just numbers, already resolved, no need to lookup first. simple_version="${simple_version#v}" g_target_node="${simple_version}" elif [[ "$OFFLINE" == "true" ]]; then g_target_node=$(display_local_versions "${version}") else # Complicated recognising exact version, KISS and lookup. g_target_node=$(N_MAX_REMOTE_MATCHES=1 display_remote_versions "$version") fi } # # Synopsis: display_remote_index # index.tab reference: https://github.com/nodejs/nodejs-dist-indexer # Index fields are: version date files npm v8 uv zlib openssl modules lts security # KISS and just return fields we currently care about: version files lts # display_remote_index() { local index_url="${g_mirror_url}/index.tab" # tail to remove header line do_get_index "${index_url}" | tail -n +2 | cut -f 1,3,10 if [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne 0 ]]; then # Reminder: abort will only exit subshell, but consistent error display abort "failed to download version index (${index_url})" fi } # # Synopsis: display_match_limit limit # function display_match_limit(){ if [[ "$1" -gt 1 && "$1" -lt 32000 ]]; then echo "Listing remote... Displaying $1 matches (use --all to see all)." fi } # # Synopsis: display_local_versions version # function display_local_versions() { local version="$1" local match='.' verbose_log "offline" "matching cached versions" # Transform some labels before processing further. if is_node_support_version "${version}"; then version="$(display_latest_node_support_alias "${version}")" match_count=1 elif [[ "${version}" = "auto" ]]; then # suppress stdout logging so lsr layout same as usual for scripting get_auto_version || return 2 version="${g_target_node}" elif [[ "${version}" = "engine" ]]; then # suppress stdout logging so lsr layout same as usual for scripting get_engine_version || return 2 version="${g_target_node}" fi if [[ "${version}" = "latest" || "${version}" = "current" ]]; then match='^node/.' elif is_exact_numeric_version "${version}"; then # Quote any dots in version so they are literal for expression match="^node/${version//\./\.}" elif is_numeric_version "${version}"; then version="${version#v}" # Quote any dots in version so they are literal for expression match="${version//\./\.}" # Avoid 1.2 matching 1.23 match="^node/${match}[^0-9]" # elif is_lts_codename "${version}"; then # see if demand elif is_download_folder "${version}"; then match="^${version}/" # elif is_download_version "${version}"; then # see if demand else abort "invalid version '$1' for offline matching" fi display_versions_paths \ | n_grep -E "${match}" \ | tail -n 1 \ | sed 's|node/||' } # # Synopsis: display_remote_versions version # function display_remote_versions() { local version="$1" update_mirror_settings_for_version "${version}" local match='.' local match_count="${N_MAX_REMOTE_MATCHES}" # Transform some labels before processing further. if is_node_support_version "${version}"; then version="$(display_latest_node_support_alias "${version}")" match_count=1 elif [[ "${version}" = "auto" ]]; then # suppress stdout logging so lsr layout same as usual for scripting get_auto_version || return 2 version="${g_target_node}" elif [[ "${version}" = "engine" ]]; then # suppress stdout logging so lsr layout same as usual for scripting get_engine_version || return 2 version="${g_target_node}" fi if [[ -z "${version}" ]]; then match='.' elif [[ "${version}" = "lts" || "${version}" = "stable" ]]; then match_count=1 # Codename is last field, first one with a name is newest lts match="${TAB_CHAR}[a-zA-Z]+\$" elif [[ "${version}" = "latest" || "${version}" = "current" ]]; then match_count=1 match='.' elif is_numeric_version "${version}"; then version="v${version#v}" # Avoid restriction message if exact version is_exact_numeric_version "${version}" && match_count=1 # Quote any dots in version so they are literal for expression match="${version//\./\.}" # Avoid 1.2 matching 1.23 match="^${match}[^0-9]" elif is_lts_codename "${version}"; then # Capitalise (could alternatively make grep case insensitive) codename="$(echo "${version:0:1}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')${version:1}" # Codename is last field match="${TAB_CHAR}${codename}\$" elif is_download_folder "${version}"; then match='.' elif is_download_version "${version}"; then version="${version#"${g_mirror_folder_name}"/}" if [[ "${version}" = "latest" || "${version}" = "current" ]]; then match_count=1 match='.' else version="v${version#v}" match="${version//\./\.}" match="^${match}" # prefix if is_numeric_version "${version}"; then # Exact numeric match match="${match}[^0-9]" fi fi else abort "invalid version '$1'" fi display_match_limit "${match_count}" # Implementation notes: # - using awk rather than head so do not close pipe early on curl # - restrict search to compatible files as not always available, or not at same time # - return status of curl command (i.e. PIPESTATUS[0]) display_remote_index \ | n_grep -E "$(display_compatible_file_field)" \ | n_grep -E "${match}" \ | awk "NR<=${match_count}" \ | cut -f 1 \ | n_grep -E -o '[^v].*' return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" } # # Synopsis: delete_with_echo target # function delete_with_echo() { if [[ -e "$1" ]]; then echo "$1" rm -rf "$1" fi } # # Synopsis: uninstall_installed # Uninstall the installed node and npm (leaving alone the cache), # so undo install, and may expose possible system installed versions. # uninstall_installed() { # npm: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/removing-npm # rm -rf /usr/local/{lib/node{,/.npm,_modules},bin,share/man}/npm* # node: https://stackabuse.com/how-to-uninstall-node-js-from-mac-osx/ # Doing it by hand rather than scanning cache, so still works if cache deleted first. # This covers tarballs for at least node 4 through 10. while true; do read -r -p "Do you wish to delete node and npm from ${N_PREFIX}? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break ;; [Nn]* ) exit ;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done echo "" echo "Uninstalling node and npm" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/bin/node" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/bin/npm" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/bin/npx" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/bin/corepack" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/include/node" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/lib/dtrace/node.d" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/lib/node_modules/npm" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/lib/node_modules/corepack" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/share/doc/node" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/node.1" delete_with_echo "${N_PREFIX}/share/systemtap/tapset/node.stp" } # # Synopsis: show_permission_suggestions # function show_permission_suggestions() { echo "Suggestions:" echo "- run n with sudo, or" if [[ "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" == "${N_PREFIX}" ]]; then echo "- define N_PREFIX to a writeable location, or" else echo "- define N_PREFIX and N_CACHE_PREFIX to writeable locations, or" fi } # # Synopsis: show_diagnostics # Show environment and check for common problems. # function show_diagnostics() { echo "This information is to help you diagnose issues, and useful when reporting an issue." echo "Note: some output may contain passwords. Redact before sharing." printf "\n\nCOMMAND LOCATIONS AND VERSIONS\n" printf "\nbash\n" command -v bash && bash --version printf "\nn\n" command -v n && n --version printf "\nnode\n" if command -v node &> /dev/null; then command -v node && node --version node -e 'if (process.versions.v8) console.log("JavaScript engine: v8");' printf "\nnpm\n" command -v npm && npm --version fi printf "\ntar\n" if command -v tar &> /dev/null; then command -v tar && tar --version else echo_red "tar not found. Needed for extracting downloads." fi printf "\ncurl or wget\n" if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then command -v curl && curl --version elif command -v wget &> /dev/null; then command -v wget && wget --version else echo_red "Neither curl nor wget found. Need one of them for downloads." fi printf "\nuname\n" uname -a printf "\n\nSETTINGS\n" printf "\nn\n" echo "node mirror: ${N_NODE_MIRROR}" echo "node downloads mirror: ${N_NODE_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR}" echo "install destination: ${N_PREFIX}" [[ -n "${N_PREFIX}" ]] && echo "PATH: ${PATH}" echo "ls-remote max matches: ${N_MAX_REMOTE_MATCHES}" [[ -n "${N_PRESERVE_NPM}" ]] && echo "installs preserve npm by default" [[ -n "${N_PRESERVE_COREPACK}" ]] && echo "installs preserve corepack by default" printf "\nProxy\n" # disable "var is referenced but not assigned": https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2154 # shellcheck disable=SC2154 [[ -n "${http_proxy}" ]] && echo "http_proxy: ${http_proxy}" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 [[ -n "${https_proxy}" ]] && echo "https_proxy: ${https_proxy}" if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then # curl supports lower case and upper case! # shellcheck disable=SC2154 [[ -n "${all_proxy}" ]] && echo "all_proxy: ${all_proxy}" [[ -n "${ALL_PROXY}" ]] && echo "ALL_PROXY: ${ALL_PROXY}" [[ -n "${HTTP_PROXY}" ]] && echo "HTTP_PROXY: ${HTTP_PROXY}" [[ -n "${HTTPS_PROXY}" ]] && echo "HTTPS_PROXY: ${HTTPS_PROXY}" if [[ -e "${CURL_HOME}/.curlrc" ]]; then echo "have \$CURL_HOME/.curlrc" elif [[ -e "${HOME}/.curlrc" ]]; then echo "have \$HOME/.curlrc" fi elif command -v wget &> /dev/null; then if [[ -e "${WGETRC}" ]]; then echo "have \$WGETRC" elif [[ -e "${HOME}/.wgetrc" ]]; then echo "have \$HOME/.wgetrc" fi fi printf "\n\nCHECKS\n" printf "\nChecking n install destination is in PATH...\n" local install_bin="${N_PREFIX}/bin" local path_wth_guards=":${PATH}:" if [[ "${path_wth_guards}" =~ :${install_bin}/?: ]]; then printf "good\n" else echo_red "'${install_bin}' is not in PATH" fi if command -v node &> /dev/null; then printf "\nChecking n install destination priority in PATH...\n" local node_dir="$(dirname "$(command -v node)")" local index=0 local path_entry local path_entries local install_bin_index=0 local node_index=999 IFS=':' read -ra path_entries <<< "${PATH}" for path_entry in "${path_entries[@]}"; do (( index++ )) [[ "${path_entry}" =~ ^${node_dir}/?$ ]] && node_index="${index}" [[ "${path_entry}" =~ ^${install_bin}/?$ ]] && install_bin_index="${index}" done if [[ "${node_index}" -lt "${install_bin_index}" ]]; then echo_red "There is a version of node installed which will be found in PATH before the n installed version." else printf "good\n" fi fi # Check npm too. Simpler check than for PATH and node, more like the runtime logging for active/installed node. if [[ -z "${N_PRESERVE_NPM}" ]]; then printf "\nChecking npm install destination...\n" local installed_npm="${N_PREFIX}/bin/npm" local active_npm="$(command -v npm)" if [[ -e "${active_npm}" && -e "${installed_npm}" && "${active_npm}" != "${installed_npm}" ]]; then echo_red "There is an active version of npm shadowing the version installed by n. Check order of entries in PATH." log "installed" "${installed_npm}" log "active" "${active_npm}" else printf "good\n" fi fi printf "\nChecking prefix folders...\n" if [[ ! -e "${N_PREFIX}" ]]; then echo "Folder does not exist: ${N_PREFIX}" echo "- This folder will be created when you do an install." fi if [[ "${N_PREFIX}" != "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" && ! -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" ]]; then echo "Folder does not exist: ${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" echo "- This folder will be created when you do an install." fi if [[ -e "${N_PREFIX}" && -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" ]]; then echo "good" fi if [[ -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" ]]; then printf "\nChecking permissions for cache folder...\n" # Using knowledge cache path ends in /n/versions in following check. if [[ ! -e "${CACHE_DIR}" && (( -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}/n" && ! -w "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}/n" ) || ( ! -e "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}/n" && ! -w "${N_CACHE_PREFIX}" )) ]]; then echo_red "You do not have write permission to create: ${CACHE_DIR}" show_permission_suggestions echo "- make a folder you own:" echo " sudo mkdir -p \"${CACHE_DIR}\"" echo " sudo chown $(whoami) \"${CACHE_DIR}\"" elif [[ ! -e "${CACHE_DIR}" ]]; then echo "Cache folder does not exist: ${CACHE_DIR}" echo "- This is normal if you have not done an install yet, as cache is only created when needed." elif [[ ! -w "${CACHE_DIR}" ]]; then echo_red "You do not have write permission to: ${CACHE_DIR}" show_permission_suggestions echo "- change folder ownership to yourself:" echo " sudo chown -R $(whoami) \"${CACHE_DIR}\"" else echo "good" fi fi if [[ -e "${N_PREFIX}" ]]; then printf "\nChecking permissions for install folders...\n" local install_writeable="true" for subdir in bin lib include share; do if [[ -e "${N_PREFIX}/${subdir}" && ! -w "${N_PREFIX}/${subdir}" ]]; then install_writeable="false" echo_red "You do not have write permission to: ${N_PREFIX}/${subdir}" break fi if [[ ! -e "${N_PREFIX}/${subdir}" && ! -w "${N_PREFIX}" ]]; then install_writeable="false" echo_red "You do not have write permission to create: ${N_PREFIX}/${subdir}" break fi done if [[ "${install_writeable}" = "true" ]]; then echo "good" else show_permission_suggestions echo "- change folder ownerships to yourself:" echo " cd \"${N_PREFIX}\"" echo " sudo mkdir -p bin lib include share" echo " sudo chown -R $(whoami) bin lib include share" fi fi printf "\nChecking mirror is reachable...\n" if is_ok "${N_NODE_MIRROR}/"; then printf "good\n" else echo_red "mirror not reachable" printf "Showing failing command and output\n" if command -v curl &> /dev/null; then ( set -x; do_get --head "${N_NODE_MIRROR}/" ) else ( set -x; do_get --spider "${N_NODE_MIRROR}/" ) printf "\n" fi fi } # # Handle arguments. # # First pass. Process the options so they can come before or after commands, # particularly for `n lsr --all` and `n install --arch x686` # which feel pretty natural. unprocessed_args=() positional_arg="false" while [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; do case "$1" in --all) N_MAX_REMOTE_MATCHES=32000 ;; -V|--version) display_n_version ;; -h|--help|help) display_help; exit ;; -q|--quiet) set_quiet ;; -d|--download) DOWNLOAD="true" ;; --offline) OFFLINE="true" ;; --insecure) set_insecure ;; -p|--preserve) N_PRESERVE_NPM="true" N_PRESERVE_COREPACK="true" ;; --no-preserve) N_PRESERVE_NPM="" N_PRESERVE_COREPACK="" ;; --use-xz) N_USE_XZ="true" ;; --no-use-xz) N_USE_XZ="false" ;; --latest) display_remote_versions latest; exit ;; --stable) display_remote_versions lts; exit ;; # [sic] old terminology --lts) display_remote_versions lts; exit ;; -a|--arch) shift; set_arch "$1";; # set arch and continue exec|run|as|use) unprocessed_args+=( "$1" ) positional_arg="true" ;; *) if [[ "${positional_arg}" == "true" ]]; then unprocessed_args+=( "$@" ) break fi unprocessed_args+=( "$1" ) ;; esac shift done if [[ -z "${N_USE_XZ+defined}" ]]; then N_USE_XZ="true" # Default to using xz can_use_xz || N_USE_XZ="false" fi set -- "${unprocessed_args[@]}" if test $# -eq 0; then test -z "$(display_versions_paths)" && err_no_installed_print_help menu_select_cache_versions else while test $# -ne 0; do case "$1" in bin|which) display_bin_path_for_version "$2"; exit ;; run|as|use) shift; run_with_version "$@"; exit ;; exec) shift; exec_with_version "$@"; exit ;; doctor) show_diagnostics; exit ;; rm|-) shift; remove_versions "$@"; exit ;; prune) prune_cache; exit ;; latest) install latest; exit ;; stable) install stable; exit ;; lts) install lts; exit ;; ls|list) display_versions_paths; exit ;; lsr|ls-remote|list-remote) shift; display_remote_versions "$1"; exit ;; uninstall) uninstall_installed; exit ;; i|install) shift; install "$1"; exit ;; N_TEST_DISPLAY_LATEST_RESOLVED_VERSION) shift; get_latest_resolved_version "$1" > /dev/null || exit 2; echo "${g_target_node}"; exit ;; *) install "$1"; exit ;; esac shift done fi