/* * ニコニコ動画のマイリストを何かするプラグイン * http://twitter.com/ebith */ var INFO = xml` ebith New BSD License :nicolist-add :nicolist add mylist-id mylist-comment


:nicolist-delete :nicolist delete mylist-id item-id


:nicolist-new :nicolist new -public name


:nicolist-open :nicolist open mylist-id video-id


`; let video = {}; commands.addUserCommand( ['nicolist'], 'ニコニコ動画のマイリストを操作する', function(args) { liberator.echoerr('nicolist : サブコマンドが足りない!'); }, { subCommands: [ new Command( ['v[olume]'], '音量を調節する', function (args) { if (/^(\+|-)/.test(args.literalArg)) { video.container.volume += args.literalArg * 0.1 } else { video.container.volume = args.literalArg * 0.1 } }, { literal: 0, completer: function(context, args) { context.filters = [CompletionContext.Filter.textDescription]; context.title = ['volume'] context.completions = [['', (video.container.volume * 10) + '/10']] } } ), new Command( ['a[dd]'], 'マイリストに追加する', function (args) { let video_id = content.window.wrappedJSObject.WatchJsApi.video.getVideoID(); if (!video_id) { return liberator.echoerr('nicolist : watchページじゃない!'); } let [mylist_id, description] = args; if (!description){ description = ''; } //undefinedが入っているとそれをマイリストコメントにしてしまうので。 let token = getToken(true); let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylist/add?group_id=' + mylist_id + '&token=' + token + '&item_id=' + video_id + '&description=' + description; liberator.echo('nicolist add : ' + JSON.parse(util.httpGet(url).responseText).status); }, { literal: 1, completer: mylistCompleter, } ), new Command( ['p[lay]'], '動画を再生する', function (args) { let [mylist_id, video_id] = args; let video_ids = [] if (video_id) { video_ids = [video_id]; } else if (mylist_id) { let list = JSON.parse(util.httpGet('http://www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylist/list?group_id=' + mylist_id).responseText).mylistitem; list.forEach(function(v){ video_ids.push(v.item_data.video_id); }); } else { return; } video_ids = video_ids.shuffle(); let i = 0; video.container = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'video'); video.container.volume = 0.5; video.container.autoplay = true; ['error', 'ended'].forEach(function(event) { video.container.addEventListener(event, function() { if (video.container.src === 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xul') { return; } if (!video_ids[i]) { return; } i++; setupVideo(); }); }); setupVideo(); function setupVideo() { video.flv = {} util.httpGet('http://flapi.nicovideo.jp/api/getflv/' + video_ids[i]).responseText.split('&').forEach(function(param){ let tmp = param.split('='); video.flv[tmp[0]] = decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]); }); video.thumbinfo = util.httpGet('http://ext.nicovideo.jp/api/getthumbinfo/' + video_ids[i]).responseXML; video.video_id = video.thumbinfo.getElementsByTagName('video_id')[0].firstChild.nodeValue; video.title = video.thumbinfo.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.nodeValue; video.description = video.thumbinfo.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].firstChild.nodeValue; util.httpGet('http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + video_ids[i]); // watchページにアクセスしておかないと読み込み時403 video.container.src = video.flv.url; } }, { literal: 1, completer: mylistCompleter, } ), new Command( ['s[top]'], '動画の再生を止める', function (args) { video.container.pause(); video.container.src = ''; // chrome://browser/content/browser.xul になる } ), new Command( ['now[Playing]'], '再生中の動画情報', function (arg) { if (arg) { let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + arg; liberator.open(url, liberator.NEW_TAB); } }, { literal: 0, completer: function(context, args) { context.filters = [CompletionContext.Filter.textDescription]; context.title = ['id', 'title'] context.completions = [[video.video_id, video.title]] } } ), new Command( ['o[pen]'], 'マイリストか動画を開く', function (args) { let [mylist_id, video_id] = args; if (video_id) { let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + video_id; liberator.open(url, liberator.NEW_TAB); } else if (mylist_id) { let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/' + mylist_id; liberator.open(url, liberator.NEW_TAB); } }, { literal: 1, completer: mylistCompleter, } ), new Command( ['n[ew]'], 'マイリストを新しく作る', function (args) { let token = getToken(); let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylistgroup/add?name=' + args.literalArg + '&token=' + token; if ( args['-public'] ) { url += '&public=1'; } liberator.echo('nicolist new : ' + JSON.parse(util.httpGet(url).responseText).status); }, { literal: 0, options: [ [['-public', '-p'], commands.OPTION_NOARG] ], } ), new Command( ['d[elete]'], 'マイリストか動画を削除する', function (args) { let token = getToken(); let [mylist_id, item_id] = args; if (item_id) { let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylist/delete?group_id=' + mylist_id + '&id_list[0][]=' + item_id + '&token=' + token; liberator.echo('nicolist delete : ' + JSON.parse(util.httpGet(url).responseText).status); } else if (mylist_id) { let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylistgroup/delete?group_id=' + mylist_id + '&token=' + token; liberator.echo('nicolist delete : ' + JSON.parse(util.httpGet(url).responseText).status); } }, { literal: 1, completer: mylistCompleter, } ), ] }, true ); function mylistCompleter (context, args) { if (args.completeArg == 0){ context.incomplete = true; context.title = ["id", "title"]; context.filters = [CompletionContext.Filter.textDescription]; context.compare = void 0; let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylistgroup/list'; util.httpGet(url, function (xhr) { context.incomplete = false; context.completions = [ for (v of JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).mylistgroup) [v.id, v.name] ]; }); } else if (args.completeArg == 1 && !/add/.test(context.name)){ context.incomplete = true; context.title = ["id", "title"]; context.filters = [CompletionContext.Filter.textDescription]; context.compare = void 0; let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/api/mylist/list?group_id=' + args[0]; util.httpGet(url, function (xhr) { context.incomplete = false; if (/open|play/.test(context.name)) { context.completions = [ for (v of JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).mylistitem.sort(sorter)) [v.item_data.video_id, v.item_data.title] ]; } else if (/delete/.test(context.name)) { context.completions = [ for (v of JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).mylistitem.sort(sorter)) [v.item_id, v.item_data.title] ]; } }); } } function sorter (a, b) { return - (a.create_time - b.create_time); } function getToken (isWatchPage) { if (isWatchPage) { let watchAPIData = JSON.parse(content.document.wrappedJSObject.getElementById('watchAPIDataContainer').firstChild.nodeValue); return watchAPIData.flashvars.csrfToken; } else { let url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/my/mylist'; return util.httpGet(url).responseText.match(/NicoAPI\.token.+/)[0].match(/\d{5}-\d{10}-[\d\w]{40}/)[0]; } } Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'shuffle', {value: function() { var i = this.length; while(i){ var j = Math.floor(Math.random()*i); var t = this[--i]; this[i] = this[j]; this[j] = t; } return this; } });