var PLUGIN_INFO = xml` {NAME} Adds "Yank element's text/html/attrs" or "Paste to element" hint mode 要素の text/html/attrs をコピーするヒントモードを追加する 2.0pre 2.3 Yuichi Tateno MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 0.1.1 " set hintyanktags='//xpath|//xpath2'; set hintpastetags='//xpath|//xpath2'; == MAPPINGS == ;c : Yank hint element's text or attributes. ;C : Yank hint element's HTML. ;p : Paste(append) to input/textarea. ;P : Paste(replace) to input/textarea. ]]> `; (function() { var p = function(msg) { liberator.log(msg, 0); }; const DEFAULT_MAPS = ['c', 'C', 'p', 'P']; const DEFAULT_YANK_HINTTAGS = 'h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 pre p ul ol ul/li ol/li blockquote img code input textarea'. split(/\s+/).map(function(t) '//' + t).join(' | '); const TEXT_ATTRS = 'src value href title alt'.split(/\s+/); const DEFAULT_PASTE_HINTTAGS = '//input[@type="text" or @type="password" or @type="search" or not(@type)] | //textarea'; if (!options.get("hintyanktags")) { options.add(["hintyanktags"], "XPath string of hintable elements activated by 'hints-yank'", "string", DEFAULT_YANK_HINTTAGS); } if (!options.get("hintpastetags")) { options.add(["hintpastetags"], "XPath string of hintable elements activated by 'hints-paste'", "string", DEFAULT_PASTE_HINTTAGS); } let maps = liberator.globalVariables.hints_copy_maps || DEFAULT_MAPS; if (typeof maps === "string") maps = maps.split(/\s+/); var stripText = function(text) { text = text.replace(/^[ \t]+(?:\r\n|[\r\n])|\s+$/m, ''); //mg? let matched = text.match(/\r\n|[\r\n]/g); if (!matched || matched.length == 1) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, ''); return text; }; if (maps[0]) // c hints.addMode(maps[0], 'Yank TEXT', function(elem) { let text = elem.textContent; if (!text) TEXT_ATTRS.some(function(attr) (text = elem[attr]) ? true : false); util.copyToClipboard(stripText(text), true); }, function() options['hintyanktags']); if (maps[1]) // C hints.addMode(maps[1], 'Yank HTML', function(elem) { elem = elem.cloneNode(true); let tmp = window.content.document.createElement('div'); tmp.appendChild(elem); util.copyToClipboard(tmp.innerHTML, true); }, function() options['hintyanktags']); var replaceOrAppend = function(replace) { return function(elem) { let clipboard = util.readFromClipboard(); if (clipboard && clipboard.length) { if (elem.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT') clipboard.replace(/\r\n|[\r\n]/g, ' '); if (replace) { elem.value = clipboard; } else { elem.value += clipboard; } } }; }; if (maps[2]) // p hints.addMode(maps[2], 'Paste text (append)', replaceOrAppend(false), function() options['hintpastetags']); if (maps[3]) // P hints.addMode(maps[3], 'Paste text (replace)', replaceOrAppend(true), function() options['hintpastetags']); })();