/* NEW BSD LICENSE {{{ Copyright (c) 2009-2011, anekos. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ################################################################################### # http://sourceforge.jp/projects/opensource/wiki/licenses%2Fnew_BSD_license # # に参考になる日本語訳がありますが、有効なのは上記英文となります。 # ################################################################################### }}} */ // INFO {{{ var INFO = xml` anekos New BSD License

g:caret_hint_key let g:caret_hint_key = key

Hint mode key. Move caret position to the head of selected element. (default: 'c')

g:caret_hint_tail_key let g:caret_hint_tail_key = key

Hint mode key. Move caret position to the tail of selected element. (default: 'C')

g:caret_hint_select_key let g:caret_hint_select_key = key

Hint mode key. Move caret position to the head of selected element, and select. (default: disabled)

g:caret_hint_select_tail_key let g:caret_hint_select_tail_key = key

Hint mode key. Move caret position to the tail of selected element, and select. (default: 'S')

g:caret_hint_swap_key let g:caret_hint_swap_key = key

The key mapping for Visual-mode. Swap caret position head to tail. (default: 's')

If apply empty string ('') to these variables, these mapping or mode are not enabled.

g:caret_hint_xpath let g:caret_hint_xpath = XPath

The XPath for hint-mode selection.

anekos New BSD License

g:caret_hint_key let g:caret_hint_key = key

Hint モードのキー 選択した要素の先頭にキャレットを移動する (default: 'c')

g:caret_hint_tail_key let g:caret_hint_tail_key = key

Hint モードのキー 選択した要素の後尾にキャレットを移動する (default: 'C')

g:caret_hint_select_key let g:caret_hint_select_key = key

Hint モードのキー 選択した要素の先頭にキャレットを移動し、要素を選択する (default: disabled)

g:caret_hint_select_tail_key let g:caret_hint_select_tail_key = key

Hint モードのキー 選択した要素の後尾にキャレットを移動し、要素を選択する (default: 'S')

g:caret_hint_swap_key let g:caret_hint_swap_key = key

VISUAL モード用のキーマッピング キャレットの位置を交換する(先頭 ⇔ 後尾) (default: 's')


g:caret_hint_xpath let g:caret_hint_xpath = XPath

ヒント対象要素を選択するための XPath

`; // }}} /* _\|/_ (o o) +----oOO-{_}-OOo------------+ |TODO count@action の使い道 | | 要素 A-B 間を選択 | +---------------------------*/ (function () { // XXX 空白も有効 let headMode = gval('caret_hint_key', 'c'); let tailMode = gval('caret_hint_tail_key', 'C'); let selectHeadMode = gval('caret_hint_select_key', ''); let selectTailMode = gval('caret_hint_select_tail_key', 'S'); let swapKey = gval('caret_hint_swap_key', 's'); let hintXPath = liberator.globalVariables.caret_hint_xpath || '//*'; [ [[true, false], ['caret-hint-move-head', headMode]], [[false, false], ['caret-hint-move-tail', tailMode]], [[true, true ], ['caret-hint-select-head', selectHeadMode]], [[false, true ], ['caret-hint-select-tail', selectTailMode]], ].forEach(function ([[h, s], ms]) { ms.forEach(function (m) { if (!m) return; hints.addMode( m, 'Move caret position to ' + (h ? 'head' : 'tail') + (s ? ' and Select' : ''), function (elem, loc, count) { moveCaret(elem, h, s); extendMode = false; }, function () hintXPath ); }); }); if (swapKey) { mappings.addUserMap( [modes.VISUAL], [swapKey], 'Swap caret position head to tail', swapCaret, {} ); } commands.addUserCommand( ['caret'], 'Caret control with hint', function (args) { }, { subCommands: [ new Command( ['m[ove]'], 'Move caret', function () {}, { subCommands: [ new Command( ['h[ead]'], 'Move caret to head of selected element', function () hints.show('caret-hint-move-head'), {} ), new Command( ['t[ail]'], 'Move caret to head of selected element', function () hints.show('caret-hint-move-tail'), {} ) ] } ), new Command( ['select'], 'Select a element', function () {}, { subCommands: [ new Command( ['h[ead]'], 'Select and move caret to head of selected element', function () hints.show('caret-hint-select-head'), {} ), new Command( ['t[ail]'], 'Select and move caret to tail of selected element', function () hints.show('caret-hint-select-tail'), {} ) ] } ) ] }, true ); function gval (name, def) { let v = liberator.globalVariables[name]; return (v === undefined) ? def : v; } function swapCaret () { let win = new XPCNativeWrapper(window.content.window); let s = win.getSelection(); if (s.rangeCount <= 0) return false; // 位置交換時に元の情報が失われるので保存しておく let [a, f] = [[s.anchorNode, s.anchorOffset], [s.focusNode, s.focusOffset]]; s.collapse.apply(s, f); s.extend.apply(s, a); } // Vimperator 3.0 までと 3.1 以降に両対応 const [CaretKey, VisualKey] = /caret/.exec(mappings.getDefault(modes.NORMAL, 'i').description) ? ['i', 'v'] : ['c', 'v']; function moveCaret (elem, head, select) { let doc = elem.ownerDocument; let win = new XPCNativeWrapper(window.content.window); let sel = win.getSelection(); let r = doc.createRange(); sel.removeAllRanges(); r.selectNodeContents(elem); if (select) { mappings.getDefault(modes.NORMAL, CaretKey).action(); mappings.getDefault(modes.CARET, VisualKey).action(); } else { if (head) { r.setEnd(r.startContainer, r.startOffset); } else { r.setStart(r.endContainer, r.endOffset); } mappings.getDefault(modes.NORMAL, CaretKey).action(); } sel.addRange(r); if (select && head) swapCaret(); } })(); // vim:sw=2 ts=2 et si fdm=marker: