insert () hook 'the_content' calls $this->insert () add_shortcode () calls $this->shortcode () $this->insert calls $this->insert_biographia () $this->insert_biographia () for posts and custom post-types checks per-user suppression via 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts' if not a page checks per-category suppression via 'wp_biographia_category_exclusions' for frontpage checks display via 'wp_biographia_display_front_posts' calls $this->post_types_cycle () for archive checks display via 'wp_biographia_display_archives_posts' calls $this->post_types_cycle () for page checks display via 'wp_biographia_display_pages' checks per-user suppression via 'wp_biographia_page_exclusions' calls $this->display () for single calls $this->post_types_cycle () for feed checks display via 'wp_biographia_display_feed' $this->post_types_cycle () calls $this->display () for-each post type checks display via 'wp_biographia_display_"post-type-name"' checks exclusions via 'wp_biographia_"post-type"_exclusions' checks exclusions via 'wp_biographia_global_"post-type"_exclusions' emits Biography Box end-for-each $this->shortcode () if author attribute is not empty if author attribute is *, for-each user if mode attribute is 'raw', call $this->display () if mode attribute is 'configured', call $this->insert () else if mode attribute is 'raw', call $this->display () if mode attribute is 'configured', call $this->insert () end-for-each else if mode attribute is 'raw', call $this->display () if mode attribute is 'configured', call $this->insert () $this->display formats the Biography Box according to the settings defined in Style and Content tabs */ define ('WPBIOGRAPHIA_PATH', plugin_dir_path (__FILE__)); define ('WPBIOGRAPHIA_URL', plugin_dir_url (__FILE__)); require_once (WPBIOGRAPHIA_PATH . '/wp-plugin-base/wp-plugin-base.php'); require_once (WPBIOGRAPHIA_PATH . '/includes/wp-biographia-widget.php'); class WP_BiographiaFilterPriority { public $has_filter = false; public $original = WP_Biographia::PRIORITY; public $new = WP_Biographia::PRIORITY; } // end-class WP_BiographiaFilterPriority class WP_Biographia extends WP_PluginBase { private static $instance; static $admin_tab_names; public $author_id; public $override; public $display_bio = false; public $for_feed = false; public $is_shortcode = false; public $icon_dir_url = ''; private $has_hacked_content_autop_prio = false; private $original_content_autop_prio = 10; private $hacked_content_autop_prio = 10; private $content_autop; private $excerpt_autop; private $sentry = false; private $is_sla_plugin_active = false; const OPTIONS = 'wp_biographia_settings'; const VERSION = '330'; const DISPLAY_VERSION = 'v3.3.0'; const PRIORITY = 10; const META_NONCE = 'wp-biographia-meta-nonce'; /** * Class constructor */ private function __construct () { self::$admin_tab_names = array ( 'display' => 'Display', 'admin' => 'Admin', 'exclude' => 'Exclusions', 'style' => 'Style', 'content' => 'Content', 'defaults' => 'Defaults', 'colophon' => 'Colophon' ); $this->author_id = NULL; $this->override = NULL; $this->is_sla_plugin_active = in_array ( 'simple-local-avatars/simple-local-avatars.php', apply_filters ('active_plugins', get_option ('active_plugins' ))); register_activation_hook (__FILE__, array ($this, 'add_settings')); $this->hook ('plugins_loaded'); $this->icon_dir_url = WPBIOGRAPHIA_URL . 'images/'; $this->content_autop = new WP_BiographiaFilterPriority; $this->excerpt_autop = new WP_BiographiaFilterPriority; error_log ('WP_Biographia::__construct--'); } public static function get_instance () { if (!isset (self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c (); } return self::$instance; } /** * "plugins_loaded" action hook; called after all active plugins and pluggable functions * are loaded. * * Adds front-end display actions, shortcode support and admin actions. */ function plugins_loaded () { //register_activation_hook (__FILE__, array ($this, 'add_settings')); $settings = $this->get_option (); if (is_array ($settings) && isset ($settings['wp_biographia_version'])) { $content_priority = $settings['wp_biographia_admin_content_priority']; $excerpt_priority = $settings['wp_biographia_admin_excerpt_priority']; } else { $content_priority = $excerpt_priority = self::PRIORITY; } $this->hook ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'style'); $this->hook ('init'); $this->hook ('widgets_init'); $this->hook ('user_contactmethods'); if (is_admin ()) { $this->hook ('admin_menu'); $this->hook ('admin_print_scripts'); $this->hook ('admin_print_styles'); $this->hook ('admin_init'); $this->hook ('show_user_profile', 'admin_add_profile_extensions'); $this->hook ('edit_user_profile', 'admin_add_profile_extensions'); $this->hook ('personal_options_update', 'admin_save_profile_extensions'); $this->hook ('edit_user_profile_update', 'admin_save_profile_extensions'); $this->hook ('plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename (__FILE__), 'admin_settings_link'); $this->hook ('user_register', 'admin_user_register'); $this->hook ('add_meta_boxes', 'admin_add_meta_boxes'); $this->hook ('save_post', 'admin_save_meta_boxes'); $this->hook ('before_delete_post', 'admin_before_delete_post'); } else { $hook_to_loop = false; $this->hook ('the_content', 'insert', intval ($content_priority)); if ($content_priority < self::PRIORITY) { if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop'] == 'on')) { $hook_to_loop = true; } } $this->hook ('the_excerpt', 'insert', intval($excerpt_priority)); if ($excerpt_priority < self::PRIORITY) { if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop'] == 'on')) { $hook_to_loop = true; } } if ($hook_to_loop) { $this->hook ('loop_start'); $this->hook ('loop_end'); } // If the Simple Local Avatars plugin is installed and active, hook into that // plugin's 'simple_local_avatar' filter to fix up the Avatar's IMG tag's CSS, // if not already fixed up by the 'get_avatar' filter. if ($this->is_sla_plugin_active) { $this->hook ('simple_local_avatar'); } $this->hook ('get_avatar', 'get_avatar', 10, 5); add_shortcode ('wp_biographia', array ($this, 'shortcode')); } } /** * "loop_start" action hook; called before the start of the Loop. */ function loop_start () { $settings = $this->get_option (); if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop'] == 'on')) { $priority = has_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop'); if ($priority !== false) { $content_priority = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_admin_content_priority'); $this->content_autop->has_filter = true; $this->content_autop->original = $priority; $this->content_autop->new = --$content_priority; remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop', $this->content_autop->original); add_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop', $this->content_autop->new); } } if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop'] == 'on')) { $priority = has_filter ('the_excerpt', 'wpautop'); if ($priority !== false) { $excerpt_priority = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_admin_content_priority'); $this->excerpt_autop->has_filter = true; $this->excerpt_autop->original = $priority; $this->excerpt_autop->new = --$excerpt_priority; remove_filter ('the_excerpt', 'wpautop', $this->excerpt_autop->original); add_filter ('the_excerpt', 'wpautop', $this->excerpt_autop->new); } } } /** * "loop_end" action hook; called after the end of the Loop. */ function loop_end () { if ($this->content_autop->has_filter) { remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop', $this->content_autop->new); add_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop', $this->content_autop->original); } if ($this->excerpt_autop->has_filter) { remove_filter ('the_excerpt', 'wpautop', $this->excerpt_autop->new); add_filter ('the_excerpt', 'wpautop', $this->excerpt_autop->original); } } /** * Queries the back-end database for WP Biographia settings and options. * * @param string $key Optional settings/options key name; if specified only the value * for the key will be returned, if the key exists, if omitted all settings/options * will be returned. * @return mixed If $key is specified, a string containing the key's settings/option * value is returned, if the key exists, else an empty string is returned. If $key is * omitted, an array containing all settings/options will be returned. */ function get_option () { $num_args = func_num_args (); $options = get_option (self::OPTIONS); if ($num_args > 0) { $args = func_get_args (); $key = $args[0]; $value = ""; if (isset ($options[$key])) { $value = $options[$key]; } return $value; } else { return $options; } } /** * Adds/updates a settings/option key and value in the back-end database. * * @param string key Settings/option key to be created/updated. * @param string value Value to be associated with the specified settings/option key */ function set_option ($key , $value) { $options = get_option (self::OPTIONS); $options[$key] = $value; update_option (self::OPTIONS , $options); } /** * "init" action hook; called to initialise the plugin */ function init () { $lang_dir = basename (dirname (__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lang'; load_plugin_textdomain ('wp-biographia', false, $lang_dir); } /** * "widgets_init" action hook; called to initialise the plugin's widget(s) */ function widgets_init () { return register_widget ('WP_BiographiaWidget'); } /** * Wrapper function for the WP_User_Query class. Queries the back-end database and * returns a list of users. * * @param string role Constrains the search to users of a specific role. Optional; * if omitted all users will be returned. * @param array args Array that specifies the fields to be returned. Optional; if * omitted the ID and user_login fields will be returned. * @return array Array containing the users that the search returned. */ function get_users ($role='', $args=array (0 => 'ID', 1 => 'user_login')) { $wp_user_search = new WP_User_Query (array ('role' => $role, 'fields' => $args)); $roles = $wp_user_search->get_results (); return $roles; } /** * Returns the currently defined set of post categories. * * @return array Array containing the categories. */ function get_categories () { $args = array ( 'type' => 'post', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'asc', 'hide_empty' => '0' ); return get_categories ($args); } /** * "user_contactmethods" filter hook; Sanitizes, filters and augments the user's * profile contact information. * * @param array contactmethods Array containing the current set of contact methods. * @return array Array containing the modified set of contact methods. */ function user_contactmethods ($contactmethods) { foreach ($this->defaults () as $key => $data) { if (isset ($data['contactmethod']) && !empty ($data['contactmethod'])) { $contactmethods[$key] = $data['contactmethod']; } } // end-foreach (...) return $contactmethods; } /** * plugin activation / "activate_pluginname" action hook; called when the plugin is * first activated. * * Defines and sets up the default settings and options for the plugin. The default set * of options are configurable, at activation time, via the * 'wp_biographia_default_settings' filter hook. */ function add_settings () { $settings = $this->get_option (); if (!is_array ($settings)) { $settings = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_default_settings' , //option name => option value array ( 'wp_biographia_installed' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_version' => self::VERSION, 'wp_biographia_style_bg' => '#FFEAA8', 'wp_biographia_style_border' => 'top', 'wp_biographia_display_front_posts' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_archives_posts' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_author_archives_posts' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_category_archives_posts' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_date_archives_posts' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_tag_archives_posts' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_posts' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_pages' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_display_feed' => '', 'wp_biographia_display_location' => 'bottom', 'wp_biographia_content_prefix' => __('About', 'wp-biographia'), 'wp_biographia_content_name' => 'first-last-name', 'wp_biographia_content_authorpage' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_image' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_image_size' => '100', 'wp_biographia_content_bio' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_icons' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_alt_icons' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_icon_url' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_email' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_web' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_twitter' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_facebook' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_linkedin' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_googleplus' => 'on', 'wp_biographia_content_delicious' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_flickr' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_picasa' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_vimeo' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_youtube' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_reddit' => '', 'wp_biographia_content_posts' => 'extended', 'wp_biographia_content_link_target' => '_self', 'wp_biographia_content_link_nofollow' => '', 'wp_biographia_admin_new_users' => '', 'wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles' => '', 'wp_biographia_category_exclusions' => '', 'wp_biographia_post_exclusions' => '', 'wp_biographia_global_post_exclusions' => '', 'wp_biographia_page_exclusions' => '', 'wp_biographia_admin_content_priority' => self::PRIORITY, 'wp_biographia_admin_excerpt_priority' => self::PRIORITY, 'wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop' => '', 'wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop' => '' //'wp_biographia_admin_guest_posts' => '' ) ); update_option (self::OPTIONS, $settings); } } /** * "get_avatar" filter hook; filters and augments the return from get_avatar(). * * @param string avatar String containing the IMG tag returned by get_avatar(). * @return string String containing the (modified) avatar IMG tag */ function get_avatar ($avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt) { if ($this->sentry) { if ($this->sentry) { $avatar = $this->fixup_avatar_css ($avatar); } } return $avatar; } /** * "simple_local_avatar" filter hook; filters and augments the return from get_avatar(). * * @param string avatar String containing the IMG tag returned by get_avatar(). * @return string String containing the (modified) avatar IMG tag */ function simple_local_avatar ($avatar) { if ($this->sentry) { $avatar = $this->fixup_avatar_css ($avatar); } return $avatar; } /** * Called from the "get_avatar" or "simple_local_avatar" filter hooks; fixes up the * IMG tag returned by get_avatar() to use WP Biographia's avatar image placement CSS. * * @param string avatar String containing the IMG tag returned by get_avatar(). * @return string String containing the (modified) avatar IMG tag */ function fixup_avatar_css ($avatar) { $pos = strpos ($avatar, 'wp-biographia-avatar'); if ($pos === false) { $pos = strpos ($avatar, "class='avatar "); if ($pos !== false) { $avatar = str_replace ("class='avatar ", "class='wp-biographia-avatar ", $avatar, $count); } } return $avatar; } /** * Determines whether the current page is the last page * * @return boolean Returns true if the current page is the last page, otherwise returns * false. */ function is_last_page () { global $page; global $numpages; global $multipage; if ($multipage) { return ($page == $numpages) ? true : false; } else { return true; } } /** * Defines the default set of user's contact methods that the plugin natively * supports. * * @return array Array of contact methods. */ function supported_contact_info () { $contacts = array ( //option name => array (field => custom field , contactmethod => field name) 'twitter' => array ( 'field' => 'twitter', 'contactmethod' => __('Twitter', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'facebook' => array ( 'field' => 'facebook', 'contactmethod' => __('Facebook', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'linkedin' => array ( 'field' => 'linkedin', 'contactmethod' => __('LinkedIn', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'googleplus' => array ( 'field' => 'googleplus', 'contactmethod' => __('Google+', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'delicious' => array ( 'field' => 'delicious', 'contactmethod' => __('Delicious', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'flickr' => array ( 'field' => 'flickr', 'contactmethod' => __('Flickr', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'picasa' => array ( 'field' => 'picasa', 'contactmethod' => __('Picasa', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'vimeo' => array ( 'field' => 'vimeo', 'contactmethod' => __('Vimeo', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'youtube' => array ( 'field' => 'youtube', 'contactmethod' => __('YouTube', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'reddit' => array ( 'field' => 'reddit', 'contactmethod' => __('Reddit', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'yim' => array ( 'field' => 'yim', 'contactmethod' => __('Yahoo IM', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'aim' => array ( 'field' => 'aim', 'contactmethod' => __('AIM', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'msn' => array ( 'field' => 'msn', 'contactmethod' => __('Windows Live Messenger', 'wp-biographia'), ), 'jabber' => array ( 'field' => 'jabber', 'contactmethod' => __('Jabber / Google Talk', 'wp-biographia'), ) ); return $contacts; } /** * Defines the default set of user's contact information. The default set of contact * links are filterable via the 'wp_biographia_contact_info' filter hook. Used by the * display() and user_contactmethods() functions. * * @param boolean filter Controls whether the 'wp_biographia_contact_info' filter should * be applied. * @return array Array of default, filtered, contact information. */ function defaults ($filter=true) { $non_contact_defaults = array ( //option name => array (field => custom field , contactmethod => field name) 'account-name' => array ( 'field' => 'user_login' ), 'first-last-name' => array ( 'field' => '' ), 'nickname' => array ( 'field' => 'nickname' ), 'display-name' => array ( 'field' => 'display_name' ), 'bio' => array ( 'field' => 'description' ), 'email' => array ( 'field' => 'email' ), 'web' => array ( 'field' => 'url' ) ); $supported_contact_info = $this->supported_contact_info (); if ($filter) { $filtered_contact_info = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_contact_info', $supported_contact_info); return array_merge ($non_contact_defaults, $filtered_contact_info); } else { return array_merge ($non_contact_defaults, $supported_contact_info); } } /** * Defines the default set of contact link items for the Biography Box that the plugin * natively supports. * * @return array Array of default Biography Box link items. */ function supported_link_items () { $link_items = array ( "web" => array ( "link_title" => __('The Web', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Web', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'web.png' ), "twitter" => array ( "link_title" => __('Twitter', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Twitter', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'twitter.png' ), "facebook" => array ( "link_title" => __('Facebook', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Facebook', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'facebook.png' ), "linkedin" => array ( "link_title" => __('LinkedIn', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('LinkedIn', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'linkedin.png' ), "googleplus" => array ( "link_title" => __('Google+', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Google+', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'google.png' ), "delicious" => array ( "link_title" => __('Delicous', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Delicous', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'delicious.png' ), "flickr" => array ( "link_title" => __('Flickr', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Flickr', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'flickr.png' ), "picasa" => array ( "link_title" => __('Picasa', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Picasa', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'picasa.png' ), "vimeo" => array ( "link_title" => __('Vimeo', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Vimeo', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'vimeo.png' ), "youtube" => array ( "link_title" => __('YouTube', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('YouTube', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'youtube.png' ), "reddit" => array ( "link_title" => __('Reddit', 'wp-biographia'), "link_text" => __('Reddit', 'wp-biographia'), "link_icon" => $this->icon_dir_url . 'reddit.png' ) ); return $link_items; } /** * Defines the default set of contact link items for the Biography Box. The default set * of links are filterable via the 'wp_biographia_link_items filter hook. * * @return array Array of default, filtered, Biography Box link items. */ function link_items () { $supported_link_items = $this->supported_link_items (); return apply_filters ('wp_biographia_link_items', $supported_link_items, $this->icon_dir_url); } /** * "wp_enqueue_scripts" action hook; called to load the plugin's CSS for the * Biography Box. */ function style () { wp_enqueue_style ('wp-biographia-bio', WPBIOGRAPHIA_URL . 'css/wp-biographia.min.css'); } /** * "the_content" and "the_excerpt" action hook; adds the Biography Box to post or * page content according to the current set of plugin settings/options. The * Biography Box is filterable via the 'wp_biographia_pattern' and 'wp_biographia_pre' * filters. * * @param string content String containing the post or page content or excerpt. * @return string String containing the original post/page content/excerpt plus * the Biography Box, providing the current set of settings/options permit this. */ function insert ($content) { global $post; $new_content = $content; if (!$this->is_shortcode) { $this->author_id = $post->post_author; } $location = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_display_location'); if ((isset ($location)) && ($location == 'top')) { $pattern = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_pattern', '%2$s %1$s'); } else { $pattern = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_pattern', '%1$s %2$s'); } // allow short circuit if (($pattern == '') || ($pattern == '%1s') || apply_filters ('wp_biographia_pre' , false)) { return $content; } if (is_front_page ()) { $new_content = $this->insert_biographia ('frontpage', $content, $pattern); } elseif (is_archive () || is_post_type_archive ()) { $new_content = $this->insert_biographia ('archive', $content, $pattern); } elseif (is_page ()) { $new_content = $this->insert_biographia ('page', $content, $pattern); } elseif (is_single ()) { $new_content = $this->insert_biographia ('single', $content, $pattern); } elseif (is_feed ()) { $new_content = $this->insert_biographia ('feed', $content, $pattern); } return $new_content; } /** * Cycles through all default and currently defined custom post types * * @param string optstub Settings option stub to determine whether the Biography Box is to be displayed * @param string content Source post content * @param string pattern Pattern to be used for output * @return string String containing the modified source post content */ function post_types_cycle ($optstub, $content='', $pattern='') { global $post; $new_content = $content; $bio_content = $this->display (); $post_types = get_post_types (array (), 'objects'); foreach ($post_types as $post_type => $post_data) { if (($post_data->_builtin) && ($post_type != 'post')) { continue; } if ($post_type == 'post') { $post_type_name = 'posts'; } else { $post_type_name = $post_type; } if ($post->post_type == $post_type) { $option = $optstub . $post_type_name; $optval = $this->get_option ($option); if ((isset ($optval) && $optval) || $this->is_shortcode) { // check exclusions $post_option = 'wp_biographia_' . $post_type . '_exclusions'; $global_option = 'wp_biographia_global_' . $post_type . '_exclusions'; if ($this->get_option ($post_option) || $this->get_option ($global_option)) { $post_exclusions = $global_exclusions = array (); if ($this->get_option ($post_option)) { $post_exclusions = explode (',', $this->get_option ($post_option)); } if ($this->get_option ($global_option)) { $global_exclusions = explode (',', $this->get_option ($global_option)); } if (!in_array ($post->ID, $post_exclusions) && !in_array ($post->ID, $global_exclusions) && $this->is_last_page ()) { $new_content = sprintf ($pattern, $content, $bio_content); break; } else { $new_content = $content; } } else { if ($this->is_last_page ()) { $new_content = sprintf ($pattern, $content, $bio_content); break; } } } else { $new_content = $content; } } } // end-foreach () return $new_content; } /** * Emits the Biography Box according to the current page content and settings/options. * * @param string context Current page context; frontpage|archive|page|single|feed * @param string content Original post content * @param string pattern Biography Box location formatting pattern * @return string String containing the configured Biography Box or the original contents * of the content parameter string if the current page context and/or settings/options * require that no Biography Box is displayed. */ function insert_biographia ($context, $content, $pattern) { global $post; $this->display_bio = false; $settings = $this->get_option (); $excluded = false; if ((get_user_meta ($this->author_id, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', true) == 'on') && ($post->post_type != 'page')) { return $content; } if (!is_page ()) { $categories = explode (',', $settings['wp_biographia_category_exclusions']); if (!empty ($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $category) { if (in_category ($category, $post->ID)) { $excluded = true; break; } } // end-foreach (...) } } switch ($context) { case "frontpage": $option = 'wp_biographia_display_front_'; if (!$excluded || $this->is_shortcode) { $new_content = $this->post_types_cycle ($option, $content, $pattern); } else { $new_content = $content; } break; case "archive": if (is_post_type_archive ()) { $option = 'wp_biographia_display_archives_'; } else { if (is_author ()) { $option = 'wp_biographia_display_author_archives_'; } else if (is_category ()) { $option = 'wp_biographia_display_category_archives_'; } else if (is_date ()) { $option = 'wp_biographia_display_date_archives_'; } else if (is_tag ()) { $option = 'wp_biographia_display_tag_archives_'; } } if (!$excluded || $this->is_shortcode) { $new_content = $this->post_types_cycle ($option, $content, $pattern); } else { $new_content = $content; } break; case "page": $option = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_display_pages'); if ((isset ($option) && $option && get_user_meta ($this->author_id, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true) !== 'on') || ($this->is_shortcode && get_user_meta ($this->author_id, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true) !== 'on')) { $this->display_bio = true; } if (!$excluded && $this->display_bio) { if ($this->get_option ('wp_biographia_page_exclusions')) { $page_exclusions = explode (',', $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_page_exclusions')); $this->display_bio = (!in_array ($post->ID, $page_exclusions)); } } if (!$excluded && $this->display_bio) { $bio_content = $this->display (); $new_content = sprintf ($pattern, $content, $bio_content); } else { $new_content = $content; } break; case "single": // Cycle through Custom Post Types if (!$excluded) { $option = 'wp_biographia_display_'; $new_content = $this->post_types_cycle ($option, $content, $pattern); } else { $new_content = $content; } break; case "feed": $option = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_display_feed'); if (isset ($option) && $option) { $this->display_bio = true; } else { $this->display_bio = $this->is_shortcode; } if (!$excluded && $this->display_bio) { $this->for_feed = true; $bio_content = $this->display (); $new_content = sprintf ($pattern, $content, $bio_content); } else { $new_content = $content; } break; default: $new_content = $content; break; } return $new_content; } /** * Shortcode handler for the [wp_biographia] shortcode; expands the shortcode to the * Biography Box according to the current set of plugin settings/options. The * Biography Box is filterable via the 'wp_biographia_shortcode filter. * * @param array atts Array containing the optional shortcode attributes specified by * the current instance of the shortcode. * @param string content String containing the enclosed content when the shortcode is * specified in the enclosing form. If the self-closing form is used, this parameter will * default to null. * @return string String containing the Biography Box, providing that the current set * of settings/options permit this. */ function shortcode ($atts, $content=null) { $this->for_feed = false; extract (shortcode_atts (array ( 'mode' => 'raw', 'user' => '', 'author' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'name' => '', 'role' => '', 'order' => 'account-name' ), $atts)); $params = array ('mode' => $mode, 'user' => $user, 'author' => $author, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'name' => $name, 'role' => $role, 'order' => $order); $this->is_shortcode = true; $this->override = $shortcode_content = array (); if (!empty ($prefix)) { $this->override['prefix'] = $prefix; } // Check and validate values for the 'mode' attribute switch ($mode) { case 'raw': case 'configured': break; default: $mode = 'raw'; break; } // Check and validate the values for the 'name' attribute, if present if (!empty ($name)) { switch ($name) { case 'account-name': case 'first-last-name': case 'nickname': case 'display-name': case 'none': $this->override['name'] = $name; break; default: break; } } // Check and validate values for the 'order' attribute, if present if (!empty ($order)) { switch ($order) { case 'account-name': case 'first-name': case 'last-name': case 'nickname': case 'display-name': case 'login-id': break; default: $order = 'account-name'; break; } } // Handle legacy shortcode useage (before the introduction of the user attribute); // if the 'author' attribute is present but no 'user' attribute exists, treat the // 'author' attribute *as* the 'user' attribute. if (empty ($user) && !empty ($author)) { $user = $author; } if (!empty ($user)) { if ($user === "*") { $users = $contributors = array (); if (!empty ($role)) { $valid_role = false; $role = strtolower ($role); switch ($role) { case 'administrator': case 'editor': case 'author': case 'contributor': case 'subscriber': $valid_role = true; break; default: break; } // end-switch if ($valid_role) { $users = $this->get_users ($role); } } else { $users = $this->get_users (); } if (!empty ($users)) { $order_fields = array ( // order attribute value => meta value 'account-name' => 'user_login', 'first-name' => 'first_name', 'last-name' => 'last_name', 'nickname' => 'nickname', 'display-name' => 'display_name', 'login-id' => 'ID' ); foreach ($users as $user_obj) { if ($order == 'login-id') { $contributors[$user_obj->ID] = $user_obj->ID; } else { $contributors[$user_obj->ID] = get_the_author_meta ($order_fields[$order], $user_obj->ID); } } natcasesort ($contributors); } if (!empty ($contributors)) { $shortcode_content[] = '
'; foreach ($contributors as $user_id => $user_value) { $this->author_id = $user_id; if ($mode == 'raw') { $shortcode_content[] = $this->display (); } elseif ($mode == 'configured') { $placeholder_content = ""; $shortcode_content[] = $this->insert ($placeholder_content); } } $shortcode_content[] = '
'; } } else { $user_obj = get_user_by ('login', $user); if ($user_obj) { $this->author_id = $user_obj->ID; if ($mode == 'raw') { $shortcode_content[] = $this->display (); } elseif ($mode == 'configured') { $placeholder_content = ""; $shortcode_content[] = $this->insert ($placeholder_content); } } } } else { global $post; $this->author_id = $post->post_author; if ($mode == 'raw') { $shortcode_content[] = $this->display (); } elseif ($mode == 'configured') { $placeholder_content = ""; $this->is_shortcode = true; $shortcode_content[] = $this->insert ($placeholder_content); } } $this->is_shortcode = false; return apply_filters ('wp_biographia_shortcode', implode ('', $shortcode_content), $params); } /** * Emits the Biography Box according to current settings/options. */ function display () { global $post; $settings = $this->get_option (); if (!$this->author_id || $this->author_id == 0) { $this->author_id = $post->post_author; } $content = $links = $author = $biography = array(); foreach ($this->defaults () as $key => $data) { if ($key != 'first-last-name') { $author[$key] = get_the_author_meta ($data['field'], $this->author_id); } else { $author[$key] = get_the_author_meta('first_name', $this->author_id) . ' ' . get_the_author_meta ('last_name', $this->author_id); } } $author['posts'] = (int)count_user_posts ($this->author_id); $author['posts_url'] = get_author_posts_url ($this->author_id); // Add Image Size Output $author_pic_size = (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_content_image_size'])) ? $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_content_image_size') : '100'; $this->sentry = true; $author_pic = get_avatar ($author['email'], $author_pic_size); $this->sentry = false; if (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_prefix']) || !empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_name'])) { $title = array (); $name_prefix = ""; if ((!empty ($this->override)) && (!empty ($this->override['prefix']))) { $name_prefix = $this->override['prefix']; } elseif (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_prefix'])) { $name_prefix = $settings['wp_biographia_content_prefix']; } if (!empty ($name_prefix)) { $title[] = $name_prefix . ' '; } $display_name = ""; if ((!empty ($this->override)) && (!empty ($this->override['name']))) { $display_name = $this->override['name']; } elseif (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_name'])) { $display_name = $settings['wp_biographia_content_name']; } if (!empty ($display_name) && $display_name != 'none') { switch ($display_name) { case 'first-last-name': $formatted_name = $author['first-last-name']; break; case 'account-name': $formatted_name = $author['account-name']; break; case 'nickname': $formatted_name = $author['nickname']; break; default: $formatted_name = $author['display-name']; break; } if (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_authorpage']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_content_authorpage'] == 'on')) { $title[] = '' . $formatted_name . ''; } else { $title[] = $formatted_name; } } $content[] = '

'; $content[] = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_content_title', implode ('', $title), $name_prefix, $formatted_name); $content[] = '

'; } if (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_bio'])) { $content[] = "

" . $author['bio'] . "

"; } // If this Biography Box is for a feed, override/ignore the "display links as icons" // setting ... if ($this->for_feed) { $display_icons = false; } else { $display_icons = (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_icons']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_content_icons'] == 'on')) ? 'icon' : 'text'; } if (($display_icons) && (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_alt_icons']) && $settings['wp_biographia_content_alt_icons'] == 'on' && !empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_icon_url']))) { $this->icon_dir_url = $settings['wp_biographia_content_icon_url']; } $link_items = $this->link_items (); if ($this->for_feed) { $item_stub = '%s'; } else { $item_stub = ($display_icons == "icon") ? '
  • ' : '
  • %s
  • '; } $title_name_stub = __('%1$s On %2$s', 'wp-biographia'); $title_noname_stub = __('On %s', 'wp-biographia'); $link_meta = 'target="' . $settings['wp_biographia_content_link_target']. '"'; if (!empty($settings['wp_biographia_content_link_nofollow']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_content_link_nofollow'] == 'on')) { $link_meta .= ' rel="nofollow"'; } // Deal with the email link first as a special case ... if ((!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_email']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_content_email'] == 'on')) && (!empty ($author['email']))) { if (!empty ($formatted_name)) { $link_title = sprintf (__('Send %s Mail', 'wp-biographia'), $formatted_name); } else { $link_title = __('Send Mail', 'wp-biographia'); } $link_text = __('Mail', 'wp-biographia'); $link_body = ($display_icons == "icon") ? $this->icon_dir_url . 'mail.png' : $link_text; $links[] = $this->link_item ($display_icons, $item_stub, 'mailto:' . antispambot ($author['email']), $link_meta, $link_title, $link_body); } // Now deal with the other links that follow the same format and can be "templatised" ... $supported_links = $this->supported_link_items (); foreach ($link_items as $link_key => $link_attrs) { $display_link = false; if (array_key_exists ($link_key, $supported_links)) { $option_name = 'wp_biographia_content_' . $link_key; $display_link = (!empty ($settings[$option_name]) && ($settings[$option_name] == 'on') && (!empty ($author[$link_key]))); } else { $display_link = (!empty ($author[$link_key])); } if ($display_link) { if (!empty ($formatted_name)) { $link_title = sprintf ($title_name_stub, $formatted_name, $link_attrs['link_title']); } else { $link_title = sprintf ($title_noname_stub, $link_attrs['link_title']); } $link_body = ($display_icons == "icon") ? $link_attrs['link_icon'] : $link_attrs['link_text']; $links[] = $this->link_item ($display_icons, $item_stub, $author[$link_key], $link_meta, $link_title, $link_body); } } // Finally, deal with the "More Posts" link if (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_posts']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_content_posts'] != 'none') && ($author['posts'] > 0)) { if (!empty ($formatted_name)) { $link_title = sprintf (__('More Posts By %s', 'wp-biographia'), $formatted_name); } else { $link_title = __('More Posts', 'wp-biographia'); } switch ($settings['wp_biographia_content_posts']) { case 'extended': $link_text = __('More Posts', 'wp-biographia') . ' (' . $author['posts'] . ')'; break; default: $link_text = __('More Posts', 'wp-biographia'); break; } $link_body = ($display_icons == "icon") ? $this->icon_dir_url . 'wordpress.png' : $link_text; $links[] = $this->link_item ($display_icons, $item_stub, $author['posts_url'], $link_meta, $link_title, $link_body); } $item_glue = ($display_icons == 'icon') ? "" : " | "; $list_class = "wp-biographia-list-" . $display_icons; if (!empty ($links)) { if ($this->for_feed) { $prefix = ''; } else { $prefix = ''; } $params = array ( 'glue' => $item_glue, 'class' => $list_class, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'postfix' => $postfix); $content[] = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_links' , $prefix . implode ($item_glue, $links) . $postfix, $links, $params); } if (!$this->for_feed) { $biography[] = '
    '; if (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_image']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_content_image'] == 'on')) { $biography[] = '
    ' . $author_pic . '
    '; } $biography[] = '
    ' . implode ('', $content) . '
    '; } else { if (!empty ($settings['wp_biographia_content_image']) && ($settings['wp_biographia_content_image'] == 'on')) { $biography[] = '

    ' . $author_pic . '

    '; } $biography[] = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_feed' , '
    ' . implode ('', $content) . '
    ' , $content , $settings); } $biography_box = array (); $biography_box[] = '' . PHP_EOL; $biography_box[] = apply_filters ('wp_biographia_biography_box', implode ('', $biography), $biography); $biography_box[] = '' . PHP_EOL; return (implode ('', $biography_box)); } /** * Produce and format a contact link item. * * @param string display_icons String containing the CSS class type; text|icon * @param string format String containing a printf/sprintf format for output * @param string link_key Link key string. * @param string link_meta Link meta attributes (target/rel) * @param string link_title Link title string. * @param string link_body Link body string. * @return string Formatted contact link item */ function link_item ($display_icons, $format, $link_key, $link_meta, $link_title, $link_body) { $item_class = "wp-biographia-item-" . $display_icons; $link_class = "wp-biographia-link-" . $display_icons; if ($display_icons == 'icon') { return sprintf ($format, $link_key, $link_meta, $link_title, $link_class, $link_body, $item_class); } else { return sprintf ($format, $link_key, $link_meta, $link_title, $link_class, $link_body); } } /** * "admin_menu" action hook; called after the basic admin panel menu structure is in * place. */ function admin_menu () { if (function_exists ('add_options_page')) { $page_title = __('WP Biographia', 'wp-biographia'); $menu_title = __('WP Biographia', 'wp-biographia'); add_options_page ($page_title, $menu_title, 'manage_options', __FILE__, array ($this, 'admin_display_settings')); } } /** * "admin_print_scripts" action hook; called to enqueue admin specific scripts. */ function admin_print_scripts () { global $pagenow; if ($pagenow == 'options-general.php' && isset ($_GET['page']) && strstr ($_GET['page'], "wp-biographia")) { wp_enqueue_script ('postbox'); wp_enqueue_script ('dashboard'); wp_enqueue_script ('farbtastic'); wp_enqueue_script ('wp-biographia_admin-script', WPBIOGRAPHIA_URL . 'js/wp-biographia-admin.min.js'); } } /** * "admin_print_styles" action hook; called to enqueue admin specific CSS. */ function admin_print_styles () { global $pagenow; if ($pagenow == 'options-general.php' && isset ($_GET['page']) && strstr ($_GET['page'], "wp-biographia")) { wp_enqueue_style ('dashboard'); wp_enqueue_style ('global'); wp_enqueue_style ('wp-admin'); wp_enqueue_style ('farbtastic'); wp_enqueue_style ('wp-biographia-admin', WPBIOGRAPHIA_URL . 'css/wp-biographia-admin.min.css'); } } /** * "admin_init" action hook; called after the admin panel is initialised. */ function admin_init () { $this->admin_upgrade (); $skip_tour = $this->admin_is_pointer_set (); if (isset ($_GET['wp_biographia_restart_tour'])) { if (check_admin_referer ('wp-biographia-restart-tour')) { $this->admin_clear_pointer (); $skip_tour = false; } } if (!$skip_tour) { require (WPBIOGRAPHIA_PATH . '/includes/wp-biographia-pointers.php'); } } /** * "show_user_profile" and "edit_user_profile" action hooks; called to add fields to * the admin user profile screen. */ function admin_add_profile_extensions ($user) { $hide = false; $option = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles'); if (!empty ($option)) { $hidden_profiles = explode (',', $option); foreach ($user->roles as $role) { if (in_array ($role, $hidden_profiles)) { $hide = true; break; } } // end-foreach; } ?>

    Biography Box

    ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', true), 'on'); ?> /> 
    ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true), 'on'); ?> /> 
    admin_option ('wp_biographia_short_bio')); $hide = false; $option = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles'); $user = get_userdata ($user_id); if (!empty ($option)) { $hidden_profiles = explode (',', $option); foreach ($user->roles as $role) { if (in_array ($role, $hidden_profiles)) { $hide = true; break; } } // end-foreach; } if (!$hide) { update_user_meta ($user_id, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_suppress_posts')); update_user_meta ($user_id, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_suppress_pages')); } } /** * "user_register" action hook; called immediately after a new user is registered and * added to the database. If the user's role is in the list of excluded new user roles * then set the 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts' and 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages' options * in the user's metadata. */ function admin_user_register ($user_id) { $do_not_suppress = true; $option = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_admin_new_users'); $user = get_userdata ($user_id); if (!empty ($option)) { $new_user_roles = explode (',', $option); foreach ($user->roles as $role) { if (in_array ($role, $new_user_roles)) { $do_not_suppress = false; break; } } // end-foreach; } if (!$do_not_suppress) { update_user_meta ($user_id, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', 'on'); update_user_meta ($user_id, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', 'on'); } } /** * "plugin_action_links_'plugin-name'" action hook; called to add a link to the plugin's * settings/options panel. */ function admin_settings_link($links) { $settings_link = '' . __('Settings', 'wp-biographia') . ''; array_unshift ($links, $settings_link); return $links; } /** * Checks for the presence of a settings/options key and if not present, adds the * key and its associated value. * * @param array settings Array containing the current set of settings/options * @param string key Settings/options key; specified without the 'wp_biographia_' prefix * @param stirng key Settings/options value for key */ function admin_upgrade_option (&$settings, $key, $value) { $kn = 'wp_biographia_' . $key; if (!isset ($settings[$kn])) { $settings[$kn] = $value; } } /** * Called in response to the "admin_init" action hook; checks the current set of * settings/options and upgrades them according to the new version of the plugin. */ function admin_upgrade () { $settings = NULL; $upgrade_settings = false; $current_plugin_version = NULL; /* * Even if the plugin has only just been installed, the activation hook should have * fired *before* the admin_init action so therefore we /should/ already have the * plugin's configuration options defined in the database, but there's no harm in checking * just to make sure ... */ $settings = $this->get_option (); /* * Bale out early if there's no need to check for the need to upgrade the configuration * settings ... */ if (is_array ($settings) && isset ($settings['wp_biographia_version']) && $settings['wp_biographia_version'] == self::VERSION) { return; } if (!is_array ($settings)) { /* * Something odd is going on, so define the default set of config settings ... */ $this->add_settings (); } else { /* * Versions of WP Biographia prior to v2.1 had a bug where some configuration * settings that were created at initial installation of the plugin were not * persisted after the configuration settings were updated; one of these is * 'wp_biographia_version'. In this case, the "special" 00 version captures * and remedies this. */ if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_version'])) { $current_plugin_version = $settings['wp_biographia_version']; } else { $current_plugin_version = '00'; } /* * V1.0 configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_installed * wp_biographia_version = "01" * wp_biographia_alert_bg * wp_biographia_display_front * wp_biographia_display_archives * wp_biographia_display_posts * wp_biographia_display_pages * wp_biographia_display_feed * wp_biographia_alert_border * wp_biographia_content_prefix * wp_biographia_content_name * wp_biographia_content_image * wp_biographia_content_bio * wp_biographia_content_web * wp_biographia_content_twitter * wp_biographia_content_facebook * wp_biographia_content_linkedin * wp_biographia_content_googleplus * wp_biographia_content_posts * * v2.0 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_content_email = "on" * wp_biographia_content_image_size = "100" * wp_biographia_style_border (was wp_biographia_alert_border) = "top" * wp_biographia_style_bg (was wp_biographia_alert_bg) = "#FFEAA8" * wp_biographia_display_location = "bottom" * wp_biographia_page_exclusions (no default value) * wp_biographia_post_exclusions (no default value) * v2.0 removed configuration settings * wp_biographia_alert_border (replaced by wp_biographia_style_border) * wp_biographia_alert_bg (replaced by wp_biographia_style_bg) * v2.0 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "20" * * v2.1 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_beta_enabled = "" * wp_biographia_suppress_posts = "" (user profile extension) * wp_biographia_suppress_pages = "" (user profile extension) * v2.1 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "21" * * v2.1.1 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "211" * * v2.2 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_content_delicious = "" * wp_biographia_content_flickr = "" * wp_biographia_content_picasa = "" * wp_biographia_content_vimeo = "" * wp_biographia_content_youtube = "" * wp_biographia_content_reddit = "" * v2.2 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "22" * * v2.2.1 changed default configuration settings ... * Note: v2.2.1 was a private beta and never formally released. * wp_biographia_version = "221" * * v2.3 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "23" * * v2.4 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_content_authorpage = "on" * wp_biographia_content_icons = "" * wp_biographia_content_alt_icons = "" * wp_biographia_content_icon_url = "" * v2.4 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "24" * * v2.4.1 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "241" * v2.4.2 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "242" * * v2.4.3 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "243" * v2.4.4 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "244" * * v3.0 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_content_link_target = "_self" * wp_biographia_content_link_nofollow = "" * v3.0 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "30" * v3.0 removed configuration settings * wp_biographia_beta_enabled * wp_biograpia_content_vimeo * * v3.0.1 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "301" * v3.1 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "310" * v3.1 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_admin_new_users = "" * wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles = "" * wp_biographia_category_exclusions = "" * wp_biographia_post_exclusions = "" * wp_biographia_global_post_exclusions = "" * wp_biographia_page_exclusions = "" * wp_biographia_admin_content_priority = "10" * wp_biographia_admin_excerpt_priority = "10" * * v3.2 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "320" * v3.2 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_display_front_posts = "" * wp_biographia_display_archives_posts = "" * wp_biographia_display_author_archives_posts = "" * wp_biographia_display_category_archives_posts = "" * wp_biographia_display_date_archives_posts = "" * wp_biographia_display_tag_archives_posts = "" * wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop = "" * wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop = "" * v3.2 removed configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_display_archives (replaced by wp_biographia_display_archive_posts) * wp_biographia_display_front (replaces by wp_biographia_display_front_posts) * * v3.2.1 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "321" * * v3.3 changed default configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_version = "330" * v3.3 added configuration settings ... * wp_biographia_admin_guest_posts = "" */ switch ($current_plugin_version) { case '00': $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'installed', 'on'); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'style_bg', '#FFFFFF'); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'style_border', 'top'); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_front', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_archives', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_posts', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_pages', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_feed', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_prefix', 'About'); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_name', 'none'); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_image', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_bio', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_web', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_twitter', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_facebook', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_linkedin', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_googleplus', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_posts', 'none'); case '01': $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_email', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_image_size', '100'); if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_alert_border'])) { $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'style_border', $settings['wp_biographia_alert_border']); unset ($settings['wp_biographia_alert_border']); } if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_alert_bg'])) { $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'style_bg', $settings['wp_biographia_alert_bg']); unset ($settings['wp_biographia_alert_bg']); } $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_location', 'bottom'); case '20': $users = $this->get_users (); foreach ($users as $user) { if (!get_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', true)) { update_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', ''); } if (!get_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true)) { update_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', ''); } } case '21': case '211': case '22': $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_delicious', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_flickr', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_picasa', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_vimeo', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_youtube', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_reddit', ''); case '221': case '23': case '24': $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_authorpage', 'on'); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_icons', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_alt_icons', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_icon_url', ''); case '241': case '242': case '243': case '244': case '30': if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_beta_enabled'])) { unset ($settings['wp_biographia_beta_enabled']); } $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_link_target', '_self'); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_link_nofollow', ''); if (isset ($settings['wp_biograpia_content_vimeo'])) { $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'content_vimeo', ''); unset ($settings['wp_biograpia_content_vimeo']); } case '301': case '310': $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'category_exclusions', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'admin_new_users', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'admin_hide_profiles', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'post_exclusions', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'global_post_exclusions', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'page_exclusions', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'admin_content_priority', self::PRIORITY); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'admin_excerpt_priority', self::PRIORITY); case '320': if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_display_front'])) { $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_front_posts', $settings['wp_biographia_display_front']); unset ($settings['wp_biographia_display_front']); } if (isset ($settings['wp_biographia_display_archives'])) { $option = $settings['wp_biographia_display_archives']; $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_archives_posts', $option); unset ($settings['wp_biographia_display_archives']); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_author_archives_posts', $option); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_category_archives_posts', $option); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_date_archives_posts', $option); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'display_tag_archives_posts', $option); } $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'sync_content_wpautop', ''); $this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'sync_excerpt_wpautop', ''); case '321': case '330': //$this->admin_upgrade_option ($settings, 'admin_guest_posts', ''); $settings['wp_biographia_version'] = self::VERSION; $upgrade_settings = true; default: break; } // end-switch if ($upgrade_settings) { $this->admin_clear_pointer (); update_option (self::OPTIONS, $settings); } } } /** * add_options_page() callback function; called to emit the plugin's settings/options * page. */ function admin_display_settings () { $settings = $this->admin_save_settings (); $wrapped_content = array (); $display_settings = array (); //$guest_settings = array (); $role_settings = array (); $profile_settings = array (); $priority_settings = array (); $exclusion_settings = array (); $suppression_settings = array (); $category_settings = array (); $style_settings = array (); $content_settings = array (); $defaults_settings = array (); $colophon_content = array (); $config_settings = array (); $config_users = array (); $args = array ( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $pts = get_post_types ($args, 'objects'); $image_size = ""; $avatars_enabled = (get_option ('show_avatars') == 1 ? true : false); $icons_enabled = ($settings['wp_biographia_content_icons'] == 'on' ? true : false); $alt_icons = ($settings['wp_biographia_content_alt_icons'] == 'on' ? true : false); $tab = $this->admin_validate_tab (); // TODO: This function is getting out of hand; need to split the per tab content // formatting into individual functions ... switch ($tab) { case 'admin': /**************************************************************************** * Admin tab content - 1) Automatically Exclude New Users By Role */ $role_settings[] = '

    ' . __('New User Settings allow you to configure globally whether a newly created user should have the Biography Box displayed under their posts or not. You can then control the display of the Biography Box on a per-user basis in the Exclusions tab.','wp-biographia') . '

    '; $editable_roles = get_editable_roles (); $roles_enabled = array (); $roles_excluded = array (); $role_list = explode (',', $settings['wp_biographia_admin_new_users']); foreach ($editable_roles as $role => $role_info) { if (in_array ($role, $role_list)) { $roles_excluded[$role] = $role_info['name']; } else { $roles_enabled[$role] = $role_info['name']; } } // end-foreach (...) $role_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Automatically Exclude New Users By Role', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $role_settings[] = ''; $role_settings[] = '' . __('Enabled Roles', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $role_settings[] = ''; $role_settings[] = '' . __('Add', 'wp-biographia') . ' »'; $role_settings[] = '
    '; $role_settings[] = ''; $role_settings[] = '' . __('Excluded Roles', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $role_settings[] = ''; $role_settings[] = '« ' . __('Remove', 'wp-biographia') . ''; $role_settings[] = '
    '; $role_settings[] = '
    '; $role_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Select the roles for which new users should be automatically excluded from displaying the Biography Box. This setting only affects the creation of new users; individual users may be enabled to display the Biography Box on a per-user basis in the Exclusions Tab.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * Admin tab content - 2) Hide User Profile Settings By Role */ $profile_settings[] = '

    ' . __('If you want to stop users having the ability to stop the Biography Box being displayed on their posts and pages, you can control this according to the user\'s role below. An Administrator can still control the display of the Biography Box on a per-user basis in the Exclusions tab.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $profiles_visible = array (); $profiles_hidden = array (); $profile_list = explode (',', $settings['wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles']); foreach ($editable_roles as $role => $role_info) { if (in_array ($role, $profile_list)) { $profiles_hidden[$role] = $role_info['name']; } else { $profiles_visible[$role] = $role_info['name']; } } // end-foreach (...) $profile_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Hide Biography Box Settings In User Profiles by Role', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $profile_settings[] = ''; $profile_settings[] = '' . __('Visible In Profiles', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $profile_settings[] = ''; $profile_settings[] = '' . __('Add', 'wp-biographia') . ' »'; $profile_settings[] = '
    '; $profile_settings[] = ''; $profile_settings[] = '' . __('Hidden In Profiles', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $profile_settings[] = ''; $profile_settings[] = '« ' . __('Remove', 'wp-biographia') . ''; $profile_settings[] = '
    '; $profile_settings[] = '
    '; $profile_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Select the roles for users who should have the Biography Box hidden or visible in their user profile.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * Admin tab content - 3) Set Post Content And Excerpt Priority */ $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . __('WP Biographia uses the WordPress the_content and the_excerpt filters to add the Biography Box to the start or the end of posts and excerpts. If another theme or plugin also adds content to the posts or excerpts, the Biography Box may not be displayed in the order you want. To prevent this happening, you can adjust the priority that WP Biographia uses when queuing the filters. A lower priority will cause the plugin\'s filters to fire earlier. A higher priority will cause the plugin\'s filters to fire later.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Content Filter Priority", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Enter the priority to be used to display the Biography Box for the full content for posts, pages and custom post types, e.g. 10.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Excerpt Filter Priority", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Enter the priority to be used to display the Biography Box for the excerpt for posts, pages and custom post types, e.g. 10', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $priority_settings[] = '
    '; $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . sprintf (__('A default WordPress install runs an automatic paragraph formatter (wpautop) via the the_content and the_excerpt at the default filter priority of 10. See the WordPress Codex post on How WordPress Processes Post Content for more information on why this happens.', 'wp-biographia'), '', '') . '

    '; $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Lowering either the Content Filter Priority or the Excerpt Filter Priority to be a value below the default of 10, may result in the Biography Box being formatted incorrectly. This is because wpautop is now running after the Biography Box has been added to a post or an excerpt and is now changing the Biography Box output. To prevent this happening, WP Biographia can synchronise and lower the priority of wpautop being run via the_content or the_excerpt on your behalf to ensure it is run before the Biography Box is produced.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . __('If you set the Content Filter Priority or the Excerpt Filter Priority to a value of 3 or lower, you may see unexpected formatting issues in your posts and pages caused by wpautop being run too early.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $priority_settings[] = '
    '; $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Synchronise Automatic Paragraph Formatting For Content", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Ensure Automatic Paragraph Formatting runs before producing the Biography Box for the full content on posts, pages and custom post types.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $priority_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Synchronise Automatic Paragraph Formatting For Excerpts", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Ensure Automatic Paragraph Formatting runs before producing the Biography Box for the excerpt on posts, pages and custom post types.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * End of Admin tab content */ break; case 'exclude': /**************************************************************************** * Exclusions tab content - 1) Exclusion Settings */ $exclusion_settings[] = '

    ' . __('If you want to stop the Biography Box being displayed on a single post, page or custom post type, you can do this here.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $exclusion_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Exclude From Single Posts (via Post ID)", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Hides the Biography Box when a post is displayed using the Single Post Template. Enter the Post IDs to hide, comma separated with no spaces, e.g. 54,33,55', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $exclusion_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Globally Exclude From Posts (via Post ID)", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Hides the Biography Box whenever a post is displayed; singly, on archive pages or on the front page. Enter the Post IDs to globally hide, comma separated with no spaces, e.g. 54,33,55.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; foreach ($pts as $pt) { $key = 'wp_biographia_' . $pt->name . '_exclusions'; $value = ($this->check_option ($settings, $key) ? $settings[$key] : ''); $exclusion_settings[] = '

    ' . sprintf (__('Exclude From Single %1$s (via %2$s ID)', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->name, $pt->labels->singular_name) . '

    ' . sprintf (__('Hides the Biography Box whenever a %1$s is displayed; singly, on archive pages or on the front page. Enter the %2$s IDs to globally hide, comma separated with no spaces, e.g. 54,33,55.', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->singular_name, $pt->labels->singular_name) . '

    '; $key = 'wp_biographia_global_' . $pt->name . '_exclusions'; $value = ($this->check_option ($settings, $key) ? $settings[$key] : ''); $exclusion_settings[] = '

    ' . sprintf (__('Globally Exclude From %1$s (via %2$s ID).', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->name, $pt->labels->singular_name) . '

    ' . sprintf (__('Hides the Biography Box whenever a %1$s is displayed. Enter the %2$s IDs to globally hide, comma separated with no spaces, e.g. 54,33,55.', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->singular_name, $pt->labels->singular_name) . '

    '; } $exclusion_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Exclude Pages (via Page ID)", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Hides the Biography Box when a page is displayed using the Page Template. Enter the Page IDs to hide, comma separated with no spaces, e.g. 54,33,55.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * Exclusions tab content - 2) User Suppression Settings */ $suppression_settings[] = '

    ' . __('If you want to stop the Biography Box being displayed on a single post or custom post type on a per-user basis, you can do this here.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $users = $this->get_users (); $post_enabled = array (); $post_suppressed = array (); $page_enabled = array (); $page_suppressed = array (); foreach ($users as $user) { if (get_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', true) === 'on') { $post_suppressed[$user->ID] = $user->user_login; } else { $post_enabled[$user->ID] = $user->user_login; } if (get_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true) === 'on') { $page_suppressed[$user->ID] = $user->user_login; } else { $page_enabled[$user->ID] = $user->user_login; } } // end-foreach (...) $suppression_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Hide The Biography Box On Posts For Specific Users', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '' . __('Enabled Users', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '' . __('Add', 'wp-biographia') . ' »'; $suppression_settings[] = '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '' . __('Hidden Users', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '« ' . __('Remove', 'wp-biographia') . ''; $suppression_settings[] = '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Select the users who should not display the Biography Box on their authored posts. Selecting a user for hiding of the Biography Box affects all posts and custom post types by that user, on single post display, on archive pages and on the front page. This setting over-rides the individual user profile settings, providing the user has permission to edit their profile.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $suppression_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Hide The Biography Box On Pages For Specific Users', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '' . __('Enabled Users', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '' . __('Add', 'wp-biographia') . ' »'; $suppression_settings[] = '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '' . __('Hidden Users', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = ''; $suppression_settings[] = '« ' . __('Remove', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = '
    '; $suppression_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Select the users who should not display the Biography Box on their authored pages. This setting over-rides the individual user profile settings, providing the user has permission to edit their profile.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * Exclusions tab content - 3) Category Suppression Settings */ $category_settings[] = '

    ' . __('If you want to stop the Biography Box being displayed on a single post or custom post type by Category, you can do this here.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $categories = $this->get_categories (); $categories_enabled = array (); $categories_excluded = array (); $cat_excluded = explode (',', $settings['wp_biographia_category_exclusions']); foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (in_array ($cat->cat_ID, $cat_excluded)) { $categories_excluded[$cat->cat_ID] = $cat->name; } else { $categories_enabled[$cat->cat_ID] = $cat->name; } } // end-foreach (...) $category_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Exclude By Category On Posts', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $category_settings[] = ''; $category_settings[] = '' . __('Enabled Categories', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $category_settings[] = ''; $category_settings[] = '' . __('Add', 'wp-biographia') . ' »'; $category_settings[] = '
    '; $category_settings[] = ''; $category_settings[] = '' . __('Excluded Categories', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; $category_settings[] = ''; $category_settings[] = '« ' . __('Remove', 'wp-biographia') . ''; $category_settings[] = '
    '; $category_settings[] = '
    '; $category_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Select the post categories that should not display the Biography Box. Selecting a category for exclusion of the Biography Box affects all posts of that category, on single post display, on archive pages and on the front page.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * End of Exclusions tab content */ break; case 'style': /**************************************************************************** * Style settings tab content */ $style_settings[] = '

    ' . __('This tab contains broad level settings to control how the Biography Box is styled; its background colour and border. The Biography Box is fully style-able but this needs knowledge of how to write CSS.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $style_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Box Background Color", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Select a Color', 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('By default, the background color of the Biography Box is a yellowish tone.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $style_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Box Border", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('By default, a thick black line is displayed above the Biography Box.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * End of Style tab content */ break; case 'content': /**************************************************************************** * Content settings tab content */ $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __('This tab contains settings that control what information is and is not displayed within the Biography Box.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Biography Prefix", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Prefix text to be prepended to the user\'s name', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("User's Name", 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('First/Last Name', 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Account Name', 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Nickname', 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Display Name', 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Don\'t Show The Name', 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('How you want to see the users\'s name displayed (if at all)', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __('User\'s Name Link', 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Make user\'s name link to More Posts By This User', 'wp_biographia') . '

    '; if (!$avatars_enabled) { $content_settings[] = '
    ' . sprintf (__('It looks like Avatars are not currently enabled; this means that the user\'s image won\'t be able to be displayed. If you want this to happen then go to Settings › Discussions and set Avatar Display to Show Avatars.', 'wp-biographia'), admin_url('options-discussion.php')) . '
    '; } $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("User's Image", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s image?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; if (!isset ($settings['wp_biographia_content_image_size']) || $settings['wp_biographia_content_image_size'] === '' || $settings['wp_biographia_content_image_size'] === 0) { $image_size = '100'; } else { $image_size = $settings['wp_biographia_content_image_size']; } $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Image Size", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . '' . __('Enter image size, e.g. 32 for a 32x32 image, 70 for a 70x70 image, etc. Defaults to a 100x100 size image.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Biography", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s biography?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show Contact Links As Icons", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Show the user\'s contact links as icons?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Use an alternative icon set for contact links?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . '

    ' . __("Alternate Icon Set URL", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Enter the URL where the alternate contact links icon set is located', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Opening Contact Links", 'wp-biographia') . '

    ' . __('Select where to open contact links.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Don't Follow Contact Links", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Add rel="nofollow" to contact links?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Email Address", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s email address?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Website Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s website details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Twitter Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Twitter details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Facebook Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Facebook details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's LinkedIn Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s LinkedIn details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Google+ Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Google+ details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Delicious Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Delicious details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Flickr Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Flickr details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Picasa Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Picasa details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Vimeo Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Vimeo details?' , 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's YouTube Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s YouTube details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show User's Reddit Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Display the user\'s Reddit details?', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $content_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Show More Posts Link", 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Basic More Posts Link', 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Extended More Posts Link', 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Don\'t Show The More Posts Link', 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('How you want to display and format the More Posts By This User link', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * End of Content tab content */ break; case 'defaults': /**************************************************************************** * Defaults settings tab content */ $defaults_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Here Be Dragons. Please read the warning below before doing anything with this tab. The options in this tab with reset WP Biographia to a just installed state, clearing any configuration settings you may have made.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $defaults_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Reset WP Biographia To Defaults', 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Reset all WP Biographia settings and options to their default values.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $defaults_settings[] = '

    '; $defaults_settings[] = sprintf (__('WARNING! Checking %s and clicking on %s will erase all the current WP Biographia settings and options and will restore WP Biographia to a just installed state. This is the equivalent to deactivating, uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin. Only proceed if this is what you intend to do. This action is final and irreversable.', 'wp-biographia'), __('Reset WP Biographia To Defaults', 'wp-biographia'), __('Save Changes', 'wp-biographia')); $defaults_settingsp[] = '

    '; /**************************************************************************** * End of Defaults tab content */ break; case 'colophon': /**************************************************************************** * Colophon tab content - 1) Colophon Display */ $colophon_content[] = '

    ' . __('"When it comes to software, I much prefer free software, because I have very seldom seen a program that has worked well enough for my needs and having sources available can be a life-saver" … Linus Torvalds', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $colophon_content[] = __('For the inner nerd in you, the latest version of WP Biographia was written using TextMate on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.7.2 Lion and tested on the same machine running MAMP (Mac/Apache/MySQL/PHP) before being let loose on the author\'s blog.', 'wp-biographia'); $colophon_content[] = '

    '; $colophon_content[] = __('The official home for WP Biographia is on Gary\'s Codeage; it\'s also available from the official WordPress plugins repository. If you\'re interested in what lies under the hood, the code is also on GitHub to download, fork and otherwise hack around.', 'wp-biographia'); $colophon_content[] = '

    '; $colophon_content[] = __('WP Biographia is named after the etymology of the modern English word biography. The word first appeared in the 1680s, probably from the latin biographia which itself derived from the Greek bio, meaning "life" and graphia, meaning "record" or "account" which derived from graphein, "to write".', 'wp-biographia'); $colophon_content[] = ', "biography," in Online Etymology Dictionary. Source location: Douglas Harper, Historian. Available: Accessed: July 27, 2011.

    '; /**************************************************************************** * Colophon tab content - 2) Plugin Configuration Settings */ $config_settings[] = '

    '; $config_settings[] = __('For those times when you need help and support with this plugin, one of the first things you\'ll probably be asked for is the plugin\'s current configuration. If this happens, just copy-and-paste the dump of the WP Biographia Settings and Options below into any support forum post or email.', 'wp-biographia'); $config_settings[] = '

    '; $config_settings[] = '
    				$config_settings[] = print_r ($settings, true);
    				$config_settings[] = '
    '; $users = $this->get_users (); $debug_users = array (); foreach ($users as $user) { $debug_users[$user->ID] = array ( 'ID' => $user->ID, 'user_login' =>$user->user_login, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts' => get_user_meta ( $user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true), 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages' => get_user_meta ( $user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true) ); } /**************************************************************************** * Colophon tab content - 3) User Configuration Settings */ $config_users[] = '

    '; $config_users[] = __('Almost all of WP Biographia\'s Settings and Options are maintained in the database in a single entry. But there\'s also some settings added to each user\'s account; you\'ll find these below.', 'wp-biographia'); $config_users[] = '

    '; $config_users[] = '
    				$config_users[] = print_r ($debug_users, true);
    				$config_users[] = '
    '; /**************************************************************************** * End of Colophon tab content */ break; case 'display': default: /**************************************************************************** * Display settings tab content */ $archives_enabled = ($settings['wp_biographia_display_archives_posts'] == 'on' ? true : false); $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __('This tab contains broad level settings to control how the Biography Box is displayed and where. You can configure more specific display settings in the Exclusions tab and what is actually displayed in the Biography Box in the Content tab.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display On Front Page", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for each post on the front page.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display On Individual Posts", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for individual posts.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display On All Post Archives", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for each post on all types of Archive page (Author, Category, Date and Tag)', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for each post on Author Archive pages.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display On Category Archives", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for each post on Category Archive pages.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display On Date Archives", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for each post on Date Archive pages.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display On Tag Archives", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for each post on Tag Archive pages.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display On Individual Pages", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box for individual pages.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $display_settings[] = '
    '; foreach ($pts as $pt) { $key = 'wp_biographia_display_' . $pt->name; $value = ($this->check_option ($settings, $key) ? $settings[$key] : ''); $display_settings[] = '

    ' . sprintf (__('Display On Individual %s', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->name) . '
    ' . sprintf (__('Displays the Biography Box on individual instances of custom post type %s.', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->name) . '

    '; $key = 'wp_biographia_display_archives_' . $pt->name; $value = ($this->check_option ($settings, $key) ? $settings[$key] : ''); $display_settings[] = '

    ' . sprintf (__('Display On %s Archives', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->singular_name) . '
    ' . sprintf (__('Displays the Biography Box on Archive pages for custom post type %s.', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->name) . '

    '; } // end-foreach (...) $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display In RSS Feeds", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Displays the Biography Box in feeds for each entry.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; $settings['wp_biographia_display_location'] = ( isset($settings['wp_biographia_display_location'])) ? $settings['wp_biographia_display_location'] : 'bottom'; // Add Display Location: Top/Bottom $display_settings[] = '

    ' . __("Display Location", 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Display the Biography Box before the post or page content', 'wp-biographia') . '
     ' . __('Display the Biography Box after the post or page content', 'wp-biographia') . '
    '; /**************************************************************************** * End of Display tab content */ break; } // end-switch ($tab) /******************************************************************************** * Put it all together ... * TODO: Yes, I know it's another switch statement immediately following the previous * one. */ if (function_exists ('wp_nonce_field')) { $wrapped_content[] = wp_nonce_field ( 'wp-biographia-update-options', '_wpnonce', true, false); } $tab = $this->admin_validate_tab (); switch ($tab) { case 'admin': $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-user-settings', __('New User Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $role_settings)); $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-profile-settings', __('User Profile Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $profile_settings)); $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-priority-settings', __('Content And Excerpt Priority Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $priority_settings)); break; case 'exclude': $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-exclusion-settings', __('Post, Page And Custom Post Type Exclusion Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $exclusion_settings)); $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-category-settings', __('Category Exclusion Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $category_settings)); $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ( 'wp-biographia-supression-settings', __('User Hiding Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $suppression_settings)); break; case 'style': $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-style-settings', __('Style Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $style_settings)); break; case 'content': $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-content-settings', __('Content Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $content_settings)); break; case 'defaults': $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-default-settings', __('Reset WP Biographia'), implode ('', $defaults_settings)); break; case 'colophon': $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-colophon', __('Colophon', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $colophon_content)); $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-config-settings', __('Plugin Configuration Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $config_settings)); $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-config-users', __('User Configuration Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $config_users)); break; case 'display': default: $wrapped_content[] = $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-display-settings', __('Display Settings', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $display_settings)); break; } // end-switch ($tab) $this->admin_wrap ($tab, sprintf (__('WP Biographia %s - Settings And Options', 'wp-biographia'), self::DISPLAY_VERSION), implode ('', $wrapped_content)); } /** * Extracts a specific settings/option field from the $_POST array. * * @param string field Field name. * @return string Contents of the field parameter if present, else an empty string. */ function admin_option ($field) { return (isset ($_POST[$field]) ? $_POST[$field] : ""); } /** * Adds/updates a set of key/value pairs to a list of user profiles. * * @param array user_array Array of user profiles. * @param string meta_key Key for the user_meta option to be updated/added. * @param string meta_value Value for the user_meta option to be updated/added. */ function admin_meta_option ($user_array, $meta_key, $meta_value) { if ($user_array) { foreach ($user_array as $id) { update_user_meta ($id, $meta_key, $meta_value); } } } /** * Verifies and saves the plugin's settings/options to the back-end database. */ function admin_save_settings () { $settings = $this->get_option (); if (!empty ($_POST['wp_biographia_option_submitted'])) { if (strstr ($_GET['page'], "wp-biographia") && check_admin_referer ('wp-biographia-update-options')) { $tab = $this->admin_validate_tab (); $args = array ( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false ); $pts = get_post_types ($args, 'objects'); $update_options = true; $reset_options = false; $update_msg = self::$admin_tab_names[$tab]; $action_msg = __('Updated', 'wp-biographia'); switch ($tab) { case 'admin': $roles = $this->admin_option ('wp-biographia-excluded-user-roles'); if (!empty ($roles)) { $settings['wp_biographia_admin_new_users'] = implode ( ',', $roles); } else { $settings['wp_biographia_admin_new_users'] = ''; } $profiles = $this->admin_option ('wp-biographia-hidden-profiles'); if (!empty ($profiles)) { $settings['wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles'] = implode ( ',', $profiles); } else { $settings['wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles'] = ''; } $value = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_priority'); if (is_numeric ($value)) { $settings['wp_biographia_admin_content_priority'] = $value; } $value = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_excerpt_priority'); if (is_numeric ($value)) { $settings['wp_biographia_admin_excerpt_priority'] = $value; } $settings['wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_sync_content_wpautop'); $settings['wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_sync_excerpt_wpautop'); break; case 'exclude': foreach ($pts as $pt) { $settings['wp_biographia_' . $pt->name . '_exclusions'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_' . $pt->name . '_exclusions'); $settings['wp_biographia_global_' . $pt->name . '_exclusions'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_global_' . $pt->name . '_exclusions'); } // Post exclusions $settings['wp_biographia_post_exclusions'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_post_exclusions'); $settings['wp_biographia_global_post_exclusions'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_global_post_exclusions'); $settings['wp_biographia_page_exclusions'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_page_exclusions'); // Category exclusions $categories = $this->admin_option ( 'wp-biographia-excluded-categories'); if (!empty ($categories)) { $settings['wp_biographia_category_exclusions'] = implode ( ',', $categories); } else { $settings['wp_biographia_category_exclusions'] = ''; } // Per user suppression of the Biography Box on posts and on pages $enabled_post_users = $this->admin_option ('wp-biographia-enabled-post-users'); $suppressed_post_users = $this->admin_option ('wp-biographia-suppressed-post-users'); $enabled_page_users = $this->admin_option ('wp-biographia-enabled-page-users'); $suppressed_page_users = $this->admin_option ('wp-biographia-suppressed-page-users'); $this->admin_meta_option ($enabled_post_users, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', ''); $this->admin_meta_option ($suppressed_post_users, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', 'on'); $this->admin_meta_option ($enabled_page_users, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', ''); $this->admin_meta_option ($suppressed_page_users, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', 'on'); break; case 'style': $color = preg_replace ('/[^0-9a-fA-F]/', '', $_POST['wp_biographia_style_bg']); if ((strlen ($color) == 6 || strlen ($color) == 3) && isset($_POST['wp_biographia_style_bg'])) { $settings['wp_biographia_style_bg'] = $_POST['wp_biographia_style_bg']; } $settings['wp_biographia_style_border'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_style_border'); break; case 'content': $settings['wp_biographia_content_prefix'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_prefix'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_name'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_name'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_authorpage'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_authorpage'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_image'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_image'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_image_size'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_image_size'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_bio'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_bio'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_icons'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_icons'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_alt_icons'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_alt_icons'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_icon_url'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_icon_url'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_link_target'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_link_target'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_link_nofollow'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_link_nofollow'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_email'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_email'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_web'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_web'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_twitter'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_twitter'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_facebook'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_facebook'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_linkedin'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_linkedin'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_googleplus'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_googleplus'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_delicious'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_delicious'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_flickr'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_flickr'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_picasa'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_picasa'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_vimeo'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_vimeo'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_youtube'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_youtube'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_reddit'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_reddit'); $settings['wp_biographia_content_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_content_posts'); break; case 'defaults': $update_options = false; if (isset ($_POST['wp_biographia_reset_defaults']) && $_POST['wp_biographia_reset_defaults'] === 'on') { $reset_options = true; $this->admin_reset_plugin (); $update_msg = __('All', 'wp-biographia'); $action_msg = __('Reset To Default Values', 'wp-biographia'); } break; case 'display': $settings['wp_biographia_display_front_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_front_posts'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_posts'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_archives_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_archives_posts'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_author_archives_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_author_archives_posts'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_category_archives_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_category_archives_posts'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_date_archives_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_date_archives_posts'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_tag_archives_posts'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_tag_archives_posts'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_pages'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_pages'); foreach ($pts as $pt) { $settings['wp_biographia_display_archives_' . $pt->name] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_archives_' . $pt->name); $settings['wp_biographia_display_' . $pt->name] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_' . $pt->name); } // end-foreach (...) $settings['wp_biographia_display_feed'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_feed'); $settings['wp_biographia_display_location'] = $this->admin_option ('wp_biographia_display_location'); break; case 'colophon': default: $update_options = false; break; } // end-switch ($tab) if ($update_options) { update_option (self::OPTIONS, $settings); } if ($update_options || $reset_options) { echo "

    "; echo sprintf (__('%s Settings And Options %s', 'wp-biographia'), $update_msg, $action_msg); echo "

    \n"; echo ""; } } } $settings = $this->get_option (); return $settings; } /** * Creates a postbox entry for the plugin's admin settings/options page. * * @param string id CSS id for this postbox * @param string title Title string for this postbox * @param string content HTML content for this postbox * @return string Wrapped postbox content. */ function admin_postbox ($id, $title, $content) { $handle_title = __('Click to toggle', 'wp-biographia'); $wrapper = array (); $wrapper[] = '
    '; $wrapper[] = '

    '; $wrapper[] = '

    ' . $title . '

    '; $wrapper[] = '
    ' . $content . '
    '; return implode ('', $wrapper); } /** * Wrap up all the constituent components of the plugin's admin settings/options page. * * @param string tab Settings/options tab context name * @param string title Title for the plugin's admin settings/options page. * @param string content HTML content for the plugin's admin settings/options page. * @return string Wrapped HTML content */ function admin_wrap ($tab, $title, $content) { $action = admin_url ('options-general.php'); $action .= '?page=wp-biographia/wp-biographia.php&tab=' . $tab; /* $action .= '&noheader=true'; */ ?>

    admin_tabs ($tab); ?>
    admin_submit ($tab); ?>

    admin_help_and_support (); echo $this->admin_acknowledgements (); ?>
    '; $content[] = ''; $content[] = '

    '; return implode ('', $content); break; case 'colophon': default: break; } // end-switch ($tab) } /** * Emits the plugin's help/support side-box for the plugin's admin settings/options page. */ function admin_help_and_support () { $email_address = antispambot (""); $restart_url = admin_url ('options-general.php'); $restart_url .= '?page=wp-biographia/wp-biographia.php&tab=display&wp_biographia_restart_tour'; $restart_url = wp_nonce_url ($restart_url, 'wp-biographia-restart-tour'); $content = array (); $content[] = '

    '; $content[] = __('For help and support with WP Biographia, here\'s what you can do:', 'wp-biographia'); $content[] = '

    '; $content[] = __('But help and support is a two way street; here\'s what you might want to do:', 'wp-biographia'); $content[] = '

    '; $content[] = sprintf (__('

    Find out what\'s new and get an overview of WP Biographia; restart the plugin tour.

    ', 'wp-biographia'), $restart_url); return $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-support', __('Help & Support', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $content)); } /** * Emits the plugin's acknowledgements side-box for the plugin's admin settings/options * page. */ function admin_acknowledgements () { $email_address = antispambot (""); $content = array (); $content[] = '

    '; $content[] = __('The fact that you\'re reading this wouldn\'t have been possible without the help, bug fixing, beta testing, gentle prodding and overall general warmth and continued support of Travis Smith and Bruce Munson. Travis and Bruce ... you\'re awesome. Thank you.', 'wp-biographia'); $content[] = '

    '; $content[] = __('WP Biographia has supported translation and internationalisation for a while now. Thanks go out to Hakan Er for the Turkish translation and to Jakub Mikita for the Polish translation. If you\'d like to see WP Biographia translated into your language and want to help with the process, then please drop me an email.', 'wp-biographia'); $content[] = '

    '; $content[] = __('The v1.x and v2.x releases of WP Biographia were inspired and based on Jon Bishop\'s WP About Author plugin. WP Biographia has come a long way since v1.0, including a total rewrite in v3.0, but thanks and kudos must go to Jon for writing a well structured, working WordPress plugin released under a software license that enables other plugins such as this one to be written or derived in the first place.', 'wp-biographia'); $content[] = '

    '; return $this->admin_postbox ('wp-biographia-acknowledgements', __('Acknowledgements', 'wp-biographia'), implode ('', $content)); } /** * Emit a WordPress standard set of tab headers as part of saving the plugin's * settings/options. * * @param string current Currently selected settings/options tab context name * @return string Tab headers HTML */ function admin_tabs ($current='display') { $content = array (); $content[] = '

    '; $content[] = ''; return implode ('', $content); } /** * Check and validate the tab parameter passed as part of the settings/options URL. */ function admin_validate_tab () { $tab = filter_input (INPUT_GET, 'tab', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if ($tab !== FALSE && $tab !== null) { if (array_key_exists ($tab, self::$admin_tab_names)) { return $tab; } } $tab = 'display'; return $tab; } /** * Reset the plugin's settings/options back to the default values. */ function admin_reset_plugin () { $filter = false; $defaults = $this->defaults ($filter); $fields = array (0 => 'ID'); $search = new WP_User_Query (array ('fields' => $fields)); $users = $search->get_results (); delete_option (self::OPTIONS); foreach ($users as $user) { update_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', ''); update_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', ''); } // end-foreach (users) $this->add_settings (); } /** * "add_meta_boxes" action hook; adds a meta box to hide the Biography Box for a page, * and to hide the Biography Box on posts and custom post types to the admin edit * screens. */ function admin_add_meta_boxes () { $user = wp_get_current_user (); $hide = false; $option = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_admin_hide_profiles'); if (!empty ($option)) { $hidden_profiles = explode (',', $option); foreach ($user->roles as $role) { if (in_array ($role, $hidden_profiles)) { $hide = true; break; } } // end-foreach; } if ($hide) { return; } $hide_page = (get_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_pages', true) == 'on'); $hide_post = (get_user_meta ($user->ID, 'wp_biographia_suppress_posts', true) == 'on'); $pts = get_post_types (array (), 'objects'); foreach ($pts as $pt) { if ($pt->name == 'page' && $hide_page) { continue; } elseif ($pt->name == 'post' && $hide_post) { continue; } $id = sprintf ('wp-biographia-%s-meta', $pt->name); $title = sprintf (__('Biography Box %s Options', 'wp-biographia'), $pt->labels->singular_name); add_meta_box ($id, $title, array ($this, 'admin_display_meta_box'), $pt->name); } // end-foreach } /** * "add_meta_box" callback; adds a meta box to hide the Biography Box for a page, * and to hide the Biography Box on posts and custom post types to the admin edit * screens. * * @param object post WordPress post object */ function admin_display_meta_box ($post) { $content = array (); $pt = get_post_type (); $pto = get_post_type_object ($pt); $content[] = wp_nonce_field (basename (__FILE__), self::META_NONCE); switch ($pt) { case 'page': $checked = false; $exclusions = $this->get_option ('wp_biographia_page_exclusions'); if (isset ($exclusions)) { $page_exclusions = explode (',', $exclusions); $checked = (in_array ($post->ID, $page_exclusions)); } $content[] = '

    ' . __("Hide The Biography Box On This Page", 'wp-biographia') . '
    ' . __('Hides the Biography Box each time this page is displayed.', 'wp-biographia') . '

    '; break; default: $checked = false; $opt = 'wp_biographia_' . $pt . '_exclusions'; $exclusions = $this->get_option ($opt); if (isset ($exclusions)) { $post_exclusions = explode (',', $exclusions); $checked = (in_array ($post->ID, $post_exclusions)); } $title = sprintf (__('Hide The Biography Box On Single %s', 'wp_biographia'), $pto->labels->name); $control = 'wp_biographia_admin_meta_single_hide'; $text = sprintf (__('Hides the Biography Box each time this %1$s is displayed using the Single %2$s Template.', 'wp_biographia'), $pto->labels->singular_name, $pto->labels->singular_name); $content[] = '

    ' . $title . '
    ' . $text . '

    '; $checked = false; $opt = 'wp_biographia_global_' . $pt . '_exclusions'; $exclusions = $this->get_option ($opt); if (isset ($exclusions)) { $post_exclusions = explode (',', $exclusions); $checked = (in_array ($post->ID, $post_exclusions)); } $title = sprintf (__('Globally Hide The Biography Box On %s', 'wp_biographia'), $pto->labels->name); $control = 'wp_biographia_admin_meta_global_hide'; $text = sprintf (__('Hides the Biography Box whenever this %s is displayed; singly, on archive pages or on the front page.', 'wp_biographia'), $pto->labels->singular_name); $content[] = '

    ' . $title . '
    ' . $text . '

    '; break; } if (!empty ($content)) { echo implode (PHP_EOL, $content); } } /** * "save_post" action hook; save the post/page/custom post Biography Box hiding options * (if shown) * * @param integer post_id Post ID for the current post * @param object post WordPress post object */ function admin_save_meta_boxes ($post_id, $post) { // CODE HEALTH WARNING // the "save_post" hook is a misnomer; it's not called just on the saving of a // post, but during initial post creation, during autosave, during the creation of // a revision, in fact during anything that changes the disposition of the post. // Which is why there's a whole lot of checking and validation going on here before // we even look at the custom meta box options. if (defined ('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) { return $post_id; } if ($parent_id = wp_is_post_revision ($post_id)) { return $post_id; } $post_type = get_post_type_object ($post->post_type); if (!current_user_can ($post_type->cap->edit_post, $post_id)) { return $post_id; } switch ($post->post_status) { case 'draft': case 'pending': case 'publish': break; default: return $post_id; } if (!isset ($_POST[self::META_NONCE]) || !check_admin_referer (basename (__FILE__), self::META_NONCE)) { return $post_id; } if ($post_type->name == 'page') { $stub = $post_type->name; $field = 'wp_biographia_admin_meta_page_hide'; $value = $this->admin_option ($field); if (isset ($value) && $value) { $this->admin_set_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); } else { $this->admin_clear_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); } } else { $stub = $post_type->name; $field = 'wp_biographia_admin_meta_single_hide'; $value = $this->admin_option ($field); if (isset ($value) && $value) { $this->admin_set_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); } else { $this->admin_clear_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); } $stub = 'global_' . $post_type->name; $field = 'wp_biographia_admin_meta_global_hide'; $value = $this->admin_option ($field); if (isset ($value) && $value) { $this->admin_set_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); } else { $this->admin_clear_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); } } } /** * "before_delete_post" action hook; called just prior to a post being deleted. * * @param integer post_id Post ID for the current post */ function admin_before_delete_post ($post_id) { if ($parent_id = wp_is_post_revision ($post_id)) { return; } $post = get_post ($post_id); $stub = $post->post_type; $this->admin_clear_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); if ($post->post_type != 'page') { $stub = 'global_' . $post->post_type; $this->admin_clear_exclusion ($stub, $post_id); } } /** * Helper function to get the current set of post/page/custom post type exclusions * * @param string $stub Stub settings/option name */ function admin_get_exclusions ($stub) { $option = 'wp_biographia_' . $stub . '_exclusions'; $optval = $this->get_option ($option); $excl = array (); if (!empty ($optval)) { $excl = explode (',', $optval); } return $excl; } /** * Helper function to determine if the current post/page/custom post is excluded/hidden * * @param string $stub Stub settings/option name * @param integer $post_id Post ID for the current post */ function admin_is_excluded ($stub, $post_id) { $excl = $this->admin_get_exclusions ($stub); if (isset ($optval)) { return (in_array ($post_id, $excl)); } else return false; } /** * Helper function to flag the current post/page/custom post as excluded/hidden * * @param string $stub Stub settings/option name * @param integer $post_id Post ID for the current post */ function admin_set_exclusion ($stub, $post_id) { $excl = $this->admin_get_exclusions ($stub); if (!in_array ($post_id, $excl)) { $excl[] = strval ($post_id); sort ($excl); } $optval = implode (',', $excl); $option = 'wp_biographia_' . $stub . '_exclusions'; $this->set_option ($option, $optval); } /** * Helper function to clear the current post/page/custom post as excluded/hidden * * @param string $stub Stub settings/option name * @param integer $post_id Post ID for the current post */ function admin_clear_exclusion ($stub, $post_id) { $excl = $this->admin_get_exclusions ($stub); if (in_array ($post_id, $excl)) { if (($key = array_search (strval ($post_id), $excl)) !== false) { unset ($excl[$key]); } } $optval = implode (',', $excl); $option = 'wp_biographia_' . $stub . '_exclusions'; $this->set_option ($option, $optval); } function admin_clear_pointer () { $user_id = get_current_user_id (); $dismissed = explode (',', get_user_meta ($user_id, 'dismissed_wp_pointers', true)); $key = array_search ('wp_biographia_pointer', $dismissed); if ($key !== false) { unset ($dismissed[$key]); update_user_meta ($user_id, 'dismissed_wp_pointers', implode (',', $dismissed)); } } function admin_is_pointer_set () { $user_id = get_current_user_id (); $dismissed = explode (',', get_user_meta ($user_id, 'dismissed_wp_pointers', true)); return in_array ('wp_biographia_pointer', $dismissed); } /** * Helper function to check whether a settings/options value exists * * @param array $settings Current settings/options array * @param string $key Name of setting to check * @return boolean Returns true if the setting exists and is not empty */ function check_option (&$settings, $key) { return (isset ($settings[$key]) && !empty ($settings[$key])); } } WP_Biographia::get_instance (); ?>