(function () { var u = {}, songs = [], scrolled = 0, songList = [], checkCount = 0, previousSongCount = 0, scrollPos = 0, addToSongs = function(title, artist, album){ var id = title + artist + album; if(!u[id]){ var song = {"title": title, "artist": artist, "album": album} songs.push(song); u[id] = 1; } }, displaySongs = function() { for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) { var obj = songs[i]; songList.push(JSON.stringify(songs[i])); } console.log('{"Songs":[' + songList + ']}'); }; scrollPos = $("#page-wrapper").scrollTop();//copy page scrolltop in the beginning $("#page-wrapper").scrollTop(0);//move page to top in the beginning $("#page-wrapper").scroll(function(){ $(".title-container").each(function () { var title = $(this).children("span").text(); var artist = $(this).parent().children(".meta-inner").children(".artist").text(); var album = $(this).parent().children(".meta-inner").children(".artist").text(); addToSongs(title, artist, album); }); }); _scrolldelay = setInterval( function() { scrolled = scrolled + 300; $("#page-wrapper").scrollTop(scrolled); if(songs.length > previousSongCount) { previousSongCount = songs.length; checkCount = 0; } else if(songs.length === previousSongCount && checkCount < 3) { checkCount++; } else if(checkCount >= 3){ clearInterval(_scrolldelay); $("#page-wrapper").scrollTop(scrollPos); displaySongs(); } },1000); }());