import UIKit import Fridge //MARK: Grab example let todoEndpoint = URL(string: "")! struct ToDo: Decodable { var id: Int var title: String var completed: Bool } async { print("--> Grabbing all TODO objects...") do { let results: [ToDo] = try await Fridge.grab🔮(from: todoEndpoint) // print all the results for item in results { print("ID:\( - \(item.title)") } print("|\nSuccessfully grabbed \(results.count) ToDO objects\n-----") } catch { print("Grab failed.") } } //MARK: - Push example struct Comment: Codable, CustomDebugStringConvertible { let postId: Int let id: Int let name: String let email: String let body: String var debugDescription: String { return "[Comment] (ID:\(id)) \(name) - \(email). Body: \(body)" } } async { print("--> Posting new comment...") do { let newComment = Comment(postId: 12, id: 100, name: "New comment", email: "", body: "Body of the new comment") let response: Comment = try await Fridge.push📡(newComment, to: "") print("New comment successfuly pushed.\nReturned (response) object:") print(response) } catch { print("Push failed") } }