{ "translator": "NCase", "app": { "name": "Nothing To Hide", "subtitle": "an anti-stealth game where you are your own watchdog.", "longtitle": "Nothing To Hide: an anti-stealth game where you are your own watchdog." }, "menu": { "play": "PLAY", "support": "SUPPORT & SHARE", "uncopyright": "UNCOPYRIGHT", "credits": "CREDITS" }, "dialog": { "fund": { "title": "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING THIS DEMO!", "staytuned": [ "Be excited. This wasn't even a tenth of what the full game will be!", "On the downside... this wasn't even a tenth of what the full game will be.", "We've got a long way to go, and we need your help." ], "backthisgame": "back this game", "whycrowdfunding": [ "Why crowdfunding? Well, this game is open source and uncopyrighted.", "We're built for the public, and backed by the public!", "And I know this is kind of ironic, being a satire of social media and all, but..." ], "thanksdissident": "Thanks again, you dissident, you!" }, "uncopyright": { "title": "NOTHING TO HIDE HAS NOTHING TO HIDE", "linkdescription": [ "We're", "open source,", "openly designed,", "and with your help,", "openly funded.", "But most of all, uncopyrighted. That's right -", "Zero Rights Reserved." ], "youarewelcometo": "You're totally welcome to:", "piratethisgame": "- \"Pirate\" this game.", "recordandmonetize": "- Record and monetize Let's Plays.", "rehostthisgame": "- Re-host this game on your website.", "useartmusiccode": "- Use the art/music/code in your own projects.", "makeamod": [ "- Make a mod where the main character is replaced with Princess Luna from the", "hit cartoon show, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.", "Well, actually, you'll probably get a cease and desist from Hasbro for that.", "But not from me." ], "givinguppower": "By giving up \"power\" over our art, our art can have more power." }, "credits": { "withthehelp": "WITH THE HELP OF HUNDREDS" } }, "command": { "backtomainmenu": "BACK TO MAIN MENU", "resumegame": "RESUME GAME", "resetlevel": "RESET LEVEL", "pause": "PAUSE", "play": "PLAY", "skiplevel": "SKIP LEVEL" }, "game": { "general":{ "panopticonpaused": "PANOPTICON PAUSED", "levelselect": "Level Select:", "intro": "INTRO", "ending": "ENDING", "sharegame": "Share Game:" }, "thewall":{ "posted": "posted", "justnow": "just now", "minutesago": "one minute ago", "minutesago_plural": "__count__ minutes ago", "secondsago": "one second ago", "secondsago_plural": "__count__ seconds ago" } }, "character":{ "poppy": "Poppy", "poppygardner": "Poppy Gardner", "georgegardner": "George Gardner", "nobody": "Nobody" }, "cutscene":{ "intro":[ "Poppy?", "Hey sweetie. Please don't be sad.", "It's really hurting my popularity ranking.", "The first un-secret ballot election is coming up. It's very important to Daddy's career, so I need you to post more happy pictures of yourself to The Wall. At least 400 per day, okay?", "Please, Poppy? I don't want the voters to think I'm a bad parent.", "Well, goodnight! #DaddyDaughterMoment", "I... I have to get out of here...", "Dad will be better off without me. His Popularity Metrics™, too." ], "end":[ "please don't be dead oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god", "Okay. Okay okay. Idea.", "Sometimes Daddy wakes me up like this. Maybe this will work...", "#DaddyDaughterMoment", "Ow! Pain on the face! You...", "i'm sorry", "...saved my life! Don't apologize, yo!", "i'm sorry for being sorry", "Hold up, are we on The Wall?...", "\"Poppy Gardner posted 1 minute ago. Sometimes Daddy wakes me up like this. Maybe this will work...\"", "Oh. Oh wow. Minister Gardner does that to his own... wow.", "Wellllllllll if it makes you feel better, your dad's psychologically and physically abusive to the rest of the nation, too.", "\"Watch what you say & hear & watch & think.\"
When we got no place to hide, we got to hide our true selves. ", "I can help you escape him.", "In fact, I got an app for that!", "Exploit! Made it myself. Just tap this screen here, and you'll be erased from The Wall. You'll be a Nobody, just like me.", "Stop acting for the camera. Start being yourself." ] }, "dialogue": { "postedjustnow": "posted just now", "level": { "intro": { "nobodyNeedsMe":"Nobody needs me...", "runningAway": "Guess I'm running away to Canada, then." }, "pickup": { "lookMySmile": "Oh… there's Daddy's campaign post. Look at my smile. :)", "disciplinedToSmile": "He disciplined me when my smile didn't look genuine enough. :)" }, "big_puzzle": { "iWonder": "I wonder... if these laws against upsetting people... upset people?" }, "conveyor": { "myOwnWatchman": "I wonder... if I'm my own watchman... am I hiding from myself?" }, "conveyor_2": { "whyQuestionMarks": "I wonder... why I'm using so many ellipses and question marks?", "havingAPrivateThought": "I think... this is what having a private thought feels like. Feels weird." }, "power": { "whatWasNoise": "What... what was that noise?", "looksUncomfortable": "Oh my... that looks uncomfortable." }, "power_puzzle": { "poorNobodyOnlyIEye" : "Poor 'Nobody'. I think he picked up the only iEye that was looking at him.", "neverDoneThat" : "Glad I've never done that." }, "nobody_needs_you": { "onceInMyLife": "For once in my life... I don't care how others will judge me! I... I have to help!", "nobodyNeedsMe": "'Nobody' needs me!" } } }, "images": { "general":{ "controls": { "scrolldown": "SCROLL DOWN", "mouse": "¬MOUSE¬", "keys": "¬¬KEYS¬¬" }, "or": "¬OR¬", "tweet": "TWEET", "share": "SHARE", "THEWALL": "THE WALL" }, "propaganda": { "dont_help_hiders": { "donthelp1": "DON'T HELP", "donthelp2": "HIDERS", "fourthAmendment1": "but the fourth", "fourthAmendment2": "amendment", "fourthAmendment3": "protects" }, "error": { "ERROR": "ERROR:", "AudienceNotFound1": "`TARGETED_AUDIENCE`", "AudienceNotFound2": "CANNOT BE FOUND", "MeantForNobody1": "> this wall is meant", "MeantForNobody2": "> for NOBODY" }, "intro_pics": { "posted4DaysAgo": "posted 4 days ago", "Message1": "Thank you for 4 billion followers! I'm so", "Message2": "happy! Vote for my dad in the un-secret", "Message3": "ballot! So happy. Haha! Ha. ha..." }, "needs_dummy": { "YesMySignal1": "YES, MY SIGNAL", "YesMySignal2": "DEPLOYS", "YesMySignal3": "FOR ALL THE", "YesMySignal4": "GIRLS & BOYS!" }, "nobody_messes": { "posted4DaysAgo": "posted 4 days ago", "THEWALL": "THE WALL", "gotRidSecretBallot1": "Aw yiss, 'bout time we got rid of the secret ballot!", "gotRidSecretBallot2": "Let's expose all those un-Americans who have", "gotRidSecretBallot3": "something to hide. #votegardner", "NobodyMessesWith1": "Nobody messes with the Ministry!", "NobodyMessesWith2": "Nobody cares for privacy!", "NobodyMessesWith3": "Nobody! ^_^" }, "nobody_the_wall": { "THEWALL": "THE WALL" }, "nobody_the_wall_2": { "THEWALL": " THE WALL THE WALL THE WALL THE WALL THE WALL THE WALL THE WALL" }, "pickup_gardner": { "ProtectorPatriotPop": "PROTECTOR. PATRIOT. POP.", "VoteGardner1": "WITH YOUR UN-SECRET BALLOT", "VoteGardner2": "VOTE GARDNER" }, "pickup_lookout": { "LookOut1": "LOOK OUT FOR", "LookOut2": "YOURSELF" }, "puzzle_mock": { "RememberToBe": "REMEMBER TO BE", "POPULAR": "POPULAR", "PRETTY": "PRETTY", "PATRIOTIC": "PATRIOTIC", "HowSelfWorth1": "HOW ELSE CAN YOU", "HowSelfWorth2": "MEASURE YOUR", "HowSelfWorth3": "SELF-WORTH?" }, "puzzle_psa": { "PatriotPSA1": "PATRIOT SERVICE", "PatriotPSA2": "ANOUNCEMENT", "WatchWhatYouSay1": "WATCH", "WatchWhatYouSay2": "WHAT YOU", "WatchWhatYouSay3": "SAY", "WatchWhatYouHear1": "WATCH", "WatchWhatYouHear2": "WHAT YOU", "WatchWhatYouHear3": "HEAR", "WatchWhatYouWatch1": "WATCH", "WatchWhatYouWatch2": "WHAT YOU", "WatchWhatYouWatch3": "WATCH" }, "questions": { "DoNotAsk": "DO NOT ASK BACK", "KeepYouSafe": "TO KEEP YOU SAFE, THE MINISTRY KEEPS SECRETS", "EspeciallyYours": "ESPECIALLY YOURS!", "Q:": "Q:", "SafeFromWhat": "SAFE FROM WHAT?", "A:": "A:", "ThatsSecret": "THAT'S SECRET." }, "smile": { "SmileForTheCam": "SMILE FOR THE CAMERA", "HidingIsCriminal": "HIDING IS CRIMINAL", "OnlyCriminals": "ONLY CRIMINALS HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE", "StayAlwaysInSight": "ALWAYS STAY IN SIGHT OF AT LEAST ONE °EYE" }, "stream_wall": { "StatusLeft": "STATUS: STATUS: STATUS:", "SecureLeft": "SECURE SECURE SECURE SECURE", "StatusRight": "STATUS: STATUS: STATUS: STATUS:", "SecureRight": "SECURE SECURE SECURE" }, "stream_wall_2": { "CriminalNeutralized": "CRIMINAL NEUTRALIZED", "Name1": "NAME:", "Name2": ""NOBODY"", "Time1": "TIME:", "Time2": "2044 PST (1 MIN AGO)", "Crime1": "CRIME:", "Crime2": "HIDING FROM CAMERA", "Status1": "STATUS:", "Status2": "TRANQUILIZED (POSSIBLE OVERDOSE)" }, "tut_carpet": { "DeviceInactiveCarpet": "RE: DEVICE INACTIVE ON CARPET", "FeatureNotBug": "IT'S NOT A BUG, IT'S A FEATURE.", "IssueClosed": "[ISSUE MARKED AS CLOSED]" }, "tut_darker": { "LookForLines1": "LOOK FOR THE", "LookForLines2": "DARKER", "LookForLines3": "LINES" }, "tut_pickup": { "MovingIEyes": "MOVING °EYES", "SpaceKey": "SPACE KEY", "Or": "- - - - - - OR - - - - - - ", "ClickCircle1": "CLICK", "ClickCircle2": "CIRCLE", "ToPickupDrop": "TO PICKUP/DROP", "ThanksForSurveillance1": "THANK YOU FOR", "ThanksForSurveillance2": "PARTICIPATING", "ThanksForSurveillance3": "IN YOUR OWN", "ThanksForSurveillance4": "SURVEILLANCE" }, "tut_power": { "ActiveSlidewalks1": "SOME °EYES", "ActiveSlidewalks2": "WILL ACTIVATE", "ActiveSlidewalks3": "SOME SLIDEWALKS", "ActiveSlidewalks4": "Only when they see", "ActiveSlidewalks5": "SOMEBODY" }, "tut_reminder": { "StayInSight": "STAY IN SIGHT" }, "tut_slidewalk": { "SLIDEWALK": "SLIDEWALK", "AvoidUsingLegs": "A REVOLUTIONARY NEW WAY TO AVOID USING YOUR LEGS" }, "tut_slow": { "SlowDown": "SLOW DOWN", "ForNarrowPaths": "For narrow paths", "ShiftKey": "SHIFT KEY", "OR": "- - - - - - - OR - - - - - - -", "MoveMouseSlowly1": "MOVE MOUSE", "MoveMouseSlowly2": "SLOWLY" }, "tut_walk": { "Walking": "WALKING", "ArrowKeys1": "ARROW", "ArrowKeys2": "KEYS", "OR": "- - - - - OR - - - - - - ", "WalkingMouse1": "CLICK", "WalkingMouse2": "& HOLD", "WalkingMouse3": "MOUSE", "LowTechTransportation1": "A FORM OF LOW-TECH", "LowTechTransportation2": "TRANSPORTATION" }, "unsecret_ballot": { "WrongChoice1": "WRONG CHOICE", "WrongChoice2": "WRONG CHOICE", "GARDNER": "GARDNER", "WrongChoice3": "WRONG CHOICE", "WrongChoice4": "WRONG CHOICE", "RemberCantHide1": "REMEMBER...", "RemberCantHide2": "YOU CAN'T HIDE", "RemberCantHide3": "YOUR UN-SECRET BALLOT. SO", "RememberVoteWinner1": "REMEMBER...", "RememberVoteWinner2": "TO VOTE FOR", "RememberVoteWinner3": "THE WINNER" } } } }