/*! (c) 2012 Uzi Kilon, Splunk Inc. Backbone Poller 0.2.8 https://github.com/uzikilon/backbone-poller Backbone Poller may be freely distributed under the MIT license. */ (function (root, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define(['underscore', 'backbone'], factory); } else { root.Backbone.Poller = factory(root._, root.Backbone); } }(this, function (_, Backbone) { 'use strict'; // Default settings var defaults = { delay: 1000, condition: function () { return true; } }; // Available events var events = ['start', 'stop', 'fetch', 'success', 'error', 'complete' ]; var pollers = []; function findPoller(model) { return _.find(pollers, function (poller) { return poller.model === model; }); } var PollingManager = { // **Backbone.Poller.get(model[, options])** //
    // Retuns a singleton instance of a poller for a model
    // Stops it if running
    // If options.autostart is true, will start it
    // Retuns a poller isntance
get: function (model, options) { var poller = findPoller(model); if (!poller) { poller = new Poller(model, options); pollers.push(poller); } else { poller.set(options); } if (options && options.autostart === true) { poller.start({silent: true}); } return poller; }, // **Backbone.Poller.size()** //
    // Returns the number of instanciated pollers
size: function () { return pollers.length; }, // **Backbone.Poller.reset()** //
    // Stops all pollers and removes from the pollers pool
reset: function () { while (pollers.length) { pollers.pop().stop(); } } }; function Poller(model, options) { this.model = model; this.set(options); } _.extend(Poller.prototype, Backbone.Events, { // **poller.set([options])** //
    // Reset poller options and stops the poller
set: function (options) { this.options = _.extend({}, defaults, options || {}); if (this.options.flush) { this.off(); } _.each(events, function (name) { var callback = this.options[name]; if (_.isFunction(callback)) { this.off(name, callback, this); this.on(name, callback, this); } }, this); if (this.model instanceof Backbone.Model) { this.model.on('destroy', this.stop, this); } return this.stop({silent: true}); }, // // **poller.start([options])** //
    // Start the poller
    // Returns a poller instance
    // Triggers a 'start' events unless options.silent is set to true
start: function (options) { if (!this.active()) { options && options.silent || this.trigger('start', this.model); this.options.active = true; if (this.options.delayed) { delayedRun(this); } else { run(this); } } return this; }, // **poller.stop([options])** //
    // Stops the poller
    // Aborts any running XHR call
    // Returns a poller instance
    // Triggers a 'stop' events unless options.silent is set to true
stop: function (options) { options && options.silent || this.trigger('stop', this.model); this.options.active = false; this.xhr && this.xhr.abort && this.xhr.abort(); this.xhr = null; clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); this.timeoutId = null; return this; }, // **poller.active()** //
    // Retunrs a bollean for poller status
active: function () { return this.options.active === true; } }); function run(poller) { if (validate(poller)) { var options = _.extend({}, poller.options, { success: function (model, resp) { poller.trigger('success', model, resp); delayedRun(poller); }, error: function (model, resp) { poller.stop({silent: true}); poller.trigger('error', model, resp); } }); poller.trigger('fetch', poller.model); poller.xhr = poller.model.fetch(options); } } function delayedRun(poller) { if (validate(poller)) { poller.timeoutId = _.delay(run, poller.options.delay, poller); } } function validate(poller) { if (! poller.options.active) { return false; } if (poller.options.condition(poller.model) !== true) { poller.stop({silent: true}); poller.trigger('complete', poller.model); return false; } return true; } PollingManager.prototype = Poller.prototype; // test hook return PollingManager; }));