// CELL_LOCATE_POS35_STACK_040610-2 // Open EPI image stack (all) & adjust images for binary conversion run("Image Sequence...", "open=[/Users/keseashore/Documents/Ogle's Lab/Pos35/img_000000000_S500_20x (EPI)_000.tif] first=1 last=200 number=892 starting=1 increment=1 scale=100 file=EPI or=[] sort"); run("Sharpen", "stack"); run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.5 normalize equalize normalize_all"); run("Remove Outliers...", "radius=2 threshold=50 which=Bright stack"); run("Subtract Background...", "rolling=50 stack"); run("Mean...", "radius=2 stack"); run("8-bit"); // Use Otsu method to threshold & convert to binary run("OtsuThresholding 8Bit"); run("Make Binary", " thresholded remaining black"); // Use erode & open to merge some of the blobs run("Erode", "stack"); run("Open", "stack"); run("Erode", "stack"); run("Open", "stack"); run("Erode", "stack"); run("Open", "stack"); run("Erode", "stack"); run("Open", "stack"); // Use Analyze Particles function to outline borders & get info about shapes run("Analyze Particles...", "size=0-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Outlines display exclude clear summarize record stack"); run("AVI... ", "compression=JPEG jpeg=90 frame=7 save=[/Users/keseashore/Documents/Ogle's Lab/Pos35/Drawing of Pos35 040610-2.avi]"); selectWindow("Pos35"); close(); selectWindow("Summary of Pos35"); saveAs("Text", "/Users/keseashore/Documents/Ogle's Lab/Pos35/Summary of Pos35 040610-2"); selectWindow("Results"); saveAs("Measurements", "/Users/keseashore/Documents/Ogle's Lab/Pos35/Results 040610-2");