Issue numbers (#x): * As of 1.0.14: see * Before: see UseBB 1.0.17 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed possible security issue with too loose unserialization of cookie. UseBB 1.0.16 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug 'Fetching DB results returns array with pointer at end' (#118). - Fixed bug 'Potential spammer status can be bypassed by inactivating account' (#117). - Fixed bug with counting posts for activating users with potential spam status enabled. - For usability/safety, put every user posted image in a white and bordered box. UseBB 1.0.15 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug 'Search does not sort when collecting results' (#115). - Fixed bug 'Configuration settings from config.php might miss backslashes in ACP' (#106). - Fixed bug 'Date format from user settings is not cleared from extra backslashes' (#107). - Fixed bug 'Server load values not read on OS X' (#111). - CSS(3) adjustments/fixes to default template (#110). UseBB 1.0.14 Changelog ------------------------------ - Added Google Analytics tracking code support (#93). - Added re-sync statistics ACP module (#90). - Added Stop Forum Spam API request ACP module (#91). - Fixed potential spammer status not taken into account in RSS feeds (#103). - Fixed invalid forum RSS feed when description contains named HTML entities. - Fixed template variable notice in topic RSS feeds (development environment only). - Automatically close other sessions for same user (#95). - Breadcrumbs are now made with array -- can use different subsets in templates (#92). - Allow global template variable to be unescaped through js_ prefix (for JS snippets). - Potential spammer status and restrictions can now be applied to guests (#94). - ACP modules can require minimal UseBB version. - Replaced missing template config setting errors with debug output. UseBB 1.0.13 Changelog ------------------------------ - Added potential spammer status for users, restrictions and auto unset. - Added Stop Forum Spam API usage for email addresses. - Added possibility to submit user info to Stop Forum Spam on deletion. - Added possibility to ban last used IP address on user deletion. - Added persistent connections for mysql(i). - Added anti-spam information document. - Member pruning can now delete profile spam accounts. - Member pruning can now delete pruned members' posts. - Can now search accounts by email address in ACP. - Fixed database settings screen in ACP general config. - Fixed invalid XHTML on member list. - Make mail.php accessible to guests. - Able "contact admin" feature to use the mail.php form, or a custom URL. - Also perform DNSBL check for "edit profile" and "send email". - Show locked button when topic locked and cannot reply. - Show RSS feed locations in online list. - Activation keys are no longer in the password format, but a longer random string. - Reading remote URLs has a timeout of three seconds and recognizes failures better. - ACP General Configuration settings related to anti-spam grouped together. - ACP General Configuration panes can be reloaded thanks to URL hash usage. - Profile edit form has a notice about profiles being invisible to guests. - Username in edit and delete members ACP panes is now clickable. - Added usebb_debug_output function for clean debug output. UseBB 1.0.12 Changelog ------------------------------ - Added members/staff/guests filter on online user list. - Added possibility to show new topic and post reply links to guests. - Added possibility to only check DNSBL servers upon registering or posting as guest. - Added max topic age setting for active topics. - Added automatic and manual logout for Admin Control Panel. - Added security token system against CSRF, fixing a security issue. - Fixed a minor security issue with includes in ACP. - Fixed a small issue with not properly checked new version information from server. - Fixed possible bug with statistics table and updating. - Fixed some bugs with anti-spam question posing timing. - Fixed wrong error when could not connect to database. - Fixed errors when getting config values before having config file loaded. - Fixed bug where some new config settings did not get saved. - Fixed error when curl_exec() has been disabled for security reasons. - Fixed URL parsing errors when entities at front/end. - Fixed bug with DNSBL banning recheck. - Fixed bug with deprecated TYPE=MyISAM syntax on install. - Fixed mysqli_error() error on failed connect. - Passwords can now contain symbols, and must contain at least one letter and one number. - Generated passwords now also contain symbols and are always checked to be valid. - Removed mandatory usage of magic_quotes_runtime. - Force expired sessions to be destroyed immediately, not only when cleaning up. - Post new topic links removed from topic template (template variable still available). - Hide PHP notices and deprecation warnings when in production environment. - Added log hidden errors setting which still logs errors hidden in production environment. - Halt execution if install directory is not removed and is in production environment. - Reset debug level 2 to 1 when in production environment. - Removed some old code for PHP < 4.3.0. PHP 4.3 is now a minimum requirement. - Debug info can now show memory usage on PHP >= 5.2. - Updated (better) sorting on member list and search results. - Now impossible for admin to delete own account in ACP. - E-mail address to ban is now editable on user removal in ACP. - Show specific error for malformed passwords on several forms. - Activate member upon requesting new password if awaiting email activation. - Show correct error message upon login with not yet admin-activated account. - Show general error message for wrong username/email address combinations on send pw form. - Hide ban reason on send pw form, and only show on login form when correct password given. - Denote HTML enabled fields in ACP forms. - Adjusted input and text area field sizes all over the system (generally bigger). - System now links to application root instead of index.html with friendly URLs. - Place HTML title after character encoding meta tag as it should be. - Small style improvements, no custom styles anymore on most input fields. - Session ID and IP address removed from session information in default template. - User level is now shown as tooltip over custom rank in topics. - Show config section names for missing labels of incorrect values. - Show newlines in question answers and current question for FAQ. - Ensure unique IDs for FAQ questions. - Show member edit link after registering member in ACP. - Version check can now display full text messages. - Enable DNSBL bans setting moved to General Configuration. - Mass email now also sends to submitting admin's email address. - RSS feed settings in ACP General Config in separate section. UseBB 1.0.11 Changelog ------------------------------ - Added possibility to remove user's posts upon removing user in ACP. - Added possibility to ban user's email address or domain upon removing user in ACP. - Added preview feature for member pruning in ACP. - Added setting to enable/disable PHP's error log. - Added user delete link for admin on profiles. - Fixed security issue with forum/topic RSS feeds with "read" forum permission. - Fixed bug that didn't update stats on full forum delete. - Fixed bug that didn't adjust posts from certain members upon member pruning. - Fixed bug #2492: never logged in users are always pruned with member pruning. - Fixed bug #2488: CSS overflow for post contents. - Fixed bug #2451: 403 error for active topics feed when no topics available. - Fixed new/missing settings' wrong default values in ACP. - SQL toolbox now prints usable HTML table for results instead of textbox. - Removed ICQ status icons from profile. - Hide "deprecated" warnings from PHP 5.3 (temporary solution). - Forum select boxes are larger. - "Remember me" now unchecked on login form. - Single error for unexisting user and wrong password on login form. UseBB 1.0.10 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed an issue generating infinite loops with the BBCode parsing on some input. - Fixed bug #2367: SQL error on search sorted by author. - Fixed bug with remembering guest auth settings on adding new forum. - Changed RSS feed code so per forum and topic feeds can be shown. - Fixed malfunctioning RSS Feed when friendly URLs are enabled. - Fixed quirky or wrong entity handling in RSS feeds. - Mass email in board default language and only to unique email addresses. - Personal emails now sent in correct (recipient's) language. - Redirect to the previously selected pane on activating member in ACP. - Added email address tooltip on profile link in ACP activate members pane. - Translate IP address ::1 in session to for consistency. - Made usernames in IP address lookup clickable. - Show a warning (unsupported) on the ACP index with UTF-8 translations. - Board image is now added to RSS feeds. UseBB 1.0.9 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug #2001: BBCode in links breaks XML well-formedness. - Fixed bug #1962: RSS feed fails to validate. - Fixed bug #1935: Redirect URLs containing backslashes on some platforms (Windows). - Fixed bug #1983: Jabber link on profile needs "xmpp" as protocol, not "jabber". - Made smiley image tags refer to the path using ROOT_PATH. UseBB 1.0.8 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed a few full path disclosure vulnerabilities (reported by Ilia Alshanetsky). - Fixed bug #1700: "From" in e-mail messages gets split. - Fixed an SQL error when passing negative "page" GET variable. - Fixed a few potential "Array to string conversion" notices. - Fixed Undefined index NoSuchUser on user activation. - Allow terms of use text to contain HTML markup. - Added moderator info to member edit pane in ACP. - Give visual notice when accessing 403 Forbidden RSS feed. - Moved 403 and 404 headers to constants HEADER_40x. - Renamed MSN to Windows Live Messenger and changed profile URLs ( UseBB 1.0.7 Changelog ------------------------------ - Added an (random math based or custom) anti-spam question feature against spam bots. - Added a security measure which generates a new session ID when logging in/out. - Fixed bug #1663: DST settings not saved to new accounts. - Fixed bug #1641: Global text color missing. - Fixed bug #1591: CSS for BBCode [code] blocks in IE and Safari. - Fixed faulty HTTP_HOST reassembling when running on port other than 80. - Fixed hexadecimal entities + smilies parsing problem. - Fixed fatal error for phpBB converter using mysqli. - Admin accounts are no longer deactivated when e-mail address has changed. - Made the sendmail -f parameter for emails an on/off setting. - Now always stop when superglobals are (tried to be) defined via GET/POST/COOKIE. - Faster processing times thanks to rewritten functions::get_config(). UseBB 1.0.6 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed full path disclosure vulnerability (reported by Jesper Jurcenoks, netVigilance, Inc.) - Fixed bug #1505: User timezone not always saved correctly. - Fixed bug in SQL toolbox with mysqli extension. - Another (hopefully always working) fix for Undefined index: PATH_TRANSLATED. - Automatically set admin e-mail address when installing. - Stop when request variables of the form _XYZ are found and register_globals is enabled. UseBB 1.0.5 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug #1469: BLOB/TEXT column [...] can't have a default value. - Fixed bug with BBCode URL parsing and asterisks. - Fixed bug with uppercase BBCode tags and incorrect nesting. - Fixed bugs with the Abyss Web Server (wrong HTTPS detection and redirection). - Fixed bug with undefined variable errtype. - Display error upon impossible (> 3) level value of member. - Avatars are now resized only when needed (using JavaScript). - Random passwords by "forgot password" now respect the password minimum length. - Changed method to show e-mail addresses "spam proof", now using HTML entities. - Now count topic views as unique view per user per session. - Show raw e-mail address on profile and mail form when user may view hidden ones. - Remove square brackets from username in quote tag when quoting post. UseBB 1.0.4 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug #1358: Undefined index: PATH_TRANSLATED on module upload. - Fixed bug #1377: Make the BBCode controls valid. - Fixed bug with crippled rtl &#...; entities. - Fixed bug with httpOnly cookies not set on IE with empty cookie domain. - Fixed bug with missing rel attribute on www. URL's. - Fixed bug with topic title rtrim on forum index. - Major performance improvements throughout the board and template parser. - Mass email messages are now sent in chunks of 100 recipients (by default). - Members on stats box now have a last update time tooltip. - Shortened topic titles on forum index now have full title tooltip. - Version check is now also possible through cURL. - Some minor usability improvements throughout the board. - Updated copyright (2007) and FSF's address. - Documentation (Readme) and installer updates (ie MySQL collations). - Removed DNSBL wildcard IP address banning (useless). UseBB 1.0.3 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug #1322: BBCode parsing bug with spaces in quote tags. - Fixed bug #1296: use MTA -f argument when necessary (patch by Tadashi Jokagi). - Fixed db_mysql to use new_link parameter while connecting. - Will now set cookies with the httpOnly flag, when enabled (by default). - Custom setcookie function always sets right past expiry value when needed. - Don't allow posts only containing BBCode tags to be posted. - Allow guests to edit all guest postings when permissions are set up like this, but don't allow them to edit guest posts otherwise. UseBB 1.0.2 Changelog ------------------------------ - Added possibility to use Reply-To header for user emails. - Added security fix for the PHP Zend_Hash_Del_Key_Or_Index vulnerability. - Fixed bug #1279: BBCode parsing bug within [ ... ]. - Fixed bug with fread() error for server load on some servers. - Fixed bug with partial IP address matching for DNSBL whitelist. - Performance improvements with less queries for post edit info. - Disable registration log when log file setting is empty. - Improvement/fix to external link JS, properly detect rel attribute value. - Display server load values always as float with 2 decimals. - Show month names in month selection box for the birthday profile field. UseBB 1.0.1 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug #1231: multiple quotes get parsed as identical ones. - Fixed bug #1208: unreplaced %s with Log Out on detailed online list. - Fixed bug making logging out with auto login present impossible. - Fixed bug not stripping slashes in mass email message. - Fixed bug: include exclamation mark and brackets in IMG and URL BBCode. - Fixed bug setting content type of RSS feed to text/html. - Strip BBCode from post preview on search results instead of showing them raw. - "Target blank" now works with JS instead of deprecated target attribute. - Added info about default language and template in ACP general config. - Sample ACP modules are removed from the distribution. UseBB 1.0 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed bug #1190: wrong mbstring usage (patch by Tadashi Jokagi). - Fixed bug #1169: include single quote in IMG and URL BBCode. - Fixed bug #1161: fopen and safe mode restriction. - Fixed bug with undefined $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. - Fixed bug causing strange server errors with &new. - Fixed bug sometimes redirecting to wrong page for new posts. - Removed \n with each
for BBCode. - Unset auto login cookie when data is invalid. - Also recognize application/xml as XHTML templates. - Added {lp_author} and {lp_date} for listing templates. - Fix some wrong config settings in config.php. - Order usernames by registration date in Activate Members. - Disable BCC to own address on own mail form. - Database configuration is now hidden in ACP by default. - Added possibility to perform SET NAMES latin1 on connect for mysqli. - Take care of bad serialized auto login data in cookie. - Small template improvements. UseBB 1.0 RC3 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed minor XSS issue in ACP's edit member feature. - Fixed bug #1140: open_basedir restriction in effect. - Fixed bug in BBCode parsing removing whitespace in quote. - Fixed bug where feature links were hidden for admins when closed. - Fixed bug where board name was not unhtml'ed in footer. - Minor changes in db_* to disable query log for convertors. - Added HTML enabled field notice for forum description. - Added disable XHTML content-type config setting. UseBB 1.0 RC2 Changelog ------------------------------ - Fixed SQL injection issue with member list search. - Fixed minor XSS issue with user date format. - Fixed bug Undefined index: post_time on deleting post. - Fixed bug with XML parsing errors on bad ASCII characters. - Fixed bug in BBCode parsing. - Fixed notice Implicit cloning (zend.ze1_compatibility_mode). - Fixed Dutch translation errors. - BBCode URLs now contain title attributes. - ACP general configuration Javascript navigable. - Various template improvements. UseBB 1.0 RC1 Changelog ------------------------------ - Added to ACP: - Member pruning. - Badword filter controls. - Mass email feature. - Banning management. - Added rProtect security features: - Automatic DNSBL powered IP banning. - Registration logging. - Setting to hide never activated members from member list. - Minimum and maximum length for usernames. - Email address DNS (MX records) checking. - Added minimum access levels for search and active topics. - Added searching and detailed sorting on member list. - Added forum pruning by locking topics. - Added sorting options on search form. - Added possibility to show search results as posts. - Added possibility to use exact author name match and guests filter. - Added message editing timeout for users. - Added settings to enable/disable IP bans and badwords filter. - Added setting to hide contact info in profiles for guests. - Added possibility for admins to use hidden/disabled template sets. - Added setting to show raw entities between [code]. - Added load average values to ACP index when possible. - Added username and password info on registration form in ACP. - Added some more rel="nofollow" attributes at various places. - Added error upon lost saltcode when registering. - Added RSS feed icon support. - Fixed possible XSS issue with not unhtml'ed avatar URL. - Fixed bug #1001: Edit this member link visible in own profile. - Fixed bug #992: RSS feed redirects on restricted board. - Fixed bug #988: default timezone for members not set. - Fixed bug #971: Undefined index: id upon creating forum. - Fixed bug #964: white space in IE before tables in ACP. - Fixed bug where a user cannot set his displayed name equal to his username that matches a ban mask. - Fixed unwanted smiley parsing on HTML entities. - Fixed not unhtml'ed query in ACP SQL toolbox textarea. - Fixed unused quick_reply_textarea_cols. - Fixed BBCode parsing to create well-formed XHTML. - Fixed broken entity displaying at end of 255 chars string. - Fixed missing info on move topic form with two visible forums. - Fixed undefined index error in installation on Windows. - Fixed 'Field x doesn't have a default value' error on strict MySQL. - Fixed bug that used admin's settings for new users registered in ACP. - Removed obsolete hide_undefined_config_setting_warnings setting. - Removed warning on unwanted output. - New session management, saving up to 3 queries per request. - Automatically login after activation. - Changed ACP config to contain many additional info. - ACP config now also checks for valid session name. - config.php must no longer be writable by PHP. - Now serving application/xhtml+xml (text/html on IE et al). - Made Skype info in profile callto: link. - All trigger_error() errors are now E_USER_ERROR. - Hide debug info and page links for banned IP's. - Cookie path is now always auto-detected as "/". - Easier navigation in ACP general configuration. - Rewritten method for finding server load values. - Cleaner ACP IP lookup. - Guest usernames can again contain all characters and entities. - Reintroduced forumlist_topic_rtrim_length for forum index. - Various fixes to the install wizard. - Flood protection message contains remaining seconds. - Hide "Moderators: Nobody". - Updated docs files and added HTML readme file. - Removed UseBB version in footer for security. - Changed SQL error notices to better indicate installation. - Various template improvements. -