set encoding=utf-8 " Removed in Neovim scriptencoding utf-8 " set undodir=~/.vim/tmp/undo.txt " set viewdir=~/.vim/tmp/view set backupdir-=. set path+=/usr/include/c++/HEAD/ set swapfile set nobackup set nowritebackup " #encoding {{{ set termencoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=utf-8,iso-2022-jp-3,iso-2022-jp,euc-jisx0213,ucs-bom,euc-jp,eucjp-ms,cp932 " Default fileformat. set fileformat=unix " Automatic recognition of a new line cord. set fileformats=unix,dos,mac "}}} " #search {{{ set gdefault set ignorecase smartcase set incsearch set nohlsearch | nohlsearch "Highlight search patterns, support reloading "}}} " #tab {{{ set shiftround set expandtab "Tabキーでスペース挿入 set tabstop=2 "Tab表示幅 set softtabstop=2 "Tab押下時のカーソル移動量 set shiftwidth=2 "インデント幅 set smarttab "削除とかいい感じに set nocopyindent "expandtabを無視して既存行のタブで判定する set nopreserveindent " ==などでインデントを変更してもタブ文字を保持 "}}} " #fold {{{ set foldmethod=marker set foldtext=FoldCCtext() set foldcolumn=1 set foldlevelstart=0 " どのレベルから折りたたむか set foldnestmax=3 " indent,syntaxでどの深さまで折りたたむか " set foldclose=all " 折りたたんでるエリアからでると自動で閉じる set foldopen=block,hor,mark,percent,quickfix,search,tag,undo "}}} " #indent {{{ set autoindent smartindent " set cindent set cinkeys-=0# " * enterするたびにreindent set cinoptions+=#0,J1,j1,g0,N-2 " :0 switchとcaseが同じレベルになる " set indentkeys= "}}} set showfulltag " Display all the information of the tag by the supplement of the Insert mode. set tags=tags;$HOME,.tags;$HOME,./tags,./.tags " tags; current-dirからtagsが見つかるまで遡る " tas;/dir 上記と同じだが/dirより上には行かない " Disable bell. set t_vb= set novisualbell if has('patch-7.4.793') set belloff=all endif " set undofile if has('patch-7.4.2201') set signcolumn=yes endif set showtabline=2 set modelines=1 set report=0 " コマンドでN行変更されたら出力 set number set hidden set showcmd set noshowmode set cursorline set noshowmatch matchtime=0 " 括弧を入力した時に移動しないようにする set laststatus=2 set display=lastline,uhex " set ambiwidth=double " マルチバイト文字があるときのカーソル位置の調節 set cmdheight=2 cmdwinheight=4 set mouse= " クリックでマウスが動かないように set title set keywordprg=:help " It seems 15ms overhead. " set cryptmethod=blowfish2 set history=1000 set modeline modelines=2 " TODO には補完用のマップがある? set cedit= " move to cmdwin key set splitright splitbelow set nostartofline " Maintain a current line at the time of movement as much as possible. set switchbuf=usetab set completeopt=menuone set complete+=d,t if has('patch755') set completeopt+=noinsert " 第1候補を選択 非挿入 " set completeopt+=noselect endif set nowrap if has('patch338') set breakindent endif set sidescroll=0 set sidescrolloff=12 set virtualedit=block set nrformats-=octal if has('nvim') set shada=!,'300,<50,s10,h else set viminfo=!,'300,<50,s10,h endif " set shortmess=filnxtToO " default " Do not display the greetings message at the time of Vim start. set shortmess=aTI " Do not display the completion messages set noshowmode if has('patch-7.4.314') set shortmess+=c endif " Do not display the edit messages if has('patch-7.4.1570') set shortmess+=F endif " Keymapping timeout. set timeout timeoutlen=3000 ttimeoutlen=100 " CursorHold time. set updatetime=1000 set commentstring=#\ %s set backspace=start,eol,indent set whichwrap=b,s,[,],<,>,h,l set iskeyword+=$,@-@ " #wild menu set wildoptions=tagfile " Can supplement a tag in a command-line. " 補完候補を全て表示 もう一度で巡回 set wildmenu set wildmode=list:longest,full " set wildmode=longest:full,full set fillchars=diff:-,vert:│ set list set listchars=tab:❯\ ,extends:»,precedes:«,nbsp:%, " trail:␣ " " ❯ ❮ ⊳ ▶ ◇ ± ◈ ▷ ➤ ⟫ ⥀ ⥁ ␣ 》 if has('diff') set diffopt=filler,context:2,vertical,foldcolumn:0 endif " set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus if has('unnamedplus') set clipboard& clipboard+=unnamedplus else set clipboard& clipboard+=unnamed endif set cpoptions-=m set cpoptions+=Z if !has('gui_running') set t_Co=256 endif set background=dark if has('termguicolors') && $COLORTERM ==# 'truecolor' set termguicolors endif if has('gui_running') set guioptions=Mc endif if has('nvim') " set inccommand=split let g:python_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python2' let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python3' else " let &t_8f = "\[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum" " let &t_8b = "\[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum" " let &t_ti .= "\e[?2004h" " let &t_te .= "\e[?2004l" " let &t_ti .= "\e[?1004h" " let &t_te .= "\e[?1004l" let &pastetoggle = "\e[201~" endif " Change cursor shape. if &term =~# 'xterm' " let &t_SI = "\e[5 q\e]12;Orange\x7" " let &t_EI = "\e[0 q\e]12;RoyalBlue1\x7" endif if !empty($SUDO_USER) && $USER !=# $SUDO_USER set viminfo= if has('nvim') set shada= endif set directory-=~/tmp set backupdir-=~/tmp set undodir= set viewdir= endif let g:my_autosave = 1