script_name = "" revision_number = 5 homepage = '' script_credits = 'All code copyleft (GNU GPL v3) by Unobtanium @ XBMC Forums' """ Please bump the version number one decimal point and add your name to credits when making changes. This is an: - addons.xml generator - addons.xml.md5 generator - optional auto-compressor (including handling of icons, fanart and changelog) Compression of addons in repositories has many benefits, including: - Protects addon downloads from corruption. - Smaller addon filesize resulting in faster downloads and less space / bandwidth used on the repository. - Ability to "roll back" addon updates in XBMC to previous versions. To enable the auto-compressor, set the compress_addons setting to True NOTE: the of repository aggregator will override this setting. If you do this you must make sure the "datadir zip" parameter in the addon.xml of your repository file is set to "true". """ import os import shutil import md5 import zipfile import re ########## SETTINGS # Set whether you want your addons compressed or not. Values are True or False # NOTE: the of repository aggregator will override this compress_addons = True #Optional set a custom directory of where your addons are. False will use the current directory. # NOTE: the of repository aggregator will override this repo_root = False ########## End SETTINGS # check if is being run standalone or called from another python file if __name__ == "__main__": standalone = True else: standalone = False # this 'if' block adds support for the repo aggregator script # set the repository's root folder here, if the script user has not set a custom path. if standalone: if repo_root == False: repo_root = os.getcwd() print script_name + ' v' + str(revision_number) print script_credits print 'Homepage and updates: ' + homepage print ' ' else: #so that we can import stuff from parent dir (settings) import sys sys.path.append('..') import settings repo_root = settings.aggregate_repo_path # use repository aggregator to determine whether to compress compress_addons = settings.compress_addons def is_addon_dir( addon ): # this function is used by both classes. # very very simple and weak check that it is an addon dir. # intended to be fast, not totally accurate. # skip any file or .svn folder if not os.path.isdir( addon ) or addon == ".svn": return False else: return True class Generator: """ Generates a new addons.xml file from each addons addon.xml file and a new addons.xml.md5 hash file. Must be run from the root of the checked-out repo. Only handles single depth folder structure. """ def __init__( self ): #paths self.addons_xml = os.path.join( repo_root, "addons.xml" ) self.addons_xml_md5 = os.path.join( repo_root, "addons.xml.md5" ) # call master function self._generate_addons_files() def _generate_addons_files( self ): # addon list addons = os.listdir( repo_root ) # final addons text addons_xml = u"\n\n" found_an_addon = False # loop thru and add each addons addon.xml file for addon in addons: try: # skip any file or .svn folder if is_addon_dir( addon ): # create path _path = os.path.join( addon, "addon.xml" ) if os.path.exists(_path): found_an_addon = True # split lines for stripping xml_lines = open( _path, "r" ).read().splitlines() # new addon addon_xml = "" # loop thru cleaning each line for line in xml_lines: # skip encoding format line if ( line.find( "= 0 ): continue # add line addon_xml += unicode( line.rstrip() + "\n", "UTF-8" ) # we succeeded so add to our final addons.xml text addons_xml += addon_xml.rstrip() + "\n\n" except Exception, e: # missing or poorly formatted addon.xml print "Excluding %s for %s" % ( _path, e, ) # clean and add closing tag addons_xml = addons_xml.strip() + u"\n\n" # only generate files if we found an addon.xml if found_an_addon: # save files self._save_file( addons_xml.encode( "UTF-8" ), self.addons_xml ) self._generate_md5_file() # notify user print "Updated addons xml and addons.xml.md5 files" else: print "Could not find any addons, so script has done nothing." def _generate_md5_file( self ): try: # create a new md5 hash m = open( self.addons_xml ).read() ).hexdigest() # save file self._save_file( m, self.addons_xml_md5 ) except Exception, e: # oops print "An error occurred creating addons.xml.md5 file!\n%s" % ( e, ) def _save_file( self, data, the_path ): try: # write data to the file open( the_path, "w" ).write( data ) except Exception, e: # oops print "An error occurred saving %s file!\n%s" % ( the_path, e, ) class Compressor: def __init__( self ): # variables used later on self.addon_name = None self.addon_path = None self.addon_folder_contents = None self.addon_xml = None self.addon_version_number = None self.addon_zip_path = None # run the master method of the class, when class is initialised. # only do so if we want addons compressed. if compress_addons: self.master() def master( self ): mydir = os.listdir( repo_root ) for addon in mydir: # set variables self.addon_name = str(addon) self.addon_path = os.path.join( repo_root, addon ) # skip any file or .svn folder. if is_addon_dir( self.addon_path ): # set another variable self.addon_folder_contents = os.listdir( self.addon_path ) # check if addon has a current zipped release in it. addon_zip_exists = self._get_zipped_addon_path() # checking for addon.xml and try reading it. addon_xml_exists = self._read_addon_xml() # generator class relies on addon.xml being in release folder. so if need be, fix a zipped addon release folder lacking an addon.xml if addon_zip_exists: if not addon_xml_exists: # extract the addon_xml from the zip archive into the addon release folder. self._extract_addon_xml_to_release_folder() else: if addon_xml_exists: # now addon.xml has been read, scrape version number from it. we need this when naming the zip (and if it exists the changelog) self._read_version_number() print 'Create compressed addon release for -- ' + self.addon_name + ' v' + self.addon_version_number self._create_compressed_addon_release() def _get_zipped_addon_path( self ): # get name of addon zip file. returns False if not found. for the_file in self.addon_folder_contents: if '.zip' in the_file: if ( self.addon_name + '-') in the_file: self.addon_zip_path = os.path.join ( self.addon_path, the_file ) return True # if loop is not broken by returning the addon path, zip was not found so return False self.addon_zip_path = None return False def _extract_addon_xml_to_release_folder(): the_zip = zipfile.ZipFile( self.addon_zip_path, 'r' ) for filename in the_zip.namelist(): if filename.find('addon.xml'): the_zip.extract( filename, self.addon_path ) break def _recursive_zipper( self, dir, zip_file ): #initialize zipping module zip = zipfile.ZipFile( zip_file, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ) # get length of characters of what we will use as the root path root_len = len( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(dir)) ) #recursive writer for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): # subtract the source file's root from the archive root - ie. make /Users/me/desktop/zipme.txt into just /zipme.txt archive_root = os.path.abspath(root)[root_len:] for f in files: fullpath = os.path.join( root, f ) archive_name = os.path.join( archive_root, f ) zip.write( fullpath, archive_name, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ) zip.close() def _create_compressed_addon_release( self ): # create a zip of the addon into repo root directory, tagging it with '-x.x.x' release number scraped from addon.xml zipname = self.addon_name + '-' + self.addon_version_number + '.zip' zippath = os.path.join( repo_root, zipname ) # zip full directories self._recursive_zipper( self.addon_path , zippath ) # now move the zip into the addon folder, which we will now treat as the 'addon release directory' os.rename( zippath, os.path.join( self.addon_path, zipname ) ) # in the addon release directory, delete every file apart from addon.xml, changelog, fanart, icon and the zip we just constructed. also rename changelog. for the_file in self.addon_folder_contents: the_path = os.path.join( self.addon_path, the_file ) # delete directories if not os.path.isfile( the_path ): shutil.rmtree( the_path ) # list of files we specifically need to retain for the addon release folder (folder containing the zip elif not ( ('addon.xml' in the_file) or ('hangelog' in the_file) or ('fanart' in the_file) or ('icon' in the_file) or (zipname in the_file)): os.remove( the_path ) # tag the changelog with '-x.x.x' release number elif 'hangelog' in the_file: # hangelog so that it is detected irrespective of whether C is capitalised changelog = 'changelog-' + self.addon_version_number + '.txt' os.rename( the_path, os.path.join( self.addon_path, changelog ) ) def _read_addon_xml( self ): # check for addon.xml and try and read it. addon_xml_path = os.path.join( self.addon_path, 'addon.xml' ) if os.path.exists( addon_xml_path ): # load whole text into string f = open( addon_xml_path, "r") self.addon_xml = f.close() # return True if we found and read the addon.xml return True # return False if we couldn't find the addon.xml else: return False def _read_version_number( self ): # find the header of the addon. headers = re.compile( "\", re.DOTALL ).findall( self.addon_xml ) for header in headers: #if this is the header for the addon, proceed if self.addon_name in header: # clean line of quotation characters so that it is easier to read. header = re.sub( '"','', header ) header = re.sub( "'",'', header ) # scrape the version number from the line self.addon_version_number = (( re.compile( "version\=(.+?) " , re.DOTALL ).findall( header ) )[0]).strip() def execute(): Compressor() Generator() # standalone is equivalent of if name == main if standalone: execute()