local M = {} function M.timer_start(time) vim.fn.timer_start( time, function() M.lua_add() end ) end function M.lua_add() local bufferline = require('bufferline') bufferline.setup({ options = { -- mode = 'tabs', show_tab_indicators = true, buffer_close_icon = '×', style_preset = bufferline.style_preset.no_italic, numbers = function(opts) return string.format('%s.%s', opts.lower(opts.id), opts.lower(opts.ordinal)) end, diagnostics = "coc", diagnostics_indicator = function(count, level) local icon = level:match("error") and " " or " " return " " .. icon .. count end, }, highlights = { tab_selected = { fg = vim.g['colors_name'] == 'gruvbox' and '#ECE0BF' or '', }, } }) end return M