// This allows us to re-DOM inject topicbot without blasting its state.. if (typeof(topicbot) == "undefined") { topicbot = { name: "Fella", owner:"Fella", //SOURCE: reloadUrl: "http://www2.justinday.com/topicbot/topicbot.js", reloadUrl: "https://raw.github.com/ttdevelopers/ttbrowserbot/master/topicbot.js'", turntable: null, room: null, roomManager: null, topViewController: null, sendMessageName: 'fmsbQ', firstEvent: false, topic: null, suggestedTopic: null, started: false, songsPlayed: {}, maxSongs: 3, language: 'en', freeBonus: null, defaultTheme: 'Hot 100', botFunctions: true, botHello: true, botGreeting: true, botStage: true, botReminder: false, autoplayStatus: false, autoqueueMax: 0, autoqueueRunning: true, autoqueueStatus: null, similarRunning: false }; } // This is updated by hand right now. TODO FIXME. topicbot.version = "1.552"; // Redefine all topicbots functions, overwritting any code on reload.. topicbot.start = function() { console.log("topicbot version " + this.version + " starting.."); this.started = true; var self = this; this.linkTurntable(); var timer = setInterval(function() { console.log("looking for turntable.."); if (typeof(turntable[topicbot.topViewController]) != "undefined" && turntable[topicbot.topViewController] != null) { clearInterval(timer); setTimeout(function() { self.init(); }, 3000); } },500); }; // This hooks into Turntable's javascript. The send message function is given a random name on each load so we have to track it down. topicbot.linkTurntable = function() { for (var i in window) { if (window[i] != null && typeof(window[i]) == 'object' && typeof(window[i].become_dj) == 'object') { console.log("Room manager is " + i); topicbot.roomManager = window[i]; } } for (var i in turntable) { if (typeof(turntable[i]) == "object" && turntable[i] != null && turntable[i]['roomId']) { console.log("Top View Contoller is " + i); this.topViewController = i; for (var j in turntable[i]) { if (typeof(turntable[i][j]) == "object" && turntable[i][j] && turntable[i][j]['become_dj'] && turntable[i][j+'Callback']) { console.log("Room callback is " + j + "Callback"); this.roomCallback = turntable[i][j+'Callback']; } } } else if (typeof(turntable[i]) == "function" && /Preparing message/.test(Function.prototype.toString.apply(turntable[i]))) { console.log("Send message is " + i); this.sendMessageName = i; } } }; topicbot.init = function() { console.log("init"); var self = this; this.turntable = turntable; this.room = turntable[this.topViewController]; // Hook into turntable's event listeners this.turntable.addEventListener("message", function(msg) { self.onMessage(msg); }); // Overload turntable's appendChatMessage function so we can monitor chat. var f = this.room.appendChatMessage; this.room.appendChatMessage = function(c,b,h) { f(c,b,h); self.onSpeak(b,h); }; this.storage.restore(); this.firstEventTimer = setInterval(function() { console.log("Checking to see if we're alive."); if (!self.firstEvent) { console.log("No events heard yet. Let's reload."); self.room.reconnectListener(); } else { console.log("Looking good.") clearInterval(self.firstEventTimer); self.firstEventTimer = null; } }, 15000); console.log("Init UI"); this.ui.init(); if (this.defaultTheme && !this.topic) this.topic = this.defaultTheme; }; topicbot.refreshRoom = function() { console.log("Refreshing room."); this.room.loadRoomState(); } topicbot.onMessage = function(msg) { if (!this.firstEvent) { this.firstEvent = true; if (this.botHello) this.say(this.translations.botHello); } if (msg.command) { console.log(msg.command); if (msg.command == "registered") { if (this.room.djIds.length < 3) { if (this.room.djIds.length == 0) { this.topic = this.defaultTheme ? this.defaultTheme : null; } if (this.topic) { if (this.botFunctions && this.botGreeting) this.say(this.translations.hey + " " + msg.user[0].name + "! " + this.translations.jumpIn + " " + this.topic + "."); } else { if (this.botFunctions && this.botGreeting) this.say(this.translations.hey + " " + msg.user[0].name + " " + this.translations.jumpInNoTheme); } } else if (this.topic) { if (this.botFunctions && this.botGreeting) this.say(this.translations.welcome + " " + msg.user[0].name + ". " +this.translations.themeCurrent + " " + this.topic + "."); } else { if (this.botFunctions && this.botGreeting) this.say(this.translations.welcome + " " + msg.user[0].name + ". " +this.translations.themeSuggest); } this.autoplay.init(); } else if (msg.command == "add_dj") { this.hiDj(msg.user[0]); this.autoplay.init(); } else if (msg.command == "newsong") { turntablePlayer.stop(); this.incrementSongsPlayed(); this.clearBonus(); if (this.botFunctions) this.clearOffTheme(); this.storage.backup(); this.ui.refresh(); this.autoplay.init(); // Don't freeward if song was short or skipped. if (this.freewardTimer) { clearTimeout(this.freewardTimer); this.freewardTimer = null; } // If there's nobody in the room, free rewards for songs with no love if (this.room.djIds.length < 3) { var self = this; console.log("Going to give some free love on this one."); this.freewardTimer = setTimeout(function() { console.log("Giving out love."); self.upVote(); }, 30000); } if (this.freeBonus) { setTimeout("topicbot.upVote();", 75000); } } else if (msg.command == "rem_dj" || msg.command == "deregistered") { this.byeDj(msg.user[0]); this.autoplay.init(); } else if (msg.command == "update_votes") { // Song got love or was hated. No reward. if (this.freewardTimer) { console.log("Canceling freeward."); clearTimeout(this.freewardTimer); this.freewardTimer = null; } } else if (msg.command == "search_complete") { // NEW var self = this; if (this.autoqueueStatus && this.autoqueueRunning) { setTimeout(function() { console.log("similar results: " + parseInt($(".songlist .addSong").length)); if ($(".songlist .addSong").length) { self.autoqueue.queue(); } else if (self.autoqueueMax < 4) { self.autoqueue.search(); self.autoqueueMax++; } else { self.autoqueueMax = 0; console.log("giving up the search."); } }, 500); } } else if (msg.command == "search_failed") { // NEW if (this.autoqueueStatus) this.autoqueue.search(); } } }; topicbot.clearOffTheme = function() { this.offTheme = {}; }; topicbot.currentDjName = function() { var name = this.room.users[this.room.currentDj].name; return name; }; topicbot.incrementOffTheme = function(name) { this.offTheme[name] = 1; var votes = this.keyCount(this.offTheme); var required = Math.floor((this.userCount()-1)/2); if (required > 3) { required = 3; } if (votes >= required) { this.downVote(); this.say(this.translations.hey + " " + this.currentDjName() + "! " + this.translations.themeOffBot + " " + this.topic); } else if (votes == 1) { this.say(name + " " + this.translations.themeOffUser); } } topicbot.clearBonus = function() { this.bonus = {}; } topicbot.incrementBonus = function(name) { if (!this.bonus) { this.bonus = {}; } this.bonus[name] = 1; var votes = this.keyCount(this.bonus); var required = Math.floor((this.userCount()-1)/2); if (required > 3) { required = 3; } if (required < 2) { required = 2; } console.log("Got " + votes + " of " + required + " votes for bonus."); if (votes == required) { this.upVote(); this.say(this.translations.niceWork + " " + this.currentDjName() + "!"); } else if (votes == 1) { this.say(name + " " + this.translations.userSuggestBonus); } } topicbot.hiDj = function(user) { console.log(user.name + " started DJing"); this.songsPlayed[user.userid] = 0; if (this.topic) { if (this.botStage) this.say(this.translations.goodLuck + " " + user.name + ". " + this.translations.userRemeberTheme + " '" + this.topic + "'."); } } topicbot.byeDj = function(user) { console.log(user.name + " stopped DJing"); var songsPlayed = this.songsPlayed[user.userid]; //this.say("Give a round of applause to " + name + " who played " + songsPlayed + " songs this time around."); this.songsPlayed[user.usersid] = 0; } topicbot.incrementSongsPlayed = function() { var userid = this.room.currentDj; var name = this.room.users[userid].name; if (!this.songsPlayed) { this.songsPlayed = {}; } if (!this.songsPlayed[userid]) { this.songsPlayed[userid] = 0; } this.songsPlayed[userid]++; this.storage.backup(); var played = this.songsPlayed[userid]; console.log(name + " has now played " + played + " songs."); if (this.botFunctions && this.decksAreFull()) { if (played > this.maxSongs && this.issuedWarning(name)) { this.say(name + " " + this.translations.roomBoot); this.bootUser(name); this.clearWarning(name); } else if (played >= this.maxSongs) { this.say(this.translations.roomFull + " " + name + " " + this.translations.maxSongs); } } else { this.clearWarnings(); } } topicbot.warnUser = function(name,reason) { if (!this.warnings) { this.warnings = {}; } //this.say(reason); this.warnings[name] = true; } topicbot.issuedWarning = function(name) { if (!this.warnings) { this.warnings = {}; } return this.warnings[name]; } topicbot.clearWarning = function(name) { delete this.warnings[name]; } topicbot.clearWarnings = function() { this.warnings = {}; } topicbot.decksAreFull = function() { return (this.room.djIds.length == this.room.maxDjs && this.userCount() > this.room.maxDjs + 1); } topicbot.onSpeak = function(name,text) { if (/^: /.test(text)) { this.onChat(name,text.replace(/^: /,'')); } }; topicbot.keyCount = function(o) { var count = 0; for (var i in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { count++; } } return count; }; topicbot.userCount = function() { return this.keyCount(this.room.users); }; topicbot.voteCount = function() { return this.keyCount(this.voters); }; topicbot.setTheme = function(theme) { this.topic = theme; console.log("Theme set to '" + this.topic + "'"); }; topicbot.reload = function(lang) { lang = lang ? lang : topicbot.language; $("script[src*='" + topicbot.reloadUrl + "']").remove(); var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = topicbot.reloadUrl + "?l=" + lang + "&v=" + Math.random(); document.body.appendChild(script); }; topicbot.suggest = function(name,topic) { var self = this; if (this.suggestedTopic) { this.say(this.translations.suggestedTopic + " '" + this.suggestedTopic + "'. " + this.translations.waitFinish); } else if (topic) { this.suggestedTopic = topic; this.requiredVotes = Math.floor((this.userCount()-1)/2); if (this.requiredVotes > 4) { this.requiredVotes = 4; } this.voters = {}; this.say(name + " " + this.translations.userThemeChange + " '" + this.suggestedTopic + ". " + this.translations.votesNeed + " " + this.requiredVotes + " " + this.translations.votesChange); setTimeout(function() { self.endSuggestedTopicElection(); }, 30000); } else { this.say(this.translations.suggestQuestion); } }; topicbot.onChat = function(name,text) { console.log("<" + name + "> " + text); var self = this; var matches = text.match(/^(?:[!#])(\w+)\s*(.*)/); if (matches) { var command = matches[1]; var args = matches[2]; if (name == this.owner || name == this.name) { if (command == "settheme") { this.setTheme(args); this.say(this.translations.setTheme + " '" +this.topic + "'"); } else if (command == "notheme") { this.topic = null; this.say(this.translations.themeNotSet); } else if (command == "reload") { this.reload(args); this.say(this.translations.botVersion + " " + this.version); } else if (command == "relink") { this.linkTurntable(); this.say("Relinked"); } else if (command == "mute") { turntablePlayer.stop(); this.say("Muted."); } else if (command == "upvote") { this.upVote(); this.say(this.translations.niceWork + " " + this.currentDjName() + "!"); } else if (command == "downvote") { this.downVote(); } else if (command == "boot") { if (args) { this.bootUser(args); } else { this.bootCurrentDj(); } } else if (command == "setsonglimit") { this.maxSongs = parseInt(args); this.say(this.translations.songLimit + " " + this.maxSongs); } } if (command == "theme" || command == "topic" || command == "tema") { if (this.botFunctions) { if (this.topic) { this.say(this.translations.themeCurrent + " " + this.topic); } else { this.say(this.translations.themeSuggest); } } } else if (command == "suggest") { if (this.botFunctions) this.suggest(name,args); } else if (command == "make") { this.say(this.translations.make + " " + args + " " + name + "!!"); } else if (command == "songlimit" || command == "limit") { if (this.botFunctions) this.say(this.translations.djsCanPlay + " " + this.maxSongs + " " + this.translations.decksFull); } else if (command == "offtopic" || command == "offtheme") { if (this.botFunctions) this.incrementOffTheme(name); } else if (command == "bonus" || command == "awesome" || command == "love" || command == "amor") { this.incrementBonus(name); } else if (command == "help") { // NEW this.say(this.translations.help); } else if (command == "similar") { // NEW if (this.similarRunning) { this.say("easy tiger"); } else { this.similarSongs(); } } else if (command == "suruba" || command == "sexo" || command == "sacanagem") { // NEW this.say("Eu topo. Leva umas drogas?"); } else if (command == "pode") { // NEW this.say("Eu não concordo!"); } } if (this.botFunctions && this.suggestedTopic && text == "1") { this.voters[name] = 1; console.log("Votes are now " + this.voteCount()); } if (/thank.*topic\s*bot/.test(text)) { this.say(this.translations.botThanks + " " + name + "."); } }; topicbot.endSuggestedTopicElection = function() { var votes = this.voteCount(); this.say(this.translations.votesCounted + " " + votes + " " + this.translations.votesFor + " '" + this.suggestedTopic + "'."); if (votes >= this.requiredVotes) { this.topic = this.suggestedTopic; this.say(this.translations.themeNew + " '" + this.topic + "'!"); } else if (this.topic) { this.say(this.translations.themeKeep + " '" + this.topic + "'."); } else { this.say(this.translations.themeKeep + " " + this.translations.noTheme); } this.suggestedTopic = null; this.requiredVotes = 0; this.voters = null; }; topicbot.say = function(msg) { turntable[topicbot.sendMessageName]({ api: "room.speak", roomid: topicbot.room.roomId, text: decodeURIComponent(escape(msg)) }); }; topicbot.upVote = function() { console.log("Upvoting"); topicbot.roomManager.callback("upvote"); } topicbot.downVote = function() { console.log("Downvoting"); topicbot.roomManager.callback("downvote"); } topicbot.getUserByName = function(name) { var users = this.room.users; for (var i in users) { if (users.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (users[i].name == name) { return users[i]; } } } return null; } topicbot.bootUser = function(name) { var user = this.getUserByName(name); if (!user) { this.say("There's no '" + user + "' in this room."); } else { this.say("Booting " + name); topicbot.roomManager.callback("boot_user", user.userid); } } topicbot.bootCurrentDj = function() { this.say("Booting current DJ"); topicbot.roomManager.callback("boot_user",this.room.currentDj); } // #NEW var lang = { en: { botHello: "Hey, I'm the " + topicbot.name, botLanguage: "I am speakng English", botThanks: "You're welcome", botVersion: "I am now version", decksFull: "songs when the decks are full.", djsCanPlay: "DJs can only play", goodLuck: "Good Luck", help: "The commands are: !bonus, !similar, !suggest, !theme, !offtheme and of course !help", hey: "hey", jumpIn: "Feel the vibe and if you like it, jump in and play something with the theme", jumpInNoTheme: "Jump in, there's a couple open slots. Suggest a theme by saying !suggest", make: "Make your own damn", maxSongs: "and you've hit the song limit. Make this your last song.", niceWork: "Nice! Extra point", notFound: "Nothing found, try again", noTheme: "no theme.", roomBoot: "has been playing for too long. Attempting boot. Learn to share!", roomFull: "The room is full", setTheme: "The theme has been set to", songLimit: "The song limit is now", suggestQuestion: "What are you suggesting? Try \"!suggest Songs about cars\"", suggestedTopic: "We're already voting for", themeCurrent: "The current theme is:", themeKeep: "Sorry. We're staying with", themeNew: "The theme is now", themeNotSet: "There is no theme set.", themeOffBot: "You're off theme!! Please play songs that match", themeOffUser: "says this is off theme. Do you agree? Say !offtheme if so!", themeSuggest: "There's no theme set for this room. Use !suggest to suggest one.", tryThis: "Try this song: ", userRemeberTheme: "Remember to play songs with the theme", userSuggestBonus: "says this track deserves extra bonus love. Say !bonus if you agree!", userThemeChange: "wants to change the theme to", votesChange: "vote(s) to change. Say 1 to vote yes.", votesCounted: "I counted", votesFor: "for", votesNeed: "It need", votesReminder: "remember: If you like the song playing, click the \"Awesome\" button. Be Nice!", waitFinish: "Please wait for that to finish.", welcome: "Welcome" }, pt: { botHello: "Olá! Eu sou um robozinho. Vou ajudar a manter o tema dessa sala e distribuir amor.", botLanguage: "Eu estou falando Português", botThanks: "Muito obrigado", botVersion: "Estou na versão", decksFull: "músicas quando as pick-ups estão lotadas", djsCanPlay: "DJs podem tocar apenas", goodLuck: "Boa sorte", help: "Os comandos são: !amor, !similar, !tema, !suggest, !offtheme e claro, !help", hey: "hey", jumpIn: "Sente a vibe e se você gostar, entra no som e toca alguma música com o tema", jumpInNoTheme: "Entra no som e toca uma música boa. Sugira um tema digitando: !suggest Seu Tema", make: "Faça sua próprio", maxSongs: "e você atingiu o limite de músicas. Que essa seja sua última música..", niceWork: "Boa. Ponto extra", notFound: "Nenhum resultado. Tente novamente!", noTheme: "nenhum tema.", roomBoot: "já tocou muito tempo. Tentando remover. Aprenda a dividir!", roomFull: "A sala está cheia", setTheme: "O tema foi decidido como", songLimit: "O limite de músicas é", suggestedTopic: "Já estamos votando para", suggestQuestion: "O que você está sugerindo? Tente \"!suggest Músicas sobre carros\"", themeCurrent: "O tema atual é:", themeKeep: "Desculpa. Vamos continuar com", themeNew: "O tema agora é", themeNotSet: "Não há tema definido.", themeOffBot: "Você está fora do tema!! Toque músicas que combine com", themeOffUser: "disse que você está fora do tema. Alguem concorda? Se sim, digite: !offtheme", themeSuggest: "Essa sala está sem tema. Sugira um tema digitando: !suggest Seu Tema", tryThis: "Tente essa música: ", userRemeberTheme: "Lembre-se de tocar músicas com o tema", userSuggestBonus: " disse que essa música merece amor. Se você concorda, digite: !amor", userThemeChange: "quer mudar o tema pra", votesChange: "voto(s) para mudar. Pra votar sim, digite: 1.", votesCounted: "Eu contei", votesFor: "para", votesNeed: "Ele precisa", votesReminder: "lembre-se: Se você gosta da música clique no botão \"Awesome\". Seja legal!", waitFinish: "Por favor espere o resultado.", welcome: "Bem-vindo(a)" } }; topicbot.translations = lang[topicbot.language]; if (topicbot.botReminder) { if (topicbot.reminderTimer) { clearInterval(topicbot.reminderTimer); } topicbot.reminderTimer = setInterval(function() { topicbot.say(topicbot.translations.votesReminder); }, 900000); } topicbot.reminder = function() { this.say(this.translations.votesReminder); } topicbot.artistPlaying = function() { var artist = $(".songlog .song:first .songinfo .details div:first").html(); // NEW var artist = artist.split(" - "); return artist[0]; } topicbot.autoplay = { init: function() { if (topicbot.autoplayStatus && topicbot.room.djIds.indexOf(topicbot.room.selfId) > -1 && topicbot.room.djIds.length > 2) { this.stop(); } else if (topicbot.autoplayStatus && topicbot.room.djIds.indexOf(topicbot.room.selfId) == -1 && topicbot.room.djIds.length < 2) { this.start(); } }, start: function() { console.log('start djing'); topicbot.roomCallback('become_dj'); }, stop: function() { console.log('quit djing'); topicbot.room.quitDj(); } } topicbot.autoqueue = { init: function(status) { if (status == 'switch') { topicbot.autoqueueStatus = (topicbot.autoqueueStatus ? 0 : 1); console.log("autoqueue is " + (topicbot.autoqueueStatus ? 'on' : 'off')); } else if (status) { topicbot.autoqueueStatus = (status == "off" ? 0 : 1); console.log("turning autoqueue " + status); } else { console.log("autoqueue is " + (topicbot.autoqueueStatus ? 'on' : 'off')); } if (topicbot.autoqueueStatus) { turntable.addEventListener("soundstart", function() { topicbot.autoqueue.search(); }); } else if (!topicbot.autoqueueStatus) { turntable.removeEventListener("soundstart",turntable.eventListeners.soundstart[2]); } }, search: function() { topicbot.autoqueueRunning = true; this.similarSongs(); }, queue: function() { if ($(".songlist .addSong").length) { $(".songlist .addSong").eq(0).trigger("click"); setTimeout('$(".doneButton").trigger("click");', 1000); topicbot.autoqueueMax = 0; topicbot.autoqueueRunning = false; } }, similarSongs: function() { console.log("autoqueue search similar songs to: " + topicbot.artistPlaying()); $.get("http://code.gilbarbara.com/similar_song.php?artist=" + topicbot.artistPlaying(), function(data) { if (data) { if (!$(".songSearch input:visible").length) $(".addSongsButton").trigger("click"); $(".songSearch input:visible").val(data).submit(); } }); } } topicbot.similarSongs = function() { console.log("getting similar songs: to: " + this.artistPlaying()); if (!topicbot.similarRunning) { topicbot.similarRunning = true; $.get("http://code.gilbarbara.com/similar_song.php?artist=" + this.artistPlaying(), function(data) { if (data) { topicbot.say(data ? topicbot.translations.tryThis + data : topicbot.translations.notFound); topicbot.similarRunning = false; } }); } } topicbot.userStatus = function() { var user_status = ''; for(var i in this.songsPlayed) { if (i && this.room.users[i]) user_status += this.room.users[i].name + ": " + this.songsPlayed[i] + "
"; } return user_status; } topicbot.storage = { support: function() { try { return !!localStorage.getItem; } catch(e) { return false; } }(), backup: function() { if(this.support) { var preferences = { language: topicbot.language, topic: topicbot.topic, maxSongs: topicbot.maxSongs, botFunctions: topicbot.botFunctions, botHello: topicbot.botHello, botGreeting: topicbot.botGreeting, botStage: topicbot.botStage, botReminder: topicbot.botReminder, freeBonus: topicbot.freeBonus, autoplayStatus: topicbot.autoplayStatus, autoqueueStatus: topicbot.autoqueueStatus }; localStorage.setItem("TFM_HELPER", "{\"preferences\":" + JSON.stringify(preferences) + ", \"songsPlayed\":" + JSON.stringify(topicbot.songsPlayed) + "}"); } }, restore: function() { if(this.support) { var storage = localStorage.getItem("TFM_HELPER"); if(storage) { storage = JSON.parse(storage); topicbot.songsPlayed = storage.songsPlayed; $.extend(topicbot, storage.preferences); } } } } topicbot.ui = { self: this, init: function() { if (!$("#topicbot").length) { $("
").attr({ id: 'topicbot' }).css({ position: 'absolute', top: 99, left: 760, backgroundColor: '#161616', color: '#999', padding: 16, width: 150, zIndex: 1001, cursor: 'move' }).appendTo('#outer'); $("#topicbot").html("").draggable(); $("
").css({ fontSize: 22, marginBottom: 2 }).html("turntable helper").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").css({ fontSize: 13, fontStyle: 'italic', marginBottom: 8 }).html("version " + topicbot.version + "").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").html("").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").html("").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").html("").addClass("botOptions").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").attr('id', 'botOptions').css({ display: 'none' }).appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").html("").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.botFunctions ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#botOptions"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.botHello ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#botOptions"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.botGreeting ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#botOptions"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.botStage ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#botOptions"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.botReminder ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#botOptions"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.freeBonus ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#botOptions"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.autoqueueStatus ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").html(" " + (topicbot.autoqueueStatus ? "on" : "off") + "").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("
").css({ fontSize: 15, marginTop: 8 }).html("User Status:" + "
" + topicbot.userStatus() + "
").appendTo("#topicbot"); $("#topicbot button:data").click(function() { if ($(this).data('command')) { if ($(this).data('function')) topicbot[$(this).data('command')][$(this).data('function')]($(this).data('args')); else topicbot[$(this).data('command')]($(this).data('args')); } else if ($(this).data('variable')) { topicbot[$(this).data('variable')] = (topicbot[$(this).data('variable')] ? false : true); console.log($(this).data('variable') + " is " + (topicbot[$(this).data('variable')] ? "on" : "off")); } if($(this).data('variable') == 'autoplayStatus' ) topicbot.autoplay[topicbot[$(this).data('variable')] ? 'start' : 'stop'](); topicbot.ui.refresh(); topicbot.storage.backup(); }); } }, refresh: function() { if ($("#topicbot").length) { $("#botVersion").html(topicbot.version); $("#userStatus").html(topicbot.userStatus()); $("#autoqueue").html(topicbot.autoqueueStatus ? 'on' : 'off'); $("#autoplayStatus").html(topicbot.autoplayStatus ? 'on' : 'off'); $("#botFunctions").html(topicbot.botFunctions ? 'on' : 'off'); $("#botHello").html(topicbot.botHello ? 'on' : 'off'); $("#botGreeting").html(topicbot.botGreeting ? 'on' : 'off'); $("#botStage").html(topicbot.botStage ? 'on' : 'off'); $("#botReminder").html(topicbot.botReminder ? 'on' : 'off'); $("#freeBonus").html(topicbot.freeBonus ? 'on' : 'off'); } }, destroy: function() { $("#topicbot").remove(); } } // If we're loading for the first time, do startup routine. if (!topicbot.started) { topicbot.start(); } // Otherwise just refresh else { console.log("topicbot version is now " + topicbot.version); topicbot.ui.refresh(); } if (topicbot.refreshRoomTimer) { clearInterval(topicbot.refreshRoomTimer); } topicbot.refreshRoomTimer = setInterval(function() { topicbot.refreshRoom(); }, 1800000);