" gvimrc " vim:fenc=utf-8 ff=unix ft=vim set encoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 " UTF-8のチェック " Windows check let s:is_windows = has('win32') || has('win64') " later as historical ==|| has('win16') || has('win95')== " Mac check let s:is_mac = has('mac') " see http://qiita.com/janus_wel/items/86082f69190f40df09e8 " display & information set lines=25 " typical set columns=90 " margin for 'number' and 'foldcolumn' set linespace=0 if s:is_mac " MacVim $VIM/gvimrc overwrites my .vimrc settings " set cmdheight=1 set cmdheight=2 endif " set guioptions-=c " Do not show GUI components " " (GUI dialog change to console dialog) set guioptions-=T " show no GUI Toolbar(disable) set guioptions+=k " keep GUI Window size at scrollbar adding/removing " based on http://blog.remora.cx/2010/03/vim-proggy-and-osaka-fonts.html set ambiwidth=double " override ambiwidth if s:is_windows && has('directx') " Windows DirectX set renderoptions=type:directx,renmode:5,geom:1,taamode:1 endif " no way to use a mouse " set mouse= " set nomousefocus " set mousehide " FontとOSごとの設定例 " based on http://auewe.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/05/06/200425 if has('unix') || s:is_mac " Unix と Mac の共通設定 " Unix if has('unix') set guifont=Cica:h12,Myrica:h12 " set printfont=Myrica:h9 set printfont=Cica:h9 endif " Mac if s:is_mac set guifont=Cica:h12,Myrica:h12,VL\ Gothic:h12 " set printfont=Myrica:h9 set printfont=Cica:h9 endif endif if s:is_windows " Windows " first powerline patched " When VL Gothic isn't found in the system, use MS Gothic. set guifont=Cica:h12:cSHIFTJIS:qDRAFT,Myrica:h12:cSHIFTJIS:qDRAFT,VL_Gothic:h12:cSHIFTJIS:qDRAFT,MS_Gothic:h12:cSHIFTJIS:qDRAFT " set printfont=Myrica:h9:cSHIFTJIS:qDRAFT set printfont=Cica:h9:cSHIFTJIS:qDRAFT endif " printer option " set printheader="%<%f%h%m%=Page %N" set printoptions& " syntax:a, duplex:long, wrap:y set printoptions+=number:y " line number:yes set printoptions+=formfeed:y " linefeed:next page " turn off disabling IM at entering input mode if exists('&imdisableactivate') set noimdisableactivate endif " http://qiita.com/enomotok_/items/9d38b716fe883675d35b " http://kaworu.jpn.org/kaworu/2008-03-07-1.php " use SKK (nathancorvussolis/corvusskk) setting in .vimrc " set iminsert=0 " set imsearch=-1 " Visual bell status update. (bell and visual bell need not opt exists " belloff) if exists('&belloff') set noerrorbells set visualbell set t_vb= endif " EOF