gem 'ruote', :git => '' gem 'ruote-kit', :git => '' rakefile 'ruote.rake', <<-CODE namespace :ruote do desc 'Run a worker thread for ruote' task :run_worker => :environment do RuoteKit.run_worker(RUOTE_STORAGE) end end CODE initializer 'ruote-kit.rb', <<-CODE # make changes when needed # # you may use another persistent storage for example or include a worker so that # you don't have to run it in a separate instance # # See for configuration options of # ruote. require 'ruote/storage/fs_storage' RUOTE_STORAGE ="ruote_work_\#{Rails.env}") RuoteKit.engine = # By default, there is a running worker when you start the Rails server. That is # convenient in development, but may be (or not) a problem in deployment. # # Please keep in mind that there should always be a running worker or schedules # may get triggered to late. Some deployments (like Passenger) won't guarantee # the Rails server process is running all the time, so that there's no always-on # worker. Also beware that the Ruote::HashStorage only supports one worker. # # If you don't want to start a worker thread within your Rails server process, # replace the line before this comment with the following: # # RuoteKit.engine = # # To run a worker in its own process, there's a rake task available: # # rake ruote:run_worker # # Stop the task by pressing Ctrl+C unless $RAKE_TASK # don't register participants in rake tasks RuoteKit.engine.register do # register your own participants using the participant method # # Example: participant 'alice', Ruote::StorageParticipant see # for more info # register the catchall storage participant named '.+' catchall end end # when true, the engine will be very noisy (stdout) # RuoteKit.engine.context.logger.noisy = false CODE route <<-CODE # routes to RuoteKit match '/_ruote' => RuoteKit::Application match '/_ruote/*path' => RuoteKit::Application CODE