<?php // KrISS feed: a simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader // Copyleft (ɔ) - Tontof - http://tontof.net // use KrISS feed at your own risk define('FEED_VERSION', 8.23); define('DATA_DIR', 'data'); define('INC_DIR', 'inc'); define('CACHE_DIR', DATA_DIR.'/cache'); define('FAVICON_DIR', INC_DIR.'/favicon'); define('DATA_FILE', DATA_DIR.'/data.php'); define('STAR_FILE', DATA_DIR.'/star.php'); define('ITEM_FILE', DATA_DIR.'/item.php'); define('CONFIG_FILE', DATA_DIR.'/config.php'); define('OPML_FILE', DATA_DIR.'/feeds.opml'); define('OPML_FILE_SAVE', DATA_DIR.'/feeds.bak.opml'); define('BAN_FILE', DATA_DIR.'/ipbans.php'); define('PHPPREFIX', '<?php /* '); // Prefix to encapsulate data in php code. define('PHPSUFFIX', ' */ ?>'); // Suffix to encapsulate data in php code. define('MIN_TIME_UPDATE', 5); // Minimum accepted time for update // Updates check frequency. 86400 seconds = 24 hours define('UPDATECHECK_INTERVAL', 86400); // fix some warning date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); class Feed { public $dataFile = ''; public $cacheDir = ''; public $kfc; private $_data = array(); public function __construct($dataFile, $cacheDir, $kfc) { $this->kfc = $kfc; $this->dataFile = $dataFile; $this->cacheDir = $cacheDir; } public function getData() { return $this->_data; } public function setData($data) { $this->_data = $data; } public function initData() { $this->_data['feeds'] = array( MyTool::smallHash('http://tontof.net/?rss') => array( 'title' => 'Tontof', 'foldersHash' => array(), 'timeUpdate' => 'auto', 'lastUpdate' => 0, 'nbUnread' => 0, 'nbAll' => 0, 'htmlUrl' => 'http://tontof.net', 'xmlUrl' => 'http://tontof.net/?rss', 'description' => 'A simple and smart (or stupid) blog')); $this->_data['folders'] = array(); $this->_data['items'] = array(); $this->_data['newItems'] = array(); } public function loadData() { if (empty($this->_data)) { if (file_exists($this->dataFile)) { $this->_data = unserialize( gzinflate( base64_decode( substr( file_get_contents($this->dataFile), strlen(PHPPREFIX), -strlen(PHPSUFFIX) ) ) ) ); return true; } else { $this->initData(); $this->writeData(); return false; } } // data already loaded return true; } public function writeData() { if ($this->kfc->isLogged()) { $write = @file_put_contents( $this->dataFile, PHPPREFIX . base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->_data))) . PHPSUFFIX, LOCK_EX ); if (!$write) { die("Can't write to " . $this->dataFile); } } } public function setFeeds($feeds) { $this->_data['feeds'] = $feeds; } public function getFeeds() { return $this->_data['feeds']; } public function sortFeeds() { uasort( $this->_data['feeds'], 'Feed::sortByTitle' ); } public function sortFolders() { uasort( $this->_data['folders'], 'Feed::sortByOrder' ); } public function getFeedsView() { $feedsView = array('all' => array('title' => Intl::msg('All feeds'), 'nbUnread' => 0, 'nbAll' => 0, 'feeds' => array()), 'folders' => array()); foreach ($this->_data['feeds'] as $feedHash => $feed) { if (isset($feed['error'])) { $feed['error'] = $feed['error']; } if (isset($feed['nbUnread'])) { $feedsView['all']['nbUnread'] += $feed['nbUnread']; } else { $feedsView['all']['nbUnread'] += $feed['nbAll']; } $feedsView['all']['nbAll'] += $feed['nbAll']; if (empty($feed['foldersHash'])) { $feedsView['all']['feeds'][$feedHash] = $feed; if (!isset($feed['nbUnread'])) { $feedsView['all']['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread'] = $feed['nbAll']; } } else { foreach ($feed['foldersHash'] as $folderHash) { $folder = $this->getFolder($folderHash); if ($folder !== false) { if (!isset($feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['title'])) { $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['title'] = $folder['title']; $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['isOpen'] = $folder['isOpen']; $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['nbUnread'] = 0; $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['nbAll'] = 0; if (isset($folder['order'])) { $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['order'] = $folder['order']; } else { $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['order'] = 0; } } $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['feeds'][$feedHash] = $feed; $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['nbUnread'] += $feed['nbUnread']; $feedsView['folders'][$folderHash]['nbAll'] += $feed['nbAll']; } } } } uasort($feedsView['folders'], 'Feed::sortByOrder'); return $feedsView; } public function getFeed($feedHash) { if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash])) { // FIX: problem of version 6 &amp; $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['xmlUrl'] = preg_replace('/&(amp;)*/', '&', $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['xmlUrl']); $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['htmlUrl'] = preg_replace('/&(amp;)*/', '&', $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['htmlUrl']); return $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]; } return false; } public function getFaviconFeed($feedHash) { $htmlUrl = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['htmlUrl']; //$url = 'https://s2.googleusercontent.com/s2/favicons?domain='.parse_url($htmlUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); $url = 'https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip3/'.parse_url($htmlUrl, PHP_URL_HOST).'.ico'; $file = FAVICON_DIR.'/favicon.'.$feedHash.'.ico'; if ($this->kfc->isLogged() && $this->kfc->addFavicon) { MyTool::grabToLocal($url, $file); } if (file_exists($file)) { return $file; } else { return $url; } } public function getFeedHtmlUrl($feedHash) { if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['htmlUrl'])) { return $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['htmlUrl']; } return false; } public function getFeedTitle($feedHash) { if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['title'])) { return $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['title']; } return false; } public function loadFeed($feedHash) { if (!isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'])) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'] = array(); if (file_exists($this->cacheDir.'/'.$feedHash.'.php')) { $items = unserialize( gzinflate( base64_decode( substr( file_get_contents($this->cacheDir.'/'.$feedHash.'.php'), strlen(PHPPREFIX), -strlen(PHPSUFFIX) ) ) ) ); $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'] = $items; } } } public function editFeed( $feedHash, $title, $description, $foldersHash, $timeUpdate, $htmlUrl) { if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash])) { if (!empty($title)) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['title'] = $title; } if (!empty($description)) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['description'] = $description; } if (!empty($htmlUrl)) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['htmlUrl'] = $htmlUrl; } $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['foldersHash'] = $foldersHash; $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['timeUpdate'] = 'auto'; if (!empty($timeUpdate)) { if ($timeUpdate == 'max') { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['timeUpdate'] = $timeUpdate; } else { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['timeUpdate'] = (int) $timeUpdate; $maxUpdate = $this->kfc->maxUpdate; if ($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['timeUpdate'] < MIN_TIME_UPDATE || $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['timeUpdate'] > $maxUpdate ) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['timeUpdate'] = 'auto'; } } } } } public function removeFeed($feedHash) { if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash])) { unset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]); unlink($this->cacheDir. '/' .$feedHash.'.php' ); foreach (array_keys($this->_data['items']) as $itemHash) { if (substr($itemHash, 0, 6) === $feedHash) { unset($this->_data['items'][$itemHash]); } } foreach (array_keys($this->_data['newItems']) as $itemHash) { if (substr($itemHash, 0, 6) === $feedHash) { unset($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash]); } } } } public function writeFeed($feedHash, $feed) { if ($this->kfc->isLogged() || (isset($_GET['cron']) && $_GET['cron'] === sha1($this->kfc->salt.$this->kfc->hash))) { if (!is_dir($this->cacheDir)) { if (!@mkdir($this->cacheDir, 0755)) { die("Can not create cache dir: ".$this->cacheDir); } @chmod($this->cacheDir, 0755); if (!is_file($this->cacheDir.'/.htaccess')) { if (!@file_put_contents( $this->cacheDir.'/.htaccess', "Allow from none\nDeny from all\n" )) { die("Can not protect cache dir: ".$this->cacheDir); } } } $write = @file_put_contents( $this->cacheDir.'/'.$feedHash.'.php', PHPPREFIX . base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($feed))) . PHPSUFFIX, LOCK_EX ); if (!$write) { die("Can't write to " . $this->cacheDir.'/'.$feedHash.'.php'); } } } public function orderFeedsForUpdate($feedsHash) { $newFeedsHash = array(); foreach(array_keys($this->_data['items']) as $itemHash) { $feedHash = substr($itemHash, 0, 6); if (in_array($feedHash, $feedsHash) and !in_array($feedHash, $newFeedsHash)) { $newFeedsHash[] = $feedHash; } } if ($this->kfc->order !== 'newerFirst') { $newFeedsHash = array_reverse($newFeedsHash); } foreach($feedsHash as $feedHash) { if (!in_array($feedHash, $newFeedsHash)) { $newFeedsHash[] = $feedHash; } } return $newFeedsHash; } public function getFeedsHashFromFolderHash($folderHash) { $list = array(); $folders = $this->getFolders(); if (isset($folders[$folderHash])) { foreach ($this->_data['feeds'] as $feedHash => $feed) { if (in_array($folderHash, $feed['foldersHash'])) { $list[] = $feedHash; } } } return $list; } public function getFolders() { return $this->_data['folders']; } public function getFolder($folderHash) { if (isset($this->_data['folders'][$folderHash])) { return $this->_data['folders'][$folderHash]; } return false; } public function addFolder($folderTitle, $newFolderHash = '') { if (empty($newFolderHash)) { $newFolderHash = MyTool::smallHash($newFolderTitle); } $this->_data['folders'][$newFolderHash] = array( 'title' => $folderTitle, 'isOpen' => 1 ); } public function renameFolder($oldFolderHash, $newFolderTitle) { $newFolderHash = ''; if (!empty($newFolderTitle)) { $newFolderHash = MyTool::smallHash($newFolderTitle); $this->addFolder($newFolderTitle, $newFolderHash); $this->_data['folders'][$newFolderHash]['isOpen'] = $this->_data['folders'][$oldFolderHash]['isOpen']; } unset($this->_data['folders'][$oldFolderHash]); foreach ($this->_data['feeds'] as $feedHash => $feed) { $i = array_search($oldFolderHash, $feed['foldersHash']); if ($i !== false) { unset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['foldersHash'][$i]); if (!empty($newFolderTitle)) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['foldersHash'][] = $newFolderHash; } } } } public function orderFolder( $folderHash, $order) { if (isset($this->_data['folders'][$folderHash])) { $this->_data['folders'][$folderHash]['order'] = $order; } } public function toggleFolder($hash) { if ($this->_data['folders'][$hash]) { $isOpen = $this->_data['folders'][$hash]['isOpen']; if ($isOpen) { $this->_data['folders'][$hash]['isOpen'] = 0; } else { $this->_data['folders'][$hash]['isOpen'] = 1; } } return true; } public function getFolderTitle($folderHash) { if (isset($this->_data['folders'][$folderHash])) { return $this->_data['folders'][$folderHash]['title']; } return false; } public function getItems($hash = 'all', $filter = 'all') { if (empty($hash) or $hash == 'all' and $filter == 'all') { if (isset($this->_data['newItems'])) { return $this->_data['items']+$this->_data['newItems']; } else { return $this->_data['items']; } } if (empty($hash) or $hash == 'all' and $filter == 'old') { return $this->_data['items']; } if (empty($hash) or $hash == 'all' and $filter == 'new') { if (isset($this->_data['newItems'])) { return $this->_data['newItems']; } else { return array(); } } $list = array(); $isRead = 1; if ($filter === 'unread') { $isRead = 0; } if (empty($hash) || $hash == 'all') { // all items foreach ($this->_data['items'] as $itemHash => $item) { if ($item[1] === $isRead) { $list[$itemHash] = $item; } } if (isset($this->_data['newItems'])) { foreach ($this->_data['newItems'] as $itemHash => $item) { if ($item[1] === $isRead) { $list[$itemHash] = $item; } } } } else { if (strlen($hash) === 12) { // an item if (isset($this->_data['items'][$hash])) { $list[$hash] = $this->_data['items'][$hash]; } else if (isset($this->_data['newItems']) && isset($this->_data['newItems'][$hash])) { $list[$hash] = $this->_data['newItems'][$hash]; } } else { $feedsHash = array(); if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$hash])) { // a feed $feedsHash[] = $hash; } else if (isset($this->_data['folders'][$hash])) { // a folder foreach ($this->_data['feeds'] as $feedHash => $feed) { if (in_array($hash, $feed['foldersHash'])) { $feedsHash[] = $feedHash; } } } // get items from a list of feeds if (!empty($feedsHash)) { $flipFeedsHash = array_flip($feedsHash); foreach ($this->_data['items'] as $itemHash => $item) { if (isset($flipFeedsHash[substr($itemHash, 0, 6)])) { if ($filter === 'all' or $item[1] === $isRead) { $list[$itemHash] = $item; } } } if (isset($this->_data['newItems'])) { foreach ($this->_data['newItems'] as $itemHash => $item) { if (isset($flipFeedsHash[substr($itemHash, 0, 6)])) { if ($filter === 'all' or $item[1] === $isRead) { $list[$itemHash] = $item; } } } } } } } return $list; } public function setItems($items) { $this->_data['items'] = $items; } public function loadItem($itemHash, $keep) { $feedHash = substr($itemHash, 0, 6); $item = array(); if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'])) { if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'][$itemHash])) { $item = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'][$itemHash]; } } else { $this->loadFeed($feedHash); return $this->loadItem($itemHash, $keep); } if (!$keep) { unset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items']); } return $item; } public function getItem($itemHash, $keep = true) { $item = $this->loadItem($itemHash, $keep); if (!empty($item)) { $item['itemHash'] = $itemHash; $time = $item['time']; if (date('Y-m-d', $time) == date('Y-m-d', time())) { // Today $item['time'] = array('time' => $time, 'list' => date('H:i', $time), 'expanded' => date('l jS F Y H:i:s', $time)); } else { if (date('Y', $time) == date('Y', time())) { $item['time'] = array('time' => $time, 'list' => date('F d', $time), 'expanded' => date('l jS F Y H:i:s', $time)); } else { $item['time'] = array('time' => $time, 'list' => date('Y-m-d', $time), 'expanded' => date('l jS F Y H:i:s', $time)); } } if (isset($this->_data['items'][$itemHash])) { $item['read'] = is_array($this->_data['items'][$itemHash])?$this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1]:0; } else if (isset($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash])) { $item['read'] = $this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1]; $currentNewItemIndex = array_search($itemHash, array_keys($this->_data['newItems'])); if (isset($_SESSION['lastNewItemsHash'])) { $lastNewItemIndex = array_search($_SESSION['lastNewItemsHash'], array_keys($this->_data['newItems'])); if ($lastNewItemIndex < $currentNewItemIndex) { $_SESSION['lastNewItemsHash'] = $itemHash; } } else { $_SESSION['lastNewItemsHash'] = $itemHash; } } else { // FIX: data may be corrupted return false; } $item['author'] = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($item['author']), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'), ENT_NOQUOTES); $item['title'] = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($item['title']), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'), ENT_NOQUOTES); $item['link'] = htmlspecialchars($item['link']); if (empty($item['title'])) { $item['title'] = $item['link']; } $item['via'] = htmlspecialchars($item['via']); $item['favicon'] = $this->getFaviconFeed(substr($itemHash, 0, 6)); $item['xmlUrl'] = htmlspecialchars($item['xmlUrl']); if (isset($GLOBALS['starredItems'][$itemHash])) { $item['starred'] = 1 ; } else { $item['starred'] = 0 ; } return $item; } return false; } public function updateItems() { if (isset($this->_data['needSort']) or (isset($this->_data['order']) and $this->_data['order'] != $this->kfc->order)) { unset($this->_data['needSort']); $this->_data['items'] = $this->_data['items']+$this->_data['newItems']; $this->_data['newItems'] = array(); // sort items if ($this->kfc->order === 'newerFirst') { arsort($this->_data['items']); } else { asort($this->_data['items']); } $this->_data['order'] = $this->kfc->order; return true; } return false; } public function initFeedCache($feed, $force) { if (!empty($feed)) { if ($force) { $feed['etag'] = ''; $feed['lastModified'] = ''; } $headers = []; foreach(MyTool::$opts['http']['headers'] as $header) { if (strpos($header, 'If-Modified-Since:') === false && strpos($header, 'If-None-Match:') === false) { $headers[] = $header; } } MyTool::$opts['http']['headers'] = $headers; if (!empty($feed['lastModified'])) { MyTool::$opts['http']['headers'][] = 'If-Modified-Since: ' . $feed['lastModified']; } if (!empty($feed['etag'])) { MyTool::$opts['http']['headers'][] = 'If-None-Match: ' . $feed['etag']; } } return $feed; } public function updateFeedCache($feed, $outputUrl) { // really new (2XX) and errors (4XX and 5XX) are considered new if ($outputUrl['code'] != 304) { if (preg_match('/^ETag: ([^\r\n]*)[\r\n]*$/im', $outputUrl['header'], $matches)) { $feed['etag'] = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/^Last-Modified: ([^\r\n]*)[\r\n]*$/im', $outputUrl['header'], $matches)) { $feed['lastModified'] = $matches[1]; } } if (empty($feed['etag'])) { unset($feed['etag']); } if (empty($feed['lastModified'])) { unset($feed['lastModified']); } return $feed; } public function updateFeedFromDom($feed, $dom) { if (empty($feed)) { // addFeed $feed = Rss::getFeed($dom); if (!MyTool::isUrl($feed['htmlUrl'])) { $feed['htmlUrl'] = ' '; } if (empty($feed['description'])) { $feed['description'] = ' '; } $feed['foldersHash'] = array(); $feed['timeUpdate'] = 'auto'; } else if (empty($feed['description']) || empty($feed['htmlUrl'])) { // if feed description/htmlUrl is empty try to update // (after opml import, description/htmlUrl are often empty) $rssFeed = Rss::getFeed($dom); if (empty($feed['description'])) { if (empty($rssFeed['description'])) { $rssFeed['description'] = ' '; } $feed['description'] = $rssFeed['description']; } if (empty($feed['htmlUrl'])) { if (empty($rssFeed['htmlUrl'])) { $rssFeed['htmlUrl'] = ' '; } $feed['htmlUrl'] = $rssFeed['htmlUrl']; } } return $feed; } private function showEnclosure($enclosure) { $path = parse_url($enclosure, PHP_URL_PATH); $ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $link = '<a href="'.$enclosure.'">'.$enclosure.'</a>'; switch(strtolower($ext)) { case '': if (strpos($enclosure, 'https://www.youtube.com') === 0) { $link = '<iframe src="'.str_replace('/v/','/embed/', $enclosure).'" width="640" height="360" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; } break; case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'png': case 'gif': $link = '<img src="'.$enclosure.'">'; break; case 'mp3': case 'oga': case 'wav': $link = '<audio controls><source src="'.$enclosure.'">'.$link.'</audio>'; break; case 'mp4': case 'ogg': case 'webm': $link = '<video controls><source src="'.$enclosure.'">'.$link.'</video>'; break; } return $link; } public function updateItemsFromDom($dom) { $items = Rss::getItems($dom); $newItems = array(); foreach($items as $item) { if (!empty($item['link'])) { $hashUrl = MyTool::smallHash($item['link']); $newItems[$hashUrl] = array(); $newItems[$hashUrl]['title'] = empty($item['title'])?$item['link']:$item['title']; $newItems[$hashUrl]['time'] = strtotime($item['time']) ? strtotime($item['time']) : time(); if (MyTool::isUrl($item['via']) && parse_url($item['via'], PHP_URL_HOST) != parse_url($item['link'], PHP_URL_HOST)) { $newItems[$hashUrl]['via'] = $item['via']; } else { $newItems[$hashUrl]['via'] = ''; } $newItems[$hashUrl]['link'] = $item['link']; $newItems[$hashUrl]['author'] = $item['author']; mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); $newItems[$hashUrl]['description'] = mb_substr( strip_tags($item['description']), 0, 500 ); if(!empty($item['enclosure'])) { foreach($item['enclosure'] as $enclosure) { $item['content'] .= '<br><br>'.$this->showEnclosure($enclosure); } } if(!empty($item['thumbnail'])) { $item['content'] .= '<br>'.$this->showEnclosure($item['thumbnail']); } $newItems[$hashUrl]['content'] = $item['content']; } } return $newItems; } public function loadRss($xmlUrl, $feed = array(), $force = false) { $items = array(); $feed = $this->initFeedCache($feed, $force); if( !ini_get('safe_mode') && isset(MyTool::$opts['http']['timeout'])){ set_time_limit(MyTool::$opts['http']['timeout']+1); } $outputUrl = MyTool::loadUrl($xmlUrl); if (!empty($outputUrl['error'])) { $feed['error'] = $outputUrl['error']; } else if (empty($outputUrl['data'])) { if ($outputUrl['code'] != 304) { // 304 Not modified $feed['error'] = Intl::msg('Empty output data');; } } else { $outputDom = Rss::loadDom($outputUrl['data']); if (!empty($outputDom['error'])) { $feed['error'] = $outputDom['error']; } else { unset($feed['error']); $feed = $this->updateFeedFromDom($feed, $outputDom['dom']); $feed = $this->updateFeedCache($feed, $outputUrl); $items = $this->updateItemsFromDom($outputDom['dom']); } } $feed['lastUpdate'] = time(); return array( 'feed' => $feed, 'items' => $items, ); } public function addChannel($xmlUrl) { $feedHash = MyTool::smallHash($xmlUrl); $error = ''; if (!isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash])) { $output = $this->loadRss($xmlUrl); if (empty($output['feed']['error'])) { $output['feed']['xmlUrl'] = $xmlUrl; $output['feed']['nbUnread'] = count($output['items']); $output['feed']['nbAll'] = count($output['items']); $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash] = $output['feed']; $this->_data['needSort'] = true; $items = $output['items']; foreach (array_keys($items) as $itemHash) { if (empty($items[$itemHash]['via'])) { $items[$itemHash]['via'] = $output['feed']['htmlUrl']; } if (empty($items[$itemHash]['author'])) { $items[$itemHash]['author'] = $output['feed']['title']; } else { $items[$itemHash]['author'] = $output['feed']['title'] . ' (' . $items[$itemHash]['author'] . ')'; } $items[$itemHash]['xmlUrl'] = $xmlUrl; $this->_data['newItems'][$feedHash . $itemHash] = array( $items[$itemHash]['time'], 0 ); $items[$feedHash . $itemHash] = $items[$itemHash]; unset($items[$itemHash]); } $this->writeFeed($feedHash, $items); } else { $error = $output['feed']['error']; } } else { $error = Intl::msg('Duplicated feed'); } return array('error' => $error); } public function getTimeUpdate($feed) { $max = $feed['timeUpdate']; if ($max == 'auto') { $max = $this->kfc->maxUpdate; } elseif ($max == 'max') { $max = $this->kfc->maxUpdate; } elseif ((int) $max < MIN_TIME_UPDATE || (int) $max > $this->kfc->maxUpdate) { $max = $this->kfc->maxUpdate; } return (int) $max; } public function needUpdate($feed) { $diff = (int) (time()-$feed['lastUpdate']); if ($diff > $this->getTimeUpdate($feed) * 60) { return true; } return false; } public function updateChannel($feedHash, $force = false) { $error = ''; $newItems = array(); if (!isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash])) { return array( 'error' => Intl::msg('Unknown feedhash'), 'newItems' => $newItems ); } $xmlUrl = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['xmlUrl']; $output = $this->loadRss($xmlUrl, $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash], $force); // Update feed information $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash] = $output['feed']; if (empty($output['feed']['error'])) { $this->loadFeed($feedHash); $oldItems = array(); if (!empty($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items']) && is_array($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'])) { $oldItems = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items']; } $lastTime = 0; if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['lastTime'])) { $lastTime = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['lastTime']; } if (!empty($oldItems)) { $lastTime = current($oldItems); $lastTime = $lastTime['time']; } $newLastTime = $lastTime; $rssItems = $output['items']; $rssItems = array_slice($rssItems, 0, $this->kfc->maxItems, true); $rssItemsHash = array_keys($rssItems); if (count($rssItemsHash) !== 0) { // Look for new items foreach ($rssItemsHash as $itemHash) { // itemHash is smallHash of link. To compare to item // hashes into data, we need to concatenate to feedHash. if (!isset($oldItems[$feedHash.$itemHash])) { if (empty($rssItems[$itemHash]['via'])) { $rssItems[$itemHash]['via'] = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['htmlUrl']; } if (empty($rssItems[$itemHash]['author'])) { $rssItems[$itemHash]['author'] = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['title']; } else { $rssItems[$itemHash]['author'] = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['title'] . ' (' . $rssItems[$itemHash]['author'] . ')'; } $rssItems[$itemHash]['xmlUrl'] = $xmlUrl; if ($rssItems[$itemHash]['time'] > $lastTime) { if ($rssItems[$itemHash]['time'] > $newLastTime) { $newLastTime = $rssItems[$itemHash]['time']; } $newItems[$feedHash . $itemHash] = $rssItems[$itemHash]; } } } $newItemsHash = array_keys($newItems); $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'] = $newItems+$oldItems; // Check if items may have been missed if (count($oldItems) !== 0 and count($rssItemsHash) === count($newItemsHash)) { $error = Intl::msg('Items may have been missed since last update'); } // Remove from cache already read items not any more in the feed $listOfOldItems = $this->getItems($feedHash); foreach ($listOfOldItems as $itemHash => $item) { $itemRssHash = substr($itemHash, 6, 6); if (!isset($rssItems[$itemRssHash]) and $item[1] == 1) { unset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'][$itemHash]); } } // Check if quota exceeded $nbAll = count($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items']); if ($nbAll > $this->kfc->maxItems) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'] = array_slice( $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'], 0, $this->kfc->maxItems, true ); $nbAll = $this->kfc->maxItems; } // Remove items not any more in the cache foreach (array_keys($listOfOldItems) as $itemHash) { if (!isset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'][$itemHash])) { // Remove items not any more in the cache unset($this->_data['items'][$itemHash]); unset($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash]); } } // Update items list and feed information (nbUnread, nbAll) $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbAll'] = $nbAll; $nbUnread = 0; foreach ($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'] as $itemHash => $item) { if (isset($this->_data['items'][$itemHash])) { if ($this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1] === 0) { $nbUnread++; } } else if (isset($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash])) { if ($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1] === 0) { $nbUnread++; } } else { // TODO: Check if itemHash is appended at the end ?? $this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash] = array( $item['time'], 0 ); $nbUnread++; } } $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread'] = $nbUnread; } if (empty($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items'])) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['lastTime'] = $newLastTime; } else { unset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['lastTime']); } $this->writeFeed($feedHash, $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items']); unset($this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['items']); } else { $error = $output['feed']['error']; } if (!empty($error)) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['error'] = $error; } if (empty($newItems)) { $this->writeData(); } else { $this->_data['needSort'] = true; if (isset($_SESSION['lastNewItemsHash'])) { $lastNewItemIndex = array_search($_SESSION['lastNewItemsHash'], array_keys($this->_data['newItems'])); $this->_data['items'] = $this->_data['items']+array_slice($this->_data['newItems'], 0, $lastNewItemIndex + 1, true); $this->_data['newItems'] = array_slice($this->_data['newItems'], $lastNewItemIndex + 1, count($this->_data['newItems']) - $lastNewItemIndex, true); unset($_SESSION['lastNewItemsHash']); } if ($this->kfc->order === 'newerFirst') { arsort($this->_data['newItems']); } else { asort($this->_data['newItems']); } $this->_data['order'] = $this->kfc->order; $this->writeData(); } return array( 'error' => $error, 'newItems' => $newItems ); } public function updateFeedsHash($feedsHash, $force, $format = '') { $i = 0; $errorCount = 0; $noUpdateCount = 0; $successCount = 0; $nbItemsAdded = 0; $feedsHash = $this->orderFeedsForUpdate($feedsHash); $nbFeeds = count($feedsHash); ob_end_flush(); if (ob_get_level() == 0) ob_start(); if ($format === 'html') { echo '<table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>'.Intl::msg('Feed').'</th> <th>'.Intl::msg('New items').'</th> <th>'.Intl::msg('Time').'</th> <th>'.Intl::msg('Status').'</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>'; } $start = microtime(true); $lastTime = $start; foreach ($feedsHash as $feedHash) { $i++; $feed = $this->getFeed($feedHash); $strBegin = "\n".'<tr><td>'.str_pad($i.'/'.$nbFeeds, 7, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).'</td><td> <a href="?currentHash='.$feedHash.'">'.substr(str_pad($feed['title'], 50), 0, 50).'</a> </td><td>'; if ($format === 'html') { echo str_pad($strBegin, 4096); ob_flush(); flush(); } $strEnd = ''; $time = microtime(true) - $lastTime; $lastTime += $time; if ($force or $this->needUpdate($feed)) { $info = $this->updateChannel($feedHash, $force); $countItems = count($info['newItems']); $strEnd .= '<span class="text-success">'.str_pad($countItems, 3, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).'</span> </td><td>'.str_pad(number_format($time, 1), 6, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).'s </td><td>'; if (empty($info['error'])) { $strEnd .= Intl::msg('Successfully updated').'</td></tr>'; $successCount++; $nbItemsAdded += $countItems; } else { $strEnd .= '<span class="text-error">'.$info['error'].'</span></td></tr>'; $errorCount++; } } else { $strEnd .= str_pad('0', 3, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).' </td><td>'.str_pad(number_format($time, 1), 6, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).'s </td><td><span class="text-warning">'.Intl::msg('Already up-to-date').'</span></td></tr>'; $noUpdateCount++; } if ($format==='html') { echo str_pad($strEnd, 4096); ob_flush(); flush(); } else { echo strip_tags($strBegin.$strEnd); } } // summary $strBegin = "\n".'<tr><td></td><td> '.Intl::msg('Total:').' '.$nbFeeds.' '.($nbFeeds > 1 ? Intl::msg('items') : Intl::msg('item')).'</td><td>'; if ($format === 'html') { echo str_pad($strBegin, 4096); ob_flush(); flush(); } $strEnd = str_pad($nbItemsAdded, 3, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).' </td><td>'.str_pad(number_format(microtime(true) - $start, 1), 6, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).'s </td><td>' .'<span class="text-success">'.$successCount.' '.($successCount > 1 ? Intl::msg('Successes') : Intl::msg('Success')).' </span><br />' .'<span class="text-warning">'.$noUpdateCount.' '.Intl::msg('Up-to-date').' </span><br />' .'<span class="text-error">'.$errorCount.' '.($errorCount > 1 ? Intl::msg('Errors') : Intl::msg('Error')).' </span></td></tr>'; if ($format === 'html') { echo str_pad($strEnd, 4096); ob_flush(); flush(); } else { echo strip_tags($strBegin.$strEnd); } if ($format === 'html') { echo '</tbody></table>'; } return ''; } public function markAll($read) { $save = false; foreach (array_keys($this->_data['items']) as $itemHash) { if (!$save and $this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1] != $read) { $save = true; } $this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1] = $read; } foreach (array_keys($this->_data['newItems']) as $itemHash) { if (!$save and $this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1] != $read) { $save = true; } $this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1] = $read; } if ($save) { foreach ($this->_data['feeds'] as $feedHash => $feed) { if ($read == 1) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread'] = 0; } else { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread'] = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbAll']; } } } return $save; } public function markItem($itemHash, $read) { $save = false; if (isset($this->_data['items'][$itemHash])) { if ($this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1] != $read) { $save = true; $this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1] = $read; } } else if (isset($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash])) { if ($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1] != $read) { $save = true; $this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1] = $read; } } if ($save) { $feedHash = substr($itemHash, 0, 6); if ($read == 1) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread']--; } else { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread']++; } } return $save; } public function markFeeds($feedsHash, $read) { $save = false; // get items from a list of feeds $flipFeedsHash = array_flip($feedsHash); foreach ($this->_data['items'] as $itemHash => $item) { if (isset($flipFeedsHash[substr($itemHash, 0, 6)])) { if ($this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1] != $read) { $save = true; $this->_data['items'][$itemHash][1] = $read; } } } foreach ($this->_data['newItems'] as $itemHash => $item) { if (isset($flipFeedsHash[substr($itemHash, 0, 6)])) { if ($this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1] != $read) { $save = true; $this->_data['newItems'][$itemHash][1] = $read; } } } if ($save) { foreach (array_values($feedsHash) as $feedHash) { if ($read == 1) { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread'] = 0; } else { $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbUnread'] = $this->_data['feeds'][$feedHash]['nbAll']; } } } return $save; } public function mark($hash, $read) { if (empty($hash) || $hash == 'all') { // all items return $this->markAll($read); } else { if (strlen($hash) === 12) { // an item return $this->markItem($hash, $read); } else { $feedsHash = array(); if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$hash])) { // a feed $feedsHash[] = $hash; } else if (isset($this->_data['folders'][$hash])) { // a folder foreach ($this->_data['feeds'] as $feedHash => $feed) { if (in_array($hash, $feed['foldersHash'])) { $feedsHash[] = $feedHash; } } } return $this->markFeeds($feedsHash, $read); } } return false; } public function hashType($hash) { $type = ''; if (empty($hash) || $hash=='all') { $type = 'all'; } else { if (strlen($hash) === 12) { // should be an item $type = 'item'; } else { if (isset($this->_data['folders'][$hash])) { // a folder $type = 'folder'; } else { if (isset($this->_data['feeds'][$hash])) { // a feed $type = 'feed'; } else { $type = 'unknown'; } } } } return $type; } public static function sortByOrder($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['order'], $b['order']); } public static function sortByTitle($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['title'], $b['title']); } } class FeedConf { private $_file = ''; public $login = ''; public $hash = ''; public $disableSessionProtection = false; public $salt = ''; public $title = "Kriss feed"; public $redirector = ''; public $locale = 'en_GB'; public $shaarli = ''; public $maxItems = 100; public $maxUpdate = 60; public $order = 'newerFirst'; public $autoreadItem = false; public $autoreadPage = false; public $autoUpdate = false; public $autohide = false; public $autofocus = true; public $addFavicon = false; public $preload = false; public $blank = false; public $swipe = true; public $visibility = 'private'; public $version; public $view = 'list'; public $filter = 'unread'; public $listFeeds = 'show'; public $byPage = 10; public $currentHash = 'all'; public $currentPage = 1; public $lang = ''; public $menuView = 1; public $menuListFeeds = 2; public $menuFilter = 3; public $menuOrder = 4; public $menuUpdate = 5; public $menuRead = 6; public $menuUnread = 7; public $menuEdit = 8; public $menuAdd = 9; public $menuHelp = 10; public $menuStars = 11; public $pagingItem = 1; public $pagingPage = 2; public $pagingByPage = 3; public $pagingMarkAs = 4; public function __construct($configFile, $version) { $this->_file = $configFile; $this->version = $version; $this->lang = Intl::$lang; // Loading user config if (file_exists($this->_file)) { include_once $this->_file; } else { $this->_install(); } Session::$disableSessionProtection = $this->disableSessionProtection; if ($this->addFavicon) { /* favicon dir */ if (!is_dir(INC_DIR)) { if (!@mkdir(INC_DIR, 0755)) { FeedPage::$pb->assign('message', sprintf(Intl::msg('Can not create %s directory, check permissions'), INC_DIR)); FeedPage::$pb->renderPage('message'); } } if (!is_dir(FAVICON_DIR)) { if (!@mkdir(FAVICON_DIR, 0755)) { FeedPage::$pb->assign('message', sprintf(Intl::msg('Can not create %s directory, check permissions'), FAVICON_DIR)); FeedPage::$pb->renderPage('message'); } } } if ($this->isLogged()) { unset($_SESSION['view']); unset($_SESSION['listFeeds']); unset($_SESSION['filter']); unset($_SESSION['order']); unset($_SESSION['byPage']); unset($_SESSION['lang']); } $view = $this->getView(); $listFeeds = $this->getListFeeds(); $filter = $this->getFilter(); $order = $this->getOrder(); $byPage = $this->getByPage(); $lang = $this->getLang(); if ($this->view != $view || $this->listFeeds != $listFeeds || $this->filter != $filter || $this->order != $order || $this->byPage != $byPage || $this->lang != $lang ) { $this->view = $view; $this->listFeeds = $listFeeds; $this->filter = $filter; $this->order = $order; $this->byPage = $byPage; $this->lang = $lang; $this->write(); } if (!$this->isLogged()) { $_SESSION['view'] = $view; $_SESSION['listFeeds'] = $listFeeds; $_SESSION['filter'] = $filter; $_SESSION['order'] = $order; $_SESSION['byPage'] = $byPage; $_SESSION['lang'] = $lang; } Intl::$lang = $this->lang; } private function _install() { if (!empty($_POST['setlogin']) && !empty($_POST['setpassword'])) { $this->setSalt(sha1(uniqid('', true).'_'.mt_rand())); $this->setLogin($_POST['setlogin']); $this->setHash($_POST['setpassword']); $this->write(); FeedPage::$pb->assign('pagetitle', 'KrISS feed installation'); FeedPage::$pb->assign('class', 'text-success'); FeedPage::$pb->assign('message', Intl::msg('Your simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader is now configured.')); FeedPage::$pb->assign('referer', MyTool::getUrl().'?import'); FeedPage::$pb->assign('button', Intl::msg('Continue')); FeedPage::$pb->renderPage('message'); } else { FeedPage::$pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('KrISS feed installation')); FeedPage::$pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); FeedPage::$pb->renderPage('install'); } exit(); } public function hydrate(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // get setter $method = 'set'.ucfirst($key); // if setter exists just call it // (php is not case-sensitive with functions) if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->$method($value); } } $this->write(); } public function getLang() { $lang = $this->lang; if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { $lang = $_GET['lang']; } else if (isset($_SESSION['lang'])) { $lang = $_SESSION['lang']; } if (!in_array($lang, array_keys(Intl::$langList))) { $lang = $this->lang; } return $lang; } public function getView() { $view = $this->view; if (isset($_GET['view'])) { if ($_GET['view'] == 'expanded') { $view = 'expanded'; } if ($_GET['view'] == 'list') { $view = 'list'; } } else if (isset($_SESSION['view'])) { $view = $_SESSION['view']; } return $view; } public function getFilter() { $filter = $this->filter; if (isset($_GET['filter'])) { if ($_GET['filter'] == 'unread') { $filter = 'unread'; } if ($_GET['filter'] == 'all') { $filter = 'all'; } } else if (isset($_SESSION['filter'])) { $filter = $_SESSION['filter']; } return $filter; } public function getListFeeds() { $listFeeds = $this->listFeeds; if (isset($_GET['listFeeds'])) { if ($_GET['listFeeds'] == 'show') { $listFeeds = 'show'; } if ($_GET['listFeeds'] == 'hide') { $listFeeds = 'hide'; } } else if (isset($_SESSION['listFeeds'])) { $listFeeds = $_SESSION['listFeeds']; } return $listFeeds; } public function getByPage() { $byPage = $this->byPage; if (isset($_GET['byPage']) && is_numeric($_GET['byPage']) && $_GET['byPage'] > 0) { $byPage = $_GET['byPage']; } else if (isset($_SESSION['byPage'])) { $byPage = $_SESSION['byPage']; } return $byPage; } public function getOrder() { $order = $this->order; if (isset($_GET['order'])) { if ($_GET['order'] === 'newerFirst') { $order = 'newerFirst'; } if ($_GET['order'] === 'olderFirst') { $order = 'olderFirst'; } } else if (isset($_SESSION['order'])) { $order = $_SESSION['order']; } return $order; } public function getCurrentHash() { $currentHash = $this->currentHash; if (isset($_GET['currentHash'])) { $currentHash = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_@]/', '', substr(trim($_GET['currentHash'], '/'), 0, 6)); } if (empty($currentHash)) { $currentHash = 'all'; } return $currentHash; } public function getCurrentPage() { $currentPage = $this->currentPage; if (isset($_GET['page']) && !empty($_GET['page'])) { $currentPage = (int) $_GET['page']; } else if (isset($_GET['previousPage']) && !empty($_GET['previousPage'])) { $currentPage = (int) $_GET['previousPage'] - 1; if ($currentPage < 1) { $currentPage = 1; } } else if (isset($_GET['nextPage']) && !empty($_GET['nextPage'])) { $currentPage = (int) $_GET['nextPage'] + 1; } return $currentPage; } public function setDisableSessionProtection($disableSessionProtection) { $this->disableSessionProtection = $disableSessionProtection; } public function setLogin($login) { $this->login = $login; } public function setVisibility($visibility) { $this->visibility = $visibility; } public function setHash($pass) { $this->hash = sha1($pass.$this->login.$this->salt); } public function setSalt($salt) { $this->salt = $salt; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } public function setLocale($locale) { $this->locale = $locale; } public function setRedirector($redirector) { $this->redirector = $redirector; } public function setAutoreadPage($autoreadPage) { $this->autoreadPage = $autoreadPage; } public function setAutoUpdate($autoUpdate) { $this->autoUpdate = $autoUpdate; } public function setAutoreadItem($autoreadItem) { $this->autoreadItem = $autoreadItem; } public function setAutohide($autohide) { $this->autohide = $autohide; } public function setAutofocus($autofocus) { $this->autofocus = $autofocus; } public function setAddFavicon($addFavicon) { $this->addFavicon = $addFavicon; } public function setPreload($preload) { $this->preload = $preload; } public function setShaarli($url) { $this->shaarli = $url; } public function setMaxUpdate($max) { $this->maxUpdate = $max; } public function setMaxItems($max) { $this->maxItems = $max; } public function setOrder($order) { $this->order = $order; } public function setBlank($blank) { $this->blank = $blank; } public function setSwipe($swipe) { $this->swipe = $swipe; } public function getMenu() { $menu = array(); if ($this->menuView != 0) { $menu['menuView'] = $this->menuView; } if ($this->menuListFeeds != 0) { $menu['menuListFeeds'] = $this->menuListFeeds; } if ($this->menuFilter != 0) { $menu['menuFilter'] = $this->menuFilter; } if ($this->menuOrder != 0) { $menu['menuOrder'] = $this->menuOrder; } if ($this->menuUpdate != 0) { $menu['menuUpdate'] = $this->menuUpdate; } if ($this->menuRead != 0) { $menu['menuRead'] = $this->menuRead; } if ($this->menuUnread != 0) { $menu['menuUnread'] = $this->menuUnread; } if ($this->menuEdit != 0) { $menu['menuEdit'] = $this->menuEdit; } if ($this->menuAdd != 0) { $menu['menuAdd'] = $this->menuAdd; } if ($this->menuHelp != 0) { $menu['menuHelp'] = $this->menuHelp; } if ($this->menuStars != 0) { $menu['menuStars'] = $this->menuStars; } asort($menu); return $menu; } public function getPaging() { $paging = array(); if ($this->pagingItem != 0) { $paging['pagingItem'] = $this->pagingItem; } if ($this->pagingPage != 0) { $paging['pagingPage'] = $this->pagingPage; } if ($this->pagingByPage != 0) { $paging['pagingByPage'] = $this->pagingByPage; } if ($this->pagingMarkAs != 0) { $paging['pagingMarkAs'] = $this->pagingMarkAs; } asort($paging); return $paging; } public function setMenuView($menuView) { $this->menuView = $menuView; } public function setMenuListFeeds($menuListFeeds) { $this->menuListFeeds = $menuListFeeds; } public function setMenuFilter($menuFilter) { $this->menuFilter = $menuFilter; } public function setMenuOrder($menuOrder) { $this->menuOrder = $menuOrder; } public function setMenuUpdate($menuUpdate) { $this->menuUpdate = $menuUpdate; } public function setMenuRead($menuRead) { $this->menuRead = $menuRead; } public function setMenuUnread($menuUnread) { $this->menuUnread = $menuUnread; } public function setMenuEdit($menuEdit) { $this->menuEdit = $menuEdit; } public function setMenuAdd($menuAdd) { $this->menuAdd = $menuAdd; } public function setMenuHelp($menuHelp) { $this->menuHelp = $menuHelp; } public function setMenuStars($menuStars) { $this->menuStars = $menuStars; } public function setPagingItem($pagingItem) { $this->pagingItem = $pagingItem; } public function setPagingPage($pagingPage) { $this->pagingPage = $pagingPage; } public function setPagingByPage($pagingByPage) { $this->pagingByPage = $pagingByPage; } public function setPagingMarkAs($pagingMarkAs) { $this->pagingMarkAs = $pagingMarkAs; } public function isLogged() { global $argv; if (Session::isLogged() || $this->visibility === 'public' || (isset($_GET['cron']) && $_GET['cron'] === sha1($this->salt.$this->hash)) || (isset($argv) && count($argv) >= 3 && $argv[1] == 'update' && $argv[2] == sha1($this->salt.$this->hash))) { return true; } return false; } public function write() { if ($this->isLogged() || !is_file($this->_file)) { $data = array('login', 'hash', 'salt', 'title', 'redirector', 'shaarli', 'byPage', 'order', 'visibility', 'filter', 'view','locale', 'maxItems', 'autoreadItem', 'autoreadPage', 'maxUpdate', 'autohide', 'autofocus', 'listFeeds', 'autoUpdate', 'menuView', 'menuListFeeds', 'menuFilter', 'menuOrder', 'menuUpdate', 'menuRead', 'menuUnread', 'menuEdit', 'menuAdd', 'menuHelp', 'menuStars', 'pagingItem', 'pagingPage', 'pagingByPage', 'addFavicon', 'preload', 'pagingMarkAs', 'disableSessionProtection', 'blank', 'swipe', 'lang'); $out = '<?php'; $out .= "\n"; foreach ($data as $key) { $out .= '$this->'.$key.' = '.var_export($this->$key, true).";\n"; } $out .= '?>'; if (!@file_put_contents($this->_file, $out)) { die("Can't write to ".CONFIG_FILE." check permissions"); } } } } class FeedPage { public static $pb; // PageBuilder public static $var = array(); public static function init($var) { FeedPage::$var = $var; } public static function add_feedTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div id="edit-all" class="span6 offset3"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" action="?add" method="POST"> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add a new feed' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" ><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed URL' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="newfeed" name="newfeed" value="<?php echo $newfeed;?>"> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add selected folders to feed' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($folders) && is_array($folders) && sizeof($folders) ) foreach( $folders as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <label for="add-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>"> <input type="checkbox" id="add-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>" name="folders[]" value="<?php echo $key1;?>"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?> (<a href="?edit=<?php echo $key1;?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit feed' );?></a>) </label> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add a new folder' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="newfolder" value=""> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="add" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add new feed' );?>"/> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Use bookmarklet to add a new feed' );?></legend> <div id="add-feed-bookmarklet" class="text-center"> <a onclick="alert('<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar, or right-click it and choose Bookmark This Link...' );?>');return false;" href="javascript:(function(){var%20url%20=%20location.href;window.open('<?php echo $base;?>?add&newfeed='+encodeURIComponent(url),'_blank','menubar=no,height=390,width=600,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,dialog=1');})();"><b>KF+</b></a> </div> </fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo $referer;?>" /> </form> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function change_passwordTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6 offset3"> <div id="config"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <div id="section"> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo $referer;?>" /> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Change your password' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="oldpassword"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Old password' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="password" id="oldpassword" name="oldpassword"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="newpassword"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'New password' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="password" id="newpassword" name="newpassword"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save new password' );?>" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function configTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6 offset3"> <div id="config"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <div id="section"> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"/> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo $referer;?>"/> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed main information' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="title"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed title' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="<?php echo $kfctitle;?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed visibility' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="publicReader"> <input type="radio" id="publicReader" name="visibility" value="public" <?php if( $kfcvisibility==='public' ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Public KrISS feed' );?> </label> <span class="help-block"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'No restriction. Anyone can modify configuration, mark as read items, update feeds...' );?> </span> <label for="protectedReader"> <input type="radio" id="protectedReader" name="visibility" value="protected" <?php if( $kfcvisibility==='protected' ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Protected KrISS feed' );?> </label> <span class="help-block"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Anyone can access feeds and items but only you can modify configuration, mark as read items, update feeds...' );?> </span> <label for="privateReader"> <input type="radio" id="privateReader" name="visibility" value="private" <?php if( $kfcvisibility==='private' ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Private KrISS feed' );?> </label> <span class="help-block"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Only you can access feeds and items and only you can modify configuration, mark as read items, update feeds...' );?> </span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="shaarli"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Shaarli URL' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="shaarli" name="shaarli" value="<?php echo $kfcshaarli;?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Options:' );?><br> - <?php echo Intl::msg( '${url}: item link' );?><br> - <?php echo Intl::msg( '${title}: item title' );?><br> - <?php echo Intl::msg( '${via}: if domain of <link> and <guid> are different ${via} is equals to: <code>via <guid></code>' );?><br> - <?php echo Intl::msg( '${sel}: <strong>Only available</strong> with javascript: <code>selected text</code>' );?><br> - <?php echo Intl::msg( 'example with shaarli:' );?> <code>http://your-shaarli/?post=${url}&title=${title}&description=${sel}%0A%0A${via}&source=bookmarklet</code> </span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="redirector"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed redirector (only for links, media are not considered, <strong>item content is anonymize only with javascript</strong>)' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="redirector" name="redirector" value="<?php echo $kfcredirector;?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( '<strong>http://anonym.to/?</strong> will mask the HTTP_REFERER, you can also use <strong>noreferrer</strong> to use HTML5 property' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="disablesessionprotection">Session protection</label> <div class="controls"> <label><input type="checkbox" id="disablesessionprotection" name="disableSessionProtection" <?php if( $kfcdisablesessionprotection ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Disable session cookie hijacking protection' );?></label> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Check this if you get disconnected often or if your IP address changes often.' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed preferences' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="maxItems"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Maximum number of items by feed' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" maxlength="3" id="maxItems" name="maxItems" value="<?php echo $kfcmaxitems;?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Need update to be taken into consideration' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="maxUpdate"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Maximum delay between feed update (in minutes)' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="number" id="maxUpdate" name="maxUpdate" value="<?php echo $kfcmaxupdate;?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto read next item option' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotautoreaditem"> <input type="radio" id="donotautoreaditem" name="autoreadItem" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcautoreaditem ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not mark as read when next item' );?> </label> <label for="autoread"> <input type="radio" id="autoread" name="autoreadItem" value="1" <?php if( $kfcautoreaditem ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto mark current as read when next item' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto read next page option' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotautoreadpage"> <input type="radio" id="donotautoreadpage" name="autoreadPage" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcautoreadpage ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not mark as read when next page' );?> </label> <label for="autoreadpage"> <input type="radio" id="autoreadpage" name="autoreadPage" value="1" <?php if( $kfcautoreadpage ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto mark current as read when next page' );?> </label> <span class="help-block"><strong><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Not implemented yet' );?></strong></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto hide option' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotautohide"> <input type="radio" id="donotautohide" name="autohide" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcautohide ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Always show feed in feeds list' );?> </label> <label for="autohide"> <input type="radio" id="autohide" name="autohide" value="1" <?php if( $kfcautohide ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Automatically hide feed when 0 unread item' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto focus option' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotautofocus"> <input type="radio" id="donotautofocus" name="autofocus" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcautofocus ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not automatically jump to current item when it changes' );?> </label> <label for="autofocus"> <input type="radio" id="autofocus" name="autofocus" value="1" <?php if( $kfcautofocus ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Automatically jump to the current item position' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add favicon option' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotaddfavicon"> <input type="radio" id="donotaddfavicon" name="addFavicon" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcaddfavicon ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not add favicon next to feed on list of feeds/items' );?> </label> <label for="addfavicon"> <input type="radio" id="addfavicon" name="addFavicon" value="1" <?php if( $kfcaddfavicon ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add favicon next to feed on list of feeds/items' );?><br><strong><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Warning: It depends on http://getfavicon.appspot.com/' );?><?php if( in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions()) ){ ?><?php echo Intl::msg( 'but it will cache favicon on your server' );?><?php } ?></strong> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Preload option' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotpreload"> <input type="radio" id="donotpreload" name="preload" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcpreload ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not preload items.' );?> </label> <label for="preload"> <input type="radio" id="preload" name="preload" value="1" <?php if( $kfcpreload ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Preload current page items in background. This greatly enhance speed sensation when opening a new item. Note: It uses your bandwith more than needed if you do not read all the page items.' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label">Auto target="_blank"</label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotblank"> <input type="radio" id="donotblank" name="blank" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcblank ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not open link in new tab' );?> </label> <label for="doblank"> <input type="radio" id="doblank" name="blank" value="1" <?php if( $kfcblank ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Automatically open link in new tab' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto update with javascript' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotautoupdate"> <input type="radio" id="donotautoupdate" name="autoUpdate" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcautoupdate ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not auto update with javascript' );?> </label> <label for="autoupdate"> <input type="radio" id="autoupdate" name="autoUpdate" value="1" <?php if( $kfcautoupdate ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Auto update with javascript' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Swipe on mobile' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <label for="donotswipe"> <input type="radio" id="donotswipe" name="Swipe" value="0" <?php if( !$kfcswipe ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not swipe on mobile' );?> </label> <label for="autoswipe"> <input type="radio" id="swipe" name="Swipe" value="1" <?php if( $kfcswipe ){ ?>checked="checked"<?php } ?>/> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Swipe on mobile' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> <?php $zero=FeedPage::$var['zero']=0;?> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed menu preferences' );?></legend> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'You can order or remove elements in the menu. Set a position or leave empty if you do not want the element to appear in the menu.' );?> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuView"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'View' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuView" name="menuView" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuView']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuView"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'View as list' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'View as expanded' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuListFeeds"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feeds' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuListFeeds" name="menuListFeeds" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuListFeeds']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuListFeeds"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Hide feeds list' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show feeds list' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuFilter"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Filter' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuFilter" name="menuFilter" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuFilter']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuFilter"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show all items' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show unread items' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuOrder"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Order' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuOrder" name="menuOrder" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuOrder']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuOrder"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show older first' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show newer first' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuUpdate"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Update' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuUpdate" name="menuUpdate" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuUpdate']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuUpdate"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Update all' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Update folder' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Update feed' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuRead"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark as read' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuRead" name="menuRead" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuRead']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuRead"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark all as read' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark folder as read' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark feed as read' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuUnread"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark as unread' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuUnread" name="menuUnread" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuUnread']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuUnread"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark all as unread' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark folder as unread' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark feed as unread' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuEdit"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuEdit" name="menuEdit" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuEdit']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuEdit"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit all' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit folder' );?>/<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit feed' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuAdd"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add a new feed' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuAdd" name="menuAdd" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuAdd']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuAdd"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add a new feed' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuHelp"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Help' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuHelp" name="menuHelp" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuHelp']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuHelp"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Help' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="menuStars"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Starred items' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="menuStars" name="menuStars" value="<?php if( empty($kfcmenu['menuStars']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcmenu["menuStars"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Starred items' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed paging menu preferences' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="pagingItem"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Item' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="pagingItem" name="pagingItem" value="<?php if( empty($kfcpaging['pagingItem']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcpaging["pagingItem"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'If you want to go previous and next item' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="pagingPage"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Page' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="pagingPage" name="pagingPage" value="<?php if( empty($kfcpaging['pagingPage']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcpaging["pagingPage"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'If you want to go previous and next page' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="pagingByPage"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Items by page' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="pagingByPage" name="pagingByPage" value="<?php if( empty($kfcpaging['pagingByPage']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcpaging["pagingByPage"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'If you want to modify number of items by page' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="pagingMarkAs"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark as read' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="pagingMarkAs" name="pagingMarkAs" value="<?php if( empty($kfcpaging['pagingMarkAs']) ){ ?><?php echo $zero;?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $kfcpaging["pagingMarkAs"];?><?php } ?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'If you want to add a mark as read button into paging' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cron configuration' );?></legend> <code><?php echo $base;?>?update&cron=<?php echo $kfccron;?></code> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'You can use <code>&force</code> to force update.' );?><br> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'To update every hour:' );?><br> <code>0 * * * * wget "<?php echo $base;?>?update&cron=<?php echo $kfccron;?>" -O /tmp/kf.cron</code><br> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'If you can not use wget, you may try php command line:' );?><br> <code>0 * * * * php -f <?php echo $scriptfilename;?> update <?php echo $kfccron;?> > /tmp/kf.cron</code><br> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'If previous solutions do not work, try to create an update.php file into data directory containing:' );?><br> <code> <?php<br> $url = "<?php echo $base;?>?update&cron=<?php echo $kfccron;?>";<br> $options = array('http'=>array('method'=>'GET'));<br> $context = stream_context_create($options);<br> $data=file_get_contents($url,false,$context);<br> print($data); </code><br> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Then set up your cron with:' );?><br> <code>0 * * * * php -f <?php echo dirname( $scriptfilename );?>/data/update.php > /tmp/kf.cron</code><br> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do not forget to check permissions' );?><br> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form><br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function edit_allTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div id="edit-all" class="span6 offset3"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action=""> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Reorder folders' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($folders) && is_array($folders) && sizeof($folders) ) foreach( $folders as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <label for="order-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?> (<a href="?edit=<?php echo $key1;?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit folder' );?></a>) <br> <input type="text" id="order-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>" name="order-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>" value="<?php echo $counter1;?>"> </label> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </fieldset> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add selected folders to selected feeds' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($folders) && is_array($folders) && sizeof($folders) ) foreach( $folders as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <label for="add-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>"> <input type="checkbox" id="add-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>" name="addfolders[]" value="<?php echo $key1;?>"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?> (<a href="?edit=<?php echo $key1;?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit folder' );?></a>) </label> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="addnewfolder" value="" placeholder="New folder"> </div> </div> </fieldset> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Remove selected folders to selected feeds' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($folders) && is_array($folders) && sizeof($folders) ) foreach( $folders as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <label for="remove-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>"> <input type="checkbox" id="remove-folder-<?php echo $key1;?>" name="removefolders[]" value="<?php echo $key1;?>"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?> (<a href="?edit=<?php echo $key1;?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit folder' );?></a>) </label> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </fieldset> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'List of feeds' );?></legend> <input class="btn" type="button" onclick="var feeds = document.getElementsByName('feeds[]'); for (var i = 0; i < feeds.length; i++) { feeds[i].checked = true; }" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Select all' );?>"> <input class="btn" type="button" onclick="var feeds = document.getElementsByName('feeds[]'); for (var i = 0; i < feeds.length; i++) { feeds[i].checked = false; }" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Unselect all' );?>"> <ul class="unstyled"> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($listFeeds) && is_array($listFeeds) && sizeof($listFeeds) ) foreach( $listFeeds as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <li> <label for="feed-<?php echo $key1;?>"> <input type="checkbox" id="feed-<?php echo $key1;?>" name="feeds[]" value="<?php echo $key1;?>"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?> (<a href="?edit=<?php echo $key1;?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit feed' );?></a>) </label> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo $referer;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Delete selected feeds' );?>" onclick="return confirm('<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Do you really want to delete all selected feeds?' );?>');"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function edit_feedTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div id="edit-feed" class="span6 offset3"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action=""> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed main information' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="title"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed title' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $feed["title"] );?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed XML URL' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" readonly="readonly" name="xmlUrl" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $feed["xmlUrl"] );?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed main URL' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="htmlUrl" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $feed["htmlUrl"] );?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="description"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed description' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="description" name="description" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $feed["description"] );?>"> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed folders' );?></legend> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($folders) && is_array($folders) && sizeof($folders) ) foreach( $folders as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <label for="folder-<?php echo $key1;?>"> <input type="checkbox" id="folder-<?php echo $key1;?>" name="folders[]" <?php if( in_array($key1, $feed["foldersHash"]) ){ ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> value="<?php echo $key1;?>"> <?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?> </label> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="newfolder"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'New folder' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" name="newfolder" value="" placeholder="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'New folder' );?>"> </div> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Feed preferences' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="timeUpdate"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Time update' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="timeUpdate" name="timeUpdate" value="<?php echo $feed["timeUpdate"];?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( '"auto", "max" or a number of minutes less than "max" define in <a href="?config">configuration</a>' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Last update' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" readonly="readonly" name="lastUpdate" value="<?php echo $lastUpdate;?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="delete" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Delete feed' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> </div> </div> </fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo $referer;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> </form><br> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function edit_folderTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div id="edit-folder" class="span4 offset4"> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action=""> <fieldset> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="foldertitle"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Folder title' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="foldertitle" name="foldertitle" value="<?php echo $foldertitle;?>"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Leave empty to delete' );?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"/> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Save modifications' );?>" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo $referer;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> </form> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function helpTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6 offset3"> <div id="config"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <div id="section"> <h2><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Keyboard shortcuts' );?></h2> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Key legend' );?></legend> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>⎵</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Space key' );?></dd> <dt>⇧</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Shift key' );?></dd> <dt>→</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Right arrow key' );?></dd> <dt>←</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Left arrow key' );?></dd> </dl> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Items navigation' );?></legend> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>⎵, t</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Toggle current item (open, close item in list view)' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>m</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark current item as read if unread or unread if read' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>⇧ + m</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark current item as read if unread or unread if read and open current (useful in list view and unread filter)' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>→, n</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to next item' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>←, p</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to previous item' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>⇧ + n</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to next page' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>⇧ + p</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to previous page' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>j</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to next item and open it (in list view)' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>k</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to previous item and open it (in list view)' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>o</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Open current item in new tab' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>⇧ + o</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Open current item in current window' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>s</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Share current item' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>a</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark all items, all items from current feed or all items from current folder as read' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>*</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Star/Unstar current item' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>z</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Open all unread items from current page in new tabs and mark items as read' );?></dd> </dl> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Menu navigation' );?></legend> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>h</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to Home page' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>v</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Change view as list or expanded' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>f</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show or hide list of feeds/folders' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>e</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Edit current selection (all, folder or feed)' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>u</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Update current selection (all, folder or feed)' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>r</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Reload the page as the F5 key in most of browsers' );?></dd> </dl> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>?, F1</dt> <dd><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go to Help page (this page)' );?></dd> </dl> </fieldset> <h2><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Configuration check' );?></h2> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'PHP configuration' );?></legend> <dl class="dl-horizontal"> <dt>open_ssl</dt> <dd> <?php if( extension_loaded('openssl') ){ ?> <span class="text-success"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'You should be able to load https:// rss links.' );?></span> <?php }else{ ?> <span class="text-error"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'You may have problems using https:// rss links.' );?></span> <?php } ?> </dd> </dl> </fieldset> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function importTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 offset4"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="?import" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="importform"> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Import opml file' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="filetoupload"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Opml file:' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input tabindex="1" class="btn" type="file" id="filetoupload" name="filetoupload"> <span class="help-block"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Size max:' );?> <?php echo $humanmaxsize;?></span> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <label for="overwrite"> <input type="checkbox" name="overwrite" id="overwrite"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Overwrite existing feeds' );?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="import" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Import opml file' );?>"> <input class="btn" type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Cancel' );?>"> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="${maxsize}"> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo $referer;?>"> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function includesTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <base href="<?php echo $base;;?>"> <title><?php echo $pagetitle;?></title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer"> <?php if( is_file('inc/favicon.ico') ){ ?> <link href="inc/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon"> <?php }else{ ?> <link href="?file=favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon"> <?php } ?> <?php if( is_file('inc/style.css') ){ ?> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="inc/style.css?version=<?php echo $version;?>" /> <?php }else{ ?> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="?file=style.css&version=<?php echo $version;?>" /> <?php } ?> <?php if( is_file('inc/user.css') ){ ?> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="inc/user.css?version=<?php echo $version;?>" /> <?php } ?> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <?php } public static function indexTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div id="index" class="container-fluid full-height" data-view="<?php echo $view;?>" data-list-feeds="<?php echo $listFeeds;?>" data-filter="<?php echo $filter;?>" data-order="<?php echo $order;?>" data-by-page="<?php echo $byPage;?>" data-autoread-item="<?php echo $autoreadItem;?>" data-autoread-page="<?php echo $autoreadPage;?>" data-autohide="<?php echo $autohide;?>" data-current-hash="<?php echo $currentHash;?>" data-current-page="<?php echo $currentPage;?>" data-nb-items="<?php echo $nbItems;?>" data-shaarli="<?php echo $shaarli;?>" data-redirector="<?php echo $redirector;?>" data-autoupdate="<?php echo $autoupdate;?>" data-autofocus="<?php echo $autofocus;?>" data-add-favicon="<?php echo $addFavicon;?>" data-preload="<?php echo $preload;?>" data-is-logged="<?php echo $isLogged;?>" data-blank="<?php echo $blank;?>" data-swipe="<?php echo $swipe;?>" data-intl-top="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'top' );?>" data-intl-share="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'share' );?>" data-intl-read="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'read' );?>" data-intl-unread="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'unread' );?>" data-intl-star="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'star' );?>" data-intl-unstar="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'unstar' );?>" data-intl-from="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'from' );?>"<?php if( isset($_GET['stars']) && $kf->kfc->isLogged() ){ ?> data-stars="1"<?php } ?>> <div class="row-fluid full-height"> <?php if( $listFeeds == 'show' ){ ?> <div id="main-container" class="span9 full-height"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <div id="paging-up"> <?php FeedPage::pagingTpl(); ?> </div> <?php FeedPage::list_itemsTpl(); ?> <div id="paging-down"> <?php FeedPage::pagingTpl(); ?> </div> </div> <div id="minor-container" class="span3 full-height minor-container"> <?php FeedPage::list_feedsTpl(); ?> </div> <?php }else{ ?> <div id="main-container" class="span12 full-height"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <div id="paging-up"> <?php FeedPage::pagingTpl(); ?> </div> <?php FeedPage::list_itemsTpl(); ?> <div id="paging-down"> <?php FeedPage::pagingTpl(); ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php if( is_file('inc/script.js') ){ ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/script.js?version=<?php echo $version;?>"></script> <?php }else{ ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="?file=script.js&version=<?php echo $version;?>"></script> <?php } ?> </body> </html> <?php } public static function installTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 offset4"> <div id="install"> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="" name="installform"> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'KrISS feed installation' );?></legend> <div class="text-center"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Click on flag to select your language.' );?><br><?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($langs) && is_array($langs) && sizeof($langs) ) foreach( $langs as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <a href="?lang=<?php echo $key1;?>" title="<?php echo $value1["name"];?>" class="flag <?php echo $value1["class"];?>"></a><?php } ?> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="setlogin"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Login' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="setlogin" name="setlogin" placeholder="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Login' );?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="setlogin"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Password' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="password" id="setpassword" name="setpassword" placeholder="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Password' );?>"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <button type="submit" class="btn"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Install KrISS feed' );?></button> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> </fieldset> </form> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script>document.installform.setlogin.focus();</script> </body> </html> <?php } public static function list_feedsTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <div id="list-feeds"> <?php if( $listFeeds==='show' ){ ?> <input type="text" id="Nbunread" style="display:none;" value="<?php echo $feedsView["all"]["nbUnread"];?>"> <ul class="unstyled"> <li id="all-subscriptions" class="folder <?php if( $currentHash==='all' ){ ?> current-folder<?php } ?>"> <?php if( isset($_GET['stars']) ){ ?> <h4><a class="mark-as" href="?stars¤tHash=all"><span class="label"><?php echo $feedsView["all"]["nbAll"];?></span></a><a href="?stars¤tHash=all"><?php echo $feedsView["all"]["title"];?></a></h4> <?php }else{ ?> <h4><a class="mark-as" href="<?php echo $feedsView["all"]["nbUnread"]==0?'?currentHash=all&unread':$query.'read';?>=all" title="<?php echo $feedsView["all"]["nbUnread"]==0?Intl::msg('Mark all as unread'):Intl::msg('Mark all as read');?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $feedsView["all"]["nbUnread"];?></span></a><a href="?currentHash=all"><?php echo $feedsView["all"]["title"];?></a></h4> <?php } ?> <ul class="unstyled"> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($feedsView["all"]["feeds"]) && is_array($feedsView["all"]["feeds"]) && sizeof($feedsView["all"]["feeds"]) ) foreach( $feedsView["all"]["feeds"] as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <?php $atitle=FeedPage::$var['atitle']=$value1["description"];?> <?php if( empty($atitle) ){ ?> <?php $atitle=FeedPage::$var['atitle']=$value1["title"];?> <?php } ?> <?php if( isset($value1["error"]) ){ ?> <?php $atitle=FeedPage::$var['atitle']=$value1["error"];?> <?php } ?> <?php if( empty($value1["title"]) ){ ?> <?php $value1["title"]=FeedPage::$var['value']["title"]=parse_url($value1["xmlUrl"], PHP_URL_HOST);?> <?php } ?> <li id="feed-<?php echo $key1;?>" class="feed<?php if( $value1["nbUnread"]!==0 ){ ?> has-unread<?php } ?><?php if( $currentHash==$key1 ){ ?> current-feed<?php } ?><?php if( $autohide&&$value1["nbUnread"]==0 ){ ?> autohide-feed<?php } ?>"> <?php if( $addFavicon ){ ?> <span class="feed-favicon"> <img src="<?php echo $kf->getFaviconFeed($key1);?>" height="16" width="16" title="favicon" alt="favicon"/> </span> <?php } ?> <?php if( isset($_GET['stars']) ){ ?> <a class="mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>currentHash=<?php echo $key1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $value1["nbAll"];?></span></a><a class="feed" href="?stars¤tHash=<?php echo $key1;?>" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $atitle );?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?></a> <?php }else{ ?> <a class="mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>read=<?php echo $key1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $value1["nbUnread"];?></span></a><a class="feed<?php if( isset($value1["error"]) ){ ?> text-error<?php } ?>" href="?currentHash=<?php echo $key1;?>#feed-<?php echo $key1;?>" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $atitle );?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?></a> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } ?> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($feedsView["folders"]) && is_array($feedsView["folders"]) && sizeof($feedsView["folders"]) ) foreach( $feedsView["folders"] as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <li id="folder-<?php echo $key1;?>" class="folder<?php if( $currentHash==$key1 ){ ?> current-folder<?php } ?><?php if( $autohide&&$value1["nbUnread"]==0 ){ ?> autohide-folder<?php } ?>"> <h5> <a class="mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>read=<?php echo $key1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $value1["nbUnread"];?></span></a> <a class="folder-toggle" href="<?php echo $query;?>toggleFolder=<?php echo $key1;?>" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#folder-ul-<?php echo $key1;?>"> <span class="ico"> <span class="ico-b-disc"></span> <span class="ico-w-line-h"></span> <span class="ico-w-line-v<?php echo $value1["isOpen"]?' folder-toggle-open':' folder-toggle-close';?>"></span> </span> </a> <a href="?currentHash=<?php echo $key1;?>#folder-<?php echo $key1;?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value1["title"] );?></a> </h5> <ul id="folder-ul-<?php echo $key1;?>" class="collapse unstyled<?php echo $value1["isOpen"]?' in':'';?>"> <?php $counter2=-1; if( isset($value1["feeds"]) && is_array($value1["feeds"]) && sizeof($value1["feeds"]) ) foreach( $value1["feeds"] as $key2 => $value2 ){ $counter2++; ?> <?php $atitle=FeedPage::$var['atitle']=$value2["description"];?> <?php if( empty($atitle) ){ ?> <?php $atitle=FeedPage::$var['atitle']=$value2["title"];?> <?php } ?> <?php if( isset($value2["error"]) ){ ?> <?php $atitle=FeedPage::$var['atitle']=$value2["error"];?> <?php } ?> <li id="folder-<?php echo $key1;?>-feed-<?php echo $key2;?>" class="feed<?php if( $value2["nbUnread"]!== 0 ){ ?> has-unread<?php } ?><?php if( $currentHash == $key2 ){ ?> current-feed<?php } ?><?php if( $autohide&&$value2["nbUnread"]== 0 ){ ?> autohide-feed<?php } ?>"> <?php if( $addFavicon ){ ?> <span class="feed-favicon"> <img src="<?php echo $kf->getFaviconFeed($key2);?>" height="16" width="16" title="favicon" alt="favicon"/> </span> <?php } ?> <a class="mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>read=<?php echo $key2;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $value2["nbUnread"];?></span></a><a class="feed<?php if( isset($value2["error"]) ){ ?> text-error<?php } ?>" href="?currentHash=<?php echo $key2;?>#folder-<?php echo $key1;?>-feed-<?php echo $key2;?>" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $atitle );?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $value2["title"] );?></a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </ul> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } public static function list_itemsTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <?php $unread=FeedPage::$var['unread']=Intl::msg('unread');?> <?php $read=FeedPage::$var['read']=Intl::msg('read');?> <?php $share=FeedPage::$var['share']=Intl::msg('share');?> <?php $star=FeedPage::$var['star']=Intl::msg('star');?> <?php $unstar=FeedPage::$var['unstar']=Intl::msg('unstar');?> <?php $top=FeedPage::$var['top']=Intl::msg('top');?> <ul id="list-items" class="unstyled"> <?php $keys=FeedPage::$var['keys']=array_keys($items);?> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($keys) && is_array($keys) && sizeof($keys) ) foreach( $keys as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <?php $item=FeedPage::$var['item']=$kf->getItem($value1);?> <li id="item-<?php echo $value1;?>" class="<?php echo $view==='expanded'?'item-expanded':'item-list';?><?php if( $item["read"]==1 ){ ?> read<?php } ?><?php if( $value1==$currentItemHash ){ ?> current<?php } ?>"> <?php if( $view==='list' ){ ?> <a id="item-toggle-<?php echo $value1;?>" class="item-toggle item-toggle-plus" href="<?php echo $query;?>current=<?php echo $value1;?><?php if( !isset($_GET['open'])||$currentItemHash!=$value1 ){ ?>&open<?php } ?>" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#item-div-<?php echo $value1;?>"> <span class="ico ico-toggle-item"> <span class="ico-b-disc"></span> <span class="ico-w-line-h"></span> <span class="ico-w-line-v<?php if( !isset($_GET['open'])||$currentItemHash!=$value1 ){ ?> item-toggle-close<?php }else{ ?> item-toggle-open<?php } ?>"></span> </span> <?php echo $item["time"]["list"];?> </a> <dl class="dl-horizontal item"> <dt class="item-feed"> <?php if( $addFavicon ){ ?> <span class="item-favicon"> <img src="<?php echo $item["favicon"];?>" height="16" width="16" title="favicon" alt="favicon"/> </span> <?php } ?> <span class="item-author"> <a class="item-feed" href="?currentHash=<?php echo ( substr( $value1, 0,6 ) );?>"> <?php echo $item["author"];?> </a> </span> </dt> <dd class="item-info"> <span class="item-title"> <?php if( !isset($_GET['stars']) ){ ?> <?php if( $item["read"] == 1 ){ ?> <a class="item-mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>unread=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $unread;?></span></a> <?php }else{ ?> <a class="item-mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>read=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $read;?></span></a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <a<?php if( $blank ){ ?> target="_blank"<?php } ?><?php if( $redirector==='noreferrer' ){ ?> rel="noreferrer"<?php } ?> class="item-link" href="<?php if( $redirector!='noreferrer' ){ ?><?php echo $redirector;?><?php } ?><?php echo $item["link"];?>"> <?php echo $item["title"];?> </a> </span> <span class="item-description"> <a class="item-toggle muted" href="<?php echo $query;?>current=<?php echo $value1;?><?php if( !isset($_GET['open']) || $currentItemHash != $value1 ){ ?>&open<?php } ?>" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#item-div-<?php echo $value1;?>"> <?php echo $item["description"];?> </a> </span> </dd> </dl> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } ?> <div id="item-div-<?php echo $value1;?>" class="item collapse<?php if( $view==='expanded'||($currentItemHash==$value1&&isset($_GET['open'])) ){ ?> in well<?php } ?><?php if( $value1==$currentItemHash ){ ?> current<?php } ?>"> <?php if( $view==='expanded' or ($currentItemHash == $value1 and isset($_GET['open'])) ){ ?> <div class="item-title"> <a class="item-shaarli" href="<?php echo $query;?>shaarli=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $share;?></span></a> <?php if( (!isset($_GET['stars'])) ){ ?> <?php if( ($item['read'] == 1) ){ ?> <a class="item-mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>unread=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label item-label-mark-as"><?php echo $unread;?></span></a> <?php }else{ ?> <a class="item-mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>read=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label item-label-mark-as"><?php echo $read;?></span></a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if( (isset($item['starred']) && $item['starred']===1) ){ ?> <a class="item-starred" href="<?php echo $query;?>unstar=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $unstar;?></span></a> <?php }else{ ?> <a class="item-starred" href="<?php echo $query;?>star=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label"><?php echo $star;?></span></a> <?php } ?> <a<?php if( $blank ){ ?> target="_blank"<?php } ?><?php if( $redirector==='noreferrer' ){ ?> rel="noreferrer"<?php } ?> class="item-link" href="<?php if( $redirector!='noreferrer' ){ ?><?php echo $redirector;?><?php } ?><?php echo $item["link"];?>"><?php echo $item["title"];?></a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="item-info-end item-info-time"> <?php echo $item["time"]["expanded"];?> </div> <div class="item-info-end item-info-author"> <a class="item-via"<?php if( $redirector==='noreferrer' ){ ?> rel="noreferrer"<?php } ?> href="<?php if( $redirector!='noreferrer' ){ ?><?php echo $redirector;?><?php } ?><?php echo $item["via"];?>"><?php echo $item["author"];?></a> <a class="item-xml"<?php if( $redirector==='noreferrer' ){ ?> rel="noreferrer"<?php } ?> href="<?php if( $redirector!='noreferrer' ){ ?><?php echo $redirector;?><?php } ?><?php echo $item["xmlUrl"];?>"> <span class="ico"> <span class="ico-feed-dot"></span> <span class="ico-feed-circle-1"></span> <span class="ico-feed-circle-2"></span> </span> </a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="item-content"> <article> <?php echo $item["content"];?> </article> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="item-info-end"> <a class="item-top" href="#status"><span class="label label-expanded"><?php echo $top;?></span></a> <a class="item-shaarli" href="<?php echo $query;?>shaarli=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label label-expanded"><?php echo $share;?></span></a> <?php if( !isset($_GET['stars']) ){ ?> <?php if( $item['read'] == 1 ){ ?> <a class="item-mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>unread=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label item-label-mark-as label-expanded"><?php echo $unread;?></span></a> <?php }else{ ?> <a class="item-mark-as" href="<?php echo $query;?>read=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label item-label-mark-as label-expanded"><?php echo $read;?></span></a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if( isset($item["starred"]) && $item["starred"]===1 ){ ?> <a class="item-starred" href="<?php echo $query;?>unstar=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label label-expanded"><?php echo $unstar;?></span></a> <?php }else{ ?> <a class="item-starred" href="<?php echo $query;?>star=<?php echo $value1;?>"><span class="label label-expanded"><?php echo $star;?></span></a> <?php } ?> <?php if( $view==='list' ){ ?> <a id="item-toggle-<?php echo $value1;?>" class="item-toggle item-toggle-plus" href="<?php echo $query;?>current=<?php echo $value1;?><?php if( (!isset($_GET['open'])||$currentItemHash != $value1) ){ ?>&open<?php } ?>" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#item-div-<?php echo $value1;?>"> <span class="ico ico-toggle-item"> <span class="ico-b-disc"></span> <span class="ico-w-line-h"></span> </span> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } public static function loginTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> <body onload="document.loginform.login.focus();"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span4 offset4"> <div id="login"> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="?login" name="loginform"> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Welcome to KrISS feed' );?></legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="login"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Login' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="login" name="login" placeholder="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Login' );?>" tabindex="1"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="password"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Password' );?></label> <div class="controls"> <input type="password" id="password" name="password" placeholder="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Password' );?>" tabindex="2"> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <label><input type="checkbox" name="longlastingsession" tabindex="3"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Stay signed in (do not check on public computers)' );?></label> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <button type="submit" class="btn" tabindex="4"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Sign in' );?></button> </div> </div> </fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $referer );?>"> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $token;?>"> </form> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function messageTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> <body onload="document.getElementById('again').focus();"> <div class="container-fluid full-height"> <div class="row-fluid full-height"> <div id="main-container" class="span12 full-height"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <div class="text-center"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Click on flag to select your language.' );?><br><?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($langs) && is_array($langs) && sizeof($langs) ) foreach( $langs as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <a href="?lang=<?php echo $key1;?>" title="<?php echo $value1["name"];?>" class="flag <?php echo $value1["class"];?>"></a><?php } ?> </div> <div class="<?php if( empty($class) ){ ?>text-error<?php }else{ ?><?php echo $class;?><?php } ?> text-center"><?php echo $message;?><br> <a id="again" tabindex="1" class="btn" href="<?php echo $referer;?>"><?php if( empty($button) ){ ?><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Try again' );?><?php }else{ ?><?php echo $button;?><?php } ?></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function navTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <div id="menu" class="navbar"> <div class="navbar-inner"> <div class="container"> <a id="menu-toggle" class="btn btn-navbar" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#menu-collapse" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Menu' );?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Menu' );?></a> <a id="nav-home" class="brand ico-home" href="<?php echo $base;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Home' );?>"></a> <?php if( isset($currentHashView) ){ ?><span class="brand"><?php echo $currentHashView;?></span><?php } ?> <div id="menu-collapse" class="nav-collapse collapse"> <ul class="nav"> <?php if( $template==='stars' || $template==='index' ){ ?> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($menu) && is_array($menu) && sizeof($menu) ) foreach( $menu as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <?php if( $key1==='menuView' ){ ?> <?php if( $view==='expanded' ){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'view=list';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'View as list' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-list"><span class="menu-text menu-list"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'View as list' );?></span></a></li> <?php }else{ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'view=expanded';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'View as expanded' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-expanded"><span class="menu-text menu-expanded"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'View as expanded' );?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuListFeeds' ){ ?> <?php if( $listFeeds==='show' ){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'listFeeds=hide';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Hide feeds list' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-list-feeds-hide"><span class="menu-text menu-list-feeds-hide"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Hide feeds list' );?></span></a></li> <?php }else{ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'listFeeds=show';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show feeds list' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-list-feeds-show"><span class="menu-text menu-list-feeds-show"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show feeds list' );?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuFilter' ){ ?> <?php if( $filter==='unread' ){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'filter=all';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show all items' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-filter-all"><span class="menu-text menu-filter-all"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show all items' );?></span></a></li> <?php }else{ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'filter=unread';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show unread items' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-filter-unread"><span class="menu-text menu-filter-unread"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show unread items' );?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuOrder' ){ ?> <?php if( $order==='newerFirst' ){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'order=olderFirst';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show older first' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-order-older"><span class="menu-text menu-order"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show older first' );?></span></a></li> <?php }else{ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'order=newerFirst';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show newer first' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-order-newer"><span class="menu-text menu-order"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Show newer first' );?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuUpdate' ){ ?> <?php if( $currentHashType=='folder' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Update folder');?> <?php }elseif( $currentHashType=='feed' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Update feed');?> <?php }else{ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Update all');?> <?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'update='.$currentHash;?>" title="<?php echo $intl;?>" class="menu-ico ico-update"><span class="menu-text menu-update"> <?php echo $intl;?></span></a></li> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuRead' ){ ?> <?php if( $currentHashType=='folder' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Mark folder as read');?> <?php }elseif( $currentHashType=='feed' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Mark feed as read');?> <?php }else{ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Mark all as read');?> <?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'read='.$currentHash;?>" title="<?php echo $intl;?>" class="menu-ico ico-mark-as-read"><span class="menu-text menu-mark-as-read"> <?php echo $intl;?></span></a></li> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuUnread' ){ ?> <?php if( $currentHashType=='folder' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Mark folder as unread');?> <?php }elseif( $currentHashType=='feed' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Mark feed as unread');?> <?php }else{ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Mark all as unread');?> <?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'unread='.$currentHash;?>" title="<?php echo $intl;?>" class="menu-ico ico-mark-as-unread"><span class="menu-text menu-mark-as-unread"> <?php echo $intl;?></span></a></li> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuEdit' ){ ?> <?php if( $currentHashType=='folder' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Edit folder');?> <?php }elseif( $currentHashType=='feed' ){ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Edit feed');?> <?php }else{ ?> <?php $intl=FeedPage::$var['intl']=Intl::msg('Edit all');?> <?php } ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'edit='.$currentHash;?>" title="<?php echo $intl;?>" class="menu-ico ico-edit"><span class="menu-text menu-edit"> <?php echo $intl;?></span></a></li> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuAdd' ){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'add';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add a new feed' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-add-feed"><span class="menu-text menu-add-feed"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Add a new feed' );?></span></a></li> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuHelp' ){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'help';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Help' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-help"><span class="menu-text menu-help"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Help' );?></span></a></li> <?php }elseif( $key1==='menuStars' ){ ?> <?php if( $template==='index' ){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $query.'stars';?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Starred items' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-star"><span class="menu-text menu-help"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Starred items' );?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if( $kf->kfc->isLogged() ){ ?> <li><a href="?config" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Configuration' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-config"><span class="menu-text menu-config"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Configuration' );?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php }elseif( $template==='config' ){ ?> <li><a href="?password" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Change password' );?>"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Change password' );?></a></li> <li><a href="?import" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Import opml file' );?>"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Import opml file' );?></a></li> <li><a href="?export" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Export opml file' );?>"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Export opml file' );?></a></li> <li><a href="?plugins" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Plugins management' );?>"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Plugins management' );?></a></li> <?php } ?> <?php if( Session::isLogged() ){ ?> <li><a href="?logout" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Sign out' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-logout"><span class="menu-text menu-logout"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Sign out' );?></span></a></li> <?php }else{ ?> <li><a href="?login" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Sign in' );?>" class="menu-ico ico-login"><span class="menu-text menu-login"> <?php echo Intl::msg( 'Sign in' );?></span></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } public static function pagingTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <ul class="inline"> <?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($paging) && is_array($paging) && sizeof($paging) ) foreach( $paging as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <?php if( $key1=='pagingItem' ){ ?> <li> <div class="btn-group"> <a class="btn btn2 btn-info previous-item" href="<?php echo $query;?>previous=<?php echo $currentItemHash;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Previous item' );?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Previous item' );?></a> <a class="btn btn2 btn-info next-item" href="<?php echo $query;?>next=<?php echo $currentItemHash;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Next item' );?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Next item' );?></a> </div> </li> <?php }elseif( $key1=='pagingMarkAs' ){ ?> <li> <div class="btn-group"> <a class="btn btn-info" href="<?php echo $query;?>read=<?php echo $currentHash;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark as read' );?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Mark as read' );?></a> </div> </li> <?php }elseif( $key1=='pagingPage' ){ ?> <li> <div class="btn-group"> <a class="btn btn3 btn-info previous-page<?php if( $currentPage===1 ){ ?> disabled<?php } ?>" href="<?php echo $query;?>previousPage=<?php echo $currentPage;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Previous page' );?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Previous page' );?></a> <button class="btn btn3 disabled current-max-page"><?php echo $currentPage;?> / <?php echo $maxPage;?></button> <a class="btn btn3 btn-info next-page<?php if( $currentPage===$maxPage ){ ?> disabled<?php } ?>" href="<?php echo $query;?>nextPage=<?php echo $currentPage;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Next page' );?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Next page' );?></a> </div> </li> <?php }elseif( $key1=='pagingByPage' ){ ?> <li> <div class="btn-group"> <form class="form-inline" action="" method="GET"> <div class="input-prepend input-append paging-by-page"> <a class="btn btn3 btn-info" href="<?php echo $query;?>byPage=1">1</a> <a class="btn btn3 btn-info" href="<?php echo $query;?>byPage=10">10</a> <a class="btn btn3 btn-info" href="<?php echo $query;?>byPage=50">50</a> <div class="btn-break"></div> <input class="btn2 input-by-page input-mini" type="text" name="byPage"> <input type="hidden" name="currentHash" value="<?php echo $currentHash;?>"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn2"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Items per page' );?></button> </div> </form> </div> </li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } public static function pluginsTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> <body> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6 offset3"> <?php echo var_dump( $plugins );?> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } public static function statusTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <div id="status" class="text-center"> <a href="http://github.com/tontof/kriss_feed">KrISS feed <?php echo $version;?></a> <span class="hidden-phone"> - <?php echo Intl::msg( 'A simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader' );?></span>. <?php echo Intl::msg( 'By' );?> <a href="http://tontof.net">Tontof</a> <span id="flags-sel"> <a id="hide-flags" href="<?php if( !empty($query_string) ){ ?>?<?php echo $query_string;?><?php } ?>#flags" class="flag <?php echo $lang["class"];?>" title="<?php echo $lang["name"];?>"></a> <a id="show-flags" href="<?php if( !empty($query_string) ){ ?>?<?php echo $query_string;?><?php } ?>#flags-sel" class="flag <?php echo $lang["class"];?>" title="<?php echo $lang["name"];?>"></a> </span> <div id="flags"><?php $counter1=-1; if( isset($langs) && is_array($langs) && sizeof($langs) ) foreach( $langs as $key1 => $value1 ){ $counter1++; ?> <a href="?lang=<?php echo $key1;?>" title="<?php echo $value1["name"];?>" class="flag <?php echo $value1["class"];?>"></a><?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } public static function updateTpl() { extract(FeedPage::$var); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php FeedPage::includesTpl(); ?> </head> <body> <div class="container-fluid full-height"> <div class="row-fluid full-height"> <div class="span12 full-height"> <?php FeedPage::statusTpl(); ?> <?php FeedPage::navTpl(); ?> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span6 offset3"> <a class="btn ico-home" href="<?php echo $base;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Home' );?>"></a> <?php if( !empty($referer) ){ ?> <a class="btn" href="<?php echo $referer;?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go back' );?></a> <?php } ?> <a class="btn" href="<?php echo $query;?>update=<?php echo $currentHash;?>&force"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Force update' );?></a> <ul class="unstyled"> <?php echo $kf->updateFeedsHash($feedsHash, $forceUpdate, 'html');?> </ul> <a class="btn ico-home" href="<?php echo $base;?>" title="<?php echo Intl::msg( 'Home' );?>"></a> <?php if( !empty($referer) ){ ?> <a class="btn" href="<?php echo $referer;?>"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Go back' );?></a> <?php } ?> <a class="btn" href="<?php echo $query;?>update=<?php echo $currentHash;?>&force"><?php echo Intl::msg( 'Force update' );?></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php if( is_file('inc/script.js') ){ ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="inc/script.js?version=<?php echo $version;?>"></script> <?php }else{ ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="?file=script.js&version=<?php echo $version;?>"></script> <?php } ?> </body> </html> <?php } } class Intl { public static $lazy = false; public static $lang = "en_US"; public static $dir = "po"; // po/messages/en_US.po public static $domain = "messages"; public static $messages = array(); public static $langList = array(); public static function init() { $lang = self::$lang; if (isset($_GET['lang'])) { $lang = $_GET['lang']; $_SESSION['lang'] = $lang; } else if (isset($_SESSION['lang'])) { $lang = $_SESSION['lang']; } if (in_array($lang, array_keys(self::$langList))) { self::$lang = $lang; } else { unset($_SESSION['lang']); } } public static function addLang($lang, $name, $class) { self::$langList[$lang] = array( 'name' => $name, 'class' => $class ); } public static function load($lang) { self::$lazy = true; if (file_exists(self::$dir.'/'.self::$domain.'/'.$lang.'.po')) { self::$messages[$lang] = self::compress(self::read(self::$dir.'/'.self::$domain.'/'.$lang.'.po')); } else if (class_exists('Intl_'.$lang)) { call_user_func_array( array('Intl_'.$lang, 'init'), array(&self::$messages) ); } return isset(self::$messages[$lang])?self::$messages[$lang]:array(); } public static function compress($hash) { foreach ($hash as $hashId => $hashArray) { $hash[$hashId] = $hashArray['msgstr']; } return $hash; } public static function msg($string, $context = "") { if (!self::$lazy) { self::load(self::$lang); } return self::n_msg($string, '', 0, $context); } public static function n_msg($string, $plural, $count, $context = "") { if (!self::$lazy) { self::load(self::$lang); } // TODO extract Plural-Forms from po file // https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/Plural-forms.html $count = $count > 1 ? 1 : 0; if (isset(self::$messages[self::$lang][$string][$count])) { return self::$messages[self::$lang][$string][$count]; } if ($count != 0) { return $plural; } return $string; } public static function read($pofile) { $handle = fopen( $pofile, 'r' ); $hash = array(); $fuzzy = false; $tcomment = $ccomment = $reference = null; $entry = $entryTemp = array(); $state = null; $just_new_entry = false; // A new entry has ben just inserted while(!feof($handle)) { $line = trim( fgets($handle) ); if($line==='') { if($just_new_entry) { // Two consecutive blank lines continue; } // A new entry is found! $hash[] = $entry; $entry = array(); $state= null; $just_new_entry = true; continue; } $just_new_entry = false; $split = preg_split('/\s/ ', $line, 2 ); $key = $split[0]; $data = isset($split[1])? $split[1]:null; switch($key) { case '#,': //flag $entry['fuzzy'] = in_array('fuzzy', preg_split('/,\s*/', $data) ); $entry['flags'] = $data; break; case '#': //translation-comments $entryTemp['tcomment'] = $data; $entry['tcomment'] = $data; break; case '#.': //extracted-comments $entryTemp['ccomment'] = $data; break; case '#:': //reference $entryTemp['reference'][] = addslashes($data); $entry['reference'][] = addslashes($data); break; case '#|': //msgid previous-untranslated-string // start a new entry break; case '#@': // ignore #@ default $entry['@'] = $data; break; // old entry case '#~': $key = explode(' ', $data ); $entry['obsolete'] = true; switch( $key[0] ) { case 'msgid': $entry['msgid'] = trim($data,'"'); break; case 'msgstr': $entry['msgstr'][] = trim($data,'"'); break; default: break; } continue 2; break; case 'msgctxt' : // context case 'msgid' : // untranslated-string case 'msgid_plural' : // untranslated-string-plural $state = $key; $entry[$state] = $data; break; case 'msgstr' : // translated-string $state = 'msgstr'; $entry[$state][] = $data; break; default : if( strpos($key, 'msgstr[') !== FALSE ) { // translated-string-case-n $state = 'msgstr'; $entry[$state][] = $data; } else { // continued lines //echo "O NDE ELSE:".$state.':'.$entry['msgid']; switch($state) { case 'msgctxt' : case 'msgid' : case 'msgid_plural' : //$entry[$state] .= "\n" . $line; if(is_string($entry[$state])) { // Convert it to array $entry[$state] = array( $entry[$state] ); } $entry[$state][] = $line; break; case 'msgstr' : //Special fix where msgid is "" if($entry['msgid']=="\"\"") { $entry['msgstr'][] = trim($line,'"'); } else { //$entry['msgstr'][sizeof($entry['msgstr']) - 1] .= "\n" . $line; $entry['msgstr'][]= trim($line,'"'); } break; default : throw new Exception('Parse ERROR!'); return FALSE; } } break; } } fclose($handle); // add final entry if($state == 'msgstr') { $hash[] = $entry; } // Cleanup data, merge multiline entries, reindex hash for ksort $temp = $hash; $entries = array (); foreach($temp as $entry) { foreach($entry as & $v) { $v = self::clean($v); if($v === FALSE) { // parse error return FALSE; } } $id = is_array($entry['msgid'])? implode('',$entry['msgid']):$entry['msgid']; $entries[ $id ] = $entry; } return $entries; } public static function clean($x) { if(is_array($x)) { foreach($x as $k => $v) { $x[$k] = self::clean($v); } } else { // Remove " from start and end if($x == '') { return ''; } if($x[0]=='"') { $x = substr($x, 1, -1); } $x = stripcslashes( $x ); } return $x; } } class MyTool { // http://php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-set-streams-context.php static $opts; static $redirects = 20; const ERROR_UNKNOWN_CODE = 1; const ERROR_LOCATION = 2; const ERROR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS = 3; const ERROR_NO_CURL = 4; public static function loadUrl($url) { $redirects = self::$redirects; $opts = self::$opts; $header = ''; $code = ''; $data = ''; $error = ''; if (in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) { $ch = curl_init($url); if (!empty($opts)) { if (!empty($opts['http']['timeout'])) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $opts['http']['timeout']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $opts['http']['timeout']); } if (!empty($opts['http']['user_agent'])) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $opts['http']['user_agent']); } if (!empty($opts['http']['headers'])) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $opts['http']['headers']); } } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); if ((!ini_get('open_basedir') && !ini_get('safe_mode')) || $redirects < 1) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, $redirects > 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $redirects); $data = curl_exec($ch); } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, false); do { $data = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { break; } $code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($code != 301 && $code != 302 && $code!=303 && $code!=307) { break; } $headerSize = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $header = substr($data, 0, $headerSize); if (!preg_match('/^(?:Location|URI): ([^\r\n]*)[\r\n]*$/im', $header, $matches)) { $error = self::ERROR_LOCATION; break; } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $matches[1]); } while (--$redirects); if (!$redirects) { $error = self::ERROR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS; } } $headerSize = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $header = substr($data, 0, $headerSize); $code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $data = substr($data, $headerSize); $error = curl_error($ch); curl_close($ch); } else { $context = stream_context_create($opts); if ($stream = fopen($url, 'r', false, $context)) { $data = stream_get_contents($stream); $status = $http_response_header[0]; $code = explode(' ', $status); if (count($code)>1) { $code = $code[1]; } else { $code = ''; $error = self::ERROR_UNKNOWN_CODE; } $header = implode("\r\n", $http_response_header); fclose($stream); if (substr($data,0,1) != '<') { $decoded = gzdecode($data); if (substr($decoded,0,1) == '<') { $data = $decoded; } } } else { $error = self::ERROR_NO_CURL; } } return array( 'header' => $header, 'code' => $code, 'data' => $data, 'error' => self::getError($error), ); } public static function getError($error) { switch ($error) { case self::ERROR_UNKNOWN_CODE: return Intl::msg('Http code not valid'); break; case self::ERROR_LOCATION: return Intl::msg('Location not found'); break; case self::ERROR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS: return Intl::msg('Too many redirects'); break; case self::ERROR_NO_CURL: return Intl::msg('Error when loading without curl'); break; default: return $error; break; } } public static function initPhp() { define('START_TIME', microtime(true)); if (phpversion() < 5) { die("Argh you don't have PHP 5 !"); } error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); function stripslashesDeep($value) { return is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashesDeep', $value) : stripslashes($value); } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.4', '<')) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST = array_map('stripslashesDeep', $_POST); $_GET = array_map('stripslashesDeep', $_GET); $_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashesDeep', $_COOKIE); } } ob_start(); } public static function isUrl($url) { // http://neo22s.com/check-if-url-exists-and-is-online-php/ $pattern='|^http(s)?://[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$|i'; return preg_match($pattern, $url); } public static function isEmail($email) { $pattern = "/^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2, 4}$/i"; return (preg_match($pattern, $email)); } public static function formatBBCode($text) { $replace = array( '/\[m\](.+?)\[\/m\]/is' => '/* moderate */', '/\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]/is' => '<strong>$1</strong>', '/\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]/is' => '<em>$1</em>', '/\[s\](.+?)\[\/s\]/is' => '<del>$1</del>', '/\[u\](.+?)\[\/u\]/is' => '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">$1</span>', '/\[url\](.+?)\[\/url]/is' => '<a href="$1">$1</a>', '/\[url=(\w+:\/\/[^\]]+)\](.+?)\[\/url]/is' => '<a href="$1">$2</a>', '/\[quote\](.+?)\[\/quote\]/is' => '<blockquote>$1</blockquote>', '/\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is' => '<code>$1</code>', '/\[([^[]+)\|([^[]+)\]/is' => '<a href="$2">$1</a>' ); $text = preg_replace( array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $text ); return $text; } public static function formatText($text) { $text = preg_replace_callback( '/<code_html>(.*?)<\/code_html>/is', create_function( '$matches', 'return htmlspecialchars($matches[1]);' ), $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( '/<code_php>(.*?)<\/code_php>/is', create_function( '$matches', 'return highlight_string("<?php $matches[1] ?>", true);' ), $text ); $text = preg_replace('/<br \/>/is', '', $text); $text = preg_replace( '#(^|\s)([a-z]+://([^\s\w/]?[\w/])*)(\s|$)#im', '\\1<a href="\\2">\\2</a>\\4', $text ); $text = preg_replace( '#(^|\s)wp:?([a-z]{2}|):([\w]+)#im', '\\1<a href="http://\\2.wikipedia.org/wiki/\\3">\\3</a>', $text ); $text = str_replace( 'http://.wikipedia.org/wiki/', 'http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/', $text ); $text = str_replace('\wp:', 'wp:', $text); $text = str_replace('\http:', 'http:', $text); $text = MyTool::formatBBCode($text); $text = nl2br($text); return $text; } public static function getUrl() { $base = isset($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'])?$GLOBALS['BASE_URL']:''; if (!empty($base)) { return $base; } $https = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on')) || (isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]) && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == '443'); // HTTPS detection. $serverport = (!isset($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]) || $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == '80' || ($https && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == '443') ? '' : ':' . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]); $scriptname = str_replace('/index.php', '/', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); if (!isset($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) { return $scriptname; } return 'http' . ($https ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $serverport . $scriptname; } public static function rrmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir) && ($d = @opendir($dir))) { while (($file = @readdir($d)) !== false) { if ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) { unlink($dir . '/' . $file); } } } } public static function humanBytes($bytes) { $siPrefix = array( 'bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' ); $base = 1024; $class = min((int) log($bytes, $base), count($siPrefix) - 1); $val = sprintf('%1.2f', $bytes / pow($base, $class)); return $val . ' ' . $siPrefix[$class]; } public static function returnBytes($val) { $val = trim($val); $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val)-1]); $value = intval($val); switch($last) { case 'g': $value *= 1024; case 'm': $value *= 1024; case 'k': $value *= 1024; } return $value; } public static function getMaxFileSize() { $sizePostMax = MyTool::returnBytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); $sizeUploadMax = MyTool::returnBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); // Return the smaller of two: return min($sizePostMax, $sizeUploadMax); } public static function smallHash($text) { $t = rtrim(base64_encode(hash('crc32', $text, true)), '='); // Get rid of characters which need encoding in URLs. $t = str_replace('+', '-', $t); $t = str_replace('/', '_', $t); $t = str_replace('=', '@', $t); return $t; } public static function renderJson($data) { header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); echo json_encode($data); exit(); } public static function grabToLocal($url, $file, $force = false) { if ((!file_exists($file) || $force) && in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())){ $ch = curl_init ($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $raw = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) { $fp = fopen($file, 'x'); fwrite($fp, $raw); fclose($fp); } curl_close ($ch); } } public static function redirect($rurl = '') { if ($rurl === '') { // if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strcmp(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],PHP_URL_HOST),$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])==0) $rurl = (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])?'?':$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (isset($_POST['returnurl'])) { $rurl = $_POST['returnurl']; } } // prevent loop if (empty($rurl) || parse_url($rurl, PHP_URL_QUERY) === $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { $rurl = MyTool::getUrl(); } if (substr($rurl, 0, 1) !== '?') { $ref = MyTool::getUrl(); if (substr($rurl, 0, strlen($ref)) !== $ref) { $rurl = $ref; } } header('Location: '.$rurl); exit(); } } class Opml { public static function importOpml($kfData) { $feeds = $kfData['feeds']; $folders = $kfData['folders']; $filename = $_FILES['filetoupload']['name']; $filesize = $_FILES['filetoupload']['size']; $data = file_get_contents($_FILES['filetoupload']['tmp_name']); $overwrite = isset($_POST['overwrite']); if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) { $prev = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); } $opml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $importCount=0; if ($opml->loadXML($data)) { $body = $opml->getElementsByTagName('body'); $xmlArray = Opml::getArrayFromXml($body->item(0)); $array = Opml::convertOpmlArray($xmlArray['outline']); foreach ($array as $hashUrl => $arrayInfo) { $title = ''; if (isset($arrayInfo['title'])) { $title = $arrayInfo['title']; } else if (isset($arrayInfo['text'])) { $title = $arrayInfo['text']; } $foldersHash = array(); if (isset($arrayInfo['folders'])) { foreach ($arrayInfo['folders'] as $folder) { $folderTitle = html_entity_decode( $folder, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ); $folderHash = MyTool::smallHash($folderTitle); if (!isset($folders[$folderHash])) { $folders[$folderHash] = array('title' => $folderTitle, 'isOpen' => true); } $foldersHash[] = $folderHash; } } $timeUpdate = 'auto'; $lastUpdate = 0; $xmlUrl = ''; if (isset($arrayInfo['xmlUrl'])) { $xmlUrl = $arrayInfo['xmlUrl']; } $htmlUrl = ''; if (isset($arrayInfo['htmlUrl'])) { $htmlUrl = $arrayInfo['htmlUrl']; } $description = ''; if (isset($arrayInfo['description'])) { $description = $arrayInfo['description']; } if (empty($title)) { $host = parse_url($xmlUrl)['host']; $title = empty($host) ? '-' : $host; } // create new feed if (!empty($xmlUrl)) { $oldFeed = array('nbUnread' => 0, 'nbAll' => 0); if (isset($feeds[$hashUrl])) { $oldFeed['nbUnread'] = $feeds[$hashUrl]['nbUnread']; $oldFeed['nbAll'] = $feeds[$hashUrl]['nbAll']; } $currentFeed = array( 'title' => html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'description' => html_entity_decode($description, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'htmlUrl' => html_entity_decode($htmlUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'xmlUrl' => html_entity_decode($xmlUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'nbUnread' => $oldFeed['nbUnread'], 'nbAll' => $oldFeed['nbAll'], 'foldersHash' => $foldersHash, 'timeUpdate' => $timeUpdate, 'lastUpdate' => $lastUpdate); if ($overwrite || !isset($feeds[$hashUrl])) { $feeds[$hashUrl] = $currentFeed; $importCount++; } } } FeedPage::$pb->assign('class', 'text-success'); FeedPage::$pb->assign('message', sprintf(Intl::msg('File %s (%s) was successfully processed: %d links imported'),htmlspecialchars($filename),MyTool::humanBytes($filesize), $importCount)); FeedPage::$pb->assign('button', Intl::msg('Continue')); FeedPage::$pb->assign('referer', MyTool::getUrl()); FeedPage::$pb->renderPage('message', false); $kfData['feeds'] = $feeds; $kfData['folders'] = $folders; return $kfData; } else { FeedPage::$pb->assign('message', sprintf(Intl::msg('File %s (%s) has an unknown file format. Check encoding, try to remove accents and try again. Nothing was imported.'),htmlspecialchars($filename),MyTool::humanBytes($filesize))); FeedPage::$pb->renderPage('message'); } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) { libxml_disable_entity_loader($prev); } } public static function generateOpml($feeds, $folders) { $withoutFolder = array(); $withFolder = array(); // get a new representation of data using folders as key foreach ($feeds as $hashUrl => $arrayInfo) { if (empty($arrayInfo['foldersHash'])) { $withoutFolder[] = $hashUrl; } else { foreach ($arrayInfo['foldersHash'] as $folderHash) { $withFolder[$folderHash][] = $hashUrl; } } } $opmlData = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); // we want a nice output $opmlData->formatOutput = true; // opml node creation $opml = $opmlData->createElement('opml'); $opmlVersion = $opmlData->createAttribute('version'); $opmlVersion->value = '1.0'; $opml->appendChild($opmlVersion); // head node creation $head = $opmlData->createElement('head'); $title = $opmlData->createElement('title', 'KrISS Feed'); $head->appendChild($title); $opml->appendChild($head); // body node creation $body = $opmlData->createElement('body'); // without folder outline node foreach ($withoutFolder as $hashUrl) { $outline = $opmlData->createElement('outline'); $outlineTitle = $opmlData->createAttribute('title'); $outlineTitle->value = htmlspecialchars( $feeds[$hashUrl]['title'] ); $outline->appendChild($outlineTitle); $outlineText = $opmlData->createAttribute('text'); $outlineText->value = htmlspecialchars($feeds[$hashUrl]['title']); $outline->appendChild($outlineText); if (!empty($feeds[$hashUrl]['description'])) { $outlineDescription = $opmlData->createAttribute('description'); $outlineDescription->value = htmlspecialchars($feeds[$hashUrl]['description']); $outline->appendChild($outlineDescription); } $outlineXmlUrl = $opmlData->createAttribute('xmlUrl'); $outlineXmlUrl->value = htmlspecialchars($feeds[$hashUrl]['xmlUrl']); $outline->appendChild($outlineXmlUrl); $outlineHtmlUrl = $opmlData->createAttribute('htmlUrl'); $outlineHtmlUrl->value = htmlspecialchars( $feeds[$hashUrl]['htmlUrl'] ); $outline->appendChild($outlineHtmlUrl); $outlineType = $opmlData->createAttribute('type'); $outlineType->value = 'rss'; $outline->appendChild($outlineType); $body->appendChild($outline); } // with folder outline node foreach ($withFolder as $folderHash => $arrayHashUrl) { $outline = $opmlData->createElement('outline'); $outlineText = $opmlData->createAttribute('text'); $outlineText->value = htmlspecialchars($folders[$folderHash]['title']); $outline->appendChild($outlineText); foreach ($arrayHashUrl as $hashUrl) { $outlineKF = $opmlData->createElement('outline'); $outlineTitle = $opmlData->createAttribute('title'); $outlineTitle->value = htmlspecialchars($feeds[$hashUrl]['title']); $outlineKF->appendChild($outlineTitle); $outlineText = $opmlData->createAttribute('text'); $outlineText->value = htmlspecialchars($feeds[$hashUrl]['title']); $outlineKF->appendChild($outlineText); if (!empty($feeds[$hashUrl]['description'])) { $outlineDescription = $opmlData->createAttribute('description'); $outlineDescription->value = htmlspecialchars( $feeds[$hashUrl]['description'] ); $outlineKF->appendChild($outlineDescription); } $outlineXmlUrl = $opmlData->createAttribute('xmlUrl'); $outlineXmlUrl->value = htmlspecialchars($feeds[$hashUrl]['xmlUrl']); $outlineKF->appendChild($outlineXmlUrl); $outlineHtmlUrl = $opmlData->createAttribute('htmlUrl'); $outlineHtmlUrl->value = htmlspecialchars($feeds[$hashUrl]['htmlUrl']); $outlineKF->appendChild($outlineHtmlUrl); $outlineType = $opmlData->createAttribute('type'); $outlineType->value = 'rss'; $outlineKF->appendChild($outlineType); $outline->appendChild($outlineKF); } $body->appendChild($outline); } $opml->appendChild($body); $opmlData->appendChild($opml); return $opmlData->saveXML(); } public static function exportOpml($feeds, $folders) { // generate opml file header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); header( 'Content-disposition: attachment; filename=kriss_feed_' . strval(date('Ymd_His')) . '.opml' ); echo self::generateOpml($feeds, $folders); exit(); } public static function getArrayFromXml($node) { $array = false; if ($node->hasAttributes()) { foreach ($node->attributes as $attr) { $array[$attr->nodeName] = $attr->nodeValue; } } if ($node->hasChildNodes()) { if ($node->childNodes->length == 1) { $array[$node->firstChild->nodeName] = $node->firstChild->nodeValue; } else { foreach ($node->childNodes as $childNode) { if ($childNode->nodeType != XML_TEXT_NODE) { $array[$childNode->nodeName][] = Opml::getArrayFromXml($childNode); } } } } return $array; } public static function convertOpmlArray($array, $listFolders = array()) { $newArray = array(); for ($i = 0, $len = count($array); $i < $len; $i++) { if (isset($array[$i]['outline']) && (isset($array[$i]['text']) || isset($array[$i]['title'])) ) { // here is a folder if (isset($array[$i]['text'])) { $listFolders[] = $array[$i]['text']; } else { $listFolders[] = $array[$i]['title']; } $newArray = array_merge( $newArray, Opml::convertOpmlArray( $array[$i]['outline'], $listFolders ) ); array_pop($listFolders); } else { if (isset($array[$i]['xmlUrl'])) { // here is a feed $xmlUrl = MyTool::smallHash($array[$i]['xmlUrl']); if (isset($newArray[$xmlUrl])) { //feed already exists foreach ($listFolders as $val) { // add folder to the feed if (!in_array( $val, $newArray[$xmlUrl]['folders'] )) { $newArray[$xmlUrl]['folders'][] = $val; } } } else { // here is a new feed foreach ($array[$i] as $attr => $val) { $newArray[$xmlUrl][$attr] = $val; } $newArray[$xmlUrl]['folders'] = $listFolders; } } } } return $newArray; } } class PageBuilder { private $pageClass; public $tpl; public $var = array(); public function __construct($pageClass) { $this->pageClass = $pageClass; } public function assign($variable, $value = null) { if (is_array($variable)) { $this->var += $variable; } else { $this->var[$variable] = $value; } } public function renderPage($page, $exit = true) { $this->assign('template', $page); $method = $page.'Tpl'; if (method_exists($this->pageClass, $method)) { $classPage = new $this->pageClass; $classPage->init($this->var); ob_start(); $classPage->$method(); ob_end_flush(); } else { $this->draw($page); } if ($exit) { exit(); } return true; } } class Plugin { public static $dir = "plugins"; public static $hooks = array(); public static function init() { $arrayPlugins = glob(self::$dir. '/*.php'); if(is_array($arrayPlugins)) { foreach($arrayPlugins as $plugin) { include $plugin; } } } public static function listAll() { $list = array(); self::callHook('Plugin_registry', array(&$list)); return $list; } public static function addHook($hookName, $functionName, $priority = 10) { self::$hooks[$hookName][$priority][] = $functionName; } public static function callHook($hookName, $hookArguments = array()) { if(isset(self::$hooks[$hookName])) { ksort(self::$hooks[$hookName]); foreach (self::$hooks[$hookName] as $hooks) { foreach($hooks as $functionName) { call_user_func_array($functionName, $hookArguments); } } } } } class Rss { const UNKNOWN = 0; const RSS = 1; const ATOM = 2; public static $feedFormat = array( 'title' => array('>title'), 'description' => array('>description', '>subtitle'), 'htmlUrl' => array('>link', '>link[rel=self][href]', '>link[href]', '>id') ); public static $itemFormat = array( 'author' => array('>author>name', '>author', '>dc:creator', 'feed>author>name', '>dc:author', '>creator'), 'content' => array('>content:encoded', '>content', '>description', '>summary', '>subtitle', '>media:group>media:description'), 'description' => array('>description', '>summary', '>subtitle', '>content', '>content:encoded'), 'via' => array('>guid', '>id'), 'link' => array('>feedburner:origLink', '>link[rel=alternate][href]', '>link[href]', '>link', '>guid', '>id'), 'time' => array('>pubDate', '>updated', '>lastBuildDate', '>published', '>dc:date', '>date', '>created', '>modified'), 'title' => array('>title'), 'enclosure' => array('>enclosure*[url]', '>media:group>media:content*[url]'), 'thumbnail' => array('>media:thumbnail[url]'), ); public static function isValidNodeAttrs($node, $attrs) { foreach ($attrs as $attr) { $val = ''; if (strpos($attr, '=') !== false) { list($attr, $val) = explode('=', $attr); } if (!$node->hasAttribute($attr) || (!empty($val) && $node->getAttribute($attr) !== $val)) { return false; } } return true; } public static function filterNodeListByName($nodes, $name) { $res = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nodes->length; $i++) { if ($nodes->item($i)->tagName === $name) { $res[] = $nodes->item($i); } } return $res; } public static function getNodesName($node, $name) { if (strpos($name, ':') !== false) { list(, $localname) = explode(':', $name); $nodes = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS('*', $localname); } else { $nodes = $node->getElementsByTagName($name); } return self::filterNodeListByName($nodes, $name); } public static function getElement($node, $selectors) { $res = ''; $selector = array_shift($selectors); $attributes = explode('[', str_replace(']','',$selector)); $name = array_shift($attributes); if (substr($name, -1) == "*") { $name = substr($name, 0, -1); $res = array(); } $nodes = self::getNodesName($node, $name); foreach ($nodes as $currentNode) { if ($currentNode->parentNode->isSameNode($node) && self::isValidNodeAttrs($currentNode, $attributes)) { if (empty($selectors)) { $attr = end($attributes); if (empty($attr) || strpos($attr, '=') !== false) { if (is_array($res)) { $res[] = $currentNode->textContent; } else { $res = $currentNode->textContent; } } else { if (is_array($res)) { $res[] = $currentNode->getAttribute($attr); } else { $res = $currentNode->getAttribute($attr); } } } else { return self::getElement($currentNode, $selectors); } } if (!is_array($res) && !empty($res)) { break; } } if ($name == "media:description") { $res = nl2br($res); } return $res; } public static function formatElement($dom, $element, $formats) { $newElement = array(); foreach ($formats as $format => $list) { $newElement[$format] = ''; for ($i = 0, $len = count($list); $i < $len && empty($newElement[$format]); $i++) { $selectors = explode('>', $list[$i]); $selector = array_shift($selectors); if (empty($selector)) { $newElement[$format] = self::getElement($element, $selectors); } else if (strpos($selector, '[') === 0) { $attributes = explode('[', str_replace(']','',$selector)); if (self::isValidNodeAttrs($element, $attributes)) { $newElement[$format] = self::getElement($element, $selectors); } } else { $attributes = explode('[', str_replace(']','',$selector)); $name = array_shift($attributes); $nodes = self::getNodesName($dom, $name); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if (self::isValidNodeAttrs($node, $attributes)) { $newElement[$format] = self::getElement($node, $selectors); } if (!empty($newElement[$format])) { break; } } } } } return $newElement; } public static function getFeed($dom) { $feed = new DOMNodelist; $type = self::getType($dom); if ($type === self::RSS) { $feed = $dom->getElementsByTagName('channel')->item(0); } elseif ($type === self::ATOM) { $feed = $dom->getElementsByTagName('feed')->item(0); } return self::formatElement($dom, $feed, self::$feedFormat); } public static function getItems($dom, $nb = -1) { $items = new DOMNodelist; $type = self::getType($dom); if ($type === self::RSS) { $items = $dom->getElementsByTagName('item'); } elseif ($type === self::ATOM) { $items = $dom->getElementsByTagName('entry'); } $newItems = array(); $max = ($nb === -1 ? $items->length : min($nb, $items->length)); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $newItems[] = self::formatElement($dom, $items->item($i), self::$itemFormat); } return $newItems; } public static function getType($dom) { $type = self::UNKNOWN; $feed = $dom->getElementsByTagName('channel'); if ($feed->item(0)) { $type = self::RSS; } else { $feed = $dom->getElementsByTagName('feed'); if ($feed->item(0)) { $type = self::ATOM; } } return $type; } public static function loadDom($data) { libxml_clear_errors(); if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) { $prev = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); } set_error_handler(array('Rss', 'silenceErrors')); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($data); restore_error_handler(); if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) { libxml_disable_entity_loader($prev); } return array( 'dom' => $dom, 'error' => self::getError(libxml_get_last_error()) ); } public static function getError($error) { $return = ''; if ($error !== false) { switch ($error->level) { case LIBXML_ERR_WARNING: $return = "Warning XML $error->code: "; break; case LIBXML_ERR_ERROR: $return = "Error XML $error->code: "; break; case LIBXML_ERR_FATAL: $return = "Fatal Error XML $error->code: "; break; } $return .= $return.trim($error->message); } return $return; } public static function silenceErrors($num, $str) { // No-op } } class Session { // Personnalize PHP session name public static $sessionName = ''; // If the user does not access any page within this time, // his/her session is considered expired (3600 sec. = 1 hour) public static $inactivityTimeout = 3600; // If you get disconnected often or if your IP address changes often. // Let you disable session cookie hijacking protection public static $disableSessionProtection = false; // Ban IP after this many failures. public static $banAfter = 4; // Ban duration for IP address after login failures (in seconds). // (1800 sec. = 30 minutes) public static $banDuration = 1800; // File storage for failures and bans. If empty, no ban management. public static $banFile = ''; public static function init() { $lifetime = 0; self::setCookie($lifetime); // Use cookies to store session. ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); // Force cookies for session (phpsessionID forbidden in URL) ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { // Prevent php to use sessionID in URL if cookies are disabled. ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); if (!empty(self::$sessionName)) { session_name(self::$sessionName); } session_start(); if (!empty($_SESSION['longlastingsession'])) { $lifetime = time()+$_SESSION['longlastingsession']; } self::setCookie($lifetime); } } public static function setCookie($lifetime = null) { $cookie = session_get_cookie_params(); // Do not change lifetime if ($lifetime === null) { $lifetime = $cookie['lifetime']; } // Force cookie path $path = ''; if (dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) !== '/') { $path = dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]).'/'; } // Use default domain $domain = $cookie['domain']; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } // remove port from domain : http://php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php#36202 $domain = (string)parse_url($domain, PHP_URL_HOST); // Check if secure $secure = false; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $secure = true; } if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, $path, $domain, $secure); } else { setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), $lifetime, $path, $domain, $secure); } } private static function _allIPs() { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $ip.= isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? '_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : ''; $ip.= isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) ? '_'.$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] : ''; return $ip; } public static function login ( $login, $password, $loginTest, $passwordTest, $pValues = array()) { self::banInit(); if (self::banCanLogin()) { if ($login === $loginTest && $password === $passwordTest) { self::banLoginOk(); // Generate unique random number to sign forms (HMAC) $_SESSION['uid'] = sha1(uniqid('', true).'_'.mt_rand()); $_SESSION['ip'] = self::_allIPs(); $_SESSION['username'] = $login; // Set session expiration. $_SESSION['expires_on'] = time() + self::$inactivityTimeout; foreach ($pValues as $key => $value) { $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } return true; } self::banLoginFailed(); } return false; } public static function logout() { unset($_SESSION['uid'], $_SESSION['ip'], $_SESSION['expires_on'], $_SESSION['longlastingsession']); } public static function isLogged() { if (!isset ($_SESSION['uid']) || (self::$disableSessionProtection === false && $_SESSION['ip'] !== self::_allIPs()) || time() >= $_SESSION['expires_on']) { self::logout(); return false; } // User accessed a page : Update his/her session expiration date. $_SESSION['expires_on'] = time() + self::$inactivityTimeout; if (!empty($_SESSION['longlastingsession'])) { $_SESSION['expires_on'] += $_SESSION['longlastingsession']; } return true; } public static function getToken($salt = '') { if (!isset($_SESSION['tokens'])) { $_SESSION['tokens']=array(); } // We generate a random string and store it on the server side. $rnd = sha1(uniqid('', true).'_'.mt_rand().$salt); $_SESSION['tokens'][$rnd]=1; return $rnd; } public static function isToken($token) { if (isset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token])) { unset($_SESSION['tokens'][$token]); // Token is used: destroy it. return true; // Token is ok. } return false; // Wrong token, or already used. } public static function banLoginFailed() { if (self::$banFile !== '') { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $gb = $GLOBALS['IPBANS']; if (!isset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip])) { $gb['FAILURES'][$ip] = 0; } $gb['FAILURES'][$ip]++; if ($gb['FAILURES'][$ip] > (self::$banAfter - 1)) { $gb['BANS'][$ip]= time() + self::$banDuration; } $GLOBALS['IPBANS'] = $gb; file_put_contents(self::$banFile, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export($gb, true).";\n?>"); } } public static function banLoginOk() { if (self::$banFile !== '') { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $gb = $GLOBALS['IPBANS']; unset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]); unset($gb['BANS'][$ip]); $GLOBALS['IPBANS'] = $gb; file_put_contents(self::$banFile, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export($gb, true).";\n?>"); } } public static function banInit() { if (self::$banFile !== '') { if (!is_file(self::$banFile)) { file_put_contents(self::$banFile, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export(array('FAILURES'=>array(), 'BANS'=>array()), true).";\n?>"); } include self::$banFile; } } public static function banCanLogin() { if (self::$banFile !== '') { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $gb = $GLOBALS['IPBANS']; if (isset($gb['BANS'][$ip])) { // User is banned. Check if the ban has expired: if ($gb['BANS'][$ip] <= time()) { // Ban expired, user can try to login again. unset($gb['FAILURES'][$ip]); unset($gb['BANS'][$ip]); file_put_contents(self::$banFile, "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['IPBANS']=".var_export($gb, true).";\n?>"); return true; // Ban has expired, user can login. } return false; // User is banned. } } return true; // User is not banned. } } class Star extends Feed { public $starItemFile; public function __construct($starFile, $starItemFile, $kfc) { parent::__construct($starFile, '', $kfc); $this->starItemFile = $starItemFile; if (is_file($this->starItemFile)) { include_once $this->starItemFile; } } public function initData() { $data = array(); $data['feeds'] = array(); $data['items'] = array(); $GLOBALS['starredItems'] = array(); $this->setData($data); } public function markItem($itemHash, $starred, $feed = false, $item = false) { $save = false; $feeds = $this->getFeeds(); $feedHash = substr($itemHash, 0, 6); $items = $this->getItems(); if (isset($items[$itemHash]) && $starred === 0) { $save = true; unset($items[$itemHash]); unset($GLOBALS['starredItems'][$itemHash]); if (isset($feeds[$feedHash])){ unset($feeds[$feedHash]['items'][$itemHash]); $feeds[$feedHash]['nbAll']--; if ($feeds[$feedHash]['nbAll'] <= 0) { unset($feeds[$feedHash]); } } } else if (!isset($items[$itemHash]) && $starred === 1) { // didn't exists, want to star it $save = true; $items[$itemHash] = [time(), 0]; if (!isset($feeds[$feedHash])){ $feed['nbAll'] = 0; $feed['items'] = array(); // remove useless feed information unset($feed['timeUpdate']); unset($feed['nbUnread']); unset($feed['lastUpdate']); unset($feed['foldersHash']); unset($feed['error']); $feeds[$feedHash] = $feed; } $feeds[$feedHash]['items'][$itemHash] = $item; $feeds[$feedHash]['nbAll']++; $GLOBALS['starredItems'][$itemHash] = 1; } if ($save) { arsort($items); $this->setItems($items); $this->setFeeds($feeds); } return $save; } public function writeStarredItems() { if ($this->kfc->isLogged()) { $data = array('starredItems'); $out = '<?php '."\n"; foreach ($data as $key) { $out .= '$GLOBALS[\''.$key.'\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS[$key],true).';'."\n"; } if (!@file_put_contents($this->starItemFile, $out)) { die("Can't write to ".$this->starItemFile." check permissions"); } } } public function writeData() { parent::writeData(); $this->writeStarredItems(); } } MyTool::$opts = array( 'http' => array( 'headers' => [], 'timeout' => 4, 'user_agent' => 'KrISS feed agent '.FEED_VERSION.' by Tontof.net http://tontof.net/kriss/feed', ) ); Plugin::init(); if (!class_exists('Intl_de')) { class Intl_de { public static function init(&$messages) { $messages['de'] = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(" 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} } Intl::addLang('de', 'Deutsch', 'flag-de'); } if (!class_exists('Intl_fr')) { class Intl_fr { public static function init(&$messages) { $messages['fr'] = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(" 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} } Intl::addLang('fr', 'Français', 'flag-fr'); } // Check if php version is correct MyTool::initPHP(); // Initialize Session Session::$sessionName = 'kriss'; Session::$banFile = BAN_FILE; Session::init(); // Initialize internationalization Intl::addLang('en_GB', 'English (Great Britain)', 'flag-gb'); Intl::addLang('en_US', 'English (America)', 'flag-us'); Intl::init(); $ref = MyTool::getUrl(); $referer = (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])?'?':$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if (substr($referer, 0, strlen($ref)) !== $ref) { $referer = $ref; } if (isset($_GET['file'])) { $gmtTime = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime(__FILE__)) . ' GMT'; $etag = '"'.md5($gmtTime).'"'; header("Cache-Control:"); header("Pragma:"); header("Last-Modified: $gmtTime"); header("ETag: $etag"); $if_modified_since = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] : false; $if_none_match = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] : false; if (($if_none_match && $if_none_match == $etag) || ($if_modified_since && $if_modified_since == $gmtTime)) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); exit(); } if ($_GET['file'] == 'favicon.ico') { header('Content-Type: image/vnd.microsoft.icon'); $favicon = ' 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 '; 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height: 20px; padding: 5px; margin-left: -1px; border: 1px solid #444; vertical-align: middle; margin-bottom: 0; border-radius: 0; } input[readonly="readonly"]{ opacity: 0.4; } .input-mini { width: 24px !important; } button::-moz-focus-inner, input::-moz-focus-inner { padding: 0; border: 0; } .control-group { clear: both; margin-bottom: 10px; } .help-block { color: #666; display: block; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 10px; } /** * Menu */ .navbar { background-color: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #444; border-radius: 4px; } .nav-collapse.collapse { height: auto; overflow: visible; float: left; } .navbar .brand { padding: 5px; font-size: 18px; display: block; float: left; } .navbar .btn-navbar { padding: 5px !important; margin: 5px !important; font-size: 18px; display: none; float: right; } .navbar .nav { display: block; float: left; } ul.nav { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } .navbar .nav > li { float: left; } .navbar .nav > li > a { display: block; padding: 10px 15px; } .menu-ico { display: none; } /** * Paging */ #paging-up, #paging-down { margin: 10px; } #paging-up ul, #paging-down ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } .input-append, .input-prepend, .btn-group { position: relative; display: inline-block; font-size: 0; white-space: nowrap; } .btn, button { display: inline-block; line-height: 20px; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #444; background-color: #ddd; vertical-align: middle; padding: 5px; margin: 0; margin-left: -1px; min-width: 20px; border-radius: 0; } .btn-break { display: none; } ul.inline > li, ol.inline > li { float: left; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; } /** * List of feeds */ #list-feeds ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } li.feed { margin-left: 4px; padding: 1px 0; } li.feed:hover { background-color: #eee; } li.feed.has-unread { font-weight: bold; } .item-favicon { float: left; margin-right: 2px; } li.folder > h4 { border: 1px solid #444; border-radius: 4px; padding: 2px; margin: 0; } li.folder > h5 { border: 1px solid #444; border-radius: 4px; padding: 2px; margin: 2px 0; } li.folder > h4:hover, li.folder > h5:hover { background-color: #eee; } .mark-as { float: right; } /** * List of items */ #list-items { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } li.item-list { border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; } .current, .current-feed, .current-folder > h5, .current-folder > h4 { background-color: #eee; } .current .item-title { font-weight: bold; } dl { margin: 0 !important; } dt, dd { line-height: 20px; } .dl-horizontal dt { float: left; width: 18%; overflow: hidden; clear: left; text-align: right; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .dl-horizontal dd { margin-left: 20%; } .item-info { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } .item-link { color: #000; } .read { opacity: 0.4; } .autohide-feed,.autohide-folder { display: none; } #main-container { float: right; } #minor-container { margin-left: 0; } .clear { clear: both; } #menu-toggle { color: #000 !important; } #status { font-size: 85%; } .item-toggle-plus { float: right; } .item-content { margin: 10px 0; } .item-info-end { float: right; } .folder-toggle:focus, .folder-toggle:hover, .folder-toggle:active, .item-toggle:focus, .item-toggle:hover, .item-toggle:active, .mark-as:hover, .mark-as:active { text-decoration: none; } .folder-toggle-open, .item-toggle-open, .item-close { display: none; } .folder-toggle-close, .item-toggle-close, .item-open { display: block; } .label, .badge { padding: 2px 4px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; background-color: #999999; border-radius: 3px; } .label-expanded { padding: 6px; } /* Large desktop */ @media (min-width: 1200px) { } /* Portrait tablet to landscape and desktop */ @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { .hidden-desktop { display: inherit !important; } .visible-desktop { display: none !important ; } .visible-tablet { display: inherit !important; } .hidden-tablet { display: none !important; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .nav-collapse.collapse { height: auto !important; overflow: visible !important; } } /* Landscape phone to portrait tablet */ @media (max-width: 767px) { input[type="text"], input[type="password"] { padding: 10px 0 !important; } .btn { padding: 10px !important; } .label { border-radius: 10px !important; padding: 5px; } .item-top > .label, .item-shaarli > .label, .item-starred > .label, .item-mark-as > .label { display: block; float: left; margin: 0 5px; padding: 0px 24px; line-height: 44px; } .item-title { line-height: 44px; } .item-link { clear: both; } li.feed, li.folder > h4, li.folder > h5{ padding: 10px 0; } .row-fluid .span12, .row-fluid .span9, .row-fluid .span6, .row-fluid .span4, .row-fluid .span3 { width: 99%; } .row-fluid .offset4, .row-fluid .offset3 { margin-left: 0; } #main-container { float: none; margin: auto; } #minor-container { margin: auto; } .hidden-desktop { display: inherit !important; } .visible-desktop { display: none !important; } .visible-phone { display: inherit !important; } .hidden-phone { display: none !important; } html, body, .full-height { height: auto; } .navbar .container { width: auto; } .nav-collapse.collapse { float: none; clear: both; } .nav-collapse .nav, .nav-collapse .nav > li { float: none; } .nav-collapse .nav > li > a { display: block; padding: 10px; } .nav-collapse .btn { font-weight: normal; } .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:hover, .nav-collapse .nav > li > a:focus { background-color: #f2f2f2; } .nav-collapse.collapse { height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .navbar .btn-navbar { display: block; } .dl-horizontal dt { float: none; width: auto; clear: none; text-align: left; padding: 10px; } .dl-horizontal dd { clear: both; padding: 10px; margin-left: 0; } } /* Landscape phones and down */ @media (max-width: 480px) { ul.inline { width: 100%; } ul.inline > li { width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .btn-group { width: 100%; margin: 5px auto; } .btn-group .btn { width: 100%; padding: 10px 0 !important; margin: auto; } .btn-break { display: block; } .btn2 { width: 50% !important; } .btn3 { width: 33.333% !important; } .paging-by-page { width: 100%; } .paging-by-page > input { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .item-toggle-plus { padding: 10px; } .item-info { white-space: normal; } .item-description { display: none; } .form-horizontal .control-label { float: none; width: auto; text-align: center; } .form-horizontal .controls { margin: auto; } .form-horizontal { text-align: center; } .item-top > .label, .item-shaarli > .label, .item-starred > .label, .item-mark-as > .label { display: inline-block; float: none; margin: 2px 5px; padding: 0px 24px; line-height: 44px; text-align: center; } .item-info-end { float: none; height: 60px; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; white-space: nowrap; } } /* feed icon inspired from peculiar by Lucian Marin - lucianmarin.com */ /* https://github.com/lucianmarin/peculiar */ .ico { position: relative; width: 16px; height: 16px; display: inline-block; margin-right: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } .ico-feed-dot { background-color: #000; width: 4px; height: 4px; border-radius: 3px; position: absolute; bottom: 2px; left: 2px; } .ico-feed-circle-1 { border: #000 2px solid; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; width: 6px; height: 6px; border-radius: 6px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .ico-feed-circle-2 { border: #000 2px solid; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; width: 9px; height: 9px; border-radius: 4px 7px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; } .ico-b-disc { background-color: #000; border-radius:8px; width: 16px; height: 16px; position: absolute; top:0; left:0; } .ico-w-line-h { background-color: #fff; width: 8px; height: 2px; border-radius: 1px; position: absolute; top:7px; left: 4px; } .ico-w-line-v { background-color: #fff; width: 2px; height: 8px; border-radius: 1px; position: absolute; top: 4px; left: 7px; } .ico-w-circle { border: #fff 2px solid; width: 8px; height: 8px; border-radius: 8px; position: absolute; bottom: 2px; left: 2px; } .ico-toggle-item { float: right; } .menu-ico { text-decoration: none !important; } .menu-ico:before { content: ""; speak: none; display: none; text-decoration: none !important; } .ico-star:before { content: "\2605"; } .ico-unstar:before { content: "\2606"; } .ico-update:before { content: "\21BA"; } .ico-add-feed:before { content: "\271A"; } .ico-home:before { content: "\23CF"; } .ico-help:before { content: "\2048"; } .ico-edit:before { content: "\2318"; } .ico-config:before { content: "\273F"; } .ico-order-older:before { content: "\25BC"; } .ico-order-newer:before { content: "\25B2"; } .ico-login:before { content: "\2611"; } .ico-logout:before { content: "\2612"; } .ico-list-feeds-hide:before { content: "\25FB"; } .ico-list-feeds-show:before { content: "\25E7"; } .ico-list:before { content: "\2630 "; } .ico-expanded:before { content: "\2B12"; } .ico-mark-as-read:before { content: "\25C9"; } .ico-mark-as-unread:before { content: "\25CE"; } .ico-filter-all:before { content: "\26C3"; } .ico-filter-unread:before { content: "\26C0"; } /** * flags * http://flag-sprites.com/en_US/ * http://famfamfam.com/lab/icons/flags/ */ #flags-sel + #flags { display: none; } #flags-sel:target + #flags { display: block; } #flags-sel:target #hide-flags, #flags-sel #show-flags { display: inline-block; } #flags-sel:target #show-flags, #flags-sel #hide-flags { display: none; } .flag { display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 11px; background:url('') no-repeat } .flag.flag-fr {background-position: -16px 0} .flag.flag-gb {background-position: 0 -11px} .flag.flag-de {background-position: 0 0} .flag.flag-us {background-position: -16px -11px} <?php } else if ($_GET['file'] == 'script.js') { header('Content-type: text/javascript'); ?> /*jshint sub:true, evil:true */ (function () { "use strict"; var view = '', // data-view listFeeds = '', // data-list-feeds filter = '', // data-filter order = '', // data-order autoreadItem = '', // data-autoread-item autoreadPage = '', // data-autoread-page autohide = '', // data-autohide byPage = -1, // data-by-page shaarli = '', // data-shaarli redirector = '', // data-redirector currentHash = '', // data-current-hash currentPage = 1, // data-current-page currentNbItems = 0, // data-nb-items autoupdate = false, // data-autoupdate autofocus = false, // data-autofocus addFavicon = false, // data-add-favicon preload = false, // data-preload stars = false, // data-stars isLogged = false, // data-is-logged blank = false, // data-blank swipe = '', // data-swipe status = '', listUpdateFeeds = [], listItemsHash = [], currentItemHash = '', currentUnread = 0, title = '', cache = {}, intlTop = 'top', intlShare = 'share', intlRead = 'read', intlUnread = 'unread', intlStar = 'star', intlUnstar = 'unstar', intlFrom = 'from'; /** * trim function * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/Trim */ if(!String.prototype.trim) { String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); }; } /** * http://javascript.info/tutorial/bubbling-and-capturing */ function stopBubbling(event) { if(event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } /** * JSON Object * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON */ if (!window.JSON) { window.JSON = { parse: function (sJSON) { return eval("(" + sJSON + ")"); }, stringify: function (vContent) { if (vContent instanceof Object) { var sOutput = ""; if (vContent.constructor === Array) { for (var nId = 0; nId < vContent.length; sOutput += this.stringify(vContent[nId]) + ",", nId++); return "[" + sOutput.substr(0, sOutput.length - 1) + "]"; } if (vContent.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) { return "\"" + vContent.toString().replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\""; } for (var sProp in vContent) { sOutput += "\"" + sProp.replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\":" + this.stringify(vContent[sProp]) + ","; } return "{" + sOutput.substr(0, sOutput.length - 1) + "}"; } return typeof vContent === "string" ? "\"" + vContent.replace(/"/g, "\\$&") + "\"" : String(vContent); } }; } /** * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/AJAX/Getting_Started */ function getXHR() { var httpRequest = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ... httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e2) {} } } return httpRequest; } /** * http://www.sitepoint.com/xhrrequest-and-javascript-closures/ */ // Constructor for generic HTTP client function HTTPClient() {} HTTPClient.prototype = { url: null, xhr: null, callinprogress: false, userhandler: null, init: function(url, obj) { this.url = url; this.obj = obj; this.xhr = new getXHR(); }, asyncGET: function (handler) { // Prevent multiple calls if (this.callinprogress) { throw "Call in progress"; } this.callinprogress = true; this.userhandler = handler; // Open an async request - third argument makes it async this.xhr.open('GET', this.url, true); var self = this; // Assign a closure to the onreadystatechange callback this.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { self.stateChangeCallback(self); }; this.xhr.send(null); }, stateChangeCallback: function(client) { switch (client.xhr.readyState) { // Request not yet made case 1: try { client.userhandler.onInit(); } catch (e) { /* Handler method not defined */ } break; // Contact established with server but nothing downloaded yet case 2: try { // Check for HTTP status 200 if ( client.xhr.status != 200 ) { client.userhandler.onError( client.xhr.status, client.xhr.statusText ); // Abort the request client.xhr.abort(); // Call no longer in progress client.callinprogress = false; } } catch (e) { /* Handler method not defined */ } break; // Called multiple while downloading in progress case 3: // Notify user handler of download progress try { // Get the total content length // -useful to work out how much has been downloaded var contentLength; try { contentLength = client.xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"); } catch (e) { contentLength = NaN; } // Call the progress handler with what we've got client.userhandler.onProgress( client.xhr.responseText, contentLength ); } catch (e) { /* Handler method not defined */ } break; // Download complete case 4: try { client.userhandler.onSuccess(client.xhr.responseText, client.obj); } catch (e) { /* Handler method not defined */ } finally { client.callinprogress = false; } break; } } }; /** * Handler */ var ajaxHandler = { onInit: function() {}, onError: function(status, statusText) {}, onProgress: function(responseText, length) {}, onSuccess: function(responseText, noFocus) { var result = JSON.parse(responseText); if (result['logout'] && isLogged) { alert('You have been disconnected'); } if (result['item']) { cache['item-' + result['item']['itemHash']] = result['item']; loadDivItem(result['item']['itemHash'], noFocus); } if (result['page']) { updateListItems(result['page']); setCurrentItem(); if (preload) { preloadItems(); } } if (result['read']) { markAsRead(result['read']); } if (result['unread']) { markAsUnread(result['unread']); } if (result['update']) { updateNewItems(result['update']); } } }; /** * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4652734/return-html-from-a-user-selection/4652824#4652824 */ function getSelectionHtml() { var html = ''; if (typeof window.getSelection != 'undefined') { var sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { var container = document.createElement('div'); for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) { container.appendChild(sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents()); } html = container.innerHTML; } } else if (typeof document.selection != 'undefined') { if (document.selection.type == 'Text') { html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText; } } return html; } /** * Some javascript snippets */ function removeChildren(elt) { while (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.removeChild(elt.firstChild); } } function removeElement(elt) { if (elt && elt.parentNode) { elt.parentNode.removeChild(elt); } } function addClass(elt, cls) { if (elt) { elt.className = (elt.className + ' ' + cls).trim(); } } function removeClass(elt, cls) { if (elt) { elt.className = (' ' + elt.className + ' ').replace(cls, ' ').trim(); } } function hasClass(elt, cls) { if (elt && (' ' + elt.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1) { return true; } return false; } /** * Add redirector to link */ function anonymize(elt) { if (redirector !== '') { var domain, a_to_anon = elt.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < a_to_anon.length; i++) { domain = a_to_anon[i].href.replace('http://','').replace('https://','').split(/[/?#]/)[0]; if (domain !== window.location.host) { if (redirector !== 'noreferrer') { a_to_anon[i].href = redirector+a_to_anon[i].href; } else { a_to_anon[i].setAttribute('rel', 'noreferrer'); } } } } } function initAnonyme() { if (redirector !== '') { var i = 0, elements = document.getElementById('list-items'); elements = elements.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(elements[i], 'item-content')) { anonymize(elements[i]); } } } } /** * Replace collapse bootstrap function */ function collapseElement(element) { if (element !== null) { var targetElement = document.getElementById( element.getAttribute('data-target').substring(1) ); if (hasClass(targetElement, 'in')) { removeClass(targetElement, 'in'); targetElement.style.height = 0; } else { addClass(targetElement, 'in'); targetElement.style.height = 'auto'; } } } function collapseClick(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); collapseElement(this); } function initCollapse(list) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) { if (list[i].hasAttribute('data-toggle') && list[i].hasAttribute('data-target')) { addEvent(list[i], 'click', collapseClick); } } } /** * Shaarli functions */ function htmlspecialchars_decode(string) { return string .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/�*39;/g, "'") .replace(/ /g, " "); } function shaarliItem(itemHash) { var domainUrl, url, domainVia, via, title, sel, element; element = document.getElementById('item-div-'+itemHash); if (element.childNodes.length > 1) { title = getTitleItem(itemHash); url = getUrlItem(itemHash); via = getViaItem(itemHash); if (redirector != 'noreferrer') { url = url.replace(redirector,''); via = via.replace(redirector,''); } domainUrl = url.replace('http://','').replace('https://','').split(/[/?#]/)[0]; domainVia = via.replace('http://','').replace('https://','').split(/[/?#]/)[0]; if (domainUrl !== domainVia) { via = 'via ' + via; } else { via = ''; } sel = getSelectionHtml(); if (sel !== '') { sel = '«' + sel + '»'; } if (shaarli !== '') { window.open( shaarli .replace('${url}', encodeURIComponent(htmlspecialchars_decode(url))) .replace('${title}', encodeURIComponent(htmlspecialchars_decode(title))) .replace('${via}', encodeURIComponent(htmlspecialchars_decode(via))) .replace('${sel}', encodeURIComponent(htmlspecialchars_decode(sel))), '_blank', 'height=390, width=600, menubar=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, dialog=1' ); } else { alert('Please configure your share link first'); } } else { loadDivItem(itemHash); alert('Sorry ! This item is not loaded, try again !'); } } function shaarliCurrentItem() { shaarliItem(currentItemHash); } function shaarliClickItem(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); shaarliItem(getItemHash(this)); return false; } /** * Folder functions */ function getFolder(element) { var folder = null; while (folder === null && element !== null) { if (element.tagName === 'LI' && element.id.indexOf('folder-') === 0) { folder = element; } element = element.parentNode; } return folder; } function getLiParentByClassName(element, classname) { var li = null; while (li === null && element !== null) { if (element.tagName === 'LI' && hasClass(element, classname)) { li = element; } element = element.parentNode; } if (classname === 'folder' && li.id === 'all-subscriptions') { li = null; } return li; } function getFolderHash(element) { var folder = getFolder(element); if (folder !== null) { return folder.id.replace('folder-',''); } return null; } function toggleFolder(folderHash) { var i, listElements, url, client; listElements = document.getElementById('folder-' + folderHash); listElements = listElements.getElementsByTagName('h5'); if (listElements.length > 0) { listElements = listElements[0].getElementsByTagName('span'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'folder-toggle-open')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'folder-toggle-open'); addClass(listElements[i], 'folder-toggle-close'); } else if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'folder-toggle-close')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'folder-toggle-close'); addClass(listElements[i], 'folder-toggle-open'); } } } url = '?toggleFolder=' + folderHash + '&ajax'; client = new HTTPClient(); client.init(url); try { client.asyncGET(ajaxHandler); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } function toggleClickFolder(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); toggleFolder(getFolderHash(this)); return false; } function initLinkFolders(listFolders) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < listFolders.length; i += 1) { if (listFolders[i].hasAttribute('data-toggle') && listFolders[i].hasAttribute('data-target')) { listFolders[i].onclick = toggleClickFolder; } } } function getListLinkFolders() { var i = 0, listFolders = [], listElements = document.getElementById('list-feeds'); if (listElements) { listElements = listElements.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { listFolders.push(listElements[i]); } } return listFolders; } /** * MarkAs functions */ function toggleMarkAsLinkItem(itemHash) { var i, item = getItem(itemHash), listLinks; if (item !== null) { listLinks = item.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listLinks.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listLinks[i], 'item-mark-as')) { if (listLinks[i].href.indexOf('unread=') > -1) { listLinks[i].href = listLinks[i].href.replace('unread=','read='); listLinks[i].firstChild.innerHTML = intlRead; } else { listLinks[i].href = listLinks[i].href.replace('read=','unread='); listLinks[i].firstChild.innerHTML = intlUnread; } } } } } function getUnreadLabelItems(itemHash) { var i, listLinks, regex = new RegExp('read=' + itemHash.substr(0,6)), items = []; listLinks = getListLinkFolders(); for (i = 0; i < listLinks.length; i += 1) { if (regex.test(listLinks[i].href)) { items.push(listLinks[i].children[0]); } } return items; } function addToUnreadLabel(unreadLabelItem, value) { var unreadLabel = -1; if (unreadLabelItem !== null) { unreadLabel = parseInt(unreadLabelItem.innerHTML, 10) + value; unreadLabelItem.innerHTML = unreadLabel; } return unreadLabel; } function getUnreadLabel(folder) { var element = null; if (folder !== null) { element = folder.getElementsByClassName('label')[0]; } return element; } function markAsItem(itemHash) { var item, url, client, indexItem, i, unreadLabelItems, nb, feed, folder, addRead = 1; item = getItem(itemHash); if (item !== null) { unreadLabelItems = getUnreadLabelItems(itemHash); if (!hasClass(item, 'read')) { addRead = -1; } for (i = 0; i < unreadLabelItems.length; i += 1) { nb = addToUnreadLabel(unreadLabelItems[i], addRead); if (nb === 0) { feed = getLiParentByClassName(unreadLabelItems[i], 'feed'); removeClass(feed, 'has-unread'); if (autohide) { addClass(feed, 'autohide-feed'); } } folder = getLiParentByClassName(unreadLabelItems[i], 'folder'); nb = addToUnreadLabel(getUnreadLabel(folder), addRead); if (nb === 0 && autohide) { addClass(folder, 'autohide-folder'); } } addToUnreadLabel(getUnreadLabel(document.getElementById('all-subscriptions')), addRead); if (hasClass(item, 'read')) { url = '?unread=' + itemHash; removeClass(item, 'read'); toggleMarkAsLinkItem(itemHash); } else { url = '?read=' + itemHash; addClass(item, 'read'); toggleMarkAsLinkItem(itemHash); if (filter === 'unread') { url += '¤tHash=' + currentHash + '&page=' + currentPage + '&last=' + listItemsHash[listItemsHash.length - 1]; removeElement(item); indexItem = listItemsHash.indexOf(itemHash); listItemsHash.splice(listItemsHash.indexOf(itemHash), 1); if (listItemsHash.length <= byPage) { appendItem(listItemsHash[listItemsHash.length - 1]); } setCurrentItem(listItemsHash[indexItem]); } } } else { url = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&page=' + currentPage; } client = new HTTPClient(); client.init(url + '&ajax'); try { client.asyncGET(ajaxHandler); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } function markAsCurrentItem() { markAsItem(currentItemHash); } function markAsClickItem(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); markAsItem(getItemHash(this)); return false; } function toggleMarkAsStarredLinkItem(itemHash) { var i, item = getItem(itemHash), listLinks, url = ''; if (item !== null) { listLinks = item.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listLinks.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listLinks[i], 'item-starred')) { url = listLinks[i].href; if (listLinks[i].href.indexOf('unstar=') > -1) { listLinks[i].href = listLinks[i].href.replace('unstar=','star='); listLinks[i].firstChild.innerHTML = intlStar; } else { listLinks[i].href = listLinks[i].href.replace('star=','unstar='); listLinks[i].firstChild.innerHTML = intlUnstar; } } } } return url; } function markAsStarredCurrentItem() { markAsStarredItem(currentItemHash); } function markAsStarredItem(itemHash) { var url, client, indexItem; url = toggleMarkAsStarredLinkItem(itemHash); if (url.indexOf('unstar=') > -1 && stars) { removeElement(getItem(itemHash)); indexItem = listItemsHash.indexOf(itemHash); listItemsHash.splice(listItemsHash.indexOf(itemHash), 1); if (listItemsHash.length <= byPage) { appendItem(listItemsHash[listItemsHash.length - 1]); } setCurrentItem(listItemsHash[indexItem]); url += '&page=' + currentPage; } if (url !== '') { client = new HTTPClient(); client.init(url + '&ajax'); try { client.asyncGET(ajaxHandler); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } } function markAsStarredClickItem(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); markAsStarredItem(getItemHash(this)); return false; } function markAsRead(itemHash) { setNbUnread(currentUnread - 1); } function markAsUnread(itemHash) { setNbUnread(currentUnread + 1); } /** * Div item functions */ function loadDivItem(itemHash, noFocus) { var element, url, client, cacheItem; element = document.getElementById('item-div-'+itemHash); if (element.childNodes.length <= 1) { cacheItem = getCacheItem(itemHash); if (cacheItem !== null) { setDivItem(element, cacheItem); if(!noFocus) { setItemFocus(element); } removeCacheItem(itemHash); } else { url = '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '¤t=' + itemHash + '&ajax'; client = new HTTPClient(); client.init(url, noFocus); try { client.asyncGET(ajaxHandler); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } } } function toggleItem(itemHash) { var i, listElements, element, targetElement; if (view === 'expanded') { return; } if (currentItemHash != itemHash) { closeCurrentItem(); } // looking for ico + or - listElements = document.getElementById('item-toggle-' + itemHash); listElements = listElements.getElementsByTagName('span'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-open')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-open'); addClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-close'); } else if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-close')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-close'); addClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-open'); } } element = document.getElementById('item-toggle-'+itemHash); targetElement = document.getElementById( element.getAttribute('data-target').substring(1) ); if (element.href.indexOf('&open') > -1) { element.href = element.href.replace('&open',''); addClass(targetElement, 'well'); setCurrentItem(itemHash); loadDivItem(itemHash); } else { element.href = element.href + '&open'; removeClass(targetElement, 'well'); } } function toggleCurrentItem() { toggleItem(currentItemHash); collapseElement(document.getElementById('item-toggle-' + currentItemHash)); } function toggleClickItem(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); toggleItem(getItemHash(this)); return false; } /** * Item management functions */ function getItem(itemHash) { return document.getElementById('item-' + itemHash); } function getTitleItem(itemHash) { var i = 0, element = document.getElementById('item-div-'+itemHash), listElements = element.getElementsByTagName('a'), title = ''; for (i = 0; title === '' && i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-link')) { title = listElements[i].innerHTML; } } return title; } function getUrlItem(itemHash) { var i = 0, element = document.getElementById('item-'+itemHash), listElements = element.getElementsByTagName('a'), url = ''; for (i = 0; url === '' && i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-link')) { url = listElements[i].href; } } return url; } function getViaItem(itemHash) { var i = 0, element = document.getElementById('item-div-'+itemHash), listElements = element.getElementsByTagName('a'), via = ''; for (i = 0; via === '' && i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-via')) { via = listElements[i].href; } } return via; } function getLiItem(element) { var item = null; while (item === null && element !== null) { if (element.tagName === 'LI' && element.id.indexOf('item-') === 0) { item = element; } element = element.parentNode; } return item; } function getItemHash(element) { var item = getLiItem(element); if (item !== null) { return item.id.replace('item-',''); } return null; } function getCacheItem(itemHash) { if (typeof cache['item-' + itemHash] !== 'undefined') { return cache['item-' + itemHash]; } return null; } function removeCacheItem(itemHash) { if (typeof cache['item-' + itemHash] !== 'undefined') { delete cache['item-' + itemHash]; } } function isCurrentUnread() { var item = getItem(currentItemHash); if (hasClass(item, 'read')) { return false; } return true; } function setDivItem(div, item) { var markAs = intlRead, starred = intlStar, target = ' target="_blank"', linkMarkAs = 'read', linkStarred = 'star'; if (item['read'] == 1) { markAs = intlUnread; linkMarkAs = 'unread'; } if (item['starred'] == 1) { starred = intlUnstar; linkStarred = 'unstar'; } if (!blank) { target = ''; } div.innerHTML = '<div class="item-title">' + '<a class="item-shaarli" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '&shaarli=' + item['itemHash'] + '"><span class="label">' + intlShare + '</span></a> ' + (stars?'': '<a class="item-mark-as" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '&' + linkMarkAs + '=' + item['itemHash'] + '"><span class="label item-label-mark-as">' + markAs + '</span></a> ') + '<a class="item-starred" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '&' + linkStarred + '=' + item['itemHash'] + '"><span class="label item-label-starred">' + starred + '</span></a> ' + '<a' + target + ' class="item-link" href="' + item['link'] + '">' + item['title'] + '</a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="clear"></div>' + '<div class="item-info-end item-info-time">' + item['time']['expanded'] + '</div>' + '<div class="item-info-end item-info-authors">' + intlFrom + ' <a class="item-via" href="' + item['via'] + '">' + item['author'] + '</a> ' + '<a class="item-xml" href="' + item['xmlUrl'] + '">' + '<span class="ico">' + '<span class="ico-feed-dot"></span>' + '<span class="ico-feed-circle-1"></span>' + '<span class="ico-feed-circle-2"></span>'+ '</span>' + '</a>' + '</div>' + '<div class="clear"></div>' + '<div class="item-content"><article>' + item['content'] + '</article></div>' + '<div class="clear"></div>' + '<div class="item-info-end">' + '<a class="item-top" href="#status"><span class="label label-expanded">' + intlTop + '</span></a> ' + '<a class="item-shaarli" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '&shaarli=' + item['itemHash'] + '"><span class="label label-expanded">' + intlShare + '</span></a> ' + (stars?'': '<a class="item-mark-as" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '&' + linkMarkAs + '=' + item['itemHash'] + '"><span class="label item-label-mark-as label-expanded">' + markAs + '</span></a> ') + '<a class="item-starred" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '&' + linkStarred + '=' + item['itemHash'] + '"><span class="label label-expanded">' + starred + '</span></a>' + (view=='list'? '<a id="item-toggle-'+ item['itemHash'] +'" class="item-toggle item-toggle-plus" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '¤t=' + item['itemHash'] +'&open" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#item-div-'+ item['itemHash'] + '"> ' + '<span class="ico ico-toggle-item">' + '<span class="ico-b-disc"></span>' + '<span class="ico-w-line-h"></span>' + '</span>' + '</a>':'') + '</div>' + '<div class="clear"></div>'; initLinkItems(div.getElementsByTagName('a')); initCollapse(div.getElementsByTagName('a')); anonymize(div); } function setLiItem(li, item) { var markAs = intlRead, target = ' target="_blank"'; if (item['read'] == 1) { markAs = intlUnread; } if (!blank) { target = ''; } li.innerHTML = '<a id="item-toggle-'+ item['itemHash'] +'" class="item-toggle item-toggle-plus" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '¤t=' + item['itemHash'] +'&open" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#item-div-'+ item['itemHash'] + '"> ' + '<span class="ico ico-toggle-item">' + '<span class="ico-b-disc"></span>' + '<span class="ico-w-line-h"></span>' + '<span class="ico-w-line-v item-toggle-close"></span>' + '</span>' + item['time']['list'] + '</a>' + '<dl class="dl-horizontal item">' + '<dt class="item-feed">' + (addFavicon? '<span class="item-favicon">' + '<img src="' + item['favicon'] + '" height="16" width="16" title="favicon" alt="favicon"/>' + '</span>':'' ) + '<span class="item-author">' + '<a class="item-feed" href="?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + item['itemHash'].substring(0, 6) + '">' + item['author'] + '</a>' + '</span>' + '</dt>' + '<dd class="item-info">' + '<span class="item-title">' + (stars?'':'<a class="item-mark-as" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '&' + markAs + '=' + item['itemHash'] + '"><span class="label">' + markAs + '</span></a> ') + '<a' + target + ' class="item-link" href="' + item['link'] + '">' + item['title'] + '</a> ' + '</span>' + '<span class="item-description">' + '<a class="item-toggle muted" href="' + '?'+(stars?'stars&':'')+'currentHash=' + currentHash + '¤t=' + item['itemHash'] + '&open" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#item-div-'+ item['itemHash'] + '">' + item['description'] + '</a> ' + '</span>' + '</dd>' + '</dl>' + '<div class="clear"></div>'; initCollapse(li.getElementsByTagName('a')); initLinkItems(li.getElementsByTagName('a')); anonymize(li); } function createLiItem(item) { var li = document.createElement('li'), div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'item-div-'+item['itemHash']; div.className= 'item collapse'+(view === 'expanded' ? ' in well' : ''); li.id = 'item-'+item['itemHash']; if (view === 'list') { li.className = 'item-list'; setLiItem(li, item); } else { li.className = 'item-expanded'; setDivItem(div, item); } li.className += (item['read'] === 1)?' read':''; li.appendChild(div); return li; } /** * List items management functions */ function getListItems() { return document.getElementById('list-items'); } function updateListItems(itemsList) { var i; for (i = 0; i < itemsList.length; i++) { if (listItemsHash.indexOf(itemsList[i]['itemHash']) === -1 && listItemsHash.length <= byPage) { cache['item-' + itemsList[i]['itemHash']] = itemsList[i]; listItemsHash.push(itemsList[i]['itemHash']); if (listItemsHash.length <= byPage) { appendItem(itemsList[i]['itemHash']); } } } } function appendItem(itemHash) { var listItems = getListItems(), item = getCacheItem(itemHash), li; if (item !== null) { li = createLiItem(item); listItems.appendChild(li); removeCacheItem(itemHash); } } function getListLinkItems() { var i = 0, listItems = [], listElements = document.getElementById('list-items'); listElements = listElements.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { listItems.push(listElements[i]); } return listItems; } function initListItemsHash() { var i, listElements = document.getElementById('list-items'); listElements = listElements.getElementsByTagName('li'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-list') || hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-expanded')) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'current')) { currentItemHash = getItemHash(listElements[i]); } listItemsHash.push(listElements[i].id.replace('item-','')); } } } function initLinkItems(listItems) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < listItems.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listItems[i], 'item-toggle')) { listItems[i].onclick = toggleClickItem; } if (hasClass(listItems[i], 'item-mark-as')) { listItems[i].onclick = markAsClickItem; } if (hasClass(listItems[i], 'item-starred')) { listItems[i].onclick = markAsStarredClickItem; } if (hasClass(listItems[i], 'item-shaarli')) { listItems[i].onclick = shaarliClickItem; } } } function initListItems() { var url, client; url = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&page=' + currentPage + '&last=' + listItemsHash[listItemsHash.length -1] + '&ajax' + (stars?'&stars':''); client = new HTTPClient(); client.init(url); try { client.asyncGET(ajaxHandler); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } function preloadItems() { // Pre-fetch items from top to bottom for(var i = 0, len = listItemsHash.length; i < len; ++i) { loadDivItem(listItemsHash[i], true); } } /** * Update */ function setStatus(text) { if (text === '') { document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = status; } else { document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = text; } } function getTimeMin() { return Math.round((new Date().getTime()) / 1000 / 60); } function updateFeed(feedHashIndex) { var i = 0, url, client, feedHash = ''; if (feedHashIndex !== '') { setStatus('updating ' + listUpdateFeeds[feedHashIndex][1]); feedHash = listUpdateFeeds[feedHashIndex][0]; listUpdateFeeds[feedHashIndex][2] = getTimeMin(); } url = '?update'+(feedHash === ''?'':'='+feedHash)+'&ajax'; client = new HTTPClient(); client.init(url); try { client.asyncGET(ajaxHandler); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } function updateNextFeed() { var i = 0, nextTimeUpdate = 0, currentMin, diff, minDiff = -1, feedToUpdateIndex = '', minFeedToUpdateIndex = ''; if (listUpdateFeeds.length !== 0) { currentMin = getTimeMin(); for (i = 0; feedToUpdateIndex === '' && i < listUpdateFeeds.length; i++) { diff = currentMin - listUpdateFeeds[i][2]; if (diff >= listUpdateFeeds[i][3]) { //need update feedToUpdateIndex = i; } else { if (minDiff === -1 || diff < minDiff) { minDiff = diff; minFeedToUpdateIndex = i; } } } if (feedToUpdateIndex === '') { feedToUpdateIndex = minFeedToUpdateIndex; } updateFeed(feedToUpdateIndex); } else { updateFeed(''); } } function updateTimeout() { var i = 0, nextTimeUpdate = 0, currentMin, diff, minDiff = -1, feedToUpdateIndex = ''; if (listUpdateFeeds.length !== 0) { currentMin = getTimeMin(); for (i = 0; minDiff !== 0 && i < listUpdateFeeds.length; i++) { diff = currentMin - listUpdateFeeds[i][2]; if (diff >= listUpdateFeeds[i][3]) { //need update minDiff = 0; } else { if (minDiff === -1 || (listUpdateFeeds[i][3] - diff) < minDiff) { minDiff = listUpdateFeeds[i][3] - diff; } } } window.setTimeout(updateNextFeed, minDiff * 1000 * 60 + 200); } } function updateNewItems(result) { var i = 0, list, currentMin, folder, feed, unreadLabelItems, nbItems; setStatus(''); if (result !== false) { if (result['feeds']) { // init list of feeds information for update listUpdateFeeds = result['feeds']; currentMin = getTimeMin(); for (i = 0; i < listUpdateFeeds.length; i++) { listUpdateFeeds[i][2] = currentMin - listUpdateFeeds[i][2]; } } if (result.newItems && result.newItems.length > 0) { nbItems = result.newItems.length; currentNbItems += nbItems; setNbUnread(currentUnread + nbItems); addToUnreadLabel(getUnreadLabel(document.getElementById('all-subscriptions')), nbItems); unreadLabelItems = getUnreadLabelItems(result.newItems[0].substr(0,6)); for (i = 0; i < unreadLabelItems.length; i += 1) { feed = getLiParentByClassName(unreadLabelItems[i], 'feed'); folder = getLiParentByClassName(feed, 'folder'); addClass(feed, 'has-unread'); if (autohide) { removeClass(feed, 'autohide-feed'); removeClass(folder, 'autohide-folder'); } addToUnreadLabel(getUnreadLabel(feed), nbItems); addToUnreadLabel(getUnreadLabel(folder), nbItems); } } updateTimeout(); } } function initUpdate() { window.setTimeout(updateNextFeed, 1000); } /** * Navigation */ function setItemFocus(item) { if(autofocus) { // First, let the browser do some rendering // Indeed, the div might not be visible yet, so there is no scroll setTimeout(function() { // Dummy implementation var container = document.getElementById('main-container'), scrollPos = container.scrollTop, itemPos = item.offsetTop, temp = item; while(temp.offsetParent != document.body) { temp = temp.offsetParent; itemPos += temp.offsetTop; } var current = itemPos - scrollPos; // Scroll only if necessary // current < 0: Happens when asking for previous item and displayed item is filling the screen // Or check if item bottom is outside screen if(current < 0 || current + item.offsetHeight > container.clientHeight) { container.scrollTop = itemPos; } }, 0); window.location.hash = '#item-' + currentItemHash; } } function previousClickPage(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); previousPage(); return false; } function nextClickPage(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); nextPage(); return false; } function nextPage() { currentPage = currentPage + 1; if (currentPage > Math.ceil(currentNbItems / byPage)) { currentPage = Math.ceil(currentNbItems / byPage); } if (listItemsHash.length === 0) { currentPage = 1; } listItemsHash = []; initListItems(); removeChildren(getListItems()); } function previousPage() { currentPage = currentPage - 1; if (currentPage < 1) { currentPage = 1; } listItemsHash = []; initListItems(); removeChildren(getListItems()); } function previousClickItem(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); previousItem(); return false; } function nextClickItem(event) { event = event || window.event; stopBubbling(event); nextItem(); return false; } function nextItem() { var nextItemIndex = listItemsHash.indexOf(currentItemHash) + 1, nextCurrentItemHash; closeCurrentItem(); if (autoreadItem && isCurrentUnread()) { markAsCurrentItem(); if (filter == 'unread') { nextItemIndex -= 1; } } if (nextItemIndex < 0) { nextItemIndex = 0; } if (nextItemIndex < listItemsHash.length) { nextCurrentItemHash = listItemsHash[nextItemIndex]; } if (nextItemIndex >= byPage) { nextPage(); } else { setCurrentItem(nextCurrentItemHash); } } function previousItem() { var previousItemIndex = listItemsHash.indexOf(currentItemHash) - 1, previousCurrentItemHash; if (previousItemIndex < listItemsHash.length && previousItemIndex >= 0) { previousCurrentItemHash = listItemsHash[previousItemIndex]; } closeCurrentItem(); if (previousItemIndex < 0) { previousPage(); } else { setCurrentItem(previousCurrentItemHash); } } function closeCurrentItem() { var element = document.getElementById('item-toggle-' + currentItemHash); if (element && view === 'list') { var targetElement = document.getElementById( element.getAttribute('data-target').substring(1) ); if (element.href.indexOf('&open') < 0) { element.href = element.href + '&open'; removeClass(targetElement, 'well'); collapseElement(element); } var i = 0, listElements = element.getElementsByTagName('span'); // looking for ico + or - for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-open')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-open'); addClass(listElements[i], 'item-toggle-close'); } } } } function setCurrentItem(itemHash) { var currentItemIndex; if (itemHash !== currentItemHash) { removeClass(document.getElementById('item-'+currentItemHash), 'current'); removeClass(document.getElementById('item-div-'+currentItemHash), 'current'); if (typeof itemHash !== 'undefined') { currentItemHash = itemHash; } currentItemIndex = listItemsHash.indexOf(currentItemHash); if (currentItemIndex === -1) { if (listItemsHash.length > 0) { currentItemHash = listItemsHash[0]; } else { currentItemHash = ''; } } else { if (currentItemIndex >= byPage) { currentItemHash = listItemsHash[byPage - 1]; } } if (currentItemHash !== '') { var item = document.getElementById('item-'+currentItemHash), itemDiv = document.getElementById('item-div-'+currentItemHash); addClass(item, 'current'); addClass(itemDiv, 'current'); setItemFocus(itemDiv); updateItemButton(); } } updatePageButton(); } function openCurrentItem(blank) { var url; url = getUrlItem(currentItemHash); if (blank) { window.location.href = url; } else { window.open(url); } } // http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.0/jquery.mobile-1.1.0.js (swipe) function checkMove(e) { // More than this horizontal displacement, and we will suppress scrolling. var scrollSupressionThreshold = 10, // More time than this, and it isn't a swipe. durationThreshold = 500, // Swipe horizontal displacement must be more than this. horizontalDistanceThreshold = 30, // Swipe vertical displacement must be less than this. verticalDistanceThreshold = 75; if (e.targetTouches.length == 1) { var touch = e.targetTouches[0], start = { time: ( new Date() ).getTime(), coords: [ touch.pageX, touch.pageY ] }, stop; var moveHandler = function ( e ) { if ( !start ) { return; } if (e.targetTouches.length == 1) { var touch = e.targetTouches[0]; stop = { time: ( new Date() ).getTime(), coords: [ touch.pageX, touch.pageY ] }; } }; if (swipe) { addEvent(window, 'touchmove', moveHandler); addEvent(window, 'touchend', function (e) { removeEvent(window, 'touchmove', moveHandler); if ( start && stop ) { if ( stop.time - start.time < durationThreshold && Math.abs( start.coords[ 0 ] - stop.coords[ 0 ] ) > horizontalDistanceThreshold && Math.abs( start.coords[ 1 ] - stop.coords[ 1 ] ) < verticalDistanceThreshold ) { if ( start.coords[0] > stop.coords[ 0 ] ) { nextItem(); } else { previousItem(); } } start = stop = undefined; } }); } } } function checkKey(e) { var code; if (!e) e = window.event; if (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode; else if (e.which) code = e.which; if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) { switch(code) { case 32: // 'space' toggleCurrentItem(); break; case 65: // 'A' if (window.confirm('Mark all current as read ?')) { window.location.href = '?read=' + currentHash; } break; case 67: // 'C' window.location.href = '?config'; break; case 69: // 'E' window.location.href = (currentHash===''?'?edit':'?edit='+currentHash); break; case 70: // 'F' if (listFeeds =='show') { window.location.href = (currentHash===''?'?':'?currentHash='+currentHash+'&')+'listFeeds=hide'; } else { window.location.href = (currentHash===''?'?':'?currentHash='+currentHash+'&')+'listFeeds=show'; } break; case 72: // 'H' window.location.href = document.getElementById('nav-home').href; break; case 74: // 'J' nextItem(); toggleCurrentItem(); break; case 75: // 'K' previousItem(); toggleCurrentItem(); break; case 77: // 'M' if (e.shiftKey) { markAsCurrentItem(); toggleCurrentItem(); } else { markAsCurrentItem(); } break; case 39: // right arrow case 78: // 'N' if (e.shiftKey) { nextPage(); } else { nextItem(); } break; case 79: // 'O' if (e.shiftKey) { openCurrentItem(true); } else { openCurrentItem(false); } break; case 37: // left arrow case 80 : // 'P' if (e.shiftKey) { previousPage(); } else { previousItem(); } break; case 82: // 'R' window.location.reload(true); break; case 83: // 'S' shaarliCurrentItem(); break; case 84: // 'T' toggleCurrentItem(); break; case 85: // 'U' window.location.href = (currentHash===''?'?update':'?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&update='+currentHash); break; case 86: // 'V' if (view == 'list') { window.location.href = (currentHash===''?'?':'?currentHash='+currentHash+'&')+'view=expanded'; } else { window.location.href = (currentHash===''?'?':'?currentHash='+currentHash+'&')+'view=list'; } break; case 90: // 'z' for (var i=0;i<listItemsHash.length;i++){ if (!hasClass(getItem(listItemsHash[i]), 'read')){ window.open(getUrlItem(currentItemHash),'_blank'); markAsCurrentItem(); } nextItem(); } break; case 170: // '*' markAsStarredCurrentItem(); break; case 112: // 'F1' case 188: // '?' case 191: // '?' window.location.href = '?help'; break; default: break; } } // e.ctrlKey e.altKey e.shiftKey } function initPageButton() { var i = 0, paging, listElements; paging = document.getElementById('paging-up'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-page')) { listElements[i].onclick = previousClickPage; } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-page')) { listElements[i].onclick = nextClickPage; } } } paging = document.getElementById('paging-down'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-page')) { listElements[i].onclick = previousClickPage; } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-page')) { listElements[i].onclick = nextClickPage; } } } } function updatePageButton() { var i = 0, paging, listElements, maxPage; if (filter == 'unread') { currentNbItems = currentUnread; } if (currentNbItems < byPage) { maxPage = 1; } else { maxPage = Math.ceil(currentNbItems / byPage); } paging = document.getElementById('paging-up'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-page')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&previousPage=' + currentPage; if (currentPage === 1) { if (!hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { addClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } else { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-page')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&nextPage=' + currentPage; if (currentPage === maxPage) { if (!hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { addClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } else { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } } } listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('button'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'current-max-page')) { listElements[i].innerHTML = currentPage + ' / ' + maxPage; } } } paging = document.getElementById('paging-down'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-page')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&previousPage=' + currentPage; if (currentPage === 1) { if (!hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { addClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } else { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-page')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&nextPage=' + currentPage; if (currentPage === maxPage) { if (!hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { addClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } else { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'disabled')) { removeClass(listElements[i], 'disabled'); } } } } listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('button'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'current-max-page')) { listElements[i].innerHTML = currentPage + ' / ' + maxPage; } } } } function initItemButton() { var i = 0, paging, listElements; paging = document.getElementById('paging-up'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-item')) { listElements[i].onclick = previousClickItem; } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-item')) { listElements[i].onclick = nextClickItem; } } } paging = document.getElementById('paging-down'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-item')) { listElements[i].onclick = previousClickItem; } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-item')) { listElements[i].onclick = nextClickItem; } } } } function updateItemButton() { var i = 0, paging, listElements; paging = document.getElementById('paging-up'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-item')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&previous=' + currentItemHash; } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-item')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&next=' + currentItemHash; } } } paging = document.getElementById('paging-down'); if (paging) { listElements = paging.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i += 1) { if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'previous-item')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&previous=' + currentItemHash; } if (hasClass(listElements[i], 'next-item')) { listElements[i].href = '?currentHash=' + currentHash + '&next=' + currentItemHash; } } } } /** * init KrISS feed javascript */ function initUnread() { var element = document.getElementById((stars?'nb-starred':'nb-unread')); currentUnread = parseInt(element.innerHTML, 10); title = document.title; setNbUnread(currentUnread); } function setNbUnread(nb) { var element = document.getElementById((stars?'nb-starred':'nb-unread')); if (nb < 0) { nb = 0; } currentUnread = nb; element.innerHTML = currentUnread; document.title = title + ' (' + currentUnread + ')'; } function initOptions() { var elementIndex = document.getElementById('index'); if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-view')) { view = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-view'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-list-feeds')) { listFeeds = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-list-feeds'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-filter')) { filter = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-filter'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-order')) { order = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-order'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-autoread-item')) { autoreadItem = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-autoread-item'), 10); autoreadItem = (autoreadItem === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-autoread-page')) { autoreadPage = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-autoread-page'), 10); autoreadPage = (autoreadPage === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-autohide')) { autohide = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-autohide'), 10); autohide = (autohide === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-autofocus')) { autofocus = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-autofocus'), 10); autofocus = (autofocus === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-autoupdate')) { autoupdate = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-autoupdate'), 10); autoupdate = (autoupdate === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-by-page')) { byPage = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-by-page'), 10); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-shaarli')) { shaarli = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-shaarli'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-redirector')) { redirector = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-redirector'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-current-hash')) { currentHash = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-current-hash'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-current-page')) { currentPage = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-current-page'), 10); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-nb-items')) { currentNbItems = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-nb-items'), 10); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-add-favicon')) { addFavicon = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-add-favicon'), 10); addFavicon = (addFavicon === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-preload')) { preload = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-preload'), 10); preload = (preload === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-stars')) { stars = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-stars'), 10); stars = (stars === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-blank')) { blank = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-blank'), 10); blank = (blank === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-is-logged')) { isLogged = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-is-logged'), 10); isLogged = (isLogged === 1)?true:false; } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-intl-top')) { intlTop = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-intl-top'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-intl-share')) { intlShare = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-intl-share'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-intl-read')) { intlRead = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-intl-read'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-intl-unread')) { intlUnread = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-intl-unread'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-intl-star')) { intlStar = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-intl-star'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-intl-unstar')) { intlUnstar = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-intl-unstar'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-intl-from')) { intlFrom = elementIndex.getAttribute('data-intl-from'); } if (elementIndex.hasAttribute('data-swipe')) { swipe = parseInt(elementIndex.getAttribute('data-swipe'), 10); swipe = (swipe === 1)?true:false; } status = document.getElementById('status').innerHTML; } function initKF() { var listItems, listLinkFolders = [], listLinkItems = []; initOptions(); listLinkFolders = getListLinkFolders(); listLinkItems = getListLinkItems(); if (!window.jQuery || (window.jQuery && !window.jQuery().collapse)) { document.getElementById('menu-toggle'). onclick = collapseClick; initCollapse(listLinkFolders); initCollapse(listLinkItems); } initLinkFolders(listLinkFolders); initLinkItems(listLinkItems); initListItemsHash(); initListItems(); initUnread(); initItemButton(); initPageButton(); initAnonyme(); addEvent(window, 'keydown', checkKey); addEvent(window, 'touchstart', checkMove); if (autoupdate && !stars) { initUpdate(); } listItems = getListItems(); listItems.focus(); } //http://scottandrew.com/weblog/articles/cbs-events function addEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); } else { if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent('on' + evType, fn); } else { window.alert('Handler could not be attached'); } } } function removeEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (obj.removeEventListener) { obj.removeEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); } else if (obj.detachEvent) { obj.detachEvent("on"+evType, fn); } else { alert("Handler could not be removed"); } } // when document is loaded init KrISS feed if (document.getElementById && document.createTextNode) { addEvent(window, 'load', initKF); } window.checkKey = checkKey; window.removeEvent = removeEvent; window.addEvent = addEvent; })(); // unread count for favicon part if(typeof GM_getValue == 'undefined') { GM_getValue = function(name, fallback) { return fallback; }; } // Register GM Commands and Methods if(typeof GM_registerMenuCommand !== 'undefined') { var setOriginalFavicon = function(val) { GM_setValue('originalFavicon', val); }; GM_registerMenuCommand( 'GReader Favicon Alerts > Use Current Favicon', function() { setOriginalFavicon(false); } ); GM_registerMenuCommand( 'GReader Favicon Alerts > Use Original Favicon', function() { setOriginalFavicon(true); } ); } (function FaviconAlerts() { var self = this; this.construct = function() { this.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; this.pixelMaps = {numbers: {0:[[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,0,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]],1:[[0,1,0],[1,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,0],[1,1,1]],2:[[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[1,1,1],[1,0,0],[1,1,1]],3:[[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[0,1,1],[0,0,1],[1,1,1]],4:[[0,0,1],[0,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1],[0,0,1]],5:[[1,1,1],[1,0,0],[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[1,1,1]],6:[[0,1,1],[1,0,0],[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]],7:[[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,0]],8:[[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]],9:[[1,1,1],[1,0,1],[1,1,1],[0,0,1],[1,1,0]],'+':[[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[1,1,1],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]],'k':[[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,1],[1,0,1]]}}; this.timer = setInterval(this.poll, 500); this.poll(); return true; }; this.drawUnreadCount = function(unread, callback) { if(!self.textedCanvas) { self.textedCanvas = []; } if(!self.textedCanvas[unread]) { self.getUnreadCanvas(function(iconCanvas) { var textedCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); textedCanvas.height = textedCanvas.width = iconCanvas.width; var ctx = textedCanvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(iconCanvas, 0, 0); ctx.fillStyle = '#b7bfc9'; ctx.strokeStyle = '#7792ba'; ctx.strokeWidth = 1; var count = unread.length; if(count > 4) { unread = '1k+'; count = unread.length; } var bgHeight = self.pixelMaps.numbers[0].length; var bgWidth = 0; var padding = count < 4 ? 1 : 0; var topMargin = 0; for(var index = 0; index < count; index++) { bgWidth += self.pixelMaps.numbers[unread[index]][0].length; if(index < count-1) { bgWidth += padding; } } bgWidth = bgWidth > textedCanvas.width-4 ? textedCanvas.width-4 : bgWidth; ctx.fillRect(textedCanvas.width-bgWidth-4,topMargin,bgWidth+4,bgHeight+4); var digit; var digitsWidth = bgWidth; for(index = 0; index < count; index++) { digit = unread[index]; if (self.pixelMaps.numbers[digit]) { var map = self.pixelMaps.numbers[digit]; var height = map.length; var width = map[0].length; ctx.fillStyle = '#2c3323'; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { if(map[y][x]) { ctx.fillRect(14- digitsWidth + x, y+topMargin+2, 1, 1); } } } digitsWidth -= width + padding; } } ctx.strokeRect(textedCanvas.width-bgWidth-3.5,topMargin+0.5,bgWidth+3,bgHeight+3); self.textedCanvas[unread] = textedCanvas; callback(self.textedCanvas[unread]); }); callback(self.textedCanvas[unread]); } }; this.getIcon = function(callback) { self.getUnreadCanvas(function(canvas) { callback(canvas.toDataURL('image/png')); }); }; this.getIconSrc = function() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName('link'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].rel === 'icon') { return links[i].href; } } return false; }; this.getUnreadCanvas = function(callback) { if(!self.unreadCanvas) { self.unreadCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); self.unreadCanvas.height = self.unreadCanvas.width = 16; var ctx = self.unreadCanvas.getContext('2d'); var img = new Image(); img.addEventListener('load', function() { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); callback(self.unreadCanvas); }, true); // if(GM_getValue('originalFavicon', false)) { // img.src = self.icons.original; // } else { // img.src = self.icons.current; // } // img.src = 'inc/favicon.ico'; img.src = self.getIconSrc(); } else { callback(self.unreadCanvas); } }; this.getUnreadCount = function() { matches = self.getSearchText().match(/\((.*)\)/); return matches ? matches[1] : false; }; this.getUnreadCountIcon = function(callback) { var unread = self.getUnreadCount(); self.drawUnreadCount(unread, function(icon) { if(icon) { callback(icon.toDataURL('image/png')); } }); }; this.getSearchText = function() { var elt = document.getElementById('nb-unread'); if (!elt) { elt = document.getElementById('nb-starred'); } if (elt) { return 'Kriss feed (' + parseInt(elt.innerHTML, 10) + ')'; } return ''; }; this.poll = function() { if(self.getUnreadCount() != "0") { self.getUnreadCountIcon(function(icon) { self.setIcon(icon); }); } else { self.getIcon(function(icon) { self.setIcon(icon); }); } }; this.setIcon = function(icon) { var links = self.head.getElementsByTagName('link'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) if ((links[i].rel == 'shortcut icon' || links[i].rel=='icon') && links[i].href != icon) self.head.removeChild(links[i]); else if(links[i].href == icon) return; var newIcon = document.createElement('link'); newIcon.type = 'image/png'; newIcon.rel = 'shortcut icon'; newIcon.href = icon; self.head.appendChild(newIcon); // Chrome hack for updating the favicon //var shim = document.createElement('iframe'); //shim.width = shim.height = 0; //document.body.appendChild(shim); //shim.src = 'icon'; //document.body.removeChild(shim); }; this.toString = function() { return '[object FaviconAlerts]'; }; return this.construct(); }()); <?php } exit(); } $pb = new PageBuilder('FeedPage'); FeedPage::$pb = $pb; $pb->assign('base', MyTool::getUrl()); $pb->assign('version', FEED_VERSION); $pb->assign('pagetitle', 'KrISS feed'); $pb->assign('referer', $referer); $pb->assign('langs', Intl::$langList); $pb->assign('lang', Intl::$langList[Intl::$lang]); $pb->assign('query_string', isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])?$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']:''); if (!is_dir(DATA_DIR)) { if (!@mkdir(DATA_DIR, 0755)) { $pb->assign('message', sprintf(Intl::msg('Can not create %s directory, check permissions'), DATA_DIR)); $pb->renderPage('message'); } @chmod(DATA_DIR, 0755); if (!is_file(DATA_DIR.'/.htaccess')) { if (!@file_put_contents( DATA_DIR.'/.htaccess', "Allow from none\nDeny from all\n" )) { $pb->assign('message', sprintf(Intl::msg('Can not protect %s directory with .htaccess, check permissions'), DATA_DIR)); $pb->renderPage('message'); } } } // XSRF protection with token if (!empty($_POST)) { if (!Session::isToken($_POST['token'])) { $pb->assign('message', Intl::msg('Wrong token')); $pb->renderPage('message'); } unset($_SESSION['tokens']); } $kfc = new FeedConf(CONFIG_FILE, FEED_VERSION); $kf = new Feed(DATA_FILE, CACHE_DIR, $kfc); $ks = new Star(STAR_FILE, ITEM_FILE, $kfc); // autosave opml if (Session::isLogged()) { if (!is_file(OPML_FILE)) { $kf->loadData(); file_put_contents(OPML_FILE, Opml::generateOpml($kf->getFeeds(), $kf->getFolders())); } else { if (filemtime(OPML_FILE) < time() - UPDATECHECK_INTERVAL) { $kf->loadData(); rename(OPML_FILE, OPML_FILE_SAVE); file_put_contents(OPML_FILE, Opml::generateOpml($kf->getFeeds(), $kf->getFolders())); } } } // List or Expanded ? $view = $kfc->view; // show or hide list of feeds ? $listFeeds = $kfc->listFeeds; // All or Unread ? $filter = $kfc->filter; // newerFirst or olderFirst $order = $kfc->order; // number of item by page $byPage = $kfc->byPage; // Hash : 'all', feed hash or folder hash $currentHash = $kfc->getCurrentHash(); // Query $query = '?'; if (isset($_GET['stars'])) { $query .= 'stars&'; } if (!empty($currentHash) and $currentHash !== 'all') { $query .= 'currentHash='.$currentHash.'&'; } $pb->assign('view', $view); $pb->assign('listFeeds', $listFeeds); $pb->assign('filter', $filter); $pb->assign('order', $order); $pb->assign('byPage', $byPage); $pb->assign('currentHash', $currentHash); $pb->assign('query', htmlspecialchars($query)); $pb->assign('redirector', $kfc->redirector); $pb->assign('shaarli', htmlspecialchars($kfc->shaarli)); $pb->assign('autoreadItem', $kfc->autoreadItem); $pb->assign('autoreadPage', $kfc->autoreadPage); $pb->assign('autohide', $kfc->autohide); $pb->assign('autofocus', $kfc->autofocus); $pb->assign('autoupdate', $kfc->autoUpdate); $pb->assign('addFavicon', $kfc->addFavicon); $pb->assign('preload', $kfc->preload); $pb->assign('blank', $kfc->blank); $pb->assign('swipe', $kfc->swipe); $pb->assign('kf', $kf); $pb->assign('isLogged', $kfc->isLogged()); $pb->assign('pagetitle', strip_tags($kfc->title)); if (isset($_GET['login'])) { // Login if (!empty($_POST['login']) && !empty($_POST['password']) ) { if (Session::login( $kfc->login, $kfc->hash, $_POST['login'], sha1($_POST['password'].$_POST['login'].$kfc->salt) )) { if (!empty($_POST['longlastingsession'])) { // (31536000 seconds = 1 year) $_SESSION['longlastingsession'] = 31536000; } else { // when browser closes $_SESSION['longlastingsession'] = 0; } session_regenerate_id(true); MyTool::redirect(); } if (Session::banCanLogin()) { $pb->assign('message', Intl::msg('Login failed!')); } else { $pb->assign('message', Intl::msg('I said: NO. You are banned for the moment. Go away.')); } $pb->renderPage('message'); } else { $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Sign in').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); $pb->renderPage('login'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['logout'])) { //Logout Session::logout(); MyTool::redirect(); } elseif (isset($_GET['password']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { if (isset($_POST['save'])) { if ($kfc->hash === sha1($_POST['oldpassword'].$kfc->login.$kfc->salt)) { $kfc->setHash($_POST['newpassword']); $kfc->write(); MyTool::redirect(); } } elseif (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { MyTool::redirect(); } $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Change your password').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); $pb->renderPage('change_password'); } elseif (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { if (isset($_GET['stars'])) { $filter = 'all'; $kf = $ks; } $kf->loadData(); $needSave = false; $needStarSave = false; $result = array(); if (!$kfc->isLogged()) { $result['logout'] = true; } if (isset($_GET['current'])) { $result['item'] = $kf->getItem($_GET['current'], false); $result['item']['itemHash'] = $_GET['current']; } if (isset($_GET['read'])) { $needSave = $kf->mark($_GET['read'], 1); if ($needSave && $kfc->isLogged()) { $result['read'] = $_GET['read']; } } if (isset($_GET['unread'])) { $needSave = $kf->mark($_GET['unread'], 0); if ($needSave && $kfc->isLogged()) { $result['unread'] = $_GET['unread']; } } if (isset($_GET['star']) && !isset($_GET['stars'])) { $hash = $_GET['star']; $item = $kf->loadItem($hash, false); $feed = $kf->getFeed(substr($hash, 0, 6)); $ks->loadData(); $needStarSave = $ks->markItem($_GET['star'], 1, $feed, $item); if ($needStarSave) { $result['star'] = $hash; } } if (isset($_GET['unstar'])) { $hash = $_GET['unstar']; $ks->loadData(); $needStarSave = $ks->markItem($hash, 0); if ($needStarSave) { $result['unstar'] = $hash; } } if (isset($_GET['toggleFolder'])) { $needSave = $kf->toggleFolder($_GET['toggleFolder']); } if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $listItems = $kf->getItems($currentHash, $filter); $currentPage = $_GET['page']; $index = ($currentPage - 1) * $byPage; $results = array_slice($listItems, $index, $byPage + 1, true); $result['page'] = array(); $firstIndex = -1; if (isset($_GET['last'])) { $firstIndex = array_search($_GET['last'], array_keys($results)); if ($firstIndex === false) { $firstIndex = -1; } } $i = 0; foreach (array_slice($results, $firstIndex + 1, count($results) - $firstIndex - 1, true) as $itemHash => $item) { if (isset($_GET['stars'])) { $result['page'][$i] = $kf->getItem($itemHash); } else { $result['page'][$i] = $kf->getItem($itemHash, false); $result['page'][$i]['read'] = $item[1]; } $i++; } } if (isset($_GET['update'])) { if ($kfc->isLogged()) { if (empty($_GET['update'])) { $result['update']['feeds'] = array(); $feedsHash = $kf->orderFeedsForUpdate(array_keys($kf->getFeeds())); foreach ($feedsHash as $feedHash) { $feed = $kf->getFeed($feedHash); $result['update']['feeds'][] = array($feedHash, $feed['title'], (int) ((time() - $feed['lastUpdate']) / 60), $kf->getTimeUpdate($feed)); } } else { $feed = $kf->getFeed($_GET['update']); $info = $kf->updateChannel($_GET['update']); if (empty($info['error'])) { $info['error'] = $feed['description']; } $info['newItems'] = array_keys($info['newItems']); $result['update'] = $info; } } else { $result['update'] = false; } } if ($needSave) { $kf->writeData(); } if ($needStarSave) { $ks->writeData(); } MyTool::renderJson($result); } elseif (isset($_GET['help']) && ($kfc->isLogged() || $kfc->visibility === 'protected')) { $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Help').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->renderPage('help'); } elseif ((isset($_GET['update']) && ($kfc->isLogged() || (isset($_GET['cron']) && $_GET['cron'] === sha1($kfc->salt.$kfc->hash)))) || (isset($argv) && count($argv) >= 3 && $argv[1] == 'update' && $argv[2] == sha1($kfc->salt.$kfc->hash))) { // Update $kf->loadData(); $forceUpdate = false; if (isset($_GET['force'])) { $forceUpdate = true; } $feedsHash = array(); $hash = 'all'; if (isset($_GET['update'])) { $hash = $_GET['update']; } // type : 'feed', 'folder', 'all', 'item' $type = $kf->hashType($hash); switch($type) { case 'feed': $feedsHash[] = $hash; break; case 'folder': $feedsHash = $kf->getFeedsHashFromFolderHash($hash); break; case 'all': case '': $feedsHash = array_keys($kf->getFeeds()); break; case 'item': default: break; } $pb->assign('currentHash', $hash); if (isset($_GET['cron']) || isset($argv) && count($argv) >= 3) { $kf->updateFeedsHash($feedsHash, $forceUpdate); } else { $pb->assign('feedsHash', $feedsHash); $pb->assign('forceUpdate', $forceUpdate); $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Update').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->renderPage('update'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['plugins']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Plugins management').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('plugins', Plugin::listAll()); $pb->renderPage('plugins'); } elseif (isset($_GET['config']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { // Config if (isset($_POST['save'])) { if (isset($_POST['disableSessionProtection'])) { $_POST['disableSessionProtection'] = '1'; } else { $_POST['disableSessionProtection'] = '0'; } $kfc->hydrate($_POST); MyTool::redirect(); } elseif (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { MyTool::redirect(); } else { $menu = $kfc->getMenu(); $paging = $kfc->getPaging(); $pb->assign('page', 'config'); $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Configuration').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('kfctitle', htmlspecialchars($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('kfcredirector', htmlspecialchars($kfc->redirector)); $pb->assign('kfcshaarli', htmlspecialchars($kfc->shaarli)); $pb->assign('kfclocale', htmlspecialchars($kfc->locale)); $pb->assign('kfcmaxitems', htmlspecialchars($kfc->maxItems)); $pb->assign('kfcmaxupdate', htmlspecialchars($kfc->maxUpdate)); $pb->assign('kfcvisibility', htmlspecialchars($kfc->visibility)); $pb->assign('kfccron', sha1($kfc->salt.$kfc->hash)); $pb->assign('kfcautoreaditem', (int) $kfc->autoreadItem); $pb->assign('kfcautoreadpage', (int) $kfc->autoreadPage); $pb->assign('kfcautoupdate', (int) $kfc->autoUpdate); $pb->assign('kfcautohide', (int) $kfc->autohide); $pb->assign('kfcautofocus', (int) $kfc->autofocus); $pb->assign('kfcaddfavicon', (int) $kfc->addFavicon); $pb->assign('kfcpreload', (int) $kfc->preload); $pb->assign('kfcblank', (int) $kfc->blank); $pb->assign('kfcswipe', (int) $kfc->swipe); $pb->assign('kfcdisablesessionprotection', (int) $kfc->disableSessionProtection); $pb->assign('kfcmenu', $menu); $pb->assign('kfcpaging', $paging); $pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); $pb->assign('scriptfilename', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); $pb->renderPage('config'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['import']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { // Import if (isset($_POST['import'])) { // If file is too big, some form field may be missing. if ((!isset($_FILES)) || (isset($_FILES['filetoupload']['size']) && $_FILES['filetoupload']['size']==0) ) { $rurl = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? '?' : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $pb->assign('message', sprintf(Intl::msg('The file you are trying to upload is probably bigger than what this webserver can accept (%s). Please upload in smaller chunks.'), MyTool::humanBytes(MyTool::getMaxFileSize()))); $pb->assign('referer', $rurl); $pb->renderPage('message'); } $kf->loadData(); $kf->setData(Opml::importOpml($kf->getData())); $kf->sortFeeds(); $kf->writeData(); exit; } else if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { MyTool::redirect(); } else { $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Import').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('maxsize', MyTool::getMaxFileSize()); $pb->assign('humanmaxsize', MyTool::humanBytes(MyTool::getMaxFileSize())); $pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); $pb->renderPage('import'); } } elseif (isset($_GET['export']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { // Export $kf->loadData(); Opml::exportOpml($kf->getFeeds(), $kf->getFolders()); } elseif (isset($_GET['add']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { // Add feed $kf->loadData(); if (isset($_POST['newfeed']) && !empty($_POST['newfeed'])) { $addc = $kf->addChannel($_POST['newfeed']); if (empty($addc['error'])) { // Add success $folders = array(); if (!empty($_POST['folders'])) { foreach ($_POST['folders'] as $hashFolder) { $folders[] = $hashFolder; } } if (!empty($_POST['newfolder'])) { $newFolderHash = MyTool::smallHash($_POST['newfolder']); $kf->addFolder($_POST['newfolder'], $newFolderHash); $folders[] = $newFolderHash; } $hash = MyTool::smallHash($_POST['newfeed']); $kf->editFeed($hash, '', '', $folders, '', ''); $kf->sortFeeds(); $kf->writeData(); MyTool::redirect('?currentHash='.$hash); } else { // Add fail $pb->assign('message', $addc['error']); $pb->renderPage('message'); } } $newfeed = ''; if (isset($_GET['newfeed'])) { $newfeed = htmlspecialchars($_GET['newfeed']); } $pb->assign('page', 'add'); $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Add a new feed').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('newfeed', $newfeed); $pb->assign('folders', $kf->getFolders()); $pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); $pb->renderPage('add_feed'); } elseif (isset($_GET['toggleFolder']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { $kf->loadData(); $kf->toggleFolder($_GET['toggleFolder']); $kf->writeData(); MyTool::redirect($query); } elseif ((isset($_GET['read']) || isset($_GET['unread'])) && $kfc->isLogged()) { // mark all as read : item, feed, folder, all $kf->loadData(); $read = 1; if (isset($_GET['read'])) { $hash = $_GET['read']; $read = 1; } else { $hash = $_GET['unread']; $read = 0; } $needSave = $kf->mark($hash, $read); if ($needSave) { $kf->writeData(); } // type : 'feed', 'folder', 'all', 'item' $type = $kf->hashType($hash); if ($type === 'item') { $query .= 'current='.$hash; } else { if ($filter === 'unread' && $read === 1) { $query = '?'; } } MyTool::redirect($query); } elseif ((isset($_GET['star']) || isset($_GET['unstar'])) && $kfc->isLogged()) { // mark all as starred : item, feed, folder, all $kf->loadData(); $ks->loadData(); $starred = 1; if (isset($_GET['star'])) { $hash = $_GET['star']; $starred = 1; $item = $kf->loadItem($hash, false); $feed = $kf->getFeed(substr($hash, 0, 6)); $needSave = $ks->markItem($hash, $starred, $feed, $item); } else { $hash = $_GET['unstar']; $starred = 0; $needSave = $ks->markItem($hash, $starred); } if ($needSave) { $ks->writeData(); } // type : 'feed', 'folder', 'all', 'item' $type = $kf->hashType($hash); if ($type === 'item') { $query .= 'current='.$hash; } MyTool::redirect($query); } elseif (isset($_GET['stars']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { $ks->loadData(); $GLOBALS['starredItems'] = $ks->getItems(); $listItems = $ks->getItems($currentHash, 'all'); $listHash = array_keys($listItems); $currentItemHash = ''; if (isset($_GET['current']) && !empty($_GET['current'])) { $currentItemHash = $_GET['current']; } if (isset($_GET['next']) && !empty($_GET['next'])) { $currentItemHash = $_GET['next']; } if (isset($_GET['previous']) && !empty($_GET['previous'])) { $currentItemHash = $_GET['previous']; } if (empty($currentItemHash)) { $currentPage = $kfc->getCurrentPage(); $index = ($currentPage - 1) * $byPage; } else { $index = array_search($currentItemHash, $listHash); if (isset($_GET['next'])) { if ($index < count($listHash)-1) { $index++; } } if (isset($_GET['previous'])) { if ($index > 0) { $index--; } } } if ($index < count($listHash)) { $currentItemHash = $listHash[$index]; } else { $index = count($listHash) - 1; } // pagination $currentPage = (int) ($index/$byPage)+1; if ($currentPage <= 0) { $currentPage = 1; } $begin = ($currentPage - 1) * $byPage; $maxPage = (count($listItems) <= $byPage) ? '1' : ceil(count($listItems) / $byPage); $nbItems = count($listItems); // list items $listItems = array_slice($listItems, $begin, $byPage, true); // type : 'feed', 'folder', 'all', 'item' $currentHashType = $kf->hashType($currentHash); $hashView = ''; switch($currentHashType){ case 'all': $hashView = '<span id="nb-starred">'.$nbItems.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('starred items').'</span>'; break; case 'feed': $hashView = 'Feed (<a href="'.$kf->getFeedHtmlUrl($currentHash).'" title="">'.$kf->getFeedTitle($currentHash).'</a>): '.'<span id="nb-starred">'.$nbItems.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('starred items').'</span>'; break; case 'folder': $hashView = 'Folder ('.$kf->getFolderTitle($currentHash).'): <span id="nb-starred">'.$nbItems.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('starred items').'</span>'; break; default: $hashView = '<span id="nb-starred">'.$nbItems.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('starred items').'</span>'; break; } $menu = $kfc->getMenu(); $paging = $kfc->getPaging(); $pb->assign('menu', $menu); $pb->assign('paging', $paging); $pb->assign('currentHashType', $currentHashType); $pb->assign('currentHashView', $hashView); $pb->assign('currentPage', (int) $currentPage); $pb->assign('maxPage', (int) $maxPage); $pb->assign('currentItemHash', $currentItemHash); $pb->assign('nbItems', $nbItems); $pb->assign('items', $listItems); if ($listFeeds == 'show') { $pb->assign('feedsView', $ks->getFeedsView()); } $pb->assign('kf', $ks); $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Starred items').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->renderPage('index'); } elseif (isset($_GET['edit']) && $kfc->isLogged()) { // Edit feed, folder, all $kf->loadData(); $pb->assign('page', 'edit'); $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Edit').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); $hash = substr(trim($_GET['edit'], '/'), 0, 6); // type : 'feed', 'folder', 'all', 'item' $type = $kf->hashType($currentHash); $type = $kf->hashType($hash); switch($type) { case 'feed': if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $title = $_POST['title']; $description = $_POST['description']; $htmlUrl = $_POST['htmlUrl']; $folders = array(); if (!empty($_POST['folders'])) { foreach ($_POST['folders'] as $hashFolder) { $folders[] = $hashFolder; } } if (!empty($_POST['newfolder'])) { $newFolderHash = MyTool::smallHash($_POST['newfolder']); $kf->addFolder($_POST['newfolder'], $newFolderHash); $folders[] = $newFolderHash; } $timeUpdate = $_POST['timeUpdate']; $kf->editFeed($hash, $title, $description, $folders, $timeUpdate, $htmlUrl); $kf->writeData(); MyTool::redirect(); } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { $kf->removeFeed($hash); $kf->writeData(); MyTool::redirect('?'); } elseif (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { MyTool::redirect(); } else { $feed = $kf->getFeed($hash); if (!empty($feed)) { $lastUpdate = 'need update'; if (!$kf->needUpdate($feed)) { $diff = (int) (time() - $feed['lastUpdate']); $lastUpdate = (int) ($diff / 60) . ' m ' . (int) ($diff % 60) . ' s'; } $pb->assign('feed', $feed); $pb->assign('folders', $kf->getFolders()); $pb->assign('lastUpdate', $lastUpdate); $pb->renderPage('edit_feed'); } else { MyTool::redirect(); } } break; case 'folder': if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $oldFolderTitle = $kf->getFolderTitle($hash); $newFolderTitle = $_POST['foldertitle']; if ($oldFolderTitle !== $newFolderTitle) { $kf->renameFolder($hash, $newFolderTitle); $kf->writeData(); } if (empty($newFolderTitle)) { MyTool::redirect('?'); } else { MyTool::redirect('?currentHash='.MyTool::smallHash($newFolderTitle)); } } elseif (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { MyTool::redirect(); } else { $folderTitle = $kf->getFolderTitle($hash); $pb->assign('foldertitle', htmlspecialchars($folderTitle)); $pb->renderPage('edit_folder'); } break; case 'all': if (isset($_POST['save'])) { foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $key) { if (strpos($key, 'order-folder-') !== false) { $folderHash = str_replace('order-folder-', '', $key); $kf->orderFolder($folderHash, (int) $_POST[$key]); } } $feedsHash = array(); if (isset($_POST['feeds'])) { foreach ($_POST['feeds'] as $feedHash) { $feedsHash[] = $feedHash; } } foreach ($feedsHash as $feedHash) { $feed = $kf->getFeed($feedHash); $addFoldersHash = $feed['foldersHash']; if (!empty($_POST['addfolders'])) { foreach ($_POST['addfolders'] as $folderHash) { if (!in_array($folderHash, $addFoldersHash)) { $addFoldersHash[] = $folderHash; } } } if (!empty($_POST['addnewfolder'])) { $newFolderHash = MyTool::smallHash($_POST['addnewfolder']); $kf->addFolder($_POST['addnewfolder'], $newFolderHash); $addFoldersHash[] = $newFolderHash; } $removeFoldersHash = array(); if (!empty($_POST['removefolders'])) { foreach ($_POST['removefolders'] as $folderHash) { $removeFoldersHash[] = $folderHash; } } $addFoldersHash = array_diff($addFoldersHash, $removeFoldersHash); $kf->editFeed($feedHash, '', '', $addFoldersHash, '', ''); } $kf->sortFolders(); $kf->writeData(); MyTool::redirect(); } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { foreach ($_POST['feeds'] as $feedHash) { $kf->removeFeed($feedHash); } $kf->writeData(); MyTool::redirect(); } elseif (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { MyTool::redirect(); } else { $folders = $kf->getFolders(); $listFeeds = $kf->getFeeds(); $pb->assign('folders', $folders); $pb->assign('listFeeds', $listFeeds); $pb->renderPage('edit_all'); } break; case 'item': default: MyTool::redirect(); break; } } elseif (isset($_GET['shaarli'])) { $kf->loadData(); $item = $kf->getItem($_GET['shaarli'], false); $shaarli = $kfc->shaarli; if (!empty($shaarli)) { // remove sel used with javascript $shaarli = str_replace('${sel}', '', $shaarli); $url = htmlspecialchars_decode($item['link']); $via = htmlspecialchars_decode($item['via']); $title = htmlspecialchars_decode($item['title']); if (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) !== parse_url($via, PHP_URL_HOST)) { $via = 'via '.$via; } else { $via = ''; } $shaarli = str_replace('${url}', urlencode($url), $shaarli); $shaarli = str_replace('${title}', urlencode($title), $shaarli); $shaarli = str_replace('${via}', urlencode($via), $shaarli); header('Location: '.$shaarli); } else { $pb->assign('message', Intl::msg('Please configure your share link first')); $pb->renderPage('message'); } } else { if (($kfc->isLogged() || $kfc->visibility === 'protected') && !isset($_GET['password']) && !isset($_GET['help']) && !isset($_GET['update']) && !isset($_GET['config']) && !isset($_GET['import']) && !isset($_GET['export']) && !isset($_GET['add']) && !isset($_GET['toggleFolder']) && !isset($_GET['read']) && !isset($_GET['unread']) && !isset($_GET['edit'])) { $ks->loadData(); $GLOBALS['starredItems'] = $ks->getItems(); $kf->loadData(); if ($kf->updateItems()) { $kf->writeData(); } $listItems = $kf->getItems($currentHash, $filter); $listHash = array_keys($listItems); $currentItemHash = ''; if (isset($_GET['current']) && !empty($_GET['current'])) { $currentItemHash = $_GET['current']; } if (isset($_GET['next']) && !empty($_GET['next'])) { $currentItemHash = $_GET['next']; if ($kfc->autoreadItem) { if ($kf->mark($currentItemHash, 1)) { if ($filter == 'unread') { unset($listItems[$currentItemHash]); } $kf->writeData(); } } } if (isset($_GET['previous']) && !empty($_GET['previous'])) { $currentItemHash = $_GET['previous']; } if (empty($currentItemHash)) { $currentPage = $kfc->getCurrentPage(); $index = ($currentPage - 1) * $byPage; } else { $index = array_search($currentItemHash, $listHash); if (isset($_GET['next'])) { if ($index < count($listHash)-1) { $index++; } } if (isset($_GET['previous'])) { if ($index > 0) { $index--; } } } if ($index < count($listHash)) { $currentItemHash = $listHash[$index]; } else { $index = count($listHash) - 1; } $unread = 0; foreach ($listItems as $itemHash => $item) { if ($item[1] === 0) { $unread++; } } // pagination $currentPage = (int) ($index/$byPage)+1; if ($currentPage <= 0) { $currentPage = 1; } $begin = ($currentPage - 1) * $byPage; $maxPage = (count($listItems) <= $byPage) ? '1' : ceil(count($listItems) / $byPage); $nbItems = count($listItems); // list items $listItems = array_slice($listItems, $begin, $byPage, true); // type : 'feed', 'folder', 'all', 'item' $currentHashType = $kf->hashType($currentHash); $hashView = ''; switch($currentHashType){ case 'all': $hashView = '<span id="nb-unread">'.$unread.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('unread items').'</span>'; break; case 'feed': $hashView = 'Feed (<a href="'.$kf->getFeedHtmlUrl($currentHash).'" title="">'.$kf->getFeedTitle($currentHash).'</a>): '.'<span id="nb-unread">'.$unread.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('unread items').'</span>'; break; case 'folder': $hashView = 'Folder ('.$kf->getFolderTitle($currentHash).'): <span id="nb-unread">'.$unread.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('unread items').'</span>'; break; default: $hashView = '<span id="nb-unread">'.$unread.'</span><span class="hidden-phone"> '.Intl::msg('unread items').'</span>'; break; } $menu = $kfc->getMenu(); $paging = $kfc->getPaging(); $pb->assign('menu', $menu); $pb->assign('paging', $paging); $pb->assign('currentHashType', $currentHashType); $pb->assign('currentHashView', $hashView); $pb->assign('currentPage', (int) $currentPage); $pb->assign('maxPage', (int) $maxPage); $pb->assign('currentItemHash', $currentItemHash); $pb->assign('nbItems', $nbItems); $pb->assign('items', $listItems); if ($listFeeds == 'show') { $pb->assign('feedsView', $kf->getFeedsView()); } $pb->assign('pagetitle', strip_tags($kfc->title)); $pb->renderPage('index'); } else { $pb->assign('pagetitle', Intl::msg('Sign in').' - '.strip_tags($kfc->title)); if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $pb->assign('referer', MyTool::getUrl().'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } $pb->assign('token', Session::getToken()); $pb->renderPage('login'); } }