-- TODO: -- - Put user-select: none on various highlights (Diagnostic* for example) --- @type string[] local notifications = {} ---@param msg string local function notify(msg) if #notifications == 0 then vim.schedule(function() if #notifications > 1 then vim.notify(("TOhtml: %s (+ %d more warnings)"):format(notifications[1], #notifications - 1)) elseif #notifications == 1 then vim.notify("TOhtml: " .. notifications[1]) end notifications = {} end) end table.insert(notifications, msg) end local HIDE_ID = -1 -- stylua: ignore start local cterm_8_to_hex={ [0] = "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", } local cterm_16_to_hex={ [0] = "#000000", "#c00000", "#008000", "#804000", "#0000c0", "#c000c0", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", } local cterm_88_to_hex={ [0] = "#000000", "#c00000", "#008000", "#804000", "#0000c0", "#c000c0", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#00008b", "#0000cd", "#0000ff", "#008b00", "#008b8b", "#008bcd", "#008bff", "#00cd00", "#00cd8b", "#00cdcd", "#00cdff", "#00ff00", "#00ff8b", "#00ffcd", "#00ffff", "#8b0000", "#8b008b", "#8b00cd", "#8b00ff", "#8b8b00", "#8b8b8b", "#8b8bcd", "#8b8bff", "#8bcd00", "#8bcd8b", "#8bcdcd", "#8bcdff", "#8bff00", "#8bff8b", "#8bffcd", "#8bffff", "#cd0000", "#cd008b", "#cd00cd", "#cd00ff", "#cd8b00", "#cd8b8b", "#cd8bcd", "#cd8bff", "#cdcd00", "#cdcd8b", "#cdcdcd", "#cdcdff", "#cdff00", "#cdff8b", "#cdffcd", "#cdffff", "#ff0000", "#ff008b", "#ff00cd", "#ff00ff", "#ff8b00", "#ff8b8b", "#ff8bcd", "#ff8bff", "#ffcd00", "#ffcd8b", "#ffcdcd", "#ffcdff", "#ffff00", "#ffff8b", "#ffffcd", "#ffffff", "#2e2e2e", "#5c5c5c", "#737373", "#8b8b8b", "#a2a2a2", "#b9b9b9", "#d0d0d0", "#e7e7e7", } local cterm_256_to_hex={ [0] = "#000000", "#c00000", "#008000", "#804000", "#0000c0", "#c000c0", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", "#808080", "#ff6060", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", "#8080ff", "#ff40ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#00005f", "#000087", "#0000af", "#0000d7", "#0000ff", "#005f00", "#005f5f", "#005f87", "#005faf", "#005fd7", "#005fff", "#008700", "#00875f", "#008787", "#0087af", "#0087d7", "#0087ff", "#00af00", "#00af5f", "#00af87", "#00afaf", "#00afd7", "#00afff", "#00d700", "#00d75f", "#00d787", "#00d7af", "#00d7d7", "#00d7ff", "#00ff00", "#00ff5f", "#00ff87", "#00ffaf", "#00ffd7", "#00ffff", "#5f0000", "#5f005f", "#5f0087", "#5f00af", "#5f00d7", "#5f00ff", "#5f5f00", "#5f5f5f", "#5f5f87", "#5f5faf", "#5f5fd7", "#5f5fff", "#5f8700", "#5f875f", "#5f8787", "#5f87af", "#5f87d7", "#5f87ff", "#5faf00", "#5faf5f", "#5faf87", "#5fafaf", "#5fafd7", "#5fafff", "#5fd700", "#5fd75f", "#5fd787", "#5fd7af", "#5fd7d7", "#5fd7ff", "#5fff00", "#5fff5f", "#5fff87", "#5fffaf", "#5fffd7", "#5fffff", "#870000", "#87005f", "#870087", "#8700af", "#8700d7", "#8700ff", "#875f00", "#875f5f", "#875f87", "#875faf", "#875fd7", "#875fff", "#878700", "#87875f", "#878787", "#8787af", "#8787d7", "#8787ff", "#87af00", "#87af5f", "#87af87", "#87afaf", "#87afd7", "#87afff", "#87d700", "#87d75f", "#87d787", "#87d7af", "#87d7d7", "#87d7ff", "#87ff00", "#87ff5f", "#87ff87", "#87ffaf", "#87ffd7", "#87ffff", "#af0000", "#af005f", "#af0087", "#af00af", "#af00d7", "#af00ff", "#af5f00", "#af5f5f", "#af5f87", "#af5faf", "#af5fd7", "#af5fff", "#af8700", "#af875f", "#af8787", "#af87af", "#af87d7", "#af87ff", "#afaf00", "#afaf5f", "#afaf87", "#afafaf", "#afafd7", "#afafff", "#afd700", "#afd75f", "#afd787", "#afd7af", "#afd7d7", "#afd7ff", "#afff00", "#afff5f", "#afff87", "#afffaf", "#afffd7", "#afffff", "#d70000", "#d7005f", "#d70087", "#d700af", "#d700d7", "#d700ff", "#d75f00", "#d75f5f", "#d75f87", "#d75faf", "#d75fd7", "#d75fff", "#d78700", "#d7875f", "#d78787", "#d787af", "#d787d7", "#d787ff", "#d7af00", "#d7af5f", "#d7af87", "#d7afaf", "#d7afd7", "#d7afff", "#d7d700", "#d7d75f", "#d7d787", "#d7d7af", "#d7d7d7", "#d7d7ff", "#d7ff00", "#d7ff5f", "#d7ff87", "#d7ffaf", "#d7ffd7", "#d7ffff", "#ff0000", "#ff005f", "#ff0087", "#ff00af", "#ff00d7", "#ff00ff", "#ff5f00", "#ff5f5f", "#ff5f87", "#ff5faf", "#ff5fd7", "#ff5fff", "#ff8700", "#ff875f", "#ff8787", "#ff87af", "#ff87d7", "#ff87ff", "#ffaf00", "#ffaf5f", "#ffaf87", "#ffafaf", "#ffafd7", "#ffafff", "#ffd700", "#ffd75f", "#ffd787", "#ffd7af", "#ffd7d7", "#ffd7ff", "#ffff00", "#ffff5f", "#ffff87", "#ffffaf", "#ffffd7", "#ffffff", "#080808", "#121212", "#1c1c1c", "#262626", "#303030", "#3a3a3a", "#444444", "#4e4e4e", "#585858", "#626262", "#6c6c6c", "#767676", "#808080", "#8a8a8a", "#949494", "#9e9e9e", "#a8a8a8", "#b2b2b2", "#bcbcbc", "#c6c6c6", "#d0d0d0", "#dadada", "#e4e4e4", "#eeeeee", } -- stylua: ignore end --- @type table local cterm_color_cache = {} --- @type string? local background_color_cache = nil --- @type string? local foreground_color_cache = nil local len = vim.api.nvim_strwidth --- @see https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h3-Operating-System-Commands --- @param color "background"|"foreground"|integer --- @return string? local function try_query_terminal_color(color) local parameter = 4 if color == "foreground" then parameter = 10 elseif color == "background" then parameter = 11 end --- @type string? local hex = nil local au = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TermResponse", { once = true, callback = function(args) hex = "#" .. table.concat { args.data:match "\027%]%d+;%d*;?rgb:(%w%w)%w%w/(%w%w)%w%w/(%w%w)%w%w" } end, }) if type(color) == "number" then io.stdout:write(("\027]%s;%s;?\027\\"):format(parameter, color)) else io.stdout:write(("\027]%s;?\027\\"):format(parameter)) end vim.wait(100, function() return hex and true or false end) pcall(vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd, au) return hex end --- @param colorstr string --- @return string local function cterm_to_hex(colorstr) if colorstr:sub(1, 1) == "#" then return colorstr end assert(colorstr ~= "") local color = tonumber(colorstr) assert(color and 0 <= color and color <= 255) if cterm_color_cache[color] then return cterm_color_cache[color] end local hex = try_query_terminal_color(color) if hex then cterm_color_cache[color] = hex else notify "Couldn't get terminal colors, using fallback" local t_Co = tonumber(vim.api.nvim_eval "&t_Co") if t_Co <= 8 then cterm_color_cache = cterm_8_to_hex elseif t_Co == 88 then cterm_color_cache = cterm_88_to_hex elseif t_Co == 256 then cterm_color_cache = cterm_256_to_hex else cterm_color_cache = cterm_16_to_hex end end return cterm_color_cache[color] end --- @return string local function get_background_color() local bg = vim.fn.synIDattr(vim.fn.hlID "Normal", "bg#") if bg ~= "" then return cterm_to_hex(bg) end if background_color_cache then return background_color_cache end local hex = try_query_terminal_color "background" if not hex or not hex:match "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" then notify "Couldn't get terminal background colors, using fallback" hex = vim.o.background == "light" and "#ffffff" or "#000000" end background_color_cache = hex return hex end --- @return string local function get_foreground_color() local fg = vim.fn.synIDattr(vim.fn.hlID "Normal", "fg#") if fg ~= "" then return cterm_to_hex(fg) end if foreground_color_cache then return foreground_color_cache end local hex = try_query_terminal_color "foreground" if not hex or not hex:match "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" then notify "Couldn't get terminal foreground colors, using fallback" hex = vim.o.background == "light" and "#000000" or "#ffffff" end foreground_color_cache = hex return hex end --- @param style_line vim.tohtml.line --- @param col integer (1-index) --- @param field integer --- @param val any local function _style_line_insert(style_line, col, field, val) if style_line[col] == nil then style_line[col] = { {}, {}, {}, {} } end table.insert(style_line[col][field], val) end --- @param style_line vim.tohtml.line --- @param col integer (1-index) --- @param val any[] local function style_line_insert_overlay_char(style_line, col, val) _style_line_insert(style_line, col, 4, val) end --- @param style_line vim.tohtml.line --- @param col integer (1-index) --- @param val any[] local function style_line_insert_virt_text(style_line, col, val) _style_line_insert(style_line, col, 3, val) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param hl string|integer|string[]|integer[]? --- @return nil|integer local function register_hl(state, hl) if type(hl) == "table" then hl = hl[#hl] end if type(hl) == "nil" then return elseif type(hl) == "string" then hl = vim.fn.hlID(hl) assert(hl ~= 0) end hl = vim.fn.synIDtrans(hl) if not state.highlights_name[hl] then local name = vim.fn.synIDattr(hl, "name") assert(name ~= "") state.highlights_name[hl] = name end return hl end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param start_row integer (1-index) --- @param start_col integer (1-index) --- @param end_row integer (1-index) --- @param end_col integer (1-index) --- @param conceal_text string --- @param hl_group string|integer? local function styletable_insert_conceal(state, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col, conceal_text, hl_group) assert(state.opt.conceallevel > 0) local styletable = state.style if start_col == end_col and start_row == end_row then return end if state.opt.conceallevel == 1 and conceal_text == "" then conceal_text = vim.opt_local.listchars:get().conceal or " " end local hlid = register_hl(state, hl_group) if vim.wo[state.winid].conceallevel ~= 3 then _style_line_insert(styletable[start_row], start_col, 3, { conceal_text, hlid }) end _style_line_insert(styletable[start_row], start_col, 1, HIDE_ID) _style_line_insert(styletable[end_row], end_col, 2, HIDE_ID) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param start_row integer (1-index) --- @param start_col integer (1-index) --- @param end_row integer (1-index) --- @param end_col integer (1-index) --- @param hl_group string|integer|nil local function styletable_insert_range(state, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col, hl_group) if start_col == end_col and start_row == end_row or not hl_group then return end local styletable = state.style _style_line_insert(styletable[start_row], start_col, 1, hl_group) _style_line_insert(styletable[end_row], end_col, 2, hl_group) end --- @param bufnr integer --- @return vim.tohtml.styletable local function generate_styletable(bufnr) --- @type vim.tohtml.styletable local styletable = {} for row = 1, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) + 1 do styletable[row] = { virt_lines = {}, pre_text = {} } end return styletable end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_syntax(state) for row = 1, state.buflen do local prev_id = 0 local prev_col = nil for col = 1, #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1 do local hlid = vim.fn.synID(row, col, 1) hlid = hlid == 0 and 0 or assert(register_hl(state, hlid)) if hlid ~= prev_id then if prev_id ~= 0 then styletable_insert_range(state, row, assert(prev_col), row, col, prev_id) end prev_col = col prev_id = hlid end end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_diff(state) local styletable = state.style for row = 1, state.buflen do local style_line = styletable[row] local filler = vim.fn.diff_filler(row) if filler ~= 0 then local fill = (vim.opt_local.fillchars:get().diff or "-") table.insert(style_line.virt_lines, { { fill:rep(state.width), register_hl(state, "DiffDelete") } }) end if row == state.buflen + 1 then break end local prev_id = 0 local prev_col = nil for col = 1, #vim.fn.getline(row) do local hlid = vim.fn.diff_hlID(row, col) hlid = hlid == 0 and 0 or assert(register_hl(state, hlid)) if hlid ~= prev_id then if prev_id ~= 0 then styletable_insert_range(state, row, assert(prev_col), row, col, prev_id) end prev_col = col prev_id = hlid end end if prev_id ~= 0 then styletable_insert_range(state, row, assert(prev_col), row, #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1, prev_id) end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_treesitter(state) local bufnr = state.bufnr local buf_highlighter = vim.treesitter.highlighter.active[bufnr] if not buf_highlighter then return end buf_highlighter.tree:parse(true) buf_highlighter.tree:for_each_tree(function(tstree, tree) --- @cast tree vim.treesitter.LanguageTree if not tstree then return end local root = tstree:root() local q = buf_highlighter:get_query(tree:lang()) --- @type vim.treesitter.Query? local query = q:query() if not query then return end for capture, node, metadata in query:iter_captures(root, buf_highlighter.bufnr, 0, state.buflen) do local srow, scol, erow, ecol = node:range() --- @diagnostic disable-next-line: invisible local c = q._query.captures[capture] if c ~= nil then local hlid = register_hl(state, "@" .. c .. "." .. tree:lang()) if metadata.conceal and state.opt.conceallevel ~= 0 then styletable_insert_conceal(state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, metadata.conceal) end styletable_insert_range(state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, hlid) end end end) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark [integer, integer, integer, vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any] --- @param namespaces table local function _styletable_extmarks_highlight(state, extmark, namespaces) if not extmark[4].hl_group then return end ---TODO(altermo) LSP semantic tokens (and some other extmarks) are only ---generated in visible lines, and not in the whole buffer. if (namespaces[extmark[4].ns_id] or ""):find "vim_lsp_semantic_tokens" then notify "lsp semantic tokens are not supported, HTML may be incorrect" return end local srow, scol, erow, ecol = extmark[2], extmark[3], extmark[4].end_row or extmark[2], extmark[4].end_col or extmark[3] if scol == ecol and srow == erow then return end local hlid = register_hl(state, extmark[4].hl_group) styletable_insert_range(state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, hlid) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark [integer, integer, integer, vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any] --- @param namespaces table local function _styletable_extmarks_virt_text(state, extmark, namespaces) if not extmark[4].virt_text then return end ---TODO(altermo) LSP semantic tokens (and some other extmarks) are only ---generated in visible lines, and not in the whole buffer. if (namespaces[extmark[4].ns_id] or ""):find "vim_lsp_inlayhint" then notify "lsp inlay hints are not supported, HTML may be incorrect" return end local styletable = state.style --- @type integer,integer local row, col = extmark[2], extmark[3] if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == "inline" or extmark[4].virt_text_pos == "eol" or extmark[4].virt_text_pos == "overlay" then if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == "eol" then style_line_insert_virt_text(styletable[row + 1], #vim.fn.getline(row + 1) + 1, { " " }) end local virt_text_len = 0 for _, i in ipairs(extmark[4].virt_text --[[@as (string[][])]]) do local hlid = register_hl(state, i[2]) if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == "eol" then style_line_insert_virt_text(styletable[row + 1], #vim.fn.getline(row + 1) + 1, { i[1], hlid }) else style_line_insert_virt_text(styletable[row + 1], col + 1, { i[1], hlid }) end virt_text_len = virt_text_len + len(i[1]) end if extmark[4].virt_text_pos == "overlay" then styletable_insert_range(state, row + 1, col + 1, row + 1, col + virt_text_len + 1, HIDE_ID) end end local not_supported = { virt_text_pos = "right_align", hl_mode = "blend", hl_group = "combine", } for opt, val in pairs(not_supported) do if extmark[4][opt] == val then notify(('extmark.%s="%s" is not supported, HTML may be incorrect'):format(opt, val)) end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark [integer, integer, integer, vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any] local function _styletable_extmarks_virt_lines(state, extmark) ---TODO(altermo) if the fold start is equal to virt_line start then the fold hides the virt_line if not extmark[4].virt_lines then return end --- @type integer local row = extmark[2] + (extmark[4].virt_lines_above and 1 or 2) for _, line in ipairs(extmark[4].virt_lines --[[@as (string[][][])]]) do local virt_line = {} for _, i in ipairs(line) do local hlid = register_hl(state, i[2]) table.insert(virt_line, { i[1], hlid }) end table.insert(state.style[row].virt_lines, virt_line) end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param extmark [integer, integer, integer, vim.api.keyset.set_extmark|any] local function _styletable_extmarks_conceal(state, extmark) if not extmark[4].conceal or state.opt.conceallevel == 0 then return end local srow, scol, erow, ecol = extmark[2], extmark[3], extmark[4].end_row or extmark[2], extmark[4].end_col or extmark[3] styletable_insert_conceal( state, srow + 1, scol + 1, erow + 1, ecol + 1, extmark[4].conceal, extmark[4].hl_group or "Conceal" ) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_extmarks(state) --TODO(altermo) extmarks may have col/row which is outside of the buffer, which could cause an error local bufnr = state.bufnr local extmarks = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(bufnr, -1, 0, -1, { details = true }) local namespaces = {} --- @type table for ns, ns_id in pairs(vim.api.nvim_get_namespaces()) do namespaces[ns_id] = ns end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_highlight(state, v, namespaces) end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_conceal(state, v) end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_virt_text(state, v, namespaces) end for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do _styletable_extmarks_virt_lines(state, v) end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_folds(state) local styletable = state.style local has_folded = false for row = 1, state.buflen do if vim.fn.foldclosed(row) > 0 then has_folded = true styletable[row].hide = true end if vim.fn.foldclosed(row) == row then local hlid = register_hl(state, "Folded") ---TODO(altermo): Is there a way to get highlighted foldtext? local foldtext = vim.fn.foldtextresult(row) foldtext = foldtext .. (vim.opt.fillchars:get().fold or "ยท"):rep(state.width - #foldtext) table.insert(styletable[row].virt_lines, { { foldtext, hlid } }) end end if has_folded and type(({ pcall(vim.api.nvim_eval, vim.o.foldtext) })[2]) == "table" then notify "foldtext returning a table with highlights is not supported, HTML may be incorrect" end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_conceal(state) local bufnr = state.bufnr vim.api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function() for row = 1, state.buflen do --- @type table local conceals = {} local line_len_exclusive = #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1 for col = 1, line_len_exclusive do --- @type integer,string,integer local is_concealed, conceal, hlid = unpack(vim.fn.synconcealed(row, col) --[[@as table]]) if is_concealed == 0 then assert(true) elseif not conceals[hlid] then conceals[hlid] = { col, math.min(col + 1, line_len_exclusive), conceal } else conceals[hlid][2] = math.min(col + 1, line_len_exclusive) end end for _, v in pairs(conceals) do styletable_insert_conceal(state, row, v[1], row, v[2], v[3], "Conceal") end end end) end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_match(state) for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.getmatches(state.winid) --[[@as (table[])]]) do local hlid = register_hl(state, match.group) local function range(srow, scol, erow, ecol) if match.group == "Conceal" and state.opt.conceallevel ~= 0 then styletable_insert_conceal(state, srow, scol, erow, ecol, match.conceal or "", hlid) else styletable_insert_range(state, srow, scol, erow, ecol, hlid) end end if match.pos1 then for key, v in pairs(match --[[@as (table)]]) do if not key:match "^pos(%d+)$" then assert(true) elseif #v == 1 then range(v[1], 1, v[1], #vim.fn.getline(v[1]) + 1) else range(v[1], v[2], v[1], v[3] + v[2]) end end else for _, v in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, match.pattern, 1, "$") --[[@as (table[])]]) do range(v.lnum, v.byteidx + 1, v.lnum, v.byteidx + 1 + #v.text) end end end end --- Requires state.conf.number_lines to be set to true --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_statuscolumn(state) if not state.conf.number_lines then return end local statuscolumn = state.opt.statuscolumn if statuscolumn == "" then if state.opt.relativenumber then if state.opt.number then statuscolumn = '%C%s%{%v:lnum!=line(".")?"%=".v:relnum." ":v:lnum%}' else statuscolumn = '%C%s%{%"%=".v:relnum." "%}' end else statuscolumn = '%C%s%{%"%=".v:lnum." "%}' end end local minwidth = 0 local signcolumn = state.opt.signcolumn if state.opt.number or state.opt.relativenumber then minwidth = minwidth + state.opt.numberwidth if signcolumn == "number" then signcolumn = "no" end end if signcolumn == "number" then signcolumn = "auto" end if signcolumn ~= "no" then local max = tonumber(signcolumn:match "^%w-:(%d)") or 1 if signcolumn:match "^auto" then --- @type table local signcount = {} for _, extmark in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(state.bufnr, -1, 0, -1, { details = true })) do if extmark[4].sign_text then signcount[extmark[2]] = (signcount[extmark[2]] or 0) + 1 end end local maxsigns = 0 for _, v in pairs(signcount) do if v > maxsigns then maxsigns = v end end minwidth = minwidth + math.min(maxsigns, max) * 2 else minwidth = minwidth + max * 2 end end local foldcolumn = state.opt.foldcolumn if foldcolumn ~= "0" then if foldcolumn:match "^auto" then local max = tonumber(foldcolumn:match "^%w-:(%d)") or 1 local maxfold = 0 vim.api.nvim_buf_call(state.bufnr, function() for row = 1, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(state.bufnr) do local foldlevel = vim.fn.foldlevel(row) if foldlevel > maxfold then maxfold = foldlevel end end end) minwidth = minwidth + math.min(maxfold, max) else minwidth = minwidth + tonumber(foldcolumn) end end --- @type table local statuses = {} for row = 1, state.buflen do local status = vim.api.nvim_eval_statusline(statuscolumn, { winid = state.winid, use_statuscol_lnum = row, highlights = true }) local width = len(status.str) if width > minwidth then minwidth = width end table.insert(statuses, status) --- @type string end for row, status in pairs(statuses) do --- @type string local str = status.str --- @type table[] local hls = status.highlights for k, v in ipairs(hls) do local text = str:sub(v.start + 1, hls[k + 1] and hls[k + 1].start or nil) if k == #hls then text = text .. (" "):rep(minwidth - len(str)) end if text ~= "" then local hlid = register_hl(state, v.group) local virt_text = { text, hlid } table.insert(state.style[row].pre_text, virt_text) end end end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function styletable_listchars(state) if not state.opt.list then return end --- @return string local function utf8_sub(str, i, j) return vim.fn.strcharpart(str, i - 1, j and j - i + 1 or nil) end --- @type table local listchars = vim.opt_local.listchars:get() local ids = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) rawset(t, k, register_hl(state, k)) return rawget(t, k) end, }) if listchars.eol then for row = 1, state.buflen do local style_line = state.style[row] style_line_insert_overlay_char(style_line, #vim.fn.getline(row) + 1, { listchars.eol, ids.NonText }) end end if listchars.tab and state.tabstop then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, "\t", 1, "$") --[[@as (table[])]]) do --- @type integer local tablen = #state.tabstop - ((vim.fn.virtcol({ match.lnum, match.byteidx }, false, state.winid)) % #state.tabstop) --- @type string? local text if len(listchars.tab) == 3 then if tablen == 1 then text = utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 3, 3) else text = utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 1, 1) .. utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 2, 2):rep(tablen - 2) .. utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 3, 3) end else text = utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 1, 1) .. utf8_sub(listchars.tab, 2, 2):rep(tablen - 1) end style_line_insert_overlay_char(state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + 1, { text, ids.Whitespace }) end end if listchars.space then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, " ", 1, "$") --[[@as (table[])]]) do style_line_insert_overlay_char(state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + 1, { listchars.space, ids.Whitespace }) end end if listchars.multispace then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, [[ \+]], 1, "$") --[[@as (table[])]]) do local text = utf8_sub(listchars.multispace:rep(len(match.text)), 1, len(match.text)) for i = 1, len(text) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { utf8_sub(text, i, i), ids.Whitespace } ) end end end if listchars.lead or listchars.leadmultispace then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, [[^ \+]], 1, "$") --[[@as (table[])]]) do local text = "" if len(match.text) == 1 or not listchars.leadmultispace then if listchars.lead then text = listchars.lead:rep(len(match.text)) end elseif listchars.leadmultispace then text = utf8_sub(listchars.leadmultispace:rep(len(match.text)), 1, len(match.text)) end for i = 1, len(text) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { utf8_sub(text, i, i), ids.Whitespace } ) end end end if listchars.trail then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, [[ \+$]], 1, "$") --[[@as (table[])]]) do local text = listchars.trail:rep(len(match.text)) for i = 1, len(text) do style_line_insert_overlay_char( state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { utf8_sub(text, i, i), ids.Whitespace } ) end end end if listchars.nbsp then for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.matchbufline(state.bufnr, "\226\128\175\\|\194\160", 1, "$") --[[@as (table[])]]) do style_line_insert_overlay_char(state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + 1, { listchars.nbsp, ids.Whitespace }) for i = 2, #match.text do style_line_insert_overlay_char(state.style[match.lnum], match.byteidx + i, { "", ids.Whitespace }) end end end end --- @param name string --- @return string local function highlight_name_to_class_name(name) return (name:gsub("%.", "-"):gsub("@", "-")) end --- @param name string --- @return string local function name_to_tag(name) return '' end --- @param _ string --- @return string local function name_to_closetag(_) return "" end --- @param str string --- @param tabstop string|false? --- @return string local function html_escape(str, tabstop) str = str:gsub("&", "&"):gsub("<", "<"):gsub(">", ">"):gsub('"', """) if tabstop then --- @type string str = str:gsub("\t", tabstop) end return str end --- @param out string[] --- @param state vim.tohtml.state.global local function extend_style(out, state) table.insert(out, "") end -- --- @param out string[] -- --- @param state vim.tohtml.state.global -- local function extend_head(out, state) -- table.insert(out, "") -- table.insert(out, '') -- if state.title ~= false then -- table.insert(out, ("%s"):format(state.title)) -- end -- local colorscheme = vim.api.nvim_exec2("colorscheme", { output = true }).output -- table.insert(out, (''):format(html_escape(colorscheme))) -- extend_style(out, state) -- table.insert(out, "") -- end --- @param out string[] --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param row integer local function _extend_virt_lines(out, state, row) local style_line = state.style[row] for _, virt_line in ipairs(style_line.virt_lines) do local virt_s = "" for _, v in ipairs(virt_line) do if v[2] then virt_s = virt_s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[v[2]])) end virt_s = virt_s .. v[1] if v[2] then --- @type string virt_s = virt_s .. (name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[v[2]])) end end table.insert(out, virt_s) end end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param row integer --- @return string local function _pre_text_to_html(state, row) local style_line = state.style[row] local s = "" for _, pre_text in ipairs(style_line.pre_text) do if pre_text[2] then s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[pre_text[2]])) end s = s .. (html_escape(pre_text[1], state.tabstop)) if pre_text[2] then --- @type string s = s .. (name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[pre_text[2]])) end end return s end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param char table --- @return string local function _char_to_html(state, char) local s = "" if char[2] then s = s .. name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[char[2]]) end s = s .. html_escape(char[1], state.tabstop) if char[2] then s = s .. name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[char[2]]) end return s end --- @param state vim.tohtml.state --- @param cell vim.tohtml.cell --- @return string local function _virt_text_to_html(state, cell) local s = "" for _, v in ipairs(cell[3]) do if v[2] then s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[v[2]])) end --- @type string s = s .. html_escape(v[1], state.tabstop) if v[2] then s = s .. name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[v[2]]) end end return s end --- @param out string[] --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function extend_pre(out, state) local styletable = state.style table.insert(out, "
  local hide_count = 0
  --- @type integer[]
  local stack = {}

  local function loop(row)
    local style_line = styletable[row]
    if style_line.hide and (styletable[row - 1] or {}).hide then

    if state.conf.filter and not state.conf.filter(row) then

    _extend_virt_lines(out, state, row)
    --Possible improvement (altermo):
    --Instead of looping over all the buffer characters per line,
    --why not loop over all the style_line cells,
    --and then calculating the amount of text.
    if style_line.hide then
    local line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(state.bufnr, row - 1, row, false)[1] or ""
    local s = ""
    s = s .. _pre_text_to_html(state, row)
    for col = 1, #line + 1 do
      local cell = style_line[col]
      --- @type table?
      local char
      if cell then
        for i = #cell[2], 1, -1 do
          local hlid = cell[2][i]
          if hlid < 0 then
            if hlid == HIDE_ID then
              hide_count = hide_count - 1
            --- @type integer?
            local index
            for idx = #stack, 1, -1 do
              s = s .. (name_to_closetag(state.highlights_name[stack[idx]]))
              if stack[idx] == hlid then
                index = idx
            -- local name = state.highlights_name[hlid]
            -- assert(index, string.format("a close tag which has no corresponding open tag: %s:%s", hlid, name))
            if index then
              for idx = index + 1, #stack do
                s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[stack[idx]]))
              table.remove(stack, index)

        for _, hlid in ipairs(cell[1]) do
          if hlid < 0 then
            if hlid == HIDE_ID then
              hide_count = hide_count + 1
            table.insert(stack, hlid)
            s = s .. (name_to_tag(state.highlights_name[hlid]))

        if cell[3] then
          s = s .. _virt_text_to_html(state, cell)

        char = cell[4][#cell[4]]

      if col == #line + 1 and not char then

      if hide_count == 0 then
        s = s
          .. _char_to_html(
            char or { vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(state.bufnr, row - 1, col - 1, row - 1, col, {})[1] }
    table.insert(out, s)

  for row = 1, state.buflen + 1 do

  while #stack > 0 do
    local item = table.remove(stack)
    local name = state.highlights_name[item]
    out[#out] = out[#out] .. name_to_closetag(name)

  assert(#stack == 0, "an open HTML tag was never closed")

  out[#out] = out[#out] .. "
" end --- @param winid integer --- @param global_state vim.tohtml.state.global --- @return vim.tohtml.state local function global_state_to_state(winid, global_state) local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid) local opt = global_state.conf local width = opt.width or vim.bo[bufnr].textwidth if not width or width < 1 then width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(winid) end local state = setmetatable({ winid = winid == 0 and vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() or winid, opt = vim.wo[winid], style = generate_styletable(bufnr), bufnr = bufnr, tabstop = (" "):rep(vim.bo[bufnr].tabstop), width = width, buflen = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr), }, { __index = global_state }) return state --[[@as vim.tohtml.state]] end --- @param opt vim.tohtml.opt --- @param title? string --- @return vim.tohtml.state.global local function opt_to_global_state(opt, title) local fonts = {} if opt.font then fonts = type(opt.font) == "string" and { opt.font } or opt.font --[[@as (string[])]] elseif vim.o.guifont:match "^[^:]+" then table.insert(fonts, vim.o.guifont:match "^[^:]+") end table.insert(fonts, "monospace") --- @type vim.tohtml.state.global local state = { background = get_background_color(), foreground = get_foreground_color(), title = opt.title or title or false, font = table.concat(fonts, ","), highlights_name = {}, conf = opt, } return state end --- @type fun(state: vim.tohtml.state)[] local styletable_funcs = { styletable_syntax, styletable_diff, styletable_treesitter, styletable_match, styletable_extmarks, styletable_conceal, styletable_listchars, styletable_folds, styletable_statuscolumn, } --- @param state vim.tohtml.state local function state_generate_style(state) vim.api.nvim_win_call(state.winid, function() for _, fn in ipairs(styletable_funcs) do --- @type string? local cond if type(fn) == "table" then cond = fn[2] --[[@as string]] --- @type function fn = fn[1] end if not cond or cond(state) then fn(state) end end end) end --- @param winid integer[]|integer --- @param opt? vim.tohtml.opt --- @return string[] local function win_to_html(winid, opt) if type(winid) == "number" then winid = { winid } end --- @cast winid integer[] assert(#winid > 0, "no window specified") opt = opt or {} local title = table.concat(vim.tbl_map(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name, vim.tbl_map(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf, winid)), ",") local global_state = opt_to_global_state(opt, title) --- @type vim.tohtml.state[] local states = {} for _, i in ipairs(winid) do local state = global_state_to_state(i, global_state) state_generate_style(state) table.insert(states, state) end local html = { "```neovim" } for _, state in ipairs(states) do extend_pre(html, state) end table.insert(html, "```") return html end local M = {} local temp_options = { relativenumber = false, number = true, signcolumn = "no", } --- Converts the buffer shown in the window {winid} to HTML and returns the output as a list of string. --- @param winid? integer Window to convert (defaults to current window) --- @param opt? vim.tohtml.opt Optional parameters. --- @return string[] function M.tohtml(winid, opt) local current_options = {} for k, v in pairs(temp_options) do current_options[k] = vim.o[k] vim.o[k] = v end opt = opt or {} opt.number_lines = false local lines = win_to_html(winid or 0, opt) for k, v in pairs(current_options) do vim.o[k] = v end local len_whitespace = 100 for i, line in ipairs(lines) do if i > 2 and i <= #lines - 2 and #line > 0 then len_whitespace = math.min(len_whitespace, #line:match "^%s*") end end for i, line in ipairs(lines) do lines[i] = line:gsub("^" .. string.rep("%s", len_whitespace), "") end vim.fn.setreg("+", table.concat(lines, "\n")) return lines end local make_style_from_hl = function(name, hlid) --TODO(altermo) use local namespace (instead of global 0) local fg = vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "fg#") local bg = vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "bg#") local decor_line = {} if vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "underline") ~= "" then table.insert(decor_line, "underline") end if vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "strikethrough") ~= "" then table.insert(decor_line, "line-through") end if vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "undercurl") ~= "" then table.insert(decor_line, "underline") end local c = { color = fg ~= "" and cterm_to_hex(fg) or nil, ["background-color"] = bg ~= "" and cterm_to_hex(bg) or nil, ["font-style"] = vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "italic") ~= "" and "italic" or nil, ["font-weight"] = vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "bold") ~= "" and "bold" or nil, ["text-decoration-line"] = not vim.tbl_isempty(decor_line) and table.concat(decor_line, " ") or nil, --TODO(altermo) if strikethrough and undercurl then the strikethrough becomes wavy ["text-decoration-style"] = vim.fn.synIDattr(hlid, "undercurl") ~= "" and "wavy" or nil, } local attrs = {} for attr, val in pairs(c) do table.insert(attrs, attr .. ": " .. val) end return ".block-language-neovim " .. "." .. highlight_name_to_class_name(name) .. " {" .. table.concat(attrs, "; ") .. "}" end function M.get_styles() local lines = {} local hls = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, {}) local handle_hl = function(name, hl) if hl.link then return end local hlID = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_id_by_name(name) -- print(vim.inspect(name, hl)) -- table.insert(lines, name) -- table.insert(lines, string.format("hlID: %s", hlID)) -- vim.list_extend(lines, vim.split(vim.inspect(hl), "\n")) table.insert(lines, make_style_from_hl(name, hlID)) end for name, hl in pairs(hls) do if handle_hl(name, hl) then break end end return lines end -- local lines = M.tohtml(1009) -- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(117, 0, -1, false, lines) -- local styles = M.get_styles() -- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(158, 0, -1, false, styles) return M -- Damikiller37: you can change the `--code-background` variable in body in your publish.css to the correct color. -- btw for styling you can look at the `app.css` within Obsidian or the Publish site for all the CSS it's using. Find it in Dev Tools Sources tab. Near the top you will see all the variables for easier modification