return { { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", dependencies = { { -- `lazydev` configures Lua LSP for your Neovim config, runtime and plugins -- used for completion, annotations and signatures of Neovim apis "folke/lazydev.nvim", ft = "lua", opts = { library = { -- Load luvit types when the `vim.uv` word is found { path = "luvit-meta/library", words = { "vim%.uv" } }, }, }, }, { "Bilal2453/luvit-meta", lazy = true }, "williamboman/mason.nvim", "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", "WhoIsSethDaniel/mason-tool-installer.nvim", { "j-hui/fidget.nvim", opts = {} }, { "" }, { "elixir-tools/elixir-tools.nvim" }, -- Autoformatting "stevearc/conform.nvim", -- Schema information "b0o/SchemaStore.nvim", { dir = "~/plugins/ocaml.nvim" }, }, config = function() -- Don't do LSP stuff if we're in Obsidian Edit mode if vim.g.obsidian then return end local extend = function(name, key, values) local mod = require(string.format("lspconfig.configs.%s", name)) local default = mod.default_config local keys = vim.split(key, ".", { plain = true }) while #keys > 0 do local item = table.remove(keys, 1) default = default[item] end if vim.islist(default) then for _, value in ipairs(default) do table.insert(values, value) end else for item, value in pairs(default) do if not vim.tbl_contains(values, item) then values[item] = value end end end return values end local capabilities = nil if pcall(require, "cmp_nvim_lsp") then capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities() end local lspconfig = require "lspconfig" local servers = { bashls = true, gopls = { settings = { gopls = { hints = { assignVariableTypes = true, compositeLiteralFields = true, compositeLiteralTypes = true, constantValues = true, functionTypeParameters = true, parameterNames = true, rangeVariableTypes = true, }, }, }, }, lua_ls = { server_capabilities = { semanticTokensProvider = vim.NIL, }, }, rust_analyzer = true, svelte = true, templ = true, taplo = true, intelephense = true, pyright = true, mojo = { manual_install = true }, -- Enabled biome formatting, turn off all the other ones generally biome = true, ts_ls = { root_dir = require("lspconfig").util.root_pattern "package.json", single_file = false, server_capabilities = { documentFormattingProvider = false, }, }, -- denols = true, jsonls = { server_capabilities = { documentFormattingProvider = false, }, settings = { json = { schemas = require("schemastore").json.schemas(), validate = { enable = true }, }, }, }, -- cssls = { -- server_capabilities = { -- documentFormattingProvider = false, -- }, -- }, yamlls = { settings = { yaml = { schemaStore = { enable = false, url = "", }, -- schemas = require("schemastore").yaml.schemas(), }, }, }, ols = {}, racket_langserver = { manual_install = true }, roc_ls = { manual_install = true }, ocamllsp = { manual_install = true, cmd = { "dune", "tools", "exec", "ocamllsp" }, -- cmd = { "dune", "exec", "ocamllsp" }, settings = { codelens = { enable = true }, inlayHints = { enable = true }, syntaxDocumentation = { enable = true }, }, server_capabilities = { semanticTokensProvider = false }, -- TODO: Check if i still need the filtypes stuff i had before }, gleam = { manual_install = true, }, -- elixirls = { -- cmd = { "/home/tjdevries/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/elixir-ls" }, -- root_dir = require("lspconfig.util").root_pattern { "mix.exs" }, -- -- server_capabilities = { -- -- -- completionProvider = true, -- -- definitionProvider = true, -- -- documentFormattingProvider = false, -- -- }, -- }, lexical = { cmd = { "/home/tjdevries/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/lexical", "server" }, root_dir = require("lspconfig.util").root_pattern { "mix.exs" }, server_capabilities = { completionProvider = vim.NIL, definitionProvider = true, }, }, clangd = { -- cmd = { "clangd", unpack(require("custom.clangd").flags) }, -- TODO: Could include cmd, but not sure those were all relevant flags. -- looks like something i would have added while i was floundering init_options = { clangdFileStatus = true }, filetypes = { "c" }, }, tailwindcss = { init_options = { userLanguages = { elixir = "phoenix-heex", eruby = "erb", heex = "phoenix-heex", }, }, filetypes = extend("tailwindcss", "filetypes", { "ocaml.mlx" }), settings = { tailwindCSS = { experimental = { classRegex = { [[class: "([^"]*)]], [[className="([^"]*)]], }, }, includeLanguages = extend("tailwindcss", "settings.tailwindCSS.includeLanguages", { ["ocaml.mlx"] = "html", }), }, }, }, } require("ocaml").setup() local servers_to_install = vim.tbl_filter(function(key) local t = servers[key] if type(t) == "table" then return not t.manual_install else return t end end, vim.tbl_keys(servers)) require("mason").setup() local ensure_installed = { "stylua", "lua_ls", "delve", -- "tailwind-language-server", } vim.list_extend(ensure_installed, servers_to_install) require("mason-tool-installer").setup { ensure_installed = ensure_installed } for name, config in pairs(servers) do if config == true then config = {} end config = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", {}, { capabilities = capabilities, }, config) lspconfig[name].setup(config) end local disable_semantic_tokens = { lua = true, } vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", { callback = function(args) local bufnr = args.buf local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(, "must have valid client") local settings = servers[] if type(settings) ~= "table" then settings = {} end local builtin = require "telescope.builtin" vim.opt_local.omnifunc = "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc" vim.keymap.set("n", "gd", builtin.lsp_definitions, { buffer = 0 }) vim.keymap.set("n", "gr", builtin.lsp_references, { buffer = 0 }) vim.keymap.set("n", "gD", vim.lsp.buf.declaration, { buffer = 0 }) vim.keymap.set("n", "gT", vim.lsp.buf.type_definition, { buffer = 0 }) vim.keymap.set("n", "K", vim.lsp.buf.hover, { buffer = 0 }) vim.keymap.set("n", "cr", vim.lsp.buf.rename, { buffer = 0 }) vim.keymap.set("n", "ca", vim.lsp.buf.code_action, { buffer = 0 }) vim.keymap.set("n", "wd", builtin.lsp_document_symbols, { buffer = 0 }) local filetype =[bufnr].filetype if disable_semantic_tokens[filetype] then client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil end -- Override server capabilities if settings.server_capabilities then for k, v in pairs(settings.server_capabilities) do if v == vim.NIL then ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type v = nil end client.server_capabilities[k] = v end end end, }) require("custom.autoformat").setup() require("lsp_lines").setup() vim.diagnostic.config { virtual_text = true, virtual_lines = false } vim.keymap.set("", "l", function() local config = vim.diagnostic.config() or {} if config.virtual_text then vim.diagnostic.config { virtual_text = false, virtual_lines = true } else vim.diagnostic.config { virtual_text = true, virtual_lines = false } end end, { desc = "Toggle lsp_lines" }) require("custom.elixir").setup() end, }, }