The Provenance Markup Language (PML 3.0) is an OWL ontology that extends W3C's PROV-O with the best parts of PML 2.0. Provenance Markup Language (PML 3.0) version 3.0, Authors: Timothy Lebo, James P. McCusker, Paulo Pinheiro, Cynthia Chang, and Deborah L. McGuinness Abstraction Rule 1 1 Answer Template 1 1 base 1.1 1 base The abstract trust concept that associate from an agent to a piece of information. The belief relation shows an agents belief status on the specified information. The specific belief status (e.g. believes, disbelieves, ignorant) and corresponding value metrics are defined in the decendents of this class. Belief 1 1 trust Declarative Plan Declarative plans are specified in terms of declarative patterns. Contrast with procedural plan. 1 8 A physical information container that is not actionable. They function like database. Document 0 0 1 base 11 When a Document is treated as a one dimensional string, a fragment of the Document may be established with two offsets. The offsets are in units of characters (and not bytes because characters may be multiple bytes). Document Fragment 1 base 17 An instance of information indicating no conclusion has been derived, i.e. empty set of statements. In this case, the rawstring may contain some english message indicating no answer. Empty Information base An agent's overall belief on a piece of information quantified by a float value between 0 and 1. Float Belief trust A specific valuation metric that is defined on [0,1] as float number. 0 means fully negative point, 0.5 means nutral point, and 1 means fully positive point. float metric 1 trust An agent's overall trust on an information source quantified by a float value between 0 and 1. Float trust trust 5 An inference engine represents an engine that is able to produce a justification for a conclusion. Note that the phrase "inference engine" applies not only to reasoners but also to other systems like search engines which may justify their answers by direct assertion Inference Engine base An inference step represents a justification for the conclusion of the corresponding node set. Instances of inference step are usually anonymous as part of node set. For this reason, inference steps usually have no URIs. Moreover, an application should treat node set and its inference steps in whole. Inference Step 1 1 1 12 A piece of information, e.g. a formula in logic languages, and an utterance/word/phrase/sentence/paragraph/article in natural language. It is used as a range of iw:hasContent. This class and two of its sub-classes enable users to specify four types of semantics (i) Information Annotation - annotate just the format and language used by the content of information; (ii) Information With Content - additionally provide the content of information that is materialized as string without loading a web page; (iii) Information external - additionally provide the URL for fetching the content; and (iv) Information - with every thing including the content string and URL. The second semantics is especially useful when the content is short or mainly used locally. For example, when learning by instruction, the utterances used for learning can be stored within the PML document without being externally stored. By assigning URI reference to information, we can even use owl:sameAs to capture the equivalence of two pieces of information. Information 1 1 1 base 7 Information Container base Do we mean frbr:Item or frbr:Manifestation? Informationless Activity 0 An associative array, an abstract data type composed of a collection of keys and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value 3.9 any agent that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and records it. Observer base 11.75 Offset Position 1 base 10 An Ontology is a document that describes a vocabulary of terms and their correlations. This is a proper superclass of owl:Ontology, since ontologies may be expressed in formalisms other than OWL. Ontology base 2.3 1 base 2 base 2.1 base 11.5 1 base 18 A method inference rule, uses patterns for premises and its conclusions, and additionally contains a method that must be applied. In addition, the conclusion needs to be a valid output of the method, using the premises. For example, procedural attachment is a common encoding form for method rules. Procedural Plan base 3 base 3.1 base A Query is a formal representation of user's question. For example, the content of the query can be '(type TonysSpecialty ?x)' which is encoded in KIF. An inference engine will take the query's content as input and find corresponding answers, each of which is a tree of node sets representing the proof traces obtained from the inference engine. Query A Question refers to natural language version of a user's query. For example, a question can be "What is the type of Tony's Specialty?" A question is usually additional information to an instance of Query as additional annotation. Question Question Template 11.8 Row Column Location 1 1 1 1 base 19 A rule can be fully specified by patterns to generate conclusions from antecedents. For example, Modus Ponens, can be specified by the premise patterns ?A, ?A -> ?B and the conclusion pattern ?B. Rule base A source refers to the source of information. It is the place where we obtain information. Source base Template 1 20 Translation rules are special kinds of inference rules which are used to translate expressions from one language to the other. Translation Plan 1 1 base The abstract trust concept that associate from an agent to a source. The trust relation summarizes an agent's overall believes about information from the specified source. The specific trust metrics are defined in the decendents of this class. Trust 1 1 trust a symbolic name associated with a value and whose associated value may be changed Variable base Variable Mapping 4 services implemented by software and available on the Web Web Service base A literal analogue to prov:atLocation that specifies the position as an integer value. base What plans Agents are able to perform. capable of antecedent An antecedent of an activity is an entity that is used by in such a way that the generated entities are derived from them. This provides a link between processual and derivational provenance that will allow proof-theoretic analysis to be applied to PROV and PML provenance assertions. answer links to one of many alternative answers to this query. .5 base authorOf the information being believed in. believedIn trust the agent that hold the belief assertion. believedBy trust conclusion links to the conclusion of the present node set. The conclusion is the one after applied variable mapping of the node set's inference steps. The content/language/format of conclusion is the only information needed in comparing conclusions. When the artifact has been first created. created base 0.1 The detailed description of the identified thing, e.g. a web page describing KIF language. An identified thing may have zero to many descriptions that could be written in different languages, format, and etc. description base has description template discharge dismiss causal dependency from the conclusion of the present nodeset to an (recursive) antecedent nodeset of the present inference step. In particular, OR-elimination can only be implemented by hasDischarge 0 The content encoding, e.g. "base64". The value of this property helps applications determine the decoder of the raw string. encoding base The value of the metric, and We may consider better datatype in future. value trust 11.82 The from column of the fragment (inclusive, index based on 1) from-column base 20.1 language used by the source. from-language base 11.76 The from offset of the fragment (inclusive, index based on 0). from-offset base 11.81 The from row of the fragment (inclusive, index based on 1) from-row base When the artifact has been modified. last modified base When the publication is published. published in base 11.84 The to column of the fragment (inclusive, index based on 1) to-column base 20.2 language used by the target. to-language base 11.6 The to offset of the fragment (exclusive, index based on 0) to-offset base 11.83 The to row of the fragment (inclusive, index based on 1) to-row base the information source that is trusted in providing information. trustee trust the agent that hold the trust relation with the trustee. trustor trust 0.3 the version number. version base links to an inference step that derives the conclusion of the present node set. because query-for The empty list, with no items in it. If the rest of a list is nil then the list has no more items in it. nil 1.5 the owner of a thing. owned by base ownerOf 2.5 An agent responsible for making the document publicly available. see also published by base publisherOf 1.2 qualified 2.2 qualified 3.2 qualified The plan or plans that were used to create this entity. was generated with plan The proof-theoretic part of PML3 ontology. It is a fundamental component of PML3 ontology. PML3 proof ontology version 3.0, Authors: Timothy Lebo, James P. McCusker, Deborah L. McGuinness, Li Ding, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, Alyssa Glass, and Cynthia Chang The trust part of PML2 ontology. It is a fundamental component of PML2 ontology. PML2 trust ontology version 2.0, Authors: Deborah L. McGuinness, Honglei Zeng, Li Ding, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, Alyssa Glass, and Cynthia Chang 14 File Format base 16 Linguistic System base 13 it specifies the format of information, e.g. "pdf", "ppt" (Power Point). It is mainly used to determine the appropriate application for process/display purpose. format base base 15 it specifies the language used to encode information, e.g. "Tony's specialty is shellfish" is encoded in English. This property may also link to a registered formal language such as KIF. language base media type 1 1 An associative array, an abstract data type composed of a collection of keys and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value a symbolic name associated with a value and whose associated value may be changed